week 4 essays reasoned arguments to support a thesis statement assignment one: five exercices - two...

Week 4 Essays Reasoned arguments to support a thesis statement Assignment one: Five exercices - two mini essays Assignment two: Wordpress and first blog

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Page 1: Week 4 Essays Reasoned arguments to support a thesis statement Assignment one: Five exercices - two mini essays Assignment two: Wordpress and first blog

Week 4 EssaysReasoned arguments to support a

thesis statementAssignment one:

Five exercices - two mini essaysAssignment two: Wordpress and first blog

Page 2: Week 4 Essays Reasoned arguments to support a thesis statement Assignment one: Five exercices - two mini essays Assignment two: Wordpress and first blog









c. 5%

c. 5-10%

Argument paragraphs


Page 3: Week 4 Essays Reasoned arguments to support a thesis statement Assignment one: Five exercices - two mini essays Assignment two: Wordpress and first blog

The essay writing process• Identify the main question(s) • Identify and define key terms• Focused research• Read critically through material gathered• Form a thesis statement

Page 4: Week 4 Essays Reasoned arguments to support a thesis statement Assignment one: Five exercices - two mini essays Assignment two: Wordpress and first blog

The essay writing process (2)• Draft• Revise• Edit• Proofread• Consider Feedback

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We know that the success of a business often depends on effective team performance. Yet businesses are generally more focused on evaluating individual input. Managers are then often puzzled by why a team fails to work successfully: they brought together a team of highly skilled individuals so why are they not functioning smoothly together? Team role analysis can be a vital tool in the smooth running of a small business but its usefulness is rarely recognised and seldom employed. For those who do use team analysis, however, it provides invaluable benefits: a cohesive team that understand each other’s strengths and know how to manage one another’s weaknesses; an understanding of, and respect for, leadership; and a way of working as a community to achieve a common goal.

We know that the success of a business often depends on effective team performance. Yet businesses are generally more focused on evaluating individual input. Managers are then often puzzled by why a team fails to work successfully: they brought together a team of highly skilled individuals so why are they not functioning smoothly together? Team role analysis can be a vital tool in the smooth running of a small business but its usefulness is rarely recognised and seldom employed. For those who do use team analysis, however, it provides invaluable benefits: a cohesive team that understand each other’s strengths and know how to manage one another’s weaknesses; an understanding of, and respect for, leadership; and a way of working as a community to achieve a common goal.

Thesis statement

Preview or justification

At end of Introduction

Your position

Page 6: Week 4 Essays Reasoned arguments to support a thesis statement Assignment one: Five exercices - two mini essays Assignment two: Wordpress and first blog

RevisingBe prepared to re-structure your work if you hesitate in answering any of these questions:•Have I answered the question?•Have I structured the essay clearly?•Have I addressed opposing points of view?•Will the reader be able to follow my argument?•Will they be convinced by what I say?

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Edit and proofreadAsk yourself:•Have I developed just one idea per paragraph?•Could I say this more concisely?

Ask someone else, whose writing skills you trust, to proofread your work.

Think critically about your presentation

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Useful linksAcademic essay writing: •http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/01/•http://unilearning.uow.edu.au/essay/1a.html


Free Argument Mapping software:•http://argumentative.sourceforge.net/

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• Turnitin.com• Sign up with your email and password• Then join a class• Ken Newlands: (ID) 8234138 • (Password) BSNS5600eve

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• S1 Complete in the self-administered National Assessment Tool (NAT) Test for Literacy and Numeracy in Week 3.

• S2 Complete the following self-assessment tasks between Weeks 1-3, by using this link:Learning Style: http://www.learning-styles-online.com/inventory/ - make sure you keep the results of outcome, and the explanations of the various learning styles.

• S3 Leadership Style: http://www.skillsyouneed.com/ls/index.php/325444 - make sure you keep the results of the outcome, and the explanations of the various leadership skills.

