welcome message from the rav...in honor of our dear son tzvi & his beautiful aishes chayil,...


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Page 1: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give
Page 2: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give


I welcome you with pride to our Shul’s 4th Annual Dinner and Siyum Hashas. First, my sincere thanks to the many individuals who have put their heart and soul into

making this evening a special event. It gives me much chizzuk to see such a high-class and creative level of dedication on behalf of the Shul. I know you will agree with me

that this year’s honorees are couples that exemplify what K’hal Machzikei Torah is all about. Reb Yudel and Reb Tzvi, with the backing of their better halves have for years

tirelessly worked in a myriad of areas הן בגשמיות וברוחניות to make our Shul the fixture that it has come to be for the South Far Rockaway area. And of course, my

thanks to all of you who have turned out this מוצאי שבת to celebrate together in our annual Siyum Hashas. There is no greater form of achdus than one exhibited in

creating a Siyum, where the limud haTorah metamorphosizes into an act of נושא בעול where we each need each other’s learning in order to make this wonderful ,עם חבירו

simcha. May we all be gebentsched with a year of הצלחה בגשם וברוח, and merit celebrating the 5th Annual Dinner/Siyum in יְרּוָׁשַלִם ַהְּבנּויָה ְּכִעיר ֶׁשֻחְּבָרה ָּלּה יְַחָּדו

Rabbi Nosson Greenberg

Page 3: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give


To all thosewho have given much dedication

in making this eveningsuch a

professional event and a

קידוש השם

Thank You! May Hashem shower you withהצלחה וברכה וכל מילי דמיטב

עד בלי דיויהיו משכורתכם שלמה


נתן גרינברג

Page 4: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

To The Misaymim

There are many ways to be מחזיק תורה.

Your סיום this evening has made The רבונו של עולם very proud

&the Torah feel very much wanted.

וזכות כל התנאים ואמוראים ות”ח יעמוד לכם ולזרעכם.…

With admiration

Rabbi Nosson Greenberg

Page 5: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

ToMr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

Reb Yudel, it is a joy to work together with a rare individual indeed who personifies professionalism, honesty, care & Seichel Hayashar

In your efforts for our Shul you have redefined the word “indefatigable”

May Hashem shower you both with hatzlacha rabba in all your endeavors


Nosson & Chaya Bayla Greenberg

Page 6: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

ToRabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

Reb Tzvi, you are a breath of fresh airAlways thinking of how to make our Shul

nicer and nicer, better and better, & higher and higherMuch of where we are as a Kehillah is thanks to your efforts. Shkoyach!

May Hashem bless you both that all your dreams be realized.


Nosson & Chaya Bayla Greenberg

Page 7: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

We salute two of our עמודי הקהל

Dr. Nachum Augenbaumwho has dedicated the סיום of our 3rd סיום הש"ס

לעילוי נשמתמליא יוכבד ע"ה בת צבי הירש נ"י

&Mr. Ari Mandel

who has dedicated the התחלה of our 4th סיום הש"סלעילוי נשמת אברהם ביינוש בן ר יחיאל יהודה הכהן זצ"ל

יהי רצון שבזכות הרמת תורה הקדושה

יהיו הנשמות עולין לעילא ולעילא

Mayer Heinemann Rabbi Nosson GreenbergPresident Mara D’Asra

Page 8: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In Honor of theRav & Rebbetzin

Thank you for your dedication and devotion to the shul and its Mispalellim.

Your special way of offering guidance, advice and care is heartwarming and inspiring.

May HKB”H give you both the opportunity to continue the amazing work that you do

for many years to come!

Mazel Tov!

Your Kehilla

Page 9: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In Honor of the Amazing Dinner Committee!

Rabbi & Mrs. Eli Eisikovic

R' Tzvi Zylberberg

R' Ahron Richman

R’ Yanky Kleinkaufman

We are truly thankful for everything that you have done

to make this evening such a smashing success!


Page 10: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In recognition and with much gratitude to

all those who give their time, efforts, energy

and financial support towards the

success and growth of our Shul

Teamwork makes the dream work

Thank You!

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

Page 11: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of the Board

Yanky Kleinkaufman, Ahron Richman & Sholom Wohlgelernter

Thank you for all that you do!

May you be gebentched with enormous bracha for being osek b’tzarchei tzibur!

Mayer Heinemann

Page 12: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In Honor of

Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

The amount you do for the shul may often go unseen, but it is nothing short of amazing.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

May this be a year of amazing hatzlacha and success for you and your entire family!

The Board

Page 13: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

To our beloved party planners!


Thank you for being the most motivated, talented and devoted team!

