welcome to the hyster training knowledge...

1 Welcome to the Hyster Training Knowledge Center Welcome to the Training Knowledge Center 1. TKC Overview 1 2. User’s Guide 3 3. Manager’s Guide 7 4. Frequently Asked Questions 14 5. TKC Issues and Comments 19 1. TKC Overview Figure 1 The Training Knowledge Center (TKC) is the Hyster online Sales and Technical Learning Management System. Its purpose is to manage Hyster online and instructor- led training contents. Users of the TKC can participate in online courses, and complete certification exams that lead to CERTECH and CERTRACX certification status.

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Welcome to the Hyster Training Knowledge Center

Welcome to the Training Knowledge Center 1. TKC Overview 1 2. User’s Guide 3 3. Manager’s Guide 7 4. Frequently Asked Questions 14 5. TKC Issues and Comments 19

1. TKC Overview

Figure 1 The Training Knowledge Center (TKC) is the Hyster online Sales and Technical Learning Management System. Its purpose is to manage Hyster online and instructor- led training contents. Users of the TKC can participate in online courses, and complete certification exams that lead to CERTECH and CERTRACX certification status.


We recommend that you print this guide and follow the instructions with the TKC open.

Figure 2 Figure 3

Once enrolled, users have access to Catalogs, CERTECH and CERTRACX information, Training Records, and Certifications from their TKC Home Page (Figure 2). Users can view their Current Learning Modules, Pending Enrollments, and their Records/Transcript by mousing over the Training Records tab at the top of their Home Page (Figure 3). We recommend that you explore these areas before progressing.

Managers have additional navigation links (Dashboard, Manage, and Review) on their Home Page that allow them to track the progress of each of their registered staff members and assess their staff’s participation through site-generated reports.

Managers also have the ability to assign learning modules to registered staff members and review transcripts and learning records of each staff person through the TKC (Figure 4).

Figure 4

For additional information on how to use these features, please refer to the Manager’s Guide on Page 7 of this document.


2. User’s Guide

Follow these steps to enroll in a Certification Path: 1. From your Home Page, mouse over the Certifications menu link. Click on the

Certification Path Link. a. The Certifications page comes up. If you already enrolled in a learning

path(s), it will be shown here. 2. Click on the Certification Path tab on the page (Figure 5). 3. Click on the Certification Path button at the bottom of the page.

a. A listing of available certification paths will display (Figure 6). You can select CERTECH or CERTRACX from the dropdown menu to shorten the displayed list (Figure 7).

4. Scroll to the path you want to begin and click on the Select icon on the right- hand side of the page (Figure 8).

Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 7 Figure 8


Once a Certification Path is assigned, mouse over the Certifications menu link and click on the Learning Path link (Figure 9 next page) to begin your study of the modules associated with the selected Learning Path.

Figure 9 Your Learning Path(s) may be expanded and collapsed to suit your viewing preferences. Clicking on the arrow icons will allow you to control the display (Figures 10 and 11). In cases where paths contain a larger number of modules, you will also need to use the scroll bars (Figure 12).

Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12


Follow these steps to complete a Learning Path: 1. From the top Certifications menu, click on the Learning Path link.

a. Any Learning Paths assigned to you will be displayed. b. To begin the Learning Path, click on any of the modules or programs listed

(Figure 13).The gray and peach boxes are inactive. The pink boxes contain active links to the enrollment process. The user must click on the actual text in the box to activate the process.

2. Once you click on a module or program, you will need to follow the “on screen” prompts to enroll in the module (Figure 14).

3. Once enrolled, to launch a module, click on it from within the Learning Path (Figure 15) and then click on the module name on the returned page (Figure 16).

Figure 13 Figure 14

Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 There are two ways to track your progress through the certification path.

1. As you enroll in the modules, the module box in your path will change from red to yellow to show the module is in progress (This action will occur as you refresh the page).

2. As you complete modules, the box will change to green. There is a legend at the top of the page showing the color scheme (Figure 17).


Additionally, you can track your progress from your Home Page in the Certification Status box. As you complete each module, the percentage will change (Figure 18).

Figure 18

Every time you log into the TKC, your current certification status will be displayed.

Catalog Search You can enroll in the learning modules through the Catalog menu link (Figure 19) at the top of the page. This should only be used for modules not currently located in a certification path.

