welcome to new students - loyola college, melbourne...welcome to new staff the following new staff...

1418 Friday 07 February 2020 Dear Members of the Loyola College Community, Welcome back to the new academic year. I hope that the summer holidays and warm weather have enabled all to have a relaxing and enjoyable break and that students are ready for an exciting year ahead with all that Loyola has to offer as we commence this year with celebrations to mark the 40 th anniversary of Loyola College. The first week of school has gone very smoothly. Our students appear to be settling in very well and I am grateful to all who have assisted in planning for their return. Welcome to New Students I am very pleased to especially welcome our 246 new Year 7 students and their families who join the Loyola community this year. In addition, I also welcome the 19 new students and their families who join us from other schools in Years 8-11 this year. I look forward to a long and happy association over the coming years. Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as they commence their work here at Loyola. Michela Barisonzi is a graduate and will be teaching in the area of Italian. Anna Barnes will be teaching in the area of Biology, Science, Mathematics and Religious Education. Richard Bentley has been appointed to the position of Database Administrator/Developer. Alex Bergantino has been appointed to the position of Sports Administrator. Annie Exell has been appointed to the position of Learning Diversity Teacher. Elizabeth George will be teaching in the areas of Mathematics, Science & VCE Biology.

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Page 1: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

1418 Friday 07 February 2020

Dear Members of the Loyola College Community,

Welcome back to the new academic year. I hope that the summer holidays and warm weather have enabled all to have a relaxing and enjoyable break and that students are ready for an exciting year ahead with all that Loyola has to offer as we commence this year with celebrations to mark the 40th anniversary of Loyola College.

The first week of school has gone very smoothly. Our students appear to be settling in very well and I am grateful to all who have assisted in planning for their return.

Welcome to New Students I am very pleased to especially welcome our 246 new Year 7 students and their families who join the Loyola community this year. In addition, I also welcome the 19 new students and their families who join us from other schools in Years 8-11 this year. I look forward to a long and happy association over the coming years.

Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as they commence their work here at Loyola.

Michela Barisonzi is a graduate and will be teaching in the area of Italian. Anna Barnes will be teaching in the area of Biology, Science, Mathematics and Religious Education. Richard Bentley has been appointed to the position of Database Administrator/Developer. Alex Bergantino has been appointed to the position of Sports Administrator. Annie Exell has been appointed to the position of Learning Diversity Teacher. Elizabeth George will be teaching in the areas of Mathematics, Science & VCE Biology.

Page 2: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

Martina Guzzardi has been appointed to the position of Italian Language Assistant for Semester 1. Alison Johnson has been appointed to the position of Head of Information Services. Sarah Johnston (L: 14-19) has been appointed to the position of Performing Arts Trainee. Andrew Mangano (L: 10-15) is a graduate and will be teaching in the areas of Religious Education, English and Music. Jeremy Martino is a graduate and will be teaching in the area of English James McIlroy has been appointed to the position of Head of Ignatian Service and will teach in the areas of Religious Education and Humanities Geoffrey Orton will be teaching in the areas of Geography and Science. Jenna Pourciau has been appointed to the position of College Counsellor. Jared Roscioli is a graduate and will be teaching in the areas of Media and Digital Art. Danielle Taylor will be teaching in the areas of Dance and Drama. Matthew Thomas has been appointed to the position of Head of Performing Arts and will teach in the area of Music. Paul Toney has been appointed to the position of Head of McAuley House and will teach in the area of Health & Physical Education. Mirna van de Paverd will be teaching in the area of Indonesian. Anthony Ventura has been appointed to the position of VCAL Coordinator and will teach in the areas of VCAL, Science and Mathematics.

We welcome back the following staff from leave:

Rachel Harrison and Sarah Phipps who have been on maternity leave and Rebecca Smith who has been on Long Service Leave.

Staffing matters: The following staff have been appointed to Positions of Leadership in the College in 2020: James Falcone who has been appointed to the Student Leadership Coordinator position. Jacob Gasparini who has been appointed to the Acting Head of Flynn House position. Lauren Hartigan who has been appointed to the Head of Co-Curriculum position. Elise Mezner who has been appointed to the Sustainability Coordinator position. Michael O’Keeffe who has been appointed to the Director of College & Community Engagement position. Cameron Veal who has been appointed to the Student Programs Coordinator (Years 7 – 9) position. Fotini Veis who has been appointed to the Acting Head of English position. Nicolette Verdon who has been appointed to the Operations Assistant position.

We congratulate: Mrs Bosco and her husband on the arrival of their daughter Harper Rose. Mr Veal and his wife on the arrival of their third child, Theodore. Mr Kelly and his partner on the arrival of their second child Frances Joan.

May these little ones bring great joy and many blessings upon their families and may God bless them and keep them safe.

College Theme for 2020 This year’s theme ‘Head, Heart and Hands’ is an appropriate choice for our 40th anniversary celebrations. This theme calls us to respond to those around us with thoughtfulness, compassion and action. It is an Ignatian mindset that we are invited to adopt in our encounters with colleagues, students, family, friends and with anyone else we may come to meet in our daily lives. For us to be effective we must strike a balance of the three across all that we do.

For us in our school context our staff have enormous capacity to adopt this mindset with our students, their families and with each other here at Loyola through our roles as Class Mentors, Academic Companions, Leaders, and Colleagues to each other. As a faith community we with St Ignatius draw our inspiration from his example

The Head enables us to think and to learn, to make decisions and choices for ourselves and others.

The Heart works with the head to ensure that our thinking and our choices will always be made with compassion preserving the dignity of all.

Page 3: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

The Hands are our tools for building God’s kingdom here on earth both physically in what we set out to do and spiritually when we join them in prayer and reflection.

Having all three work together enables us to best live out Christ’s message from the gospels.

I invite you all to embrace this wonderful theme for 2020.

College Dux 2019 and VCE/VCAL Results We congratulate the Year 12 students of 2019 on the results they achieved last year. We will be inviting our high achieving students back to the College in the coming week to acknowledge their wonderful achievements. In particular I congratulate the College Dux for 2019: Gabriella Govic who achieved an ATAR of 96.50 and Proxime: Claire Russell who achieved an ATAR of 96.45.

Our VCE students of 2019 raised the academic bar and our median score increased to 31, an excellent achievement!

I take this opportunity of acknowledging the hard work and effort of all our staff who worked with last year’s Year 12 students. I know that the quality teaching, guidance and support contributed greatly to the success of the group.

A full report on Year 12 results and destinations appears elsewhere in this newsletter.

Opening College Mass To mark our 40th anniversary, our Opening College Mass this year will be held at St Patrick’s Cathedral at 11.00am on Thursday 20 February. Our principal celebrant will be his grace Archbishop Peter Comensoli, Archbishop of Melbourne. Parents and guardians are invited to attend this special occasion.

40th Anniversary Events A number of special events have been organised to recognise the College’s 40th anniversary this year. You are invited to take note of these and participate where possible to mark this milestone in our College history.

