westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Articles in this edition include Mother’s Day Menu Ideas, Things to do in Lockdown, It’s Not A Party In The USA And much more... Also included are a range of games and puzzles! Continue reading to play them! Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

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Post on 05-Oct-2021




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Page 1: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Articles in this edition include Mother’s Day Menu Ideas,

Things to do in Lockdown, It’s Not A Party In The USA And

much more...

Also included are a range of games and puzzles! Continue reading to play


Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Page 2: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

CONTENTS PAGE:1. Editor’s Note

2. I’m Not Going To Sia This Video3. Signs of Spring!4. Easter5. Easter Cookies6. Things to do in Lockdown7. Ecstatic About the Outdoors8. Perfect Pennines9. Recommendations!10. To (M)eat or not to (M)eat 11. Fun-undrum

12. Anagrams!13. Teacher interviews!14. Joe Biden profile15. Donald Trump Profile16. It’s not a party in the USA!17. S C A M S !18. Mothers day19. Mother’s day menu ideas…

20. Yorkshire Translator21. Teacher Feature: easter eggs

22. Answers23. Adverts


Page 3: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Note from JournalistsDear readers,

Another edition of the Westbourne Word is before us, packed full of new and interesting articles! After reading this

edition, you’ll have learnt a bit about Sia’s new music video, you’ll know more about America’s new (and old) President and

have a long list of activities to do over this lockdown! Are you excited yet? Well, we

hope you enjoy this edition of Westbourne Word!


Page 4: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

I’m not going to Sia this videoBy Giancarlo


Recently, Sia released a musical drama, “Music” which had actress, Maddie Ziegler (14), who is both neurotypical and white but was cast as a mixed race, non-verbal, autistic girl. Sia was asked why she did so and even went as far to insult autistic people by saying they can’t act. She has later apologised to the autistic community, but only after months (November to February) of being pushed to.

Maddie herself was reportedly crying with worry about offending people, and the fact that Sia still made her do this is horrific, especially as she is 14 and was able to see what a 45 year old could not.

There were many problems highlighted by members of the autistic community themselves, and you are asked to not watch this video, as it helps her and will most likely lead to more inconsiderate displays of those who suffer from mental disabilities.

After Sia was questioned, she stated she had done her research, but went to a group who believes autism needs to be cured and has no autistic people within its ranks. This is definitely not the first of Sia’s controversial actions, and hopefully will be her last.

Problems have been highlighted below:

These are “stims” common traits among the autistic community, but in this video they have been exaggerated and therefore create a caricature and a mockery of autistic people.

Rather than hire an actual mixed race autistic girl, they chose to use Maddie, spray paint her and get her to put braids on. This is not okay and is cultural appropriation.

There are a few shows that actually do depict an accurate display of autism. The A Word is one of them, and while it doesn’t have the autistic character as someone who is autistic in real life, it has got the word of approval from people who are autistic.

Page 5: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Signs of Spring!By Nell


Winter is a great season for many reasons; whether it’s playing in the snow or drinking hot chocolate, the season is very exciting! However, after a while the dark mornings and dark

nights can become too repetitive. Luckily for us, spring is just around the corner… And it’s giving us plenty of notice! I’ve compiled some signs for you to spot in your garden

that let you know that spring is coming!

1 - Flowers:This is the time of year when gardens and parks start to become more colourful and full of life! As the weather

begins to warm, flowers of all different kinds begin to pop up. Snowdrops are usually the first flower to arrive, followed

shortly by different types of bulbs. Snowdrops are recognisable as they’re very low in height (ranging from 3-6 inches) and produce 1 small, white flower that hangs off of the stem. Bulbs that you’ll see in the garden include crocus, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and many more. These are a little harder to identify, as not all bulbs look the same; they are incredibly versatile. No matter how different these flowers may look, they all mean the same thing: spring is coming!

