western africa

Western Africa Geography and History

Upload: sylvester-evans

Post on 04-Jan-2016




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Western Africa. Geography and History. African Regions. There are 5 main African Regions: Northern Region Central Region Western Region Eastern Region Southern Region. Note: Africa is the only continent centered on the equator. Africa is spread over all four hemispheres. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Western Africa

Western AfricaGeography and History

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African Regions

There are 5 main African Regions: Northern Region Central Region Western Region Eastern Region Southern Region

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Note: Africa is the only continent centered on the equator

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Africa is spread over all four hemispheres.

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African Waterways

Africa is surrounded by 4 bodies of water

Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Red Sea Mediterranean Sea

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Central Africa has a large rainforest

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The Nile River is the longest River in the world!

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The Sahara Desert is the largest desert in the world.

It’s located in the Northern Region.

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Camels were the main form of transportation across the desert for trade.

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Many items were traded across the Sahara desert.

Gold Salt

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Homes were made of: Grass (thatched) roofsMud, grass, water, sticks, branches

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There were 3 main empires in ancient Western Africa.› Ghana› Mali› Songhai

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300-1235 A.D. First trading empire – trade caravans Traded gold for salt with Europe and

the Middle East – they were of equal value

Main religion: Islam Ghana was defeated by the king of Mali

in 1235.

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1235-1464 Farming empire Trans-Saharan Trade Mansa Musa – greatest ruler Religion - Islam

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1464-1585 King: Sunni Ali Greatest trade empire of West Africa Last great trade empire of West Africa Taken over by North Africa

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Village Life

Farming› Most important activity› Grew millet (wheat grain)› Raised chickens, goats, and cows› Traded others in the region for food they

could not produce themselves.

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Religion, Dance, and Music

One god created their world Many, lesser gods ruled over daily life Islam was also popular Needed to please the gods, or bad

things would happen.› Music and Dancing

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Life was centered around the family. Families were very large – included

mother, father, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, sons’ wives and children…often all in one house!


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Kinship, or family relationship was basis for government

Lived in clans Male head of each clan became a

village chief.› Decided when to plant and harvest› Formed armies› Resolved conflicts› Acted as judge