welcome back to from lead to launch. this is …5/class...welcome back to from lead to launch. this...

Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch emails. You are so close to finalizing your sales funnel and launching your services, program or product into the world. Let me take a minute now to remind you why you are doing all of this. Sometimes when you are entrenched in doing all the work the vision gets lost and you might start to feel disconnected and overwhelmed. If you’re anything like me, you’ve decided to launch your hard work into the world because you feel a deep sense of responsibility to help other people transform their lives, whether it’s from a graphic design perspective, a weight loss perspective, a photography perspective, an essential oil perspective or a widget perspective, you’ve created something that you know will help someone else improve the quality of their life. And you have no shame in saying that you want to make a crap ton of money in your business so that you can live your dream life, all on your own terms. There’s also no shame in working hard, most likely harder than almost anyone else you know to build a business you are proud of with the intention of becoming self made. If you’re like me you want to be able to make money on demand. You want to feel the power of never having to worry about how you’re going to make money anymore. In order for that to happen you need to learn and master the skill of writing emails and a sales page that converts. Yes, it’s a skill and you can master it and I promise you that when you do, it will transform your life. Before we dive into today’s lesson I’d like to share a short story; it’s not something I talk about often but I feel compelled to share it here. Back in 2012, when I first took my business online, I had a business partner. Needless to say that our partnership ended very badly and I was left with literally no money, which was really stressful because I had a two and a half-year old and a one-year old and I was the sole breadwinner. My only saving grace was that I had started to build up an email list; at that point I had about 800 people on it. My business coach said and I’ll never forget this, “how long do you have until you totally run out of money”? My reply was, “about a month”. Then you better get to work creating a product you can sell to your list”, was his advice. My mastermind group walked me through the exact steps Hattie and I have taught you and within two weeks I was ready to launch. I didn’t have the luxury of time to over-think it, it was imperfect and I didn’t care. To say that I was a vulnerable nervous wreck is an understatement. That launch was a “Hail Mary” for me; it was a last ditch effort and I was launching over the Christmas holidays too. The first email went out and within minutes my phone started to buzz, the PayPal notifications had started to come in and I burst into tears. By December 28th I had made over $13,000. Who makes 5-figures sitting on their couch over Christmas? © Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

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Page 1: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5.

You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch emails. You are so close to finalizing your sales funnel and launching your services, program or product into the world.

Let me take a minute now to remind you why you are doing all of this. Sometimes when you are entrenched in doing all the work the vision gets lost and you might start to feel disconnected and overwhelmed.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve decided to launch your hard work into the world because you feel a deep sense of responsibility to help other people transform their lives, whether it’s from a graphic design perspective, a weight loss perspective, a photography perspective, an essential oil perspective or a widget perspective, you’ve created something that you know will help someone else improve the quality of their life.

And you have no shame in saying that you want to make a crap ton of money in your business so that you can live your dream life, all on your own terms.

There’s also no shame in working hard, most likely harder than almost anyone else you know to build a business you are proud of with the intention of becoming self made.

If you’re like me you want to be able to make money on demand. You want to feel the power of never having to worry about how you’re going to make money anymore.

In order for that to happen you need to learn and master the skill of writing emails and a sales page that converts. Yes, it’s a skill and you can master it and I promise you that when you do, it will transform your life.

Before we dive into today’s lesson I’d like to share a short story; it’s not something I talk about often but I feel compelled to share it here.

Back in 2012, when I first took my business online, I had a business partner. Needless to say that our partnership ended very badly and I was left with literally no money, which was really stressful because I had a two and a half-year old and a one-year old and I was the sole breadwinner.

My only saving grace was that I had started to build up an email list; at that point I had about 800 people on it. My business coach said and I’ll never forget this, “how long do you have until you totally run out of money”? My reply was, “about a month”. “Then you better get to work creating a product you can sell to your list”, was his advice.

