welcome to the creative writing workshop....reading and writing go together! •the more that...

ANO 12 – Nº 2211 – SÃO PAULO, 17 A 23 DE ABRIL DE 2009 – R$ 2,00 www.jornalnippak.com.br Em disputa de ‘general’ e ‘soldado’, ‘coadjuvantes’ podem ser decisivos A disputa pela sucessão à presdiência do Bunkyo teve início oficialmente nesta quar- ta-feira (15), com o registro das chapas que concorrerão DIVULGAÇÃO/BUNKYO –––—–––––––––––––—–––––––––––––—–––––––––––––—–––––––––––––—–––––––––––––—–––––––––––––—–––––––––––––—–––––––––––––—–––––––––| pág 03 ––—–——–––—–––––—––––––—–——–––—–––––—––––––––——––—–| pág 05 7ª edição do Japan Fest de Marília deve receber mais de 70 mil visitantes DIVULGAÇÃO O Nikkey Clube de Marília realiza hoje, sábado e domin- go (17, 18 e 19), em sua sede campestre, a 7ª edição do Japan Fest. A abertura oficial do evento está marcada para às 19h desta sexta-feira (17). Entre as principais atrações deste ano estão a Feira de Agronegócios, o Balé Yuba, da região de Mirandópolis e o cantor e humorista Moacyr Franco, além do concurso de Miss Nikkey. à eleição no próximo dia 25. Como era de se esperar, duas chapas se inscreveram para a eleição da Diretoria. E como de praxe, na quarta-feira (15), prazo final para o regis- tro: a da oposição, “Change Bunkyo”, liderada pelo can- didato Akio Ogawa (esquer- da), e a da situação, “Integra- ção e Progresso”, encabeçada por Kihatiro Kita (direita). A surpresa ficou por oposição, que compôs com o também oposicionista, Hiro- O Nikkey Shinbum e o Jor- nal Nippak lançam na pró- xima quinta-feira (23), a partir das 19h, no Bunkyo, o livro “Imagens do Cente- nário”. Trata-se de uma obra única para ler, recor- dar e guardar. A edição, im- pressa em papel couchê e capa dura, terá cinco mil exemplares. Em 176 pági- nas, o livro traz mais de 600 imagens coloridas e textos explicativos em por- tuguês e japonês. “Imagens do Centenário” será lançado dia 23/4 –––—–––––––––––| pág 07 Além dos títulos de capital na- cional da maçã e a cidade mais fria do país, a Prefeitura de São Joaquim (SC) quer revelar outros atrativos turísticos. Para isso, está promovendo um concurso que irá selecionar o maior Pinheiro Araucária da serra catarinense. De acordo com o coordenador do júri, a seleção do maior pinheiro lo- calizado em um dos 18 muni- cípios da serra catarinense será conforme o maior períme- tro à altura do peito. Em caso de empate, será usado o cri- tério de maior altura. São Joaquim promove 17ª Festa Nacional da Maçã –––—–––––––––––| pág 09 O Instituto Niten e a CBKOB (Confederação Brasileira de Kobudô) promovem de 21 a 25 de abril, em São Paulo, o 2º Seminário Internacional Kendo-Kenjutsu. Trata-se de um evento fechado aos alu- nos do Niten e que deve con- tar com a participaçãod e pra- ticantes da Argentina e do Brasil, além de uma comitiva do Japão. Estão programa- das ainda palestras com o mestre japonês sobre temas como “a arte e o samurai”, demonstrações e a comemo- ração do Dia do Samurai. Niten e CBKOB promovem seminário –––—–––––––––––| pág 11 ––—–——–––—–––––—––––––—–——–––—–––––—––––––––——––—–| pág 06 4º Festival Nikkey Matsuri movimenta a comunidade da Zona Norte de São Paulo DIVULGAÇÃO A comunidade nikkey da zona Norte e de outras regiões de São Paulo terá um atrativo a mais para aproveitar bem o fi- nal de semana dos dias 25 e 26 próximos. Neste dois dias será realizado o 4º Festival Nikkey Matsuri, no Clube Es- cola Jardim São Paulo. O evento contará com apresen- tações de danças típicas, taikô, com as presenças dos princi- pais grupos de tambores japo- neses do país, como Requios Gueinou Doukokai, Ryukyu Koku Matsuri Daiko Brasil e Himawari Taikô, música, kendô, oficinas de artes como origami e kirigami, ioiô profis- sional, cosplay e muito mais. Na área artística estão confir- madas as presenças de intér- pretes consagrados da comu- nidade nipo-brasileira como Joe Hirata, Karen Ito e Mau- ricio Miya. –––——––––––| pág 04 Em uma iniciativa da Fun- dação Kunito Miyasaka foi lançado quarta-feira (dia 15 de abril), na Fe- deração das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (FIESP), o projeto Par- que Imigrantes “O Cora- ção da Mata Atlântica”. O parque será instalado na altura do quilômetro 35 da rodovia dos Imigrantes (sentido Litoral), em São Bernardo do Campo, ABC paulista, em uma área de 484.000 m2 de mata preservada, no cha- mado coração da Mata Atlântica. Com um inves- timento total de R$ 12,87 milhões, o parque será implantado e mantido com recursos de patroci- nadores, sob coordena- ção da Fundação Kunito Miyasaka, com previsão de 18 meses para entrega em 2011. O parque tam- bém vai oferecer cursos e atividades de vivências com a natureza, além de trilhas ecológicas e espor- tes de aventura. Fundação Kunito Miyasaka lança o Parque Imigrantes “O Coração da Mata Atlântica” O Secretário de Cultura da Prefeitura de Campinas, Arthur Achilles Gonçalves, e a maestrina da Orquestra Sin- fônica Municipal, Ligia Amadio, juntamente com o empresário Kendi Matuzita, do Restaurante Daitan, esti- veram presentes na apresen- tação do “taikô”, no dia 1º de abril, em evento organizado pelos jovens do grupo “Wa- daiko Tsubame Nipo Campi- nas”, liderado por Ken Okubo e Akira Komiyama. Campinas pode ter parceria entre taikô e Sinfônica –––—–––––––––––| pág 05 JORNAL NIPPAK mi Tani e fechou ainda com o empresário Hirofumi Ikesaki e o ex-deputado estadual Hatiro Shimomoto. Apesar de reconhecer que o adver- sário se fortaleceu com a união, Kihatiro Kita descon- fia da reunião de caciques. “São pessoas que têm posi- ções diferentes”, avalia.

