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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent University Student Union Students’ Representative Council: AGM February 28, 2017 Student Union Boardroom PRESENT: Ryan Nearing, President Morgan Atwater, VP Advocacy Erin Murray, VP Communications Haley Myatt, VP Student Life Elizabeth Duff, SRC Speaker Meaghan Babin, Recording Secretary Nathan Horne, Councillor-At-Large Ethan Craig, First-Year Student Representative Melissa Smallridge, Education Student Representative Karley Brookings, Science Representative Alycia Pottie, Arts Representative Steph MacIntosh, Professional Studies Representative Nikki Russell Jaimeson, Mature Student Representative Aris Hernandez, International Student Representative ABSENT WITH REGRETS: Shannon Kennedy, Off-Campus Representative Amy Grant, Graduate Studies Representative Cora Lynn Munroe, Board of Governors Representative GUESTS: Alex Roy, Creative Content Manager Kehisha Wilmot, Member Laura Lewis, CFO

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Page 1: Wellness Centre and Pantrymountstudents.ca/.../08/02-28-17-AGM-To-be-Approved-2.0.docx · Web viewPRESENT: Ryan Nearing, President Morgan Atwater, VP Advocacy Erin Murray, VP Communications

February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Students’ Representative Council: AGM February 28, 2017Student Union Boardroom

PRESENT:Ryan Nearing, PresidentMorgan Atwater, VP AdvocacyErin Murray, VP CommunicationsHaley Myatt, VP Student LifeElizabeth Duff, SRC SpeakerMeaghan Babin, Recording SecretaryNathan Horne, Councillor-At-LargeEthan Craig, First-Year Student RepresentativeMelissa Smallridge, Education Student RepresentativeKarley Brookings, Science RepresentativeAlycia Pottie, Arts RepresentativeSteph MacIntosh, Professional Studies RepresentativeNikki Russell Jaimeson, Mature Student RepresentativeAris Hernandez, International Student Representative

ABSENT WITH REGRETS: Shannon Kennedy, Off-Campus RepresentativeAmy Grant, Graduate Studies RepresentativeCora Lynn Munroe, Board of Governors Representative

GUESTS:Alex Roy, Creative Content ManagerKehisha Wilmot, MemberLaura Lewis, CFOJennifer O’Keefe, MemberJeremy Crowther, MemberWill Brewer, Member/incoming Accessibility Representative

Page 2: Wellness Centre and Pantrymountstudents.ca/.../08/02-28-17-AGM-To-be-Approved-2.0.docx · Web viewPRESENT: Ryan Nearing, President Morgan Atwater, VP Advocacy Erin Murray, VP Communications

February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union


1. Call To Order (6:05)MOVED BY: E. DuffSECONDED BY: R. NearingIn Favour (20); Opposed (0); Abstensions (0)

2. Land Recognition (K. Wilmot)We meet today on unseeded, surrendered Mi'kmaq territory. As we gather to respectfully exchange ideas, we recognize the land on which we stand, celebrate its culture, honor its people – and reflect that we are all Treaty People.

3. Approval of the Agenda (E. Duff)M. Atwater moves to approve the agenda. Seconded by H. Myatt.MOTION PASSED

4. Approval of the Minutes (E. Duff)Once 2015/16 AGM minutes are secure, minutes will be distributed to Student Union constituents. If previous AGM minutes are not found, a statement will be released.

5. Updates (E. Duff)a. President (R. Nearing)

(See Appendix A)Move to extend report by 3 minutes. Moved by M. Atwater, seconded by H. Myatt. MOTION PASSES

b. Vice President Communications (E. Murray)(See Appendix B)

c. Vice President Advocacy (M. Atwater)(See Appendix B)

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

M. Atwater moves to extend time, seconded by R. Nearing. MOTION PASSES.E. Murray uses Point of Personal Privilege.

d. Vice President Student Life (H. Myatt)(See Appendix B)H. Myatt extends report by 30 seconds, seconded by M. Atwater. MOTION PASSES

6. Services Report (R. Nearing)Due to technical difficulties, the services report will be released at a later time.

7. Financial Report (L. Lewis)(See Appendix C)Note: Take into consideration various colors for the color blind in order to make fiscal and other documents more accessible.

8. Question Period (E. Duff)(See Appendix D)

The MSVUSU is required to do anti-oppression and anti-harassment training for executives every year. Has this required training taken place? If not, why? How can we ensure that workshops run for the new exec? (K. Wilmot, member)Anti-Oppression/Anti-Harassment Training: Due to time constraints, anti-oppression and anti-harassment training was not held during the year, however, it will be noted for incoming Executive to be completed during transitioning.

