welcoming words p. 2-3 - american university of central asia orientation week.pdf · welcoming...

Special Issue September 3, 2013 The Independent Student Newspaper Special Issue Welcoming words p. 2-3 Orientation week 2013 p. 4-5 Summer Abroad p. 6 Bard College and AUCA partnership p. 7 #owauca p. 8

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Page 1: Welcoming words p. 2-3 - American University of Central Asia orientation week.pdf · Welcoming words p. 2-3 Orientation week 2013 ... the lyrics to our AUCA theme song ... Ruslan

Special Issue September 3, 2013

The Independent Student Newspaper Special Issue

Welcoming words p. 2-3

Orientation week 2013 p. 4-5

Summer Abroad p. 6

Bard College and AUCA partnership p. 7

#owauca p. 8

Page 2: Welcoming words p. 2-3 - American University of Central Asia orientation week.pdf · Welcoming words p. 2-3 Orientation week 2013 ... the lyrics to our AUCA theme song ... Ruslan

September 3, 2013 Special Issue

Welcome Freshmen. You are beginning a journey along a

path that will take you somewhere that you want to go. Where that path will take you depends on where you want to go and how determined you are. You will need two things for this journey: focus and tenacity.

What if you choose one thing and spend your whole life trying to be the best at it? While most people work in more than one ield in their lives and more than one job, a life of devotion to ‘one thing’ leads to a pur-pose illed life. Think of successful people in history like Albert Einstein. By giving their lives a focus, a center, they deined themselves to the world. We do not think of Albert Einstein as the patent clerk. No, he was a mathematician, who was focusing his energy and attention and inluenced the world.

Focus is not enough. Three other things are needed: tenacity, tenacity, and tenac-ity, sticking to your goals and refusing to give up will carry you through the struggles and disappointments that life throws your way.

With a focus to deine you and tenacity to help, you will have a better chance for success.

Lance Tillman

Dear freshmen,On the behalf of the student’s body we would like to welcome you to our great

AUCA family! University life is one of the most bright time in everybody’s life and we hope that here, at AUCA, you will be able to spend it unforgettably. We surely can say that AUCA is the place where dreams can come true. Graduating from AUCA provides a lot of opportunities, because our alumni are very demanded by many big compa-nies, also, they work all over the world and become very successful. We are glad that you choose to study here. At AUCA you can get the best possible education, realize your potentials and have an amazing student life full of fun, incredible experience and make great friends for the rest of your life.

There are some tips that we want to give you. First of all, don’t be afraid to ask for help with your classes or anything else you need. Everyone will be willing to help you with any kinds of problems. Participate in all kinds of extracurricular activities at AUCA. There are a lot of clubs that you can join and activities you can do to ill your student life with fun memories and helpful experience. Take classes that you are in-terested in and consider opportunity to do minor in preferred ields of study. Try not to fail any classes, otherwise you will have to take summer school or you won’t gradu-ate with your class. Study hard and enjoy your college years.

Have a great journey through all of the 4 years at our alma mater AUCA and make your dreams come true! Welcome and good luck!

Sincerely,Student Senate

ぅ さぇょぇ ゃぇき, おぇお さぇょせのすしは ょけかゅけあょぇくくにき う ゃくけゃぬ くぇえ-

ょっくくにき ょさせいぬはき – ょけぉさけ こけあぇかけゃぇすぬ ゃ ゃぇて くけ-ゃにえ ょけき, ┿〉『┿! ‶けつせゃしすゃせえすっ しゃけぉけょせ くけゃけゅけ こせすう – こせすう しぇきけゃにさぇあっくうは う しぇきけしけゃっさてっく-しすゃけゃぇくうは. ′ぇ ねすけき こせすう くっす きっしすぇ しすさぇたせ – けく せぉうゃぇっす かうつくけしすぬ, くぇ ねすけき こせすう こさぇゃうす かのぉけゃぬ – けくぇ けすおさにゃぇっす ょゃっさう ゃぇてっえ うくょうゃうょせぇかぬくけ-しすう. ╁に せょうゃうすっしぬ すけきせ, おぇお きくけゅけ ゃに きけあっすっ しょっかぇすぬ, ゃに けすおさけっすっ いけかけすにっ さけししにこう しゃけ-うた すぇかぇくすけゃ, ゃに くぇえょひすっ いょっしぬ ょさせいっえ くぇ ゃしの あういくぬ. [うしおせえすっ, ょっかぇえすっ けてうぉおう, しきっっすっしぬ くぇょ くうきう こっさゃにきう, うょうすっ ゃゃっさた, くっ せしすぇゃぇは – う ゃに ぉせょっすっ ゃけいくぇゅさぇあょっくに いぇ しゃけの けすゃぇゅせ う けこすうきういき. ╁しひ ぉせょっす, おぇお くぇょけ, ょぇあっ っしかう ぉせ-ょっす うくぇつっ – ゃに こけえきひすっ ねすせ きせょさけしすぬ, う きけあっす ぉにすぬ, けつっくぬ しおけさけ.

] ゃぇし くぇつうくぇっすしは くけゃにえ せつっぉくにえ ゅけょ – し ゃぇてうた きくけゅけちゃっすくにた そせすぉけかけお う さぇょけしすくにた-さぇしすっさはくくにた-ゃけしたうとひくくにた かうち. ╋くけゅけちゃっすくぇは さぇょせゅぇ そさってきっくけゃ – けぉっとぇくうっ しつぇしすぬは う しうきゃけか さぇいくけけぉさぇいうは. 『っくうすっ ねすせ さぇいくけしすぬ, ちっくうすっ くぇてせ けぉとくけしすぬ – ゃに こけかせつぇっすっ いくぇくうは くっ すけかぬおけ うい «せつっぉくにた きぇすっさうぇかけゃ» (おぇお せくに-かけ いゃせつぇす ねすう しかけゃぇ :), くけ う うい けぉとっくうは ょさせゅ し ょさせゅけき. ╊せつてっっ う しぇきけっ ちっくくけっ, つすけ きけゅせす ょぇすぬ かのょう ょさせゅ ょさせゅせ – ねすけ ょけゃっさうすっかぬくけっ けぉとっくうっ. ╃けゃっさうっ しすけうす くぇ つっしすくけしすう, けすおさにすけしすう, さぇょけしすくけき こさうはすうう ょさせゅけゅけ つっかけゃっおぇ. 』っかけゃっお っしすぬ こけゃけょ ょかは かのぉゃう. People are egoistic, illogical, self-centered and unreasonable. Anyway, love them.

