week 6 sap fiori transcripts


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Week 6 trsanscripts


  • openSAP Introduction to SAP Fiori UX

    WEEK 6, UNIT 1

    00:00:00:12 Hello and welcome to week 6, unit : SAP Fiori UX Extensibility Overview.

    00:00:00:18 My name is Jamie Cawley, and this week I will presenting to you the extensibility topic for Fiori UX.

    00:00:00:25 In the previous units, Prakalp and Liz have talked to you about the setup and configuration of the standard Fiori UX applications.

    00:00:00:34 You should understand that while developing the SAP Fiori UX apps,

    00:00:00:38 we took the most commonly used functionality and decoupled them into role-based tasks.

    00:00:00:44 In doing this, we extracted only the most relevant information to be exposed.

    00:00:00:49 With this in mind, we took into consideration that some customers may want to expose custom back-end processes,

    00:00:00:56 add or remove fields, or maybe just modify the layout.

    00:00:01:00 All of these adaptations can be accomplished with SAP Extensibility best practices.

    00:00:01:07 The three different app typestransactional, analytical, and fact sheetseach contain different content layers.

    00:00:01:17 It is because of these layers that there is no extensibility framework or special tool that works for all app types.

    00:00:01:24 Instead, each content layer has specific related tooling and a corresponding skill set which we will discuss this week.

    00:00:01:32 By referencing each app's documentation, you will not only find related configuration information,

    00:00:01:38 but also the related objects and extension areas of the referenced app.

    00:00:01:44 I also encourage you to look at the SAP Community Network before starting an extension,

    00:00:01:49 as you can find detailed information on the tools used and documented examples.

    00:00:01:58 There are five main content layers that exist for extending SAP Fiori UX applications,

    00:00:02:04 with each application type containing at least one of the layers.

    00:00:02:09 Depending on extension requirement, this table can be used to help determine when and where an extension will be performed.

    00:00:02:17 In the case of an transactional app, you can see that there are three content layers:

    00:00:02:25 the Business Suite, SAP Netweaver Gateway, and a UI.

    00:00:02:28 Understanding the content layers per app type is important in helping us to determine the necessary areas of extension

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    00:00:02:35 as well as the relating skills for each area and the areas of documentation that should be referenced.

    00:00:02:45 Looking into a more detailed view of a transactional app's extension content areas,

    00:00:02:50 we can see some of the fundamental areas that are utilized in the process.

    00:00:02:56 Many of the transactional app's back-end services provide include structures

    00:00:03:00 where additional fields can be appended into their Data Dictionary, which can be performed in a transaction SE11.

    00:00:03:08 Referring to the specific app extensibility help documentation, you can find the related structures that can be utilized.

    00:00:03:17 You will also find any Business Add-Ins that are supported for the back-end service.

    00:00:03:23 Once you have determined the needed modifications, you can then redefine the SAP-delivered service

    00:00:03:29 to include the custom enhancements which can be accomplished in the Gateway Service Builder transaction.

    00:00:03:38 Once extensions have been completed, it is then necessary to add the service in the Activate and Maintain Service transaction in your front-end server.

    00:00:03:48 Adding the service creates a proxy from the front-end server to the newly created back-end service.

    00:00:03:54 In the case of using Eclipse for UI enhancement, you may want to download the UI code using the program to /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD.

    00:00:04:04 Otherwise, the UI code can be reviewed by using the BSP Application category

    00:00:04:10 and entering the corresponding application name within transaction SE80.

    00:00:04:16 The SAP River Rapid Development Environment can be configured to allow direct access to the app,

    00:00:04:22 to allow for a streamlined process of extending an app by not only stubbing out the extension application,

    00:00:04:29 but also providing code stubs for any type of extension and listing out the extension points that exist within the UI code.

    00:00:04:39 Fact sheets derive from search models existing on the back-end server.

    00:00:04:44 They can be extended within transaction ESH_MODELER

    00:00:04:48 by creating a new model that includes the SAP-delivered model which you can then add additional fields to.

    00:00:04:57 Once the search model has been extended, the corresponding OData service will automatically pick up the custom changes.