You are literally a gift from HKB”H to the shul!

Continued Hatzlacha!

The Board

Page 14: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Thank you to our dear Gabbaim and Baalei Kriah for the special dedication that you show to the shul.

It's a tough job and you make it look easy.

May you have continued hatzlacha in all that you do!

The Board

Page 15: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Thank you to

Reb Tzvi

for keeping the flame of Torah burning!

Thank you for the many things you do including filling the Bais Medrash with seforim,

taking personal care of the shul like it was your own home and, of course, your heilige daf yomi shiur.

Your are a true Machzik Torah!

The Board

Page 16: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Thank you to

Kiddush Team & Cleanup Crew

The kiddush continues to be a placefriends can spend quality time with each other.

The behind the scenes work is not always noticedbut very much appreciated.

Thank you for all that you do!

The Board

Page 17: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In Honor Of

Mr. & Mrs. Yechiel Salzberg

Mr. & Mrs. Alter Katz


Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Monczyk

for their quiet but invaluable dedication to the shul & its facilities

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

Page 18: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In Honor Of Our Dear Maggidei Shiur

Reb Yaakov Oppenheimer

Reb Tzvi Zylberberg

Reb Dovi Edell

Reb Chaim Becker

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

Page 19: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In Honor


The Amazing

Ari Sharf


His Wonderful Organization

Project Mesorah

The K’hal Machzikei Torah Family

Page 20: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

An outstanding couple whose Chesed and selflessness are truly remarkable.In appreciation of your endless dedication & devotion to our shul and the Klal.

May you continue in your Avodas Hakodesh for many years to come.

יהי רצון שישלח ה לכם רב כוחות להמשיך בעבודתכם הקדושה להחזיק ולהרביץ תורהולהגדיל תורה ולהאדירה

Yanky & Esti Kleinkaufman

Page 21: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of

R' Tzvi & Malkie Zylberberg

An outstanding couple whose Chesed and selflessness are truly remarkable.In appreciation of your endless dedication & devotion to our shul and the KLAL.

May you continue in your Avodas Hakodesh for many years to come.

יהי רצון שישלח ה לכם רב כוחות להמשיך בעבודתכם הקדושה להחזיק ולהרביץ תורהולהגדיל תורה ולהאדירה

Yanky & Esti Kleinkaufman

Page 22: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of

Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

Yehuda, you are truly indispensable

Tzvi & Malkie Zylberberg

Page 23: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

To my fellow Honoree

Reb Tzvi Zylberberg

What can one say to the person that does everything בן בגשמיות והרוחניות

We are humbled to share the spotlight with such a person

A much deserved מזל טוב

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

Page 24: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

To the Rav & Rebbetzin שליט״א

It is an honor to serve under your leadership and guidance.The ultimate reward for your efforts in making all of us true מחזיקי

.for you and your entire family לנצח נצחים should last תורה

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

Page 25: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of the Shul Boards both past and present

Thank you giving us our shul

Tzvi & Malkie Zylberberg

Page 26: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of our dear sonTzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie עמו׳ש

We can't thank both of you enough for all the נחת and joy you give to us.

May you continue to grow in your beautiful middos and Torah learning. May הקב׳ה bless you with much continued nachas from our amazing

grandchildren. We hope you continue to share all the special milestones with your loving family.

With much love and admiration,

Mom & Dad ZylberbergEsty & Daniel & Family

Yanky & Miriam & Family

Page 27: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

With gratitude to the Ribono Shel OlamWe pay tribute to our children

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman עמו"ש

On this honor that you so richly deserve!You have both set an exemplary standard of Torah and Chesed that we

must all strive to emulate.

May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant you both a double portion of all his brachos for נחת, בריאת והרחבת הדעת עמו"ש

With much love and pride,

Abba & Mommy

Page 28: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

To my Dear Chavrusa and his Devoted Wife

I would like to thank you both for the bond that I have had with Tzvi over these past 5 1/2 years.

May HKBH continue to give you the strength to be עוסק בצורכי צבור and pay you back tenfold.

ToMr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

You have both shown the shul your complete devotion inhelping the shul grow exponentially.

May you continue to have the strength to help otherstogether with your wife until 120.

Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman

Page 29: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of

Rabbi Greenberg&

All the honorees

Ruchie & Shmuly Bakst

Page 30: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of our Dear Rav & RebbetzinThank you for everything you do for us, the shul & the community as a whole!

Thank you & Mazel Tov to our dear friends Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman, your devotion to the shul is amazing, unmatched and gives us enormous pride

to be a part of the community that you cherish so much. We wish you many years of continued Hatzlacha!