This year the union ran a participatory budgeting survey. Can you please elaborate on how your survey structure was chosen, and was

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

there consideration for alternative strategies (in-person consultations--either voluntarily or focus groups)? Do we know how many and the demographics of who responded? What was the quality of responses (long, short, themes)? When will we hear the results and how will they be used in the budget? (J. O’Keefe, member)Elaborate on the participatory survey: Due to the nature of the participatory survey, results cannot be discussed. Important details worth noting is that the survey was completed by 130 respondents and that electronic forms of the service provide better access to students.

Elaborate on efforts and measures to facilitate contact between the NSTU and the SU: A letter was sent to the President and contact was also attempted through the Department of Education. Despite many efforts made by both the university and the SU, contact was not made and the results of attempting to contact the President of the NSTU were futile. No debate/argument was necessary from a SU Point of View.Compensation as a result of the missed weeks of practicum and the strike is currently being discussed with the university.

Could we please get an update on the refugee program and a breakdown of how money is allocated? (J. Crowther, member)Update on the Refugee Program: The program is funded through WUSC. The program has resulted in amazing student leaders and advocates and also provides the chance for two women of countries in dire situations to experience the Mount. The current students experiencing this program are from Syria and Somalia.

Morgan moves to add 6 minutes to Question Period. Seconded by H. Myatt. Motion Passes.

Election Period: Due to the nature of election period, the period for appeal (72 hours) have expired making the results official. It was also

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

confirmed by IT&S released statement saying that the results weren’t tampered with and the election results were completely viable.

In regards to the fact that the MSVUSU changed the provider for the health care plan for undergraduate students: does the new plan still support Trans students’ access to hormone therapy? (K. Wilmot, member)Health Care Provider: A question was asked if the MSVUSU had changed health care providers, the SU has not as changing health care providers would require a referendum. Campus Trust has remained as the health care Provider for the Student Union. A possible issue was that students had to go through a period of renewing and reprinting their IDs.

Many students such as myself don’t feel like we get our money’s worth out of the student union fees. Its essentially a tax to fund things I don’t need or use. Can the union look into opting out of fees and/or having different packages to purchase that are more custom to students needs? (W. Burns, member)Opting-Out of Student Union Fees: A student felt that their fees were not being put to good use in light of the services being put on by the Student Union. Student suggested adding the option to opt-out of fees or creating custom packages. Noted as something to be looked at further in future discussions. Student demonstrated a willingness to create a list of all the problems and send it to various representatives. This news is considered alarming as the Student Union wants to make sure that all students feel that they are being represented and that their services are being utilized.

Ethical Purchasing Network + Fair Trade: CFS uses the ethical purchasing network because of its fair trade and environmentally friendly materials. Suggestion made that perhaps the Student Union should adapt it as a supplier. The Student Union has attempted to work

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

with them but due to conflicts of timelines, quality and services the Ethical Purchasing Network isn’t being used by the Student Union.

While the MSVUSU 2016-2017 budget has been uploaded to the website, previous budgets are not listed. Why not? This would be useful for union members to compare year to year, as well as being particularly useful for candidates during the election season. Can they be added? Students shouldn’t have to email executive members to receive paperwork that should be available. This is an accessibility issue. (W. Burns, member)Previous Budgets: Budgets aren’t uploaded to the website in order to eliminate clutter, this is a common practice also used by other Student Unions. Students are requesting that perhaps that information should be uploaded to the SU website. It is a matter of accessibility and it is requested by students that that information should possibly be uploaded. M. Atwater uses Point of Personal Privilege.Motion to extend the meeting by 20 minutes by A. Hernandez. Seconded by J. Crowther. MOTION PASSED.

9. Old Business (E. Duff)During the AGM, there was no old business to be discussed.

10. New Business (E. Duff) (See APPENDIX E)

a. Election Process (J. Crowther, Member)WHEREAS despite not being outlined in MSVU By-Laws or Constitution, elections for Executive Council and Student Representative Council have been operating under a ‘First Past the Post’ system where the candidate with a plurality of votes is considered successful ";and

WHEREAS the current system of balloting does not ensure representatives have acquired majority support from their constituents; and

WHEREAS in the most recent presidential election, the successful candidate received merely ~34% of the popular vote;

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Moved by R. Nearing and seconded by M. Atwater BE IT RESOLVED That the Membership requests the Elections Committee study the implementation of a non- voting system to be in place for the 2018 General Election.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Elections Committee recommends solutions to the SRC by the last meeting of October 2017.

R. Nearing moves to pass the amendments to the motion. Seconded by J. Crowther. MOTION PASSES.

J. Crowther moves to pass the motion. Seconded by A. Roy. MOTION PASSED.

Elections (cont.): Motion made to change the current Student Union system to a

preferential ballot system. Paper balloting can be problematic since the majority of students are part-time, distance or practicum students. A push was also made to be more environmentally sustainable and paper balloting can be problematic. It is also worth noting that students had access to two on-campus polling stations which would’ve expanded further but due to difficulties the SU was unable to cover these other areas.