ぁかっけくけさぇ ‶さけはっゃぇ

2 Dear AUCA Students,

I write you a wet greeting, just after my ritual dunking by the freshmen on Body Moving Day. Though soaked, I am very excited about the new academic year, hopefully our last one on Staraya Ploshchad (we’re going to have to change the lyrics to our AUCA theme song again). I’m sure that everyone has had a great summer and that you are all eager to get back to classes, papers, exams and the library (yea, right), hanging out and AUCA free wi-i. I know that you teach-ers and the administration worked hard over the summer to make things bet-ter, sometimes in ways you can see and sometimes in ways you can’t. The 20th anniversary year will be our best one yet and I can’t wait to be part of it!

Andrew Wachtel

To the most intelligent and the best students of the year 2013!

Welcome to AUCA! These walls will be your second home during your next four years. You caught the best chance to study in the great university in Central Asia. Be-lieve me: you won’t be disappointed in your choice. Now the doors of AUCA are always open to you, that means that you can use all opportunities and privileges that AUCA pro-vides. I suggest you to study hard from the very beginning; to follow and be part of all AUCA events, because they will be the only part of your student life that you will remem-ber; sign up for the AUCA clubs, they can show you what talents and desires you have and, inally, always try to do something, no matter if you make it or not, the important thing is to try and if it has to happen, it will happen.

During Orientation week you showed how friendly and talented you are. This week was only the irst step of your great journey. So, keep it up! Join our Unique Spirit of AUCA. All that you will learn here at AUCA will help you in the future, because American University of Central Asia teaches you not only academically but also it teaches you how to use your time properly, how to think critically and how to be democratic and independent.

Be active, creative and positive!Good luck,Sincerely,

Your Student Coordinator Diana Takutdinova

Dear Freshmen!

Be sure that in this university all the people tell the truth. Believe them and be-lieve in yourselves.

Four years in the university is a short life. I wish you to live interesting and fruit-ful life at AUCA. Always remember the words that you can read on my T-shirt.

Yours,Dean of student life

Nikolai Shulgin

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Special Issue September 3, 2013

Dear readers,Welcome

to AUCA for a new academic year!

We hope you enjoyed your sum-mer and ready to work hard.

Right now you are holding a special issue of the New Star newspaper where we included more informative articles. However, in next issues we are going to publish mostly critical articles that will show students’ problems. The main purpose of the newspaper is to be the “voice” of AUCA students and to develop the practical skills of journalism students. The newspaper is ready to cover the most urgent and important issues on campus. The main goal of New Star is to give the opportunity to bring stu-dents’ issues, problems, and opinions to AUCA public sphere and discussion. As we are the students of American University of Central Asia, the newspaper is issued mostly in English, but publishes some material in Russian and Kyrgyz as well.

This decision was made by acting editorial committee to re-establish the student newspaper as true fourth power at AUCA. Actually, all the AUCA students are wel-come to submit their articles to New Star, but the editors always reserve the right to decide whether or not to publish the submitted articles. The articles should be impor-tant and useful for students.

The decision of editorial committee is independent; and we hope to ind an under-standing from authors, whose submissions will not be accepted because they don’t comply with our editorial guidelines. We would like to remind you that New Star is an Independent Student Newspaper! In 2008, The Star was registered in the Ministry of Justice, became Independent and changed its name to New Star.

It does not matter whether or not you are from Journalism department. If you have something to say, just write and send us. You are welcome to join our team!

P.S. We are also on Facebook (New Star page) and on oficial AUCA web-site: in case you missed the last issues! Find us and always be informed!

Contacts: [email protected],

[email protected], room#104

New Star editorial committee

Hey, freshmen!

You have entered AUCA which means that now you are a part of this big family. Here you are free in your choices and interests. Here you can show everyone that you are worth something. Our university is full of resources so you are not limited in your growth.

AUCA is a very special place where people unite and get pleasure from everything. Al-most everyone has probably heard about our unique spirit. This is what distinguishes us from other universities and the Orientation week is what gives all freshmen an opportuni-ty to get into this special atmosphere, feel this unique spirit. We have it among each other and now want to share with you!

So, freshmen, congratulations on your ac-ceptance! You can become anything, go for it! ┿すはすは!

Ruslan AidarovICP 112


So, here we go. The main piece of craziness has ended and now you have completely become

AUCA students.Some of you can expect that it’s all over and everyone should become boring

nerds, but that has nothing to do with the truth. Those of you who think that AUCA will always give you new impressions and keep your life interesting – you are right!

Every single person here, at AUCA, can ind a place where they want to be the most, and I’m really sure that you also will get involved in the process called “life at AUCA”. I remember freshman girls asking me if we have an orchestra here or not. My answer is that if you want to do something that we don’t have by the moment – you go there and do. There will be no limits for your enthusiasm, you want an or-chestra – make it!

I am a junior and soon going to get “retired” for all the fun stuff at AUCA (well, if some people will allow me to get retired (: ), but I hope that a lot of you, freshmen, will rock everything that can be rocked here! I’m really sure you all can.

So, basic recommendations from a junior to all of you, freshmen: never be shy, act as if there’s no tomorrow, take everything from the life here. AUCA sure has things to give; you just have to ind the exact stuff you want.

One thing left to mention: please, don’t forget to study. At least sometimes! Be-lieve me: it’s going to be useful.

Best wishes,Yura Kim

ECO 111

Hey guys!

You are oficially freshmen now! Cheers! I still remember my irst days at AUCA, our cra-zy orientation week, the same days you have had during the past few days. “Sharks” team, water balloons, Grape Ceremony in the court-yard and many-many other things we had. It was one of the strongest positive energy charg-es in my life, and I hope that you felt the same way! Actually, you are going to have much more moments like this, when you feel so posi-tive and excited that nothing else matters!

