weekly reflections practice teaching aug-dec 2014

Celeste C. Santiago Ruiz 842-07-8525 Practice Teaching Dr. Nilsa Lugo Weekly Reflection: (August 18, 2014 to August 22, 2014) My first week at the Luis Muñoz Marín Elementary School. My nerves are killing me, although im always nervous. I arrive early at the school, and by being fromal the secretary keeps me in the waiting room for thirty minutes. From the moment I passed the gates, I could see that everything was organized. The school security took my information and informed me that the school director was doing rounds. I could see that there were no children running or out of class, no screaming in the hallways, everything was clean and inmaculate. My believe is that it was the second week of school and everyone still was trying to get accomodated. The director appeared thirty minutes after I arrived and immidiatly asked me where I was from. I presented myself and quickly she knew who I was. The director was nice enough to show to the classroom where Mr. Rivera was giving English and presented myself.

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Page 1: Weekly Reflections Practice Teaching Aug-Dec 2014

Celeste C. Santiago Ruiz842-07-8525Practice TeachingDr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (August 18, 2014 to August 22, 2014)

My first week at the Luis Muñoz Marín Elementary School. My nerves are killing me,

although im always nervous. I arrive early at the school, and by being fromal the secretary keeps

me in the waiting room for thirty minutes. From the moment I passed the gates, I could see that

everything was organized. The school security took my information and informed me that the

school director was doing rounds. I could see that there were no children running or out of class,

no screaming in the hallways, everything was clean and inmaculate. My believe is that it was the

second week of school and everyone still was trying to get accomodated. The director appeared

thirty minutes after I arrived and immidiatly asked me where I was from. I presented myself and

quickly she knew who I was. The director was nice enough to show to the classroom where Mr.

Rivera was giving English and presented myself.

The moment I stepped in that secong grade classroom, I didn’t know what was I going to

encounter. The students immediately started asking who I was and Mr. Rivera took the

opportunity to present me. The student were kind but at the same time roudy. They were trying

to pay attention to the class, but also they wanted to pay attention to me. Their teacher presented

herself, and was kind enough to tell me if I needed anything that don’t hesitate to ask. Through

out the day, I visited five different classrooms, including my official class. Each class

represented the different levels of English knowledge. Some knew more than others, but that has

always happened.

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My class is 1-3, and most of my students I believe are in Special Education. Throughout

the week I noticed different levels of understanding in terms of my students. My class needs

boundaries in the area of classroom management, and the reason for this is that their official

teacher don’t know the skills of how maintain a class in order. Through the week Mr. Rivera

showed skills I needed to master in the classroom, and I was grateful for each one of the tips. He

gave me the opportunity to grade papers, interact with the students, he presented me the faculty,

and provided me with new information and text books. Since day one Mr. Rivera has been a pilar

of information and strength that will help me through this practice. Also, the faculty has been

more than welcoming and offered me words of knowledge. Everyone is very united and I could

see that on the first official faculty meeting. I believe that one of the things that has been easier,

has been integrading myself to the faculty.

Through the first week, I can say that my experience has been rewarding and spectacular.

I like the enviorment of the school, and although I know I am going to be nervous when I start to

give class, already I feel that the students would be open to me as their teacher. Of course, some

more than others. I know that I still have three more months, and that this is only the first week,

but already I feel like a teacher and I wouln’t change a thing for now. My plan for now, is to

keep up with my school work, plan interesting classes that the students would feel very excited,

keep interacting with my fellow tecahers, and most important to keep in mind all the information

Mr. Rivera keeps giving me.

