welcome to the world of foresight! -...

Welcome to the World of Foresight! FUTURES invites you to discover the fascinating world of futurists. Through each of the more than 1,000 terms or methods, you will become familiar with the specific jargon of futures studies and will learn how to build desirable, possible, or catastrophic futures. Over the past several years, more than 500 futurists from The Millennium Project network contributed terms and methods used by futures studies, which got organized in this compendium in a friendly way, so that they could become part of your daily vocabulary for sharing dreams and views with other futurists. The Millennium Project Nodes Concepción Olavarrieta Presidenta Nodo Mexicano El Proyecto del Milenio, A.C. Jerome C. Glenn Founder & Executive Director The Millennium Project Theodore J. Gordon Founder & Senior Fellow The Millennium Project D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez Avenida de los Alpes 240, Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11,000, México, D.F. [email protected] and [email protected] ISBN: 978-607-00-4892-0 FUTUROS. Diccionario enciclopédico mundial sobre prospectiva

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Page 1: Welcome to the World of Foresight! - · Welcome to the World of Foresight! FUTURES invites you to discover the fascinating

Welcome to the World of Foresight! FUTURES  invites you  to discover  the  fascinating world of  futurists. Through each of  the more 

than  1,000  terms  or methods,  you will  become  familiar with  the  specific  jargon  of  futures 

studies and will learn how to build desirable, possible, or catastrophic futures. 

Over  the  past  several  years, more  than  500  futurists  from  The Millennium  Project  network 

contributed  terms  and  methods  used  by  futures  studies,  which  got  organized  in  this 

compendium  in  a  friendly way,  so  that  they  could  become  part  of  your  daily  vocabulary  for 

sharing dreams and views with other futurists. 

The Millennium Project Nodes 

Concepción Olavarrieta Presidenta 

Nodo Mexicano El Proyecto del Milenio, A.C. 

Jerome C. Glenn Founder & Executive Director The Millennium Project  Theodore J. Gordon Founder &  Senior Fellow The Millennium Project 


D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez Avenida de los Alpes 240, Colonia Lomas de Chapultepec, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11,000, México, D.F.

[email protected] and [email protected]

ISBN: 978-607-00-4892-0 FUTUROS. Diccionario enciclopédico

mundial sobre prospectiva


Page 2: Welcome to the World of Foresight! - · Welcome to the World of Foresight! FUTURES invites you to discover the fascinating


D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S 

Receive my  special  thanks  all who  participated  and  contributed with  information  and 

advice  in  the  process  of  research  for  FUTURES,  the  first world  foresight  encyclopedic 


My  special  recognition  to  Jerome  C.  Glenn  and  Theodore  J.  Gordon  for  their  valuable 

contributions and continual feedback  and to Elizabeth Florescu, Brock Hinzmann and Helena Von 

Reibnitz for their interest in contributing and reviewing all contents. 

In particular I want to mention the advices and recommendations of the Nodes Chairs and 

Co‐Chairs of the Millennium Project and futurists from around the world amongst which, I should 

mention:    Antonio  Alonso  Concheiro,  Margarita  Arroyo,  Mohsen  Bahrami,  Eleonora 

Barbieri Massini, Clement  Bezold, Peter Bishop, Frank Catanzaro, José Luis Cordeiro, Pilar 

Cortés, Cornelia Dalheim, Arnoldo  José De Hoyos, Gerardo Del Pozzo, Philippe Destatte, 

Roberto Eibenschutz, Nadezhda Gaponenko, John Gottsman, Fabienne Goux‐ Baudiment, 

María  Dolores  Gutiérrez,  Miguel  Ángel  Gutiérrez,  Sirkka  Heinonen,  Hazel  Henderson, 

Mayra  Herrera,  Reyhan  Huseynova,  Michael  Jackson,  Pentti  Malaska,  Barbara  Marx 

Hubbard,  Leopoldo Mendivil,  Javier Millán,  Tomás Miklos,  Lambrina Mileva,    Eduardo 

Quezada, Renat Perelet, Saphia Richou, Armando Soto, Reynaldo Treviño Cisneros, John 

Young, Paul Werbos, Julio Zamora Bátiz, and Ibon Zugasti.   