Mazel Tov To the amazing R’ Tzvi & Malkie Zylberberg on this honor that does not even scratch the surface of the enormity of your devotion to the shul. There are no words. Period.

Mazel Tov to our dear friend Nachum & Family on being mesayaim the new cycle of shas. May it be a zchus for your sister's neshama and for the entire kehilla.

To our dear friend AriMay the haschala be the beginning of thousands of pages of shas that will be learnt b’zchus the memory of your father who like us,

couldn’t be more proud of everything you do and stand for!

Finally, Thank you to the entire membership for being a part of this very special kehilla. It is a zchus for usto be a part of the KMT Family. May we all have continued Mazel, Bracha and Hatzlacha!

Mayer & Adina Heinemann

Page 31: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach to all of the honorees

Yehuda & Rachel

We are so lucky to be counted amongst your friends and we look forward to many more years of sharing smachos, carpools

and Rosh Hashana lunches.

Thank you to the

Rav & Rebbetzin

for all that you do for the community and Klal Yisroel.

Aryeh & Raizy Yanofsky

Page 32: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor ofMr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

&Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

You give so much to the shul in such a quiet and unassuming way. Chesed in its truest form.

With much Hakaras Hatov to theRav and Rebbetzin

We treasure our relationship, both in and out of the office.Mazel tov

AriI really miss your Father R’ Beinish A’H and knowing him, he is shepping tremendous nachas from you right now. You are really a role model on

understanding the perfect balance between working and sitting and learning.

Moti & Miriam Hellman

Page 33: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to all of tonight's honorees

Special thank you to

Reb Tzvi

for his devotion to the shul and his wonderful shiur

Mazel Tov!

Moshe & Leah Schreiber

Page 34: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of

Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda KaufmanTzali Gutman

&Yanky KK

May you continue doing your special work for the klalfor many years to come!

Yisroel & Yael Goldberg

Page 35: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel to

Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

on this well deserved honor

Mazel to

Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

on being a true Machzikei Torah!

Yosef & Chani Finestone

Page 36: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to

The Kaufmans

You're doing a great job keeping our accounting in order(well you're doing a better job than that Ash guy)

Mazel Tov to

The Zylberbergs

Thanks for giving the Daf during kiddushI get to do the Daf without doing the Daf

Aryeh & Gila Freund

Page 37: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of the guests!

In honor of the

Rav & Rebbetzin

and the Oskim bitzorchei tzibur.

And our amazing Baal Koreh!

Yanky & Sori Herskovitz

Page 38: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of

Everyone that ever has or ever will step into KMTAnd all the guests

You are the best!

Mayer & Adina Heinemann

Page 39: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

We would like to utilize this opportunity to show our utmost Hakaros Hatov to our esteemed and devoted RavHaRav Nosson Greenberg

for everything that he does for us on an individual level, for the Shul on a congregational level and for the community at large!

We would further like to applaud tonight's honorees and our friendsTzvi & Malkie Zylberberg

&Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

On this most well deserved honor!! The work and efforts you have invested in making this Shul a thriving Makom Torah is truly amazing!

We would also like to wish a huge Mazel Tov to us all on tonight's Siyum Hashas!! Hadran Alach!! May K'hal Machzikei Torah continue to go Maychoyil El Choyil!!

Eli & Michal Eisikovic

Page 40: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov toYehuda & Rachel Kaufman

on this well deserved honor. It's about time you agreed to take the honor and take one for the team. I can't think of anyone who does more for the shul, both behind the scenes and in public. You are role

models to everyone in the community and may we all learn from your hard work, chesed and dedication to Torah.

On a personal note, I want to thank Yehuda for being a great friend and chavrusa.You have a tremendous love of Torah and it shows when you are learning and in other areas. I look up to that and appreciate that about you. May we continue to learn when possible and keep on growing.

Mazel Tov toRabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

You are truly proof of what it means to be Machzik Torah. Your dedication to the shul has no bounds and you have truly uplifted everyone. Your dedication with the Daf is non stop and I know because you keep on asking me to join. Don't stop asking! May you both continue to inspire others and impact the

shul and the greater community.


Gi & Brocha Orman

Page 41: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

To the most impressive "mentch" I know.


I do not think I can say thank you enough times for all that you have done and continue to do.

Your צדקות leaves a lasting impression on the way we all should treat others.You and family should be blessed with כל משאלות לבך לטוב.


Page 42: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of a person who made a tremendous רושם on myself & anyone who came in contact with him; a role model to thousands of people both young & old;

someone who changed the way חסד is done. A person who looked for opportunities to gravitate towards gedolim. Someone who taught so many of us how to speak & how to treat people with sensitivity & respect. Someone who

dedicated more than half his life to others; someone who I had the zechus to call Tatty for the last 32 years.