You should know that AUCA gives plenty of opportunities for personal growth in almost every ield. You have already seen that there are many social events in your schedule like Spirit Week, Diversity week, Club’s Fair, Ini-tiation and many others. Probably most of you are still guessing what these strange names mean, but trust me, you are going to like it! Very often, you will receive emails about various visiting speakers that can share their experience and knowledge. Honestly, most of the time I ignored those emails, but I recommend you participating in it, because it is just another brick for your future success and something new and interesting to learn. Moreover, there are Drama club and KVN teams where you can express yourself on a stage in front of your classmates and friends. Actually, the Drama club has its own story and heritage, and the heritage is students like you, who found themselves on the stage. By the way, there are various volunteering opportunities and clubs where you can commit to the society, meet new people and learn something. There are much more to explore about your university! I hope that you, dear freshmen, will have an amazing time at AUCA! I wish you to suc-ceed in your ield and reach your goals! Always stay positive! Be active, because you are the heart of everything happening at your university. Spend wisely and enjoy every day of your life! Welcome aboard!

Farrukh Abdulkadyrov SFW Alumni 2012

Dear freshmen,

Have you heard about ‘AUCA spirit’ during the Orientation week 2013? It is a mysterious thing. Many students are proud of it, although most have dificulties dein-ing what that ‘spirit’ is. Basically, AUCA spirit is about loving AUCA, seeing it as something more that just a place where you study and feeling strongly connected to the people who share this place with you. But there’s something more about AUCA spirit.

AUCA is a community of free people. The University is not corrupted, well-equipped, provides you with a range of opportunities, so it totally depends on you

(not your teachers, parents or anyone else) whether you will succeed. This is what brings us freedom.

I hope, dear freshmen, that after 2 weeks of sessions you have a strong ‘freedom – responsibility’ association. Spider Man’s uncle said that “with great power comes great responsibility”. Yes, every AUCA student should acknowledge this responsi-bility. I want you to see your being part of AUCA as a privilege, which you can pay off by 1) respecting other people, 2) contributing to the University’s development and doing community service, and 3) working hard on your education and personal growth to become a good professional and a better person in four years.

Following these rules will make your life at AUCA fruitful and enjoyable.I wish you great success in whatever it is you want to succeed in.

Sincerely,Sergei Viatchanin, JMC 110


ROOM #104

Page 4: Welcoming words p. 2-3 - American University of Central Asia orientation week.pdf · Welcoming words p. 2-3 Orientation week 2013 ... the lyrics to our AUCA theme song ... Ruslan

September 3, 2013 Special Issue

T h e r e is always a short way

to ind a classroom or to get to the

food places at AUCA. The better

you know the building, the faster

you get in line for the food! Re-

member how AUCA Graphia game

was going – volunteers prepared

obstacles for you: gym, WC, medical of-

ice, etc. Freshmen did great as teams

following each other and helping to get

through brutal quests of ours! Participation was manda-

tory for all teams, but the Grey team showed the best spirit

and entered CH-1 irst with all treasures with them.


This “Orientation Week” is unique.

It isn’t because AUCA is 20 years old; it is because of

your T-shirts.

Well, I know that all of seniors, juniors and sophomores will kill me, but they envy that you have such remarkable t-shirts. They kept wonder-ing: «Why do they have such cool T-shirts?» Even though the word “KNOWLEGE” printed on the T-shirts misses «D», they envy. Have you noticed it? If not, you did not pay attention to what is written on

your backs (or fronts). Fresh-men, be proud of your T-shirts!

Between sessions, there was a disco party in Bravo. Our crazy danc-ing at irst shocked freshmen, and they were very shy. Randomly, volunteers grabbed some of freshmen and just “forced” them to dance in a circle and freshmen realized how fun it was! We all got stupid and crazy together, having fun and playing around between boring (but very

useful!) classes.

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Special Issue September 3, 2013 5

Marhabat Aisaeva, ICP 113: “I was really afraid

of the people of AUCA, because I’m not used to entering to a new com-munity. On the irst day I saw a lot of vol-unteers and all of them smiled and were ready to help freshmen with everything. Right away, I made a lot of friends from different depart-ments, we all took part

in different interesting competitions that let us know each other better and I think it is one of the best sides of Orientation week. The only think that makes us exhausted at the end of the day is three sessions per day, I wish they were not that long; or the third session might be replaced by playing basketball or tennis outside.”

Julia Komissarova, JMC 113:

“Because of the Ori-entation week I begin to understand what exactly awaits me in my future studying at AUCA: it is freedom of choice, fun, it is a right just to be yourself. I really like the Orientation week program, I really de-light in the different per-formances that volunteers arrange for us, freshmen, I think it is very creative and

cool when during the lunch break somebody turns the music on in the cafeteria and we just can dance and re-joice in it. Most of all I liked our awesome competitions of any kind, which support the team spirit and leader-ship. Also I liked our interesting and useful sessions, es-pecially when we have lessons in the park on the grass. All these things make us closer to AUCA traditions, and the other students, so I am enjoying and feel really ex-cited about our studies at AUCA.”

ShohrukhTojidinov, ECO 113: “Orientation week

has been awesome so far. For now we got used in this atmo-sphere by spending our time with cool and funny students and learned how fantastic the times we will have during our studies at

AUCA will be. I really like our volunteers, who are always ready to help freshmen and organize such funny games and other entertainments. Moreover, having 3 sessions every day with very experienced teacher gives us more passion to prepare for hard working during studying.”

P.S. I think if new academic year will be as good as Orientation week was we have worked not bad.

Material prepared by Zhypar ChotonovaJMC 112

Our Body Moving Day traditionally

started with a Community service com-

petition, in which students had to run

around the park and collect a trash. The

Maroon team was on top and won that

one. Then, Sponge competition in which

the irst place went to the Black team.

How cool it was to play in water while the

weather was killing by its heat! Volunteers

have tricked freshmen when they were do-

ing “Funky Chicken” dance and started

throwing water balls right into the crowd.

“Aaahh!” or “Stooop it!” they kept yelling,

but then, freshmen got the joke and played

all together pouring water on each other and

running around. The pause between tricks

wasn’t big and volunteers did another joke.

They called all freshmen to take a picture in

front of the building and then, from the bal-

cony, they poured even more water. What

a fun to watch!

P.S. We wish you all the best in your new steps. And remember, a little party never killed nobody!

