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www.thueringen.de/th9/tll Welcome in the Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture (TLL)

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  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Welcome in the

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture (TLL)

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    Suggestion for Agenda

    TLL – a historical view

    TLL – departments, objects

    and goals

    Agriculture – current issues the EU, Germany and



  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    Suggestion for Agenda

    TLL – a historical view

    TLL – departments, objects

    and goals

    Agriculture – current issues in the EU, Germany and



  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    History of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    From 1805: First Acricultural Lecture at University of Jena….

    … to Foundation of Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture 1994.

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    History of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture









    Agricultural Insttitute of the University of Jena

    Crop Farming School Zwätzen

    30 Research Institutes

    Academy of Agriculural Sciences of the GDR

    Districts Erfurt, Gera, Suhl

    Business Area

    Agricultural Research

    Business Area

    Agricultural Testing

    Agricultural Analytik and Research Institute

    20.04.1994: Foundation of TLL

    01.01.2009: Integration of Professional Training, Education and Further

    Qualification in the Fields of Agriculture and Home Economics

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    Suggestion for Agenda

    TLL – a historical view

    TLL – departments, objects

    and goals

    Agriculture – milestones and highlights in the EU,

    Germany and Thuringia


  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Structure of Administrative Body

    Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure

    and Agriculture

    7 Offices for Agriculture


    Thuringian State Institute

    for Agriculture (TLL)





    Specialist Inspectorate:


    Plant Protection

    Pest Control


    Experimental Stations







    Technical Colleges

    Extra-company Training




  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll


    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture



    Unit 130


    Unit 230


    Unitt 430

    Thuringian Centre for

    Renewable Biomass

    Unit 530

    Animal Feed

    Unit 140

    Agricutlural Information

    Public Relations

    Unit 240

    Organically Analysis

    Unit 540

    Grassland and

    Feeding Stuff

    Unit 260

    Testing Foodstuff and


    Unit 120

    Internal Services and


    Unit 220

    Analysis of Soil and


    Unit 640

    State Support and


    Unit 420

    Arable- and Plant


    Unitt 520

    Animal Husbandry

    Unit 620

    Business Manaegment


    Personnel and Legal


    Unit 210

    Sample Tracking,

    Analysis, Field Service

    Unit 630

    Makcet Control and

    Specific Legislation

    Unitt 410

    Crop Protection

    Unitt 510

    Animal Breeding

    Unit 610

    Operational Analysis

    Department 100 Central Department

    Department 200 Agricultural Testing

    Department 300 Education

    Department 400 Crop Farming

    Agricultural Ecology

    Department 500 Animal Husbandry

    Department 600 Agricultural Economy

    and Marketing

    Unitt 330

    ÜAS Schwerstedt

    Unit 320

    College for Agriculture

    and Home Economics


    Unit 440

    Agricultural Economy

    and Organic Farming

    Unit 310

    Education and Advice in

    Agriculture and Home


  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Departments of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    Central Department

    Internal service department providing the specialized

    departments with infrastructure which is necessary for them to

    fulfill their tasks

    Personel affairs

    Central services

    Managment of all monetary transactions

    Editing all scientific papers of the TLL

    Administration of the agricultural information system on the internet

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Departments of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    Agricultural Testing

    Central laboratory for agricultural, forest and gardening

    authorities, institutions and departments of the applied research

    Traffic check of fertilizers, feedstuffs

    and seeds

    Checking and analytical quality control

    of private laboratories

    Development and validation of analytical

    methods as well as introduction of new official analytical techniques

    Bio-molecular proof of genetically modified organisms (GMO)

    Analysis of quality-defining and toxic chemical, physical, biological and

    microbiological parameters in soils, harvested crops, feedstuffs and

    fertilizers, seeds as well as agricultural raw products

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Departments of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture


    Professional education comprises professional training,

    education and further qualification in the fields of agriculture.

    College for Agriculture in Stadtroda

    „State-certified technician“

    „State-cerified agricultural manager“

    Intercompany training centre in Schwerstedt

    Trainees in the fields of agriculture

    Master qualification in the offices for agriculture

    Training in the higher or upper grade of civil service of the agriculture


    Promotion of professional training measures using financial means of the

    EU and the Free State of Thuringia

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Departments of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    Crop Farming and Agricultural Ecology

    Studies on effcient, environmentally friendly and market-oriented

    technologies in crop farming as well as the fullfillment of

    sovereign tasks and assignments in preparation of political

    decisions on agriculture.