לז"נ אבי מורי ר אברהם ביינוש בן ר יחיאל יהודה הכהן זצ"ל

May he be a mailetz yosher for my mother, family, shul & all of klal yisroel.

Page 43: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

A tremendous thank you to all those that make the shul run and a very special thank you to


for all that he does.

P.S. Shkoiach to the Kiddush club

Menachem and Chayitty Pollack

Page 44: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Over the past six years I have had the honor of working with the most dedicated group of people"The KMT Board" (still looking for a 5th member)

So thank you to the following individuals:Mr. President - Mayer Heinemann

Mr. President Emeritus - Tzali Gutman Chairman of the Board/Secretary/Baal Koreh/Master of Ceremonies/Legal Advisor/Mr. Maftir Yonah/

My Oizer Dalim partner - Yehoshua Kalev BrodyYanky Kleinkaufman

Aron Richman Sholom Wohlgelernter

Shmuel RadaNachum Augenbaum

Ely Pasternak Alter Katz

Your dedication and passion for the success of the shul makes me proud to be a part of it.

Yehuda Kaufman

Page 45: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

With much appreciation for the tireless efforts invested by

The Rav & The Board of K’hal Machzikei Torah

In special recognition of the guests of honor

Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

Best wishes for continued success in your Avodas Hakodesh on behalf of the community and all of Klal Yisrael.

Mazal Tov

Pnina & Simcha Wurtzel

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In honor of our good friends

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honorMay Hashem bless you and your family with continued nachas and


Abe & Toby Hikind

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In honor of theRav

Thank you for always guiding us to strive to be better.

Thank you to the president's wife for letting him do all that he does, and thank you to the president for doing it!

Yehuda & Batsheva Ruzohorsky

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Mazel Tov to the Maggid Shiur on this much deserved award

Thank you for always being mechazaik the oilam!

Yehuda & Batsheva Ruzohorsky

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In admiration of

A dear friend

Whose dedicated leadership is unequivocal,Whose enthusiastic disposition imbues his roleAnd whose positive demeanor inspires so many.

Noted & Appreciated.


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Mazel Tov to

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

You are a wonderful example of people that truly care for their kehilla!

Yehuda & Batsheva Ruzohorsky

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Mazel Tovto

Tzvi & Malkie Zylberberg

on this well deserved recognition of your devotion to K’hal Machzikei Torah. We are also witness to the tremendous effort you put into the chinuch of your

children. B”H we see the fruits of your labor! May you continue to be an inspiration to everyone who meets you.

We are immensely proud of you!Love,

Ta & MaSimcha & Chani, Naftali & Tzippy, Binyamin & Shalvah,

Zev & Adina, Yaakov & Dena

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Mazel Tov

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

on this well-deserved honor

May your dedication to being עוסק בצרכי ציבור be a zchus for continued nachas from your beautiful family

With Love,

Mom & Dad StolzmanDavid & Shulamis Stolzman

Ari & Devorie Stolzmanand families

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Mazel Tov to all of the mesayimim for once again banding together to finishing shas.

A real Kiddush Hashem.A special yasher koach to

The KMT Kehilaand the

Ravfor making the shul available to the community as a Makom Torah.

A special Mazel Tov toR' Tzvi Zylberberg

who enhances the shul with his Torah every day. R' Tzvi is a steady source of Kol Torah in the shul from early in the morning to late at night.

Shmuly & Mindy Glaser

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In honor of

Rabbi Greenberg

Who goes above and beyond for every member of the shul

Mazel tov to the honorees

It is a well deserved honor for all they do for the shul.Thank you to all of those who take the time, commitment, and effort to continue

to keep the shul running and functioning as the Makom Torah that it is.

Meir Simcha & Shira Cohen

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Mazel Tov to our dear brother and sister in lawYehuda & Rachel Kaufman עמו"ש

Upon receiving this well-deserved tribute!Your devotion to the growth in Torah and Yiddishkeit of all the members of

your shul and community is exemplary and earns the distinction of true Guests of Honor!

We are so proud of you both.May you go מחיל אל חיל

and may your dedication to the צרכי ציבור be a zechus for abundant nachas from all of your beautiful children (and siblings!)

