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WEP VS WPA2 Encryptions Mercy College Alexander Martin, Basiru Mohammed, Rajkumar Ramadhin IASP 560 December 13, 2019

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    Mercy College

    Alexander Martin, Basiru Mohammed, Rajkumar Ramadhin

    IASP 560

    December 13, 2019

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    1.0 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................. 2

    2.0 Problem Description ................................................................................................................................ 2

    3.0 WEP Encryption ...................................................................................................................................... 3

    3.1 WEP Vulnerabilities ............................................................................................................................ 3

    4.0 WPA2 Encryption .................................................................................................................................... 4

    4.1 WPA2 Vulnerabilities .......................................................................................................................... 5

    5.0 Our Approach .......................................................................................................................................... 5

    5.1 Cracking WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi Router with Aircrack-ng ...................................................................... 6

    5.1.1 Setting up the field ........................................................................................................................ 6

    5.1.2 Preparing the field ......................................................................................................................... 6

    5.1.3 Finding the Target ......................................................................................................................... 7

    5.1.4 Capture the 4-way Handshake ............................................................................................... 8

    5.1.5 Cracking With Aircrack-ng .......................................................................................................... 9

    5.2 Password Cracking: WEP .................................................................................................................. 10

    5.3 Using Bash Script to perform a de-authentication attack .................................................................. 12

    6.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 13

    7.0 References .............................................................................................................................................. 13

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    1.0 Introduction

    As technology advances, so does security. Security algorithms to protect wireless

    networks were created to protect people from malicious users. Unfortunately, this does not

    always work; shortly after WEP was created, multiple security flaws were discovered. It was

    later followed by numerous forms of WEP before the industry moved to the now-standard

    WPA2. While it is more secure, it still has vulnerabilities of its own. This report aims to look at

    the weaknesses and exploit them in real-world scenarios. The significance of this research

    becomes obvious as ordinary people fall victims to seemingly “safe” encryptions and leave

    themselves open to several attacks. This paper will enable and individual using a router with

    either encryptions know how to protect his or her netwok. Also, in 2015 it was reported that

    some AirBnB owners were found to have installed secret surveillance cameras in their rented

    apartments/houses. As a result of this, a programmer created a bash script that would perform a

    de-authentication attack using minimal tools or programs. This will help the ordinary tourist

    know how to kick any of these devices offline (if any) and sleep soundly in his or her tempory

    home knowing that nobody is spying on him or her.

    2.0 Problem Description

    There has been several encryption methods in succession, whenever one is developed and it

    becomes vulnerable due to advancement in technology, another is developed to replace or

    supliment it. It first started with WEP to the wired equivalent of WLAN technology.

    Unfortunately, it failed for a number for reason and was eventually surpassed by WPA2. This

    paper aims at comparing the encryption method and ease in realistically cracking their individual

    passwords. We also evaluated the difference WEP will make on IoT devices compared to WPA2.

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    Further recommendations of will be made on which to use and how best to protect a network

    using either.

    3.0 WEP Encryption

    Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) was first introduced in 1997 as part of the original

    802.11 standards. The initial goal of WEP was to provide the same type of security as a

    traditional wired network. It became the industry standard in 1999. It started with 64-bit

    encryption then adapted the 128-bit model. WEP uses the stream cipher Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4)

    method of encryption. WEP started with a 64-bit encryption model. This was a 40-bit key with a

    24-bit initialization vector. The original WEP key size was limited by the US Government

    restriction on cryptographic technology. It was later changed to 128-bit, with a 104-bit key size,

    and then it evolved in a 256-bit WEP key. Even though the stronger 256-bit key is available, the

    128-bit key is still the standard.

    The way the authentication works is by having the endpoint send an authentication

    request to the Access Point. The Access point responds with a clear-text challenge. The client

    encrypts the text using the configured WEP key and sends it back in another authentication

    request. Finally, the Access Point decrypts the response, and if matches the text is sends back a

    positive response.

    3.1 WEP Vulnerabilities

    WEP features a multitude of vulnerabilities. The first one is that it does not prevent

    forgery of packets. It does not protect against replay attacks, and the attacker can get into an

    Access Point without knowing the encryption key due to the reuse of initialization vectors. Due

    to the poor implementation of the RC4 encryption it is prone to brute force attacks within hour


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    To solve these problems, WEP2 and WEP+ were introduced. WEP2 was a solution to

    hardware that was not able to handle WPA and WPA2. It attempted to fix the access key issue

    and the reuse of initialization vectors but failed and was renamed to WPA-TKIP. WPA-TKIP

    took a feature from dynamic WEP, the ability to change keys, while it made it into WPA-TKID

    it never appeared in standard WEP. WEP+ was a propriety version by Access Systems. The

    security improvements that came with WEP+ was only available when both endpoints were

    connected to WEP+.

    4.0 WPA2 Encryption

    In 2004, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) created 802.11i, a

    supplement to the already existing 802.11 wireless network standard due to the well know the

    weakness of WEP and TKIP of WPA [1]. An industry regulation organization which owns the

    trademark for Wi-Fi called Wi-Fi Alliance adopted the 802.11i to be used with the WPA2

    certification without requiring the replacement of legacy hardware [2].