Masha Savelyeva, JMC 112

Anastasiia Laskina, JMC 112

A fresh look on orientation week, from freshmen 2013!

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September 3, 2013 Special Issue

Heey, what’s up guys!My name is Nikita Menshov, I’m an ICP Junior at AUCA. I’m currently in the Philippines – a wonderful country with 7300

islands and beautiful people. Here I’m having a great experience in international theater play Rutual World, consisting of 5 different ac-tors from different parts of the world, where I’m representing Kyr-gyzstan among the USA, Romania, Cameroon and the Philippines.

Since acting is my passion, I was really excited to go to the Phil-ippines when I irst heard about this project. So great that I’m a student of AUCA! This university opens your mind, allowing you to think without borders. Aside of that, it supports initiative and active students, like me ;). I asked to assist me for going to the Philippines, and got support from Student Senate, Drama Club under N.G. Shul-

gin, Student intellectual life committee (SILC) and even our president Andrew Wachtel. The experience that I get is unbelievable. I still can’t realize how valuable it is. Though, I believe that it is just the

beginning of my way for exploring the world, the life and myself. That’s what I wish to every freshman who’s reading this.

Just Do It!Sincerely,

How to ind yourself in Europe?The moment when I decided to connect myself with

AIESEC was life changing. And this is how my story be-gins.

To clarify, AIESEC is a non-governmental organiza-tion that helps students travel all over the world, doing social and professional internships. Google can explain things better than I, but I want you to take a look from inside.

We, interns from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Hungary, Egypt, Mexico, India, Columbia, Ukraine, Mo-rocco, and China came to Krakow, Poland and stayed there for 6 weeks. Our job was to work with kids, teach them our own culture, play with them and make interest-ing sessions. We worked from Monday to Friday, from 10 to 12 and some days from 4 to 6 pm as extra classes. It was a volunteer-based work, and AIESEC provided us with accommodation and one meal per day.

Since we had our living expenses covered, we had some extra money to travel around Central Europe. First was Poland, of course. It is a very nice country where tra-ditions are very similar to East Slavic culture. My irst surprise was when we went to food place and I ordered “Pierogi z owocami” (doesn’t it sound obvious to Russian-speaking people?) expecting to get a PIE with Vegetables.

Well, guess what? It was dumplings (╁┿[╄′╇╉╇!) with fruits and berries! In general, traditional food of Poland is very similar to Russian and Ukrainian: Borsch, Dump-lings, etc. Language sounds similar as well, something between Russian and Ukrainian. And as souvenirs, you can see matryoshkas, colorful scarves, vodka shots glass-es.

Then we went to Prague, Czech Republic, on the weekend. It was full of tourists, especially Russian and Turkish people. Comparing to Poland, it is more expen-sive but still acceptable. Over there we tried traditional street food: sausages and a real Czech beer. As not a beer person I can’t tell if it was good, but friends told me it was VERY nice. But the best thing I have tried in Prague was “Pub Crawl”.

Almost all European countries have “Pub Crawl” the biggest organized party, in which you pay at once and then party for free in many different places with hun-dreds of other people. We started from a local pub and ended up in the biggest club in Europe. Then we saw sun-rise on Karlov’s Bridge and headed back to Krakow.

Our next stop was Vienna, Austria. It’s a very quiet place comparing to Krakow and Prague, where people party all days long. In Vienna, all shops close at 6 pm and after that you cannot buy anything. Even if you could, you would spend a lot because it is expensive over there. Architecture is marvelous and if you are 18 or under, you can get some discounts on visiting the museums and castles. Castles is such a European thing, you can ind at least one in ANY country in Europe.

My next destination was Bratislava, Slovakia. We stopped there only for a day and it was enough. There is not so many things to see and the city reminds of Com-munism times: Soviet Buildings, Monuments. It is very cheap over there, and food is delicious!

My inal stop was Budapest, Hungary. That was the place where I would have stayed longer if I could. Build-ings are very beautiful and there are so much sight-see-

ing. You deinitely need at least 3-5 days to explore it well. The Bus tour that we took included free Hungarian lunch, soup “Goulash”, and free boat tour. We took boat tour at night, and were amazed. The Danube River falls between Buda and Pest separating those parts which are completely different. Buda is on hills and has Buda cas-tle, Citadel and Sandor palace. Pest is more likely to be business part of the city.

Overall, people in Europe are very nice and friendly. They are used to tourists, everyone speaks English and in a lot of places you might hear Russian. Monuments, churches and castles of the era of Kings are “must to see” places. For me the whole trip cost around $3000 includ-ing tickets, entertainments and travelling costs. Now you decide whether you want to see it or not but my advice is DO IT! And do it with AIESEC!

Masha Savelyeva, JMC 112


Nikita MenshovManila, the Philippines.

Rotaract Glorious Summer

Rotaract conference is held every year in order to establish relations between Rota-ract clubs from different countries for the future of some joint projects. This year our country was invited to this Rotaract World Congress for the irst time. In the past our Rotaract club only went to the Asian Con-gress in Turkey. We got invited to a world-class event because a new Rotaract club has been recently established in Osh.

This year the Congress was hosted by Italy. Guests were coming from Europe, America and Asia. There were more than 1,100 participants. Our delegation consist-

ed of Nursultan Anarbekin, Erkeaiym Tazabekova, Erkin Rakhmanov, Altynai Akuno-va, Altynai Segizekova, Manas Suyorov, Zarina Masanova, Ayganysh Kaparova, Ermek Soronbaev, Erkin Karikeev, Dastan Samykbaev, Anastasia Popkova, Akim Yudzhel.

Guys met many professionals and exchanged contacts and experience for future projects. Purposes of the Congress were a) to provide opportunities to acquire addi-tional knowledge and skills for personal and professional development, b) solution of social problems through community service, c) strengthening of friendship and mu-

tual understanding through the international activities and personal contacts with clubs in different countries. Our team spent about ten days in Italy, visited Rome, Florence, Pisa, and Vatican. Then our guys immediately lew to Turkey for the next congress, where our team has received three awards for projects. Among the awards received was a special award from the governor for the district’s most promising and active club. Then, our team received an award for the project Interact they did together

Until last year, despite the fact that the club had existed for ten years, our club had never received awards. Our peers spent their holidays proitably. We wish continuous success to our team, a lot of bright and good projects to win and a lot of positive emo-tions!

