weekly bulletin 11-18-2012

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  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012


    November 18, 2012



  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012


    WELCOMETO GRACE COVENANTWe are an historic Presbyterian congregation offering traditional worship

    and multiple ministries for persons of all ages.

    Please join us after worship for fellowship in the Social Room.Thank you for turning off your cell phones, pagers, cameras, and other electronicdevices during worship, and for leaving food and beverages outside the sanctuary.

    Our Mission:

    To train grateful disciples of Christ, by doing justice, loving mercy,

    and walking humbly with our God

    1627 Monument AvenueRichmond, VA 23220 Office Hours:Phone: 804.359.2463 Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.Fax: 804.278.6298

    Radio: WLES 590 AMwww.grace-covenant.org www.wlesradio.com

    [email protected]

    Interim Pastor: Brint KeyesDirector of Music: Christopher Martin

    Administrative Assistant: Vanessa StraitBookkeeper: Martha Rubin

    Temporary Sexton: James GreeneChild Development Center Director: Nicole Williams

    Seminary Intern: Christopher Tweel

  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012



    Hearing Aids, Large-Print Hymnals, and Bulletins

    are available each week from the ushers.

    With what shall I come before the LORD, and bow myself before God on high? Shall Icome before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the LORD be pleased

    with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my first-bornfor my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has showed you,O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and tolove kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

    - Micah 6:6-8 (RSV)

    And [Jesus] sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money intothe offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and putin two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him andsaid to them, Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those whoare contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance,but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.

    - Mark 12:41-44 (ESV)

    When we let go of money we are letting go of part of ourselves and part of our secu-rity. But this is precisely why it is important to do it. It is one way to obey Jesus' com-mand to deny ourselves When we give money we are releasing a little more of ouregocentric selves and a little more of our false security Giving frees us to care. Itproduces an air of expectancy as we anticipate what God will lead us to give. It makeslife with God an adventure in the world, and that is worth living for and giving for.

    - Richard J. Foster, The Challenge of the Disciplined Life: Christian Reflections on Money,Sex, and Power(New York: HarperCollins, 1985), 43 ff.

  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012


    As one body of Christ, composed of diverse individuals bound together by the Holy Spirit, we will do justice and love mer

    service to the Lord. We will resist the temptation to indulge in excessive security or abundance for ourselves and insteadbly go out into the world to live lives of abundant generosity to others, especially those in need. We will be doers of the w

    as faith apart from works is dead. - from our 2012 Vision Statement


    November 18, 2012 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:55 a.


    Please fill out the communication card and place it in the offering plate during the offertory.

    PRELUDE Ronde Franaise Lon Bollma(1862-18


    Please stand for these parts of the service.

    CALLTO WORSHIP from Psalm 1

    One: Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul!Many: I will praise the LORD as long as I live;

    I will sing praises to my God while I have being. One: The LORD keeps faith forever; He executes justice for the oppressed;Many: The LORDgives food to the hungry; He sets the prisoners free.One: The LORD opens the eyes of the blind;

    He lifts up those who are bowed down;

    Many: The LORD loves the righteous, and watches over the sojournersOne: He upholds the widow and the fatherless,but the way of the wicked He brings to ruin.

    Many: The LORD will reign forever, to all generations.All: Praise the LORD!

    HYMN 253 (Blue Hymnal) Ill Praise My Maker Old 113

  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012



    Almighty and merciful Father,You made us from dust, and created us a people;

    You saved us from death, called us to obedience, and sent us forth to bless.

    But still we stray.You form our hearts to love others, but they embrace our own desires;You form our minds to consider the needy, but they seek our own concerns;You form our days to serve the helpless, but they follow our own schedules.Your hands are ever at work around us, but we look only to ourselves.

    Have mercy upon us, O LORD, and forgive us our sins.

    Open our eyes to the work of Your Spirit,and grant us to see Your kingdom on earth,that we may be filled with the assurance of Your grace,and go forth into the world with confidence and joy

    to love and serve as You have loved and served us;through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ,

    in whose holy and gracious Name we pray. Amen.


    ALLELUIA Tony Alonso(b. 1980)


    Alleluia, music by Tony Alonso 2010 by G.I.A. Publications, Inc.All rights reserved. Used by permission. Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A-715262.

  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012




    On the third Sunday of each month, in addition to your tithe and regular giving,

    we receive the Loaves and Fishes Fund offering to supplement our mission efforts.

    ANTHEM Wells Jubilate John RutChancel Choir (b. 19

    O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands:serve the Lord with gladness,and come before his presence with a song.Be ye sure that the Lord he is God:it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;

    we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving,and into his courts with praise:be thankful unto him, and speak good of his Name.For the Lord is gracious, his mercy is everlasting:and his truth endureth from generation to generation.Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;

    As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,world without end. Amen.