1. M o u s e o v e r the Catalog menu link. You will see three options: a. Find a Learning Item – search by Keyword or use Advanced Search for more

options. b. Catalog Search – click on Catalog and then on the desired sub-catalog; click

on desired course and follow the prompts to enroll. c. Course Calendar – shows the scheduled technical Train-the-Trainer sessions.

Figure 19


3. Manager’s Guide


In addition to having the same functionality as a user, the person listed as a Manager has three additional buttons on their TKC Home Page; “Dashboard”, “Review” and “Manage”.


The dashboard gives you the ability to see the following four items that are critical to your dealership:

• # of CERTECH Certified Employees • # of Product Certifications • # of In-Process Certifications • # of Users Not Actively Using the TKC

Once you enter the Dashboard area you are immediately given high level charts that you can use to drill down even further for more detailed information. Let’s drill down the # of ProTech Certified.

Below is the main page within the Dashboard (Figure 20).

Click this chart

Figure 20


Clicking the # of CERTECH Certified gives you the below chart (Figure 21). From here you have the ability to select a particular certification from a certain Dealer location.

Figure 21


Clicking either of the above options will give you a listing of who currently has been awarded the selected certification.

Once you have chosen your Certification level and Dealer location you can dive even further and receive a listing of who currently has been awarded the certifications and when they received them by clicking either of the below items (Figure 22).

Click one of the columns

Or Click one of the certifications

Figure 22

Clicking either of the above options will give you a listing of who currently has been awarded the selected certification (Figure 23).

Figure 22


Review Menu

When you mouse over the Review menu link, you will see several options that allow you to review your users’ training progress (Figure 24). You have the ability to approve participant enrollment in classroom sessions and review an individual learner’s status. Depending on your management level, you may also have the ability to look at other branches within your organization.

Figure 24

Enrollment Approval (currently NOT in Use)

This tab allows TKC Supervisors to approve or deny enrollment requests. When an individual user enrolls in a program that requires approval, the TKC Supervisor will be sent a system generated e-mail notifying them of a pending request.

By selecting Approve or Deny, the TKC will update the requester status to “enrolled” or “withdrawn” and the requester will receive a system generated e-mail notifying them of their changed status (Figure 25).

Figure 25

Direct Appraiser Review When you click on the Direct Appraiser Review link, you will see a list of the personnel who have you assigned as their TKC Manager in their MHC profiles.


Select your desired user and click on the Career Development Center link (Figure 26). The Career Development Center consists of several tabs: Enrolled

Learning Modules, Records/Transcripts, Assign Learning Module, Learning Reports (Figure 26), and Certifications (Figures 27, 28 and 29, 30, 31 & 32 next page).

1. The Enrolled Learning Modules identifies any programs in the learners transcript that are in process or have not been started.

2. The Records/Transcript page displays completed modules and the associated score.

3. The Assign Learning Module tab allows you to search the catalog and assign modules to the user. This option should only be used for those modules not included in certification paths.

4. The Learning Reports tab allows you to generate system reports.

5. The Certifications tab opens up an additional tab selection. They are: Summary, Certification Paths, Certifications Awarded, Training Plan and Learning Path (Figures 27 and 28, 29, 30, 31 & 32 next pages).

Figure 26 Figure 27


The Summary tab shows Assigned Certification Paths. This is a historical view of all paths the user has been assigned, regardless of whether In Process or Completed. Certifications Awarded shows what the user has achieved to date. (Figure 29)

Figure 28

The Certification Paths tab brings up a list of the certification paths your user has already been enrolled in.

Clicking the Certification Path button allows you to assign new paths to your user. Path assignment for them will work the same as you assigning a path to yourself (Figure 29). The process is the same as described on Page 3 of this document.

Figure 29

The Certifications Awarded tab will show each certification the user has achieved, along with the date it was awarded.

If desired, you may print the certifications by clicking the Print button to the right side of the certification (Figure 30).

Figure 30


The Training Plan tab allows you to suggest specific training for a user (Figure 31).

Your input will not be added to existing learning paths, but will be available as an additional path on the user’s learning path page.

Figure 31

The Learning Path tab will show you the user’s learning path. It will appear exactly as the user sees it (Figure 32).

By clicking on individual blocks within the path(s) you will have the option to view transcript details such as the date the user enrolled in it, launch history, and quiz scores.