Nurlan Asakeev, PSY 113

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Special Issue September 3, 20137

American University of Central Asia has been en-joying the partnership with Bard College for about four years now. The fruitful cooperation between two well-known institutions on different continents revealed a big potential for further development. Numerous edu-cational initiatives, exchange programs, sponsorships, researches, and trainings were conducted, causing a big change in lives and minds of people in both coun-tries: the US and Kyrgyzstan.

Having more than 150 years of experience in the sphere of liberal arts, Bard College has a lot to offer. Young, yet quite distinguished AUCA actively adapts excellent old American practices, learning from its mature partner. At the same time, AUCA introduces Bard College to authentic Central Asian culture, which promises big prospects in near future on the tide of an

overall Asian economic growth.The basis for mutual development is the exchange of knowledge. It is the reason

why Bard and AUCA constantly launch exchange programs for both teaching staff and students. Annually, a number of the most outstanding representatives go to immerse in a totally different atmosphere to learn something new and share this experience back home later on.

Bringing AUCA students and instructors to the old American liberal arts school is

only part of the investments Bard makes. A number of remarkable professors get to visit Kyrgyzstan and either give a few lectures, or sometimes teach even whole semester-long courses. Learning from qualiied professionals, who are also native English speakers, proved to be eficient and enjoy-able for AUCA students.

Sponsorship is another bene-it that AUCA gets from the part-nership. Tight budget of AUCA cannot meet the needs of all its students; therefore, inancial support becomes another impor-tant aspect. Although AUCA is well supported inancially by Open Society Foundation, the need for additional sponsorship appears from time to time, and Bard College usu-ally holds out a helping hand.

In four years AUCA underwent great changes in all its spheres, and the process promises to be even more large-scale. Therefore, Bard-AUCA partnership is to be go-ing on for many more years. Hopefully.

ZhenyaTsoi, JMC 110

Bard College and AUCA partnership

╋っあょせくぇさけょくにえ ょっくぬ きけかけょっあう

╃ゃっくぇょちぇすけゅけ ぇゃゅせしすぇ ゃ いょぇくうう ╋うくうしすっさしすゃぇ すさせょぇ, きうゅさぇちうう う きけかけょっあう ╉[ こさけてかけ こさぇいょくけゃぇくうっ ╋っあょせくぇさけょくけゅけ ょくは きけかけょっあう. ╁ ねすけき ゅけょせ けく ぉにか こけしゃはとひく すっきっ きうゅさぇちうう きけかけょっあう. ¨つっゃうょくけ, つすけ ねすぇ すっきぇ ぇおすせぇかぬくぇ. ‶け しすぇすうしすうおっ, すけかぬおけ いぇ 2010 ゅけょ うい しすさぇくに せったぇかけ ぉけかっっ 25 すにしはつ きけかけょにた かのょっえ ゃ ゃけいさぇしすっ けす 14 ょけ 28 かっす. ╂かぇゃくけえ こさうつうくけえ きうゅさぇちうう はゃかはっすしは ぉっいさぇぉけすうちぇ ゃ ╉にさゅにいしすぇくっ; しさっょう こさけつっゅけ, きくけゅうっ ゃにこせしおくうおう ゃせいけゃ くっ きけゅせす くぇえすう さぇぉけすせ こけ しこっちうぇかぬくけしすう. ╋くけゅうっ しつうすぇのす, つすけ いぇ させぉっあけき うた あょっす かせつてっっ ぉせょせとっっ, くっあっかう ゃ さけょくけえ しすさぇくっ.

╁ けさゅぇくういぇちうう きっさけこさうはすうは こさうくはかう せつぇしすうっ ょけぉさけゃけかぬちに ¨¨′, ╉けさこせし ╋うさぇ ]【┿, ′ぇちうけくぇかぬくけっ ¨ぉとっしすゃけ ╉さぇしくけゅけ ‶けかせきっしはちぇ ╉にさゅにいしおけえ [っしこせぉかうおう (きけかけょっあくぇは けさゅぇくういぇちうは), ┿おぇょっきうつっしおうえ ちっくすさ «╉ぇきおけさょせお», ┿〉『┿ う ╊うゅぇ ╆ぇとうすくうおけゃ ょっすっえ. ′っこけしさっょしすゃっくくけ せつぇしすくうおぇきう しすぇかう ぇおすうゃうしすに きけかけょっあくにた ゅさせここ, ぇ すぇおあっ しすせょっくすに せくうゃっさしうすっすけゃ ゅけさけょぇ, ゃ すけき つうしかっ ┿〉『┿.

╋うくうしすさ すさせょぇ, きうゅさぇちうう う きけかけょっあう ┿かうはしぉっお ┿かにきおせかけゃ しつうすぇっす, つすけ ゃ ぉせょせとっき きけかけょにっ きうゅさぇくすに ゃっさくせすしは し くけゃにきう くぇゃにおぇきう う いくぇくうはきう ゃ ╉にさゅにいしすぇく, つすけ こけきけあっす うき ゃ さっぇかういぇちうう しゃっあうた うょっえ う こかぇくけゃ ゃけ ぉかぇゅけ しすさぇくに. ¨ょくぇおけ ゃ たけょっ けぉしせあょっくうは すっきに きくけゅうっ ぇおすうゃうしすに いぇはゃうかう, つすけ しせとっしすゃせのす ぉけかぬてうっ せゅさけいに, おぇお ょかは しすさぇくに, すぇお う ょかは きけかけょっあう. ¨ょくけえ うい けしくけゃくにた せゅさけい ょかは ゃしっゅけ けぉとっしすゃぇ はゃかはっすしは すけさゅけゃかは かのょぬきう. ‶け ねすけえ すっきっ こさっょしすぇゃうすっかう ╋っあょせくぇさけょくけえ けさゅぇくういぇちうう こけ きうゅさぇちうう ゃ ╉[ こけおぇいぇかう ゃっしぬきぇ うくすっさっしくせの こさっいっくすぇちうの くぇ こけすけかおっ.

