welcome sport science program exercise and fitness …

WELCOME The Sport Science Program offers a Bachelor (B.Sc.) degree and provides a comprehensive coursework and field experience that will educate its students for professions in a broad scope of Sports Business, Exercise and Fitness, Sport, Wellbeing and Community Development. SPORT SCIENCE PROGRAM College of Arts and Sciences Qatar University EXERCISE AND FITNESS Focuses on the physiological, psychological, social and biomechanical effects of exercise and physical activity in different populations, to promote health and well-being within Qatar. SPORT MANAGEMENT Seeks to train students to work in the growing sport market and industry in Qatar and in the region (e.g. sport marketing, event management, sport and development

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The Sport Science Program offers a Bachelor (B.Sc.) degree and provides a comprehensive coursework and field experience that will educate its students for professions in a broad scope of Sports Business, Exercise and Fitness, Sport, Wellbeing and Community Development.


College of Arts and Sciences

Qatar University


Focuses on the physiological, psychological, social and

biomechanical effects of exercise and physical activity in different

populations, to promote health and well-being within Qatar.


Seeks to train students to work in the growing sport market and industry in Qatar

and in the region (e.g. sport marketing, event management, sport and development



Sport Science Program

The specializations have been established to match the country’s needs

in regards to the Qatar National Vision 2030, the Sport Sector Strategy

2011-2016, Qatar Olympic Committee strategy 2017-2022; and certainly

the FIFA Football World Cup 2022. Our unique program is designed to

target the important need to initiate a lifestyle change among the local

population and promoting a healthier lifestyle. To addresses issues such

as obesity and diabetes and other health problems related to lack of

physical activity. To examine the impact of formal and informal sport

activities on the wellbeing of the population, and society at large.

Qatar hosts around 45 international sport events every year. Our

program helps the State of Qatar to train home grown specialists in the

area of sport management (including sport policy, sport finance, sport

governance, sport marketing, and sport development).

In addition to teaching, the program aims to contribute with

interdisciplinary impactful research outputs in different areas of sport

sciences, organized under the following pillars to meet the national

research priorities:

1. Sport, Culture and Identity

2. Sport Performance

3. Sport, Health and well-being

These research themes group a number of sport sciences disciplines:

sport and exercise psychology, physiology, biomechanics and nutrition,

human movement science, sport and elite performance, physical

activity, sport management and school sport.

The program was ranked top Sport Science Department in terms of

number of and quality of research outputs by The 2018 Shanghai

Ranking for Sport Sciences. The program is ranked 200-300 in the world

competing with bigger units, departments and colleges worldwide.


- Ranked 1st in North Africa and Middle East in research in the 2018 Shanghai Global Ranking for Sport Science Schools and Departments

- Dynamic group of faculty & students with different cultural background


- An international program: taught fully in English (up-to-date knowledge; international standards)

- Research active faculty

publishing in international peer- reviewed journals



Joining teaching and Research As part of their training in different sport related sciences

students have to undertake in their final year senior projects

under the supervision of faculty. The aim of the senior

project is to offer students the opportunity to apply their

theoretical training to a practical context, and get a sense of

actual research process i.e. selecting the right topic, writing

relevant literature, research design and analysis, last and not

least communicating their research outcome during the

Research Day and other relevant conferences.


The program offers Community Services and events to

strengthen the connections between the department and

its community at large. The aim is to optimize the

work/life experience for faculty, staff, students, and

graduates by providing opportunities to participate in

social, educational, and cultural activities on campus and

outside (i.e. Qatar society). The goal is to reach out to

community and make an impact in society on the

promotion of sport science and social, cultural and

economic impacts of sport.