2 - Buds on trees:Around this time of year, trees are often full of

buds! In particular, cherry blossoms cover trees, and you can spot them by their trademark pink petal! These tiny

buds often decorate the floor surrounding trees, and create an atmosphere much different from the dull setting

of winter! The blooms are called ‘sakura’ in Japanese which is a symbol of spring because they represent a time

of renewal!


crocus tulips


Page 6: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

6Now you know a few signs to look out for, you should be able to tell just how close spring is!

Hopefully you can use this new season as a time to relax and admire your surroundings, making sure that you connect with nature this spring!

4 - Longer days:This may sound pretty obvious, but with spring

comes longer and warmer days. Waking up to the sun rising and staying outside later at night are a few of the many perks this season brings! Whilst the temperature isn’t

baking hot (we can save that for summer!), it’s a lot warmer than the previous season! This means that you can do lots more outside in the day, including going on long walks. It

can still be chilly, but the lighter, longer days can put you in a good mood and inspire you to be more active! One of my favourite things to do in spring is read a good book in the

crisp, fresh air!

5 - Wildlife:Just as we enjoy the longer and warmer days,

lots of animals think that spring is the perfect time to come out after winter! Wildlife including bees,

butterflies, hares, frogs, badgers and much more emerge, encouraged by the warmer temperature.

Insects, and bees in particular, are also persuaded to venture out due to the increase in flowers that we

talked about earlier! You can spot different creatures if you go on nature walks!

Signs of Spring!By Nell

3 - Birds:When you imagine spring, can’t you hear some birds

chirping in the background? This is because spring is the time of nesting for many different types of birds. If you

manage to catch a glimpse of some rooks flying during early March, it means that they are busy building their nests for

their babies! Is there anything nicer than to hear birds singing in a spring afternoon? A rook

Page 7: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Easter!Easter. This is probably one of the best times of year for those

chocolate lovers out there! It is traditionally a Christian festival,although, times have changed

and it is now celebrated all over the world and by many different people (not just Christians). Eggs, chickens, rabbits and chocolate

feature a big part in this foodie festival. Here is a fab and unhealthy recipe for your loved ones at Easter!

Click the next slide to see!!!

7By Heidi Shackleton

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Mini Egg NYC Cookies!This cookie recipe is probably one of my new all time favourite

Easter bakes! It contains all of the very greatest things about Easter and puts them into a cookie! What could be better?


Selflessly , I tried and tested these out on my family and thankfully they had great feedback (Link)

I found this revelation on the website called ‘Jane’s Patisserie’ which has loads of amazing ideas. - Cakes, Muffins, Brownies, Slices,

Cheese-cake, Gingerbread. She posts every week and makes things according to the season !

By Heidi Shackleton

Page 9: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Things to do in LockdownBy Charlotte


In Lockdown, a lot of people are stuck at home with nothing to do. Here are some suggestions for activities to reduce boredom, and boost your mental well-being.

One thing that everyone needs to do, is stay active! But it’s hard when you’re restricted and can’t do your usual sport. A way to make walks and running fun is the app Zombie run! The aim of the game is to try and escape the Zombie attacks whilst being chased. This helps to push yourself further and have a good time while doing it!

Due to Lockdown restrictions, cinemas and theatres are shut. This is devastating if you’re a movie fanatic like me! But one way to maintain your passion for film is to buy a movie bucket list. I’ve found it really fun exploring movies from different cultures and languages, and it opens your eyes to different types of film eg: Anime, Bollywood etc.

You can also keep up with theatre productions as a lot of them are being streamed on YouTube, Netflix, BroadwayHD and Disney plus.

Another way to engage yourself in Sport is by playing fantasy football. This is a game which involves the selecting of players for a fake team, that can earn points based on the real players’ performances on the field.

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Other things you can do to pass the time might be online cooking classes. You can do them with your family or your friends, and it can be a great way of socialising with people! And you’ll improve your culinary skills along the way!

Places have started to introduce online experiences, whether that be exploring museums, art galleries or historical monuments. You can do them online with your friends or experience it for yourself! It’s a great way to connect with people and learn about history and different cultures.

