welcome booklet of the 9th nsc of eyp-ukraine


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Page 1: Welcome Booklet of the 9th NSC of EYP-Ukraine



United for Peace

Page 2: Welcome Booklet of the 9th NSC of EYP-Ukraine
Page 3: Welcome Booklet of the 9th NSC of EYP-Ukraine

Welcome word from the President Welcome word from the Head Organisers What is EYP?What is EYP – Ukraine? MembershipGeneral information about Lutsk and National Selection ConferenceOrganizers TeamCommittee TopicsSession programme

Events descriptionVenues

Travel information Rules and regulations

Parental Consent FormConsent Form

Next stepsSession Checklist

Frequently Asked QuestionsContactsPartners





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Dear fellow young Europeans,

European countries in huge debt, thousands of refugees seeking safety at European shores, continuous conflicts in Eastern Ukraine, staggering unemployment rates, global warming and an unstable security environment worldwide. We live in very challenging and tough times. If there is anything history has taught us, it is that that if there is one way to solve these kinds of challenges, it’s together.

Civil engagement is a crucial tool to tackle current and future challenges. Young people, together, getting involved in their societies and actively seeking knowledge and understanding through dialogue are keys to unlocking sustainable paths to improve the world.

Noura BerroubaPresident of the 9th National Selection Conference of EYP-Ukraine

I therefore want to thank you for choosing to do just this – become an active and engaged citizen - and welcome you to the event that will help you embark on this path. This session will allow you to, together with other youth, analyse existing political, social, economic and environmental patterns, make connections and friends all over Ukraine and Europe, share your opinions and learn from others.

If Europe and the world stands a chance solve these issues and reach sustainable peace, it is if we work together. That’s exactly what we are going to do in Lutsk!

Welcome to Lutsk and the 9th National Selection Conference of EYP-Ukraine!

I cannot.We can.

United for Peace.


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Dear Delegates,

It is our utmost pleasure to welcome you at Lutsk’15 - the 9th National Selection Conference of EYP-Ukraine. Thank you for your interest in being part of this adventure; and congratulations for being selected !

Lutsk’15 will be the first National Selection Conference organised in our native city, and believe us that we have been doing our best to make this session unforgettable! We are very excited to organise the event in our native city of Lutsk, and as for now, we have dedicated more than a year of hard work with all our passion to make it happen.

We sincerely hope that you will enjoy every bit of the experience from the very beginning to the very end, and that Lutsk’15 will live up to your expectations.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Lutsk.

Dmytro Zinchuk and Kostyantyn LyabukHead Organisers of Lutsk’15



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WHAT IS EYP?The European Youth Parliament (EYP) was founded in 1987 as a pan-European school project, which spreads and promotes the idea of united Europe and European citizenship.

Over 28.000 participants experience European political debates and intercultural exchange every year.

The EYP conducts 3 international sessions annually, which are attended by over 250 young people, aged 16-22, from all over Europe.

Together with delegates come teachers who not only provide support to the participants but also discuss and share their experiences.

The EYP National Committees also conduct dozens of national and regional sessions and forums on an annual basis. They aim to provide youth with unique learning experience.

The organisation is proud to have over 2.400 active volunteers all over Europe, running EYP’s National Committees, organising events, chairing committees, acting as Session journalists, in short, being the heart and soul of EYP and the reason for its existence.

Over the past 20 years, the organisation has been undergoing the processes of expansion and enlargement; now it functions in 39 European countries. It successfully operates in the EU member states, and also in the neighbouring countries.


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WHAT IS EYP – UKRAINE? International Youth NGO “European Youth Parliament – Ukraine” (EYP - Ukraine) represents one of 39 National Committees of the European Youth Parliament. Registered with the Government of Ukraine on February 18, 2002, it is a full-fledged participant of civil society development process in Ukraine. EYP - Ukraine has been successfully operating in Ukraine since 2000.