Page 3: Weekly Reflections Practice Teaching Aug-Dec 2014

Celeste C. Santiago Ruiz842-07-8525Practice TeachingDr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (August 25, 2014 to August 29, 2014)

Second week at my practice center, and things are starting to bulk up. I have a new

partner this semester. This students comes from the Interamericana in Fajardo, and until know

she is really nice. She explained how the practice is in the Inter, and how she is going to do each

part of it. What amazes me is that the other English teachers in the school didn’t want to evaluate

her in the practice and expected to Mr. Rivera to take her. He is a teacher that takes care of six

groups and now two practice students. To me that is a big work load. We began the week with

most of the teachers absent, and that took a set back on the material we were giving on English

class. Since we lost that day we had to expand the material. By Wednesday, the teachers look

tired and start talking gibberish about their students. As a teacher, I believe that you should never

talk bad about a students eventhough maybe the student is a little roudy.

This week I had the opportunity to grade the diagnostic tests Mr. Rivera provided for first

and second grade. By evaluating those tests, I noticed that lack of reading and writing skills in

the students. We are talking that I have first graders that don’t understand when their teacher

asks “What is your name?”. Mr. Rivera showed me the tabulation on each of the groups, and the

majority didn’t master the simple material given in the test. At first I was shocked, but I

witnessed myself when I gave my group their diagnostic tests. I have first graders that don’t

understand simple concepts as picking the first consonant of a three letter word, or read a simple

sentence. I feel that this is going to be hard, but I need for my students to master the simple

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material by the end of the semester. I am here to facilitate the learning material and to make sure

they understand what they are learning.

My plan now isto take action of the areas that my sudents are lacking knowledge. Mr.

Rivera has explained the course of the semester and how are we going to take action. I have to

determined to help my students to read and speak and understand English. There are no stops in

my course, just simple bumps that at first are going to be hard but at the end are going to be


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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (September 1, 2014 to September 5, 2014)

This week practice has been taking its toll on me. Slowly everything is taking place,

and I begin to love this experience. For Monday we didn’t have class, since it was a holiday,

and I missed every single one of my students. Mr. Rivera has started to release some

classes, so I can begin to take reigns on my group. The students have become accustomed

to my presence, and most of them have begun to call me by my name. You don’t know how

happy I feel each time a student calls me and ask for my help. The feeling is much greater

than happiness. I had my first visit, and all I can say it went great. I have to start thinking

into the practice future and how I can plan each week.

Also, starting this week was Ms. Ortiz. She is the practice student from The Inter. We

have become friends, and our minds are kind of similar. She has offered me help in

anything I need, and I have done the same. She is older than I am, but at the same time we

have bonded in this practice, and I am grateful that I have created a new friend. On

Thursday, we had the opportunity to go to a conference given by the department of

education. This conference was provided by a nutritionist and the Hershey Company. The

main topic was about including the new books about nutrition and body to a normal school

curriculum. This is set to encourage the students to take better care about their bodies and

minds. I found that the conference was very informative, and the workbooks are very

creative and innovative. This helps the teachers expand their courses in a fun a creative

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way. Also, I find interesting that the DE is making ties with a company whose entire

philosophy is based on chocolate.

This week has been informative and fun. I have begun to settle to this school and I

really can’t wait to bring something different to the classroom. I want my students to have

fun, but at the same time have fun learning. This semester is going on fast and now I have to

put on my skates and see that finish line.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (September 8, 2014 to September 12, 2014)

This week has been a drag for me. My defenses are going down, and I’m getting

sicker by the minute. Since practice started I have been feeling under the weather, but the

only thing in my mind is that I have to attend the practice. Since Monday, I have been taking

more responsibilities in my classroom. I have begun to give classes, not only to my group

but the other groups too. I love the groups in the afternoon. The students don’t hesitate to

answer, the love to participate, and the class goes very smoothly. Each day, Mr. Rivera

explains to me what I should be doing in the classroom and in my classes. Each lesson

becomes informative and I take down everything I can get.

I have begun to take advantage on what the other teachers advise me to do. Each

teacher in the school has a different perspective on what is teaching, and their words have

become daily reflections to me. Also, I have created a friendship with the secretary of the

school. This lady has been but nice to me, and every time I need something she somehow

finds a way to help me. I have to remember, that these are the employees who people

sometimes don’t appreciate, but in reality for her I have nothing more than respect.