    00:00:05:05 The service can be checked by finding the corresponding service which is listed in the application help documentation

    00:00:05:11 within the Activate and Maintain Service transaction.

    00:00:05:16 The services are all prefixed with the string CB and ending with the string SRV,

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    00:00:05:22 which can be used to help filter the service if desired.

    00:00:05:27 Once the service has been extended, the UI code is contained within an annotation file which is accessible in the Object Navigator.

    00:00:05:37 They can be searched using the string BSCBN_ANF within a BSP application category and are also listed in the application help.

    00:00:05:47 To extend an UI, it is necessary to copy and modify the SAP-delivered annotation file

    00:00:05:53 and include the additional fields that have been included in the search model.

    00:00:05:58 This can be performed directly in SE80 or the SAP River Development Environment.

    00:00:06:07 SAP River RDE provides a template for generating a new annotation file as well as a design manager,

    00:00:06:14 greatly simplifying the process by providing a drag-and-drop approach to editing the content of a fact sheet.

    00:00:06:25 The data for analytical apps originates from the HANA database.

    00:00:06:29 This data can be enhanced within the HANA developer studio

    00:0006:33 by creating a custom package and creating copies of the relating application virtual data model.

    00:00:06:40 Once the specific views has been enhanced as desired,

    00:00:06:44 it is then necessary to create a copy of the OData service which can also be done in the SAP HANA studio.

    00:00:06:52 The HANA virtual data model can serve either a KPI or a UI5 application which exists inside the Object Navigator.

    00:00:07:03 In the case of a KPI, a KPI could be either created or modified that references than newly created VDM.

    00:00:07:12 The process for extending an application existing in SE80 is the same as the transactional app type.

    00:00:07:22 This slide details a comparison of the SAP-delivered application My Quotations,

    00:00:07:29 which is a transactional app versus a custom one.

    00:00:07:33 As you can see, both apps look very similar,

    00:00:07:35 but the custom app has an extension which was performed on the back-end service to include the Title field.

    00:00:07:43 The UI was extended with a view modification to then include this field.

    00:00:07:49 This now concludes unit 1, SAP Fiori UX Extensibility Overview.

    00:00:07:55 In the next unit, I want to discuss with you how to extend an OData service.

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    WEEK 6, UNIT 2

    00:00:12 Welcome to week 6, unit 2. In this week, we will be discussing the process for extending OData services.

    00:00:20 The skills needed to successfully implement this type of extension

    00:00:23 includes a understanding of SAP NetWeaver Gateway and ABAP-type skills.

    00:0:31 Depending on the SAP Gateway OData service, there could be two extension areas

    00:00:36 that include Data Dictionary includes and Business Add-Ins.

    00:00:40 In this presentation, we will focus on Data Dictionary includes

    00:00:44 and then proceed with a technique known as a redefine.

    00:00:47 This technique allows for a new project to be created,

    00:00:51 which then references the standard project,

    00:00:54 therefore including the Model Data Classes and inherits the Data Provider Classes.

    00:00:59 The main actions will be performed in the Gateway Service Builder transaction (SEGW),

    00:01:05 the ABAP Dictionary Maintenance transaction (SE11),

    00:01:10 and the Object Navigator transaction (SE80).

    00:01:16 To achieve a modification-free extension using the Redefine technique,

    00:01:20 it is first necessary to open the desired extension include structure in transaction SE11,

    00:01:27 where you can add fields into the structure by appending them.

    00:01:31 Once the necessary fields have been included, you can then open the Gateway Service Builder transaction

    00:01:37 and create a new project which redefines the standard delivered project.

    00:01:41 If necessary, you can also add any additional code in extended classes, which can be performed in SE80.

    00:01:52 To add data into the Data Dictionary, open transaction SE11 on the back-end server,

    00:01:58 and enter the include structure into the Data Type field and choose Display.

    00:02:04 The extension includes can be found in the help documentation, listed under the App Extensibility of a specific app.

    00:02:11 In this example, we're looking at the include structure for the application My Quality Tasks.

