welcome home, children of god · 2019-10-28 · receive god’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful...

Welcome Home, Children of God First Presbyterian Church of Waco Stewardship and Reformation Sunday October 27, 2019 Soli Deo Gloria! All Saints from The Holy Monastery of Aghiou Pavlou (Saint Paul’s)(c.1757) Mount Athos, easternmost peninsula of Chalkidiki, Greece...http://illustrious- divinity.tumblr.com/post/100518431276/all-saints-from-the-holy-monastery-of-aghiou

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Page 1: Welcome Home, Children of God · 2019-10-28 · receive God’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful life. We examine the human condition, so loved by God, that God sought proximity

Welcome Home, Children of God

First Presbyterian Church of Waco Stewardship and Reformation Sunday

October 27, 2019

Soli Deo Gloria!

All Saints from The Holy Monastery of Aghiou Pavlou (Saint Paul’s)(c.1757)

Mount Athos, easternmost peninsula of Chalkidiki, Greece...http://illustrious-


Page 2: Welcome Home, Children of God · 2019-10-28 · receive God’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful life. We examine the human condition, so loved by God, that God sought proximity

Welcome to First Presbyterian Church ————————————————————————–———–———–——————————

The cover of our bulletin declares, Welcome Home, Children of God! and we hope you feel this welcome

at First Presbyterian Church of Waco. Whether you are visiting for the first time, or are a longtime

member, we are enriched by your presence. We believe that each of us has gathered to do our part to

receive God’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful life. We examine the human condition, so loved by God,

that God sought proximity not just once in Jesus but for always in the Spirit of Christ.

Know that you have arrived at a place that not only welcomes you but also anticipates your distinctiveness

and unique experiences in the world.

We all come from different religious and familial backgrounds. We each read the Bible with a unique set

of eyes. We bring our questions, doubts and joys with us each Sunday. Welcome to the mix! Step by step,

we hope you will allow us to show you more of who we are. If you have questions about First Presbyterian,

please reach out to one of our pastors or ushers. We look forward to knowing you better.

Leslie King


Statement of Mission

First Presbyterian Church of Waco, Texas, welcomes all as children of God through our

worship, outreach, Christian education and congregational life events. By the liberating

and compelling grace of God, and in accord with our Reformed theological heritage, we

follow Jesus Christ’s example by reaching out to seekers and those in need, nurturing

disciples, honoring diversity and seeking to reconcile the world to God through ministries

of justice and mercy. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

If You Are New Here Stop by our Welcome Center in the Narthex for information and a small gift. When you are seated,

please fill out the Welcome Folder you will find in the pew. After all in the pew have signed, pass it

to the center aisle.

These May Help During the Service If you would like a large-print bulletin, hymnal or a hearing enhancement device, please ask an usher.

We also have worship bags for children on the wall of the narthex. Please return the bag after the


Be Our Guest! Following worship, come to the Foundation Parlor for coffee and fellowship.

If You Are in Need of Prayer You will find prayer cards in the back of the pew. You may place them in the offering plate or hand to an

usher. Your prayers are confidential.

Childcare Nursery director Chelley Breemes and our First Aid/CPR-certified caregivers are enthusiastic to care for

children up to age 3, from 8:30 am to noon each Sunday. There is one-on-one attention given to each child

in a nurturing, safe environment. The children’s wing is located on the main floor of the church.

Page 3: Welcome Home, Children of God · 2019-10-28 · receive God’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful life. We examine the human condition, so loved by God, that God sought proximity


October 27, 2019 - Stewardship and Reformation Sunday

Greetings and Announcements

Prelude Highland Cathedral: Air Traditional Piping Tune + Call to Worship

Leader: We are a people of the Reformation, that biblical and historical reality that

confesses the character of God.

People: We are the people of a responsive and loving God. No one can fully mediate

the relationship between Creator and Creature.

Leader: We gather to worship in traditional ways that undergo the Spirit’s reforming

influence. We honor our past and welcome our future as we seek God’s wisdom.

People: We are the people of the Potter, who softens our shape, lovingly guiding and

re-forming us.