It is involving young Ukrainians in activities of one of the largest European platforms for debate, intercultural encounters, educational work and exchange of ideas among European youngsters. Annually EYP - Ukraine conducts a National Selection Conference in which it selects participants to represent Ukraine at international sessions and forums of the EYP.

MEMBERSHIPWHAT SHOULD I DO TO BECOME AN OFFICIAL MEMBER OF EYP - UKRAINE? In order to become an official member of EYP - Ukraine you should: • fill in an application form• pass the interview • pay annual membership fee (100 UAH)• wait for the results. The Board of EYP-Ukraine is to consider the application form

(and the results of the interview) and approve/disapprove the membership.OR• participate in one of EYP - Ukraine sessions and directly become a member without

the interview.


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Lutsk is one the oldest Ukrainian cities dating back from 1085. In the 14th century Lutsk was under the Lithuanian rule. After the Lublin Union of 1569 Lutsk became a Polish town. In 1795, as a part of the Western Volyn, Lutsk was occupied by Russia. In 1921, after the Treaty of Riga, Lutsk became a Polish city again. In 1939, as a part of Western Ukraine, the city was united with Ukraine as a capital of Volyn’ Region.

Lutsk is an important centre of food industry. Moreover, factories of cars, shoes, bearings, furniture, machines and electronics, as well as steel mills and a chemical plant are located in the area.

Lutsk has never hosted National sessions of European Youth Parliament. It is important for EYP Ukraine to conduct the session in a new city as it would allow to attract new members to the organization.



145 participants: 95 Ukrainian and 50 international participants

100 delegates: - 80 Ukrainians; - 20 International delegates;

Media Team: - 8 journalists from different countries; - 3 Editors

Chairs Team: 16 committee moderators (8 Ukrainian, 8 international and the President of the session)

Organising Team: 15 organisers


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National Selection Conference in Ukraine occurs once a year and aims to select its best participants to represent EYP - Ukraine at International Sessions. National Selection Conference lasts for 5 days, during which delegates work in committees discussing political, economic, social and cultural issues that are on agenda of the relevant committees of the European Parliament. National Sessions usually gather around 100-150 participants, together with international committee chairpersons, journalists and the board of the session.

Lutsk is the host city of the session in 2015. It is a city and an administrative center of Volyn region. Lutsk has never hosted National sessions of European Youth Parliament before, that is why we will reveal its potential altogether this year. The goal is to spread European values, such as human rights, democracy and civil society among Ukrainian youth.

Within the 5 days, between 11th to 15th of August, young leaders will be examining current issues of civil society development in both Ukraine and Europe overall, seeking solutions that will be drawn together in a Resolution. For greater functionality and performance, all participants will be divided into 8 working groups (committees) that will work under the guidance of experienced moderators from Europe and Ukraine.



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Nadia Halia Liza Vika


Maria Olena

People who create the grand event and also know wi-fi passwords



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Olena Sophia Alex Angelina


Alona Orest Nastia


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COMMITTEE TOPICSCOMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE (ENVI)Chairpersons: Ludvig Dietmann (SE) and Julia Pustovoitova (UA)

It is projected that nine billion people will be living on planet Earth in the year 2050. With increasing economic well-being driving demand for agricultural commodities, how should Europe ensure domestic and international food security while protecting the environment and farmers’ livelihoods? COMMITTEE ON SECURITY AND DEFENCE (SEDE)Chairpersons: Amin Oueslati (AT) and Yuliia Tsytsyliuk (UA)

Degraded security environment: Arms control and non-proliferation agreements are an important part of Europe's post-Cold War security order, now looking increasingly fragile due to the Ukraine crisis. Twelve years after its adoption: how should the European Security Strategy (ESS) be changed and adopted to face current security challenges in the world? COMMITTEE ON CULTURE AND EDUCATION (CULT)Chairpersons: Zurab Giorgobiani (GE) and Franziska Hülß (DE)

Education comes first: With the Pisa Report 2012 revealing a worrying disparity between educational performances across Europe, how can the EU support its Member States in providing the highest possible standard of school education? COMMITTEE ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS (LIBE)Chairpersons: Maryna Titarenko (UA) and Inna Shcherbyna (UA)

Considering the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Case C-131/12 and opinions issued by the Article 29 Working Party, what balance should the EU establish between personal data protection and search engines capacity to continue providing services that citizens within the EU have become accustomed to?