    00:02:17 Once opened, choose the button Append Structure and provide a name for the append.

    00:02:22 Add the necessary fields, and then save and activate the changes.

    00:02:29 After adding your fields into the include structure,

    00:03:32 open the Gateway Service Builder on the back-end server and create a new project.

    00:02:37 Once the project is created, right-click on the Data Model and choose Redefine > OData Service.

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    00:02:46 The first step of the redefine process will be to enter the technical service name and version of the standard delivered service,

    00:02:54 which can be found on the application implementation details found on https://help.sap.com/fiori.

    00:03:02 The next step involves selecting the entities and properties available from the standard service

    00:03:08 that you would like to include in the newly created one.

    00:03:11 Clicking Finish will complete the process and the custom OData service will now be created.

    00:03:19 Once the project is created, you can then add any custom properties to the existing entities,

    00:03:25 add custom entities, and add any additional code needed.

    00:03:29 In this screenshot, you can see that we added the LastName value, which we added into the include structure.

    00:03:36 After completing your changes, you can then generate your runtime objects

    00:03:41 by choosing the highlighted button or by the menu option.

    00:03:44 You service will now be usable.

    00:03:49 Now that the OData service has been created, it needs to be added on your front-end server.

    00:03:55 On your front end server, open the Activate and Maintain Services transaction and choose the Add Service button.

    00:04:02 Enter the back-end system alias and the technical service name and choose the Get Services button.

    00:04:10 Choose your new service and choose Add Selected Services.

    00:04:17 Once the service has been added, we can now verify the service exposes the desired functionality

    00:04:23 by choosing the Call Browser button or the Gateway Client button.

    00:04:28 This concludes unit 2: Extending OData Services.

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    WEEK 6, UNIT 3

    00:00:12 Welcome to week 6, unit 3. In this week we will be discussing the process for a UI extension.

    00:00:19 The skills involved with performing a UI extension include JavaScript, specifically the SAPUI5 libraries, and HTML5 skills.

    00:00:31 The UIs for Fiori transactional and analytical applications were designed in a fashion

    00:00:37 that allows for what is known as a modification-free extension.

    00:00:41 What this means is the standard delivered SAP application remains unchanged

    00:00:48 and an additional application which extends the standard application is built to inherit the content of the standard application.

    00:00:56 This process allows for custom applications which can survive an application upgrade without impact.

    00:01:03 The UI applications have identified areas where the application can be extended.

    00:01:09 These areas include views, controllers, and the language property files, which are also known as the i18n files.

    00:01:17 To perform an extension on an application, tools such as the SAP River Rapid Development Environment or Eclipse can be used.

    00:01:25 SAP River RDE has templates built, which allow for easy generation of extension projects

    00:01:33 and templates that will generate stubs for each of the identified extension areas.

    00:01:40 A good starting point for generating an extension project is to first reference the standard project

    00:01:47 to understand the structure of a Fiori UI application.

    00:01:51 Within any of the SAP-delivered UI applications, you will find a very similar structure, as shown on the slide.

    00:01:59 Some of the more important folders include the CSS folder,

    00:02:02 which are the styles that are specific to the application and deviate from the standard Fiori styles.

    00:02:09 The i18n folder. These are the property files used to provide language-specific translations.

    00:02:17 The View folder contains the views which define the controls and layout that a user of the application experiences,

    00:02:24 as well as the controller files, which provide the functionality of the views.

    00:02:29 These files in the View folder are the ones which will be extended in most cases.

    00:02:34 The Component.js is the main entry point for the application.

    00:02:39 This is the file that an extension project will extend.

    00:02:42 Within this file you will find project metadata, pathing locations for resource files such as the i18n files,

    00:02:50 and images, as well as navigation paths which are known as routes.

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    00:02:55 You will also notice that there is a Component-preload file.

    00:02:59 This file contains the entire application minimized into this one file.

    00:03:05 This is done to allow the application to be loaded from a client browser from a single file, which enhances the performance for a user.

    00:03:13 There is also a debug version of the file, which is created in a readable format.

