welcome to fresno state!california)state)university,)fresno)–departmentof"biology"...

California State University, Fresno – Department of Biology Welcome to Fresno State! The Biology Major Department of Biology 1 (559) 2782001 h@p://www.fresnostate.edu/csm/biology/ Dr. Alejandro CalderónUrrea and Dr. Joe Ross

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Page 1: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

Welcome to Fresno State!  The  Biology  Major  

 Department  of  Biology  

1  (559)  278-­‐2001    h@p://www.fresnostate.edu/csm/biology/  

 Dr.  Alejandro  Calderón-­‐Urrea  and  Dr.  Joe  Ross  


Page 2: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

Ø What  to  do  with  a  Biology  degree?  

Ø Biology  at  Fresno  State      

Ø General  advising  

Ø Secrets  to  success  in  our  Biology  program  

Ø Supplemental  acPviPes  

Ø Jobs,  jobs,  jobs,  jobs…  

Page 3: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

1)  What  to  do  with  a  Biology  degree?  h@p://www.aibs.org/careers/    

Research  Health  care  Environmental  management  and  conservaPon    EducaPon    New  direcPons  in  biological  careers    

 Biotechnology      Forensic  science      PoliPcs  and  policy      Business  and  industry      Economics      MathemaPcs      Science  wriPng  and  communicaPon      Art  

Page 4: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

2)  The  Biology  Major  plan  at  Fresno  State  

B.S.  in  Biology  (120  units  minimum)  

University  GE  requirements:  (51  units)  

AddiPonal  Requirements    (30  units):  

“Chemistry”:  CHEM  1A,  1B,  8  or  128A,  129A,  and  150  or  155  (18  units)    

“Calculus”:  MATH  70  or  75  (4  units)    “StaPsPcs”:  MATH  101  or  PSYCH  42  (4  units)  “Physics”:  PHYS  2A  (4  units)    

Biology  Major  Core  (22  units):  Biol  1A,  Biol  1B,  Biol  1BL,  Biol  101  (with  Laboratory),  Biol  102,  Biol  103,  Biol  104  (GenePcs  and  Cell  Biology  Laboratory),  and  Biol  105.  

Other  Major  Requirements    (20  units):  

Choose  at  least  one  lab  course  from  each  Diversity  Courses:  BIOL  120,  122,  123,  124,  125,  130,  131,  

132,  133,  134,  135,  136,  140,  143,  178;  MSCI  112,  113,  124,  125,  131  

Physiology  Courses:  BIOL  155,  156,  157  and  157L,  160,  161,  162  and  162L;  MSCI  135  

One  addiGonal  lab  course  Remaining  units  with  UD  biology  elecGves  (Biol  64  or  65)  

Page 5: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

Bachelor  of  Science  in  Biology  -­‐  MODEL  SCHEDULE    

FRESHMAN  Fall            Spring  Chem  1A  (GE)        (5)        Chem  1B          (5)  Math  70  (+M45  first)  or  75  (B4)        (4)      Biol  1A  (GE)          (4)  English  5B  or  10  (A2)        (3)      Comm  3,  7,  or  8  (A1)        (3)  CriPcal  Thinking  (A3)        (3)      GE  Breadth-­‐Area  C***        (3)  

         15                15  30    

SOPHOMORE  Fall            Spring  Chem  128A  (or  8)        (3)      Chem  128B  (suggested)                (3)  Physics  2A          (4)      Physics  2B  (suggested)        (4)  Biol  1B            (3)      Psych  42/Math  101        (4)  Biol  1BL          (2)      Chem  129A          (2)  GE  Breadth-­‐Area  C***        (3)      GE  Breadth-­‐Area  D***        (3)  

         15                16  31    


 Fall            Spring  Biol  102          (3)      Biol  103  +  104              (4)  Chem  150          (3)      UD  ElecPve  (major)  #        (3-­‐4)  Biol  101          (3)      GE  Breadth-­‐Area  D***        (3)  GE  Breadth-­‐Area  D***        (3)      GE  Breadth-­‐Area  C***        (3)  UD  GE        (3)      UD  GE          (3)          

       15                16-­‐17  31-­‐32      


 Fall              Spring  UD  ElecPve  (major)  #        (3-­‐5)      UD  ElecPve  (major)  #        (3-­‐5)  UD  ElecPve  (major)  #        (4)      UD  ElecPve  (major)  #        (3-­‐5)    UD  GE          (3)      Biol  105          (3)  GE  Breadth-­‐Area  E***        (3)      UD  GE          (3)  

       ___      UD  WriPng****                (3)            13-­‐15              15-­‐19  28-­‐34                  ________                    120-­‐127  

Page 6: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

Ø Courses  that  double  count:  

Ø The  Biology  1A  and  B  sequence:  

Chemistry  1A:  GE  Breadth  B1  Biology  1A:  GE  Breadth  B2  &  B3  Math  75:  GE  FoundaPon  B4  

Consult  with  the  chair  of  the  department  or  an  advisor  before  taking  UD  course  work  

Ø Pre-­‐Med,  Pre-­‐Pharmacy,  Pre-­‐Vet,  Pre-­‐Dental,  and  Pre-­‐CLS:  You  are  required  to  take  Chem  128B  and  Physics  2B  (you  may  also  need  to  take  Chem  129B,  and  Math  76-­‐second  semester  calculus)  .  