My students have become more bonded with my presence, and I love every minute

of it. Students have come to me for help, or just to give me a hug. Each time this happens,

my heart fills with joy and I know that I don’t feel bad that I have become a teacher. Still, in

my main group I have to keep my eye on them. My group has a disciplinary problem, and I

try my best with my classroom management. But I have noticed that their teacher doesn’t

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have that great group hold. The teacher retires on December, and I believe that she is in a

place where she doesn’t care anymore. She is there to teach them, but at the same time she

is starting to lack off. This affects me, in the way that students try to do whatever they want

in my hour, and that is not happening. I’m trying to find ways to make my students feel

more connected to the class and to me. Also, I’m working on trying to make them behave

better in class. My guidance is to make them appreciate the class and help them achieve

better grades.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (September 15, 2014 to September 19, 2014)

This week started with a surprise visit from my practice supervisor. The moment I

saw her, I knew everything I had in my mind went to the farthest place in my mind. I had a

plan from the beginning that went kaput the moment I stepped in my classroom. I felt like

everything I said didn’t make sense. Everything I had worked for didn’t work in that

moment. The words my supervisor sinked in the moment she told me my score. I need to

become more prepared in everything I’m going to do. I need to think two steps forward. I

cannot be a fake teacher. I have to remind myself that I’m a real teacher, and I feel it in my

bones. This experience has taught me to always be prepared. You don’t know what could

happen, and your students depend on your class. I am the master in the classroom, and my

students are learning from me.

After that terrible beginning, the week kept going to its natural course. Mr. Rivera

has helped me with my lesson plans and I keep absorbing each little thing he tells me. By

Wednesday, I had to leave my practice center, and go back to the university. We were

presenting our blogs, and learning how to make them better. Each one of us brought

something new to the table, and the conference was fun and interactive. I learned how to

make my blog better and how to try and grab my peers on the rollercoaster that is my

practice. My blog has become so interactive, that I can honestly say I’m in love with it. I

have to remind myself to keep posting material, so that every week has something new. But

all I can think about is that is hard to keep posting and keep with the school. I have to

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continue to put post it around the house to remind myself of things I have to do, if not I can

go crazy.

This week has been one with ups and downs, but I have to remind myself that

everything happens for a reason. We have to remind ourselves to keep pushing forward,

and that every step drops in your path is a lesson to be learned. I have to remind myself to

keep pushing forward and not fall behind. I’m at the end of my school career and this

practice is my final goal. Now all I have to do is kick butt.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (September 22, 2014 to September 26, 2014)

It has been another week of ups and downs. Mr. Rivera has been given me feedback

on my lesson plans, and I feel like I keep doing everything wrong. Why can’t I fall on a path

of greatness, and all I can find is disappointment. This week the teacher of my classroom

has been absent almost the entire week. This type of situation puts me on a pedestal. I am

trying to follow a sequence given by the department of education, but if my group keeps of

being absent then I have to find ways to combine the lesson plan. By combining the lesson

plans, I believe that my students are not taking the proper class, and that is a concern since

my group is slower than the others.

I have another surprise visit on Friday and I felt the world crashing down again. The

only day I decide to keep my professional portfolio at home, and they ask me for it. My plan

had one page missing and there were things that were not prepared. I keep thinking that I

know the stuff and little that I know is wrong. I keep trying to work correctly and it keeps

on falling apart every single day. I need to spike things up, and if not I will lose my practice.

Every day I have to remind myself that this is my only shot to prove myself. I need to do

things right, and I know I am not a slacker.