    00:03:18 The last file to note is the Configuration file, which contains the OData service definition.

    00:03:26 This slide shows an extension project which was created within the SAP River RDE tool.

    00:03:33 A similar project can be created within Eclipse, either manually or by using the Fiori toolkit plug-in available on the SAP Community Network.

    00:03:43 As you can see, the base extension project is quite simple.

    00:03:47 To run this project within SAP Gateway, the only file needed is the component.js.

    00:03:53 The index.html file shown here is only used to be able to run the project outside of the Fiori UX launchpad

    00:04:01 and the other files are specific to the SAP River RDE project.

    00:04:08 Here we are looking at an extension projects's component.js file.

    00:04:13 Within this file, there are three important declarations.

    00:04:16 The jQuery.sap.declare is used to declare this file as existing within the custom namespace.

    00:04:24 The sap.ui.component.load is used to load the SAP standard application.

    00:04:32 This function has two important parameters:

    00:04:34 the name, which is the namespace of the application,

    00:04:37 as well as the URL, which is used to locate the project relative to where the extension project is being loaded.

    00:04:45 Depending on where this project is existing, the value of this parameter may differ from what the slide shows.

    00:04:53 The file also contains the function component.extend,

    00:04:57 which will contain all of the metadata relating to the desired extensions.

    00:05:03 Within this definition, we will focus on the config and customizing object properties.

    00:05:12 The config object allows you to specify an additional location for the language resource bundles

    00:05:18 as well as a custom OData service.

    00:05:21 The resource bundles can be realized by utilizing the sap.ca.i18nconfigs property

    00:05:29 which has the parameter bundleName, which is where the custom bundles will be placed.

    00:05:37 When the resource bundles have been enhanced, the custom ones will be read first

    00:05:42 and if the property is not found, then it will be read from the original bundle.

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    00:05:47 To specify a custom service, the serviceConfigs object can be used.

    00:05:52 The two important properties to note are the name and the serviceurl.

    00:05:57 If the desire is to add an additional service to the application,

    00:06:01 then the value of the name should differ from the one specified in the standard app's configuration.js file.

    00:06:08 Otherwise, when specifying the same value as the standard, then this will replace the standard service.

    00:06:17 Within the customizing object, the first two extensibility options we will look at are controllerExtensions and viewExtensions.

    00:06:28 The first property in each of the objects identifies the controller or the view the extension is being applied to.

    00:06:35 The controllerName identifies the file containing the extension functions.

    00:06:40 Controller extensions are done by merging on a JavaScript object level,

    00:06:47 which means any duplicated functions will replace the standard.

    00:06:52 The lifecycle functions of both controllers, such as the onInit, will run

    00:06:59 and any additional functions can be added, giving you the option to call any newly defined functions as well as the originals.

    00:07:07 For the viewExtensions option, the nested object identifies the ExtensionPoint name,

    00:07:13 which is found in the view to be extended.

    00:07:16 A sample of an extension point is shown at the bottom right of the slide.

    00:07:21 Within the named fragment, additional labels and fields could be added into the view, as well as more complex controls.

    00:07:30 Please also note that the file name for the fragment would be extS3ColumnCustom.fragment.xml.

    00:07:42 The remaining two options are viewModifications and viewReplacements.

    00:07:47 viewModifications are used to override properties of controls such as the visible property of the standard delivered application.

    00:07:55 It follows the pattern of specifying the view to apply the modification to,

    00:08:03 and then the identify of the control, which is in this case ENTRY_LIST_CONTENTS.

    00:08:09 At this point we can then set the control to be visible or not.

    00:08:13 viewReplacements are used for replacing a view of a delivered standard application with a custom one.

    00:08:20 This is done by specifying the view to be replaced and then the viewName and type of the new view.

    00:08:30 When your extension project is complete, first verify that your component load URL is correct for your SAP Gateway system

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    00:08:38 in your component.js file.

    00:08:40 You can then use the program /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD to upload the project

    00:08:47 or if you're using Eclipse, you can also use the ABAP team repository provider.

    00:08:52 Once your project is uploaded, configure it in the launchpad and verify that it works as desired.