    Psalm 100

    DOXOLOGY592 (Blue Hymnal) Old Hundred

    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all creatures here below;Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


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    OLD TESTAMENT READING Micah 6:6-8 Holy Bible, p. 819 OT

    Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.People: Thanks be to God.

    HILDRENS SERMON Nicole William

    PISTLE READING James 2:18-26 Holy Bible, p. 219 NT

    Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.People: Thanks be to God.

    GOSPEL READING Mark 12:38-44 Holy Bible, p. 50 NT

    Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

    People: Thanks be to God.

    ERMON A Vision of Ministry B. Brinton P. Keye

    HYMN 312 (Red Hymnal) We Give Thee but Thine Own Schuman

    AFFIRMATIONOF FAITH The Apostles Creed

    I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth,

    And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by theHoly Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,

    was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third dayhe rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth

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    on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shallcome to judge the quick and the dead.

    I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communionof saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and thelife everlasting. Amen.

    GLORIA PATRI 579 (Blue Hymnal) Greato

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen, Amen.


    Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdomcome, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this dayour daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine isthe kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


    HYMN 276 (Blue Hymnal) Great Is Thy Faithfulness Faithfulne


    POSTLUDE Toccata on How Firm a Foundation Craig Phili(b. 19

    Please join us in the Social Room following worship for refreshments and fellowship.

    The flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory ofmy parents, Arnold and Hazel Curtis, by Judith Curtis Waldron.

  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012


    Give thanks to God for:

    Mary Harwood,who by Gods grace will have stewarded the blessing of her life upothis earth for 100 years come this Wednesday

    Using our Loaves and Fishes Ministry to help LaShonda Williams and her family ater their house burned, and for using a local TV station to lift up both the Williams family and our ministry

    Please pray for:

    Elizabeth Gee, preparing to meet her Savior; Nancy States, Patty Richwine, andJeAppich, recovering from surgery; Betty Clough, recovering from a fall;Willie Alford

    at home undergoing chemo; Ben Gordon, for health;Ann Pais nephewPaul, withALS;Juliette Harriman White; Susan Farrells grandmother Mary Lou (Uh Ohand father,Jim; Svetlana Chicus mother, Estera, with lymphoma; Carlos Juara, facvocational challenges; Rosie and George Turner; Nela Bostian; Beth Lloyd;Steve Cobband his family

    Our Deacons,as they continue to discern Gods leadership for their structure and miistries for the new year;

    Our Mission Ministry (Kent Cardwell, Jack Corley, Susan Farrell, Matt Hartman [cha

    Susan Pillsbury-David, Everett Reveley, Nelson Reveley, and Dawson Watkins), as theygrow in spirit and service to brothers and sisters here in Richmond and around theworld; and our Prayer Ministry (Cherry Corley, Jack Corley, Lee Farrar, Susan FarrellCarol Wood [chair], and others), that God may add to their numbers on Sunday mornings and draw Grace Covenant closer to Him in devotion and faith...

    Stuart Chapman,William Bridenstine, David Russell, Chris Pais, Mike Child, anJessica, serving in our nations Armed Forces

    The William Byrd Community House, as it seeks to transform the lives of children

    youth, young adults, and families, and help them acquire the skills they need to build ssufficiency; and for Beth Baleke, that God may continue to guide, bless and prosper ministry in Uganda

    We pray for persons in financial need in Metropolitan Richmond: For healthy mriages; for constructive, safe, and caring households for the bringing up and nurturing children and caring for the elderly; for advocates who put their lives on the line for thesake of others; for all who fight for the rights of persons who cannot fight for them-selves.

  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012


    Had he lived a longer life, Lon Bollmann (1862-1897) would likely be recognized todaas one of the great Romantic French organist-composers, in a line that included Gigout,Franck, Widor, and Vierne. In 1881 he began working at the church of St. Vincent de Pau

    in Paris, where before long he was named principal organist. Bollmann soon became highregarded in Paris as a teacher, organist, improviser, and critic. He also composed some 68chamber, orchestral, and other works in addition to a collection of 100 organ works. HisRonde Franaisewas originally written for the piano, but the piece translates very well to theorgan.

    John Rutter (b. 1945) was born in London and studied music at Clare College, CambridgFrom 1975 to 1979 he was Director of Music at Clare College, and in 1981 he formed his

    own choir, the Cambridge Singers. He now divides his time between composition and conducting and is sought after as a guest conductor for the world's leading choirs and orches-tras.His rousingWells Jubilatewas written in 2009 for Matthew Owens and the choirs ofWells Cathedral, and for a celebration of the completion of restoration work on Wells Cathedral in 2009.