I have to create a plan to make things better at my practice and to keep things

rolling on time. I have a month and a half to prove that I can be the greatest teacher in the

world. I have to prove that my students are learning and they are not wasting their time in

class. Each day will be a challenge, but I have to take it with open arms and always remind

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myself that I can do it. I am going to finish this practice teaching with my head high and imp

going to leave being the best. Each day, there are new things to learn and all I have to do is

keep my eyes and mind open.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (September 29, 2014 to October 3, 2014)

This week has been one with some surprises. Let’s start with the fact that on

Tuesday, the town burst a pipe and that school decided to send all the students at the lunch

hour. On Wednesday, the situation didn’t get better and the school decided to not give class,

but the teachers had to stay until 2:00 pm. By Thursday, the water came back on and

students could have at least one more day of class, since on Friday there was no class

because of a staff meeting. This situation has showed me that us teachers we have to be

prepared for anything. For this week had a plan prepared step by step. The moment they

announced that there was no class, I had to change my plan completely and slide some of

the days. We have to keep in mind that these things sometimes happen, and we just have to

keep calm and keep working on.

I can say that my classes are going more smoothly, in terms of the unit. The students

are responding well to the activities and show signs that the students understand. I had a

mother visit me this week, and she came in asking for her son’s grades. Mr. Rivera asked

me to show her the exams and explain to her how her son’s is doing. I had the opportunity

to meet Javier mom, and I talked to her how her son is working and what I have seen until

now. The student participates in class, and sometimes needs more time to work with the

material. She explains that the students are special education, but he hasn’t been referred

by the teacher. I explain that I have been sitting down with the students that need more

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time in some of the lessons, and I explain that the students’ needs to practice and also study

at home. She thanks me for my help and informs me that she will continue working at home

with the students.

On Friday, in the staff meeting we discussed the problem of suicide. The schools

guidance counselor and social worker gave us a presentation on the causes and signs of

suicides and how we can help the students if you see the signs. The cause for this

presentation is that the Department of Education has been receiving lawsuits of parents

that there kids have committed suicide and they are blaming that the school didn’t do

anything. This meeting showed me that we have to be aware of our students and what is

happening in their minds. We have to be aware of everything 24/7, and sometimes we can

be the ones that help those students in their times of need. I found this presentation

informative, and I believe that the department should continue working with topics like

this one and helping their teachers understand the needs of the student body.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (October 6, 2014 to October 10, 2014)

This week has been an interesting one. On Monday, the day began like no other until

I crossed the door to my classroom. That day, my students didn’t want to cooperate, many

of them were absent, and it was like the universe didn’t feel right. By the middle of my

class, the school counselor came by my classroom and took some students. To me that was

kind of unusual, but the teacher told me to continue. I finished my awful class, and

immediately Mr. Rivera told me that he needed to talk to me. In that moment I felt like the

world wanted to crash on top of me, and I didn’t know what to do. Mr. Rivera sat me down

and explained that a mother of one of my students went by the school’s office and started

to talk bad about the teacher of the classroom, and the mother put me in the conversation

saying things I never said. Obviously, the administration told the teacher and she wanted to

confront me. As Mr. Rivera was telling me this, I couldn’t fight that I felt extremely mad,

because this mother was using me as bait in her work. I did talk to that mother, and that is

the true, and I remember that Mr. Rivera told me to meet with her because she wanted to

know her sons grades. I never knew that by sitting with her and explaining how her son

was in class and offering my help to help him improve, that she was going to take words out

of context and use them as her benefit. This has showed me to not talk about anything in

particular and specifically if someone is near to you. You don’t know how they can use this

to bring you down.

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On Tuesday, we had to opportunity to attend a conference regarding the new

planning methods that the Department of Education wants the teacher’s to use. For me this

experience was amazing, and the conference was very instructive. They explained

everything that is part of the weekly plan and how we should create our plan. Also, they

explained how to do the unit plan that even Mr. Rivera explained that he had problems

with. I got to meet teachers from other school districts, and they gave me a view of how I’m

going to see myself ten to twenty years from now. I found that this conference helped me a

lot in the way of creating a great lesson plan, and I believe that every teacher should have

that information before they throw themselves trying to create a plan that possibly has the

information wrong.