 A special  thanks  to  John Young  for   proof reading  the   English  text.   The  initial Spanish 

translation was  lead by Ana Verónica Clifford and Omar Mérida. Vania Ruíz checked the 

bibliography.  Rosario Santander contributed the links for quick finding  of  each word or 


The final format was made by Jesus Alberto Velasco Mata,  I’m thankful for his solidarity 

and unconditional support. 



Page 3: Welcome to the World of Foresight! - · Welcome to the World of Foresight! FUTURES invites you to discover the fascinating

D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

List  of  Terms   Access point Act ion Act ion research Act ion sc ience Actor , s takeholder , agent Actor ’s game Actor ’s s t ra teg ies ADL method Agent model qu ick bas ic program Agro-b iotechnology A lgor i thm or a lgor ism A l ien l i fe A l loh is tory A l ternate fu ture A l ternate technology A l ternat ive (opt ion) A l ternat ive deve lopment paths A l ternat ive energy A l ternat ive fu tures

Page 4: Welcome to the World of Foresight! - · Welcome to the World of Foresight! FUTURES invites you to discover the fascinating


D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Alternat ive h is tory A l ternat ive paradigm A l ternat ive technology Ambient In te l l igence Analog Analogy Analys is Analys is o f var iance Animal r ights Anomaly Ant ic ipat ion Ant ic ipat ive Ant ic ipatory act ion learn ing (AAL) Ant ic ipatory democracy Ant ic ipatory po l icy AQAL (Al l quadrants , a l l leve ls ) Archetype Area sampl ing Argument mapping Ar io le Ar l ington impact index

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Art i f ic ia l In te l l igence Ar t i f ic ia l neura l networks Aspi ra t iona l fu tures Aspi ra t ions model Assembl ing a panel Assumpt ion (c r i t ica l assumpt ion , hypothes is , model ) Assumpt ion sur fac ing Asymptot ic At t ractor Audacious goals Autocor re la t ion ana lys is Automata or automaton Autonomus or exc luded var iab les Ava lanche models Averaging methods Backcast ing Backstop technology Ba lanced feedback loop Bandwidth Bar i loche model Bayes theorem

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Bayesians Be l ie f systems Be l l curve Be l lwether Benchmark ing Bequest va lues Beta test B IAS B ib l iometr ics B i furcat ion (s ingular i ty , counter factua l , turn ing point ) B i furcat ions B ig crunch B inomia l theorem B iocentr ism B iodivers i ty B ioeth ics B ioprospect ing B iotechnology B i tmaps B logs Boolean Logic /Boole Technique

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Bootst rapping paradigm Bot tom-up model ing , Bot tom-up ana lys is Bounded ra t iona l i ty Box Jenkins models Bra in t rust Bra in wr i t ing Bra instorming Branching program Business as usual scenar io Business model Business por t fo l io models But ter f ly e f fect Carbon sequest ra t ion Carrying capaci ty Catast rophe theory Causal a t t r ibut ion Causal layered ana lys is Causal loop d iagram (CLD) Causal models Cause and e f fect ana lys is Ce l lu lar automata models

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Chance e lements Change Change agent Change cyc le Change management Chaos analys is use in forecast ing Chaos theory Charre t te C i t i zen congress C i t i zen forum C i t i zen panels ( jur ies) C lean/Cleaner technology C lone/Cloning C losed system C lub of Rome Cocreat ive soc ie ty Cogni t ive b ias Cogni t ive map Cogni t ive sc ience Cohor t Coinc idence

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Co- inc ident ind icator Col lect ive consciousness Col lect ive in te l l igence Col lect ive memory Col lect ive unconscious Common good/Common best Communi tar ian Communi tar ian ism Communi ty Communi ty based process Communi ty buy- in Communi ty in format ion in f rast ructure Communi ty t ransformat ion Compet ing hypotheses Compet i t ive Inte l l igence Complex adapt ive systems Complex i ty Complex i ty manager Computar ium Computat iona l b io logy Computer s imulat ion