It was unique to have multiple candidates run for the same position in the SU election.

Access to the Election Website was problematic, some issues to be highlighted include problems regarding the security of the website. J. Crowther attests to the vulnerability of the Elections website by his ability to access his ballots prior to and after the voting period was over. It is worth noting that the ballots were live on the Elections website before and after voting and could be accessed with anyone with a MyMount account.

Looking into the possibility of eliminating bias in elections.

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Students received few e-mails concerning Elections, SU is tasked with looking into possible problems with outlook.

Elections Committee: Task Elections Committee to determine the costs through IT&S

regarding the functionality of a preferential ballot system. Comment made by K. Brooking to bring concerns forward to Elections

Committee. Paper Balloting system: Access to Election was limited, paper

ballots can be problematic for part-time, distance and practicum students.

An Elections Committee member states that from their perspective it has been difficult to reach Elections Coordinator, Alison Stewart. Members of the Elections Committee and SRC have become frustrated as they’d like to request changes. The position of Elections Coordinator was a first time position and functioned on a learning curve.

Task the Elections Committee/Constitution Committee with researching a new voting system.

Task the Elections Committee with research the efficacy of the rules concerning advertising during elections. Look into poster regulations and other problematic issues concerning advertising and eliminating bias.

Question Period: Disappointment expressed by several students that Question Period was limited to 10 minutes. It should be noted that there is a secondary Question Period in the following SRC meeting. It is also worth noting that the Student Union loves to hear from students all year long. It has also been requested that perhaps during future AGMs that question period should be extended.

Love to hear from students all year long. Managed barriers with voting in terms of distance, no e-mails about elections. Problem with Outlook

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Wellness Centre: The Student Union is trialing new methods for using the Wellness Centre. Due to abuse of the Wellness Centre, the Student Union has been forced to operate it at an e-mail + access level.

Concerns: Summarize all questions and concerns and send them to R. Nearing. (See Appendix)

Accessibility Legislation (BILL 59): Legislation is being passed to make NS more accessible in terms of functionality in regards to barriers, equality rights, and implementing accessibility standards. W. Brewster will be in attendance to testify to the current inaccessibility of NS.

Items of Communication: Mark contact information for SRC positions and Executive on the

website. Move SRC information to one continuous file rather than on a separate block/submenu.

11. Adjournment (E. Duff)M. Atwater moves to ajourn.Seconded by C.L. MunroeALL IN FAVOUR.MOTION PASSES.

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union


President's Report To the General MembershipDear members, Following is the President's Report for the 2017 MSVUSU Annual General Meeting. The reporting period is June 13th, 2016 to February 17th, 2017The President's Report will be organized under five headings, each representing the five broad areas that fall under the President's responsibilities: 1) MSVUSU Operations; 2) Membership Outreach; 3) University Relations; 4) Government Relations; and 5) Community Relations. Each section will further be organized under three main activities: a) Action; b) Meetings & Events; and c) Support. MSVUSU Operations Includes but is not limited to: leading MSVUSU Executive Team; SRC relations; MSVUSU Strategic Plan; MSVUSU staffing and services. Action

Completed 25 hours of transition with outgoing President Justin Corcoran, both while on exchange to Stockholm, Sweden (May 2016) and upon return to Canada (June 13 to 17). Officially took office Monday, June 20.

Throughout the year, sat on hiring committee for Creative Content Manager (Caitlynne Hines, Alex Roy); Chief Financial Officer (Laura Lewis); Speaker (Elizabeth Duff); Recording Secretary (Meaghan Babin); Elections Coordinator (Allison Stewart); Pride Centre Coordinator (Charlotte Rose) and Welcome Desk staff.

Developed job description and responsibilities for Pride Centre Coordinator with Mount Pride President Leslie Pride.

Implemented MSVUSU Strategic Plan, with tactics such as monthly updates with Executive Team, weekly reviews and using Office 365 features to formalize reporting.

Coordinated Pride Centre Grand Opening with Mount Pride President Leslie Allen (September 21). Hired Pride Centre Coordinator Charlotte Rose (December 2016).

Working with Speaker on Governing Documents Review, with a goal to update all MSVUSU Governing Documents by April 2017.

Worked with Chief Financial Officer, General Manager and Health Plan Manager to complete the 2015/16 Financial Year Audit.

Lead MSVUSU Executive Committee Job Description Vision, and approval by SRC in November 2016.

Meetings and Events MSVUSU Executive Team Retreat (July 12 to 14), where outcomes included: setting

personal boundaries, visioning for the year ahead, reviewing engagement with stakeholders, and reviewing services and operations.

Job Description Visioning (October 21). Approved by SRC in November 2016.