The rest of the week went uneventful, until Friday that I got sick, but I have to say

that this week was the week of learning. I can say that every class I give has its up’s and

down’s but we are getting better. They key is to plan and double plan ahead. Also, in the

aspects of the situation with the mother, I can honestly say that this helped me see that we

have to keep our eyes open to anything. One simple mistake, or one simple word and they

can bring you down. I now know that some people are waiting for you to fail and see you

crumble, but for me that is not going to happen.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (October 13, 2014 to October 17, 2014)

Well the week started with a bang. On Monday, we had a holiday and of course there

was no class. But the surprise came that afternoon, when Puerto Rico was put in a Tropical

Storm warning. We didn’t know if it was really coming, or it was a ruse like always. By 6:00

pm, the governor announces that classes were suspended for my area. The first thing I did

was to communicate with my practice teacher and see what to do with my lesson plan. He

explained what I had to do, and to keep following the unit.

Well of course surprise, the storm didn’t come and we wasted an entire day. This for

me sucks because one of the things I want to do is to keep track, and this blew my plans. As

a teacher, I have to suck it up and follow protocol. Our number one priority is to keep

teaching our students and maintain them in track of each one of the units and the calendar.

The rest of the week went uneventful. The classes were right on track and the

students were responding beautifully. This week has showed me that we have to maintain

calm and follow the river. We live in an island where the weather can be surprising, and

more in this time of year where we are weak to get hit by a hurricane or storms each week.

The Department of Education only asks to just follow track of everything and don’t fall


This week I tried my best, and follow the crowd. The truth is my students didn’t fall

behind, they were right on track. I am there to provide their education and help them

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understand new materials. I have to give thanks to Mr. Rivera for explaining what to do and

show me that anything can happen. We just have to be prepared.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (October 20, 2014 to October 24, 2014)

This week was the conclusion of the first ten weeks of the semester according to the

department of education. For us as teachers we were trying to recollect all the grades our

students had earned until that moment. The parent teacher conferences were going to be

held on Friday and it was the entire day. On Wednesday, yet again I was sick and I had to be

absent from school yet again. Both Thursday and Friday I was still sick but I attended

school. On Friday, I had the opportunity to be present in my home room to meet the

parents of my students. Previously I had met one or two parents, but in this case I could

meet the parents of the students that were having trouble in the class room. In the case of

my group, the parents were very late and to me it was ludicrous that they were late to get

their kids grades. The moment I spoke to one of the parents, they were looking at me like I

was this crazy monster from the deep see, and what I told them was a lie. Even my students

tried to defy what I was saying. This to me is an insult, since I’m trying to help my students

and these parents apparently don’t care.

I had an incident where one of the mothers went to the school principal and told

some lies. Weeks before she had said some things about my homeroom teacher and along

the way she got me involved too. The day of the grades, the moment she stepped in the

classroom she was a knife of two sides. She was asking me about her son’s grades and I

presented evidence that her son is slacking in class. The way she looked at me sender

shivers through my body, but I knew I didn’t do anything wrong. As a teacher, I was doing

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my job. I presented her with evidence and expressed my worry that her son was a good

student but he was in a moment where all he wanted to do was play. I was worried about

students, and no parent should be mad because we care about their sons and daughters.

This experience has taught me to be careful to what you say. Sometimes we try to

help, but maybe they don’t want to hear the truth or want the help. As a teacher, I am in

that classroom to provide an education for my students, but you can go as far as they let

you. Parents should understand that they have to care for their kids’ education and they

have to provide care in their household. We are teachers, and not a babysitter club. We

want our students to be successful, but parents should want that as well.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (October 27, 2014 to October 31, 2014)

This week for me personally was very hectic. On Monday, I decided to verify my date

for the special project, and sadly the librarian told me that the original date I had assigned

was part of Reading Week. In that moment I didn’t know what to do. I knew I had

everything prepared in my mind, but I didn’t have the money to buy everything. In that

moment I took an extreme decision and decided that this week was the perfect week to

present my special project. I coordinated that the activity would take place on October 31

at 9:30 am. I invited all the English teachers and the kindergarten and first grade teacher

which groups I observe. I talked to my parents, who were helping me create the English

Corner and decided to help me money wise. It was hard for me to accept their help, but in

that moment the most important thing I needed was help and money. By Monday

afternoon, I had everything I needed for me to start fixing the English corner in the library.