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COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY, RESEARCH AND ENERGY (ITRE)Chairpersons: Giorgos Hadjipavlis and Natalia Senatorova The gas crisis of 2009 and Russia’s energy dominance: With the recent events in Ukraine highlighting the dangers of overdependence on imported energy, what steps can the EU take to limit its reliance on external energy sources and protect consumers from price shocks? What steps can the EU take to ensure energy security doesn’t deteriorate already heated relations? COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS (DROI)Chairpersons: Jose Eduardo Feio (PT) and Aleksandra Sava (PL)

A graveyard at sea: Taking into consideration the tightened refugee and migration situation due to political and humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as internal EU differences regarding migration management, how should the EU reconsider its migration policy in order to adequately respond to new demands and challenges of both legal and illegal immigration into Member States? COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE (INTA)Chairpersons: Anniken Katrine Knutsen (NO) and Iryna Lukianenko (UA)

Given that the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements (DCFTAs) were provisionally applied in Moldova and Georgia since September 1st, 2014 and will fully step into force in Ukraine on January 1st, 2016, what measures should be taken by the EU and governments of Eastern Partnership countries to guarantee full implementation of EU standards and reduce the negative short-term impact of the DCFTA on small and medium enterprises (SMEs)? COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS (AFET)Chairpersons: Sherbaz Ahmed (UK) and Olya Budinskaya (UA)

Peacebuilding in conflict regions of Eastern Europe and South Caucasus: In light of a continuous conflict in Eastern Ukraine, annexed Crimea, frozen conflicts in Transnistria, Nagorny Karabakh, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, how can the EU help Eastern Neighborhood countries reach sustainable peace, stability and democratic development, and ensure fulfilment of international agreements and international law?



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11:00 13:00 Registration12:45 13:15 Transfer13:15 14:00 Lunch

13:45 14:30 Transfer to the Castle in 2 shifts14:30 16:30 General Teambuilding16:30 16:45 Coffee Break16:45 18:30 Teambulding18:30 19:00 Transfer to the Hotel19:00 20:00 Preparation to Eurovillage20:00 23:00 Eurovillage (dinner)


8:00 Wake-up Call8:30 9:30 Breakfast9:30 10:00 Transfer10:00 11:30 Teambuilding11:30 12:00 Coffee Break12:00 13:30 Teambuilding13:30 14:30 Lunch14:30 16:00 Teambuilding /Committee Work16:00 16:30 Coffee Break16:30 17:30 Committee Work18:00 18:15 Transfer18:30 19:30 Opening Ceremony19:30 19:45 Transfer19:45 22:00 Committee Dinner22:00 22:15 Transfer to the hotel


8:00 Wake-up Call8:30 9:30 Breakfast9:30 9:45 Transfer10:00 11:30 Committee Work11:30 12:00 Coffee Break12:00 13:30 Committee Work13:30 14:30 Lunch14:30 16:30 Committee Work16:30 17:00 Coffee Break17:00 18:30 Committee Work18:30 18:45 Transfer14

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18:45 19:00 Euroconcert preparations19:00 20:00 Dinner20:00 20:15 Transfer20:15 21:00 Euroconcert21:00 21:30 Reception21:30 22:15 Euroconcert22:30 22:45 Transfer to the Hotel


7:00 Wake-up Call7:30 8:30 Breakfast8:30 8:45 Transfer9:00 11:00 Committee Work11:00 11:30 Coffee Break11:30 13:00 Committee Work13:00 14:00 Lunch14:00 15:30 Preparations to General Assembly15:30 16:00 Coffee Break16:00 18:15 Cultural Program18:15 19:00 Preparation for the Farewell Party