Monday 10 February Opening College Assembly Thursday 20 February Opening Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral Tuesday 28 April History Book & Artwork Launch Sunday 2 August LCAA Reunion Sunday Saturday 15 August 40th Anniversary Gala Dinner Saturday 12 September LCAA Gala Concert

Year 7, 2022 Enrolments A reminder to all families that applications for Year 7, 2022 are now being received. The closing date is Friday 21 August 2020. Students in our priority parishes must have applications signed by their Parish Priest. I urge all families wishing to enrol their child at Loyola to ensure they meet the closing date deadlines. All applicants and their families will be interviewed as part of the selection process.

We currently have limited vacancies for Year 7, 2021. If you are aware of any families interested in applying for Year 7 at Loyola for next year please ask them to contact the College Registrar, Mrs Plant, for further information.

Uniform 2020 I remind all families of their responsibility to ensure that students have the correct uniform as set out in the 2020 Student Dress Code and abide by the Dress Code regulations. If uncertain, please refer to the Student Planner. A thorough uniform check was conducted last week. Families were forewarned about this in the holidays with communication from the Deputy Principal – Students. I wish to make it quite clear that the College Student Dress Code is non-negotiable. Families who accept enrolment at the College must agree to support the Dress Code. There is therefore no excuse for students coming to school dressed or groomed in a manner that contravenes our requirements. It is the parents/guardians’ responsibility to ensure that their children are correctly attired and that their appearance is in keeping with our requirements at all times. I ask for the support of all families with regard to this matter.

Wearing of the College Blazer All families are reminded that the College blazer is the only outer garment to be worn over the uniform to and from the College. While the wearing of the blazer is optional during term one, if students are cold the blazer and not the pullover must be the outer garment worn. The pullover may be worn under the blazer for extra warmth. Students may not wear the pullover as the outer garment to and from the College.

Page 4: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

Compulsory ACS Program A reminder to all families of students in Years 7-11 that students selected to represent the College in the ACS competition are obliged to do so. Families must refrain from making any outside appointments for students on their respective ACS/LCS afternoon. Permission to be exempted from ACS sport will not be given other than for serious extenuating circumstances. Compulsory involvement in the ACS program for these year levels forms part of the terms and conditions of enrolment at Loyola.

Academic Conversations The first of this year’s Academic Conversations will be held on Wednesday 12 February for all students. The focus of these Academic Conversations will be to discuss goals set by each student for this year and to reflect on the 2019 results. Discussions will take place on how parents can provide support in the learning process. Parent attendance is compulsory.

Capital Works The redevelopment of the centre of the College grounds is progressing well. The steel structure has been erected for the roof over the basketball courts, and new footpaths have been completed. This project is estimated to be completed in September this year.

The following works were completed over the holiday period: The football oval has been enlarged and resurfaced and looks excellent ready for Sport and Physical Education classes

to use. A new area has been created for Pathways Education which is now located in the iCentre. The remainder of the verandas in Old Loyola have been totally refurbished over the holidays and look fantastic. An elevator was installed in the Monserrat Building

As we commence another academic year, we ask God’s blessings on our College community under the patronage of St Ignatius as we celebrate our 40th anniversary of offering Catholic Education in the Ignatian tradition here at Loyola.

I wish all a happy and most successful start to the school year.

Joseph Favrin Principal


A very warm welcome back to all students and their families. My name is Michael O’Keeffe and I am taking over from Fiona Devlin in the role of Director of College and Community Engagement. This is my eleventh year at the college and I am excited about what 2020 has to offer our community.

This year marks our 40th anniversary. Loyola was born on Tuesday, 05 February 1980 with an enrolment of 134. Today we have over 1,350 students and on a much bigger footprint here in Watsonia. Throughout this year we have a range of events to commemorate our birthday. Keep an eye out in the next Ignatian for all the details.

College Photos Photos were taken on Monday and students have received a code so they are able to log in and purchase photos online. Thank you to our students for presenting beautifully on the day.

Student Cards We have been informed by Public Transport Victoria (PTV) that from this year students will be able to use their Student Card as entitlement to buy student passes and concession fares.

This new, flexible option means that our students no longer need to arrange, pay for and carry the dedicated PTV School Student ID to travel.

This is valid with the 2020 Loyola College student cards that will incorporate the PTV symbol. Students will have their new card by the end of February.

Mr Michael O’Keeffe Direct Line: 9433 0250

Page 5: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as
Page 6: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

Opening School Year Assembly

Our opening of school year assembly takes place on Monday, 10 February starting at 11:00am. Families are welcome to attend.

I hope everyone has settled into the new year and best wishes for 2020.


Head, heart and hands – 2020 College Theme Our College theme for this year should resonate with us all. What do you see when you look at the banner? This year’s is very literal – the symbols are easily identifiable. However, what does it really mean? The deeper question is: How does it apply to each individual and our collective community?

The head – what we think, how we train ourselves to think, what thoughts are we open to, what thoughts do we encourage, what do we need to work on? How do we nurture the spirit and tools of discernment? What are the underlying values that guide us?

The heart – the heart is all about love – and real love is giving, understanding and forgiving. What a great school we would have if we all developed compassionate hearts and were tolerant of one another and, what’s more, had attitudes of wanting the best for others, not just ourselves.

And, of course the hands – the hands open prepared to give, prepared to receive, prepared to welcome and include, prepared to take action and follow through with what we say we will do.

As St Ignatius said, “Love is expressed more in deeds than words”.

From our Catholic perspective all three have to work together. Indiscriminate compassion and actions can lead to a loss of human dignity and a disempowering of others. Energy might be expended in areas where other more deserving situations are neglected or receive an inadequate response.

You probably noticed the College Crest in the corner. This banner belongs to us and connects with the College motto, Justice, Mercy, Faith. The IHS symbol reinforces our links with St Ignatius and other Ignatian schools and agencies throughout the world. Initially, we think of ourselves as companions with others at Loyola College … however, our vision is much broader than that.

The scripture verse are the beautiful words of ancient wisdom from the prophet Micah: “This is what your God asks of you - to act justly, love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.”

Upcoming Loyola Events: Monday 10 February College Assembly

Monday 17 February House Swimming Carnival, 8:30am

Wednesday 19 February LPFA Meeting,7:30pm

Thursday 20 February 40th Anniversary Opening School Mass, 11:00am

Friday 21 February LCAA Classic Car Show, 6:00pm

Mr Christopher Lynch Direct Line: 9433 0227

Page 7: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

The 2020 College theme articulates important aspects of our Catholic Ignatian tradition. It will be a practical focus for our College community to bring alive and enact our Catholic heritage.

The College theme was designed staff members Ms Alexis Winter and Ms Julia O’Brien.

40th Anniversary Opening School Mass - St Patrick’s Cathedral Thursday 20 February Archbishop Peter Comensoli will celebrate the Opening School Mass at 11:00am at St Patrick’s Cathedral. All staff and students will be attending. Parents need to respond to the online permission link that will be emailed to them. All students will travel by bus or train and need to be in full summer uniform. Parents are welcome to attend but will need to make their own way there.