On Wednesday, my mother took time and went with me to school. At first it was weird that

I had my mother observe me being a teacher. Until that moment, neither one of my parents

have had the opportunity to see me give a class. She told me that she enjoyed my class, and

at the same time she provided me with some pointers to make a better class. By that

afternoon, we had decorated 80% of that English corner, and I was feeling excited by the

outcome of the project. Mr. Rivera and the librarian donated more books for the corner,

and by 3pm that corner was almost finished. I decided to leave some final details for the

next day, and left everything prepared.

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On Thursday, I arrived early to school. I had the opportunity to work all day in the

library since my homeroom teacher was absent on that day. The moment I entered the

library I noticed something weird on the wall of the English corner. The wallpaper started

to unglue itself at the top of the wall. I decided to obtain some glue, when I arrived back to

the library the wall had completely fallen down. In that moment all I wanted to do was cry.

My frustration was like nothing I had ever seen before, and I knew I had to do something

fast. I decided to paint the wall and went to Walmart as fast as I could. With no money, I

bought paint and all the materials I needed to paint the English corner. All the afternoon, I

painted and waited for everything to settle down. It was frustrating that I wanted to leave

everything in order at that was not going to happen.

Friday arrived, and everything was set for the presentation. At the last moments, we

were having problems with the wooden letters and in were hard at the moment to fix it. We

fixed the letters, and 9:30 came but the director was not there. I had to start the

presentation much later than planned and make everything much shorter. The moment the

presentation began, I felt a peace with myself. The presentation went smoothly, the

students loved the new English corner, and my practice supervisor was enchanted with the

project. After all the problems and situations, I can honestly say it couldn’t have gone any

better. We always have to have in mind that anything that could go wrong can go wrong

(Murphy’s Law). Each time I encountered a problem, I found a solution immediately, and at

the end the final result was amazing. I created an English corner that will last for many

years, and I created something that students loved the moment they laid their eyes on.

From the ashes I rose victorious.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (November 3, 2014 to November 7, 2014)

This week started with my homeroom teacher being absent. This made change my

lesson plans, to accommodate better my classes. By accommodating my plan, I had to figure

out a way to provide my students with the material they needed and not lose too much

time. This semester, one of my biggest problems was that my homeroom teacher was

absent too much. I know that I have mentioned this before in my reflections, but there

comes a time when you cannot take it anymore. When you become a teacher, you have a

responsibility with your students. The students depend on you to gain knowledge each day.

Every day, those students learn something knows, but when you are absent those students

miss that piece of knowledge. In the case of my homeroom, my students have been absent

because their homeroom teacher is retiring and missing too much time from the classroom.

I have created a bond with my students, but at the same time had yet not bonded the way

that I wanted with them.

Apart from the problems with the teacher, this week my students excided my

expectations. The students were very responsive to the videos, and the topics we discussed.

In the topic of polite expressions, the students learned to behave when talking to another

person. It was comforting seeing my students say please and thank you to one another. We

discussed what we characters, and I introduced the story of the three little pigs. For this, I

used a video to present the story and the students went nuts for the video.

