welcome to st matthew’s church...sep 09, 2020  · me matou hoki e muru nei i o te hunga e hara...

Welcome to St Matthew’s Church Today is Saint Matthew’s Day and Response Sunday a warm welcome to everyone

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  • Welcome to St Matthew’s Church

    Today is Saint Matthew’s Day and Response Sundaya warm welcome to everyone

  • Call to Worship

    Into the mix of humanity,

    with friends and neighbours,

    visitors and strangers,

    together we join to worship

    you, O Lord our God.


  • Here I am Lord

  • I, the Lord of sea and sky.

    I have heard my people cry:

    All who dwell in dark and sin

    My hand will save.

  • I who made the stars of night,

    I will make their darkness bright.

    Who will bear my light to them?

    Whom shall I send?

  • Here I am, Lord Is it I, Lord?

    I have heard you

    calling in the night.

    I will go, Lord, If you lead me;

    I will hold your

    people in my heart.

  • I, the Lord of snow and rain,

    I have borne my people’s pain;

    I have wept for love of them

    They turn away.

  • I will break their hearts of stone,

    Give them hearts for love alone;

    I will speak my word to them.

    Whom shall I send?

  • Here I am, Lord Is it I, Lord?

    I have heard you

    calling in the night.

    I will go, Lord, If you lead me;

    I will hold your

    people in my heart.

  • I, the Lord of wind and flame,

    I will tend the poor and lame,

    I will set a feast for them

    My hand will save.

  • Finest bread I will provide

    Till their hearts are satisfied;

    I will give my life to them.

    Whom shall I send?

  • Here I am, Lord Is it I, Lord?

    I have heard you

    calling in the night.

    I will go, Lord, If you lead me;

    I will hold your

    people in my heart.

    Words and music by Daniel Schutte. Used with permission CCLI 162435

  • A New Commandment

    Let us pray.

    Hear the teaching of Christ:

    a new commandment I give

    to you, that you love one

    another as I have loved you.

    Spirit of God, search our


  • Confession

    Jesus said:

    Come to me all who labour

    and are heavy laden and I

    will give you rest.

  • God has promised

    forgiveness to all who truly

    repent, turn to Christ in faith

    and are themselves forgiving.

    In silence we call to mind our

    sins. (Silence…)

  • God forgives and heals us.

    We need your healing, merciful

    God: give us true repentance.

    Some sins are plain to us;

    some escape us,

    some we cannot face.

    Forgive us;

    set us free to hear your word to

    us; set us free to serve you.

  • Forgiveness

    God the Creator brings you new

    life, forgives and redeems you.

    Take hold of this forgiveness

    and live your life in the Spirit of



  • The Ministry of the Word

    The peace of Christ rule in

    our hearts

    The word of Christ dwell in

    us richly.

  • The Sentence

    Go and make disciples of

    all nations, baptizing

    them, and teaching them

    to observe all that I have

    commanded you.

    Matthew 28:19-20

  • The Collect

    Almighty God, through your

    Son Jesus Christ you called

    Matthew from his tax booth to

    be an apostle and evangelist;

    free us from all greed and

    selfish love of money…

  • Jesus our Redeemer who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

    …that we may follow in the

    steps of Jesus our Redeemer

    who lives and reigns with you

    and the Holy Spirit, one God

    for ever. Amen.one God for ever. Amen.

  • Prayer for our Children and Young People

    and lighting of their candle

  • Lord Jesus, we know you love

    children. You gathered them,

    embraced and blessed them.

    We pray that our children.

    Bless them all with your

    comforting love and guiding


    For your love’s sake we pray.


  • The Readings

    Prov 3:13-18

    2 Cor 4:1-6

    Hear what the Spirit is saying to

    the Church.