    The main improvement of the WPA2 is the substitution of TKIP with AES-CCMP for

    non-enterprise authentication. The Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) is not an encryption

    algorithm, but it is introduced with the WPA to govern the creation of a new 128-bit for each

    packet sent and prevents replay attacks that make any WEP network vulnerable to cracking

    software. The WEP uses the Cyclic Redundancy Check while the TKIP came with a Message

    Authentication Code, which is much stronger.

    However, the nightmares for TKIP started when it became vulnerable to Man-In-The-

    Middle attacks in 2008. Martin Beck and Erik Tews discovered a way to exploit 802.11e QoS

    features to decrypt short packets in a TKIP protected network.

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    The AES comes with CCMP (Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message

    Authentication Code Protocol). The AES-CCMP is not susceptible to the same replay attacks

    that brought the TKIP to its knees in 2009. However, even though WPA2 certification supported

    AES-CCMP, it is backward compatible with the TKIP, hence many users still could use the

    TKIP in order for other devices, which are WPA2 incompatible with connecting to the network.

    4.1 WPA2 Vulnerabilities

    Just when we thought there was a solution for wireless security through AES-CCMP, the

    famous KRACK attack brought its failure in early 2017. The 802.11i allowed the occasional

    dropped network connection and in order to speed up re-connection allowing the re-used of an

    old key by devices that have lost connection. This makes it possible for an attacker to reconstruct

    the entire keychain by capturing packets and use a replay attack to force the network to

    repeatedly send the same known blocks with new random number to access the network.

    Sometimes, when both WPA and WPA2 are enabled on a router, they can cause connection

    failures on the client side.

    5.0 Our Approach

    For the implementation side of our project, after an extensive research on the

    implementation and vulnerabilities of the individual encryption methods under consideration, we

    will go ahead and set up procedures to test the difficulties in cracking each of the encryption

    processes. A testing environment in the form of Kali Linux is set up try to crack a simple WEP

    and WPA2 passwords. Later, as the project evolves, we may attempt to bring a wifi-based

    surveillance camera offline.

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    5.1 Cracking WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi Router with Aircrack-ng

    When Wi-Fi networks are secured with weak passwords, the passive procedure stated below

    illustrates how they are cracked.

    5.1.1 Setting up the field

    To begin this procedure, a fully operational Kali linux system is required. By the Debian

    command sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng to install Aircrack-ng and finally ensuring that the

    wireless card supports monitor mode.

    5.1.2 Preparing the field

    • Before we go into monitor mode, the commands airmon-ng check and airmon-ng check

    kill are used to stop or terminate all conflicting programs.

    • Use the command airmon-ng to list wireless interfaces that support monitor mode if any

    and note the wireless interface to be used say wlan0

    • The command airmon-ng start wlan0 is used to place the wlan0 interface into monitor


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    • iwconfig is run to confirm the selected interface in monitor mode

    5.1.3 Finding the Target

    • The command airodump-ng mon0 is used to listen to 802.11 Beacon frames broadcast by

    the wireless routers in proximity which have interfaces that support monitor mode.

    Choose the network you would want to crack noting its BSSID (MAC address) and the

    channel (CH) number displayed to proceed with the next step

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    5.1.4 Capture the 4-way Handshake

    • WPA/WPA2 uses a 4-way handshake to authenticate devices to the network. This

    handshake is captured by directing airmon-ng to monitor traffic on the target network

    using the BSSID and the channel values noted from the previous step

    • Begin capturing packet information from victim router/network using airodump-ng -

    c#channelnumber# -w capture -d #victimbssid# wlan0mon. This will automatically

    monitor and search for any packet exchanges.

    • Keep this running until the SSID of the station to be used in the next command is


    • Use aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -a #victimbssid# -c #stationbssid# wlan0mon to begin

    deauthentication attack and packet capture in new command window.

    • While keeping an eye on airodump-ng window, once a handshake is captured it will

    display on the top right and will autosave as a .cap file.

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    • Use wireshark nameofcapturefile to view the captured handshake information you can

    open it in wireshark. (While in wireshark, filter by "eapol" and all 4 handshakes will be


    5.1.5 Cracking With Aircrack-ng

    • To obtain a word list for the attack, the dictionary file “rockyou.txt” is downloaded from

    the URL: https://github.com/brannondorsey/naive-


    • While in the terminal, we go to the directory of the wordlist ~# cd /usr/share/wordlists/

    and ls is used to list all the files in the directory. This gives us something like ~# gzip -d


    • Cracking with the wordlist begins using the command aircrack-ng

    #nameofcapturedfile# -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt and when the password is

    found, it will be seen next to ‘KEY FOUND’ as shown below.