My mastermind group walked me through the exact steps Hattie and I have taught you and within two weeks I was ready to launch. I didn’t have the luxury of time to over-think it, it was imperfect and I didn’t care.

To say that I was a vulnerable nervous wreck is an understatement. That launch was a “Hail Mary” for me; it was a last ditch effort and I was launching over the Christmas holidays too.

The first email went out and within minutes my phone started to buzz, the PayPal notifications had started to come in and I burst into tears. By December 28th I had made over $13,000.

Who makes 5-figures sitting on their couch over Christmas?

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 2: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Well I did and now that you have the From Lead To Launch system, you can too.

That first launch was all the proof I needed that I would be financially ok. Have there been hard times since then, of course, plenty. I’m building a business from scratch but I’ve never freaked out about making money; I know how to make money.

And now you know how to make money too, build an email list of qualified ideal clients, create a compelling offer and write emails that sell that offer.

It’s a rinse and repeat system that you can apply to any business and anything you want to sell.

By this point you should already have:

Defined your ideal client and have deep clarity about with whom you want to work with. You should understand who is your ideal client at first point of contact, where they desire to be, what’s holding them back from taking action, what has triggered them to take action at this time and what’s at stake if they were to stay stuck and not make any changes.

From there you’ve created the perfect lead magnet that promises to solve one problem that you ideal client has. That smaller problem is directly related to the bigger promise you are solving with your program.

Then you wrote a series of nurture emails so that you could build a relationship with your subscribers. You don’t ask someone to marry you on the first, second or third date (I hope) and the same goes for selling to someone. Don’t invite them into your world and immediately try to sell to them; you’ve got to build the relationship first, then you sell to them.

You’ve also done the work to write your sales page. Writing a sales page is no small feat so if you’ve completed it I’m giving you a huge virtual high-five.

Now we are writing the launch emails, which come after the nurture emails in the sales funnel sequence but we write them only after the sales page is done. You need to flush out the sales offer, the benefits and collect social proof prior to writing the launch emails.

In this class here’s what we’re going to cover:

• In lesson 1, I’m going to explain what a launch is, the two different launch optionsand how to know which one to choose based on where you are in your business.

• In lesson 2, I’m going to teach you the four must-have emails you’ll need in a typicallaunch sequence and how to write them, plus a checklist of what should be included in each email. Once you know how to write these you’ll have the ability to make money on demand.

• In lesson 3 we’ll go through a list of emails you’ll need to execute a typical dated 10-day online launch sequence.

• In lesson 4 we’ll outline the list of emails you’ll need to execute an evergreen launchsequence for selling 1:1 services.

• In lesson 5 I’ll describe a list of emails you’ll need to execute a launch that includes awebinar.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 3: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

By the time this class is over you’ll have a detailed email launch sequence planned out so that you’ll understand when and how each email you write should flow in your sales funnel.

Ready to get started?

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 4: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Lesson 1

In this lesson I’m going to give you a high level overview of what a launch is, the two different launch options and how to choose which scenario is right for you, based on where you are in your business.

Before we delve into the nuts and bolts of creating an email launch sequence you should go back and review your ideal client profile. It’s impossible for you to write the launch emails without doing the ideal client work first, as the content you will be writing will be pulled directly from your sales page.

Launching has become a trend in the online entrepreneurial world. There’s a lot of hype around online launches and while it’s possible to use a program or product launch to make a lot of money in a short period of time, launching is also very stressful if it’s not planned out in advance if the offer you are making doesn’t match your ideal client’s wants, needs and emotional desires.

Here’s the thing.

Unless you went to school for online marketing, which I don’t think is even an option, you’d have no way of knowing how to plan an online launch, so you wing it, well at least that’s what I did and it was incredibly stressful.

What is a launch?

A product or program launch is a dedicated period of time where you directly sell your services, program or product. If you are running an online program launch it’s also known as the open-cart period. This means that during your dedicated launch period, your shopping cart opens, you convert leads into clients or customers via a sales page and then your shopping cart closes.