‶さぇいょくうお せょぇかしは いぇ しつひす ちぇさうゃてっえ ぇすきけしそっさに ょさせあっかのぉうは う ゃいぇうきけこけくうきぇくうは. ┿〉『┿ しょっかぇか うい きっあょせくぇさけょくけゅけ ょくは きけかけょひあう くっつすけ ぉけかぬてっっ, つっき おけくそっさっくちうの け こさけぉかっきぇた しけゃさっきっくくけゅけ こけおけかっくうは – ぉにか せしすさけっく くぇしすけはとうえ こさぇいょくうお し おけくちっさすけき う せゅけとっくうはきう. ╂けしすう けしすぇかうしぬ ょけゃけかぬくに.

ぁかうくぇ 〈せさぇかにっゃぇ, JMC 112

• More beautiful girls• For JMC guys! You’re the Best! Do Your Best and God will do Your Rest! Best wishes!• ‶けつっきせ ゃ ╉うつうくっすっ う ╀さぇゃけ くっす きぇかっくぬおうた かけあっお?!• Sessions so booooring!• ╃っゃつけくおう そさってう しこけおけえくにっ. ぅ こけしすっかの こっさっょ ゃぇきう くっぉけ, う ゃに ぉせょっすっ たけょうすぬ こけ けぉかぇおぇき :) ′せさうお, ┿さゅっく, ╋っょは• Oleg Black Team, I love you!• Too crazy students.• Crazy volunteers!• IBL 111 – the best! ]ぇきにっ おかぇししくにっ! ╆ぇゃうょせの ゃぇき, ょっすおう!• Julia Komissarova, I love you! You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.• ′せさうお (すぇくちけさ), しこぇしうぉけ すっぉっ. 〈に しぇきにえ かせつてうえ!• Maroon team is the best!!! • Vikulya singer black• 《さってう, せぉうさぇえすっ いぇ しけぉけえ こけしせょせ う こけょくけし! ′せさぉっお• Sanira Black team, I love you• I’m going to Freshmen Party• 『っくに ゃ しすけかけゃけえ ╋╇╃ぇ くうあっ, つっき ゃ ╉うつうくっすっ. ╆ぇょせきぇえすっしぬ!• ┿たきっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっっす!!!

Page 8: Welcoming words p. 2-3 - American University of Central Asia orientation week.pdf · Welcoming words p. 2-3 Orientation week 2013 ... the lyrics to our AUCA theme song ... Ruslan

September 3, 2013 Special Issue8

Отпечатано с готового оригинал-макета Заказчика в типографии

Фонда «Центр поддержки средств массовой информации»,

г. Бишкек, ул. Горького, 1б. тел.: (0312)530000, www.msc.kg.

Тираж: 1000

Наряд-заказ: 2115

Газета зарегистрирована в МЮ КР, Свидетельство № 1449

äÜ£óîó  íçöÜëÜç ïöíöñú Öñ çïñÇÑí ïÜçäíÑíñö ï äÜ£óîóñú ëñÑ.¡Ü¿¿ñÇóó ç


Anastasiia Laskina

Sergei Viatchanin

Diana Takutdinova

Zhenya Tsoi

Masha Savelyeva

Zhypar Chotonova

Nurlan Asakeev

Nikita Menshov

Yura Kim

Ruslan Aidarov

Farrukh Abdulkadyrov

Kyzzhibek Batyrkanova

Tosha Erkinova

Grana Zia

Elina Turalyeva


Sergei Viatchanin

Elina Turalyeva


Diana Takutdinova

Elina Turalyeva

Layout and Design:

Inna Piskareva


Sergei Viatchanin

Benazir Ibraimova

‶ぇさっくひお うい ┿そゅぇくぇ, ╉にさゅにい う ╉うすぇっち –ぁすけ ぁえ ぃ ]う ぁえ!╀っかにえ, つひさくにえ う あひかすにえ – ちゃっすぇ くぇてっえ おけあう –ぁすけ ぁえ ぃ ]う ぁえ!

╁ くぇてっき しっさょちっ おさにかぇきう きぇてっす しうくはは こすうちぇ,╇ かのぉけゃぬ きっあょせ くぇきう こせしすぬ くぇゃっおう こさけょかうすしは.

ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!

╋うかにえ きぇかっくぬおうえ ょゃけさうお う しすぇさぇは こかけとぇょぬ –ぁすけ ぁえ ぃ ]う ぁえ!╃させあっかのぉくにた こけあぇすうえ すひこかにっ させおう –ぁすけ ぁえ ぃ ]う ぁえ!

‶ぇきはすぬ しすぇさにた すさぇょうちうえ う くけゃにっ たさぇきに,]すぇさぇは こかけとぇょぬ, けあうゃかひくくぇは くぇきう.

ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!

╊うおけゃぇくうっ, しかひいに, こけさぇあっくぬは, こけぉっょに –ぁすけ ぁえ ぃ ]う ぁえ!╃け こけしかっょくっえ いゃっいょに けぉしせあょっくぬは, ぉっしっょに –ぁすけ ぁえ ぃ ]う ぁえ!

╃あうこうっえ う こさけぉっえてく, くっゃっいせたぇ う こさせたぇ,┿えさっおし, ]けさけし う 《かねおし う くっきくけあおけ くぇせおぇ…

ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!

【ぇさてっおっっゃぇ, ╉かぇさお,》ぬのゃぇかっさ う 》せさゃうち, ぁくょさの ╁ぇたすっか う ╀させょくにえ, 〈け, つすけ ぉにかけ う ぉせょっす…

╇ ぉっししけくくにっ くけつう,‶けかくにえ ┿〈┿],╉うすぇっち ╁ぇえ-《ぇえ う おけくちっさすに くぇ さぇい!

╆ぇょぇつう, ゃけこさけしに, さってっくぬは, けすゃっすに,]ぇきにっ おさぇしうゃにっ ょっゃせておう こかぇくっすに!

╀さぇゃけ – っしすぬ ぉさぇゃけ, う っしすぬ ╉うすつっくっす,]おぇあうすっ, ゅょっ っしすぬ すけ, つっゅけ せ くぇし くっす?

┿〉『┿ – ねすけ いくぇくぬは う しっさょちぇ しけのい,]かにてうてぬ きせいにおせ ぉさぇすしすゃぇ? ぁすけ ょせてう こけのす,

╁きっしすっ こさけえょっくけ きうくくけっ こけかっ いぇこさっすけゃ,╄しかう きに くっ ゃきっしすっ, くぇし こさけしすけ くっすせ!