Love,Shuey & Suri Phillips

Moshe & Bella KaufmanShloime & Yonina Kaufman

Eli & Chayala KaufmanBinyomin Dovid Kaufman

& Families

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Mazel Tov to

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

Thank you so much for being such a great job “shadchan”

May Hashem bench you with much mazel and bracha from your beautiful family

Mordechai & Shoshana Heinemann

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Our appreciation and הכרת הטוב toThe Rav and all the participants in this year's dinner and Siyum

Special recognition and thanks to

Rabbi Tzvi Zylberberg

as a role model of devotion to לימוד תורה and dedication to צרכי ציבור (and his מסירת נפש in accepting this honor)

May he and his family be blessed with good health and fulfillment and continue their good work on behalf of the כלל.

David & Naomi Sternberg

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In Honor ofRabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

To a truly outstanding and worthy couple;Who do much for the Kehilla, it's never too much trouble.

Helping out with whatever, is currently in need;Doing a variety of Chessed, a lot indeed.

Being Marbitz Torah, in many a way;Utilizing every minute, of every single day.

May Hashem bless, their wonderful Mishpacha;With much Hatzlacha & abundance of Bracha.

The Rebbeim & Colleagues of Yeshiva Ahavas TorahWhom many were your Rebbi in your formative years.

Alter Obermeister Yisroel MagidYaakov Pivovoz Aharon HirschbergDovid Lang Shimshi NeumanYehoshua Wise Shia HochmanAvrohom Hertz Daniel YormarkAharon Oberlander Yehuda Lew

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To A Tremendous Marbitz Torah

R' Tzvi Zylberberg

and Guest of Honor

Mr. Yehuda Kaufman

Avrohom & Ahuva Walkin

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Wishing our esteemed CFO Jeffrey Kaufman CPA

Congrats on this well deserved honor!May you and your family be zoche to much bracha, health and happiness;

May you see much success in all your endeavors!Wishing your family, the Rav and the entire congregation continued "nachas" from

your hard work and dedication.Keep up the good work!

Isaac Klein Josef Chehebar Gabriel Shehebar - Partners @ Gideon Asset Management, LLC www.GideonAM.com | 1412 Broadway Suite 1400, NYC

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בס"דלכבוד מרן הגרא"ק שליט"א


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Mazel tov to our son

Dr. Nachum Augenbaum

Upon the occasion of making the siyum hashas in memory of our belovedChevy Augenbaum z""l

How apropos...Chevy wore and cherished the ""crown of torah"She found Hashem in its words, texts and teachings and never ceased to value

education as her sacred task , endowing her personality with depth and dignity.

Love,Mommy & Abba

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Mazel Tov to the well deserving honorees

The Zylberbergs&

The Kaufmans

Your dedication to the Shul is truly admirable.

Your friends,The Light Family

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HaRav Greenberg shlit"a & FamilyR' Yuda Kaufman & FamilyR' Tzvi Zylberberg & Family

R' Nachum Augenbaum & FamilyR' Ari Mandel & Family

...v'chol hakahal hakadosh hazeh. May you all go maychayil el chayil and may Hashem bless you all always with

continued mazal, bracha v'hatzlacha as a tzibbur b'soch kol yisrael!

B'yedidus,Heshy Friedman & Shlomo Reich

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He who sows, reaps the rewardsEven when it is done without the knowledge of others

Supporting a cause that is not “yet” your ownHashem will repay you

Yes he will

הצלחה רּבה ל.ׁש.מ.י.ו

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To all of theמסיימי השס

A tremendous מזל טוב and חזק חזק ונתחזק

Looking forward to participating in next year’s siyum in ירושלים with the coming of משיח צדקינו במהרה בימינו אמן!

Yehuda Kaufman

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Mazel Tov To allTo our שכן טוב on Beach 12th St. and his Rebbetzin... כולי עלמא לא פליגי

You are deserving of this honorYou are the rock of our Shul, one of the main reasons why our shul is so beloved in our community. We can personally attest that you are not only a כח in our Shul, but a great neighbor as well. You should always be

able to continue your Avodas HaKodesh and Chesed and see nachas from your whole family.

To our " שכן טוב " in Shul and his Rebbetzin...Yehuda, we are so lucky to have someone like yourself taking care of many of the financial and other aspects of running the shul. I really enjoy listening to your

enthusiasm/passion in making the Shul run the way it is supposed to as a מקום תורה. It is also very comforting that you are behind me in all that I do in the Shul.

To our wonderful Rav & Rebbetzin, it is truly a Bracha to have such role models in our lives. We appreciate all the דברי תורה and חיזוק and extra time you give us all year round.

To Ari, we experienced only a small part of your father’s life; he was a true צדיק and בעל חסד. We are sure that he is proud of all your achievements, and that you and your family will continue to be a zechus for his

Neshama. He will definitely be a מליץ ישר for all of us.