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Worked with Health Plan Manager on Campus Trust Report with Health Plan Manager and General Manager (November 22) and Campus Trust Educational Session (November 22)

Budget Committee (January 12, February 1 and February 9). Chaired the following Committees:

o Executive Committee (bi-weekly)o Human Resources Committee (November 24, November 29, January 18)o Equity Representatives Committee (ad-hoc) (November 28 and December 1)o External Affairs Committee (November 29)

Support Supported Vice President Student Life, however possible, during Orientation Leader

Training and Orientation Week. Supported Vice President Advocacy, however possible, during Shinerama summer

fundraisers and Shine Day. Supported Vice President Communications, however possible, during Society Fair. Supported Elections Coordinator, however possible, during SRC Fall By-Elections

(October 3 to 6). Supported Vice President Student Life, however possible, during the Haunted House

(October 29) Supported preparations and execution for the MSVUSU 2016 By-Elections and the

MSVUSU 2017 General Elections with Chief Returning Officer Allison Stewart and General Manager Kenney Fitzpatrick.

Membership Outreach Includes but is not limited to: engaging and examining engagement with MSVUSU members – the students of Mount Saint Vincent University.Action

Created Graduate Student and Undergraduate Student Engagement Plan, which examines topics and tactics of engagement for MSVUSU students – cross-referenced by self-disclosed demographics and program of study.

Spoke to incoming students at Orientation Week Matriculation Ceremony (September 4).

Promoted the MSVUSU and services during the Mount Mash-Up (September 13). Began engagement sessions with membership. This included, but is not limited to:

mobile offices, town halls, question periods, workshops and lunch and learns. Consulted SRC Councillors for on Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) National

General Meeting (NGM) motions before meeting in November 2016. Held information sessions and job shadowing for MSVUSU 2017 General Election

Presidential candidates.

Meetings and Events

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Lunch and Presentation to incoming Residence Life team, introducing them to the MSVUSU (August 29).

Participated in Sexual Assault Bystander Training with the Residence Life team and Orientation Leaders (August 30).

Worked with Global Engagement Office on Global Engagement workshop with incoming International students (September 2) and a Becoming a Global Student panel discussion (November 16)

Strategic Plan Engagement Sessions (November 2 and 3) Orientation Presentation (January 3)

Support Along with Executive Team, supported Mount Pride and President Leslie Allen in response

to the Halifax Pride AGM. The MSVUSU will not participate in future Halifax Pride events until Mount Pride's list of requests have been attended to.

Worked with Education Representative and General Manager to coordinate Wellness Day (November 22)

Advocating for second year Bachelor of Education students unable to complete their practicum placement due to the Nova Scotia Teacher's Union (NSTU) work-to-rule guidelines. Tactics included: sending a letter of solidatity to the NSTU when job action was first announced, coordianting media opportunities with education students, meeting regularly and communicating concerns to University Administration and the Faculty of Education, ensuring services are accessible for education students, and lead in sending letter to NSTU and Department of Education, signed by five students' unions and one external advocacy group, encouraging the NSTU to reconsider their clause barring practicum students.

University Relations Includes but is not limited to: sitting on University governance bodies and committees; meeting with stakeholders across campus; perusing partnerships, collaborations and joint initiatives with campus partners; working with campus partners to resolve issues. Action

Participated in Focus Group for the Mount's new marketing campaign. Created University Engagement Plan, which formalizes many informal practices between

the MSVUSU and campus partners. Signed a Partnership Agreement between the MSVUSU and the Global Engagement

Office, which will offer Mount students (both international and Canadian) the opportunity to become more globally curious.

Sit on Presidential Search Committee, tasked to find the new President and Vice-Chancellor. Applying a student perspective, filtered a list of 15 candidates to six interviewed candidates. First round interviews created a shortlist of three candidates. These candidates met with an expanded consultative group (including MSVUSU Vice Presidents). Dr. Mary Bluechardt was appointed the 13th President of Mount Saint

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Vincent University on January 4th, 2017. Lead in introducing the MSVUSU to Dr. Bluechardt.

Continued successful relations with the MSVU Faculty Association, whom walked with the MSVUSU in Halifax Pride.

Lead effort, in conjunction with General Manager Kenney Fitzpatrick and Associate Vice President Student Experience Paula Barry, to launch student leadership recognition intiative at the Senate Student Experience Committee.

Worked with University Advancement on Annual Appeal. Successfully achieved Academic Amnesty and faculty support for the Day of Action at

the October 28 Senate meeting.Meetings and Events

MSVUSU Executive Team and MSVU Senior Administration (President, Vice President Academic, Vice President Administration) Meetings (June 15, October 31, December 13, February 28.)

Board of Governors' (June 28, September 29, November 24 and January 4). Organized Student Pre-Board of Governors' meetings, and delivered MSVUSU reports.