¨ すった, おすけ いぇおけくつうか - いぇぉにすぬ くぇき くっかぬいは!╉ぇお ゃぇき ぉっい くぇし - けすいけゃうすっしぬ, ょさせいぬは!

ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!

I was born once in AUK,I was made in AUCA!I was born once in AUK,I was made in AUCA!

ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ,]ょっかぇく は ゃ ぁえ-ぃ-]う-ぁえ!

ぅ さけあょひく おけゅょぇ-すけ ゃ ┿〉╉っ…I was born once in AUK…


〈けかぬおけ くぇしすせこうか せうおねくょ, ぇ せあっ たけつっすしは けぉさぇすくけ ゃ せくうゃっさ) #owauca

ぁすう 5 ょくっえ こさけかっすっかう おぇお けょうく . #owauca#owauca こさけとぇえ, ぉっいょっかぬっteam maroons こっさゃぇは ゃ しけぉうさぇくうう きせしけさぇ!!!

ぅ ゃ てけおっ))) きに きけかけょちに #owaucaせせせせそ, こさけしすけ こけすさはしぇのとうえ ょっくぬ))) こけゅけくは

いぇ きせしけさけき, けぉかうゃぇかおう... しこぇしうぉけ @MyAUCA う ゃしっき ゃけかけくすっさぇき!! ╁に かせつてうっ!! #owauca

]さっょう そさってきっくけゃ こけはゃうかしは ぉせょせとうえ ういけぉさっすぇすっかぬ: けく ういけぉさっか ぇえこぇょ, おけすけさにえ しくうきぇっす 24/7. ╂けゃけさはす, ぉっい くっゅけ ゃけおさせゅ くうつっゅけ くっ ゃうょくけ. #owauca

One doesn’t simply come back home being dry after BODY MOVING Day at AUCA #owauca

ゃにしけた. #owauca‶け ゅけさけょせ ゃうょうてぬ さぇいくけちゃっすくにた

そさってきっくけゃ ┿〉『┿, う ゃ きぇさてさせすおっ ゃしすさっつぇってぬ, ぇ すっこっさぬ ゃにはしくうかけしぬ せ きっくは っしすぬ しけしっょう し ┿〉『┿, きに - しうかぇ #owauca

′っ こけこぇか くぇ #OWAUCA. #deep #depression #lifeispain

しっゅけょくは しけゃっさてうか きうくう-ゅっくょっさくせの さっゃけかのちうの くぇ #owauca う ゃけしこけかぬいけゃぇかしは あっくしおうき すせぇかっすけき.

╋くっ すぇぇお こさうはすくけ, おけゅょぇ くぇき ゅけゃけさはす, つすけ そさってきっくに #owauca かせつてっ う ゃっしっかっっ こさけてかけゅけょくうた :))

¨ぉかうゃぇぇぇぇぇておうううう!!!!! #owauca〉すさけ くぇつうくぇっすしは し くぇょけっょかうゃけゅけ

ぉせょうかぬくうおぇ...#owaucaDance Again!!!#owauca╆ぇゃすさぇ ゃしっ ょさせあくけ こけしすうさぇっき しゃけう

そせすぉけかおう.) #owauca¨けけ, ねすけ こっさゃけっ こさうはすくけっ つせゃしすゃけ, おけゅょぇ

くぇこうしぇか ねししっ) #owaucaしこぇしうぉけ おしすぇすう ゃぇき , ゃけかけくすっさに!) 〈けかぬおけ

ゃに ょっかぇっすっ #owauca すぇおうき けそうゅっくくにき う くっいぇぉにゃぇっきにき :))

╂させぉけしすぬ - ねすけ くっ こけおぇいぇすっかぬ おさせすけしすう - ねすけ こけおぇいぇすっかぬ すけゅけ, つすけ すに くっ せきっってぬ かぇょうすぬ し かのょぬきう. ′っ ゅさせぉうすっ #owauca

a せ おけゅけ くっす かぉぇ, つすけ ょっかぇすぬ? #owauca@imanaliev_d いぇつっき くせあくけ ぉにかけ たけょうすぬ くぇ

orientation week , っしかう きけあくけ ぉにかけ こけしきけすさっすぬ そさってきぇくけお ゃ instagram こけょ たねてすっゅけき #owauca :D

‶けきせつうかう 《さぇくちせいけゃ)) #owauca╋ぇかっくぬおぇは ゃっつっさうくおぇ くうおけゅょぇ くうおけゅけ くっ

せぉぬっす. #owauca╇すけゅう ょくは: ‶さけうゅさぇかう ┿〉『┿ゅさぇそうの,

こけしすぇゃうかう さっおけさょ 3500し いぇ けきかっす))) #owauca #blackteam

′ぇけけけけさぇかしは #owauca╇ すぇき あっ こさけてっか ぇせおちうけく. ╅っかすにっ こけょくはかう

ちっくせ くぇ けきかっす ょけ 3100しけき!! ┿ つっさくにっ おせこうかう いぇ 3500!! ¨╋╊╄〈 ╆┿ 3500 しけき!! #owauca

┿ こけすけき ぉにかう ぉせさくにっ すぇくちに ゃ しすけかけゃけえ!! ╀っしうかうしぬ う こけょこっゃぇかう ゃけ ゃっしぬ ゅけかけし. 〈ぇくちせのす ゃしっ!!#owauca

┿ は せあっ こけかのぉうか しゃけえ せくうゃっさ ) しこぇしうぉけ ゃしっき ゃけかけくすっさぇき いぇ くぇしすさけっくうっ, おけすけさけっ けくう しけいょぇのす :) #owauca

Had an amazing day! Thanks to everybody! #owauca

This is freakin’ Awesome!) #owaucaきに しっさにっ う きに ゃぇし しょっかぇかう!!!! so freaking

cool! #owaucaResponsibility #owauca╉ぇあょにえ ょっくぬ つすけ-すけ くけゃけっ う うくすっさっしくけっ))

#owauca╁っつっさけき こけしかっ #owauca ぉにかけ おさせすけ う ゃっしっかけ!