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Welcome to the Creative Writing Workshop.

The basic purpose of a narrative is to entertain.

You need to capture a reader’s attention and keep


Narrative Topics

• Traditional Stories eg Fairy tales- Once upon a time…..

• Stories with Familiar Settings eg. Playground, school, home, park etc

• Different Stories by the same Author, Extended Stories

• Myths and Legends eg Greek and Roman mythology, historical

• Dialogue Plays- dramatic plays, writing scripts

• Stories set in Imaginary Worlds eg imaginary settings and characters

• Stories from other Cultures eg Egyptian, International

•VCOP- Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation. •Character details •Emotions •Five Senses •Pacing and logic.

Common Features

Orientation: (introduction) in which the characters, setting and time of the story are established. Usually answers who? when? where? eg. Mr Wolf went out hunting in the forest one dark gloomy night.Complication or problem: The complication usually involves the main character(s) (often mirroring the complications in real life).Resolution: There needs to be a resolution of the complication. The complication may be resolved for better or worse/happily or unhappily. Sometimes there are a number of complications that have to be resolved. These add and sustain interest and suspense for the reader.

A long time ago in the desert there lived a little girl. It wasan extremely hot day. The sun was burning! The little girl with The curly black hair was smiling. She was happy.

Reading and Writing go together!

• The more that children read the better their writing will become.