If you are using the email launch sequence to sell 1:1 services, then you would craft a sequence of emails that promote a consultation or discovery call and then sell the service from that interaction.

The only difference between a launch for an online program and a launch for 1:1 services is the call to action included in each email; the email sequence you’d write is the same.

Some people get the term launching confused with program delivery. When you are launching you are selling, it’s possible that your new clients or customers can start to consume your service, program or product immediately after purchase but if you are running a group program they would not commence until the launch is over.

There are many different ways you could use the email launch sequence that we are about to teach you. You could have a dedicated email launch sequence with any of the following:

A Lead magnet A Free Talk (offline) A Webinar A Live Event

Now let us describe two launch scenarios. Scenario # 1 an evergreen automated launch funnel and scenario # 2 a dated launch funnel. After you understand both you’ll be able to choose which one would be best for your business right now.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 5: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Scenario # 1 - An evergreen automated launch funnel.

An evergreen automated launch funnel is for you if you are continuously selling your services or programs to people, in other words your shopping cart never closes and nothing needs to be date specific. Leads who subscribe to your lead magnet, webinar or who come to your free talk can be put through the launch funnel automatically 24/7.

Let’s take the example of a service provider who sells 1:1 services.

Your From Lead To Launch Funnel starts with a free talk. You know you have to build your email list, so you offer your perfect lead magnet as an ethical bribe to get the attendees from the talk onto your list. Now what?

The attendees from the talk are now on your email list. That means they will automatically receive your nurture emails but the nurture emails don’t promote your consults or your 1:1 services.

That’s where your launch emails come in, they are scheduled into your email marketing platform to automatically go out X days after your nurture emails.

That is an evergreen automated sales funnel at it’s finest.

Anytime a lead subscribes to your perfect lead magnet, they automatically get nurtured and transitioned into your email launch sales funnel. If all goes to plan that means you’ll have a steady flow of prospective ideal clients signing up for your free consults.

Yes, it takes some time to set this up and of course you’ll always be tweaking it but once it’s done your focus shifts to sending traffic to your lead magnet opt-in page so you can grow the list, grow the list and grow the list some more.

Scenario # 2 - A dated launch funnel.

This scenario is for you if you are launching a program that starts on a specific date that is sold via a sales page or webinar and includes specific sales strategies like early bird pricing and time sensitive bonuses, which need to be promoted on specific days.

To implement this kind of launch funnel you’ll need a list of dates that your emails should be sent out on.

For example, the webinar replay email needs to be sent out on a specific date, your last chance reminders for early bird savings or enrollment close need to go out on specific dates. Your emails are automated only in the sense that they can be scheduled into your email marketing ahead of time.

One scenario isn’t better than the other, so the launch scenario you chose is based on the kind of launch you are running in your business. So make a choice, automated or dated. You can always adjust later...

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 6: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Lesson 2: The 4 Must-Have Emails In Your Email Launch Sequence

Now let’s get into the exciting stuff; learning the four must-have emails that are going to support the sale of your service, program or product.

Of course there are more than four emails that will go into your email launch sequence, you could have as many as twelve or fifteen but in order to convert leads to clients or customers you should have these four emails rotate through your funnel.

Each of these emails could be repeated within the funnel with just different content throughout your email launch sequence depending on how many days your launch takes.

Once you learn how to write these four emails you can use this sequence in a modified way to hold flash sales, promote affiliate products, launch a new service or course. These are the emails that help you create money on demand.

There is something really important to note. The launch emails don’t actually sell the service, program or product, their point is to sell the click; in other words all the emails have to do is get the lead, the reader, to click through to the next step. These emails are meant to prime the sale but not actually sell.

Ok… ready? I’m using a fake ideal client named Jenny to help explain the kind of content you’ll need to write in each email.