Volunteered and spoke at final MSV Alumnae Golf Classic (July 21). Monthly meetings with Associate Vice President Student Experience Paula Barry. Bi-weekly meetings with President and Vice Chancellor Dr. Ramona Lumpkin. Presented with Associate Vice President Student Experience Paula Barry at the Student

Experience Workshop (August 25). Senate Executive (September 15, October 11, November 14, January) Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning (September 21 and December 7) Joint Campus Planning and Finance Committee meetings (September 20) to approve

funding of the new 2 Melody Drive Research Facility, which will offer research opportunities to graduate and undergraduate students (joint funding between the federal government, provincial government and University – announced September 23).

Senate (September 30, October 28 and November 25). Also coordinated Student Pre-Senate meetings and attended Student/Faculty Pre-Senate meetings.

Bi-weekly meetings with Associate Vice President Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment Kelly Gallant.

Senate Student Experience Committee (October 4, November 4). Senate Executive Committee (October 11, November 1 and January 12). Exceptional Volunteer Awards Nomination Meeting (November 1). A former MSVUSU

Executive was honoured. University Town Hall (November 2) Convocation (Two events and Chancellor's Dinner) (November 6) Open Campus Day (November 10) University Finance Committee (November 10) Board of Governors Retreat (including MSVUSU Presentation) (November 25/26)

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Management Forum Presentation with Vice President Student Life (November 29) Board of Governors Holiday Dinner with Speaker Liz Duff (December 1) Senate Committee on Information and Technology Services (December 2)

Budget Committee (January 26, February 1, February 9 and February 16)

Campus Visit from President-designate Dr. Mary Bluechardt (January 31).

Support Supported Vice President Advocacy Morgan Atwater with new joint initiative with

Career Services, It All Adds Up. Worked with Spiritual Life Office and Pride Centre to host Professor Brenda Hattie's

research presentation. Sat on Residence Life Office interview panel.

Government Relations Includes but is not limited to: meetings with representatives from all three levels of government; raising governmental attention to student issues; participating in events surrounding governmental issues. Action

Worked with Executive Team, Halifax Municipal Elections and the Canadian Federation of Students-Nova Scotia (CFS) to promote the 2016 Municipal Election.

Networked with government representatives informally at events. Coordinated site visit from representative of the Department of Labour and Advanced

Education (Cancelled).Meetings and Events

International Student Representative Aris Hernandez represented the MSVUSU at Student/Government Roundtable with Department of Labour and Advanced Education representatives (July 12). Joined Vice President Advocacy Morgan Atwater to represent the MSVUSU at next meeting (October 18).

Met with representatives from Halifax Municipal Elections with the CFS-NS (July 26) and the MSVUSU Executive Team (August 8).

Met with Halifax-West MP Geoff Reagan (August 3). Attended Mayor's Debate on youth issues (September 23). Prepared presentation for Roundtable with Deputy Ministers, which Vice President

Advocacy Morgan Atwater attended (September 26). Hosted Districts 10, 11 and 12 Candidates Debate with the CFS-NS (October 11). Campus Tour with the Honourable Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board

(January 15).

Community Relations Includes but is not limited to: activites and communications with external stakeholders that are not government and university; activities and communications with external affiliations.

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Action Served as Local 34 Representative for the CFS. Participated at the Halifax Pride Parade and Community Fair with representatives from

the MSVUSU, MSVUFA and Mount Pride (NOTE: this took place before the most recent Halifax Pride AGM).

Networked with representatives from other student's unions and associations, including but not limited to: Cape Breton University Students' Union; University of Kings College Students' Union; Students' Union of Nova Scotia College of Art and Design; Dalhousie University Students' Union and St. FX Students' Union (visited during Executive Retreat).

Lead contact on Proposed Reforms of the Canadian Federation of Students. Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) Day of Action (November 2) Spent day in Sydney, Nova Scotia, with University President for recruitment (November

15) Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) National General Meeting (NGM) (November 17

to 22) Youth Volunteer Awards (November 30)

Meetings and Events Attended Riva Spatz Women's Wall of Honour Event with Vice President Advocacy

Morgan Atwater (June 22). Represented Local 34 at the CFS-NS Provincial Executive Meeting (July 9/10 and

November 21). Attended Alumnae Events, including the 60th Class Lunch (August 19), and Alumnae

Weekend (September 16 and 17). Hosted the CFS-NS Mental Health Task Force (August 22). Participated in the CFS-NS SKILLS Symposium (September 16 and 17). Discussion with Students Nova Scotia Executive Director Sophie Helpard on experiential

learning (September 23). Attended Game Changer Awards, celebrating local businesses hiring students and recent

graduates, with Vice President Student Life Haley Myatt and representatives from the Department of Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment and the Co-operative Education Office (October 19).

Support Supported Day of Action Lead Nikki Russell-Jamieson on the MSVUSU's presence, along

with CFS-NS representatives on tabling. Coordinated MSVUSU presence at the CFS-NS AGM. Board of Governors' Representative

Cora-Lynn Munroe was elected treasurer, and student Tuqqaasi Nuqingaqwas elected Indigenous Student Representative.