    00:08:58 This now concludes unit 2: UI Extension.

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    WEEK 6, UNIT 4

    00:00:00:12 Hello and welcome.

    00:00:00:14 In the last unit 3, not unit 2 as I said, we looked at the process for performing a UI extension.

    00:00:00:21 In this unit, we will look at the process for extending SAP Fiori fact sheets.

    00:00:00:27 The skills needed to successfully implement this type of an extension

    00:00:00:30 include an understanding of SAP systems, business objects, and corresponding annotation files.

    00:00:00:39 Fact sheets have two areas that can be extended: the search models and the annotation files.

    00:00:00:45 The search models exist in the back-end system and can be accessed using either the modeler or cockpit transactions listed in the slide.

    00:00:00:55 The data in the models is read from an OData service that connects to the search model by its corresponding search connector.

    00:00:01:03 This data is then presented to the user via an annotation file.

    00:00:01:08 The annotation files exist on the front-end server

    00:00:01:!2 and can be accessed through the ABAP repository, transaction SE80.

    00:00:01:17 The files can be modified directly in the ABAP repository

    00:00:01:21 or by using tools such as the SAP River Rapid Development Environment

    00:00:01:26 which has templates which allow for easy modifications.

    00:00:01:33 In the case of extending a fact sheet, it is first necessary to determine the appropriate search model.

    00:00:01:39 This information can be found in the app implementation area of the corresponding application help documentation.

    00:00:01:47 It can also be found in the note listed on the slide.

    00:00:01:51 This note contains a list of the connectors required for each fact sheet.

    00:00:01:56 The slide shows the search model of the material fact sheet which is MATERIAL_H

    00:00:02:02 and is the fact sheet we will focus on in this presentation.

    00:00:02:10 Once the search model is known, you can then proceed into the MODELER transaction.

    00:00:02:15 Within the modeler, create a new software component, and then include the base software component.

    00:00:02:22 The base software component we will use for the material fact sheet is SAPAPPLH, which is relevant for all ERP models.

    00:00:02:33 Also noted on the slide are the software components for GRC and SRM.

    00:00:02:40 Once completed, you can then proceed to edit the model.

    00:00:02:46 Choosing Edit will open a road map where you can modify the configuration of a search model.

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    00:00:02:52 At a minimum, specify additional fields.

    00:00:02:55 In this case, we will add the field Last Change by selecting the check box which is highlighted on the slide.

    00:00:03:03 You can also choose fields to be searchable, but care should be taken to make sure that the fields are readable text.

    00:00:03:11 If you add additional tables, it may be necessary to specify the relationship in step three, Node Relations.

    00:00:03:19 But here, we will proceed to step five, Node Response.

    00:00:03:26 Within the Node Response step, you can select the Table node and then add additional fields into the Response Attributes.

    00:00:03:35 In this case, we are adding the Last Change value into the MARA node.

    00:00:03:39 After you have added any additional fields, you can then complete the process by choosing the Finish button.

    00:00:03:50 After completing your modifications to the model, you can then choose the Actions button and choose Create Connector.

    00:00:03:59 You can also utilize the noted program in transaction SE38, where you can delete and create connectors and also index the connectors.

    00:00:04:12 Once the connector has been created, the corresponding OData service will automatically pick up the changes to the search model.

    00:00:04:20 You can test this by finding the service in the Maintain Service transaction and either open it in the Gateway client or into your browser.

    00:00:04:30 It may be necessary to clear the cache on both the front-end and the back-end servers if your changes are not being shown.

    00:00:04:39 This can be accomplished by running the two cache cleanup transactions on the corresponding server.

    00:00:04:48 Once the OData service has been verified to contain the additional fields, you can then make your modifications to the annotation file.

    00:00:04:56 The relating annotation file name can be found in the application implementation area of the fact sheet under the Extensibility section.

    00:00:05:06 To add the fields, you can either utilize SAP River RDE, which has templates to easily modify the fact sheet,

    00:00:05:14 or you can directly create a Z copy of the file within the ABAP repository.