Must-have email # 1 is called a Benefit

Builder. The Benefit Builder email communicates the transformation, the solution, the big promise being promoted with your service, program or product. You inspire Jenny by talking about how her life will be different.

You craft an emotionally charged story, using descriptive words to illustrate how Jenny will feel after working with you. Use one or two personal examples of what Jenny wants.

Describe with words where she desires to be, how she desires to feel in her dream scenario. You know what she wants because you’ve done the in-depth work to understand your ideal client.

Because you’ve gotten Jenny all inspired and excited she now feels hopeful, like she can do this. She wants to learn more about what you’re offering so she clicks on one of the three calls to action; meaning the click here to learn more, included in your email that takes her to either an online scheduler or a sales page.

What do you actually write in the Benefit Builder email?

The ideas and inspiration for this content comes from the second question you asked and answered in your ideal client profile in - - Where does your ideal client desire to be? How does she desire her life to be different?

The benefit of working with you is that you will close the gap between where they are right now and where they want to go. The communication in this email centers on Jenny feeling that her desired future is real, very tangible and realistic for her to achieve.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 7: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

When describing her desired future state use the word Imagine; imagine how you’re going to feel in just six weeks’ time and then describe how she’s going to feel using actual words your ideal client used in your interviews.

Imagine being able to easily slide up your jeans, do the button up and slip on a sexy tank top that effortlessly falls around your waist. You look in the mirror and think damn, I look good. In the benefit builder email you could also list the specific benefits of working with you. Think about the blocks or challenges Jenny has experienced in the past. How does your service, program or product help her to overcome those past challenges so that she can achieve her desired future result?

For this section you’ll refer to the answers to the question - - What’s holding your ideal client back from moving forward and getting the results that she really wants to achieve? For example, you offer a weekly coaching call. That’s a feature of your program. Be careful not to assume that your lead will know what the benefit is to them from having access to that coaching call. You need to spell it out for them otherwise it’s meaningless.

What is the monetary and emotional value of the coaching call? How will it help Jenny to achieve her goal?

The danger in listing the specific benefits and where you might get stuck is that you’ll list out the features of your service, program or product instead of powerfully articulating the benefit of each of the features…

Here’s a fantastic tip that will give you the ability to attach a benefit to a feature. Use the words So That after you state the feature.

For example, weekly coaching calls so that I can support you and hold you accountable making sure that you continuously move forward and so you don’t succumb to self-sabotage or social pressures.

The benefit builder email builds up the perceived emotional value of the offer. Jenny feels like her desired future state is real and within her grasp.

Must-have email # 2 is the Objection Blaster.

This email conveys to Jenny that you understand exactly where she is, where she wants to go and what’s holding her back from getting there.

This email communicates empathy. You get Jenny. You enter the conversation Jenny is having inside her head about why she can’t achieve her desired future state. To Jenny her objections are realistic and rational as to why she’s going to fail.

Objections are usually about:

Lack of time Lack of money Lack of support Lack of self confidence Lack of know-how Overthinking and overcomplicating Fear of failure Fear of success

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 8: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

When Jenny reads about her desired future state she automatically starts thinking about all of the reasons she won’t be able to achieve her dream. She might have a scarcity mindset or a failure mindset. This is where you acknowledge her past attempts, mistakes and failures. It’s like you need Jenny to forgive herself before she can move forward.

When you enter the conversation your ideal client is having inside their head by acknowledging and communicating the objections, the ideal client feels like they can trust you because you get them. You are working to strip away any excuses as to why they can’t invest in your offer.

The ideas and inspiration for this content come from the answers to the question What’s holding your ideal client back from moving forward and getting the results that she really wants to achieve?

You need to know what the reason is behind the objection. So her husband doesn’t support her in learning how to become a photographer… why is that going to stop her? Or she doesn’t think she has money to invest in a 12-week personalized health program yet she spends money on quick fixes and magic pills.