19:00 19:30 Transfer19:30 20:00 Picture Time20:00 23:00 Dinner & Farewell Party


8:00 Wake-up Call8:30 9:30 Breakfast9:30 10:00 Transfer10:00 10:15 Opening of General Assembly10:15 10:45 Preparations10:45 11:30 Committee 111:30 11:45 Coffee break11:45 13:15 Committee 2,313:15 14:00 Lunch14:00 16:15 Committee 4,5,616:15 16:30 Coffee break16:30 18:00 Committee 7,818:00 18:05 Break18:10 19:00 Closing Ceremony19:00 19:30 Picture Time

19:30 Departures



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An informal activity aimed at close acquaintance of participants and their preparation to further challenges of the conference. Group moves from ice-breaking to complicated problem-solving activities. We have a great variety of games, developed by professional psychologists and tested by 25 years of experience.Dress code: casual

Opening CeremonyLike any parliamentary session, there are formal ceremonies to mark the opening of the event. Opening Ceremony will be an official evening event where distinguished guests and partners, who have made the forum happen get the chance to address the audience and for participants to interact.Dress Code: official

General Assembly At the General Assembly all the committees are invited to present their motions for resolution and deliver a number of speeches defending their ideas and vision. Others are invited to attack it, debate on it, and, eventually, vote. The GA follows a strict parliamentary procedure, enforced by the Board of the session. The activity is formal, and parliamentary language is to be used.Dress Code: official

Committee WorkCommittee Work is the room for academic debates. Prior to the session all the delegates are offered to select a topic they would further like to discuss. Upon the committee allocation, all the delegates are united into 8 committees and are to make research on the assigned topic. Once in the room, the group of delegates, under supervision of an experienced chairperson, goes through an intense standard working procedure: brainstorming, debating and phrasing. The aim is to produce a motion for resolution that would propose ideas and solutions for a specific issue based on consensus.Dress code: smart


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Apart from cuisine, we also expect each group to prepare and perform a short 5-minute presentation of the country (video/song/dance etc.)Dress code: costumes, suitable for your presentation

EurovillageEurovillage is a place to experience how many different nationalities and people from different regions and countries are represented among the participants. Since at this session the majority of delegates will be from Ukraine, we will divide you into small groups of 6-7 people and you will be assigned one particular country. Each group will present the culture and way of life of the country they’re assigned to, and will introduce the specialties of national cuisine.

EuroconcertEuroconcert is a true festival and holiday of talents! This an official evening event that gives an opportunity for all the participants to present their talents in dancing, singing, acting and anything else that may bring joy, pleasure and astonishment to the audience. Everything you need is a desire to perform!Dress code: official

Farewell party At the session we work hard to make our resolution the best but still we need to relax. The farewell party is exactly the place to spend an unforgettable evening with your old and new EYP friends. This event will most likely have a certain theme, so stay tuned for updates! Dress code: smart.


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VENUESHotel “Ukraine”

Participants will be accommodated at Hotel “Ukraine”. Hotel “Ukraine” is situated in the very center of the city of Lutsk. It is a modern hotel and real adornment of the city, symbolizing hospitality and comfort. The location of the hotel makes transfer very convenient and fast to any part of the city. Address: 2 Slovatskogo street.

The palace of Culture “Prosvita”The palace of Culture “Prosvita” is selected as the venue for both the Opening Ceremony and the Euroconcert.Address: 1 Bohdan Khmelnytsky street

Volyn’ State AdministrationVolyn’ State Administration is the best venue to conduct the General Assembly..Address: 9 Kyivskyy square

Lutsk Specialized School # 1 Well-equipped rooms of the School would fit all needs for Committee Work. Moreover, the great location would allow to save time on transfer.Address: 4 Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street

Lubart CastleTeambuilding will be conducted in Lubart Castle. It is located in the heart of the old city, which is in 10 minute walk from the city centre.