My favourite online activity in Lockdown is the online escape rooms! You can select different themes such as murder mystery, and work with your friends to solve the case! I would definitely recommend this if you’re looking for an activity for a party, or just to connect with your friends!

Things to do in LockdownBy Charlotte

If you are still struggling for things to do, you can refer to any of these websites:



Page 11: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper


Demotivated? “Can’t be bothered”? Prefer being inside?. Here's why you should venture

past your front door for at least 30 minutes a day.

Happier; going outside actually makes you happier (in general). Light elevates

people’s moods and, at least during the day, it is usually brighter outside than inside.

Some studies have found that being outside helps to fight depression and

anxiety. On top of this physical activity releases endorphins which makes you


Healthier; the great outdoors are actually great for your health too. At

least in children, a relatively large body of research has suggested that

spending time outside helps to prevent short sightedness; in one study (in

Taiwan) one school was told to encourage outdoor activity whereas the other

was used as control. After a year, the school that had encouraged outdoor

activities had a far lower percentage of children that had short sightedness (

8.41% compared to 17.65%). Each of these schools were in a close proximity and

had had similar percentages of short sightedness.

As well as this it is widely accepted that spending time outdoors helps reduce

blood pressure. A study ,of 280 people, in Japan concluded that a walk in a

forest reduced stress hormone (cortisol) concentrations by roughly 15% along

with reducing people’s pulses and blood pressures by almost 4% and 2%


Virtuous Vitamin-D; vitamin-D synthesis is triggered by direct sunlight and

spending time outside. Lack of vitamin-D can cause seasonal depression and

bone deficiencies like rickets. Combined with this is the fact that there are

studies that suggest vitamin-D helps reduce depression; one study found that

people suffering with depression that recieved vitamin-D supplements noticed

an improvement in their symptoms. Another positive is that vitamin-D is

thought to fight cancer and heart attacks

So, are you considering going outside? I very much hope so. Even if you feel

‘demotivated’ or ‘can’t be bothered’ venture past your front door (keeping to

COVID restrictions): and if you don’t enjoy it then at least it was (most likely)

only a small portion of your day and has at least benefited your health in

some way.

Ecstatic about

the outdoors?

Page 12: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper


Perfect Pennines: The Pennine Way

2021 sees the 70th anniversary of the Peak District, which prompted me to think

about where I live. One of the things that instantly sprung into my mind was the

Pennine Way. So what is the Pennine Way?

It is a trail that travels from Edale (in the Peak District) to Kirk Yetholm just

inside the south of Scotland. The Pennine Way stretches for an enormous 268

miles with a highest point of 893m at Cross Fell.. It was opened on the 24th of

April 1965 almost exactly 14 years after the Peak District was opened. The Pennine

way was opened after a prolonged struggle. it was intended to open up some

private land and introduce a new generation to the enjoyment of hill walking

and the rugged majesty of many parts of England- when it is not raining.

Roughly 150,000 walked the Pennine Way in 2015, with the majority of them

being just for an idyllic day’s stroll.. Around 3,5oo people walk the entirety of

the vast trail over the course of a few weeks. On average the Pennine way takes

16-19 day to cover its entirety with the fastest recorded time being a rapid 64

hours and 40 minutes.

One notable race that covers the Pennine way is the Spine race. It is a 7 day race

(at the longest) which starts on the 9th of January. THe Spine Race is extremely

intense and grueling, as it not only covers some extremely difficult terrains but

takes place during the winter. The overall course record is held by Jasmin Paris

with 83:12:23. The disparity between this and the overall record is most likely due

to the weather conditions that many Spine Racer’s experience. There is even a

shorter version of the Spine race.

So, why not join the many thousands that walk the Pennine way this year; be it

for an hour or multiple weeks I am sure you would enjoy it and be stunned by the

charming scenery.

Page 13: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper


Between Shades of Gray- By Ruta Sepetys:

This book tells the story of Lina, a 15 year old Lithuanian girl, who in 1941 is taken away from her

home by the Soviets. In a prison camp in Siberia, Lina fights to keep her mother and brother alive, as well as finding her father who was taken to a different camp.