When you review this section look for the top three to five reasons your ideal client won’t take action or think they will fail. These are the objections you need to neutralize in your objection blaster email so that the lead clicks through to the online scheduler or sales page.

Here’s a tip. Come right out with the objection. In the email ask, how will I know this will work for me? Or what is so special about this program, or think you don’t have the money to invest in your health, give the lead some pushback.

Then tell them how the service, program or product will fit into their life.

A really effective way of overcoming objections is by using social proof. If you’ve run the service, program or product before then I would interview some past clients or customers and ask them what hesitations they had about investing in your offer and what was the result of working with you. You want the testimonial to highlight a single objection and then describe how they overcame it and the result they got.

Objections, real or perceived, will stop a qualified lead from taking the next step and clicking the link that would take them to your online scheduler or sales page, so make sure that you have at least one objection blaster email in your launch sequence.

Must have email # 3 is the Social Proof email.

This email includes testimonials or case studies. It works to prove to Jenny that you’ve helped other people just like her so of course you can help her too.

What if you don’t have any social proof yet because you are just starting out? Use research, use statistics and use stories from family and friends you’ve helped. The goal of this email is to demonstrate, that the system you’re using, the meat of your program, is verified by someone other than yourself.

Think of infomercials. They are filled with social proof. In fact, the testimonials in those infomercials are what sell the product. Get creative, use screenshots of successes from your free Facebook group. Ask your mom for a recommendation or get your neighbor to try a recipe and give you feedback. There are all kinds of ways to collect social proof.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 9: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

This email can go one of two ways… it can help you to overcome objections or it can help you to build up the benefit of your program, product or service.

When you get a testimonial back from a client, think about the story behind it. How can you use their experience to demonstrate that a specific block can be overcome or how the program helped to build the desired outcome?

Social proof literally means using the testimonial as proof that what you are promising can and will happen.

You can use the same social proof in your emails as you do on your sales page. And if you can’t use client testimonials then I would write out some case studies and also find media stories and research to back up your promise. You’ll need to think outside of the box and get creative but adding in social proof is important during a launch.

The last must have email is email # 4 - the regret email.

The last thing we want for our clients and customers is to regret not making a decision or worse, making the wrong decision. Our job is to help prospective ideal clients come to a confident decision, either a big YES or a confident no.

Indecision is the worst and feeling regret is harmful to their ability to achieve future results either with you or someone else.

The regret email communicates in a very loving and supportive way what will happen to Jenny if she doesn’t change anything.

You’ll communicate empathy in this email as you have your prospective ideal clients’ best intentions top of mind. You only want what’s best for them, you understand that making a decision is scary but don’t want them to feel regret later on.

When writing this email you’ll draw inspiration and content from Section 5 of your ideal client profile: you want to deeply understand what’s at stake, what will life look and feel like if your prospective ideal client chooses to do nothing.

This email is not about making them feel guilty. It’s about holding up the mirror and sharing the truth. You are not using this email to create a new problem because that’s manipulative. You are taking a stand for them. You are acknowledging the hard truth of what life will look and feel like if they don’t commit to making a change.

What is the cost emotionally, financially, time wise, from a health perspective, from a not living your purpose perspective; what is the cost of seeing other people doing the things they want to be doing and feeling jealous because they didn’t take a chance on themselves.

Describe that.

There you have it. The 4 must have emails that give you the power to sell ANY program, product or service.

Now let’s go through The Launch Email Checklist

This is a checklist of components to include in each of your emails.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 10: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

• Every email needs a sizzling hot subject line (refer to our bonus on how to writesizzling hot subject lines.)

• Then you need an attention grabbing opening paragraph that should be personal.

• Each email should have no more than 3 links or in marketing-speak “calls to action”that link to your online scheduler or sales page.

• Make sure the calls to action (click here to learn more) are bolded with a differentcolour font so they stand out.

• One of the three calls to action should be in a PS underneath your signature.Include reminders of any special offers (replay webinar, early bird pricing, special bonuses.)