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BY BUSThe cheapest way to get to Ukraine is by bus. Kyiv is served by Euroclub-bus, Ecolines, Stravex Transport, Cargo International Transport from various destinations in Europe. Price per return ticket ranges from 80 to 180 EUR depending on the distance.

“Ecolines“ is the biggest carrier in Ukraine, offering more than 30 destinations in Germany, 8 in the Netherlands.You can also go directly to Lutsk with “Ecolines”.

Departure city Average price for return ticket (EUR)

Warsaw, Poland 45

Untrecht, Netherlands 202

Berlin, Germany 114, 80


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BY AIRKyiv Boryspil International Airport is the main air gate of the country, located about 20 km south-east from the city (35 minutes and 3 euro by shuttle “Sky Bus” to the city center).Zhulyany or City International Airport is a home base for low-cost Wizzair Airlines. It takes 90 minutes at most to get from every corner of Kyiv to the airport.

Departure City Average price ticket (EUR)[1]Hamburg Lübeck 45

Katowice 91

Memmingen (Munich West) 205

Departure City Airline Price for return ticket (EUR)[2]

Warsaw, Poland Austrian Airlines + LOT 193

Tbilisi, Georgia Ukraine International 292

Berlin, Germany airBaltic 230

Iasi, Romania Air France + TAROM 545

Table 2. The lowest fares from the major destinations in Europe (regular airlines).

[2] Booked at least 2 months prior for working mid week, which is June, 10-12th

BY TRAINKyiv is well-connected to Central and Eastern Europe by railway. There are direct overnight trains to Kyiv from Poland (Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Rzeszow, etc.). Prices range between 75-90 Euro.

There is an every day train from Kyiv to Lutsk and back. It departures from Kyiv at 9:30 p.m. and arrives to Lutsk at 05:12 a.m. The train from Lutsk departures at 10:26 p.m. and arrives to Kyiv at 05:55 a.m.

Table 1. Wizz Air Fares. For the full list of destinations, please, check www.wizzair.com

[1] Booked at least 2 months prior for working mid week, which is June, 10-12th.


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VISA TO UKRAINEUkraine is a perfect place for holding international events, since representatives of almost none of the countries presented in EYP are required to have a visa for crossing the border. We consider it to be crucially important for support of Eastern European NCs, such as Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Russia.

However, representatives of Albania and Kosovo need to have a visa in order to come to Ukraine. Citizens of certain countries, such as Georgia, Turkey and Croatia are required to present invitations at the border control upon arrival.Important note: all foreigners need to have a valid foreign passport in order to cross the border of Ukraine. National ID cards are not accepted by border police.


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RULES AND REGULATIONS1. Any damage caused by a participant must be covered by him/her. 2. Participants have to fully comply with Ukrainian law at all times and if caught breaking Ukrainian law participants may be send home at their own expense immediately.3. Potential extra costs connected to an early arrival or late departure need to be covered by participants themselves.4. In case participants wish a certain diet or have allergies relevant for their diet, it is the participants’ obligation to communicate such needs at the earliest possibility point, at latest four weeks before the event.5. Participants transfer the right to ones’ image to the EYP and give their full consent to being photographed, filmed and interviewed by other participants as well as authorised guests of the event (e.g. journalists). Further, participants give their full consent to having personal data (including all media footage) stored digitally for an unlimited time and give their full consent to redistribution and editing thereof by EYP for EYP purposes (including EYP’s social media sites), and to being contacted in the future.6. If a participant cannot attend the session due to illness or for other reasons, the EYP cannot reimburse the participation fee if the cancellation is announced later than four weeks before the event.7. It is strictly forbidden to leave the session’s venues without the approval of an EYP representative.8. The EYP assumes no responsibility for any health problems which may arise during the event. Please also note that outdoor activities may carry a greater risk of injury.9. Session delegates are forbidden to engage in any romantic or intimate activity with officials.