Figure 32


4. Frequently Asked Questions

CERTECH Technician Certification Program

Q: What is CERTECH? A: The Hyster CERTECH technician certification program will assist all Yale dealers with

the training of their technicians to a uniform level of skill and ability. While many Yale dealers have comprehensive in-house technician training, CERTECH will help assure all Hyster dealers and customers that they can rely on a high level of ability and knowledge from each Hyster service technician. Yale dealers can also utilize CERTECH as a marketing tool to differentiate their dealership from their competitors.

Q: How do I get started? A: Enrollment in the program requires access to the Training Knowledge Center, more

commonly referred to as the TKC. The TKC is housed on the dealer web site (materialshandlingcentral.com). You can get to the TKC by logging onto the dealer web site and clicking on the Yale Training Knowledge Center button on the right-hand side of the page. If you receive a message indicating “You do not have permission to this Application…”, talk with your dealer’s MHC IT Security Administrator and ask that you be activated for this web site function.

Q: What is the certification process? A: From your TKC Home page, mouse over the Certifications link on the top menu. Then

click the Certification Path link. Click on the Certification Path button at the bottom of the page and select the path you would like to enroll in. To get to your Learning Path page, mouse over the Certifications link on the top menu and select Learning Path and complete the online modules. Once you have completed the online modules, attend the instructor led workshop, and take the certification exam.

Q: Will I still use the catalog to select classes? A: You can always add courses to your learning path by selecting them from the catalog.

Managers can also add courses to an employee’s learning path via the catalog.

Q: What types of questions are on the exam? A: The exams consist of multiple choice and True/False questions.

Q: Can I review certification questions once submitted? A: You will not be allowed to review questions once your exam is submitted for grading. You

can, however, review test questions prior to submitting your exam.

Q: Are written exams accepted? A: All certification exams must be submitted electronically through the TKC.

Q: If I fail a certification exam, when can I re-test? A: If you fail a certification exam, you will not be allowed to re-test for 5 days. During this time

you should review materials to study for your next attempt.


Q: What is the re-certification requirement? A: Once you’ve completed learning paths that have resulted in achieving Certified Service,

Master or Elite status, the requirement to maintain that status is to keep up with new technology and products. You will be given 12 months from the release of the new technology or product to complete the training requirement.

Q: Where do I find certification support materials? A: Online certification modules are available on the TKC. Instructor led workshops may be

conducted at your dealership by your dealer’s trainer or a factory trainer. Your dealer may also choose to have you attend a factory sponsored workshop if applicable.

Q: What incentive do I have to get certified? A: Certification presents technicians a chance to prove to themselves, their employers, and

their customers that they can excel on tough competency exams. It offers the technician recognition by peers and employers and can lead to job advancement as well as showing the customer your commitment to service excellence. NMHG will also provide an incentive for each level a technician completes. Incentive packages will be mailed to your dealership within a few weeks after you achieve each of the Maintenance, Service, Master, and Elite certifications.

Q: Can I purchase additional certification items? A: Once certified, you can purchase additional certification items, such as patches, T-shirts,

golf shirts, jackets, ball caps and other items displaying certification through the brand web site.


CERTRACX Sales Certification Program What is CERTRACX?

CERTRACX is a comprehensive Sales Certification program that consists of the following components: Truck Sales Certification, Aftermarket Sales Certification and Industry Exploration. These self- paced sales programs cover key areas of learning such as Yale truck and Aftermarket product knowledge, financial selling skills, general industry knowledge and more specific information about industries that are targeted for materials handling sales.

While most of the program is completed online, there are some associated workshops that will be conducted at your facility or at a nearby dealer site. One in particular is the Sales & Product Workshop. The goal of this interactive workshop is to equip a sales person with the selling skills required to recognize and evaluate customer needs and to offer solutions that are meaningful and appropriate for a customer’s application. Hands-on product training on Class I – V trucks is integrated with supporting Hyster programs including financial merchandising, national accounts, fleet management, Aftermarket and more.

How do I get started?

Each component of CERTRACX has its own enrollment procedure. The Truck Sales Certification, Aftermarket Sales Certification and Industry Exploration programs require access to the Training Knowledge Center, more commonly referred to as the TKC. The TKC is housed on the dealer portal. You can get to the TKC by logging onto the dealer portal and clicking on the Training Knowledge Center button that resides on the right hand side of the portal home page. Access to the TKC requires no special logon or password. However, if you receive a message indicating that you do not have rights to the TKC, please contact your dealer’s IT Security Administrator.