Respectfully submitted, Ryan Nearing MSVUSU President

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

MSVUSU Annual General Meeting Verbal ReportMSVUSU Operations

Oversaw implementation of the MSVUSU Strategic Plan, including:o Regular check-ins with teamo Weekly personal reviewso Public engagement sessionso Annual review and update

Hired the following positions:o Creative Content Managerso Speakero Recording Secretaryo Elections Coordinatoro Pride Centre Coordinatoro Welcome Desk Staff

Participated in the Financial Audit and Campus Trust Report. Chaired the following committees:

o Executive Committeeo Human Resources Committeeo External Affairs Committeeo Equity Representatives Committee (ad-hoc)

Began continual tabling for MSVUSU services in the Link. Created training and transitioning for all MSVUSU staff. Installed gate in Vinnies Pub, permitting the MSVUSU to open the space throughout the

day. Coordinated student representation on MSVUSU and University committees

Membership Outreach Created Undergraduate and Graduate Student Engagement Plan. Represented the MSVUSU at campus events (Walking with our Sisters Opening

Ceremony). Partnered with campus departments for outreach events (Lunch and Learns with Dr.

Lumpkin; Global Engagement workshops) Bachelor of Education student situation:

o Sending letter of solidarity to the NSTU when work-to-rule was first announcedo Coordinated media opportunities with education students, and participated with

not available.o Meet regularly and communicate concerns to University.o Sending letter to NSTU asking them to reconsider clause barring practicum


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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

o Continue to communicate concerns to University when students are back in the classrooms

Mount Pride/Halifax Pride situation Coordinated student representation on University committees

University Relations Sat on Presidential Search Committee. Dr. Mary Bluechardt has been appointed the 13th

President of Mount Saint Vincent University, effective July 1st, 2017. Created University Engagement Plan. Signed Partnership Agreement with Global Engagement Office. Established successful relationships with the Faculty Association, including semesterly

meetings and pre-Senate meetings. Achieved Academic Amnesty for the Day of Action. Sit on the following committees:

o Board of Governorso Finance Committeeo Budget Committeeo Presidential Search Committee (ad-hoc)o Senateo Senate Executiveo Senate Committee on Teaching and Learningo Senate Committee on Information Technology and Serviceso Senate Student Experience

Regular meetings with:o University President Dr. Ramona Lumpkino Associate Vice President Student Experience Paula Barryo Associate Vice President Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment

Kelly Gallanto University Senior Administration (with MSVUSU Executive)

Represented the MSVUSU at University events.

Government Relations Established localized government relations through networking with local decision-

makers. Hosted district candidates debate for the 2016 Municipal Election. Prepared presentation for Nova Scotia Deputy Ministers, with Morgan presented. Represented the MSVUSU at Student/Government roundtables Campus tour with the Honourable Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board.

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Community Relations Served as Local 34 Representative on the Canadian Federation of Students'-Nova Scotia

Provincial Executive. Established successful relationships with representatives of provincial counterparts. Attended the Canadian Federation of Students National General Meeting; contributed

towards reform movement at the meeting. Travelled to Sydney, Nova Scotia with Dr. Lumpkin for recruitment. Represented the MSVUSU while attending community events, including:

o Halifax Prideo Game Changer Awardso Riva Spatz Women's Wall of Honour event

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union


VP Advocacy AGM Report 2016-17To the Members of the MSVUSUDear members,The following is the report from the office of the Vice President Advocacy for the 2017 MSVUSU Annual General Meeting. The reporting period is May 2016 to February 2017. The updates for you will be categorized as follows: Wellness Centre and Pantry, Senate and Academic Issues, Other Issues and Advocacy, Committees, Conferences and Shinerama.

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Wellness Centre and Pantry

Hired our new manager, Heather Deck Signed our annual membership contract with Feed Nova Scotia for 2016-17 Oct. 31, 2016: H. Deck helped our on-campus Meal Exchange program with Trick or Eat H. Deck worked with Counselling Services to host Wellness Workshops throughout the

academic year. Topics included (but were not limited to): time management, personal hygiene, and mental health

Dec. 6, 2016: Worked with H. Deck to create exam survival bags that we handed out to students for free. We bought these items with generous donations from community members and our faculty association

After many issues with our pantry service, H. Deck brainstormed ways to improve the service

H. Deck used the giant easels provided by facilities to start conversations about culture on our campus

H. Deck informed me that there are no flags on our campus that show where our students are from. Following this inquiry, I reached out to VP Administration, B. Jessop. This initiative is in the works

Hosted mental health awareness week Feb. 6, 2017 – Feb. 10, 2017 H. Deck and team are in the process of trialing new methods of administering pantry


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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Senate and Academic Issues

Attended monthly Senate meetings Updated, added, and removed tutors and note takers on our database before the

academic year Sept. 26, 2016: on behalf of R. Nearing, I spoke to our provinicial Deputy Minister’s

about what they can do to keep young, talented Nova Scotian’s in the province Participated in the Online Learning and Teaching Expo with General Manager K.