Sport Science Program offers a number of training and

scientific events in partnership with other departments

and colleges at QU as well as other institutions in the

country which share similar interests in the sport-related

field. The aim of these events is to engage and exchange

with the sport science community in Qatar and to

disseminate research outputs and up-to date knowledge

about different fields of sport sciences. The other main

goal is to bridge between academics and practitioners and

to reach out to key stakeholders of sport in the country

and internationally. We invite international speakers in

addition to local scientists and practitioners from a

number of institutions including: Aspire, Aspetar, Qatar

Olympic Academy, Josoor Institute, Supreme Committee

for the Delivery and Legacy, Qatar Anti-Doping lab, to

name but a few.


In Sport Science Program and thanks to the support of a

number of sport organizations in the country we

encourage our students to take practical hands on

experience in different field of sport, exercise and sport

management. Our students are actively involved in a

number of sport events and sport community initiatives,

as well in a number of national priority research projects.

In addition, we offer ongoing internship in schools for

Sport Science students with PE Concentrations in primary

and secondary or high school settings. Students spend 6

weeks in a primary school and another 6 weeks in a

secondary or high school, which involves micro cycle

observation of experienced teachers as well as designing

and conducting PE lessons under the supervision of

faculty. Sport Science as part of its Program Enhancement

is seeking to develop further Internship opportunities of

our students, with credit hours and accredited

certification to meet the requirement of the job market.

“Wonderful years of life enriching experiences in both academic and day-to-day aspect, a complete and compatible journey inspired by the faculty and professors. Hopefully corner stone to a great career ahead” Hadi Hamdoun, Sport Science Student, Chair of Sprt Science Club at Qatar University, Player of the National Handball Team.

“ I am enjoying my university life studying sport science. I have had the opportunity to develop my experience in the field by having volunteering opportunities, workshops, and conferences, provided by Sport Science Program” Fajer Jomaa S A Al-Boainin, Sport Science Student. Co-Chair of Sport Science Club at Qatar University.



Major in Sport Science A minimum of 120 credit hours are required to complete the major in sport science, including

the following:

• A minimum of 33 credit hours in core curriculum requirements

• A minimum of 51 credit hours in major requirements

• A minimum of 36 credit hours in concentration requirements

Core Curriculum Program (33 CH)

Common package (15 CH)

• ARAB 100 Arabic Language I

• ARAB 200 Arabic Language II

• ENGL 202 English Language I Post Foundation

• ENGL 203 English Language II Post Foundation

• DAWA 111 Islamic Culture

Social/Behavioral Sciences package (3 CH)

Courses in the CCP defined Social/Behavioral Sciences package.

Humanities /Fine Arts package (3 CH)

Students must complete a minimum of 3 Credit Hours from courses listed in the Qatar and Gulf History Sub-package

part of the Humanities/Fine Arts package.

Natural Science/Mathematics package (3 CH)

Courses in the CCP defined Natural Science/Mathematics Package.

Students selecting the Sport Management Concentration Area are encouraged to complete the MATH 103 course

listed in this package.

Supplemental College / Program Core Requirements Package (3 CH)

• UNIV 100 First Year Seminar

General Knowledge package (3 CH)

Courses in the CCP defined General Knowledge package.

General Skills package (3 CH)

Courses in the CCP defined General Skills package.

Major Requirements (51 CH) Students must complete a minimum of 51 credit hours in Major required courses:

• BIOL 101 Biology I • BIOL 110 Human Biology • SPSC 215 General and Functional Anatomy • SPSC 101

Traditional and New Games • SPSC 200 Theory and Practice Individual Sports I • SPSC 201 Theory and Practice

(Team Sports) I • SPSC 202 Theory and Practice (Team Sports) II • SPSC 203 Exercise Physiology I • SPSC 204 Theory

and Practice Individual Sports II • SPSC 206 Research Methods in Exercise Science and Health • SPSC 210 Principles

of Training and Coaching I • SPSC 306 Motor Learning • SPSC 308 Sport Psychology • SPSC 310 Principles of

Training and Coaching II • SPSC 400 Psycho-Social Aspects of Games • SPSC 401 Performance Analysis and

Assessment • SPSC 490 Sport Science Senior Project

Concentration in Physical Education (36 CH) (Enrolment for this concentration is Frozen) Students must complete a

minimum of 36 credit hours in concentration requirements.