Year 12 Retreat Leaders Students from each Year 12 group who have volunteered to be retreat leaders for their peers will attend a training session between 3:45pm and 6:30pm on Tuesday, 18 February.

Relay for Life- Saturday 29 February (12:45pm) Sunday 1 March (10:00am Loyola will be fielding a team in the Cancer Council Relay for Life to be held at Willinda Park Greensborough on the weekend of Saturday 29 February (12:45pm) Sunday 1 March (10:00am). Sign up or support the Loyola Team on the Relay for Life website.

Last year we had a tremendous response with 50 to 60 students, parents and staff walking. Collectively we raised over $5,000. It costs $40 to register. You can be part of it for any amount of time over the weekend or you can simply go-online and donate to the Loyola Team. People who register will be emailed links to permission forms. You can also keep up with news on the ‘Relay for Life” LMS page.


School Fees The Annual Fee Account has now been sent out to all families. There is only one account issued for the yearly tuition fees and levies regardless of the fee paying arrangement selected.

Please note that the due date for the Annual Fee Account is Friday, 28 February 2020. Where an account is paid in full by this date, an early payment discount of $300.00 per student will apply. Where an account has been split, the early payment discount

Looking Ahead:

Sunday, 09 February – 9:00am Flynn House Mass, Sacred Heart Diamond Creek 10:30am MacKillop House Mass, St Thomas the Apostle, North Greensborough

Sunday, 16 February - 10:30am, McAuley House Mass, St Francis of Assisi, Mill Park

Tuesday, 18 February - 3:45 to 6:30pm Retreat Leaders Training

Thursday, 20 February - 11:00pm Opening School Mass, St Patrick’s Cathedral.

Sunday, 23 February – 10:00am Mannix House Mass, St Damian’s Bundoora

Saturday, 29 February to Sunday 01 March -  Relay for Life, Willinda Park, Greensborough

Mr Mark Arnavas Direct Line: 9433 0202

Page 8: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

should be calculated on a pro rata basis. Any additional charges (eg music, library charges, specialist camps and/or excursions)

that may be incurred throughout the year, may not be included in your arrangement and should be paid by the due date of the account issued.

Families that have selected the Semester or Quarterly Arrangement, must pay their first instalment off the Annual Fee Account due on 28 February, 2020. Reminders will be issued prior to the due date for all subsequent instalments.

Parents and guardians who have not returned the Fee Paying Arrangement form, will have received an email noting that their account has automatically been listed for an annual payment due 28 February, 2020.

If you wish to change your listed arrangement, please email your request to [email protected].

As stated in the College Fee Policy (available to view on the College website www.loyola.vic.edu.au) if payment arrangements are not adhered to, an Administration Fee of $30.00 per child, per term will be applied.

Parents and guardians facing hardship with payment of fees are asked to contact the Business Manager.


A very warm welcome to all our families for 2020, and especially to families joining the College community for the first time.

It was pleasing to see so many students return to school with enthusiasm and readiness to commence the new academic year.

It is hoped that students have settled in well and that they have organised themselves into a routine which provides a balance between school commitments and home life.

With the commencement of the school year, both Mr Favrin and I have addressed each of the year levels at their assemblies. At these assemblies I highlighted the importance for our community to work together, and in doing so, the need to be respectful of one another and to continue developing positive relationships. I also spoke about the Ignatian challenge of using the gifts that each student has in striving for the Magis in both their studies and co-curricular activities, of being discerning about the choices they make, and embracing this year’s College theme, Head, heart and hands, by supporting one another, especially in times of need.

Since commencing the academic year, we have had the opportunity to host our annual Year 7 Family Picnic, with the Year 12 Breakfast scheduled for February 11. These events are opportunities for our students and their families to come together and celebrate the commencement of the academic year in a positive spirit of community. For the Year 12 students it is a welcome to their final academic year at the College, while for the Year 7 students it is an opportunity to be welcomed into our community as they commence their journey with us at Loyola College. We thank all our families who were able to attend the Year 7 event and we look forward to seeing as many of the Year 12 families at the breakfast.

In 2020, as part of our ongoing commitment to working with our students and families, we continue with our Academic Conversation program. This program supports our House Mentor system, whereby Mentors will continue to oversee each student’s social, emotional and academic wellbeing.

In addition, the program will continue to provide parents/guardians with opportunities to become more involved in their child’s learning. The Academic Conversations along with the Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings will provide parents, together with their child and the Mentor teacher, more time to reflect meaningfully on the student’s learning. As you will be aware, educational research highlights the significant role that parents/guardians play in the academic success of their children; as such, we believe the structure we have in place for meeting with parents/guardians in monitoring the progress of each student, will provide new opportunities to focus on increased parental engagement, both at school and at home.

The Mentor teacher should be the first point of contact for any issues which need to be raised regarding your child; however, if there are specific subject issues which need to be discussed, as has always been the norm, subject teachers welcome any contact via email or phone call, when there is a need.

Finally, as we commence the term, we encourage our students and families to become involved in the many events that have been scheduled throughout the year. In addition, we ask all families for their continued support as students work with us in meeting daily expectations such as completion of homework, punctuality, uniform and being respectful of one another.

Mrs Anna Salmic

Page 9: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as
Page 10: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

We wish all our families the very best for this coming year and we look forward to working together in assisting our young people to achieve the very best they can.


Welcome back to another school year in Mannix House for 2020. I am very pleased to especially welcome our 40 Year 7 students and their families. I hope the Year 7 students enjoyed their first few days at Loyola and it is the beginning of many happy memories to come over the next few years. I would also like to thank the mentor teachers, mentor companions and the house leaders for all their hard work in supporting our students as they commence a new school year.

I would like to inform you of upcoming Mannix House events. You are warmly invited to celebrate our first House event, the annual House Mass on Sunday 23 February at 10.00am, followed by morning tea in the hall at St Damian’s Parish Hall. It would be appreciated if each family could bring a small plate to share for morning tea and these can be left in the hall prior to the mass. It is an expectation that all Mannix students will wear full summer uniform, including blazer, as this is a formal occasion and students are representing Loyola College in the local community. We look forward to celebrating this occasion with you and hope that it will be a great opportunity for you to catch up with old friends and meet new families. All members of the House are expected to attend, and the year 7 students will be presented to the parish during the mass.

Our House Parent representatives have organised a cocktail evening on February 27 for Mannix, Xavier and Flynn parents. Further details will be available in the College newsletter.

I draw your attention to a few dates which are coming up in Term 1 to be mindful of: February 23: House Mass (10.00am at St Damian’s Parish, Bundoora) February 11: Year 12 breakfast (7am) February 12: Academic Conversations (ACs) with Mentors (3.45pm - 8.30pm)

I hope to see as many of you there, especially at the Picnic, Breakfast, ACs and House Mass.