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    5.2 Password Cracking: WEP

    To crack WEP we plan to utilize a kali Linux tool known as wifite. Wifite is an out of the box

    automated WEP, WPA and WPS cracking tool. Wifite’s automation is impressive. This tool is

    customizable with only a few arguments (timeouts, packets/second). It scans and sorts the targets

    by signal strength and cracking the access points with the strongest strength first. I automatically

    does deauthentication attacks of to reveal SSIDs. It has the ‘anonymous’ feature which change the

    MAC address and changes it back when the attack is done. The captured WPA handshakes are

    backed up to the current directory of wifite.py. It does allow any initiated attack to be stopped

    Ctrl+C and providing an option to continue, move to the next target, skip and exit with all of its

    cracked passwords saved to cracked.txt. Wifite at play is demonstrated below:

    • Use airmon-ng start wlan0 to put interface wlan0 in monitor mode as used above

    • iwconfig is used to confirm that wlan0 is in monitor mode

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    • Use the comman wifite to begin wifite. It begins to scan for all the wifi connection the

    vicinity and press Crtl+c when the wifi you desire to attack is found.

    • It then prompts you to select the network(s) you want to attack, since you can attack

    multiple network. However, in this case we select 3. This will initiate a number of attacks

    on the selected network but will provide you an option to move or skip to the next attack.

    • It does the deauthentication attack on the network and captures the handshake and saves it

    as a .cap file.

    • It then begins the analysis on the .cap file and cracks the password using the built-in

    wordlist or dictionary as seen below.

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    5.3 Using Bash Script To Perform A De-Authentication Attack

    In 2015 it was reported that some AirBnB owners were found to have installed secret

    surveillance cameras in their rented apartments/houses. As a result of this, a programmer created

    a bash script that would perform a de-authentication attack using minimal tools or programs. The

    script would auto-detect two types of popular cameras, and automatically disconnect them from

    their respective networks, bringing them offline. We will test this script to see its viability.

    The script used in this process is called dropkick.sh, created by /JulianOliver and is

    available through GitHub. The script will do everything as the process before but in a single shell

    script and have the code repeat every 30 seconds. The benefit of the code running every 30

    seconds is that it will continually kick devices off the network, preventing Wi-Fi cameras from

    reconnecting and spying. The biggest issue with dropkick.sh is that it will find devices made by

    specific manufactures, so it can remove baby monitors and devices on the network. The only

    necessary step in running this script is using the command chmod –x dropkick.sh to make the

    file an executable.

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    6.0 Conclusion

    Through the research we learned the difference between the difference encryption

    methods of wirless security aand focus on what makes WPA2 more secure than WEP. Through

    our research we were able to learn the flaws of WEP and the evolution of wireless

    communication. A good and strong Wi-Fi password is a good way to practice cyber hygiene, as

    well as being aware of access points you are connecting to. Finally, through our implementation

    and testing, it was discovered that the vulnerabilities are not only password related, but can be

    taken advantage of, to remove a client off the network. Though, this is not the end of wireless

    evolution as Wi-Fi 3 can bring new adaptions and changes to the space. Possibly making the

    vulnerabilities found no longer viable.

    7.0 References

    Crack WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi Routers with Aircrack-ng and Hashcat by Brannon Dorsey. (2019, January 11).

    Retrieved from hakin9.org: https://hakin9.org/crack-wpa-wpa2-wi-fi-routers-with-aircrack-ng-


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    Kali Tools. (n.d.). Wifite Package Description. Retrieved from Kali Tools: https://tools.kali.org/wireless-


    Kody. (2018, April 16). Hunting Down & Cracking WEP Networks . Retrieved from null-byte: https://null-


    lacaskauffman. (2013, 08 28). WiFi security: history of insecurities in WEP, WPA and WPA2. Retrieved

    from Blog Overflow: https://security.blogoverflow.com/2013/08/wifi-security-history-of-


    Lashkari, A., Mansoori, M., & Danesh, A. (2009). Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) versus Wi-Fi Protected

    Access (WPA). International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, (pp. 445-449).

    Mitchell, B. (2019, July 09). An Overview of Wireless Protected Access 2 (WPA2). Retrieved from lifewire:


    Oliver, J. (2015, December 18). Detect and disconnect WiFi cameras in that AirBnB you’re staying in.

    Retrieved from Julian Oliver: https://julianoliver.com/output/log_2015-12-18_14-39

    Skerritt, B. (2019, October 14). Forcing a device to disconnect from WiFi using a deauthentication attack.

    Retrieved from hackernoon: https://hackernoon.com/forcing-a-device-to-disconnect-from-wifi-


    Slater, J. (2019, October 3). A brief history of Wi-Fi security protocols from “oh my, that’s bad” to WPA3.

    Retrieved from Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/03/802-eleventy-who-


    1.0 Introduction2.0 Problem Description3.0 WEP Encryption3.1 WEP Vulnerabilities

    4.0 WPA2 Encryption4.1 WPA2 Vulnerabilities

    5.0 Our Approach5.1 Cracking WPA/WPA2 Wi-Fi Router with Aircrack-ng5.1.1 Setting up the field5.1.2 Preparing the field5.1.3 Finding the Target5.1.4 Capture the 4-way Handshake5.1.5 Cracking With Aircrack-ng

    5.2 Password Cracking: WEP5.3 Using Bash Script To Perform A De-Authentication Attack

    6.0 Conclusion7.0 References