Fitzpatrick. This was an opportunity to promote the tutor and note taker portal Coordinated pre-Senate meetings before each Senate meeting for the academic year.

Senators in attendance are student Senators and faculty Senators During the reporting period, I worked with many students on cases regarding academic

issues. Due to confidentiality, I cannot share details Learned that there are 3 computers in the library that have assistive technologies Upon arrival in January, I began working with the university and second year B.Ed.

students regarding the NSTU work-to-rule

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Other Issues and Advocacy

Created a student issues poll before the academic year began to gauge what issues are important to our students

Joined discussions about wellness agreements Drafted our advocacy statement (to be approved by council) Attended the “It All Adds Up” webinar with President R. Nearing and colleagues from

Career Counselling During the fall semester, I supervised the Student Accessibility Coordinator, Leslie

Borden (position used to be called Inclusion Advancement Liaison) Began conversations with Education Representative M. Smallridge regarding the lack of

mental health training for our education students Walked in the pride parade with the MSVUSU Met with communications team members for the municipal election. After finding

language on their website that was problematic and offensive, I worked with the HRM and the Returning Officer to have the language changed in order to ensure it was more inclusive

Oct. 1, 2016: Attended the YWCA event Strong With Her with R. Lumpkin, M. Abou-El-Haj from Counselling and L. Cleveland from Peer Support

Created posters for Mental Illness Awareness Week to start conversations about mental illness and how students can raise awareness

Oct. 18, 2016: attended the Student/Government Roundtable with R. Nearing Worked with Student Accessibility Coordinator, L. Borden to create a presentation and

awareness table about concerns of accessibility at the Mount. We hosted the table in the McCain Centre on Nov. 3, 2016

Worked with Student Accessibility Coordinator, L. Borden to update the job description In conjunction with Accessibility Services, I attended a presentation that was given to

faculty about how we can help students with accessibility concerns Arranged tabling for Breast Cancer Awareness month where we taught students about

breast cancer and gave away 4 tickets to the Halifax Mooseheads “Pink in the Rink” event

Women’s History Month: brought the #BecauseOfHer campaign to our campus where students, staff, and faculty are being recognized for their incredible addition to our campus

Worked with N. Russel-Jamieson as she planned our national day of action on Nov. 2, 2016. I spoke at the Mount rally and joined students downtown for the Halifax rally and the march to province house

Attended the Red Cross Humanitarian Awards on Nov. 9 at the Cunard Centre, thanks to Margaret McCain

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

Working with the Break the Silence End the Stigma (BSES) campaign. We will be inviting them to campus in March

Outstanding Youth Awards on Nov. 30 with the executive team and a team of volunteers Participated in the “It All Adds Up” campaign with Career Services on Nov. 23

o The purpose of this campaign was to encourage students to think about everything they are doing now and how it will all add up to them achieving their ultimate goal(s)

Worked with DLCE, Counselling, Library Services, Learning Strategist, Writing Centre, Peer Support, Moodle Support, and IT&S on the second ever ‘Twas the Night Before Exams held on Dec. 8 at 5PM – 11PM in the library. We provided snacks, refreshments, prizes, and support to students who needed it as they headed into exams

Facilitated a focus group for DLCE on Dec. 8 Attended the webinar “Stepped Care 2.0: A Framework for Post-Secondary Mental

Health in Atlantic Canada” on Dec. 14 Joined the Student Athlete Mental Health Initiative (SAMHI) where we hosted an event

in the auditorium on Jan. 25, 2017 for Caritas Day and Bell Let’s Talk Day Began monthly meetings with VP Academic E. Church. This resulted in a decision to

collaborate on an event which is happening in March

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union



o I sat on the Valedictorian Selection Committee as a part of CAPPo Dec. 16, 2016: the committee formally decided to recommend the 2-year

suspension of the Science Communication program to Senate (due to enrolment)o Reviewed the Experiential Learning Report with the executive team, offered our

feedbacko Continuing discussions regarding our new fall reading week, the pros and the

conso Working to create a name for the new, mandatory first year student success

course Harassment and Discrimination

o Working to create a new handbook for students UCC Expanded Presidential Search Committee

SRC COMMITTEES Executive Committee Crisis Communication External Affairs Wellness Committee (Chair) Awards Night Planning Equity Representatives (ad-hoc)

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union


May 20, 2016 – May 23, 2016: National Shinerama Conference at McMaster University with H. Myatt

June 4, 2016 – June 9, 2016: CFS National General Meeting with VP Communications E. Murray in Gatineau, Quebec