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We also discussed the topic of friendship. In these classes, I presented a video that

used the topic of friendship. This video is from Sesame Street and is performed by Elmo

and Romeo Santos. The students went crazy when they saw Elmo, and the moment they

heard the song I knew I lost them. They asked to see the video over and over, and this

really brought a smile to my face. Students these days like to be entertained, and what

better way to present videos that target what they are learning. Since I started presenting

videos, the students seem more attentive and they caught the material much faster. Today

youth are more visual than additive. I found a new way to maintain my students seek

learning, and I enjoy that they like the videos.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (November 10, 2014 to November 14, 2014)

This week didn’t start like I wanted to be. Throughout this semester, I’ve been

getting sick too much. I’ve been taking vitamins and different types of supplements to boost

my immune system, but apparently sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. This past

Monday, I had the misfortune of getting my period. Since summer I have been having this

problem that I get it one week yes and one week no. This week was hell for me. I had to call

in sick that Monday and I regret it. The feeling that I couldn’t get up and the pain I felt I

wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I had to be grateful that on Tuesday we had a holiday, and I

could get better. That Tuesday, I received a call asking me if I could go down to Cayey on

Wednesday and stay in the hospital with my grandfather. I had no choice but to inform my

supervisor of my family emergency. This emergency took me off my tracks yet again. Thank

god I could inform my cooperating teacher and provide him with the materials for the class.

Little that I know, is that on that day my homeroom teacher was going to be absent, so my

students didn’t miss my class. Thursday I arrived to school, and see that day the teacher

was also going to be absent. Yet again, I couldn’t give my students class and on Friday we

didn’t have class either because of a meeting. This week I felt useless, and for me it feels

like this week didn’t happen. Sometimes we have to prepare ourselves for things to happen

and this week is an example. I was not prepared to be sick, I was not prepared to be absent

and I really was not prepared for the teacher to be absent yet again. This week has been a

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learning experience, and it taught me to manage time better, because at the end it can slip


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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (November 17, 2014 to November 21, 2014)

We arrived to the celebration of our island Puerto Rico. This week was filled with

activities and some serious time off. On Monday, the school was like a normal day. All the

classes were given and the students were present. On Tuesday, I received a text message

from Mr. Rivera informing me that he was going to be absent that day. I already was on my

way to school and it was too late for me to turn around my car. I decided to go and do my

hours for the day. When I arrived to school, I recalled that on that day we had the visit of

the first lady of Puerto Rico. Since I was by myself, I offered my help to one of the

kindergarten teachers. She was delighted that I was helping her, and she gave me the task

of helping the students on their presentation for the first lady. The school environment on

that day was hectic. We had policeman and security in every corner. There were guard dogs

sniffing each hallway of the school. The teachers were trying to make everything perfect for

the first lady. In other words the school went on a high road to create a great impression.

The activity was perfect and the most special moment was when the first lady presented

the school with its new name. The entire faculty and the students had a blast. I can honestly

say that the first lady was a humble person and she really impacted the students in a simple


On Wednesday we celebrated the discovery of Puerto Rico, and it was granted as a

holiday. On Thursday, the classes were shorter since the teachers had to decorate for the

town pavilions the next day. On Friday, we celebrated the culture of different town from

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Puerto Rico. I was helping the fourth grade teacher and her pavilion of Humacao.

Throughout the day I took care of the second grade group, and we went through each one

of the pavilions. I can honestly say that the teachers exited themselves. There was so much

food going around that you could go crazy. We tasted typical foods of each of the towns,

and gained information. This activity was very successful, and activities like this make our

students be more involved and have fun.

This week was fun and interactive. I had the opportunity to learn new things, and

share more with my fellow teachers. This week made me realize, that some schools don’t

have an environment like the one I’m in right now, and that is a problem. Schools should

make more activities were the school population gets involved and create a bond with each

other. This are the details that you get to remember in the future.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (November 24, 2014 to November 28, 2014)

This week basically we didn’t have class. Is Thanksgiving week and everyone is

excited to get their stomachs filled with delicious food. On Monday, it was basically a

normal day. We had class and as normal most of my students were absent. I took the time

to make them earn a few points for their grades. We review beginning sounds and worked

for the to earn a few points for their grades. Sadly that day I was very sick and I could only

spend half a day. That day for me was horrible and even my husband had to take time and

drive me to school because I couldn’t even hold the wheel. I knew I was burning up in fever

and my throat and body was killing me but I knew I had to go to school. I had a

responsibility with my students and the least I could do was to show up and give my class.