All certifications that reside on the TKC require a Learning Path. To earn certification credit, all modules must then be accessed through the Learning Path. To create your Learning Path, follow the instructions as outlined on page 3 of this Users’ Guide or watch the Learning Path Street Smartz video which is located in the News section on the right side of the TKC Home Page.

For the instructor-led, Sales & Product Workshop, Sales Training covers the cost for sending a facilitator to your dealership location. Your dealership provides the participants, classroom space and trucks. W orkshop arrangements can be made by contacting Bill Bradford at 252-378-8049 (cell), 252- 561-7099 (office) or by email at [email protected].

How does the CERTRACX Truck Sales Certification work?

The CERTRACX Truck Sales Certification is laid out in an easy-to-follow Learning Path. There are four Competency Stages you must complete to earn the designation of Certified Hyster Truck Sales Consultant.

What are the Four Competency Stages of the CERTRACX Truck Sales Certification program?

Stage 1: The Introductory Stage is the foundation for the CERTRACX Truck Sales Certification program. Comprised of online training modules and quizzes, this certification stage provides sales people with an introduction to professional sales skills, Hyster product awareness and industry knowledge necessary to build both credibility and confidence.


Stage 2: The Core Stage is a series of online training modules and quizzes that concentrate on four critical product areas:

1) Truck Systems & Fundamentals 2) Rider Models (Classes I, IV & V) 3) W arehouse Models (Classes II & III) 4) Competitive Models (Classes I – V)

Stage 3: The Financial Specialization Stage targets topics such as Packages & Bundles and the principles of financial merchandising.

Stage 4: The Value Selling Stage is a series of online modules that focus on handling objections, improving presentation skills, and employing a variety of sales tools designed to increase closure rate.

Do I have to take the modules in any particular order?

YES. This program guides you through an easy-to-follow Learning Path. After you have enrolled in your Learning Path (see the Page 3 of this document of watch the Learning Path Street Smartz video linked on the right side of the TKC Home Page), you must begin the program by completing the module, titled, Hyster Orientation. To enroll in this module, be sure to click the text that appears in the appropriate Learning Path box and follow the enrollment instructions. The Hyster Orientation module gives you a complete overview of the modules that appear in the Introductory Stage and will acquaint you with the look and feel of all other modules.

Once you have finished the Hyster Orientation module, return to the Learning Path and click on the New Hire box. To accurately enroll in all 28 of the modules displayed in this particular category, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Enroll button. In addition to the online modules, this portion of the program features a downloadable workbook and recommended coaching sessions. (More information about the workbook and coaching sessions appears in the initial Hyster Orientation module that you will have already completed in order to begin the entire CERTRACX Truck Sales Certification process.)

Where do I go after I complete the Introductory Stage?

Upon successful completion of Stage 1, you can proceed to The Core Stage. You must work your way through all four components of this Stage in the order in which they appear in your Learning Path. You will begin with Truck Systems & Fundamentals, and then move through the Rider Models, W arehouse Models and finally, the Competitive Models. You must complete all online modules that appear in each of these components with one exception. For the Competitive Models, you need only complete two of the modules in order to close out Stage 2 of the program.

Do I have to finish Stage 2 before I can enroll in Stages 3 and 4?

NO. The Financial Stage and Value Selling Stage can be taken in conjunction with the Core Stage. Keep in mind that you are restricted from accessing Stages 2, 3 or 4 of the program until you have fully completed the Introductory Stage.

How will I know when I have completed the CERTRACX Truck Sales Certification program?

After you have completed all required online modules listed in Stages 1 through 4, you will receive an email notifying you that you have successfully achieved the status of Certified Hyster Truck Sales Consultant. The email will also explain how to print your certificate. Shortly after receiving the email, you will receive a special package containing a congratulatory gift in honor of your achievement.


How does the CERTRACX Aftermarket Sales Certification work? The CERTRACX Aftermarket Sales Certification is designed to increase the knowledge of Yale Aftermarket products, Truck Systems & Fundamentals, the basics of industry applications and selling skills. There is only one pre-requisite module in the Aftermarket program – the Aftermarket Sales Introduction. Completion of this module allows participants to access any other program modules in any desired order.

How do I get started?

