wendel a. ray, phd* amelia papillion, ma** courtney brasher, ma** *professor of family system...

Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director & Senior Research Fellow, Mental Research Institute (MRI); Founder & Director, Don D. Jackson Archive **Doctoral students, ULM Marriage and Family Therapy Program, and Research Assistants, Don D. Jackson Archive 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: Ray@ulm.

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Page 1: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Wendel A. Ray, PhD*Amelia Papillion, MA**

Courtney Brasher, MA**

*Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director & Senior Research Fellow, Mental Research Institute (MRI); Founder & Director, Don D. Jackson Archive

**Doctoral students, ULM Marriage and Family Therapy Program, and Research Assistants, Don D. Jackson Archive

© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 2: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Interaction Focused Diagnostics

Don D. Jackson, M.D.

I miss Don. Don had a quickness & a lightness in touch that I think very importantin handling problems of human behavior.

Don me manque. Il avait une rapidité et une légèreté dans le contact, ce qui, je crois, est très important pour traiter des problèmes du comportement humain.© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact:

[email protected]

Page 3: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Interaction Focused Diagnostics

Don D. Jackson, M.D.

He was historically, of course, a very important person. His

original paper on family homeostasis was certainly one of the

first, perhaps the first, major statement about the family as a


© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Historiquement, il fut bien sûr une personne très importante. Son article original sur l'homéostasie familiale fut certainement l’un des premiers, peut-être le premier, exposé important sur la famille en tant que système.

Page 4: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Bateson Research Team1952-1961

Jackson Fry Weakland Bateson Haley© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 5: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Emergence Congruence between Theory and Action

“The concepts that constitute Communication or Interactional Theory emerged not from any one individual, but, rather were the product of the interaction between the members of what has become known as the Palo Alto Group.”

« Les concepts qui constituent la théorie de la communication ou de l’ interaction sont l’émergence, non pas d’un seul individu, mais, plutôt le produit de l'interaction entre les membres de ce qui est devenu le Groupe de Palo Alto. »

© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 6: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

We are on the edge of a new era in…[which] ...we look at human nature in a much more complex way than ever before. The view is not of the individual in vitro but of the small or larger group within which any particular individual’s behavior is adaptive. We will move from individual assessment to analysis of the contexts, or more precisely, the system from which individual conduct is inseparable.

Nous sommes au début d'une nouvelle ère dans ... [laquelle] ... nous envisageons la nature humaine d'une façon beaucoup plus complexe que jamais jusqu’ici. Nous ne regardons pas l’individu in vitro mais au sein d'un groupe plus ou moins grand dans lequel tout comportement individuel est adaptatif. Nous allons passer de l'évaluation individuelle à l'analyse des contextes ou, plus précisément, du système dont le comportement individuel est inséparable.

Don D. Jackson, MDInteraction Focused Diagnostics

© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 7: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Communication/InteractionalTheory Family Lineage

H. S. Sullivan

Fry, Weakland, Bateson, Haley

Don D. Jackson

Milton Erickson

Watzlawick, Fisch& Weakland

© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 8: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Uncompromising adherence to basic premises of the Interactional View:

L'adhésion sans concession aux prémisses fondamentales de la vision interactionelle


• Order of Data is the relationship between people in contrast to the nature of people • La priorité des données est la relation entre les gens, et non

la nature des personnes

• Causality is circular and recursive in contrast to lineal causal• La causalité est circulaire et récursive et non pas

linéaire© 2012, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: Wendel A. Ray, PhD., [email protected]

Page 9: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

• “We all do the best we can in light of the relationships and contexts of which we are a part” (this idea is the precursor to The MRI Brief concept of non-normative/non-pathological, and the Milan Systemic concept of positive connotation)

• « Nous faisons du mieux que nous pouvons à la lumière des relations et des contextes dont nous faisons partie » (cette idée préfigure la notion de non normativité, non pathologisation du Centre de thérapie brève du MRI , ainsi que le concept systémique de connotation positive de l’école de Milan)

Interactional View Cont.

© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 10: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

• There is no “not caring”; that is, the family member is only relatively independent, and whether he admits it or not, is continually responding to reflected appraisals from others in his family.

• On ne peut jamais «ne pas en tenir compte »; c'est-à-dire qu’un membre de la famille n’est que relativement indépendant et, qu’il l’admette ou pas, il répond continuellement aux attentes des autres membres de sa famille.

Interactional View Cont.

© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 11: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

• We view symptoms, defenses, characterstructure, and personality as terms describing the individual’s typical interactions which occur in response to a particular interpersonal context, rather than as intrapsychic entities

• Nous voyons les symptômes, les défenses, la structure du caractère et la personnalité comme des termes décrivant les interactions typiques de l'individu, interactions qui se produisent en réponse à un contexte interpersonnel particulier, et non comme des entités intrapsychiques.

Interactional View Cont.

© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 12: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Categories of Family InteractionLes catégories d'interactions familiales

Since relationship messages are constantly being exchanged, it is likely (within certain limits) that a family can be characterized by the maneuvers used. The extent to which relationship messages are implicit (e.g. symptoms of various kinds), explicit, commands, helpless or “one-down” ploys, will vary from family to family.

Puisque des messages relationnels sont constamment échangés, il semble que (dans certaines limites) une famille puisse être caractérisée par les manœuvres auxquelles elle recourt. La mesure dans laquelle les messages relationnels sont implicites (par exemple, les symptômes de divers types), explicites, des ordres, des stratagèmes d'impuissance ou de «position basse», varie d'une famille à l’autre. © 2012, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact Wendel A. Ray: [email protected]

Page 13: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

It is possible to classify families or relationships into four types on the basis of the transactions used to define the nature of the relationship.

Il est possible de classer les familles ou les relations en quatre catégories sur base des transactions utilisées pour définir la nature de la relation.

Categories of Family Interaction Cont.

Page 14: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Family Interaction Cont.

These four categories are: • Stable – Satisfactory (never see in therapy)• Unstable – Satisfactory (do not overestimate the “fracture”)• Stable – Unsatisfactory (most frequently seen)• Unstable – Unsatisfactory

Ces quatre catégories sont: • Stable - Satisfaisant (on ne les voit jamais en thérapie)• Instable - Satisfaisant (ne pas surestimer la «fracture»)• Stable - Insatisfaisant (ce qu’on voit le plus souvent)• Instable - Insatisfaisant

Page 15: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

En langage cybernétique, on dit que le cours des événements est l'objet de restrictions, et on suppose que, en dehors de ces restrictions, les voies du changement pourraient être régies uniquement par l'égalité des probabilités.

In cybernetic language that course of events is said to be subject to restraints, and it assumes that, apart from such restraints, the pathways of change could be governed only by equality of probability. BATESON

Page 16: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

En fait, les «restrictions» sur lesquelles repose l’explication cybernétique doivent, dans tous les cas, être considérées comme des facteurs qui déterminent l'inégalité des probabilités.

In fact, the “restraints” upon which cybernetic explanation depends on, and in all cases be regarded as factors which determine inequality of probability (1967).


Page 17: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

The concept of restrictivenessLa notion de restriction

A practical application of a nosological system based on behavioral limitation would be the redefinition of … [behavior] … along these lines: certain restrictions of behavior so limit the person that he is restricted in social development and such restrictions beget other restrictions.

Une application pratique d'un système nosologique basé sur la limitation comportementale serait la redéfinition du ... [comportement] ... le long de ces lignes: c’est ainsi que certaines restrictions de comportement limitent la personne qui y est soumise dans son développement social, et de telles restrictions engendrent d'autres restrictions.

Page 18: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Restrictiveness cont.

Further pathology the observer reports, will depend on how the individual’s restrictions relate to the present context (1967)

Si un observateur fait état d’une pathologie plus importante, cela dépend de la façon dont les restrictions de l'individu sont reliées au contexte actuel (1967)

Page 19: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Evoking Change using Jackson’s Interactional DiagnosticsEvoquer le changement à l'aide du diagnostic

interactionnel de Jackson

[A couple or family] can be viewed as a mutual causative system, whose complementary communication reinforces the nature of their interaction.

[Un couple ou une famille] peut être considéré comme un système à causalité mutuelle dont la communication complémentaire renforce la nature de l’interaction.

Page 20: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Rather than focusing on individual pathology, he might notice that this couple [family or other group] behaves in a remarkable consistent manner (recurring patterns of interaction)

Au lieu de se concentrer sur la pathologie individuelle, il pouvait remarquer que ce couple [la famille ou un autre groupe] se comporte d'une manière remarquablement cohérente (modèles récurrents d'interaction)

Evoking Change cont.

© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 21: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

The therapist can look for rules that govern this system; therapy then consists of the therapist behaving in such a way that the rules must change.

Le thérapeute peut rechercher les règles qui régissent ce système; la thérapie consiste à faire en sorte que le thérapeute se comporte de manière à ce que les règles doivent changer.

Evoking Change cont.

© 2012, Wendel A. Ray, PhD, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact: [email protected]

Page 22: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Jackson was less concerned with the patient’s personal feelings than I used to be. If a family is stuck in a rigid pattern, the therapist should do something to break up that pattern. There are all sorts of contingency possibilities – other behaviors, other opportunities, other people to whom family members can relate differently.

Jackson se préoccupait moins des sentiments personnels du patient que je le faisais. Si une famille est coincée dans un modèle rigide, le thérapeute doit faire quelque chose pour briser ce modèle. Il y a toutes sortes de possibilités - d'autres comportements, d'autres occasions, d'autres personnes avec lesquelles les membres de la famille peuvent entrer en relation de façon différente.

Evoking Change cont.

Page 23: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Therefore they can change, regardless of their unconscious motivation or other psychological dimensions that have in the past prevented them from changing.

Donc ils peuvent changer, quelle que soit leur motivation inconsciente ou d'autres dimensions psychologiques qui les ont empêché de changer dans le passé.