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Concept fan Concept map Conduct ion t ime Cone of p laus ib i l i ty Conjecture , hypothes is , assumpt ion Connected ind iv idua l i ty Conscious evolut ion Consciousness Conscious- technology Consensus Consensus democracy Constra ined v is ion Construct ion of meaning Content ana lys is Cont ingent va luat ion Cont inuous var iab les Cont inu i t ies Contro l theory Convergence Convergent Corporate fores ight

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Corporate technology roadmap Corre la t ion Cost -benef i t ana lys is Counter - factua l Counter - in tu i t ive Counter t rend Covar iance ana lys is Creat ive c lass Creat ive knowledge economy Creat ive th ink ing Creat iv i ty Creeping normalcy Cr is is Cr i ter ion Cr i t ica l fu ture s tudies Cr i t ica l path Cr i t ica l system requi rements Cr i t ica l th ink ing Cross impact ana lys is method Cross sect iona l s tudy Cu-b i t

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Cul tura l evolut ion Curve f i t t ing C-va lue paradox Cyber cr ime Cyber cu l ture Cybernet ics Cyberpunk Cyberspace Cyborg Cyc l ica l ana lys is Darw in ism Data ava i lab l i l i ty Data co l lect ion Data min ing Debug Decentra l i za t ion Dec is ion ana lys is Dec is ion matr ix Dec is ion model ing Dec is ion theory Dec is ion t ree

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Decomposi t ion Deconst ruct ion ism Deduct ive prospect ive Deep ecology De lphi method Depending var iab les or resul t var iab les Des i rab le fu tures , pre ferable fu tures Determin ism Devi l ’s advocate Devolut ion D iachronic D iagnosis D iagnost ic reasoning D iagram D ic t ionary: FUTURES Wor ld Fores ight Encyclopedic D ic t ionary. D i f fus ion D ig i ta l d iv ide D ig i ta l networks D imensional ana lys is D i rect consensus democracy D isaggregat ion

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Disconnected var iab les D iscont inu i ty , lack of cont inu i ty D is t r ibut ion D is turbance generator D ivergence mapping D iv inat ion DNA comput ing Double - loop learn ing Dream socie ty Dr ivers Dr iv ing forces Dynamic equi l ibr ium Dynamica l systems models Dynamo Dystopia Ear ly detect ion Ear ly warn ing note Ear ly warn ing system Ear th s tewardship Ecocide Ecologica l footpr in t ana lys is

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Ecologica l /Envi ronmenta l just ice /Ecolo just ice Ecologica l load Ecologica l ly susta inable deve lopment Econometr ics models Economism Ecosphere Ecosystem Ecosystem f ragmentat ion Ecosystem management Eco- ter ror ism Eduta inment E f fect ive connect ions E IES, E lect ronic in format ion exchange system E lect ronic in f rast ructure E lect ronics Emergent phenomenon Emerging issue Emerging Issues Analys is Emerging technology Entropy Envi ronmenta l e th ics

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Envi ronmenta l impact Env i ronmenta l impact assessment Envi ronmenta l scanning Env i ronmenta l secur i ty Ep is teme Epoch A Epoch B Equi l ibr ium models E th ica l d i lemmas E th ica l investment Eva luat ion , assessment Event sequence analys is Events ( fu ture ) Evolut ion Evolut ion (co-evolut ion) Evolut ionary b io logy Evolut ionary deve lopment Evolut ionary models Evolut ionary sp i ra l o f deve lopment Ex is tence va lue Exogenous (var iab les)

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Expectancy Expected ut i l i ty /va lue Exper t choice Exper t forecast ing Exper ts panel Exper ts system Exploratory forecast ing Exploratory fores ight Exploratory fu tures Exploratory methods Exploratory scenar ios Exponent ia l smooth ing Expost Extended benef i t -cost ana lys is Ext rad imensional i ty Ext rapola t ion , pro ject ion Ext rapola t ive methods Ext ropian ism Ext ropy Factor Factor ana lys is