All: Let us worship God on this Reformation Sunday!

+ Hymn 401 Here in This Place Gather Us In

Prayer of Confession and Aspiration

Providential God, we confess the long look back over our shoulder. We confess

nostalgia and, at times, longing for the familiar. We confess the fear of what is

yet taking shape in our future. How we long to look forward with confidence. How

we long to understand that the past has appropriately tooled us for the next challenge.

Strengthen us to live courageously as your emerging people. These things we pray

as we soften our hearts and minds for the rigor of reformation. With the help of the

Spirit, we pray. Amen. (Silent Prayers)

Response to the Confession (10:30) Hymn 341

O God, show mercy to us, and bless us with your grace;

and cause to shine upon us the brightness of your face.

Declaration of Pardon

+ Sharing of the Peace of Christ

+ Invitation to Our Children Christ Before Me St. Patrick’s Breastplate

Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ beside me, Christ within me,

Christ in the face of those who love me.

Spirit Box (10:30)

Younger children, first grade and below, are invited to the Nursery wing room S201, for Children’s

Church. Older children are asked to help themselves to an activity bag and a children’s bulletin from

the Narthex, then return to their seat for worship.

Page 4: Welcome Home, Children of God · 2019-10-28 · receive God’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful life. We examine the human condition, so loved by God, that God sought proximity


Moment for Stewardship James Benton

Prayer of Illumination

Hebrew Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3:55-63 - Pew Bible - OT Page 767 (NLT)

Leader: The Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God. The third chapter of Lamentations will be explored throughout this series. The chapter captures the

ebb and flow of a solitary human perception of God. Our relationships can give us a more dynamic

experience of God that there may be triumph in the midst of lamentation.

Anthem Open Thou Mine Eyes John Rutter

Open thou mine eyes and I shall see, incline my heart and I shall desire,

Order my steps and I shall walk in the ways of thy commandments.

O Lord God, be thou to me a God and beside thee let there be none else,

No other, nought else with thee.

Vouchsafe to me to worship thee and serve thee

According to thy commandments in truth of spirit,

In reverence of body, in blessing of lips,

In private and in public.

+ Gospel Lesson: Luke 16:19-31 - Pew Bible - NT Page 79 (NLT)

Leader: The Gospel of our Lord.

People: Praise to You, O Christ. + Gloria Patri (10:30)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning,

is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Sermon Accounting in our Relationships: End Game Leslie King, D. Min.

Hymn 803 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need Resignation (Psalm 23)

+Affirmation of Faith - Page 35 of Hymnal Apostles’ Creed (Traditional)

This creed, spoken together, allows us to feel, summarily, the major movement of

the gospel. Speaking it allows us to be cradled in the elements of the gospel that

give us the most comfort. Equally, it allows us to ponder and wonder about elements

that are more challenging to understand. Our recitation of it is not a call to uniformity

and conformity. Rather, it is a call to continue to explore our mysterious gospel for

the ministry and mission of First Presbyterian Church.

Offering (10:30) Stewardship 2020 Dedication of our Gifts and Offerings

Offertory Simple Gifts Powell

+ Doxology

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below;

Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Page 5: Welcome Home, Children of God · 2019-10-28 · receive God’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful life. We examine the human condition, so loved by God, that God sought proximity


The Sacrament of Holy Communion (8:30)

Great prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer

Leader: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Leader: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them up to the Lord.

Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

The prayer continues, concluding with the Lord’s Prayer

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession and the Lord’s Prayer (10:30)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come,

thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory,

forever. Amen.

+ Hymn 649 Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound Amazing Grace

+ Charge

+ Benediction

+ Response Hymn 655 What Shall I Render to the Lord Martyrdom (Verse 1)

Postlude Tocatta on A Mighty Fortress Hustad

+ Please rise in body or in spirit

Thank you to April Wagner for her creative efforts to provide the Spirit Box time emojis.

Special thanks to Fiona Bond, Torrin Longnecker, and Lauren Crandon for their gift of

music this morning.