The following students have been appointed as mentor leaders this year. We wish them every blessing as they commence their leadership role at Loyola. MAML – Jack Bonser MCMS – Alysha Alberti MDHT – Jon Valkanis-Magriplis MEMK – Jayden Curtin MFVE – Shehan Fernando MGKK – Alessandra Casasanta

MJMM – Lucy Kim MMBM – Isabella Trifunoski MRSM – Naomi Heaven MNHW – Caleb Bruggeman MPZA – Joshua Jordan

As always, if you have any concerns or wish to make contact, please do not hesitate to email/phone myself or your child's Mentor teacher at any time during the year. I look forward to another successful year in working with you all and I hope to see you at the many events planned in 2020.


Welcome back to all our students and in particular to all of our new students and their parents and guardians. We are all looking forward to working with you and your children in 2020. We have many new positive and exciting initiatives.

Companion Learning (the Loyola College Learning Management System) This year Parents and Students will continue to have online access to resources, class pages, and assessment calendars and to their teachers for every class. They will also be able to access their timetable and the College calendar. Please ask your child to show you their ‘Companion Learning’ page.

Our First Mentor Academic Conversation February 12, 3:45 – 8:25 pm Parents/guardians will have received an email outlining the details of the first Parent/Student/Mentor Academic Conversation. During the evening you will be able to share some important information regarding your child/children with their Mentor.

Ms Suzanne Pola Direct Line: 9433 0233

Ms Kate Swift Direct Line: 9433 0239

Page 11: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

ATAR estimations Students studying Units 1 to 4 will be asked to predict their ATAR scores and have this ready for Mentor Academic Conversations on February 12. This will give out learners the opportunity for the following;

To provide an idea of the what study scores are required for accessing courses To estimate what range of ATAR’s the student is currently on track to achieve based on 2019 results To commence discussions with both families and teaching staff about what strategies the student has used and will need

to use in 2020

Students will have access, either digitally or hard copy, of the process of how to proceed. This is a great resource to start having the important conversations about learning and future pathways.

Assessment It is important that our students commence well and form excellent study habits not only at school but also at home. To assist with their time management and organization skills, all students (Year 7 to 12) will have access to when assessment tasks for each subject from the Learning Management System (LMS). All parents/guardians will be able to view these using our Digistorm App.

At Loyola College, we have a detailed assessment policy that includes the principles behind assessment and the practices that we use. We recognize that assessment is an essential element of the process of learning as it allows students to understand where their learning is going, allows them to have clear expectations of what is expected of them through their learning, provides valuable feedback for ongoing learning and informs our parent community of their child’s progress. At Loyola College, we have a consistent approach to assessment. All subjects will formally assess between two and five tasks that will be reported on. Where applicable these assessment tasks will include examinations. This does not include homework or other learning activities that may occur throughout the semester and will be available via the LMS. Subject teachers devise the assessment program at the beginning of the course when they conduct their planning of the semester’s work.

Heads of Learning in 2020 This year we will continue to keep our community fully informed of the terrific learning that occurs at Loyola College. There will also be important information for you to digest concerning the different activities affecting each year level. I would like to introduce you to our Heads of Learning, important curriculum leaders who can assist you throughout the year; Chris Lynch (Deputy Principal – Ignatian Mission and Identity), Janine Thomson (Head of Design and Technology), Sarah Phipps (Head of Visual Arts), Rachael Patrick (Head of Humanities), Fotini Veis (Acting Head of English), Anthony Lynch (Head of Mathematics), Hayden Langford (VET Coordinator), Anthony Ventura (VCAL Coordinator), Mathew Lee (Head of Science), Matthew Thomas (Head of Performing Arts), Daniela Curcio (Head of Learning Pathways ), David Ferrante ( Head of Performing Arts), Jason van Leest ( Head of Languages) and Dinh Tran (eLearning Coordinator). We also welcome to their new role Anthony Ventura, Matthew Thomas and Fotini Veis. Please do not hesitate to contact any of the Heads of Learning with any curriculum questions.

Loyola College Homework Guidelines We encourage our students to set goals and work towards achieving them. They should always aim high and not be prepared to accept mediocrity. Homework is an important element of supporting the learning that occurs at the College. We ask that parents and guardians fully support their children and assist them in completing all set homework. The Loyola College recommended guidelines for homework are as follows:

Year Level

Total minutes homework night

Structure of

Homework time

Total hours

Homework per week Comments

7 60 5 days x 60 5 6 x 40 mins per CORE subject per week Plus 4 x 15 mins per Elective per week

8 80 5 days x 80 6.7 6 x 50 mins per CORE subject per week Plus 4 x 35 mins per Elective per week

9 100 5 days x 100 8.3 9 x 55 mins per subject per week

10 120+ 5 days x 120 10+ Minimum requirements (approximately 1.5 hours per subject)

11 150 + 6 days x 150+ 15+ Minimum requirements (approximately 2.5 hours per subject)

12 180 + 6 days x 180+ 18+ Minimum requirements (approximately 3 hours per subject)

Page 12: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as
Page 13: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as
Page 14: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

2019 VCE Results All our Year 12 students last year are to be congratulated on completing their VCE/VET/VCAL Certificate in 2019. Their results were outstanding and reflected all their dedication and hard work they had put in during the year. Our Dux, Gabriella Govic achieved an ATAR of 96.5 and Claire Russell was our Proxime with an ATAR score of 95.45. In 2019, we had we had close to 6% of our students with an ATAR above 90 and 24% with an ATAR above 80.

Below are the students who achieved and ATAR greater than 80.

Gabriella Govic 96.50 Claire Russell 96.45 Emma Spiby 95.65 Dominic Douglas 94.90 Harrison Mills 94.25 Sophie Federico 94.15 Joceline Remi 93.50 Emily Gigliotti 91.90 Dominic Brennan 91.70 Neve Owens 91.45 Caitlin Hill 91.30 Lucas Di Falco 91.00 Lycette De Souza 90.60 Amelia Dunn 89.50 Celine Poermandya 89.45 Laura Spiby 88.80 Nicholas Setyawan 88.70 Shrishaeka Premathasa 87.55 Sam Castles 87.40 Darragh Hazell 87.30 Beatrice Mercati 87.10 Jackson Elzink 87.05

Peter O'farrell 86.65 Isabela Wearne 86.35 Mitchell Hall 85.85 Bridie Foster 85.45 Tahlia Chesser 85.25 Kristian Oqueli Ambrose 85.05 Lily Baz 85.00 Shu Lin 84.60 Yan Leung 84.10 Massimo Balassone 83.70 Rory Collins 83.65 Lucas Rottura 83.40 Anthony Corbisieri 82.90 William Mcmahon-Puce 82.15 Jemma Ramaekers 82.15 Samuel Prentner 81.90 Saana Kankaanpaa 81.55 Tayla Gaspari 81.50 Adrian Liistro 81.25 Kimberly Pagniello 80.60 Luke Orsillo 80.15

2019 Semester Two Merit Certificates Congratulations to all students who received Semester Two Merit certificates. Merit awards are given to students who perform at a high level. Awards are based on the student’s overall result for each subject. A student will receive a Gold merit award if they have achieved an overall subject result of A or A+. A student will receive a Silver merit award if they have achieved an overall subject result of B or B+.