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Fai led s ta tus Fa i lure mode Fata l ism Feedback Feedback loop Fee lys is Femin ine bra in dra in F ibonacci numbers F ie ld anomaly re laxat ion method F i t t ing curve F low Fo lksonomy Force- f ie ld ana lys is Forecast Forecast methods Forecast ing Foreknowledge Fores ight ( fu ture s tudies , futures th ink ing, ant ic ipat ion) Fores ight a t t i tude Fores ight d iamond Fores ight methods

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Fores ight pr inc ip le Fores ight workshops, scenar io breakout groups Forward-stepwise regress ion analys is Four ier ana lys is Fracta ls Frequency d is t r ibut ion Funct iona l equiva lent Future Future course Future generat ions Future h is tory Future image Future landscape Future research Future search conferences Future shock Future s tudies Future survey Futures Futures concepts Futures hor izon

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Futures metaphors Futures methodology Futures research Futures s tudies Futures terms conceptua l map Futures th ink ing Futures var iab les Futures wheel Futures workshop Futures: Wor ld Fores ight Encic lopedic Dic t ionary Futurescan system Futur ib le and fu turable Futur ics Futur ing Futur is t Futuro logy Fuzzy log ic Fuzzy sets Game changer Games Gaming

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Gaussian d is t r ibut ion Gen X Gen Y Gene ch ip Genera l c i rcu la t ion /equi l ibr ium models Generat iona l generat ive d ia logue Gener ic tab le Genet ic engineer ing Genius forecast ing Germ, weak s igna l , shaping factor G lobal 2000 G lobal bra in G loba l dynamics G lobal Marshal l P lan G lobal Mi l lennium Pr ize G lobal Mi l lennium Pr ize for Women G lobal models G lobal problemat ique G lobal resolut ique G loba l warming G loba l ism

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Global iza t ion Gloca l iza t ion Goals Godel ’s incompleteness theorem Gord ian knot Government fores ight Green pol i t ics Greenhouse e f fect Greenhouse gases Group consensus method Group fac i l i ta t ion techniques Group in te l l igence Group th ink Groupware Gut tman sca le Hacker Harmonic osc i l la tor Hedging Heur is t ic Heur is t ic model ing H idden a t t ractor

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Hierarchy H igh impact /Low probabi l i ty H inds ight , h istor ica l v iew, re t rospect ive H is tor ib le H is tor ic ana logy H is tor ic ism Hol ism Hol is t ic Holon Hor izon scanning Hudson Inst i tu te Human development index Human genome pro ject Hypotheses Hypothes is generat ion Hypothet ica l present IB IS , Issue based in format ion system Image of the fu ture Images of the fu ture Imaginat ion Impact factor

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Impact matr ix Impact wheel Impl icate order In -basket exerc ises Incast ing Independent var iab les In -depth in terv iews Ind icator va l idator Ind icator , var iab le , fac tor , metr ic Ind iv idua l aggregates method Ind iv idua l ism Induct ive and ascendant prospect ive Indust r ia l eco logy Industry technology roadmap Iner t ia In ference engine In ference matr ix In f luence d iagram In f luent var iab le In format ics In format ion soc ie ty

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

In format ion war fare In f rast ructure for the fu ture In i t ia l condi t ions Innovat ion Innovat ion ind icators Innovat ion s tage Input -output Input -output model Ins ight Inst inct Inst i tu te for soc ia l invent ions Inst i tu te for the Future Ins t i tut iona l ana lys is Inst i tut iona l ize In tegra l fu tures In tegrated synthes is In tegrat ive methods In teract ive In teract ive fu tures conference In teract ive scenar ios In terax s imulat ion method

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

In terdependence In terest ing fu ture In ternat iona l geosphere-b iosphere programme In terpola t ion In terpreta t ive paradigm In t imate In t r ins ic va lues In tu i t ion I r revers ib i l i t y Isot ropy Issue , key issue , in p lay , s take Issue t rees Issues management I te ra t ion iTh ink J curve Jackkni fe Jerk Judgmenta l bootst rapping Judgmenta l ext rapol ta ion Judgment heur is t ics Judgementa l forecast ing