July 22, 2016 – July 24, 2016: Regional Shinerama Conference at SMU with Shine Committee

Nov. 17, 2016 – Nov. 22, 2016: CFS Annual General Meeting with R. Nearing

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union


In the past, the MSVUSU has hired a Shinerama Coordinator for the summer. This was the first year that we did not follow this route and I coordinated our 18th annual campaign

We had a summer Shine committee. Members were: Alison Bryan, Elizabeth Duff, Sarah Henley, Morgan Whynot, Bethany Hoffe, and Cassey Deveau

We hosted/participated in secondary fundraisers throughout the summer including: car washes, a bar blitz, the Glen Arbour Golf Tournament, a barbecue, a frozen yogurt event at Cherry Berry, volunteered at the MSVAA golf tournament, and our annual Spike N Shine volleyball tournament

We activated our online fundraising page Arranged sponsorship agreements with: Drew Dudley, East Side Mario’s Bayers Lake,

Boston Pizza, Freeman’s, and Festival Promotions Worked with VP Student Life H. Myatt and Festival promotions to design the t-shirt for

our campaign Worked with the executive team and sponsor Drew Dudley to create a promotional

video for our campaign which went out on social media University President Dr. Ramona Lumpkin offered a free course to our student who won

top fundraiser Worked with Mayor Mike Savage to have a proclamation for our Shine Day. The

proclamation was approved by council Planned and implemented our 18th annual Shinerama campaign with the overwhelming

support of the team at the MSVUSU and at Cystic Fibrosis Canada. Saturday, September 10, 2016 was the day of our fundraiser and we raised $4075.21

Respectfully submitted,Morgan Atwater

MSVUSU VP Advocacy

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union


Financial Statements


Current Assets 2016 2015Cash and cash equivalents $154,086 $176,034Accounts receivable 31,348 65,506Inventory 11,313 10,961HST recoverable 2,373 -Prepaids and deposits 21,809 16,699Funds in trust 192,000 194,952Capital Assets 77,329 31,464Total Assets $490,258 $495,616


Accounts payable and accrued Liabilities $58,088$63,299

Harmonized sales tax payable - 153TOTAL $58,088 $63,452


REVENUE 2016 2015Student Union fees $544,146 $549,231Health and dental plan 302,034

350,641Fundraising and grants 42,226 37,861(Advertising, awards banquet, FPC, expenses fundraising, donations made, information desk)TOTAL $888,406 $937,733EXPENSESSubsidy to pub/cornerstore $4,016 $27,149Health and dental plan 286,411

358,172Society subsidies 5,784 3,954Administrative expenditures 501,307 449,747(Amortization, interest and bank charges, membership dues, office, salaries and wages, student services)TOTAL $797,518 $839,022

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union


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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

APPENDIX DGeneral Concerns(Multiple contributors)

Elections: Students should be reimbursed 100% of what they spend on a

campaign, given there is a spending limit of $50-$100. This gives students who are well-off in terms of finances an unfair advantage.

A councillor stood in for a candidate at the all-candidates meeting. Why wasn’t this caught before it happened?

Students have suggested implementing substantive debates during campaign

It is unclear what exactly is considered “MSVUSU branding”. The policies do not accurately define this- can this be clarified, including exact hexadecimal colour codes so candidates do not have to keep changing their poster colours and thereby losing time to campaign?

Election platforms consistently lack substance; make voting difficult A candidate expressed surprise/concern at Accessibility Rep being

open to voting by all members Candidate profiles - each candidate should have equal chance to make

and send profile (seemed to be a problem in this election) The individuals in charge of overseeing the election have to reinforce

the rules more strongly and there should be clear stipulations of penalties for those who do not follow them.

Other: Concerns that NSTU interference by the Education Department

problematic - lack of student advocacy by Union because of this. Incredibly insensitive and poorly executed response by the student

union exec. after the terrorist attack at a Quebec City mosque whereas they did not post anything specifically reaching out to the MSVU Islamic community, mentioning the attack on the Islamic community, nor post anything including an actual Islamic or racialized student in it. How can we expect engagement from certain demographics if they are never given statements of solidarity or reached out to directly? Or if they have been reached out to, why didn’t we know about it?

Council meeting advertising is ineffective Students have expressed that being non-partisan should not be a

priority when making statements on contemporary policy/political issues (e.g. Trump travel ban, Bill 75, etc.)

“Yeah absolutely. The questions with the Wellness Pantry are super concerning too. I know user rates increased last year while I was there but there are always resources to lean on (the faculty association donated monies for feminine hygiene products and we had food for fines in the library year round) but when shortages were brought up to

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union

the university administration it felt like they didn't want to admit that students experience food insecurity and didn't prioritize it.”

“Poster Politics” can be seen as lazy & ineffective/lipservice

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February 28, 2017 Mount Saint Vincent UniversityStudent Union