Here is a list of Year 7 – 11 students who received a total of four or more Gold Merits in Semester Two.

First Name Surname Mentor Gold Year 7 Mackayla Dakin XMAC 4 Reilan Fronda MDHT 4 Abbey Griffiths FECG 4 Marc Guerresi CJBO 4 Liam Hannam CIKE 4 Patrick Harrison ASRK 4 Jordan Hoenger FMJL 4 Amelia Iliopoulos ASRK 4 Noah Iozzo XMAC 4 Tarah James FJBE 4 Jovan Jin ANJR 4 Alex Kirkopoulos AJWP 4 Olivia Lawson XIMA 4 Nathan Maddela AMDA 4 Sabastian Melone XELF 4 Jack Metcalf MAML 4

Charlotte Michael FSPS 4 Kathleen Newnham AJMO 4 Mia O'Donnell MPZA 4 Edan O'Dowd FECG 4 Imogen O'Hehir CIKE 4 Tomislav Petrovic MAML 4 Senae Plummer KJJF 4 Dakota Turner MAML 4 Cooper Waldon CKBC 4 Tahlia Bell AJWP 5 Faith Bilby KAMM 5 Charlotte Bulot KGCW 5 Phoebe Carter CMST 5 Julia Casasanta MJMM 5 Oliver Crosara CNPA 5 Alana Di Cesare MCMS 5 Luca Hall CMST 5 Max Halliwell KMLE 5

Page 15: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

Summer Hayne ADFE 5 Trinity Heskin KGCW 5 Kieran Keating FRLP 5 Mackenzie Lavender FHPL 5 Sophie Lay FMJL 5 Thomas Leonard ADFE 5 Evan Lock CJBO 5 Mikayla Marino KCMC 5 Laura-Anne Matti KJMJ 5 Mitchell McMaster-Smith XMCU 5 Chloe Nathan XMAC 5 Sam Orlebar CLOS 5 Mikayla Parisot MGKK 5 Stefania Polito KGCW 5 Maribell Polus FSKE 5 Chelsea Prisc MEMK 5 Milana Richards ASNP 5 Ujjesha Shrestha MJMM 5 Luvshul Sodhi KGCW 5 Silvia Sourbis CPJK 5 Lachlan Williams FSPS 5 Abbey Wood CKBC 5 Jasmine Alcock FECG 6 Nicholas Alqas-Alias AJMO 6 Zoe Arambatzidis MEET 6 Chris Badawi AJWP 6 Chloe Baird AJMO 6 Maddison Baker XELF 6 Tristian Boschini KJJF 6 Sarah Boyle FMJL 6 Alyssa Denni KCGS 6 Olivia Di Girolamo XGCN 6 Aidan Ganter CTJM 6 Andrew Harrison ASNP 6 Charlize Hulm XKAC 6 Emma Hutchinson CDAM 6 Sienna Langley KJMJ 6 Claire Lawson XGCN 6 Rita Marcus AMOK 6 Jack McFarlane MJMM 6 Cindy Nguyen CLOS 6 Juliana Parga KLHA 6 Amelia Renda XAFR 6 Keira Sanchez XSVA 6 Avneet Sandhu MMBM 6 Louisa Shacklock CIKE 6 Chloe Sia XIMA 6 Hannah Skinner CSJH 6 Dominique Watson ANJR 6 Mathias Wennerberg FMJP 6 Dante Abela AMSG 7 Arwen Castelo AMOK 7 Isabella Ilijevski ASRK 7 Jessica List FPTM 7 Eliza Lo Presti XRFS 7 Raphael MacDonald CMST 7 Mikail Manevski XMCU 7

Rohan McRae XMCU 7 Alessia Pipolo ASNP 7 Anabelle Raffo MNHW 7 Zara Simiele AMDA 7 Shireen Yelburga XAFR 7 Mia Dragicevic CPJK 8 Chloe Dunn MNHW 8 Scarlett Galea XSVA 8 Reinard Halim ANJR 8 Minako Lin MEMK 8 Isabelle MacGibbon FSKE 8 Layla Reidy AMSG 8 Jessica Wright AMDA 8 Madelaine Dupes MMBM 9 Mia Ferma XMCU 9 Elisha Folino ADFE 9 Grace Mallia KCMC 9 Olivia Nguyen FMJP 9 Jacob Pagliaro FHPL 9 Alexia Stavreski XJGA 9 Holly Corboy CLOS 10 Ava Manolis FHPL 10 Zoe McFarlane MFVE 10 Imogen Phillips XAFR 10 Christiana Sison FRLP 10 Year 8 Sarah Accardi MPZA 4 Elijah-Ali Bechara AAAM 4 Sophie Compton-Cook CMST 4 Stephanie Ellul AMOK 4 Tanya Fekonja CPJK 4 Marcus Glouftsis AMOK 4 Tallulah Harvey FJPV 4 Madison Howes AAAM 4 Kaleb Kozul XGCN 4 Harvey Lee XJGA 4 Shirley Lin XAKW 4 Alessia Monteneri FJPV 4 Tehara Munasingha AMDA 4 Celeste Murone XAKW 4 Jack Rowan KJJF 4 George Sourbis CMST 4 Ava Spiteri CLOS 4 Emily Vaughan-Niven CMST 4 Jordan Wilson XJGA 4 Maddison Abela KGCW 5 Hayley Car XJGA 5 Lachlan Carroll FSPS 5 Vivien Chen KJMJ 5 Sienna Day FECG 5 Massimo Frisina MDHT 5 Gabrielle Liew AMOK 5 Adrian Macawili MMBM 5 Jasmine Makdissi CPJK 5 Christian Panucci CSJH 5 Alvin Santosa KJJF 5 David Vassallo FJBE 5

