welcome travelling to english land rules. abcdefg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 board game

Download Welcome Travelling to English Land Rules. ABCDEFG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Board Game

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Eg. He is playing the piano. He plays piano every day Read and complete. Use Present Simple or Present Progressive Children are at the seaside today. The sun is ___________ (shine). Look! Bob and Wendy __________________ (play) badminton. They ____________ (play) badminton every Sunday. John and Kate ___________________ (make) a sandcastle. John__________ (make) it every summer. Sam ___________________ (read) a book. He _____________ (like) reading interesting books. Check Back Timer 1


Welcome Travelling to English Land Rules ABCDEFG Board Game Eg. He is playing the piano. He plays piano every day Read and complete. Use Present Simple or Present Progressive Children are at the seaside today. The sun is ___________ (shine). Look! Bob and Wendy __________________ (play) badminton. They ____________ (play) badminton every Sunday. John and Kate ___________________ (make) a sandcastle. John__________ (make) it every summer. Sam ___________________ (read) a book. He _____________ (like) reading interesting books. Check Back Timer 1 Describe the picture. Use prepositions of place and there is/ there are. Back Check Timer 2 Look at the pictures. Match the capital cities to the countries The USA Canada The UK Ireland Australia New Zealand The USA Ottawa Washington Canberra Wellington London Dublin Back Check The USA Ottawa The USA Back Ottawa The USA Timer3 What time is it now? Back Check Timer 1 playberide seelistenjump goclimbhave playberide seelistenjump goclimbhave Noughts and crosses Rules BackCheck What must they take with them? Back Check Timer3 What will the weather be like in these cities tomorrow? Note Back Check -What will the weather be in Dublin tomorrow? - Itll be rainy. Eg. He is playing the piano. He plays piano every day Read and complete. Use Present Simple or Present Progressive Children are at the seaside today. The sun is shining. Look! Bob and Wendy are playing badminton. They play badminton every Sunday. John and Kate are making a sandcastle. John makes it every summer. Sam is reading a book. He likes reading interesting books. Describe the picture. Use prepositions of place and there is/ there are. There are two balls under the table. There is a chair next to the table. There is a table between the armchair and the chair. There is a cat next to the armchair. There is a lamp, a vase and a book on the table. There are roller blades on the chair. Canada The UK Ireland Australia New Zealand Washington Canberra Wellington London Dublin Check Back Ottawa The USA Look at the pictures. Match the capital cities to the countries What time is it now? Back It is 1. half past four 2. half past two 3. a quarter to five 4. half past nine 5. two oclock 6. eleven oclock 7. six oclock 8. a quarter past twelve 9. five oclock Noughts and crosses Back played was were rode saw listenedjumped went climbed had Back What must they take with them? sunglasses swimsuit flippers tent boots jeans sleeping bag Note What will the weather be like in these cities tomorrow? -What will the weather be in tomorrow? - London? Itll be cloudy. - Paris? Itll be windy. - Rome? Itll be sunny. - Athens? Itll be hot. - Madrid? Itll be rainy. - Moscow? Itll be cold. Back Rules. Noughts and Crosses ( ). . . . ( > , . Esc) , . . , . . Rules Today we are going to have a Sea Battle. I need two teams ( You will try to guess where the ship of the enemy is. Then you will have the task. If the pupils of the team do the task better, they will have the ship. At the end of the game the team will count the ships and we shall find out who is the winner. Firstly, you should choose your Note . 3 . : What will the weather be like in London? : Itll be cloudy , 3 3 . , . , . Note . 1 . , . Start 2 TIMER Start 3 Start 1 Back .., ., .., . (Spotlight). 4 : : .: Express Publishing : , 169 . .., ., .., . (Spotlight). 4 : .: Express Publishing : , 75 . . . : 5-9 . .: , 144 . https://www.google.ru/search?q=%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1% 82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8&newwindow=1&biw=1920 &bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjpuoHEz7j KAhVHpnIKHZjqATMQ_AUIBygB - https://www.google.ru/search?q=%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1% 82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8&newwindow=1&biw=1920 &bih=955&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjpuoHEz7j KAhVHpnIKHZjqATMQ_AUIBygB