The book always keeps you in suspense, as Lina’s survival is constantly challenged and the readers can view the horrific conditions that thousands of people

were forced to live in. The author, Ruta Sepetys, draws on her own family’s experiences to make this book even

more of a thrilling read!


Stuck with what to read or watch next? Why don’t you try one of the things mentioned here. Whether it’s a book, a film/show or

anything else, we would love to hear back from you about it !

The Firm- By John Grisham:

The Firm is centered around corruption in a law firm. When a man is employed as a

lawyer for their firm,, it isn’t long before he notices a pattern of unexplained behaviour. He soon realises that it is run by the mafia, and he works alongside the FBI to try and bring them down. Recommended reading age: 14+

Check with a parent before reading this book.

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The Great Gatsby- By F. Scott Fitzgerald:

The Great Gatsby is a classic, and is a book that everyone should have read in their lifetime. It

caters for all tastes and has a lot of twists and turns along the way. It is centered around the time of the prohibition, and the corruption and

devastation of America. It is suitable for all ages as its unique and exciting style of writing grips

any reader!

Stuck with what to read/watch next? Why don’t you try one of the things mentioned here, whether it’s a book, a film/show or anything

else, we would love to hear back from you about it

The Godfather- By Mario Puzo

The Godfather is one of my absolute favourite books! It is a crime drama about the head of a mafia family. When the Don gets shot, his son Michael is forced to take

his place. It is another engrossing novel that will surprise and shock you, I would

definitely recommend reading it! Recommended reading age: 14+ Check with a parent before reading

this book.

Page 15: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

That is the question!not to (M)eatTo (M)eat or

➢ I have always been a meat eater and enjoy a small amount of locally reared meat and poultry as a part of a balanced diet.

➢ For centuries humans have eaten meat; it is part of the “Circle of Life” ; a tiger would not refrain from eating a human because it is morally wrong. The food chain is a natural part of life.

➢ A common concern voiced by non-meat eaters is the environmental impact but plant based diets are not natural to many climates and landscapes (Ask the Eskimos)

➢ Animal welfare is now protected by laws and animal suffering is minimised.

About 2% of the population chooses a 100% vegan or vegetarian diet. Those who follow a these diets choose not to

eat meat, poultry, fish, sea food, and food that contains gelatin. This could be for moral, religious, environmental or health reasons. However, many people choose not to follow a

vegetarian or a vegan diet.

Heidi and Nell debate the matter...

❏ I follow a vegetarian diet now; however when I was younger, I ate meat. I personally chose to become a vegetarian when I was around 11 years old but people can change their lifestyle at any point.

❏ Choosing to become a vegetarian is decision which you have to make for yourself. Some of the many reasons that people may wish to become a vegetarian include concern over animal rights or the environment, religious or other beliefs and health issues.

❏ Whilst it’s not a view shared by everybody, lots of people become vegetarians because they believe that raising and killing an animal for food is morally wrong.

Page 16: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

➢ Animals are necessary to grow food sustainably - manure is nature’s fertilizer.

➢ Animals have evolved to provide food for humans. Cows, chickens, pigs and sheep would not survive long in the wild. We provide them with life.

➢ “Meat is murder” is the battle cry of many vegetarians. But there is more murder in plastic wrapped, genetically-modified, chemical-sprayed tofu burgers than in the local grass-fed burger.

➢ People who claim that eating meat is unethical, can only do this because nowadays, food can be processed to imitate the properties of meat.

➢ I respect vegetarians for doing what they feel is right for them, but for the time-being I am going to continue eating meat.

By Heidi Shackleton

❏ Lots of people choose to become vegetarian to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Vegetarian and vegan diets produce 49.6% fewer greenhouse gas emissions, they need 26.9% less energy for food production and overall have a 41.5% smaller environmental footprint to that of a meat-eater.

❏ Lots of people question how vegetarianism is healthy, as it appears to be missing a source of protein. However, there are many protein substitutes available! Beans, pulses, eggs, tofu, jackfruit and quorn are some examples of these substitutes, and more options are being created each day! The variety of meat-free products you can find in a supermarket makes it easy to enjoy lots of different meals without the hassle of cooking any meat.