• EDEC 411 Health and Safety of Young Children • EDUC 310 Foundation of Education in Qatar and School Reform

• EDUC 312 Curriculum and Assessment • EDUC 316 Classroom Management • EDUC 317 Inclusive Classrooms •

SPSC 209 Biomechanics and Movement Analysis • SPSC 349 Developmental Psychology • SPSC 399 Physical

Education in Schools • SPSC 449 Teaching PE in Primary Schools • SPSC 475 Teaching PE in Secondary Schools •

SPSC 499 Internship

Concentration in Exercise and Fitness (36 CH)

Students must complete a minimum of 27 credit hours in concentration requirements and 9 CH in concentration

supporting requirements.

Exercise and Fitness Concentration Core Requirements (27 CH)

• SPSC 209 Biomechanics and Movement Analysis • SPSC 302 Fitness Testing and Training

• SPSC 303 Exercise and Metabolism • SPSC 307 Exercise Physiology II • SPSC 309 Exercise and Aging • SPSC 318

Exercise Psychology • SPSC 403 Exercise, Obesity and Diabetes • SPSC 404 Exercise and Heart Disease • SPSC 405

Testing and Exercise Prescription

Exercise and Fitness Concentration Supporting Requirements (9 CH)

Students must complete all courses listed below:

• SPSC 305 Sport Marketing and Management I • SPSC 311 First Aid and CPR • SPSC 406 Concepts of Fitness and

Nutrition • SPSC 407 Sport Governance and Economics I Concentration in Sport Management (36 CH) Students

must complete a minimum of 24 credit hours in concentration requirements and 12 CH in concentration supporting


Sport Management Concentration Core Requirements (24 CH)

• ACCT 110 Financial Accounting • ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics • ECON 112 Principles of

Macroeconomics • FINA 201 Principles of Finance • MAGT 101 Principles of Management • MAGT 306 International

Business • MAKT 101 Principles of Marketing • MATH 119 Business Math I

Sport Management Concentration Supporting Requirements (12 CH)

• SPSC 305 Sport Marketing and Management I • SPSC 407 Sport Governance and Economics I • SPSC 409 Sport

Marketing and Management II • SPSC 410 Sport Governance

Sport Science Program offer a number Courses with practicum component.

Course Code Course Title Class type Duration/Task Assessment

SPSC 201 Theory and Principles of Team Sports I

Lecture and Lab 15 weeks practice General and sport specific warm up (Microcycle)

SPSC 200 Theory and Practice Individual Sport I

Lecture and Lab 15 weeks practice General and sport specific warm up (Microcycle)

SPSC 204 Theory and Practice Individual Sport II

Lecture and Lab 15 weeks practice Error detection and correction

SPSC 202 Theory and Practice of Team Sport II

Lecture and Lab 15 weeks practice Preparation sport specific exercises (Microcycle)

SPSC 399 Physical Education in Schools

Lecture 5 weeks PE observation

PE observation in schools

SPSC 449 Teaching PE in Primary Schools

Lecture embedded short term practical

5 weeks PE Microcycle teaching in schools

Microcycle teaching in primary schools

SPSC 475 Teaching PE in secondary Schools

Lecture embedded short term practical

5 weeks PE Microcycle teaching in schools

Microcycle teaching in seconday schools

SPSSC 499 Internship Practical 14 weeks teaching Continuous teaching practice; 7 weeks in primary + 7 weeks in secondary

ADMISSIONS Applicants must satisfy QU defined College and Program requirements including the minimum high school percentage requirement and pass the personal interview. Detailed Undergraduate admission requirements are available at the following link: http://www.qu.edu.qa/students/admission/undergraduates.php Declaring the major Students must satisfy QU requirements for declaring a major including the need to declare the major before completing 36 UG credit hours. In addition, students declaring a major in Sport Science must have completed a minimum of 9 CH in the core curriculum program requirements with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 including BIOL 101 course or must have completed a minimum 9 credit hours with GPA 2.5. Additional Requirements Medical clearance for participating in physical activity. All applicants to the Sports Science Program will be required to appear for a personal interview. CONTACT US Administrative Coordinator Email: [email protected] Office Tel: (+974) 4403-4971 Office: Women’s Main Bldg, Rm 205