Ø CR/NC  grading  is  not  permiYed  in  the  Biology  major,  and  not  accepted  by  professors  and  schools  for  Sci/Math  courses.  

3)  General  advising  

Page 7: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

4)  Secrets  to  success  in  Biology:  

Hard  work  and  Pme  management!    

Our  Biology  program  is  demanding  2.05  (F”09),  2.14  (S”10),  2.22  (F”10),  2.47  (S”11),  2.32  (F”11)  

2.54  (S”12),  2.46  (F”12),  2.66  (S”13),  2.58  (F”13)  

GPA  may  be  important  for  your  future  career  path:  Professional  Schools  prefer  GPAs  above  3.5  

Term  and  CumulaGve  GPA  Calculator    h@p://www.fresnostate.edu/studentaffairs/programs/advising/gpa_calc.shtml    

Page 8: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

Figure  your  schedule  in  hours  not  units:  

Units Contact Hours Study Hours

Chemistry 1A 5 9 18

Math 75 4 4 8

GE 3 3 3

GE 3 3 3



Work 10-20

Commute 5

Family responsibilities ?


Hours  per  week  to  take  care  of  your  responsibiliPes  

Page 9: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

Undergraduate  Research  •  Sign  up  for  Biol  190  with  the  agreement  of  a  supervising  faculty  member  (blue  sheet)  and  learn  what  scienPsts  really  do!  

•  You  can  sign  up  for  1  to  3  units  per  semester  and  can  use  a  total  of  6  units  toward  AddiPonal  Major  Requirements  

•  Enrolling  in  Biol  190  can  –  enhance  your  professional  school  applicaPon  –  aid  in  exploring  career  opPons  –  start  a  research  career  early  

Page 10: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

Ø Pre-­‐professional  student  organizaGons    Pre-­‐med,  pre-­‐vet,  pre-­‐pharmacy,  pre-­‐dental,  etc.    Tri-­‐Beta  Honor  Society:  Amanda  foster  ([email protected])      CADUCEUS:  Pooja  Patel  ([email protected])      SACNAS:  Andres  Navarez  ([email protected])    

 Ø Undergraduate  research  experience  

   h@p://www.fresnostate.edu/csm/biology/fac-­‐staff/faculty/      Ø Pre-­‐professional  advising  

 h@p://www.csufresno.edu/premed/index.html  (pre-­‐med)    h@p://zimmer.csufresno.edu/~mrawat/cls.htm  (pre-­‐CLS)    h@p://www.fresnostate.edu/shcic/documents/CLSPROGRAMcourses_000.pdf    

 Ø Volunteering  

 The  Jan  and  Bud  Richter  Center  for  Community  Engagement  and  SL      h@p://www.csufresno.edu/cesl/index.shtml  

5)  Supplemental  acPviPes  (1)  

Page 11: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

Ø Apply  for  scholarships!!!    h@p://www.csufresno.edu/scholarships/scholarshipapplicaPon/index.shtml  

 Ø Check  with  ASSIST  on  the  Internet  to  see  which  courses  are  transferable  (in  case  you  take  courses  over  the  summer  at  community  colleges)  

   h@p://www.assist.org/web-­‐assist/welcome.html    Ø Science  and  MathemaGcs  EducaGon  Center  (SMEC)  

 h@p://www.fresnostate.edu/smec/      Ø Science  and  Health  Careers  InformaGon  Center  (SHCIC)  


5)  Supplemental  acPviPes  (2)  

Page 12: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

“CriPcal  thinking,  creaPvity,  collaboraPon,  and  communicaPon  skills  will  become  more  important  in  a  fast-­‐paced,  compePPve  global  economy”  

   CriGcal  thinking  and  problem  solving—including  the  ability  to  make  decisions,  solve  problems,  and  take  acPon  as  appropriate;        EffecGve  communicaGon—the  ability  to  synthesize  and  transmit  your  ideas  both  in  wri@en  and  oral  formats;        CollaboraGon  and  team  building—the  ability  to  work  effecPvely  with  others,  including  those  from  diverse  groups  and  with  opposing  points  of  view;        CreaGvity  and  innovaGon—the  ability  to  see  what’s  NOT  there  and  make  something  happen.    

What  are  the  criPcal  skills  needed  to  succeed  in  todays  job  market?  

Page 13: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology  

The  Department  of  Biology  •  21  faculty  studying  a  broad  array  of  biological  areas  dedicated  to  providing  students  with  complete  and  up-­‐to-­‐date  informaPon  in  their  areas  of  experPse,  while  helping  develop  the  criPcal  skills  needed  to  succeed  in  a  compePPve  economy.  – Content  knowledge  – Laboratory  pracPcal  knowledge  – Research  experience    – Building  your  skill-­‐set  for  future  success  

Page 14: Welcome to Fresno State!California)State)University,)Fresno)–Departmentof"Biology" 2)"The"Biology"Major"plan"atFresno"State" B.S.inBiology (120"units"minimum)" University"GE"requirements

California  State  University,  Fresno  –  Department  of  Biology