• Boys- Sometimes it is difficult to interest boys to write. They need a purpose. They need to write about topics that interest them egdinosaurs, shopping, football, superheroes. Visual- story maps-drawing events, real objects. Talking through the story. Questions egwhat if? What would you do? What ending would you like? What would you change? Can you make it better? Boys usually prefer to write non-fiction. Using Technology eg iPads, laptops, interactive activities. Writing competitions.

3. The Problem or Dilemma

THE STORY MOUNTAIN PLANNER Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

What things happen?What clues are there?

What is said? How do youbuild up the excitement?

Things might go wrong!Is there a mystery, or do

terrible things happen? Arethere any disagreements? How are things going to

be sorted out? Problemshave to be solved, and

people made happy again.

1. The Beginning

2. The Build-Up

5. The Ending

Introduce the maincharacters and describe the setting. What will your

opening sentence be?

4. The Resolution

Does the story endhappily ever after? What have people learned? Have

characters changed?

Yellow: Level 1

Green: Level 2

Blue: Level 3

Pink: Level 4

Orange: Level 5+








Ambitious Vocabulary

First So Because Next Exciting Afraid

Lonely Interesting

Beautiful Awful Enormous Fierce Adventure Accident Magic

Gigantic Weird Freezing Quietly Silently

Bravely Happiness Joy Sadness Fear Transport Shelter Baggage Companion Vehicle

Thunderous Fearful Marvellous Attractive Generosity Echo

Nervously Worriedly Patiently Feelings Courage Experience Peak Patience Wasteland Container Furnishings Robe

Sensitively Timidly Aggressively Imaginatively Unfortunate Murderous

Echoing Doubtful Emotion Anxiety Longing Progress(n) System Communication Ingredient Vibration Prefer Nourish Demonstrate Enjoy Leap

Outstandingly Tenderly Biologically Formidable Outspoken Stern Comical Pathetic Yearning

Dwell Dine Progress(v) Create Adore Foreboding Speculation Silhouette Terrain Apparel Vision Atmosphere


Literacy Curricular Targets

Sentence Openers This target particularly supports Assessment Focus 4 and Assessment Focus 5.

Vary sentence starts by using…

Time connectives e.g. First,… Then,… Next,… After that,… Finally,… Eventually,…

Connectives for sentence construction (i.e. conjunctions) e.g. Because… If… When… While…

Adverbs and adverbial phrases e.g. Sometimes, Often, Slowly, Quietly, Carefully, On her last day at


Non-finite clauses (-ing and -ed words) e.g. Smiling to himself, Robin at last returned to the forest.

Tired of waiting, Marian returned to the castle.

This is not an exhaustive list and pupils should not be limited to the examples provided. It is important

that the vocabulary examples are added to with pupils. Examples of sentence openers need to be

collected from reading and generated with pupils for display.

See Grammar For Writing for further examples and definitions See Jumpstart for ideas for quick warm-up activities that can be used daily to support teaching and learning.

Cut Corners off tabs for a better fit The … My … I …

First… Then… Next.. So.. Last… But… Another thing… The last time… Soon… At last… If… Another time… Because… After… Another thing… After a while… Although… Afterwards… Before… Eventually… Sometimes… Often… Never… Always… Besides… Even though… Before the/the Meanwhile… Before very long… However… In addition… Despite… An important thing… We always… If/then… I felt as… Although I had… I discovered… Having decided… I actually… Despite… Due to… As time went… Use of adjectives eg. The golden sun… The grumpy old man…

Use complex sentence structures appropriately. Vary sentence length and word order to keep the reader interested.