Sanctuary Flowers

are given to the Glory of God and in honor and in memory of all of our military

veterans with deep gratitude for their service. May we remember them while they are

away and while they are home. Thank you.

Given by Melanie Millar.

Parlor Flowers

are given by Sue and Fred Barber.

Page 6: Welcome Home, Children of God · 2019-10-28 · receive God’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful life. We examine the human condition, so loved by God, that God sought proximity


Sunday, October 27 Leslie King Preaching - Stewardship and Reformation Sunday

8:30 am Chapel Service - streamlined and weekly communion

9:15 am Sunday School for all ages

Adult Sunday School - Fellowship Hall - Speaker Jeremy Everett

10:30 am Traditional Presbyterian Service

11:30 am Coffee Fellowship - Kathryn and Jamie Delk

Monday, October 28

5:30 pm CE Committee Meeting - C202

All Church Retreat Planning Team - Chapel Parlor

6:30 pm Youth Advisory Board Meeting

Tuesday, October 29

6:30 pm First Pres Reading Group - Lott home

7:30 pm Dad’s of First Pres - Common Grounds Woodway

Wednesday, October 30

3:30 pm Graduate Disciple Bible Study - C202

6:00 pm Youth Study Hall - Fellowship Hall

Saturday, November 2

9:00 am Service Saturday - The Store at Baylor - meet at the church

Sunday, November 3 Leslie King Preaching

8:30 am Chapel Service - streamlined and weekly communion

9:15 am Sunday School for all ages

10:30 am Traditional Presbyterian Service

11:30 am Coffee Fellowship - Lauren and Jon Olivarez


Children’s Sunday will be held on Sunday, November 10. Every child of the

church is welcome to lead worship in some way, either through the spoken word or

song. If your child is interested in participating,

please contact either Casey Rollins at [email protected] or Kathryn Delk at

[email protected].

Youth News: D3: Wednesday, November 6 - Come and listen to Dee Dee discuss

World Hunger Relief and their Veggie Prescription program during Study Hall, and

join us the following Wednesday on the 13th to load up in the Lady Jane and head over

to WHRI to pack the veggie prescription boxes!

Hearing Devices

Hearing devices are available for your use in the Narthex. After use, please return to the

basket next to the display where you picked the device up. The device will then be

cleaned and ready for use next Sunday.

Page 7: Welcome Home, Children of God · 2019-10-28 · receive God’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful life. We examine the human condition, so loved by God, that God sought proximity




Give us a Text! Simply text 73256 and in the body of the message type fpc1855.

You can also click on the give tab on our website at www.firstpreswaco.org. For

those giving online, you may now choose to offset the cost (1%-3%) incurred by

the church when using your credit card to make a pledge or donation.

Cameron Patterson - Thanks to so many of you who have suppor ted Cameron

Patterson with prayers and notes. Keep the letters coming. Here is an update on

Cameron. “Cameron has finished his assignments for phase 2 of the program!

That means after he takes and passes his polygraph he can go off campus with us

when we visit in October. He is making A's in school and passed his STAAR test

with a perfect 100. So dang proud and happy he is benefiting from the program.

Isaiah is back in school and thrilled. Girls are great too. Love, Kim Patterson.” The First Presbyterian Book Club next meeting will be on October 29 at 6:30 pm at

the Lott home. The book is My Brilliant Friend, by Elena Ferrante. Please join us. Join the Outreach Committee for a Service Saturday on November 2 at 9am. We

will meet at the church and carpool to The Store at Baylor, which is a food pantry

for low-income students who need help with food resources while at school. This

Service Saturday will be a follow-up to Sunday School the previous week as Jeremy

Everett comes to talk to us about his book, I Was Hungry. The Store is a new initiative

at Baylor to combat some of the “hidden hunger” on college campuses. Sign up in

the Narthex or with Dee Dee Carson.

The Retirees on the Road will go to Stanton Glass for a class to learn to blow a glass

Christmas ornament. We will meet at the church on Friday, November 15, at 12:30pm,

and will return to the church around 3pm. The cost per person is $40 to make an

ornament. Sign up in the Narthex to reserve your spot.