    00:00:05:20 On the slide, you can see the code necessary to add the Last Change value to the fact sheet.

    00:00:05:25 In this case, we also added a title string value to the online text repository and utilized the OTR function to look it up.

    00:00:05:38 Once the modifications to the annotation file have been completed, you would then update the launchpad onfiguration

    00:00:05:45 by configuring the fact sheet in LPD_CUST and finally adding the target mapping in the launchpad designer.

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    00:00:05:53 Once completed, you should be able to see your changes.

    00:00:05:57 This now concludes unit 4: Extending SAP Fiori Fact Sheets.

    00:00:06:02 In the next unit, Marcus Behrens will discuss the process for adapting SAP Smart Business content

    00:00:06:09 and Prakalp will conclude the course with the wrap-up unit.

    00:00:06:13 Thank you and good bye.

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    WEEK 6, UNIT 5

    00:00:13 Welcome to unit 5, week 6. My name is Marcus Behrens, Product Owner for the Smart Business product,

    00:00:19 and I would like to show you today how you can adjust it to your needs.

    00:00:25 I would like to start out by saying that the Smart Business Framework is really about creating apps.

    00:00:32 Very attractive apps. Runtime apps that end users see.

    00:00:37 And those apps show real-time information

    00:00:40 and typically they also include charts and analytics.

    00:00:44 But the focus here is to not just have charts and analytics, but to weave this together with other transactions and with other apps.

    00:00:53 To do this, there are tools that help you build a runtime, tiles, and drilldown applications.

    00:00:59 But there is also a repository.

    00:01:02 And this is really at the heart of the Smart Business Framework.

    00:01:05 For example, in SAP IT, we have built five or six different generations of dashboards over the last 10 years.

    00:01:13 And the one thing that stayed around was the repository.

    00:01:16 So when you look at the bottom of the presentation, you can see the apps that you will use to build such a repository

    00:01:24 and then to configure tiles and drill-down apps for your end users.

    00:01:31 Now how does this translate into something that your end users will see?

    00:01:37 The first thing that they will see going into the Fiori launchpad is tiles.

    00:01:43 Those tiles is what you know from iPhone and Windows 8. Those tiles are active.

    00:01:48 They show you business information, in this case mostly numbers.

    00:01:52 And they visualize this information. So a number can turn red,

    00:01:55 or you can have a line or trend line which shows you how the number developed over the last days.

    00:02:01 Business just happens to be based on numbers.

    00:02:04 So these visualizations then lead to a drill-down.

    00:02:09 For example, if something is red, you want to know why.

    00:02:13 Is it a big problem? Is it a small problem?

    00:02:15 And this is where the drill-down capabilities come in that you can configure and adjust to your customer's requirements.

    00:02:22 The default drill-downyou can see a little glimpse, and we'll see more detail in a second

    00:02:28 basically allows you to do a generic drill-down and look at charts and go into more detail using

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    00:02:35 But there are also other drill-down options like Lumira or your own apps

    00:02:40 or other custom apps that you can make available as a drill-down.

    00:02:45 So this whole thing with KPIs and tiles and drill-downs

    00:02:51 is not something that you do only once when you implement this application, when you implement Smart Business Framework.

    00:02:58 You do this on an ongoing basis.

    00:03:00 And that's why I would like to illustrate quickly the key roles in this process.

    00:03:05 At first, you have people who are the owners of your businessexecutives, people in the operations office

    00:03:13 and they define the KPIs by which your company wants to run their business.

    00:03:17 They use, for example, the Create KPI app to say I want a KPI for a new purpose.

    00:03:23 Then you have IT coming in, getting that data from the HANA database and from other databases,

    00:03:29 and putting it together in what we call an evaluation.

    00:03:35 Lastly, the data analyst also needs to makes sure that the people who interact with those KPSand who want to drill down

    00:03:42 have something that they can work with and that they easily understand.

    00:03:47 So the KPI Customer Satisfactionfor example, 8.3if you just have the value, that's not meaningful to someone in your company.

    00:03:55 You need to allow him to translate it into something that's more detailed that he can relate to.