• Make sure dates are bolded and clearly identifiable.

• Include an image of the program or service.

• Hyperlink the image to the sales page so if someone clicks on it they automaticallygo to the sales page.

Have screenshots of testimonials if applicable.

• Bullets are easier to read.

• Bold every other bulleted line or highlight specific words that you want to stand outParagraphs should be 2-3 sentences long.

• Short paragraphs are easier to read and easier to skim through.

• Include line-breaks.

• Make sure short paragraphs are double spaced so there is white space between theparagraphs.

• Send two emails on deadline days.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 11: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Lesson 3:10-Day Dated Launch Sequence

In this lesson I’m going to walk you through a dated 10-day launch sequence so you can get an example of what emails need to be written. I find that writing all of these emails can feel really overwhelming so please remember this is just a guide. You don’t have to include every email I suggest.

Let me lay down some groundwork before I dive into this example. We are running a 10-day launch that includes a 4-day early bird and a 24-hour last chance bonus.

There is no webinar in this launch example, just straight up emails.

In later lessons I’ll go through a dated example that includes a webinar and also an evergreen sequence so you can promote your free consultation that leads to selling 1:1 services. If you are selling a product you can choose from any one of these sequences, they are the same for product sales.

When planning a dated launch you need to start at the very end and reverse engineer your launch dates based on when you want your program to start.

In this example, we are going to start our program on Tuesday, June 28th. That means registration should close Friday, June 24th.

So if we are doing a 10-day launch that means that our open-cart period is from June 15th to June 24th. The early bird will run from June 15th to June 18th and the last chance bonus will be announced June 23rd.

Now we have our launch dates mapped out we can plan what emails to send and when to send them.

Email # 1- June 15th is day 1 of open-cart so you’d send a benefit builder email making the exciting announcement that program enrollment is open. You’d include a mention of the early bird price and the deadline to save.

Email # 2- June 16th is day 2 of open-cart. You are going to send another benefit builder to inspire your leads. You’d include a mention of the early bird price and the deadline to save.

Email # 3 - June 17th is day 3 of open-cart and 24 hours until the early bird deadline. Send an objection blaster with a strong reminder that the early bird is disappearing in 24 hours.

Email # 4 - June 18th is day 4 of open-cart and the last day leads have to take advantage of the early bird savings. Send a social proof email with a reminder that the deadline to save is that day.

If you are feeling ambitious you could send another email two hours prior to the deadline time to remind leads that the early bird is expiring. This second email isn’t mandatory but will help improve sales.

No email June 19th.

No email June 20th.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 12: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Email # 5 - June 21st is day 7 of open-cart. Send another benefit builder email highlighting the benefits of the program and how the program will help them solve their problem. This could be a longer email that describes how each component of the program will serve them.

No email June 22nd.

Email # 6 - June 23rd is day 9 of open-cart, 24 hours before enrollment closes and when you’ll announce your last chance bonus. The bonus should be something really juicy and something you know your ideal client wants. Bonuses serve to increase the value of your program, they are not something additional the ideal client has to do or learn. They are there to make life easier.

The 24-hour and last chance bonus email could be the regret email.

Email # 7 & 8 June 24th is day 10 of open-cart and the last day to enroll.

You are going to send two emails the day the shopping cart closes, one in the morning around 10am and the other about 1-2 hours before the cart closes. The first email will be an objection blaster and remind the lead that enrollment is closing at a specific time and that this is their last chance to get the bonus.

The second and final email will be a benefit builder as you want to leave the lead feeling inspired.

There you have it, a 10-day dated email launch sequence. It includes 8 or 9 emails depending on whether you send two emails on the early bird deadline and enrollment closing days.