❏ Every diet comes with pros and cons, and if you’re looking at vegetarianism from a health point of view, did you know that vegetarians are one third less likely to be hospitalised for heart disease? Becoming a vegetarian can also prevent and treat type 2 diabetes.

❏ Whilst there are many extreme views on veganism or vegetarianism, I think it’s important that a diet isn’t forced onto anybody, and that people have the right to choose what food they consume. By Nell

The debate continues…

Page 17: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper


17Joke of the Edition:

I used to be addicted to soap… But I’m clean now!

1. What nut is used to make marzipan? 2. How many ribs are in a human body? 3. Who was Prime Minister when Britain

joined the European Union?4. When Was the American Declaration of

Independence Signed?5. In professional basketball, how high

is the basketball hoop from the ground?

6. The name Jenga is derived from a word meaning 'build' in which language?

7. Which Disney Princess has the least amount of screen time?

8. For Harry's 17th birthday, what color did Hermione turn the leaves of the Weasley's crabapple tree?

9. Aduki, borlotti and cannellini are types of what?

10. True or false: A donkey is able to see all four of its feet?

1.)ground almonds 2.) born with 12 pairs of ribs, for a total of 24 3.) Edward Heath 4.) August 2, 1776 5.) 10 feet 6.) Swahili 7.) Aurora (18 minutes) 8.) Gold 9.) Beans 10.) True

Page 18: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper



Words that relate to themselves :)


Eleven plus two


The eyes



Try to see if you can work out these tricky Anagrams! Good luck! Check the answers at the end!

Page 19: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Teacher Interviews!

1. Can you remember your first day at Westbourne? What was it like? I had worked at 3 large state comprehensive schools before Westbourne so I really enjoyed the small class sizes and how quickly I got to know each student. I remember thinking how polite and well behaved the children were and liked the idea of the ‘family’ feeling of the school.

2. What made you want to come back the next day? It was chocolate sponge and pink custard for lunch!

3. How does Westbourne compare to the school that you went to as a child? Enormously different - I went to an incredibly austere school where to be honest most of us felt scared of the teachers and there was no real sense of us all being part of one cohesive community. At Westbourne everyone sees the importance of being warm and compassionate - it's not seen as anything other than a strength.

4. Which part of the school year do you like the best? (The holidays don't count!) The last week of the first term. It involves all the Christmas celebrations: parties, nativities, the carol concert. I love to see the pupils so excited.

5. Which is your favourite room on the school campus, why? My favourite room is the Reception where I work because I get to see the pupils regularly when they come in to see me or when they walk past. I also have a great view outside.

6. What would be your dream subject trip (can be abroad)? This is going to give me away but that's fine. There's a Silicon Valley Computer Science school trip that I want to do one day, but I've not done many school trips before, so the idea of taking a group to California makes me a little nervous. Some smaller, shorter distance trips first I think. Then one day, watch out Silicon Valley.


I have asked some teachers the following questions and have received some rather funny answers!

By Heidi Shackleton

Page 20: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Profile: Joe Biden



Full Name: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr Born: 20 November 1942 (age 78 years), Scranton, Pennsylvania, United StatesVice president: Kamala Harris (2021–)Party: Democratic PartySpouse: Jill Biden (m. 1977), Neilia Hunter Biden (m. 1966–1972)Parents: Catherine Eugenia Finnegan and Joseph R. Biden Sr.Title(s): US Vice President (2009–2017)Senator, DE (1973–2009)New Castle County Council Member (1970–1972)Awards: Presidential Medal of Freedom, Nishan-e-PakistanChildren: Hunter Biden, Ashley Biden, Beau Biden, Naomi Christina BidenGrandchildren: Natalie Biden, Finnegan Biden, Maisy Biden, Robert Biden II, Naomi Biden, Beau Biden Jr.Education:College of Law - Syracuse University1968University of Delaware1965Net Worth: $9 Million Occupation:Writer, Politician, Advocate

For those who may have not heard, Joseph Biden has recently ascended to the position of POTUS (President of the United States). His vice president did actually go for the presidential nominations for the Democrats but as is clear, Joe Biden won that. She is the second POC vice president, although you may find many posts calling her the first.