    Thanks be to God

  • Before the Gospel reading we

    will sing:

    Wairua Tapu

    Holy Spirit Welcome

    Please stand

  • Wairua Tapu

    Wairua Tapu

    kuhu mai,

    Nau Mai ki konei,

    Wairua Tapu


    Korero mai ano

    Holy Spirit


    You are welcome


    Guide us Holy


    Speak to us again

  • The Gospel Reading

    The Holy Gospel according to

    Matthew 9:9-13.

    Praise and Glory to God.

  • This is the Gospel of Christ.

    Praise to Christ, the Word.

  • The Message

  • Sharing our StoriesWhere have you seen God at work in

    your world this week?

  • The Prayers of the People

    Let us pray for the Church and for

    the world, giving thanks for God’s


  • The Peace

    Please stand;

    The peace of Christ be always

    with you.

    And also with you.

    Please exchange a sign of peace

    with one another.

  • How Deep the Father’s Love For Us

    How deep the

    Father’s love for us,

    how vast beyond all measure

    that he should give his only

    Son to make a wretch

    his treasure.

  • How great the pain of

    searing loss.

    The Father turns his face

    away as wounds which mar

    the Chosen One

    bring many souls to glory.

  • Behold the man upon the


    my sin upon his shoulders.

    ashamed, I hear

    my mocking voice

    call out among the scoffers.

  • It was my sin that held

    him there

    until it was accomplished;

    His dying breath has

    brought me life.

    I know that it is finished.

  • I will not boast in anything:

    no gifts, no pow’r no wisdom.

    But I will boast in Jesus


    his death and resurrection.

  • Why should I gain from

    his reward?

    I cannot give an answer.

    But this I know with all my


    His wounds have paid

    my ransom.

  • Why should I gain from

    his reward?

    I cannot give an answer.

    But this I know with all my heart:

    His wounds have paid

    my ransom.

    Stuart Townend © 1995 Thankyou Music CCLI162435

  • The Offering Prayer

    To you Lord belongs the greatness,

    and the power, and the glory, and

    the victory and the majesty.

    All that is in the heavens and

    the earth is yours, and of

    your own we give you.

  • The Prayer of Great Thanksgiving

    The Lord is here.

    God’s Spirit is with us.

    Lift up your hearts.

    We lift them to the Lord.

    Let us give thanks to the Lord our


    It is right to offer thanks and


  • It is right indeed, it is our joy and our

    salvation, holy Lord,

    Almighty Father, everlasting God,

    at all times and in all places

    to give you thanks and praise

    through Christ your only Son.

  • You are the source of all life and

    goodness; through your eternal

    Word you have created all things

    from the beginning and formed us

    in your own image; male and

    female you created us.

  • When we sinned and turned away

    you called us back to yourself

    and gave your Son to share our

    human nature. By his death on the

    cross, he made the one perfect

    sacrifice for the sin of the world

    and freed us from the bondage of


  • You raised him to life triumphant

    over death;

    you exalted him in glory.

    In him you have made us a holy


    by sending upon us your holy and

    lifegiving Spirit.

  • Therefore with the faithful who

    rest in him, with angels and

    archangels and all the company

    of heaven,

    we proclaim your great and

    glorious name,

    for ever praising you and


  • Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of

    power and might,

    heaven and earth are full of

    your glory.

    Hosanna in the highest.

    Blessed is he who comes in the

    name of the Lord.

    Hosanna in the highest.

  • All glory and thanksgiving to you,

    holy Father; on the night before he

    died your Son, Jesus Christ, took

    bread; when he had given you

    thanks, he broke it, gave it to his

    disciples, and said:

    Take, eat, this is my body

    which is given for you;

    do this to remember me.

  • After supper he took the cup;

    when he had given you thanks,

    he gave it to them and said:

    Drink this, all of you, for this is

    my blood of the new covenant

    which is shed for you and for

    many for the forgiveness of


  • …do this as often as you drink it,

    to remember me.

    Glory to you, Lord Christ;

    your death we show forth;

    your resurrection we


    your coming we await;

    Amen! Come Lord Jesus.

