welcome to your english language arts class mrs. tynes’ heroes

Welcome To Your English Language Arts Class MRS. TYNES’ HEROES

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Welcome To Your English Language Arts Class MRS. TYNES’ HEROES

Welcome To Your English Language


Page 2: Welcome To Your English Language Arts Class MRS. TYNES’ HEROES

Success Starts Here!!!

• Respect

• Responsibility

• Realizing Potential

• Receiving Quality Education

• Readiness to Learn

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WHAT is Respect?


• Valuing OthersMaking others feel important Calling names, making obscene Gestures or swearing at someone devaluesthem

• Following Procedures & RulesEven the ones we don’t like

• Being Courteous and Polite Using MannersPlease, Thank You, etc.

• Speaking Kindly to OthersUsing a reasonable tone of voice

• Keeping Hands, Feet, Objects to YourselfThrowing things, hitting or kicking others/things is not respectful

• Always Doing the Right Thing Regardless of the cost to yourself

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WHAT is Responsibility?• Accepting Consequences For Your Actions

Good consequences (rewards)Bad consequences (punishments)

• Being TrustworthyBeing honest

• Being ReliableOthers can count on you

• Doing Your Best Always

• Doing it right the first time (saves everyone time)

• Completing Your WorkNot leaving something undone

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WHAT is Realizing Potential?

• Understanding what you are capable of achieving (doing)

“I can do anything I set my mind to do,” and BELIEVING IT!

• Accomplishing Your GoalsWhat you want to do and doing it

• Personal GrowthIncreasing your knowledge and skillsUsing what you’ve learned in a positive way

• Changing Bad Habits to Good OnesMaking your life a positive force

• Understanding and Appreciating Yourself


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WHAT is Quality Education?• Knowledge that is

RELEVANT to your life Now and in the Future

Learning that is useful to you

• Skills in Proper Language Use

Reading and writing well for different purposes

Speaking well to show your intelligence/share information

Listening well to gain information and show the speaker interest

• Developing Confidence in Yourself

Believing you CAN learn anything!

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WHAT is Readiness To Learn?• Leaving all “outside” business “outside” of school

– You guys know what I’m talking about, so we’re not going there

• Coming to class willing to participate/Motivated to do assignments

• Coming to class alert and awake/Not tired from staying up all night

• Coming to class on time and willing to try new things

• Following Procedures and Rules

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Portfolios• Each of you will have a file folder that will be your Learning Portfolio• A colored file folder with your

name on it

• All your assignments will be in this file

• This is your Show Off file• You will make choices about

what you want to publicly display

• You and I will be the only persons who have access to your file and you will see the learning progress you are making!You will also have a Reader and

Writer Workshop Spiral witha Vocabulary section

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Things You Will Learn…

Proper Grammar UsageYou will learn how to write and speak using correct

verbage, subject/verb agreement, punctuation, etc.

ReadingYou will learn how to analyze and interpret different written textsYou will learn the literary devices authors routinely utilize along with speaker’s voice, syntax, and


VocabularyYou will learn new words and learn to decode words using their suffixes and prefixes, as well as their


You will learn many other lessons relevant to your life as well.

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Procedures & Expectations• After being searched, come directly

into the classroom• Get the morning assignment from the

table and/or Paper, pencils, etc.• Quietly go and sit down in your


GET OUT OF YOUR SEAT!• Seating Chart is by the door

– Keep comments, hands, feet, objects to yourself

– Raise your hand if you have questions• Begin working on the assignments

– Assignments/Goals are posted on whiteboard

– These will be turned in to the appropriate teacher for grading purposes

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Procedures & Expectations• At 8:20, we will say the United States Pledge,

Texas Pledge, and have one minute of silence– We are required by law to do this

– We honor our veterans by participating

• Breakfast will be served before you are dismissed• You will be dismissed to your classes

• Remain seated until your name is called• Walk quietly to your assigned class…Talking in the halls

disturbs other classess


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Mrs. Tynes’ Class RulesYes, we have to have them

While eating breakfast, you may visit APPROPRIATELY with others

Without Getting out of assigned seatSwearing, gang, and drug talk is inappropriateALL Trash must be placed in the trash can. Please walk to the trash can and Place it inside rather than tossing or throwing it.You make the mess, please clean it upWhen everyone is finished eating, we will continue our assignmentsSome assignments will be timedIF SOMETHING ISN’T YOURS, PLEASE ASK THE PERSON BEFORE TOUCHING IT

Some people have difficulties with others touching their food/objects. Please ask before touching.This includes ME! (Germaphobiaor mysophobia if you want the technical term)

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More Class RulesYes, I know, we’re almost done

• Computers may be used with permission Only

• My desk is out of bounds, PERIOD!– Please remain outside my desk

• I need my personal space too

• The area past the cubbies is out of bounds

• I respect you enough to call you by name, I have one too – Please call me Mrs. Tynes. I’m not a

‘miss’ after all, I’m too old… • NONE of us are NIGGAS! We’re

Family!– I LOATHE this word, so please choose

other words, friend is a good substitute

• I DETEST writing referrals…you do the math

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Referrals & After School Detention

I expect all of my students to follow the rules.I will always give you two warnings before I write you up.

However, some behaviors are serious enough to warrant an immediate office referral

The offense determines if it’s ASD or an office referral.I will be as nice as YOU let me.Doing what I ask = No ProblemNOT doing what I ask = ProblemI ABHOR WRITING REFERRALS!

It wastes my time and YOURS!

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You are part of my family!!• What does it mean to be

part of Mrs. Tynes’ family??– It means that I will treat you

with the kindness, dignity, and respect you deserve

– It means that I have very high expectations for your educational and personal success; I want the very best for you that life can offer

– It means that you can always come to me with any problems you may have and we will work together to find solutions

• Basically, you are all MY children while you are here…

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My at home family

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Vicki Jay

Rays of Hope

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Special Guests

Melvin Adams&

Lena Buck

Roberto Flores&

Lena Buck

Melvin Adams and Roberto Flores will both be returning to DDAEP to work with students!

Their backgrounds givethem insight into the daily challenges students face!

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Student Pictures…

• Yes, there will be more!–As soon as I take them…..

–We’ll have another powerpoint about our accomplishments at the end of the year too…

–Ask about the video!You are all my HEROES!

I look forward to another exciting year working with you!