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Welcome to Grade 11 Parent Information Night September 18, 2014

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Welcome to Grade 11Parent Information Night

September 18, 2014

AgendaWelcome & Learning at CDNIS Jon Field, Director of Learning

The End Goal: IB Results & University Tim Kaiser, Principal

Being a DP Student Kevin Hoye, DP / TOK Coordinator

Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) Jonathan Hamilton, CAS Coordinator

The Extended Essay (EE) Werner Paetzold, MYP / EE Coordinator

Theory of Knowledge Essay (TOK) Kevin Hoye, DP / TOK Coordinator

Assessment in the DP and OSSD Christopher Coates, Vice-Principal

Guidance Margie Ionson, Head of US Guidance

Responsible Global Citizens



Social Responsibility

Leadership Abilities

Friendly & Caring



Reflect Global Values





Chinese Language &



To assist students in becoming responsible global citizens by developing a respectful and caring nature for themselves and for others and enabling them to gain a strong sense of belonging and social responsibility.

To develop leadership abilities in students within a friendly and caring community that inspires, challenges and reflects global values.

To build a reputation for academic excellence by providing a rigorous and balanced academic programme with an appreciation for the Arts, Technology, Sports and Chinese Language and Culture.

Developing Responsible Global Citizens and Leaders Through Academic Excellence

Historical IBDP Results 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Students Registered 81 104 101 106 121

Awarded Full DiplomaWorld Average






Awarded Bilingual DiplomaWorld Average



Average Diploma ScoreWorld Average






Average Subject GradeWorld Average






University Acceptances

UK: 29%

Canada: 28%US: 25%

Hong Kong: 7%

Australia: 3%

Other 6%

Where is the Class of 2014?

● Imperial College London● University College London● Johns Hopkins University● King’s College London● University of Edinburgh● Toronto● McGill University● UC Berkeley● HKU● University of Bristol● Northwestern University● HKUST● NYU

● UBC● CUHK● Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität

München● Technische Universität München● London School of Economics● University of Nottingham● Boston University ● University of Texas at Austin● Uppsala University● University of St. Andrew’s● Erasmus University of Rotterdam● UC Davis

Where is the Class of 2014?

● École hôtelière de Lausanne● Royal Welsh College of Music● The Royal Veterinary College● Bryn Mawr College● Middlebury College● Smith College● Parsons The New School for Design● School of the Art Institute of Chicago● United States Naval Academy

“We very much value the learning that IB students have had through their Diploma Programme. I have personally seen, over the years that I have been in charge of admissions at HKU, that they do not just have an understanding of their subject areas, but, much more importantly, typically show levels of communication, thinking skills and all-around knowledge that equip them very well for tertiary education and beyond.” 

Professor John A. Spinks, Senior Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor, HKU

IB Recognition

Being a DP Student (and Parent!)

Kevin Hoye

Being a DP Student

Three Top Tips

● Grade 11 counts!

● Work with your teachers!

● Know when to call it a day!

Being a DP Student

● Help your children find their own way

● Celebrate Successes

● Keep in touch!

Being a DP Parent

Three Top Tips

Student Led Conferences

IBDP Newsletter

Academic Honesty

Creativity, Action, Service(CAS)

Jonathan Hamilton

● Starts on the first day of grade 11 and ends on the last day of grade 12

● Be creative, physically active and engage in the community in which they exist.

● At least 1 CAS project○ collaborate with others; plan & initiate; over a

significant period of time

Creativity, Action, Service

What is CAS?

● Be aware of their strengths and areas for growth

● Take on new challenges

● Plan and initiate activities

● Collaborate with others

● Persevere and commit

● Engage in issues of global importance

● Consider ethical implications

● Develop new skills

Creativity, Action, Service

Students Need to:

Examples of activities in the school community

The Alliance

Award for Young People

Running Club

Model United Nations


Attend Curriculum Night to receive a full list of all Arts & Clubs

Creativity, Action, Service

Global Issues ConferencesMarch 2015

● Singapore● Hong Kong

Other External Opportunities:

● Habitat Trips● Work with The Nesbitt Centre● Feeding HK● Kids4Kids Youth Forum

● Google Group● My website

Creativity, Action, Service

Extended Essay (EE)Werner Paetzold

● 4,000● 40● 4● 1-6+X● A-D

The Extended Essay (EE)

What is the Extended Essay?