Joe Biden has been in politics before, unlike Trump, and he was the 47th Vice President, under Barack Obama. Upon coming into power he signed and started 17 deals and acts, all of which help the country immensely

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Profile: Donald TrumpThis figure is most likely much more popular, as before jumping into politics, Donald Trump resided in business and reality TV, he isn’t the only President to come into

Donald Trump has had a rocky social view recently, with getting banned from Twitter and a second impeachment, as well as being part of the Presidents to only have one term, and I am sure we all know how unhappy he is to have this title.

Getting impeached twice is also not a highlight of his career, and he is the only President and federal office holder

Full Name: Donald John TrumpBorn: 14 June 1946 (age 74 years), Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, New York, United StatesParents: Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, Fred TrumpTitle(s):Trump currently has 487 job titles, most of them president or chairman positions at various businesses. Of those 487, 338 of them businesses are named after TrumpChildren: Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Barron Trump, Tiffany Trump, Eric TrumpSpouse: Melania Trump (m. 2005), Marla Maples (m. 1993–1999), Ivana Trump (m. 1977–1992)Education: New York Military Academy (1959–64), a private boarding school; Fordham University in the Bronx (1964–66); and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance and Commerce (1966–68), where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics.Net Worth: $2.5 BillionOccupation: Actor, Writer, Investor, Politician, Television presenter, Television producer, Real estate entrepreneur, Real Estate Developer, TV Personality

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It’s Not a Party in the USA!By GiancarloAmerican politics has become


Has anyone ever heard American phrases to do with the law but never actually bothered to look into them? I know I have and so I have decided to do this article covering: Double Jeopardy, the Fifth Amendment, and the Twenty Fifth Amendment, which have been mentioned multiple times these past few months. Double Jeopardy- This one can be tough to understand/explain but I will do my best. Double Jeopardy means someone cannot be tried for the same crime twice; keep in mind that this means the same specific crime. Say someone was tried for second degree murder and after they are tried, new evidence comes to light; the person cannot be tried for attempted second degree murder (but they can still be tried for first and third degree). This means it is imperative that all, if not most, evidence is found before the trial.

Fifth Amendment- The Fifth Amendment is a very simple one, and we also have it here in the UK. It gives an individual the right to refuse to answer any questions or make any statements that could be used in a criminal proceeding to help establish that the person committed a crime. This rule is mainly in place to stop innocent people incriminating themselves.

Twenty-Fifth Amendment- The Twenty-Fifth Amendment was something that was being asked for recently, and it states that, “if the President becomes unable to do his job, the Vice President becomes the President (Section 1) or Acting President (Sections 3 or 4)”. In the recent invasion of the Capitol with President Trump’s approval, the Vice President was asked to use his power, but he didn’t.

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S C A M S !!!


By Heidi Shackleton

Anger, shame, embarrassment? We learn about online scams and it is easy to think that somehow, only naive people fall for them. During lockdown, people have been dealing with different challenges and for my family that was, unfortunately, a scam. It happened to my Grandparents. Thankfully, after much trying at the start of Lockdown #1 and having never shopped for groceries online before, they secured an online supermarket slot. Throughout lockdown, as soon as one order was delivered they would book the next for two weeks later.All was going well until one day in January. It was snowy and icy and they were pleased that the supermarket driver had reached then, so as soon as he had gone they logged on to reserve another slot for two weeks’ time. However, a message from “Microsoft” appeared on the computer screen which told them to ring a number because the account had been encrypted for safety reasons. Like many older people, they are not comfortable with IT and were keen to secure their next food delivery so they rang the number and “Fiona” answered. They explained the problem and Fiona said that she could remove the encryption and it would only cost £3.99. She asked for the number on the message, names, a date of birth and address along with credit card details for the payment - all of which my Grandpa gave to her. Then he was put on hold…FOR AGES. She came back on the line and apologised for the delay and said it was caused because the credit card had been declined and asked for another card number. By this time they had been on the phone for an hour. My Grandpa felt that something wasn’t right. He asked Fiona if this was a scam. She hung up. He immediately rang his bank and they put a stop on his account but by that time £800 had gone out of his account. Thankfully the bank then refunded the money.