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Juster sca le Key assumpt ions check Key forces Key measures KJ method KJ technique Knowledge economy Knowledge management Knowledge socie ty Kondrat iev waves or supercyc les KSIM a s imulat ion technique La prospect ive Lag Lagging ind icator Laser technology Latera l th ink ing Law of d imin ish ing/acce lera t ing re turns Lead t ime Leading ind icators Learn ing communi ty Learn ing systems

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Levels theory L i fe cyc le L i fe cyc le ana lys is L iker t sca le L imi t L imi t ing factor L imi ts to growth L inear ext rapola t ion L inear programming L inear re la t ionship L inear systems L i tera ture rev iew Loca l ism Logar i thmic growth Logic Logica l in ference Logis t ic growth Long term Longevi ty methods Loop (computat iona l ) Lorenz a t t ractor

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Macroshi f t Mactor Method MAO. Matr ix actors x ob ject ives Map of the fu ture Mater ia ls sc ience or mater ia ls engineer ing Mathemat ica l model Matr ix methods Media type Median Medi ta t ion Megadivers i ty Megatrend Megatrends Meme, memes or memet ic code Metaphor Metaphor ica l games Metaphorm Methods of exhaust ion Methods tab le MICMAC method Microfutures

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Microscenar ios MID matr ix o f d i rect in f luence MIDI matr ix Mi lestone Mi l lennium Award Mi l lennium Development Goals Mi l lennium Inst i tu te Mi l lennium Pro ject Mi l lennium Pro ject : FUTURES Wor ld Fores ight Encylopedic D ic t ionary Mi l lennium Pro ject Nodes Mind map and Mind mapping Mindset Min imax method or theorem Min i t rends Miss ion Miss ion f low diagrams Mixed fores ight techniques Mode Model Model ing Modern fu tures movement

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Moni tor ing Montecar lo method Moore ’s Law Mora l communi ty Morphogenet ic f ie lds Morphologica l ana lys is Morphologica l box Mul t i -cr i ter ia dec is ion ana lys is Mul t id imensional i ty Mul t i -d isc ip l inary, p lur i -d isc ip l inary Mul t imedia Mul t ip le l inear regress ion Mul t ip le perspect ive method Mul t ip le regress ion ana lys is Mul t ipo l method Mul t ivar iab le ana lys is Mutat ion Myst ica l consciousness Nanobot Nanobot swarm Nanoengineer ing

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Nanopathogen Nanotechnology Narra t ive ana lys is Negat ive feedback Neo-mal thus ian ism Network analys is Networks New wor ld d isorder N ightmare (scenar io ) No surpr ise fu ture Node Nodo Mexicano. E l Proyecto de l Mi len io , A .C. Noise Nominal group technique Nonl inear Non- l inear re la t ionship Nonmathemat ica l model Noosphere Normal iz ing Normat ive Normat ive forecast ing

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ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Normat ive fores ight Normat ive fu tures Normat ive methods Normat ive scenar ios Normat ive s tudies Norms Omega point theory Onto logy Operat iona l fores ight , operat ive fores ight Operat ions research Opin ion pol l ing Opt imism & pess imism Opt imizat ion Organizat iona l s toryte l l ing Osc i l la t ion Outs ide- in th ink ing Oval map Overshoot and co l lapse Ownership (appropr ia t ion , interna l iza t ion , ass imi la t ion , shar ing) Paradigm Paradigm b l indness

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Paradigm shi f t Paradox Para l le l processes Parameter Paranormal phenomena Par t ic ipatory democracy Par t ic ipatory methods Pat tern recogni t ion Per imeter Personal futures PERT Per t inence t ree PEST analys is Phase space Photonics Photovol ta ics Physica l s imulat ion e lements P ic ture o f the fu ture P lan P lan i f ica t ion P lanner

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Planning P lanning act ion P laus ib le fu ture P lur i -d isc ip l inar i ty Po int o f in f lect ion Po isson d is t r ibut ion Po l icy (po l icy space) Po l icy outcomes forecast ing model Po lynomia l - regress ion ana lys is Popula t ion dynamics Posi t ive feedback Poss ib le fu ture Poss ib le fu tures , poss ib le fu ture , a l ternat ive fu ture Post -car tes ian sc ience Post -human Post industr ia l soc ie ty Post -mater ia l ism Post - t rans i t ion Precaut ionary pr inc ip le Precursor Precursor ana lys is