● Support identification of personal interest

● Develop detailed understanding of requirements

● Review, refine and support application of academic research skills

The Extended Essay (EE)

Extended Essay Classes


A 3 3 2 2 FailingCondition

B 3 2 2 1 FailingCondition

C 2 2 1 0 FailingCondition

D 2 1 0 0 FailingCondition

E FailingCondition





Bonus Points

TOK + EE = Bonus Points

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)Kevin Hoye

● Develop a deeper understanding of the knowledge they are acquiring in their six other subjects

● Develop self-awareness and an awareness of how others, with their different opinions, can also be right

● Develop critical thinking skills and the ability to construct a coherent, logical argument

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

The Aims of TOK

● What we know / think we know about the world

● How we have found these things out

● What makes something beautiful?● What makes something count as art?● Are there universal ethical rules?● Is there anything it is too dangerous to know?

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

What Do We Discuss?

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

● 1 TOK Presentation (10 mins)

● 1 TOK Essay (1600 words)

● Graded A to E

● Combined with the EE grade


The DP & OSSDAssessment in Both Programmes

Christopher Coates

OSSD = min 30 credits Grade 9 - 12

DP = 3HL + 3SL + TOK/EE Grade 11 -12


OSSD Meets the IB DP

Grade 11 English


Year 1 Language A

English Lang & Lit SL



OSSD70% Formative + Summative

Early sense of IB PredictedGrade (7)

30% Final Evaluation

(100) IB Predicted Grades

(May 2015)


Assessment in Grade 11


I will ● Discuss my academic performance with my teachers and Guidance Counsellor during the course of Year and

Year 2 of the Diploma Programme● Self-reflect and discuss strategies with my subject teachers on how I can improve my performance

I agree, I will not● Approach any teachers for increased predicted scores● Ask my parents to lobby for increased predicted scores● Expect to receive a predicted IB prior to May 20 of grade 11● Ask for predicted grades at any time other than those prescribed as official predicted grade dates. These will

be available:● After May 20 Year 1● October Year 2● December Year 2● February Year 2

What if I have a question regarding my predicted grade?A student may discuss questions/concerns/strategies for improvement of their performance with teachers. A teacher should be able to articulate the reasons for their decision for your predicted grade within the framework of procedures set out in this policy. Subsequently, if you still have questions or concerns, please see your Guidance Counsellor or the IBDP Coordinator.


Predicted Grades Contract

OSSD Assessment SummaryGrade 11 Grade 12

● Presentations● Tests● Projects● Summative

● Presentations● Tests● Projects● Mock Exams

● May DP Exams ● Other DP


● Presentations● Tests ● Projects

●April OSSD Exams

CDNIS teachers (internal)CDNIS teachers (internal)

CDNIS teachers (internal)internal + external


● Oral work in languages● Fieldwork in Geography● Laboratory work in the Sciences● Investigations in Mathematics● Artistic performances and portfolios


Other DP Assessment Includes

1) Externally marked - all materials are sent to DP examiners around the world

2) Internally marked - all materials are marked exclusively by CDNIS teachers

3) Internally marked and externally moderated - all materials are marked by CDNIS teachers, but then a sample is sent to a DP examiner to determine if CDNIS students are being evaluated in line with international DP standards


Three Methods of DP Assessment

7 Excellent

6 Very Good

5 Good

4 Satisfactory

3 Mediocre

2 Poor

1 Very Poor

Maximum score is 45Minimum score is 24


DP Grading

IBSO Conversion Scale


7 97 -100*

6 93 - 96*

5 84 - 92*

4 72 - 83*

3 61 - 71*

2 50 - 60*

1 < 50


GuidancePost Secondary


Scott Atherton - A-CCatherine Irvine - D-LEN

Rob Aldridge - LEO-SMargie Ionson - T-Z

Questions to ask, Things to do

& Role of the Parent



Thank you for coming!Bus departs for Causeway Bay & Admiralty at 8:30