welcome farabaugh chiropractic office the pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

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Page 1: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want


Farabaugh Chiropractic


The pain relief you need,

the personal attention you want

Page 2: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want


To provide you with information that you’ll need to better

understand the problems we may have found in your case after

careful analysis of your examination and x-rays.

Page 3: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

Patient’s most common questions:

1. What’s Wrong ?

2. How long will it take ?

3. How often will I need to come?

4. How much will it cost ?

Page 4: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

Those questions will be Those questions will be answered on you next visitanswered on you next visit

We will be going over your specific information.

Our best recommendations.

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For now you need a better For now you need a better understanding of your problem understanding of your problem

andandask any questions you may ask any questions you may


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The Problem….The Problem….

Disease Care vs.Health CareStats and Facts

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44,000 to 98,000 die each year due to medical mistakes and drug reaction

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11stst Fact: Fact:

Your spine needs to be regularly maintained throughout your life from the

very beginning.

Page 9: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

WHY ?WHY ?Because our body and spine are Because our body and spine are

under constant assault from:under constant assault from:-Gravity: constantly pressing upon us- Daily activities and postures:

- Standing, Sitting, Bending etc.

- Obvious traumas and injuries

- Car and work accidents

- Sports accidents

- Slips and falls

Page 10: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

These assaults can result in:These assaults can result in:

These small vertebrae to shift.

Normal Subluxated

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Vertebral SubluxationVertebral Subluxation

One or more vertebrae shift and put pressure on the nerves

Subluxations occur when we don’t maintain our spine.

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Page 13: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

22ndnd Fact Fact

You can not feel


What you are feeling are the effects of subluxation

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Subluxations cause a loss of Subluxations cause a loss of nerve flow, which over time nerve flow, which over time causes effects in your body.causes effects in your body.

Headaches - Numbness in an arm or leg – Back or Leg Pain – Ulcers –

Organ disease………….

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Page 16: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

What happens if we stop the What happens if we stop the effect ? The Crisiseffect ? The Crisis

i.e. the headache, back pain etc.i.e. the headache, back pain etc.

And leave the subluxation ?

Page 17: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

If we help your body get rid of If we help your body get rid of the PROBLEMthe PROBLEM


And not maintain the spine then what…

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We return to the subluxation, We return to the subluxation, which puts pressure on the which puts pressure on the

nerve, and may result in what…nerve, and may result in what…

Another health crisis, or even worse.

Page 19: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

An Example: A patient with An Example: A patient with unhealthy diet.unhealthy diet.

-overtime it leads to clogged arteries

-If left undetected and uncorrected what might that cause? ( A Heart

Attack… which can be deadly.

Page 20: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

Subluxations are much the Subluxations are much the same way. You can't feel the same way. You can't feel the

subluxations, so if left subluxations, so if left undetected and uncorrected undetected and uncorrected that nerve pressure would that nerve pressure would

result in what?result in what?

(Effect and lowered state of health)

Page 21: Welcome Farabaugh Chiropractic Office The pain relief you need, the personal attention you want

CauseCause Effect

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11stst Goal is to detect if you Goal is to detect if you have a subluxation.have a subluxation.

If you do – correct the subluxation.

Once corrected we go back to maintenance.

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Spinal nerve chart with effects.Spinal nerve chart with effects.

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Lets look at a healthy Spine.Lets look at a healthy Spine.

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When a subluxation occurs, it When a subluxation occurs, it puts a shift in the spine.puts a shift in the spine.

This shift causes an imbalance in the spine.

Normal Subluxated

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Nerve pressure is affected and Nerve pressure is affected and causes a lowered state of healthcauses a lowered state of health

And the vertebrae themselves undergo a rapid phase of degeneration.

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Normal Phase INormal Phase I

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Normal Cervical Spine Phase I Degeneration

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Phase II Phase IIIPhase II Phase III

No Correction Possible

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Phase II Degeneration Phase III Degeneration

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Normal Pelvis A/PNormal Pelvis A/P

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Subluxated PelvisSubluxated Pelvis

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Normal Cervical Spine

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Subluxated Cervical SpineSubluxated Cervical Spine

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Normal Subluxated

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29 yrs. Machine Shop Worker ,Mid- Back Pain , Sinus , Allergy


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JULY 1997 OCT. 1997