@wildeville @siregoose @Arnd_Y @_mashmal-low @las_nas @duishenov_s @shabdanov_batyr @Jibe4ka thnx

〈けかぬおけ ゃすけさけえ ょっくぬ, ぇ くぇき せあっ いぇょぇかう くぇこうしぇすぬ ねししっ くぇ ょゃぇ し こけかけゃうくけえ かうしすぇ こけ ╋.╊.╉うくゅせ う ‶かぇすけくせ. ╁けす すぇお ゃけす う あうゃっき #owauca

«‶しうたけかけゅうつっしおうえ っあうお» ねすけ ′╄』〈¨)) #vi-nous #owauca

〈ぇくちっゃぇすぬ ゃ たけかかっ ぇせちぇ ぉにかけ きっゅぇおさせすけ:)) くぇょけ ぉに こけゃすけさうすぬ)) ょぇ ゃけかけくすっさに? :) #owauca

╋っかうし こさけしすけ しせこっさ :D は すぇとせしぬ けす くっゅけ) #owauca

ゃしっ さぇいゅけゃぇさうゃぇのす おぇお きけゅせす :D #owaucaくぇしにとっくくぇは こさけゅさぇききぇ くぇ #owauca つすけ あっ

くぇし あょっす ゃ しっくすはぉさっ?]ょっかぇすぬ すぇくちこけか うい せくうゃっさしうすっすしおけえ

しすけかけゃけえ? ′っす こさけぉかっき! #owaucaOh God ねすけ くぇょけ ゃうょっすぬ, おぇお 2 こぇさくは @

Arnd_Y @siregoose けさせす ゃけ ゃしっ ゅけさかけ: ¨ ╀¨╅╄, ╉┿╉¨╈ ╋〉╅』╇′┿ ゃぇたぇたぇた #owauca

┿〉『┿てくうおう すぇくちせのす かけおすはきう #owauca‶さけてっさしすうか #owauca すゃうすに, ぇ ゃこっつぇすかっくうは

せ そさってっえ けつっくぬ ょぇあっ. ′せ つすけ あ, いぇゃすさぇ っとっ ょっくぬ さぇぉけすに)

╉しすぇすう, こっさっょぇえすっ «つっさくにき» つすけぉに くっ けぉかぇあぇかうしぬ う ゃしった せょっかぇかう. #owauca

First day of my college life)i loved warm and positive atmosphere of Freshmen Orientation Week ! Thanks to @MyAUCA #owauca

‶けつっきせ ゃ ねすけき ゅけょせ せ そさってっえ くぇ #owauca すぇおうっ おかっゃにっ そせすぉけかおう!?! ぅ すけあっ たけつせ!!!

╁しっ しせこっさ. 〉あっ こけかのぉうかぇ ┿〉『┿ :) #owauca¨つっくぬ さぇょ, つすけ は ゃ «つっさくにた» ! 〈せす しゃけは

ぇすきけしそっさぇ)) #owauca╉ぇおけえ あっ くぇ #owauca きせいけく けょくけけぉさぇいくにえ Just hosted my last orientation @myauca yet,

more to come! Dang, I am gonna miss it! #owauca╁しっ けつっくぬ おさせすけ!) #owauca##owauca that welcoming performance was

verryyyy cool! Thank to the volunteers!#owauca that snail thing...was just madnessせ こけかいせつっゅけ しけぉかぇいくうすっかは @RuslanAidarov

ぉけあっしすゃっくくにっ こさはきにっ くけあおう #owaucaくっ けぉけえょっすしは ぉっい けこぇいょにゃぇのとうた しけくくにた

ゃけかけくすっさけゃ #owaucaくうおけゅけ くっ たけすっかう けぉうょっすぬ そさぇいけえ «ぉせょぬすっ

こさけとっ»...ぇ すせす くぇつぇかけしぬ, つすけ すっこっさぬ くっ いぇしくってぬ..#owauca

ゃくうきぇくうっ! いぇおけく ちうおかうつくけしすう: おぇあょけっ しかっょせのとっっ こけおけかっくうっ そさってっえ ょけかあくけ ぉにすぬ こさけとっ おぇあょけゅけ こさっょにょせとっゅけ. #owauca

#occupy #owauca╋に し くぇてうきう ゃけかけくすっさぇきう すぇお しぉかういうかうしぬ:))

つっゅけ すけかぬおけ けょうく ╋っかうし しすけうす)) ゃしのょせ う ゃしっゅょぇ し くぇきう:) ╋っかうし, ┿ょうかぬ, ┿えおぇ ゃに かせつてうっ <3 #owauca

╃け しっえ きけきっくすぇ, おけゅょぇ ょけ きっくは ょけてかけ, つすけ けいくぇつぇっす «ow» , は つうすぇかぇ たってすねゅ #owauca おぇお «¨せせ ┿〉『┿». ‶さうつっき し ゃけしたうとっくうっき. ぅ うょうけす.

╁しっ ゃけかけくすっさに ゃ けょうく ゅけかけし おさうつぇす - «そさってう, こけこさけとっ « . [っぉはすぇ , すけく しぉぇゃぬすっ けお . . #owauca

#owauca - ねすけ くっ すせしくは...しけゃしっき くっ すせしくは....くぇけさぇかぇしぬ しっゅけょくは くぇ しゃけうた そさって-ょっすっえ;

おぇお-すけ しすぇかけ たけさけてけ う こかけたけ けょくけゃさっきっくくけ. ゃうょうきけ こけかのぉうかぇ うた. おぇこっち #owauca

‶けつっき⦆ ゃに ゃにぉさぇかう AUCA? #owaucaおぇお こっさっいくぇおけきうすぬしは し 350 つっかけゃっお いぇ

くっょっかの? けすゃっす #owauca«うううせ ねすう そせすぉけかおう, は ぉせょせ し しけぉけえ くけしうすぬ

う ゃしった けぉきぇくにゃぇすぬ, つすけ けょっくせ っっ こけすけき, けかけかけ は ゅっくうえ.» (し) くぇゅかにえ そさってきっく #owauca

Plagiarism.. #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat #owauca

«1001 しこけしけぉ いぇすっえかうゃけ くけしうすぬ くっいぇすっえかうゃせの そせすぉけかおせ» - しきけすさうすっ くぇ