    00:04:01 And this is where the data analyst does the rest of the work to create tiles and drill-down configuration.

    00:04:08 So let's jump into what this looks like.

    00:04:12 What can you do at which level?

    00:04:14 This is just an overview and then in the next two slides I will cover how this looks in more detail.

    00:04:22 The sort-of lowest level, but they listed it at the top because it requires development skills, is the SAP HANA views, the SAP calculation views.

    00:04:31 The next level is OData services that you can configure to provide the information from HANA

    00:04:37 not just to the Smart Business framework but also to other consumers that would use this information.

    00:04:43 Then you have KPIs.

    00:04:45 Those KPIs are defined, again, by data analysts and by executives and put into the system in a repository.

    00:04:53 And then we get more and more to the things that the end user sees.

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    00:04:57 You can see that this framework is built up to allow you adjustment at all levels, and at different levels at different times.

    00:05:06 So let's jump to the area of the HANA content.

    00:05:11 This is where you have a database programmer that looks at how the views provide the information necessary to calculate the KPIs.

    00:05:20 If something is missing, they can add additional fields. They can make additional fields available in the HANA view.

    00:05:26 So the Smart Business Framework can pick up on that and show it and aggregate it into a KPI.

    00:05:32 At the OData service level, they can configure how the information is provided

    00:05:38 to either Smart Business or Lumira or other tools.

    00:05:41 Defining the data types. Making sure the consuming tools can pick up on this information.

    00:05:49 And then lastly, this is what I will get to next, is the tile and the drill-down configuration that you do for your end users.

    00:05:58 This is just a schematic of how a screen would look like.

    00:06:02 At the top you can define which filters are available to your end users so they can look at

    00:06:07 my area, my department, my region,

    00:06:11 and filter down into information that they have influence over, that they can relate to.

    00:06:17 Then at the top of this drill-down, we already see again tiles

    00:06:23 and microcharts that visualize what's the current situation with business numbers.

    00:06:28 And you can combine different KPIs from different business areas in this drill-down at the top to make it possible for someone to look at,

    00:06:37 Okay, customer satisfaction is bad, but what about our other KPIs?

    00:06:41 Are we at least good on cost? Are we making progress on revenue?

    00:06:45 So all of these things can be put together at the top when someone drills down and finds out something is wrong. How am I doing elsewhere?

    00:06:53 Then lastly, at the bottom, is a chart.

    00:06:55 And this is the core of the ability to visualize the data underneath a KPI

    00:07:01 and to make it easy to understand for a business user.

    00:07:05 Here we have a combination of a column with a line chart that shows some measures as lines and some measures as columns.

    00:07:13 You can configure this freely and this is really where if you work at a customer,

    00:07:19 you need to talk to the end users and find out from them:

    00:07:22 What did my old reports look like? What other kinds of reports am I used to looking at?

    00:07:27 What benchmarks might I have if I compare my work to work at other companies?

    00:07:34 The last thing that I don't want to leave out, because it's very important, is

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    00:07:39 most of the reporting tools and analytic tools that you might be using stop there.

    00:07:44 But Smart Business provides a framework together with Fiori to navigate and drill down even further.

    00:07:51 So below or behind every one of those bars, there is one or multiple business objects.

    00:07:58 Or there's apps that allow you to take action.

    00:08:01 So the last thing is sort of the most important thing. What can the user do with this information?

    00:08:09 He can click on the bar and he can get to the right app that helps him solve an issue that he found.

    00:08:15 So that's the last step of configuring all of those possibilities of the Smart Business Framework.

    00:08:23 So I think this concludes the essence of what you can do with Smart Business and how you can adjust it to a customer's needs.

    00:08:32 I would like to leave with a few comments on how can you do this in a good way

    00:08:38 relative to making your end users happy at your customer.

    00:08:44 The first thing I would like to mention is KPIs are always about balancing between different challenges that a business has.

    00:08:51 So it's good to have a few KPIs, but you shouldn't have too many of them.

    00:08:56 Ultimately, people can only deal with so many numbers at the same time and having fewer of them is better.