Included in this lesson you will find an Email Launch Sequence Calendar Template. We created this for you so that you could organize your dated email launch sequence quickly, so it becomes very clear what emails you need to write based on the dates of your own launch, so make sure you download this now.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 13: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Lesson 4: Evergreen launch sequence for selling 1:1 services

Welcome back. In this lesson I’m going to explain which emails you’ll need in your evergreen launch sequence if you are promoting a free discovery call with the intention of enrolling 1:1 clients.

Writing these emails can feel overwhelming so remember that you don’t need to include all of those I’m using in the example. Pick and choose which ones work best for you.

In this example I am going to include your lead magnet and two nurture emails that subscribers get automatically. The launch email sequence will directly follow the two nurture emails. This launch sequence is automated, not dated, so each email will be scheduled X number of days after the previous one.

This will allow you to continuously add ideal prospects to your email list, nurture them and then have them go through your launch funnel. The goal of this funnel is to get the lead to sign up for your free discovery call.

Let’s start at the beginning.

We will be using our same fake ideal client named Jenny in this example. Jenny opts in to your lead magnet.

She immediately gets email # 1, which is your welcome email that delivers the lead magnet content and lets subscribers know what to expect from you.

Three days later, after the previous one, Jenny gets the last nurture email, which is email # 2 in the sequence. Hattie refers to this email as the “can I get you another drink?” email.

The purpose of the “can I get you another drink?” email is to offer an additional piece of content that anticipates and solves the next problem or objection that your ideal client will come up against.

A further three days later, Jenny gets email # 3 where you transition into your launch emails. Email # 3 is the benefit builder email. In this email you communicate the gap between where they are now and where they want to go. You describe the desired outcome using words, phrases and imagery you know your ideal client uses.

The call to action in this email directs the lead to sign up for your free discovery call. It’s linked to your online scheduler.

Another three days later Jenny gets email # 4 this email is the objection blaster. In this email you highlight the top three objections you know your ideal client has and how you work with your clients to solve their blocks and challenges.

Again you include a call to action. This email directs the lead to sign up for your free discovery call. It’s linked to your online scheduler.

Three days later Jenny gets email # 5 this email is the social proof email. In this email you use case studies, research and/or testimonials to highlight that your service has worked for people just like Jenny.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 14: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Focus on how client X had similar reservations, list out what those are and how you worked together to overcome them. What were client X results? Tell client X’s story, don’t just add in screenshots of testimonials.

Again include a call to action. This email directs the lead to sign up for your free discovery call. It’s linked to your online scheduler.

Finally, three days later, Jenny gets email # 6 this is the final email in your automated launch sequence. This email is the regret email.

This is your opportunity to really show up for Jenny. You want her to come to a confident decision, either a yes or a no to working with you.

You are taking a stand for your potential ideal client. You are acknowledging the hard truth of what life will look and feel like if they don’t commit to making a change.

What the cost is emotionally, financially, time wise, from a health perspective, from a not living your purpose perspective, of seeing other people doing the things they want to be doing and feeling jealous because they didn’t take a chance on themselves. Describe that. Again include a call to action. This email directs the lead to sign up for your free discovery call. It’s linked to your online scheduler.

Since this is your last automated email I would add in something about how this might not be the right time to work together, which is ok. You understand how time is tight but that you’re here and ready to work together when the time is right. Until then they can enjoy your free weekly email newsletter and follow you on social media.

This automated service-based launch sequence includes a total of six emails, the first two being your lead magnet nurture emails. You can expand on the launch sequence when you are ready but for now just get started with these six emails.

Included in this lesson you will find an Automated Email Launch Sequence Calendar Template. We created this for you so that you could organize your automated email launch sequence quickly so it becomes very clear what emails you need to write and how many days your entire launch sequence will run for. (isn’t this repetition or do you want it to be?)

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 15: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

Lesson 5: The Webinar Email Launch Sequence

Welcome back. In this lesson I’m going to walk you through a dated 14-day webinar launch sequence so you can get an example of what emails need to be written. Once again, writing all of these emails can feel really overwhelming so please remember this is just a guide.