• In addition to teaching, the program aims to contribute with interdisciplinary impactful research outputs in different areas of sport studies, organized under the following pillars to meet the national research priorities:

Sport, Culture and Society (SCS)

The purpose of this group is to examine the interplay between sport, culture and society at local, regional and international levels, applying multidisciplinary approaches in social sciences, including social psychology, sport sociology, sport policy and management, sport and cultural studies. The topics englobed within SCS are;

• Making sense of sport as practice/value system in Islamic and Muslim Context

• Understanding sport and cultural diversity in Qatar and the region (religious, ethnic diversities) and how different cultural groups and communities are engaging with sport as well as how their different needs are being catered for in sporting context (this topic tap into question of identity, integration, and community cohesion)

• Analysis of Sport Policies and Strategies in the MENA region in relation to health, education and elite and community sport

• Sport industry and consumption in the MENA region.

• Sport and international strategy of Qatar.

• Sport, conflict resolution and peace development.

• Impact of World Cup 2022 on sport, including on the economy, politics and culture and reforms in sport.

Sport Performance

This cluster aims to promote the development of scholarship and teaching, whilst establishing interdisciplinary research, and advancing knowledge about sport performance issues from the scope of multiple disciplines (e.g., physiology, psychology, biomechanics, nutrition, motor control). The overall mission of the SPC is to lead interdisciplinary research within the field of sport and social sciences in order to optimize sport performance in Qatar, the Middle East and internationally. A secondary aim is to enable and support students, academics and scientists with particular interests in sport performance to lead scientific studies and research in accordance with the needs of the athletes and players in difference sports in Qatar and Internationally. Thirdly, the SPC aims to help optimize practices and solutions for the sport movement.

Topics include:

• The physiological, physical and cognitive effects of different exercise paradigms in healthy, clinical and elite populations

• Strategies to attenuate the physiological, physical and cognitive decline in different exercise paradigms

• Optimization of human performance from assessment to training

• Exercise physiology and coaching science • Psychological momentum, phenomenology of goal

pursuit, and sport performance • The effects of the exposure to visual (e.g., colors) and

audio (e.g., music) stimuli on sport performance • The effect of passive heat and cold exposure on

proprioception and cognitive functions in healthy and elite populations

• Exercising in the heat and its repercussions on motor control and sport performance

• Different objective and subjective methods to monitor the training load, sleep, delay onset muscle soreness, fatigue & stress

• Injury prevention • Effect of different training methods on the sport

performance • Performance analysis and assessment of human


Sport, Physical activity, and Health

The SPAH cluster is the Qatar University's first to focus exclusively on sport, physical activity participation, and health. This cluster aims at promoting the development of scholarship and teaching while establishing interdisciplinary research and advance knowledge about exercise, health and well-being issues from the scope of multiple disciplines (e.g., physiology, psychology, nutrition, motor control). The topics englobed within SPAH are;

• The physiological, physical and cognitive effects of different exercise paradigms in healthy, clinical and elite populations

• Strategies to attenuate the physiological, physical and cognitive decline in different exercise paradigms

• The effects of personality traits and motivational regulations on the development of well-being

• The effects of the exposure to visual (e.g., colors) and audio (e.g., music) stimuli on affects, cognitions, and motivation toward physical activity participation

• Developing reference databases specific to Qatar in respect to health-related parameters and outcomes (e.g., levels of physical activity, obesity, non-communicable diseases, motor impairments).

• Multidisciplinary approach of motor control and human gait and its relation to health

• The effect of passive heat and cold exposure on proprioception and cognitive functions in healthy and elite population

• Exercising in the heat and its repercussions on motor control