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Precursor events Pred ic t Pred ic t ion Predic t ion markets Pred ic t ive ext rapola t ive methods Preferab le fu ture Pre ference, s ta ted / revea led Premoni t ion Pre-mortem analys is Presage Present iment Pr imary/secondary/ ter t ia ry e f fects 3D Pr in t ing Pr isoner ’s d i lemma Proact ive Probabi l is t ic cross- impact matr ix Probabi l is t ic system dynamics Probabi l i ty ( l ike l ihood) Probabi l i ty d is t r ibut ion Probable , probable fu tures Problem

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ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Problemat ique Problem-or iented ana lys is Process (d isrupt ive process) Process leader Process mapping Process s teer ing commit tee Process /Transformat ive leadersh ip Prognosis Programmed dec is ions s imulat ions Programming/P lanning Progress Pro ject management Pro ject ion Prophecy Pros-cons Prospect theory Prospect ive Prospect ive eva luat ion Protocol Psychodrama Publ ic De lphi

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Publ ic op in ion surveys Purposes of fu ture s tudies Quadrant crunching Qual i ty o f l i fe Qual i ty techniques Quant i ta t ive scenar ios Quant i t ive techniques Quantum comput ing Quantum theory QUEST. Quick env i ronmenta l scanning technique Rand corporat ion Random Random events Random number generators Randomizat ion Range Rat iona l choice theory React iv i ty Reading gr id Rea l t ime Delphi Rebui ld ing c iv i l soc ie ty

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Recurs ion Reduct ion ism Ref raming Regional pro ject , reg ional des ign Regres ion analys is Regula t ion Re inforc ing feedback loop Re levance t ree Re l iab i l i ty Repl icat ion Requi rements ana lys is Res i l ience Resolut ique Resources ana lys is -cha ins of va lue Resources par tners Restorat ive economy Ret roact ion Revers ib le R ights o f proper ty R isk R isk ana lys is

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Risk management R isk soc ie ty Roadmapping Robot Robot ics Robust dec is ion-making Role p lay ing Run char t Rupture , d iscont inu i ty , b reakdown Sa l twater agr icu l ture Sca le , metr ics Scanning Scat ter d iagram Scenar io (s tory , narra t ive , outcome, path) Scenar io archetypes Scenar io , context ana lys is Scenar io leve ls Scenar io matr ix Scenar io p lanning Scenar io technique Scenar io workshops

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Scenar ios Sc ience e th ics Sc ience f ic t ion Sc ience roadmap Sc ient i f ic th ink ing Scoping Search conference Secondary var iab les Secular iza t ion Secur i ty fores ight Se l f a l ter ing Se l f assembly Se l f dest ruct ive prophecy Se l f - fu l f i l ing prophecy Se l f organiz ing Sensors Serv ice Web 3 .0 Sets Shared v is ion Sh i f t ing dominance S igmoid curve / S curve

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Signal s t rength S imulated person S imulat ion S imulat ion gaming S imulat ion model ing S imul taneaous equat ions S ingle - loop learn ing S ingular i ty S is temat ic intu i t ions SMIC method SMIC-Prob-exper t method Smooth ing Socia l change Soc ia l cyc le theory Socia l imaging Soc ia l innovat ion Socia l network analys is Soc ia l reproduct ion Socia l synergy Soc ia l t ransformat ion Soc ia l i za t ion

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Socie ta l va lues / ind icators SOF, Sta te o f the fu ture repor t SOFI , S ta te o f the fu ture index So lut ion e f fect ana lys is Space explorat ion Space technology Spaceship ear th Space- t ime cont inuum Space- t ime model Spac ia l d imension Spher ic v is ion Sp i ra l dynamics Spontanei ty S take var iab les S takeholder S takeholder panels S tarburst ing Star logo S tar ter scenar ios S tas is S ta te o f the fu ture index