To Dr. Nachum, we miss you both in shul and in carpool. May your continuous efforts on behalf of the Shul be a zechus for your sister’s Neshama

Ari & Yosifa Glazer

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לכבודהרב צבי שליט"א ורעיתו

מזל טוב על הפרס בתואר "מחזיקי תורה". ולך נאה ולך יאה התואר הזה. כמה זמן הקדשתה וכמה יגיעה השקעתה להחזיק ולהעמיד את כותלי (ועמודי) בית המדרש,

ולהגדיל ולהאדיר את התורה בתוכה. והכל נעשה מאחורי הפרגוד, בהצנע לכת, כדרכך בקודש, להראות את עצמך כבוצינא ובאמת הוי קרא. אתה לא רק מחזיק

תורה אתה מקים בעצמך תורתו אומנתו (כפי הרא"ש בב"ב דף היומי הנוכחי). אתה מהכת של מקדמי ומחשכי בבי כנישתא, מוכתר בשם טוב שכל ישר ונעים הנהגותיך,

המחשה של יפה תלמוד תורה עם דרך ארץ. ובכל זה רעיתך שותפת, אשריכם. ואשרינו, שזכינו להיות שכינכם, טוב לצדיק וטוב לשכינו. מדת הסבלנות ויופי החינוך שאתם משפיעים בצאצאיכם הוי לימוד לכולנו. ויהא רעוא קדם שמיא שבזכות כל זה תאריכו ימים ושנות חיים (ויהיה כאילו קבלתם תאוותכם עי' מהר"ל ברכות ח:) ותראו

נחת וברכה מכל יוצאי חלוציכם

צבי וחי' אברט

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Mazal tov toRabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

&Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufmanon this well-deserved honor

Mazal tov to ALL those who have joined together in finishing SHAS!

A special thank you to our presidentMayer Heinemann

for making sure everything in the shul always runs smoothly

Achron Achron Choviv, thank you to theRav & Rebbetzin

for all that they do for the shulMay the shul continue to grow in גשמיות ורוחניות.

Shira & Ahron Richman

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Thank you to

Mr. & Mrs. Howie Bodner


Party Source

For your continuous generosity to the shul

The KMT Family

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Mazel Tov to

Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

on this well deserved honor. Thank you for all that you do for our Kehilla.

In Honor of

Rabbi Greenberg

The Board

In true appreciation of the immense time, energy and amazing talents

that have been an inspiration to many.

Nachum & Perri Augenbaum

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Tremendous Mazal tov wishes toYehuda & Mrs. Kaufman!

Thank you for all that you do for our shul. May you be zocheh to continued success in all areas of life

Special thank you toReb Tzvi & his Rebbetzin

for the shiurim and ruchnius that you graciously give to our kehilla. May you be zocheh to continue to be mechazek us for many years to come

ToNachum & Ari

who will conclude and begin Shas, may the neshamos in whose zechus you are doing this, have an aliya

Thank you to the board for all your 'behind the scenes' work to make our shul such a special makom torah and tefilla

Finally, thank you to ourRav & Rebbetzin, for your leadership and daily inspiration. May we all continue to grow maychayil el


Sincerely,Dovi & Ruchie Edell and family

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In honor of the


Thank you for your guidance and always being there for us

From Project Mesorah

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Mazel To to

Tonight’s Honorees

on this well deserved honor

Thank you for all that you do for our shul

Yisroel Tzvi & Shiffy Schreiber

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In honor of

Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

Thank you for all you have done for us at Project Mesorah

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor

Ari Sharf, Founding Director of Project Mesorah

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Mazal Tov to all the Honorees!

Yehuda-Thank you for the enormous amount of effort and time that you dedicate to Shul. Your selflessness when it comes to the Shul's success is unmatched

and for that we will forever be grateful.

Tzvi-We know first hand how much you do for the Shul

and especially for the mispallelim.Your never ending desire to spread Torah is inspiring and uplifting.

You should both be זוכה to have the כח to continue doing what you do to make the Shul and כלל ישראל grow!

Mazal Tov!

Ely & Ronit Pasternak

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In honor of

Harav Greenberg Shlita&

All the honorees

Chevi & Shmuel Friedman and Family

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In honor of two very worthy couples

Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg&

Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

Binyomin Z. & Bayla Barkany

Page 80: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of

Mr.& Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

A very special honor for a very special couple. Thank you for all you do for the shul and its mispallelim.

Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Mermelstein

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In Honor of

Yehuda Kaufman

Mazel Tov

Josh O.

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In Honor of the

Rav & Rebbetzin

The true Machzikei Torah awardees

Tzvi & Malkie Zylberberg

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In honor of the next President.

Whoever you are, I love you!