    Craig Phillips (b. 1961) is a distinguished and popular American composer and organistwho was named the American Guild of Organists Distinguished Composer for 2012. To-

    days postlude is a spirited, full-fledged toccata on the early American tune FOUNDATION,the tune usually paired with the text "How Firm a Foundation." The work pays homage tothe French toccata style by assigning the melody to the feet much of the time. Compoundmeters, syncopation, and slow-moving harmonies underpinned by pedal points in variousregisters result in a spirit-filled toccata.

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    Sunday FlowersWe have an opening for flowers for the first two Sundays in December2 and 9. If you

    are interested in providing flowers for either Sunday, please contact Lisa Gray at 673-0587

    Donate Unused Christmas CardsEach autumn we donate unused Christmas cards to the Greensville Correctional Center.The inmates are very grateful to receive them and look forward to their arrival. Please leavunused Christmas cards in the PW closet in the Parlor/Social Room behind the piano be-fore November 20. For more information, please contact Becky Reeves at rebecca-

    [email protected] or by phone at 355-5579. Thank you.

    "Save the Date" PW Holiday Luncheon

    The Presbyterian Women Holiday Luncheon will take place Tuesday, December 4. Pleasecome to hear the J. R. Tucker High School Choir at 12:00 noon in the Sanctuary, and join for lunch in the Fellowship Hall following the concert. Circle #2 will be hostess. Anyquestions, please contact Suzanne Sizemore at 288-7757.

    Today is Dedication Sunday. Today we formally make our commitments to the stewardshiof all God has given us. These commitments will ensure that the good things we have heaabout during the past several weeks will continue at Grace Covenant in 2013. These com-mitments will support ministries, programs, staff, maintenance of the facilities, and all oththings that are a part of the life of Grace Covenant. Next year will be a great year! Thankyou for helping to make it so.

  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012


    Disciple Bible Study is a spiritual discipline that entails thirty minutes ofprayerful scripture reading per day along with weekly meetings to engagethe scriptures more deeply with other participants. This commitment oftime and energy to God generates lasting spiritual growth and all are

    nvited to read along with us as we explore the Psalms this fall (and consider joining the nextroup in January)!

    came to Grace Covenant eight years ago in search of a deeper understanding of God's Word. This discipleship class has been an answer to myrayers! The commitment to God and to the group to daily read, pray, and seek understanding of scripture has had an awesome impact on myfe. My prayer is that all Grace Covenanters will join in the discipleship journey! - Susan Farrell

    Week 3 [Repeat]: Praying the Psalms

    Monday: Psalms 95-97 in morning; Psalms 98-101 in eveningTuesday: Psalms 102-103 in morning; Psalm 104 in eveningWednesday: Psalm 105 in morning; Psalm 106 in eveningThursday: Psalm 107 in morning; Psalms 108-109 in eveningFriday: Psalms 110-113 in morning; Psalms 114-115 in eveningaturday: Study Guide Commentary

    Share Thanksgiving Day with an International Studentnternational students and scholars are eager to learn more about our culture, to experience thewarmth of a home, and to make American friends. Thanksgiving Day is a wonderful opportunio show Christian hospitality and friendship. If you would be interested in sharing this special

    American holiday with a VCU international student or scholar, please contact Matt [email protected], 212-1961) or Pam Haney ([email protected], 828-8309 ) byNovembe4. A Thanksgiving volunteer form can also be found at


    Give the Gift of Dignity This Christmas!This year in lieu of our participation in Angel Tree, we will be involved thePride for Parents Christmas Store, a ministry of STEP. The Missions Committee is seeking donations of new, unwrappehildrens gifts with the original purchase price marked on them. These gifts will be marked dowo 50% or less of the original price and made available to low income urban residents duringTEPs 22ndannual Pride for Parents Christmas Storeheld on December 8. The Missions Committe

    will be coordinating the donations, which need to be received by Sunday, December 2. Pleasepick an ornament from the Sharing Tree in the narthex for full instructions on how to partici-pate. For more information, contact Matt Hartman ([email protected], 212-1961) or the

    TEP office at 648-7552.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.global.vcu.edu/pdf/American_Volunteer_Thanksgiving.pdfhttp://www.global.vcu.edu/pdf/American_Volunteer_Thanksgiving.pdfmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.global.vcu.edu/pdf/American_Volunteer_Thanksgiving.pdfmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012


    Sunday School


    Forum Tom Miller The Holy Spirit

    Grace Jack Corley Letters to the SevenChurches

    Vanguard Matt Johnson Minor Prophets

    Connections Nelson Reveley DISCIPLE BibleStudy on Psalms

    Pre-Elementary Nikki Hazlegrove

    Elementary Megan Meyer and Ten CommandmentsErika Tabor and Catechism

    Youth Virginia Hudson Christianity in ActionChristopher Tweel

    Sunday Childcare for the School YearInfant and Preschool

    We are seeking volunteers for the infant nursery andpreschool room during the worshihour. It is a 10:40 a.m.12:15 p.m. time commitment one Sunday per month. There arealso "on-call" positions available. For more information or to sign up, please contactMaria Spitzer at [email protected] or 540-309-7831. Thank you for supportingthis important ministry.

