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Post on 24-Feb-2016




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Welcome. to. Jeopardy!. Another. Fun Day at AHS: Do You Know the Colonial Period?. Directions: Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the categories on the main game boards. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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$100Who lead Jamestown out of the Starving Times, but no, he was not married to Pocahontas? AnotherFun Day at AHS: Do You Know the Colonial Period?$200Virginia is named for this British monarch$100Which colony was settled by the the Pilgrims in 1619?$200Which state religion of Great Britain known as the Episcopalian Church in the United States$200Name three geographic groups which the 13 Colonies were divided into.$100John SmithJohn RolfeJohn AdamsChief PowhatanScores$200Who was Powhatan?WHOWhatWhereWhenHowWhy$200$200$200$200$200$200$400$400$400$400$400$400$600$600$600$600$600$600$800$800$800$800$800$800$1000$1000$1000$1000$1000$1000Round 1Final JeopardyScoresWhoWhatGeographyWhenHowWhy

$400Members of the Protestant pacifist Society of Friends were called?DailyDouble$400What was the thinly settled area of forests and small farms just beyond the last settled community$200Why did the English Puritans, Separatists, Catholics, and Quakers colonize the New World? $400What is the theory of virtual representation?$300What ship carried the Pilgrims to Plymouth?$600Who were the powerful Native American tribes that formed a confederacy for defense in New York and New England?$600What situation existed in the Colonies when religion and government were NOT under one control$600What mountain range lay directly west of the 13 Colonies?$300What term did John Winthrop used to say the Puritans were examples for the rest of the world to follow?$400Who became the richest man in Virginia by bring Caribbean tobacco plants; alas, he was killed in the 1622 Anglo-Powhatan War Massacre?DailyDouble$800Who rebelled against the strict theocracy of the Puritan ministers and founded Rhode Island$800What is Englands law-making body?$800What river runs along where New York/New Amsterdam was settled?$400Why did the English colonists become farmers while the French and Spanish did not?$500House of BurgessesHouse of RepresentativesSenateGeneral AssemblyScores$500Name the form of representative government in the New World that was set up by the London Company in Virginia$1000Whose daughter and her friends accused their fellow townsmen and women of witchcraft?$1000What kind of boat did the Indians show the Colonists to make and use?$1000What land was claimed by both France and England leading to the French and Indian War?$500What secret weapons did Europeans have, the native peopled lacked?$300St. Augustine, FLBoston, MAPort-Au-Prince, HaitiSan Juan, PRScoresFinalJeopardyScoresRights in the ColoniesFinal Jeopary Question

WhoWhatWhereWhenHowWhy$100$100$100$100$100$100$200$200$200$200$200$200$300$300$300$300$300$300$400$400$400$400$400$400$500$500$500$500$500$500Round 2Final JeopardyScoresROUND 1-Colonies$500ScoresNova Scotia AlbanyNew Amsterdam New YorkEl Diablo DallasHague New Haven

$100Starving TimesFirst ThanksgivingDays of GloryWrath of PowhatanScores$2001492177615251215

Scores$300A blizzardA Quaker woman had her nose chopped offAn invasion by FranceThe first Thanksgiving Scores$400Pocahontas married John SmithQueen Elizabeth arrivedGeorge Washington was bornThe first slave ships arrived in Jamestown

Scores$500Convert to CatholicismWrite and sign Mayflower CompactDeclared independence from EnglandTaught Squanto to speak EnglishScores$100It made the Planters richIt allowed freedom from involuntary servitudeIt taught the colonists to be peacefulEveryone became addictedScoresFarmingFur tradeMiningManufacturing$200Scores$300Importing Africans Emigrating every member of his familyBringing prisoners to the colonyAllowing Jews to settleScores$400They intermarried with indigenous womenThe learned how to plant cottonThey were MuslimsFew stayed and many returned to France Scores$500Rolfe burned down the Powhatan villagesRolfe divorced PocahontasThe colonists raided Powhatan fields and storage shedsThe colonists mocked the Powhatan childrenScores$100Gold, God and GlorySilver, Gold and CopperChristianized the infidelsBecause they were meanScores$200To build bigger churchesThey were persecuted by Anglicans To form their own countriesTo baptize the IndiansScores$300Mightier than thouWhere thou goes, I shall follow We are a City upon a HillWe shall overcome

Scores$400The Spanish and French were city peopleThe English were experienced in agricultureThe English werent as adventurousThe English arrived as families for the most partScores$500Number of people, syphilis, and knowledge of the landTechnology, smallpox, and metal workingHydroelectricity and influenzaMedicine, writing and knowledge of lawScores$200Queen Elizabeth IQueen Virginia IIIKing Virgil XVIPope Vesuvius IScores$400PuritansSeparatistsAnglicansQuakers

Scores$600WinnipegIroquoisNavajoSeminoles Scores$800Governor BerkeleyRoger WilliamsAnne HutchinsonSarah GoodScores$1000Miles StandishPastor Billy GrahamReverend Samuel Parrish Pope Innocent III

Scores$200Southern Baptist ConferenceAnglican Church or Church of EnglandUnited Church of ChristChurch of the Latter Days Saints of Jesus ChristMormonsScores$400Which kind of freedom was first allowed in the Colonies by Rhode Island?$400SpeechPressReligionAssemblyScores$600Payment of the titheAntinomianismSeparation of state and churchHeresy

Scores$800ParliamentCongressEstates GeneralHouse of BurgessesScores$1000KayakSailRaftCanoeScores$200New England, Middle, and SouthernNorthern, Midwest, and SouthernNorthern, Eastern, and WesternNew England, New France, and New SpainScores$400Organized territoriesNo mans landFrontierAlpine valleyScores$600RockiesAppalachiansOzarksCascadesScores$800HudsonMississippiOhioChespeakeScores$1000FloridaOhio Valley TexasMexicoScores$200French and Indian or Seven Years WarAmerican RevolutionWorld War IICivil WarScores$400Never have so few given their lives to so manyThe shot heard around the worldGive me liberty or give me deathFrom the Halls of MontezumaScores$600What marks the beginning of Colonists grievance of prohibition to settle west of the Appalachians by the British$600Proclamation of 1763Prohibition Amendment Appalachian TrailIntolerable ActsScores$800Peter Zengers trial Defense of Marriage ActRed Badge of Courage incidentno taxation without representation rally Scores$1000Declaration of Independence proclaimedDeclaration of Independence writtenConstitution writtenConstitution ratified by the statesScores$200Hanged as a witchFirst person electrocutedShot by a firing squad Crushed by rocksScores$400If you dont vote, you cant expect your voice heardSome people just are fit to voteYou have to be allowed to voteLegislature represents all people whether they vote or notScores$600Sold into slaveryLife in prisonHanged Burned at the stake Scores$800How did the colonists protest enforcement of taxes and trade restrictions?Scores$1000Forced everyone to work or starveMade a deal with the IndiansImported a new strain of Caribbean tobaccoGave everyone a plot of land

Scores$200They were pacifistsThey were anarchistsThey were socialists They were atheists Scores$400To find Indian wivesTo escape wars in EnglandTo run from the Black PlagueTo find goldScores$600It tastes nastyThe fungus mold can cause hallucinations There was a famine and people got desperateOnly people from the town ate itScores$800They were deadIt was the sleeping position preferredIt gave a sense of securityThe ship was overcrowdedScores$1000Cheap laborRacismSkilled craftsThey escaped from EuropeScoresFreedom of the PressFreedom of ReligionFreedom of SpeechFreedom of PetitionScores