Don’t miss our annual Thanksgiving Lunch on Sunday, November 17, immediately

following the 10:30 worship service. For the second year, our lunch will be a potluck

and a chance for members to bring their favorite Thanksgiving recipes to share with

the congregation. Please sign up in the Narthex or on Realm to bring a side, dessert,

or even a turkey! We need 3-4 people who will provide and cook a turkey for the lunch.

We look forward to breaking bread together and giving thanks for another wonderful

year at First Presbyterian!

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - WACO, TEXAS 1100 Austin Ave. - Waco, TX 76701 - 254.752.1665 - www.firstpreswaco.org

Church Office Hours: 9:00 -12:00 and 1:00 - 5:00

Sunday Services 8:30 AM (Weekly Communion) and 10:30 AM (Morning Worship)

Pastor - Leslie King Associate Pastor - Dee Dee Carson

Page 8: Welcome Home, Children of God · 2019-10-28 · receive God’s gifts and to interpret a meaningful life. We examine the human condition, so loved by God, that God sought proximity


Pastor Leslie King, D. Min. ([email protected])

Associate Pastor Dee Dee Carson, M. Div. ([email protected])

Director of Christian Education Kathryn Delk ([email protected])

Director of Music Jan Bodine, M.M. ([email protected])

Chancel Choir Director Randy Umstead, D.M.A. ([email protected])

Organist Becky Ward, M.M. ([email protected])

Accompanist (8:30 am service) Jessica Assink ([email protected])

Christian Music Educator Lauren Crandon ([email protected])

Bookkeeper and Data Coordinator Laura Streetman ([email protected])

Administrative Assistant Lucinda Peeples ([email protected])

Nursery Coordinator Chelley Breemes ([email protected])

Parish Assoc. for Gerontology Jim Ellor, D. Min. Ph. D. ([email protected])

Parish Nurse Ginger Green, R.N. ([email protected])

Audio Team Jason Dalrymple, Ryan Joyner, Jamie Karney, Amanda Lassetter

Church Historian T. Bradford Willis, D.D.S., M.S.D.

Care to the Building Cristina Gutierrez de Garcia

Organizational Officers

Clerk of Session Eric Robinson

Church Treasurer, Asst. Treasurer Mark Harren ([email protected]), Donna Black

First Presbyterian Church Foundation Chuck Weaver, President, Charles Stern, Carol Miller,

Mike Morrison, Kris Olson

Sanctuary Guild Lee Ann Priebe, Sarah Lieber

Sanctuary Flowers Elinor Davis, Margaret Hawes, Cynthia Perry

Session Committee Members

Personnel Committee Lisa Weaver, Joe Sudderth, Bob Lott, Michael Poor

Administration Committee Patsy Norman, Charlie Olson, Melanie Millar, Joe Stubenrauch

Christian Education Committee Holly Joyner, Callie Carruth-Harper, Wes Field, Gabe Field

Congregational Life Committee Greg Palm, Eric Coffman, Karl Stottlemyre, Carol Miller

Facilities Committee George Holmes, Rock McNair, Wes Field

Investment Committee Bill Beaty, Roane Lacy

Worship Committee Sharon Stern, James Switzer, Doug Waddill, Coretta Pittman

Outreach Committee Kellie Clarkson, Chris Chance, Sara Odajima, Mark Jaynes

Diaconate Committee Members

Diaconate Moderator, Vice Moderator Kris Olson, Jamie Delk

Diaconate Secretary Jamie Jackson

Prayer Committee Co-chairs Pastor King and Laura Munn

Agape Committee Lee Ann Priebe, Ginger Green, Anita Karney, BG Coulter

Ushering Coordinator Monica Anderson, John Baker, Annslee Wagner

Power of the Pen Jamie Jackson, Jordan Ochel, Todd Ehlers

Stork Committee Lauren Olivarez, Jerry Barrett, Mike McPhee

Connect 4 Us Committee George Ahrens, Jeremy Goodman, Karenna Malavanti, Laura Munn,

Toni Portacci-Redmer

Welcome Committee Paul Hoffman, Rob Bradfield, Diane Tisdale