Evoking Change cont.

© 2012, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact Wendel A. Ray: [email protected]

Page 24: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

“There are no good guys or bad guys or long-suffering wives and bastardly husbands. There are patterns of interaction which have to be so conceptualized that it is not possible to say the husband withdraws because his wife nags, nor the reverse (Jackson 1966/2009, p. 158).”

«Il n'y a pas de gentils ou des méchants, ni des femmes qui souffrent depuis longtemps et des maris goujats. Il existe des modèles d'interaction qui doivent être conceptualisés de telle manière qu'il soit impossible de dire que le mari fuit parce que sa femme le harcèle, ni l'inverse.»© 2012, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact Wendel A. Ray: [email protected]

Page 25: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Shifting focus of attention from Individual Pathology Presumed to exist inside of people to the Relationship Between People in the Present Moment

Changer le foyer d'attention: de la pathologie individuelle supposée exister à l’intérieur des personnes à la relation entre les gens au moment présent

Don D. Jackson, MD’s Interaction Focused Diagnostics

© 2012, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact Wendel A. Ray: [email protected]

Page 26: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Cont. I.E. Observable redundancies (Patterns)

which ”Restrict” behavior are Precursor to the

MRI Brief Therapy Problem / Attempted Solution Framework

Don D. Jackson, MD’s Interaction Focused Diagnostics

Les redondances observables (les modèles) qui  “limitent” le comportement préfigurent le cadre du CTB du MRI: Problème/ Tentatives de solution

Page 27: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Communication TheoryThe Basis of Don Jackson’s

Interaction Focused Diagnostics


WeaklandBateson Jackson Erickson



© 2012, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact Wendel A. Ray: [email protected]

Page 28: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

References Bateson, G. (1970/2007) 1st Don D. Jackson Memorial Lecture. Palo Alto, CA: Mental Research Institute, unpublished audio recording. Transcript published in Ray, W. (2007). “Bateson’s Cybernetics – The Basis of MRI Brief Therapy,” Kibernetics, 36 (7/8), 859-870. Bateson, G. (1967). Cybernetic Explanation, American Behavioral Scientist 10, #8, 29-32, April. Jackson, D. (1952). The relationship of the referring physician to the psychiatrist. California Medicine, 76 (6), June, 391-394. In W. Ray (Ed.), (2005), Don D. Jackson, MD – Essays from the Dawn of an Era, Selected Paper Vol. I, Phoenix, AZ: Zeig, Tucker, Theisan, Ltd.  Jackson, D. (1959). Family interaction, family homeostasis and some implications for conjoint family psychotherapy. In J. Masserman (Ed.). Individual & Familial Dynamics, p. 122-141. NY: Grune & Stratton. In W. Ray (Ed.), (2009), Don D. Jackson, MD – Interactional Theory in the Practice of Psychotherapy, Selected Paper Vol. II, Phoenix, AZ: Zeig, Tucker, Theisan, Ltd.

© 2012, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact Wendel A. Ray: [email protected]

Page 29: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

© 2012, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact Wendel A. Ray: [email protected]

Jackson, D. (1967). The individual and the larger contexts. Family Process, 6 (2), 139-154. In W. Ray (Ed.), (2009), Don D. Jackson, MD – Interactional Theory in the Practice of Psychotherapy, Selected Paper Vol. II, Phoenix, AZ: Zeig, Tucker, Theisan. Jackson, D. (1967a). Schizophrenia: The nosological nexus. In Excerpta Medica International Congress, The Origins of Schizophrenia. The Proceedings of the First International Conference 151 (pp. 111-120). Rochester, NY. In W. Ray (Ed.), (2009), Don D. Jackson, MD – Interactional Theory in the Practice of Psychotherapy, Selected Paper Vol. II, Phoenix, AZ: Zeig, Tucker, Theisan, Ltd. Jackson, D. (1967b). Differences between “normal” & “abnormal” Families. In N.Ackerman, F. Beatman & S. Sherman (Eds.), Expanding Theory and Practice inFamily Therapy (pp. 99-102). NY: Family Service of America. In W. Ray (Ed.), (2009), Don D. Jackson, MD – Interactional Theory in the Practice of Psychotherapy, Selected Paper Vol. II, Phoenix, AZ: Zeig, Tucker, Theisan, Ltd.

Weakland, J. (1988, June). [Personal interview with John H. Weakland, Ch.E., Senior Research Fellow, Mental Research Institute, by W. Ray]. Palo Alto, CA: MRI. Weakland, J. (1967).Communication & Behavior, American Behavioral Scientist 10, #8, 1-3, April.


Page 30: Wendel A. Ray, PhD* Amelia Papillion, MA** Courtney Brasher, MA** *Professor of Family System Theory, University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM); Former Director

Merci Beaucoup

For more information contact:

Wendel A. Ray, PhD 

Web: www.wendelray.com 

Email: [email protected]

© 2012, Don D. Jackson Archive, Contact Wendel A. Ray: [email protected]