• S4 Complete the Learning Preparation Questionnaire found on the class Moodle site for Topic 2, Lectures A&B, Semester 2 2015.

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– Paragraph 1: What were the self-assessment tests that I have completed? Describe them in a paragraph of no more than FIVE sentences.

– Paragraph 2: Looking at the results of these tests, what have I found out about myself? What did you already know about yourself? What surprised you? What were your strengths and weaknesses?

– Paragraph 3: What are the steps that you will take to be better, to improve your skills? These will become your personal and professional goals for this semester. Use your Goal setting notes to construct three goals.

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• Read iBook 3 (Ethical frameworks and theories).• Reflect on your notes for Ethics – Topic 2.• Select ONE of the three articles below (the links are posted in the Class Moodle

site, Topic 1):• • Is it ethical to be paleo?• Questionable ethics in marketing• The Value of ethical business practices and social responsibilityEvening class: You may seek approval for another topic from your lecturer

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– Paragraph 1: Brief Introduction, and define ‘ethics’.– Paragraph 2: What is the article saying? Give a summarised account of the

article.– Paragraph 3: Based on your own set of ethics, give your opinion on the

ethical stand of this article.– Paragraph 4: Give your opinion on the unethical stand of this article.– Paragraph 5: Brief conclusion

• Remember to cite your article in the answer and include a reference after the answer

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Item Topic Status ()

1 Have I completed the required self-assessments?

2 Have I read through and understood the class materials and iBook 3?

3 Have I completed the assignment cover sheet?

4 Have I set up my Turnitin account with the CORRECT lecturer?

5 Are both parts of my short essays within 300 – 500±50 words?

6 Have I checked the spelling, grammar and correctly cited all external sources?

7 Have I checked my assignment in Turnitin, corrected any obvious citation errors and then resubmitted assignment in Turnitin?

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Item Details Mark Score

1 Completed all the self-assessments 10

2 Part 11. Described the self-assessments (5 marks)2. What have I discovered about myself? (20 marks)3. What goals have I set? Write three goals (15 marks)


3 Part 2a.Paragraph 1: Brief Introduction to article (5 marks) and Ethics is defined (5 marks)b.Paragraph 2: The article is summarised (10 marks)c.Paragraph 3: My opinion on the article’s ETHICAL VIEWS is stated (10 marks)d.Paragraph 4: My opinion on the article’s UNETHICAL views is stated (10 marks)e.Paragraph 5: Brief Conclusion (8 marks)f.Cited and Referenced (2 marks)



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For an A Grade

Content: A comprehensive and well-planned answer where the report clearly meets the requirements of the questions asked. Succinctly integrates a range of relevant concepts, principles, practices and theories. All answers are fully justified and are supported by evidence from relevant literature and current practice. Can demonstrate the ability to analyse a comprehensive range of issues and reach supported conclusions/recommendations; is able to identify all key issues, processes and contexts; can apply theory to practice; answer contains no irrelevant material.

Presentation: Report professionally presented. It is well structured, including page numbers and a properly referenced text and bibliography. There are no spelling or grammatical errors.

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• Instructions for Blog 1: Personal and professional communication skills and etiquette – what are the best practices?

• You are required to: Read all the instructions as no email to be sent!!!• Read Book 1 (Welcome to BSNS 5600)• Construct an email to your class lecturer, telling your class lecturer what you

have learnt in 5600 class for the day. The email should contain …

– The email address lecturer [email protected]– The subject matter: Student Name & ID: ‘What I had learnt in class today”– The body of the email – based on the subject: “What I had learnt in class

today”– Sign-off, followed by your name, student id and your email address. For

students whose email addresses are a set of [email protected] please set up a new email address that has your name in it, and use that address.

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• Once you have constructed the email DO NOT SEND it to your lecturer. Take a screenprint of the email and upload the image to your blog.

• Once you have done it, write a blog about what you think are best practices in personal and professional communication skills and etiquette.