    00:09:03 So don't just take those 75 KPIs that Bernard Marr is suggesting in his blog.

    00:09:10 Pick those that are really relevant to your business.

    00:09:13 Then it's very important to speak the same language.

    00:09:18 KPI is about aggregating information across departments and also across countries.

    00:09:23 If you call a KPI one thing in one country and a different thing in another country, it's not helpful.

    00:09:29 So usually it's good to have a company language at this levelin SAP it would be English

    00:09:35 and then also do all the KPI definition in one language.

    00:09:40 I have given some examples here.

    00:09:43 A good KPI name is just talking about what are we measuring.

    00:09:46 A good evaluation name is what kind of filter do we apply,

    00:09:51 what is the area that we're focusing on for this number.

    00:09:54 And then lastly, a chart or view that you configure typically has

    00:10:00 a few dimensions by which you filter or by which you show the different bars,

    00:10:05 and to mention this dimension directly in the name of the view.

    00:10:08 These are all the texts that you need and that make it very easy to understand what you built.

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    00:10:15 A few more tips. Top N is good if you have 50,000 objects but you really want the business user to focus.

    00:10:22 Also, of course, you should sort, so the top items are at the top of the list.

    00:10:27 And then lastly, again I want to reiterate the essence of Smart Business is that you have charts,

    00:10:34 but you can click on those charts and get to action.

    00:10:37 You can call transactions. You can call other Fiori apps. You can even call some of our legacy UI technologies.

    00:10:43 All out of one environment. And that, I think, it what provides a different value from this framework for you.

    00:10:52 So thanks so much for listening. I hope this is really exciting to you.

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    WEEK 6, UNIT 6

    00:00:12 Hi and welcome to this final wrap-up section.

    00:00:15 It seems like yesterday that I was doing the first recording for this course

    00:00:20 and the adrenaline was pumping through my veins standing here in front of the camera in this studio for the first time.

    00:00:26 However, over the weeks I am very happy to have been given this opportunity to spend some time with you all.

    00:00:34 Over these past weeks, we had Elizabeth take us through the overview, the strategy, and the architecture.

    00:00:41 Bob presented the RDS, which is a great way to jump start any commercial or enterprise-level implementation.

    00:00:47 Then I worked with you on the high-level deployment tasks and toolsets which we have at our disposal.

    00:00:54 We saw the difference between the traditional ABAP and the HANA deployment and maintenance-related topics.

    00:01:02 After that, we saw what the configuration tasks entail and Elizabeth took you through each layer

    00:01:07 and where we have touch points to configuration points on that layer.

    00:01:11 You saw the launchpad, you saw the SPRO transactions, and so on.

    00:01:15 Then Daniel took you through the Smart Business applications.

    00:01:18 And later, when talking about the security topics,

    00:01:21 you and I saw the various options we have in our platform stacks for implementing single sign-on and authentication.

    00:01:29 Together, we also looked at the mobile enabling of Fiori with the Fiori Client

    00:01:34 and we looked at the theme designer to customize these applications.

    00:01:40 Jamie then stepped in to introduce the Rapid Development Environmentor River, as you may know it

    00:01:45 and continued with you on the topic of extensibility.

    00:01:49 Markus also jumped in to take you through extending and customizing Smart Business applications.

    00:01:57 I assume most of you have decided to do the optional exercises, which is great.

    00:02:03 Now you're all on your way to getting the Record of Achievement.

    00:02:07 In order to do so, you have another week to complete the final exam.

    00:02:11 I hope we have excited you on the topic of Fiori and given you a good to stepping stone for taking the next steps in your quest for Fiori knowledge.

    00:02:21 I want say a special thanks to the openSAP team who have worked tirelessly in creating this

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    00:02:27 and to the studio crew who made us feel like we are naturals in front of the camera when we're not!

    00:02:33 Without these colleagues, we would not have managed to make this happen.

    00:02:37 Finally, many thanks to you, our learners, for taking this course.

    00:02:42 We have enjoyed working with you and I want to wish you all good luck and see you again soon.

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