    Recomondations on species and technologies,

    guidelines and viewpoints on the production

    and use of crops and their products (for nutrition

    and renewable energy)

    Protection and permanent monitoring of soil used in agriculture; studies

    on the soil and plant water balance, use of pesticides, on the hazard of

    emissions of substances and on irrigation; operation of the

    agro-meterological monitoring network

    1 2

    3 4 5

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Departments of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    Animal Husbandry

    Fulfillment of sovereign tasks on the basis of the Livestock

    Breeding Act and acquisition of knowledge for counseling on

    basic rations, livestock breeding and feeding.

    Further development in breeding populations

    of farm animals, espec. Improvement of the

    productive efficiency and product quality

    Environmental- and livestock-friendly

    management of farm animals

    Reproduction managements

    Development of recommendations for species of fodder plants

    Cultivated landscape management, scientific supervision of agricultural and

    environmental development

    Foto: Berit Füllner

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Departments of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    Agricultural Economy and Marketing

    Studies on economic and business-oriented questions of the

    agricultural land use and animal husbandry in Thuringia as well

    as the development of a competitive position.

    Assessment and evulation of proposals and

    agreements resp. decisions on the further

    development of EU, German and Thuringian

    agricultural policy

    Analysis and assessment of cost-efficiency, market investigation and

    observation as well as price reporting

    Enforcement of various development programms, joint

    marketing to promote the sales of Thuringian products,

    especially quality marks „Certified Quality from Thuringian“

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Objects and Goals of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    The most importand agricultural specialist authority in Thuringia

    Not only enforcing sovereign and subsidies law in agriculture

    but it is also a competence centre for agriculture and food


    Offer a wide variety of services by provoding state-of-the-art

    knowledge, which was acquired on the basis of applied and

    practice-oriented research

    Internet-platform, meetings, workshops and field days for

    Thuringian farmers with up-to-date and state-of-the-art


    Political counseling of the Thuringian state government

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Objects and Goals of

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    The TLL supports the agricultural

    enterprises in Thuringia by

    modern solutions in their daily

    struggle for an economically,

    ecologically and socially

    sustainable way of running their

    businesses and monitor the

    protection on the goods water,

    soil and air as well as the

    conservation of the agricultural

    biodiversity and the natural

    resources consistently applying

    the agricultural specialized law.

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture

    Suggestion for Agenda

    TLL – a historical view

    TLL – departments, objects

    and goals

    Agriculture – current issues in the EU, Germany and



  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Historical facts to understand the current agricultural policy of the EU (1):

    a long history of supporting farmers (first sources from 1870)

    especially after 1. World War (in preparation of 2. World War)

    with a lot of maesures of protectionism and for significant increase of production

    after 2. World War agreement on a common development of agriculture in

    Western Europe

    Foundation of European Community (EG) with the Common European Agricultural

    Policy (CAP)

    most importand objective: significant increase of production

    to achieve self-sufficiency

    half of the total EU-budget for agriculture

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Historical facts to understand the current agricultural policy of the EU (2):

    in 1970s: self-sufficiency was achieved

    actual that was the time to reduce the support of farmers

    considerable resistance to the farmers against the governments

    farmers were an important electoral force at that time

    governments didn`t want to risk their power

    furthermore half of the total EU-budget for agriculture

    consequenses: significant overproduction with storages and

    destruction of foodstuffs on a large scale

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Historical facts to understand the current agricultural policy of the EU (3):

    beginning of exports of excess production espec. to developing countries

    to take the pressure off the domestic market

    consequenses: destruction of the existence of millions of farmers espec.

    in developing countries, because their products didn`t have a chance against

    the heavily subsidised agricultural goods from Europe

    a very important fact in the current discussion about the refugees

    The EU agricultural policy has major consequences for the farmers all over

    the world, espec. in the poor contries.

    Over 800 million people are suffering from hunger globally while a further

    1.9 billion people are classified as overweight or obese.

    environmental and animal welfare problems

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Major structural changes in the agricultural policy of the EU:

    1990s: rearranging of the directly payments from product-related

    to production-related

    Implementation of a second area of payments (so called 2. pillar)

    for special achivements for environment, animal welfare and rural development

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Major structural changes in the agricultural policy of the EU:

    1990s: rearranging of the directly payments from product-related

    to production-related

    Implementation of a second area of payments (so called 2. pillar)

    for special achivements for environment, animal welfare and rural development

    Demands from eNGO, small farmers organisations, development aid associations, unions,…

    further considerable changes with strengthening of 2. pillar

    phase out of the 1. pillar

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    New challenges for the agricultural policy of the EU:

    less money


    refugees policy

    migration from rural area in to cities

    military armament

    more environmental protection

    more animal welfare

    more responsibility for the farmers all over the world

    (reduction of overproduction and export)

  • Thüringer Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft (TLL) Jena –

    Dr. Frank Augsten – 17. Mai 2017 www.thueringen.de/th9/tll

    Many thanks for your attention!