I’ll lay some foundations before I dive into this example. We are running a 14-day launch that includes one webinar, a 5-day early bird discount and a 24-hour last chance bonus.

When planning a dated launch you need to start at the very end and reverse engineer your launch dates based on when you want your program to start.

In this example, we are going to start our program on Thursday, June 23rd. That means registration should close Tuesday, June 21st. I like to do webinars on Wednesday evenings, which is why this launch starts on a Wednesday, Wednesday June 8th.

So if we are doing a 14-day launch that means that our open-cart period is from June 8th to June 21st. The early bird will run from June 8th to June 12th and the last chance bonus will be announced June 20th.

Now we have our webinar and launch dates mapped out we can plan what emails to send and when to send them.

You want to start promoting your webinar at least 7 to 10 days in advance. You’ll need to write three promotional emails that are scheduled to go out on the Friday, Monday and Tuesday before the webinar so that you can maximize your registrations.

Use the framework of the four must-have launch emails as the structure to write your webinar registration emails.

The email launch sequence I’m going to run you through happens after the webinar is over. Email # 1- June 9th is day 2 of open-cart. This email is the webinar replay email in addition to the benefit builder email. In this email you are making the exciting announcement that program enrollment is open.

At this point the only people who know your program is open for enrollment are the people who attended your webinar. Add the link to the replay in the PS of the email.

Include a mention of the early bird price and the deadline to save.

Email # 2- June 10th is day 3 of open-cart. You are going to send another benefit builder to inspire your leads. You’d include a mention of the early bird price and the deadline to save in the PS in addition to the body of the email.

Email # 3 - June 11th is day 4 of open-cart and 24 hours until the early bird deadline. Send an objection blaster with a strong reminder that the early bird is disappearing tomorrow.

Email # 4 - June 12th is day 5 of open-cart and the last day leads have to take advantage of the early bird savings. Send a social proof email with a reminder that the deadline to save is that day.

If you are feeling ambitious you could send another email 2 hours prior to the deadline time to remind leads that the early bird is expiring. This second email isn’t mandatory but will help improve sales.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.

Page 16: Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is …5/Class...Welcome back to From Lead To Launch. This is Class 5. You are now in the home stretch and it’s time to plan out your launch

No email June 13th.

No email June 14th.

Email # 5 - June 15th is day 8 of open-cart. Send another benefit builder email highlighting the benefits of the program and how the program will help them solve their problem. This could be a longer email that describes how each component of the program will serve them.

No email June 16th

No email June 17th

Email # 6 - June 18th is day 11 of open-cart. Send an objection blaster with social proof so that your prospective ideal clients can see and feel proof that they can actually achieve the promise you are making to them.

No email June 19th

Email # 7 - June 20th is day 13 of open-cart, 24 hours before enrollment closes and when you’ll announce your last chance bonus. The bonus should be something really juicy and something you know your ideal client wants. Bonuses serve to increase the value of your program, they are not something additional the ideal client has to do or learn. They are there to make life easier.

The 24-hour and last chance bonus email could be the regret email.

Email # 9 & 10 on June 21st is day 14th of open-cart and the last day to enroll.

You are going to send two emails the day the shopping cart closes, one in the morning around 10am and the other about 1-2 hours before the cart closes. The first email will be an objection blaster and remind the lead that enrollment is closing at a specific time and that this is their last chance to get the bonus.

The second and final email will be a benefit builder as you want to leave the lead feeling inspired.

There you have it a 14-day dated webinar email launch sequence. It includes 10 or 11 emails depending on if you send two emails on the early bird deadline and enrollment closing days.

Included in this lesson you will find a Webinar Email Launch Sequence Calendar Template. We created this for you so that you could organize your webinar registration emails and dated email launch sequence quickly so it becomes very clear what emails you need to write based on the dates of your own launch so make sure you download it now.

© Lori Kennedy Inc. & Word Slingers Limited.