There is no need to feel ashamed about getting scammed but there are key tell tale signs that can help you and your family to prevent it! One of the key tell tale signs to spot if you are being scammed is how much info they ask; for example if they are asking for loads of personal info then that should make you suspicious of their real intentions. Also try to not rush into things without thinking about it first.

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Mothers’ Day!!Mothers’ Day is an old annual celebration of our Mothers. Nowadays we use it to say thank you to people that we care about, or who look after us. Often we use kind gestures such as sending a card, present or doing

a nice deed.

This year we need to think differently as it won’t be so easy to treat mum: no popping out to her favourite restaurant! However,you could take

your special person to a special outdoors place or just treat them to a day off doing chores. Or, if you are feeling creative you could invite them to a delicious Afternoon Tea like this (see the next page for a shopping

list and recipes)

24By Heidi Shackleton

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Here are the links to the recipes above!Classic scones! Shortbread!

Shopping list:Cream cheese




Smoked salmon and cream cheese sandwiches


Scones with whipped cream and jam


Heart shaped shortbread dipped in chocolate

By Heidi Shackleton

Page 26: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper


Go on then, get doing it.AutumnTo hesitateNoiseTo argueGreedy personIn theA good personQuickLieSweatColdHoleNovember 5thRegretSince, agoGoodbyePlural of usVeryAche

Yorkshire Translator!

Agate BackendCaffleDinFratchenGob slotchInt’JannockKwickLigMuck latherNesh‘OilPlot neetRueSinTarraUsensVaryWark

Yorkshire is England’s biggest county; so as you might expect, there is no single ‘Yorkshire Dialect’ but rather a variety of speech patterns across the region. The dialect (as a whole) has roots in Old English and is influenced by Old Norse.

By Heidi Shackleton

Page 27: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Teacher Feature:


Match the teacher to their favourite type of Easter Egg:

Mr DaveyMrs MurfinMrs WhitmoreMrs WilcoxMrs MossMr BellMrs FairbankMr Farn

HINT = two of the teachers like the same type of egg.... Can you guess who they are and what type of egg they enjoy?

Page 28: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper

Teacher Feature - The Answers:


How many did you get right?

If the teachers could pick an Easter egg, it would be...

Mr Davey - A Galaxy Easter EggMrs Murfin & Mrs Fairbank - A Lindt Gold

BunnyMrs Whitmore - A Malteser Easter Egg

Mrs Wilcox - A Caramac Easter EggMrs Moss - A Cadbury Creme Egg

Mr Bell - A Cadburys Dairy Milk buttons EggMr Farn - A Turkish Delight Easter Egg

What’s your favourite type of Easter egg?

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Editor - redo it

Eleven plus two - twelve plus one

Astronomer - moon starer

The eyes - they see

Silent - listen

Enraged - angered

Page 30: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper





Do you play a musical


We’d love for you to...


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Year 7-8 Book clubOr Year 9-11 Maps Book

GroupIf you have a passion for

reading then you should contact either Miss Smith, or any of the librarian team and they will add you to the Google Classroom.

Debate ClubDid you like unsanctioned

arguing? Maybe plan to have a career in the future

regarding persuasion, well this is the club for you!Contact Mr Bunton or

Giancarlo Film Making ClubWant to explore the art of

movie making? If so, then this is the club for you! Click on this link to find out more about


Click Me :)

Photography ClubJoin this club to take part in different photography challenges - click on the link to find out extra info!

Click Me :)

Page 31: Westbourne’s student-led newspaper


Thank you for reading this edition of the

Westbourne World!See you next edition!!