Page 16: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

Bethany Waldon CTJM 5 Emily Baird FECG 6 Charlotte Bugeja AAAM 6 Leah Caratozzolo KJMJ 6 Melanie Carbis CNPA 6 Luca Casasanta MEET 6 Ava De Souza Esquivel KMLE 6 Phoebe Harb MCMS 6 Sarah Migotto KCVE 6 Jade Pannam MGKK 6 William Poermandya ASRK 6 Darcy Quinn CSJH 6 Ashley Ward FJBE 6 Ella Cain CLCR 7 Alegria Cauchi CLOS 7 Jacob Glover FECG 7 Benjamin Grasso XMAC 7 Mitko Grbevski KCGS 7 Deanne Groom MJMM 7 Sebastian Kraus XELF 7 Zoe Pavlidis AJMO 7 Jessica Braganza XIMA 8 Jasmine Elzink KAMM 8 Edan Ilievski ASRK 8 Rose Kaur MNHW 8 Jason Remi ADFE 8 Sofia Vavladellis MMBM 8 Ryan Devasia FRLP 9 Shanelle Fattorini XMAC 9 Matea Giannakopoulos FMJL 9 Giulia Micomonaco MEET 9 Jessica Sherri KCVE 9 Daniel Stanton FRLP 9 Catherine Cowley CTJM 10 Emily Dunn XGCN 10 Holly Ilievski FHPL 10 Mark Liu FPTM 10 Joshua Rotin KFMM 10 Jamie Shannon CLOS 10 Abbey Wilson XAFR 10 Year 9 Alix Andonovski KFMM 4 Clara Andreazza ASRK 4 Lauren Bruggeman MEMK 4 Joshua Bryson XIMA 4 Sarah Carta MEET 4 Xavier Covan ASRK 4 Thomas Koufopoulos MGKK 4 Jessica Marchetti CIKE 4 Leeyah Quiaonza XELF 4 Xavier Saviane KCMC 4 Kelly Tran MAML 4 Dakota Wright ASNP 4 Keanu Ana CJBO 5 Daniel Dizon XKAC 5 Benjamin Dowse MMBM 5 Sukhraj Grewal XGCN 5

Hayley Keating FECG 5 Riley Lewis FFCH 5 Olivia Mincone CKBC 5 Isabella Richards AMSG 5 Veronika Sangalang XIMA 5 Chelsea Tomasello XAKW 5 Jacob Arambatzidis MCMS 6 Alex Basile KSSD 6 Justine Black AMDA 6 Jesse Bottomley KCVE 6 Jessica Dragicevic CIKE 6 Thomas Kipouridis ATMV 6 Tahlia Porcaro MMBM 6 Oliver Schembri MAML 6 Mai Linh Trinh ASNP 6 Alessia D'Amato KSSD 7 Max Doupe AJMO 7 Ashleigh Hall CSJH 7 Ellen Kha KJJF 7 Bonnie McCall FRLP 7 Alyssa Rottura XIMA 7 Amy Stefanidis KSSD 7 Olivia Tweedale FPTM 7 Laine Walker FRLP 7 Hannah Chesser KFMM 8 Laura Di Clemente AAAM 8 Clayton Pringle XAFR 8 Christian Steward CNPA 8 Aimee Thorley CSJH 8 Leewa Wilfred FSKE 8 Mia Willits XMCU 8 Dan Lay FRLP 9 Amaya Liyanage ADFE 9 Alexandar McMahon-Puce KMLE 9 Adrian Parisi MNHW 9 Alysha Prisc MNHW 9 Dilucksha Rajasingham ANJR 9 Kelly Ripper FRLP 9 Rebekah Sison FECG 9 Jonathan Tomasiello KCMC 9 Year 10 Lara Bilotto ANJR 4 Sarah Caruana AMSG 4 Jack Costanzo XELF 4 Olivia De Marchi KJMJ 4 Sarah Gee MFVE 4 Anna Guard XAKW 4 Aleena Gutszmit FMJL 4 Thomas Harrison AMOK 4 Larissa Melchiorre CMST 4 Nina Santolis KGCW 4 Eryca Sarmiento MEET 4 Laura Spencer FSKE 4 Sarj Asmar MDHT 5 Annabelle Blagus FFCH 5 Brodie Car XRFS 5 Georgia Christou FMJL 5

Page 17: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

Carmen Crockford CDAM 5 Ellie Glover FRLP 5 Olivia Karaula CJBO 5 Nathan Macawili MFVE 5 Taran Sandhu MNHW 5 Archie Simmonds AMDA 5 Ainsley Tucker KMLE 5 Matthew Vassallo FHPL 5 Luke Vigliotti XAKW 5 Rory Williams CSJH 5 Amy Barclay KFMM 6 Hannah Barclay KCMC 6 Lara Buccella AMDA 6 Joshua Fell CPJK 6 Lucia Gazzana MAML 6 William Gittins XAFR 6 Morgan Jones XAFR 6 Sheridan Jones XIMA 6 Helena Kubicki CLCR 6 Celia Lagana MPZA 6 Callista Nguyen FJBE 6 Elise Sullivan FMJP 6 Stanley Zhou AJMO 6 Giulia Andreazza AMDA 7 Eduarda Blanco Rozov XKAC 7 Isabella Ciccone XMAC 7 Shehan Fernando MFVE 7 Linda Phan CTJM 7 Matthew Stanton FECG 7 Lauren Trenou AJMO 7 Sienna Volpe FSPS 7

Year 11 Larissa Ambrose CNPA 4 Loujine Azmy ASNP 4 Patrick Carbis CKBC 4 Bennett Edwards CDAM 4 Matisse Febbrarino CTJM 4 Alexander Muljadi XAFR 4 Liam Pannam MDHT 4 Phoebe Taplin CKBC 4 Tyler Todero CPJK 4 Joshua Ammendola MFVE 5 Natasha Belvedere FSPS 5 Patrick Blake CLCR 5 Sam Bonney FMJL 5 Julien Bui-Viet MJMM 5 Joel Caratozzolo KAMM 5 Ben Halewood FFCH 5 Connor Hawley CJBO 5 Tye Huggins KCVE 5 Will Kite CJBO 5 Caden Murray ATMV 5 Matthew Petrucci XAKW 5 Christian Saviane KAMM 5 Alexander Spoor MMBM 5 Tina Tran MFVE 5 Kyra Treglia KCMC 5 Sarah Warwick XGCN 5 Alessandra Casasanta MGKK 6 Camila Parga KJJF 6 David Sha XKAC 6 Mary Tomasiello KSSD 6


Hospitality Tour On December 28, 2019, eight Hospitality students, two teachers and our very own photographer embarked on a trip to Italy for twenty-four days. We left our summer to go to Italy’s winter. After saying goodbye to our families, we began our long exciting journey to Italy. The students were excited on the Emirates flight. We arrived in Dubai via Singapore after 15 hours and then Rome after another 8 hours; that was an experience all on its own!

Four days in Rome: seeing The Vatican, the home of Christianity, in all its glory with the thousands of people, then climbing The Cupola was amazing (it tested our fitness, to say the least) The Sistine Chapel with its frescoes (works from Michelangelo and other Renaissance artists), was mesmerising. When we thought that was impressive enough, the following day we were in awe of

Mr Fiona Chapman Direct Line: 9433 0755

Miss Elizabeth Gartland Direct Line: 9433 0291

Page 18: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

the Colosseum, and the Roman Forum. Our tour guide Monya made a great impression on the students which made the tours a lot of fun! We visited The Church of the Gesu where St Ignatius was entombed; we felt a connection to this Baroque style church.

The espresso, cioccolata calda (thick hot chocolate), pizza, gelato, roasted chestnuts (for some) and the pasta were addictive.

Pienza: We visited the town centre with panoramic views and attended a taste testing at a family owned and run dairy farm specialising in making Pecorino cheese. The students learned the paddock to plate process from Giuseppe. The eight varieties of the cheese, the fresh yoghurt, the local bread and the salad made for a tasty lunch (so fresh).