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1. Alcoholic beverages with less than 15% alcohol content will be available at some of the Conference’s events. Beverages that fall into this category are beer, wine, cider, prosecco and champagne.2. Any spirits/hard liquor, including mixed drinks, will not be available, may not be acquired from sources external to the NSC, and may not be consumed during the Conference.3. Conference participants must not purchase and consume alcohol while the Conference is taking place.4. Any participants who overindulge will be sent home at their own expense.5. The Organising Team as well as the Board of EYP Ukraine reserves the right to confiscate alcoholic drinks on grounds of high alcohol content, underage drinking or overindulgence. Conference participants may collect their confiscated alcoholic beverages at the end of the Conference.6. The EYP operates a zero tolerance policy on drugs. If you use drugs or have them in your possession, then you will be removed from the Conference and will be sent home at your own expense. Any possession of hard drugs will be reported to the police and could result in your arrest.7. The above applies to all Conference participants: delegates, officials and guests.




1. If you are under 18, print the Parental Consent Form, ask one of your parents (or person substituting them) to sign it and bring it together with you to the session. Please, note, that if you fail to bring a consent note, signed by your parents (or person substituting them), you will be sent home at your own expense without participation fee reimbursement.2. If you are over 18, print the Consent Form, sign it and bring it with you to the session.


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Parental Consent Form The 9th National Selection Conference of EYP – Ukraine

I hereby allow my son/daughter, _____________________________________ (name), born on ___/___/___________ (date of birth) in _______________________________ (place of birth) to participate in the 9th National Selection Conference of EYP – Ukraine (11th August – 15th August 2015), organised by the European Youth Parliament Ukraine. I have read and understood the Rules and Responsibilities outlined in the official Welcome Booklet . I have informed my child and promise he/she will abide by these rules and the following.I acknowledge that in case of violation of the Ukrainian law during the event, violation of the Rules and Responsibilities (e.g. abuse of alcohol or leaving the event unaccompanied), or in case of any other misconduct on my child’s part as decided by EYP, my child will be excluded from the event and will be sent home immediately at his/her own expense. I promise to pay for any damage that my child may cause to public or private property during the event. I recognise that participation in physical activity involves the risk of injury to one’s person or property and acknowledge that by signing this document, I accept these potential risks to my child. I realise that delegates are not insured against accidents and illnesses through the 9th NSC of EYP – Ukraine. Insurances are the delegates’ own responsibility. International Youth NGO ‘European Youth Parliament - Ukraine’ disclaims any liability.I recognise that upon arrival and throughout the duration of the event my child must follow the given regulations for all venues and must further follow all instructions given by a representative of the EYP. My child further agrees to not leave the event’s premises, unless accompanied by a representative of the EYP. I allow the EYP to leave my child at times unattended in groups of three in order to let my child experience certain parts of the programme (e.g. free time during a city visit). I transfer the right to my child´s image to the EYP and give my full consent to him/her being photographed, filmed and interviewed by other participants as well as authorised guests of the event (e.g. journalists). Further I give my full consent to having my child´s personal data (including all media footage) stored digitally for an unlimited time and give my full consent to redistribution and editing thereof by EYP for EYP purposes (including EYP’s social media sites), and to him/her being contacted in the future.

Contact Details in Case of Emergency Please contact me, __________________________________________(name & relationship to the child, mother/father/legal guardian) via ______________________(telephone) in case of emergency.

Date/Place Signature

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Consent FormThe 9th National Selection Conference of EYP – Ukraine