Year 1

We can start our sentences using different openers

I can say my sentence starting with words like:

The… My… I…

I can say and write sentences starting with words like:

First… Then… Next… After that… Finally…

I can say and write sentences in the right order

starting with words like:

First… Then… Next… Soon… Suddenly… After that…

Finally… At last…

Year 2

We can start our sentences using different openers

I can say and write sentences starting with words like:

First… Then… Next… After that… Finally…

I can say and write sentences in the right order starting

with words like:

First… Then… Next… Soon… Suddenly… After that…Finally…

At last…

I can say and write sentences starting with words like:

After a while…Although…Before… Afterwards… Eventually…

Sometimes… Often… Slowly… Quietly…

Year 3

We start our sentences using different types of openers

(connectives, adverbs and ‘-ing’ words) I can say and write sentences in the right order starting with

words like: First… Then… Next… Soon… Suddenly… After that…

Finally… At last…

I can write sentences in the right order starting with words like:

After a while…Although… Before… Afterwards… Eventually…

Sometimes… Often… Slowly… Quietly…

I can write sentences starting with the openers (above) plus words

like: Because… If… When… As… While…

Smiling,… Laughing,… Running,…Weeping,…

Year 4

We start our sentences using different types of openers

(connectives, adverbs, ‘-ing’ and ‘-ed’ words)

I can write sentences in the right order starting with words like:

After a while…Although… Before… Afterwards… Eventually…

Sometimes… Often… Slowly… Quietly… I can write sentences starting with the openers (above) plus words

like: Because… If… When… As…While…

Smiling,… Laughing,… Running,…Weeping,… I can write sentences starting with words like: Even though…

Meanwhile… Before very long… However…

Grinning,… Shaking,… Exhausted,… Terrified,… Annoyed,…

Year 5

We start our sentences using different types of openers

(connectives, adverbs, ‘-ing’ and ‘-ed’ words) I can write sentences starting with: After a while…Although… Before…

Afterwards… Eventually… Sometimes… Often… Slowly… Quietly…Because…

If… When… As…While…

Smiling,… Laughing,… Running,…Weeping,…

I can write sentences starting with words like: Even though… Meanwhile…

Before very long… However…

Grinning,… Shaking,… Exhausted,… Terrified,… Tired of waiting…

I can write sentences starting with words like:

Despite…If/then... In addition… Due to… As time went…

I can use phrases in opposition to open sentences e.g.

Although I had thought that…, I discovered…

Having decided to…, I actually…

Despite James’ plan to…, in reality he…

Year 6

We start our sentences using different types of openers

(ambitious connectives, adverbs, ‘-ing’ and ‘-ed’ words)

I can write sentences starting with words like: Even though… Meanwhile…

Before very long… However… Grinning,… Shaking,… Exhausted,… Terrified,…

Tired of waiting,…

I can write sentences starting with words like: Despite…If/then... In

addition… Due to… As time went…

I can use phrases in opposition to open sentences e.g.

Although I had thought that…, I discovered…

Having decided to…, I actually…

Despite James’ plan to…, in reality he…

I can use a wide range of strategies to open sentences including contextual

phrases of time, place or scenario to introduce ideas and

events e.g.

Due to the lack of…my first thought was to…

As the weather had become quite stormy, we decided to…

Before the audience left, the actors asked…

Whole School Writing Target:

Year: What will you do differently to support pupils to achieve this target? (Teaching

strategies/resources/links to planning in literacy and across the curriculum)

Evidence of impact on


Creative Writing

• VCOP- Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation.



Character Details and Setting


Emotions, Five Senses




Pacing and logic.

Connecting ideas, making sure that there is a flow to the writing. Using

longer sentences for slow moments in the story and short sentences for fast

action parts.


Finding Inspiration

Pictures. Images of different settings can be a great inspiration to

students. Ask them to imagine themselves in that setting. Describe the

setting using 5 senses. What can you feel? What can you see? What can

you smell? What can you taste? What can you hear? Images of different

objects can be a great writing prompt. Choose some objects from around

the house and describe them. Use them to give writing ideas. Collect

objects while on holidays.


Different story starters, children spin the wheel to make a selection.


Writing prompts, including poetry



Lots of printable writing worksheets




More Writing Prompts



Interactive Story Builders





Story Builder for younger children


Practicing skills


Thank you so much for participating in the workshop. If you have any questions,

comments, concerns or ideas for more workshops please email

[email protected]

Regards, Tanja Sarangdhar, Assistant Head of Primary.