  • Therefore loving God, recalling your

    great goodness to us in Christ,

    his suffering and death,

    his resurrection and ascension,

    and looking for his coming in glory,

    we celebrate our redemption with this

    bread of life and this cup of salvation.

    Accept our sacrifice of praise and

    thanksgiving which we offer through

    Christ our great high priest.

  • Send your Holy Spirit

    that these gifts of bread and wine

    which we receive may be to us the

    body and blood of Christ, and that we,

    filled with the Spirit’s grace and power,

    may be renewed for the service of your


  • United in Christ with all who stand

    before you in earth and heaven,

    we worship you, O God,

    in songs of everlasting praise.

    Blessing, honour

    and glory be yours,

    here and everywhere,

    now and for ever. Amen.

  • Te Inoi a te Ariki

    E to matou Matua i te rangi

    Kia tapu tou Ingoa.

    Kia tae mai tou


  • Kia meatia tau e pai ai

    ki runga ki te whenua,

    kia rite ano ki to te rangi.

    Homai ki a matou aianei

    he taro ma matou mo

    tenei ra.

  • Murua o matou hara,

    Me matou hoki e muru nei

    i o te hunga e hara ana ki a


    Aua hoki matou e kawea kia


  • Engari whakaorangia matou i

    te kino:

    Nou hoki te rangatiratanga,

    te kaha, me te kororia,

    Ake ake ake. Amine

  • The priest breaks the bread.

    The bread we break is a sharing

    in the body of Christ.

    We who are many are one

    body, for we all share the one


  • The Invitation

    Draw near and receive the body

    and blood of our Saviour Jesus

    Christ in remembrance that he

    died for us.

    Let us feed on him in our hearts

    by faith with thanksgiving.

  • All are welcomeat this holy table

    to receive Communion

  • Father of all, we give you thanks

    and praise, that when we were

    still far off you met us in your

    Son and brought us home.

    Dying and living, He declared

    your love, gave us grace and

    opened the gate of glory.

    Prayer after Communion

  • We pray together…

    May we who share Christ’s body,

    live his risen life; we who drink

    his cup, give life to others; we

    whom the Spirit lights, give

    light to the world.

  • Keep us firm in the hope you

    have set before us, so we and

    all your children shall be free,

    and the whole earth live to

    praise your name. Amen

  • Children’s Sharing Time

  • Notices

  • The Blessing

  • This I Believe

    Our Father everlasting

    The all creating One

    God Almighty

  • Through Your Holy Spirit

    Conceiving Christ the Son

    Jesus our Saviour

  • I believe in God the Father

    I believe in Christ the Son

    I believe in the Holy Spirit

  • Our God is three in one

    I believe in the resurrection

    That we will rise again

    For I believe in the name of


  • Our Judge and our Defender

    Suffered and crucified

    Forgiveness is in You

  • Descended into darkness

    You rose in glorious life

    Forever seated high

  • I believe in God the Father

    I believe in Christ the Son

    I believe in the Holy Spirit

  • Our God is three in one

    I believe in the resurrection

    That we will rise again

    For I believe in the name of


  • I believe in You

    I believe You rose again

    I believe that Jesus Christ is



  • I believe in God the Father

    I believe in Christ the Son

    I believe in the Holy Spirit

  • Our God is three in one

    I believe in the resurrection

    That we will rise again

    For I believe in the name of


  • I believe in life eternal

    I believe in the virgin birth

    I believe in the saints'


  • And in Your holy Church

    I believe in the resurrection

    When Jesus comes again

    For I believe, in the name of


  • For I believe in the name of



    By Helen Weir, 1990. Used with permission CCLI 162435.

  • The Dismissal of the Community

    Go now to love and serve the

    Lord. Go in peace.

    Amen we go in the name of


  • Our fellowship continues

    as we share

    morning tea together