    Wednesday Night Live!

    Each Wednesday evening we gather at 6:00 p.m. for tablefellowship, followed by a program from 6:30-7:15 p.m. Weprovide child care for preschoolers, and a childrens pro-gram for school-age children. Allare welcome! Take abreak from cooking dinner and join us for a friendly, relax-ing, and inspiring evening. For more information, contact Vanessa Strait in the church office at 359-2463, or [email protected].

    Menu for this Wednesday (November 21st):THANKSGIVING DINNER!Turkey, dressing and gravy, sweet potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls, and pumpkin pie.

    Thanksgiving Program: In lieu of our regular program, this Wednesday we will adjournafter dinner to the chapel, where we will join together at 7:00 p.m. to worship and givethanks to God. The Chancel Choir will sing John Rutter's For the Beauty of the Earth.


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  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012



    Sunday, November 18 STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY8:30 a.m. Handbell Rehearsal Handbell Room9:15 a.m. Prayer Social Room9:30 a.m. Sunday School Various Classroom

    10:55 a.m. Worship Service Sanctuar12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour Social Room12:30 p.m. Community Group Lunch Fellowship Ha

    Monday, November 1912:00 noon Mens Luncheon Vanguard Room

    5:15 p.m. Conrad Center7:00 p.m. Nominating Committee Meeting Librar7:30 p.m. City Church Womens Bible Study Grace Room and 21

    Tuesday, November 2011:15 a.m. Staff Meeting Room 213:00 p.m. Care Team Meeting Pastors Offic5:15 p.m. CDC Parent Meeting Vanguard Room

    Wednesday, November 21 GRACE NOTES ARTICLES DUE9:30 a.m. City Church Womens Bible Study Grace Room and 216:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Dinner Fellowship Ha7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Worship Service Chape8:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Choir Room

    Thursday, November 22 CHURCH OFFICE and CDC CLOSEDHappy Thanksgiving!

    Friday, November 23 CHURCH OFFICE and CDC CLOSED

    Sunday, November 238:30 a.m. Handbell Choir Handbell Room9:15 a.m. Prayer Social Room9:30 a.m. Sunday School Various Classroom

    10:55 a.m. Worship Service Sanctuar12:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour Social Room12:30 p.m. Community Group Lunch Fellowship Ha

  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012


    2012 OfficersOur Elders serve the church as leaders.

    Our Deacons lead the church in service.

    Please feel free to approach them with any questions

    or feedback about Grace Covenants ministries.

    CLERK OF SESSION: Everett Reveley


    Jordan Ball (14) - Nominating (M); Finance

    Kent Cardwell (12) - Fellowship (M)

    Wayne Casey (13) - Property, Small Groups (M)

    Jack Corley (13) - Finance, Mission

    Matt Hartman (13) - Mission (M)

    Virginia Hudson (14) - Evangelism (M)

    Cheryl Jacobs (12) - Worship (M), FellowshipKatie McCullough (13) - Administration (M)

    Dana McKnight (14) - Finance, Worship, Stewardship

    Christof Meyer (12) - Christian Ed (M), CDC (M)

    Tom Miller (12) - Christian Education

    Joy Nevin (14) - Administration

    Everett Reveley (12) - Finance (M), Stewardship

    Robert Rosebro (13) - Property (M)

    Rob Turner (14) - Worship, Nominating


    Pat Ball (12) - Flowers

    Cherry Corley (12) - Communication Cards

    Susan Farrell (12) - Transportation, Care Team

    Nikki Hazlegrove (13) - Vice-Moderator - Meals

    Jan Kessel (14) - Care Team

    Jim McCullough (13) - Deacons Fund, Nominating

    Ann Pais (14) - Care Team

    Erika Tabor (14) - Secretary - Communication Cards

    Judy Waldron (14) - Moderator - Cards

    Dawson Watkins (13) - Care TeamCarol Wood (13) - Prayer, Communication Cards

    Sid Yates (12) - Ushering


    Lloyd Bostian (13)

    Kent Cardwell (13)

    Caroline Leith (14)

    John Nevin (12)

    Taylor Reveley (12)

    William Byrd

    Community House


    Grace Covenant has been giving non-perishable foods items to the William Byrd

    Community House for several years to assiin filling their food pantry.

    The William Byrd Community Housemaintains a food closet that serves Richmo

    City and the adjacent counties.

    In the past Grace Covenant has collectedfood one Sunday a month, but this is a colletion we can support every week. Please pla

    items in the grocery cart outside the SociaRoom. YOU CAN HELP!

  • 7/30/2019 Weekly Bulletin 11-18-2012


    SERMONNOTESA Vision of Ministry

    B. Brinton P. Keyes