I_____________________________________________________________________ (name), born on_____/______/19___(date of birth) in _____________________________(place of birth), have read and understood the Rules and Responsibilities outlined in the official Welcome Booklet of the 9th National Selection Conference of EYP – Ukraine (11th August – 15th August 2015) and promise to abide to these rules.I further declare to adhere to the alcohol and drugs policy of the National Selection Conference and accept that I will be excluded from the event and sent home at my own expense if I violate the Rules of the event or if I violate the Ukrainian law. I promise to pay for any damage to public or private property that I may cause during the event. I recognise that upon arrival and throughout the duration of the event I must follow the given regulations for all venues and must further follow all instructions given by a representative of the EYP. I further agree not to leave the event’s premises, unless accompanied by a representative of the EYP.I realise that delegates are not insured against accidents and illnesses through the 9th NSC of EYP – Ukraine. Insurances are the delegates’ own responsibility. International Youth NGO ‘European Youth Parliament - Ukraine’ disclaims any liability.I am aware of the fact that participation in physical activity involves the risk of injury to one’s person or property and acknowledge that by signing this document, I accept these potential risks.I transfer the right to my image to the EYP and give my full consent to being photographed, filmed and interviewed by other participants as well as authorised guests of the event (e.g. journalists). Further I give my full consent to having my personal data (including all media footage) stored digitally for an unlimited time and give my full consent to redistribution and editing thereof by EYP for EYP purposes (including EYP’s social media sites), and to being contacted in the future.

Contact Details in Case of Emergency Please contact _________________________________________________ (name) via _______________________ (phone), who acts on my behalf in case of emergency.

Date/Place Signature

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Buy tickets to and from Lutsk.

Apply for a visa, if you need one.

Complete and submit the Travel form.

Complete, print and sign (or have it signed by your guardian) your consent form.

Do at least 15 hours of academic preparation for your topic. Bring all of your materials for academic preparation.

Prepare your national food, drinks, costumes and other representative items for the Eurovillage.

Consider applying for the Euroconcert

Pack warm and comfortable clothes, appropriate for rainy and cold weather, smart and formal clothes, outfits for the theme parties.

Like our Facebook or VK page and stay updated


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ESSENTIALS:• Passport/Birth Certificate/ID Card• Consent Form signed by you or by your parents• Money to cover Committee Dinner and for your own expenses during

the session• Mobile phone and charger• Working group kit (all articles or research made prior to the NSC)• Good mood :)

HIGHLY ADVISABLE:• Enough clothes for five days (considering the different dress codes

during the NSC and weather conditions)• Personal hygiene items• Umbrella• Items and food for your Eurovillage stand• For Euroconcert participants: instrument, music sheet, CD or USB stick

with music, anything else you may need during your performance


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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS1. What is the topic of the NSC? The topic of the 9th NSC of EYP – Ukraine is “United for Peace”.

2. When and where does it take place?The NSC takes place in Lutsk between the 11th - 15th of August, 2015. More detailed information is provided in the booklet.

3. Who pays?You need to pay for your tickets to and from Lutsk and have some money for your personal expenses. Besides, you must be ready to provide yourself with a breakfast on the first day (before the beginning of the session) and pay for Committee Dinner.

4. Do I need to become a member of EYP – Ukraine before the session?No, it is not necessary. You will be able to obtain membership at the session.

5. What do I need to know about the organisation?All the necessary information will be sent to you through e-mails. If you want to know more, please, visit the website of the organisation: http://eyp-ua.org

6. Do I need to take anything special with me?You need to take some national food/national costume to represent your country at the Eurovillage. If you want to participate in the Euroconcert, you need to take music/your instrument/costume etc. You also need to take clothes that will fit the dress codes (outlined in this booklet).

7. What is the best way to prepare for the session?The best way is to read the topic overview, conduct some additional research, address your chairperson with all the questions that you might have.


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PARTICIPANTS SUPPORT AND GENERAL QUESTIONS Halyna VirtHuman Resources Team+380939302350 [email protected] Partnerships: Dmytro Zinchuk Head Organiser [email protected] Kostyantyn Lyabuk Head Organiser [email protected] PARTICIPANTS HOTLINE NUMBER +38 093 464 7141 Please, note that the Hotline Number will start receiving calls on August 5 and should be used in emergencies, such as if your arrival is delayed, you are lost, there was an accident or another kind of emergency and there is no organiser you can approach. If you have any problems reading this document, please contact us immediately so that we can find a solution. Finally, we wish you all a successful preparation for the conference. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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