On Tuesday, we had the race for thanksgiving. On this day we didn’t had any class

and I was still sick. I made the commitment to go and support my students on their quest

on winning the turkey. The activity took all morning and everyone was excited. The races

went from kindergarten to sixth grade. Each race, people were screaming and enjoying the

moments. The school was very strict with their students and if they didn’t have permits slip

from their parents, then they couldn’t run in the race. This for me was very genius; because

if the student had asthma or they got injured the parent knew there would be no fault to

the school. For the first grade race, in the boy category all the boys were from my group. I

was proud of my students since they took first, second and third place. To see their smiles

was a very heartwarming moment.

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On Wednesday, that day I went crazy. I got up early because I thought I had to be in

the university, but I was wrong. In that moment I had to get on the freeway and go to my

practice center. That day we had a teacher’s meeting and I got there 20 minutes late. I felt

so bad and also felt irresponsible. But at least I got to school safe and sound. We had a great

meeting and it was very informative. In the lunch hour, the entire faculty present gathered

in the lunch room and we celebrated an early thanksgiving. For me this activity was very

moving to see the entire faculty reunited to celebrate peace and union. In that moment I felt

part of a community of teachers that had guided me throughout this semester. I knew that I

only had a week left with them, but for a moment I felt part of a great community of

educators and I knew that was going to be one of the things I was going to miss the most.

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Celeste C. Santiago RuizPractice TeachingPractice Supervisor: Dr. Nilsa Lugo

Weekly Reflection: (December 1, 2014 to December 5, 2014)

My last week at my practice center, I can honestly say that I’ve been waiting for this the

entire semester. This week I was really emotional and couldn’t stop crying. The thought of

leaving a place where I feel comfortable is not something I want to do quickly. The plans for this

week were ready; I couldn’t wait to give class to my students for the last time. The week started

normal, and my students were responding eagerly.

On Tuesday, I had my last observation. Since the weekend, my nerves were shot. I started

to become anxious and wanting for everything to be perfect. This was going to be my last

evaluation, and all I could dream of was passing my practice. That day my entire group was

present, and for me that was a big surprise. Throughout the semester, my group had a problem of

absence and to see them in that class room was magical. The class went well, some things I

always want to fix, but overall it went smoothly. Then the moment of truth came, and all I could

do was cross my fingers. My practice supervisor and teacher sat with me and told me how I

bloomed throughout the practice. At first I admit, I went crazy and I knew I was doing the things

wrong. But like any new job, I learned to get the hang of it and in the end I came victorious. The

moment Dr. Lugo told me my evaluation, all I wanted to do was cry. I did my best and at the end

my goal was met.

The teachers were very happy of my progress and expressed their congratulations. The

truth is that I am glad and thankful to have had a group of teachers that they were always

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bringing positive thoughts and words of wisdom. The number one thing I am going to miss is

those teachers. They helped me understand this profession. They offered their wisdom and

teacher me how I could do better. And of course, I have to be thankful for the school employees.

Without their help, I maybe couldn’t accomplish some of the things I did throughout the


On Friday, I decided to give my students a surprise party and tell them that they wouldn’t

see me next semester. Their faces are one of the things I’m also going to remember. These

students made me see that is wonderful to be a teacher, I couldn’t be prouder of my group. We

had our ups and downs through the semester, but every day they showed me that they could do it.

These students have a great future in front of them, and I know for sure they are going to come

out victorious.

This practice has been an experience for the ages. Since the moment it began, I was

climbing a ladder that the only way to come out it was going up. I learned from my mistakes, and

I learned how to change myself. I became a better person and I grew up as a future educator.

There are going to be moments I want to forget, but there are moments I will always remember.

This showed me that I could be a great teacher, and my future is looking bright. I grew as a

professional, and this experiences I will continue to use them in the future. I am sad to leave, but

at the end is time to fly from the coop and make it on my own.