Siena 2 days: We loved Siena! The Piazza del Campo which is renowned for its Palio horserace was majestic. The students saw it lit up at night with all the Christmas lights. Great photo opportunities.

Florence 3 days: So much to see in Florence. Our tour guide Freya explained the Renaissance era while visiting the famous Uffizi and the Accademia Galleries where famous collections of artworks were housed, for example Michelangelo’s statue of David. We admired the Santa Maria del Fiore and the Baptistery. We walked the Ponte Vecchio. The view of the River Arno was hindered by the thick fog. We queued up for Florence’s famous sandwich shop “Osteria All’antico Vinaio”- it was worth it!

Bologna 3 days: This medieval city offered so much! The shopping, the food – the home of the tortelli pasta, the Sala Borsa Library constructed above Roman ruins which are on display, the dramatic Neptune Fountain, Piazza Maggiore with plenty of entertainment going on, unfinished facade of Basilica of San Petronio, Bologna University (oldest university in Europe), the streets lined with porticos and the Seven Churches Complex. Highlight was a gelato masterclass at the Gelato University – so yummy! We also learned about Gelato origins. We caught up with two Loyola teachers, Miss Manna and Mr. Lynch for dinner which was lovely.


Milan 2 days: A visit to a traditional “Acetai” where we learned about the production, storage and the system of arranging the barrel sets in a progressive order of capacity of balsamic vinegar in Modena. The sales were up that day! Couldn’t miss the Gothic cathedral of Milan in the Piazza Duomo, truly magnificent in size and architectural design. We found the 15th Century Sforza Castle, and next to it were the stunning Sempione Gardens. We left Milan by train for Veneto, Castelfranco with 11 large x 30 kg suitcases.

Veneto (Castel Franco) 9 days with homestays: This is where more memories were created for our students. They got to the Maffioli Institute nervous and shy and they left full of confidence and smiles and also tears, as they said goodbye to their host families. Whilst they were there, they had 3 classes in the kitchens learning Italian dishes: zeppole, risotto and fresh pasta. They attended an English class and dined many times in the student restaurants and bar.

We also attended a Cocktail Making Competition off campus and went on excursions to Venice, Padova, Treviso, Verona and Possagno all led by Maffioli students.

To sum up our trip, my Health Ap tells me we each walked around 320,000 steps equating to a tiring 300 kms. Miss Gartland and I are very proud of the students: Brodie Car, Rebecca Salvaggio, Larissa Melchiorre, Chantelle Dokos, Eleanor Glover, Grace Reginato, Sarah Gee and Nerys Lane.

It was a very successful Hospitality and Food Study Tour. This article only represents a part of our tour, there was so much more!

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Welcome I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have had a fun filled start to 2020. My heart goes out to all those affected by the bushfires. I hope that you all managed to take some time out to relax and spend quality time with family and friends. As is the case every year, a very busy 2020 is planned at Loyola College as we celebrate our school’s 40th anniversary. If you have any queries about upcoming events, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

College Morning Tour Our first Monday Morning Tour for 2020 will be held on Monday, 24 February from 9:15am – 11:00am. Bookings are essential via [email protected].

The tour will include Morning Tea with our Principal, Mr Joseph Favrin.

Year 7 Picnic Despite encountering a very hot day it was so nice to see so many parents, grandparents and siblings meet in the beautiful courtyard to mingle with other families. For some families it was their first child starting Year 7, for others it was their second or third (perhaps even fourth child). Excitement filled the air as the children met with their families to let them know how their first day at Secondary school went, some were happier to stay with the friends they knew and those they have just met. Thank you to LPFA and PWP members who attended the picnic, welcoming new families and inviting them to the many upcoming Loyola College events.

2020 House Cocktail Evenings Please join us for a wonderful event. The Cocktail evening will take place over two evenings from 6:30pm – 9:30pm

Mannix, Flynn & Xavier House Cocktail Evening: Thursday, 27 February - www.trybooking.com/561543

McAuley, Chisholm & MacKillop House Cocktail Evening: Thursday 19 March - www.trybooking.com/561557

Cost: $35.00 per person. Which includes a generous amount of finger food, wine/beer/champagne & soft drinks. Children can attend. Mocktail/Cocktail on arrival.

Please book now as numbers are limited.

2020 House Masses We welcome your attendance to our annual House Masses. Year 7 and Year 12 students will be presented at each House Mass. Sunday 9 February 2020, 9:00am Sacred Heart Diamond Creek (Flynn House) Sunday 9 February 2020, 10:30am St Thomas the Apostle Greensborough North (MacKillop House) Sunday 16 February 2020, 10:30am St Francis of Assisi Mill Park (McAuley House) Sunday 23 February 2020, 10:00am St Damian’s Bundoora (Mannix House) Sunday 1 March 2020, 10:00am St Mary’s Greensborough (Chisholm House) Sunday 15 March 2020, 10:00am Our Lady of the Way Kingsbury (Xavier House)

LPFA Year 7 Get together – Friday 20 March 2020 The LPFA are very excited to welcome all Year 7 families to a fun filled Year 7 Family Get together. This is a great opportunity to meet other Loyola families. Both students (siblings included) and parents are welcome to attend.

This is a free event - food and drink provided. When: Friday, 20 March

Mrs Dianna Alonso Community Liaison Officer Direct Line: 9433 0228 [email protected]

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Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm Where: Loyola Companions Hall Bookings are essential via www.trybooking.com/BHXVV

Relay for Life – 29 February & 01 March Relay for Life is a community fundraising challenge raising vital funds for cancer patients. Friends, families and colleagues are encouraged to join forces. Loyola College proudly has a team representing this very valuable cause. It is an opportunity to honour those we’ve lost during the candlelight ceremony and to raise funds to support people affected by cancer, fund research and prevention programs.

If you are interested in joining the Loyola Team - Cancer Council Victoria - [email protected]

LPFA Winery Day in the Yarra Valley (See flyer elsewhere in this newsletter)

Loyola Parent and Friends Association (LPFA) Meetings 2020 Wednesday evenings: 19 February, 18 March, 06 May, 22 July, 26 August, 07 October, 11 November

Homestays Needed – Italian, French and Mexican Exchange Students I have received enquiries from Lycée Saint Joseph, Avignon in France, Via Sant'Isaia 77, Bologna Italy and Prepa Ibero in Mexico.

The schools from Italy and France would like to send five to six students and two students will be coming from Mexico (aged 16-18 years old). They would arrive during the July term break.

The students from France would be here for a 6 week stay, the Italians for a 10 week stay and the Mexicans would like to have an 18 week stay.

There will be both male and female students and all attempts will be made to match students regarding age and preferred gender. The students would enrol into either Year 10 or Year 11. They would like to see how life is in a typical Australian school and family. The main purpose of the Exchange Programme is for the student to improve their English skills.

Accommodation expenses of $280 per week are paid to the Homestay family. Loyola College will provide uniform for the visiting students and all persons living in the home over 18 years old will require a Working with Children Card.