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Stat is t ica l ana lys is S ta t is t ica l methods Sta t is t ica l model ing STEEP, Socie ty, Technology, Economy, Envi ronment , Pol icy S te l la I I S tem ce l ls Stewardship e th ics Stock St range a t t ractor S t ra teg ic ana lys is S t ra teg ic ana lys is gr id S t ra teg ic and proact ive leadersh ip S t ra teg ic and Tact ics St ra teg ic business areas S t ra teg ic business deve lopment S t ra teg ic fores ight S t ra teg ic fores ight , s t rateg ic p lanning St ra teg ic in f lect ion point S t ra teg ic management S t ra teg ic p lanning S t ra teg ic po l icy in te l l igence , reg ional in te l l igence

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Strateg ic prospect ive S t ra teg ic s tudies S t ra teg ic th ink ing S t ra teg ies St ra tegy St rength ana lys is S t ructura l ana lys is S t ructured debate S tudy, repor t Subject ive , judgementa l or in tu i t ive methods Sub-opt imizat ion Subst i tu t ion ana lys is Sugarspace Suprasex Survey Survey le t ter , watch- le t ter , newsle t ter Survey technique Susta inabi l i ty Susta inable deve lopment Susta inable deve lopment pr inc ip le Susta inable technologies

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Swarm in te l l igence SWOT ana lys is Sylorgs Symborgs Synchronic i ty Syncret ism Synect ics Synergest ic convergence Synergy Synocracy Synopsis Synopth ic path Synthes is Syntony Synt ropy System Systems d inamics System sc iences Systemic Systemic dynamics Systemic methods

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Systemic process Systems ana lys is Systems fores ight , systems th ink ing, ho l is t ic perspect ive Systems theory Systems th ink ing Table o f actor ’s s t ra teg ies Tact ic Taxonomy Tech-cast Technoborgs Technologica l determin ism Technologica l forecast ing Technology acceptance model Technology assessment Technology dr ivers Technology forecast ing Technology fores ight Technology management Technology p lanning Technology roadmapping Technology sequence ana lys is

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Tei lhard de Chard in Te lesthes ia Template Tempora l concept ions Tempora l hor izon Termina l scenar io Text data min ing The Futures Polygon Theorem Th ink tank Threshold Thurstone sca le T ime capsule T ime f rame T ime f rames T ime hor izon (event hor izon, t imeframe) T ime lag T ime ser ies T ime ser ies ana lys is T imel ine TKJ

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ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

To ant ic ipate Top-down process Transdisc ip l inar i ty Transhuman Transhumanism Transinst i tu t ion Tree of knowledge (TOK) Trend Trend analys is Trend assessment Trend ext rapola t ion Trend impact ana lys is TRIZ Trust in terva l or cer ta inty (accuracy) in terva l Turbulence Tur ing test Ubiqui tous comput ing U l t imate a ims Uncer ta in Uncer ta in ty Uncer ta in ty pr inc ip le

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta Rodríguez FUTURES.World Foresight Encyclopedic Dictionary ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6 

Universa l Dec lara t ion of Human Rights Universa l humani ty Unknown Uplearn ing Ut i l i ta r ian Ut i l i ta r ian ism Utopia Va l idat ion Va l idaty Va lue Va lue of var iab le Va lue theory Va lues Vantage point Var iab le Var iab les Var iance Var iance ana lys is Var ia t ion Vector Ver t ica l leve ls

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D.R. © Ma. Concepción Olavarrieta RodríguezFUTURES.World ForesightEncyclopedic Dictionary

ISBN: 978‐607‐00‐4986‐6

Vir tua l rea l i ty V is ion V is ion in fu tures V is ion ing, Image V isua l ise V isua l iza t ion V isua l iz ing Vo ice (speech) recogni t ion Vo la t i l i ty Weak s ignals , seeds of change Weapons of mass dest ruct ion Web Webs and networks What I f? Whi te holes Wi ld card Wi ld cards Wind tunnel l ing Wired Wise cu l ture Work ing group

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World Future Socie ty Wor ld Futures Studies Federat ion Wor ldv iew Wor ldv iew assumpt ions Wor ldwatch Inst i tu te Young Science