The CERTRACX Aftermarket Sales Certification program requires access to the Training Knowledge Center, more commonly referred to as the TKC. The TKC is housed on the dealer portal. You can get to the TKC by logging onto the dealer portal and clicking on the Training Knowledge Center button that resides on the right hand side of the portal home page. Access to the TKC requires no special logon or password. However, if you receive a message indicating that you do not have rights to the TKC, please contact your dealer’s IT Security Administrator.

All certifications that reside on the TKC require a Learning Path. To create your Learning Path, follow the instructions as outlined on page 3 of this Users’ Guide or watch the Learning Path Street Smartz video which is located in the News section on the right side of the TKC Home Page.

How will I know when I have completed the CERTRACX Aftermarket Sales Certification program?

After you have completed all online modules, you will receive an email notifying you that you have successfully achieved the status of Certified Hyster Aftermarket Sales Consultant. The email will also explain how to print your certificate. Shortly after receiving the email, you will receive a special package containing a congratulatory gift in honor of your achievement.

How does the CERTRACX Industry Exploration program work?

The CERTRACX Industry Exploration program provides an in-depth look into a variety of industries identified as key targets for materials handling sales. This certification program provides direct access to relevant data about your customer’s industry, helping you establish greater credibility and increase your chances for forklift sales. The program is comprised of separate industry tracks that focus on four critical areas: supply chain dynamics; industry overview; applications, and, best practices. In order to enroll in the Industry Exploration certification program, you must first complete the online Truck Sales Certification program.

How do I get started?

The CERTRACX Industry Exploration Certification program requires access to the Training Knowledge Center, more commonly referred to as the TKC. The TKC is housed on the dealer portal. You can get to the TKC by logging onto the dealer portal and clicking on the Training Knowledge Center button that resides on the right hand side of the portal home page. Access to the TKC requires no special logon or password. However, if you receive a message indicating that you do not have rights to the TKC, please contact your dealer’s IT Security Administrator.

All certifications that reside on the TKC require a Learning Path. To create your Learning Path, follow the instructions as outlined on page 3 of this Users’ Guide or watch the Learning Path Street Smartz video which is located in the Links section on the right side of the TKC Home Page. W hile you have the ability at any time to create a Learning Path for the CERTRACX Industry Exploration program, keep in mind that you will not be able to begin this certification until you have fully satisfied all requirements of the CERTRACX Truck Sales Certification program.


How will I know when I have completed the CERTRACX Industry Exploration program? Each of the industries listed in the CERTRACX Industry Exploration program are classified as independent industry certifications. Upon full completion of all the modules listed in a single industry path, you will be awarded the status of Certified Industry Specialist for that particular industry. You will receive an email notification for each industry certification you complete with an explanation on how to print your certificate. Shortly after receiving the email, you will receive a special package containing a congratulatory gift for each of your achievements.

After I complete the CERTRACX Certification programs can I review any of

the modules? YES. Although your Learning Path will disappear once you have completed each of the Certifications, you can still review the modules that you have taken. And, you will not be required to re-take any of the quizzes.

Step 1: At the TKC home page, click on the tab, titled, Records/Transcript. W here you see on the page the option to Show Learning Items for the past 12 months, click on the drop down menu, select ALL, and then select GO. This will refresh your entire Transcript. Pick any module you’d like to review and click on the title of that module.

Step 2: On the page that displays, you’ll see the category of Overall Status under the header of Details. Click on the word, REOPEN. A pop-up note will tell you that you can now access the module from your current learning modules list. Click OK to close out this message and then click HOME in the upper menu bar. The Current Learning Modules tab resides next to the News tab on the Home page. Click on the Current Learning Modules tab. Click on the title of the module that you want to review to access the module’s Quick Start button.

Step 3: If you decide after reviewing the module that you don’t want to keep this module active in your Current Learning Modules area, click on the title of the module and you will see the phrase, Click here to remove this course from your home page active courses listing. The word, here, is actually a hyperlink that will remove the module from your current listing. When you refresh the screen, the module will no longer be among those listed in your Current Learning Modules area.

Step 4: If you change your mind at a later date and want to review the module, again, just follow the procedure above. There are no limits to how many times you can reopen and remove a module from your Current Learning Modules area.

5. TKC Issues and Comments

We welcome any and all comments concerning the TKC. It is you, as the users of the TKC, that guide our efforts in creating a better online training experience.

If you have any questions, comments, or technical issues with the TKC, please utilize the Contact Management system to process your request. (Last Revised 02/01/13)