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DearMayer Heinemann, Thank you for keeping KMT great!

Ari M, Thank you for all you do in keeping us safe.

R' Eli E, Thank you for keeping yourself & I company on our walks home.

Yanky KK, Thank you for keeping us all cool, even in the winter! One love,

Menashe F.

Mazel tov to all the deserving awardees.Special recognition to

Rabbi Zylberberg (and his wife and family)for his persistent and consistent diligence to giving the Daf. Those of us who attend are so

incredibly fortunate.

Bernie & Miriam Lichter and Family

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Mazel tovRachel & Yehuda Kaufmanon this well-deserved honor

May your dedication to being עוסק בצרכי ציבור be a zechus for continued nachas from your beautiful family.

With love:David & Shulamis Stolzman and family

&Ari & Devorie Stolzman and family

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Mazel Tov

Tzvi & Malkie!

We are so proud of you.Thank you for everything.

We love you. Hashem should bless you with everything good.

Love,Yaakov, Dena, Miri, & Raphy Goldwasser

Mazel TovReb Yehuda Kaufman & his Rebbetzin

on this honor. May we only share in simchos.Mazel Tov to the

Mara D'Asra & the Rebbetzinon the continued success of the shul and kehila.

May Hashem give you the koach to continue inspiring the masses.In honor of The Commander in Chief

Mayer Heinemanwho is by far the most really

really ridiculously good looking shul president ever.

Ari & Sarit Dicker

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Mazel Tov toRabbi & Mrs. Zylberberg

on this well-deserved tributeMay הקב"ה grant you the koach to continue to infuse the community with Torah,

Chesed and Yiras Shomayim!

Mr. & Mrs. Yitzchok Kaufman

Congrats to the Honorees

The Ratners

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Mazel Tov to the amazing and well deserved honorees

Mr. & Mrs. Kaufman&

Rabbi & Mrs. Zylberberg

May Hashem grant you the strength to continue your dedicated work on behalf of the kehillah and may you have only much nachas from your mishpachas.

Yechiel & Shoshana Salzberg

Mazel TovTzvi & Malkie

on this well deserved honor

Mazel Tov Nachum on this tremendous accomplishment.

Simcha & Ayalah Lebowicz

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In honor of our dear nephew and nieceTzvi & Malkie

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honorMay הקב׳ה give you the strength to continue growing in Torah and מצוות till 120

Uncle Moti & Aunt Sara Zur, Michal & FamilyOri & Mirit & Family

Moti & Anat & Family

Mazel tov to all the honorees

It's a Zechus to be a part of this Shul

Yisroel & Sharona Stone

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Mazel Tov and best wishes to my grandchildrenYehuda & Rachel Kaufman עמו"ש

who so richly deserve the distinction of “Guests of Honor”Your commitment to Torah values and to צרכי ציבור have endeared you to all those whose

lives you have touchedMay Hashem shower the best of all of his brachos upon you and your beautiful family

With much love,Babbie

In honor of our dear friendsRachel & Yehuda KaufmanMalkie & Tzvi Zylberberg

Mazel Tov!

Ahron & Chavi Freidus

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In honor ofYehuda & Rachel Kaufman

Always available, always with a smile, always willing to go the extra mileRabbi & Mrs Tzvi Zylberberg

Your selfless dedication to our shul is unparalleled

May you see much nachas from your beautiful familiesוכל מי שעוסקים בצרכי ציבור באמונה הקב"ה ישלם שכרם

With much appreciation to our RavRabbi Greenberg

for all that you do for our family and shul

Aron Zelig & Pnina Rosenberg

Mazel Tov to

The Honorees

For all that you do, this ad's for you.

Sholom & Elana Wohlgelernter

Page 95: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to

Reb Tzvi Zylberberg & Family

Mr. Yehuda Kaufman & Family

On this well deserved honor.

May you continue to see tremendous bracha and continue to be oisek bezorchai tzibbur

Yanky & Bayla Hersh

To the Esteemed Honorees

Your tireless efforts to benefit the tzibbur both spiritually and financially know no bounds!May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant you and your families the strength to continue your

avodas hakodesh and you should only be matzliach in all that you do.

Shmuel & Chaya Rada

Page 96: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Under the leadership of the Rav shlita, KMT has continued to play a most vital role for our family in too many ways to count. We are extremely grateful that we have the Rav and Rebbetzin at our side whenever there is a need. In honor of R' Tzvi Zylberberg who has encouraged and orchestrated a non stop steady flow of Torah

in our Beis Medrash, and in the lives of so many of us outside the Beis Medrash. He never passes up the opportunity to push us to learn and to make sure we are living our lives with Torah on the lips of our mouth. In honor of Yehuda Kaufman, who as soon as he joined our shul played a most vital role in anything that he

can to do be עוסק בצרכי צבור for the benefit of each and every one of us. With much appreciation,

Moshe & Devora Monczyk and family.