If you have any questions or if you are interested in being a Homestay family, please contact me via email or phone call. A visit to your home will be required.

International House Just inside Gate 4, on the corner of Bungay and Kenmare Streets sits our Aurrupe House which is used for accommodation on a short-term basis for both overseas visitors and members of our school and local community. This share accommodation rental is ideal for family members or friends who would like to attend a function or appointment in Melbourne and require an overnight stay or longer at a very reasonable price. Some of our families have extended family who live interstate and rent the house on a regular basis when planning a visit to Melbourne for one or two weeks. Loyola’s close proximity to shops and the train makes it ideal to be independent and yet close to relatives as well.

Anyone interested in learning more should access www.loyola.vic.edu.au/information/accomodation or contact myself either by phone or email.

Twilight Working bee Are you planning your 2020 Calendar, be sure to add Loyola College’s:

Twilight Working Bee - Friday 29 February, 2020 starting at 4:00pm

Other Working Bee dates for 2020 – Saturday, 09 May, 25 July & 05 September

All students accompanied by Parents welcome. Please let me know via email or phone if you are able to attend.

2020 Partnership with Parents (PWP) Meetings Monday evenings – 10 February, 20 April, 27 July & 12 October

Page 21: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

Donation of Loyola Uniform If you have any Loyola uniform items that you no longer require, please leave them at Reception. They are great to have for families in need, student accidents and our Exchange students.


ICT News - Digital Devices Program The purpose of digital devices is to give students access to the Internet, webmail and Companion Learning (LMS), which allows students to submit homework/assessments online. Students are also able to print as well as access work from and save work to their network home drives from their Drives tab on the LMS.

Digital devices for Years 7 – 9 students Year 7, 8 and 9 students are only permitted to have a Microsoft Surface Pro. Devices must be purchased from the mandated supplier, Centorrino Technologies (ct.com.au/Loyola), which provides hot-swap devices for warranty and accidental damage claims. The software on these devices is managed by the ICT Department and includes the System Bundle:

InTune Mobile Device Management Webroot anti-virus Microsoft Office 365 Adobe Create Cloud

Digital devices for Years 10 – 12 students Year 10, 11 and 12 students are required to bring an approved digital device from the following CYOD (Choose Your Own Device, CYOD) list:

Windows Notebook Device Windows 7 or later Core i3 Processor or greater Minimum 4Gb Memory (RAM) Wireless Network Card with AC (5Ghz)

Windows Tablet Windows Surface or Equivalent 5Ghz Network Adapter Minimum 4Gb Memory (RAM)

Apple Macbook (VA students) or Macbook Air (not recommended for Visual Arts students) Apple OSX Mavericks or later Core i3 Processor or greater Minimum 4Gb Memory (RAM) 2013 model or later

Apple iPad (not recommended for senior students)

o Recommendations for CYOD Anti-Virus: This should be installed and kept up to date. Warranty/Care: It is highly recommended that the device is maintained under warranty and that consideration is

also given to protecting the device from physical damage. Support: Please bear in mind that as the device is parent owned, Loyola College is not responsible for diagnosing

hardware issues with the device, repairing the device or replacing the device should it be lost or destroyed.

For ICT Support, contact 9433 0743 or email [email protected].

Mr Victor Dalla-Vecchia Direct Line: 9433 0258

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Page 23: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as
Page 24: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as
Page 25: Welcome to New Students - Loyola College, Melbourne...Welcome to New Staff The following new staff have joined the College this year. We welcome them and wish them every blessing as

LOYOLA COLLEGE SUNDAY PARISH MASSES: DIAMOND VALLEY DEANERY Student Absence: 03 9433 0248 St Damian’s Bundoora: Saturday 5.30pm, Sunday 8am, 10am Email: [email protected] Sacred Heart, Diamond Creek: (1st Saturday of Month) Reception and Fees Office: 8am-5.00pm Monday to Friday 7.15pm, St Peters, Hurstbridge Library: 8.00am-5.45pm, Monday to Thursday Sunday 9.00am, Sacred Heart

8.00am-5.00pm, Friday Our Lady Help of Christians, Eltham: Saturday 6pm; Uniform Shop: Tuesday 8.00am - 9.00am and Sunday 9am, 11am Wednesday 3.15pm - 4.00pm St Mary’s Greensborough: Saturday 6.30pm; Sunday 8am, 10am, 5pm St Thomas. North Greensborough: Saturday 6pm; Sunday 10.30am MASS AT LOYOLA: Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury: Saturday 6pm; Sunday 8am, 10am For Masses see “From Deputy Principal - Ignatian Mission St Martin’s Macleod: Saturday 6pm; Sunday, 7.30, 8.30 (Italian), 10am and Identity” St Francis of Assisi, Mill Park: Saturday 5.00pm; Sunday 9am, 10.30am, 5pm St Francis Xavier, Montmorency: Saturday 6pm: Sunday 8.30, 10.30am St Mary’s, Kinglake: Sunday 8:30am St Joseph’s, Mernda: Saturday 5:30pm & Sunday 8:00am St Joseph’s Nazareth Centre Sunday 10:30am



10-February 11-February 12-February 13-February 14-February 15-February 16-February

College assembly Partnership with

Parents (PWP) Meeting, 7:30pm

Year 12 Breakfast,

7:00am Year 7 & 8 ACS

Summer Trials (Period 5)


Exhibition – Year 7 & 8 Students, Parents

Academic Conversations, 3:45pm

Year 9 Summer

trials, period 5

Opening College

Mass rehearsal, 10:00am

House Eisteddfod rehearsal, 3:30pm

McAuley House

Mass, 10:30am Mary Poppins

auditions, 11:00am

17-February 18-February 19-February 20-February 21-February 22-February 23-February

House swimming

carnival, 8:30am

Year 7

Immunisations Year 7 & 8 ACS v

Overnewton Senior Programs

Evening, 7:00pm

Senior ACS v St

Leonard’s LPFA Meeting,


40th Anniversary

Opening College Mass, 11:00am

Senior Reflection & Discernment, 3:30pm

House Eisteddfod

rehearsal, 3:30pm LCAA Classic Car

Show, 6:00pm

Mannix House

Mass, 10:00am Mary Poppins – All

cast rehearsal, 11:00am

24-February 25-February 26-February 27-February 28-February 29-February 01-March

Morning Tour,

9:15am Philippines

Immersion Parent Information Evening, 7:00pm

Year 7 & 8 ACS v

St Michael’s

Senior ACS v St

Michael’s College Board

meeting, 7:00pm

Year 9 ACS v St

Leonard’s, 1:50pm House Cocktail

Evening (Mannix, Flynn & Xavier House), 6:00pm

Year 12 Geography

Fieldtrip House Eisteddfod

rehearsal, 3:30pm Junior Reflection &

Discernment, 3:30pm

LPFA Twilight Working Bee, 4:00pm

Year 12 Geography

Fieldtrip Relay for Life

Relay for Life Chisholm House

Mass, 10:00am