Mazal tov to The Honorees

Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg&

Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

A well deserved honor

Thank you for all that you do for our Shul. May HkB"H grant you many more years of עוסק בצרכי צבור.

Yossy & Miriam Lea Ungar

Page 97: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov toMr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

andRabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg!

The kehillah owes you a tremendous debt of gratitude for all your hard work.You and and families should be zocheh to continue your valuable work on behalf of the


Yehuda & Yehudis Yovits

In Honor of

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

May you continue to be a source of strength to the community.

Avromy & Rachel Segal

Page 98: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to the honorees

On this much deserved recognition of your dedication to our kehilla

Your devotion to this shul is truly an inspiration.

Michoel & Yael Sara Rendler

In honor of

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

Great friends and neighbors

Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor!

Moshe & Miriam Lewin

Page 99: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Dear Tzvi & Malkie,

Congratulations for this well deserved honor. Thank you both for setting such an amazing example of commitment to Torah and dedication to the tzibur.

Sincerely,Eli & Rochel Zoldan

In honor of those who are so dedicated to KMT

Howard & Rita Bodner

Page 100: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to the Guests of Honor

Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman

We are so fortunate to have such wonderful neighbors and friends

Yossi & Chani Hyman

Mazel Tov toMr. & Mrs. Yehuda KaufmanRabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberbergon this well deserved honor

Thank youRabbi Greenberg

for all that you do for our family & the Kehilla

Yanky & Avigail Lesser

Page 101: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

In honor of theRav & Rebbetzin

&The honorees

Thank you to all who make things happen in the shul.

Chaim and Tziporah Siegel

In Honor ofYehuda & Rachel Kaufman

So proud to be among your friends.Mazel Tov

L'chvodRabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor.

Alter & Yettie Katz

Page 102: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to all tonight’s worthy honorees

David & Malky Simha

Congratulations toMr. & Mrs. Yehuda Kaufman

&Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

Mr. & Mrs. Yaakov Stern

Page 103: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to all the honorees.

With much admiration,Moshe Nison & Rivky Alpert

In honor of The Board & All the Gaboim

Thank you for all your hard work!

Page 104: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman on this well deserved honour.

Mr. & Mrs. Avromy Friedman

In honor of Tzali and Chana Shira


Rika Knopf

Mazel to

Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

Pini & Rivky Feldman

Mazel Tov

Tzvi & Malkie

FromYanky & Honey Hirschel

Mazel Tov

Tzvi & Malkie

FromUncle Ralphy & Aunt Tzippy

In honor of

Pnina & AZ and their terrific kids -

All of you keep giving us nachas!

Abba & Eema aka Saba & Savta aka David & Gittie Neufeld

Page 105: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman on this well deserved honour.

Mr. & Mrs. Avromy Friedman

In honor of Tzali and Chana Shira


Rika Knopf

Mazel TovYehuda & Rachel Kaufman

on this well-deserved tribute!May your עבודת הקודש bring you

שפע ברכות של נחת, בריאת ופרנסה עמו"שUncle Sholom and Tante Joanie

**********Hecht’s Hebrew Book Store1265 Coney Island Avenue

Brooklyn, New York(718) 258-9696

Mazel Tov

Rachel & Yehuda

On this honor! May you continue to be great role models to your shul and community!

Leah & Uri Mond

Mazel Tov to

Yehuda & Familyand to

Tzvi & Familyon the well deserved honor.

Rafi & Rachelli Leiner

Mazel Tov to

Mr. & Mrs. Yehuda KaufmanRabbi & Rebbetzin Greenberg

and to the whole KMT!

May we all be zocheh to continue to celebrate happy occasions with community and friends!

The Halberstams

Page 106: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Mazel Tov to Tzali & Chana Shira Gutman on this well deserved honour.

Mr. & Mrs. Avromy Friedman

In honor of Tzali and Chana Shira


Rika Knopf

Mazel Tov to all the mesaymim!

In honor of

Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Zylberberg

Matty & George Jager

Mazal Tov and best wishes to all the honorees

Abraham & Devorah Kovitz

Mazal Tov and best wishes to all the honorees

Edward & Helene Frishman

Page 107: WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE RAV...In honor of our dear son Tzvi & His beautiful Aishes Chayil, Malkie ש׳ומע We can't thank both of you enough for all the תחנ and joy you give

Thank you

For joining us on this special evening!

Mazel Tov!