wednesday, march 13 th

Bell-Ringer : Please turn in your Medieval Recipe to the homework bin. Log on to your computer and visit the class wiki. On the Bell-Ringers and Agendas page you will find a link for a role-playing game on Surviving the Middle Ages. Take a few minutes to play the game and navigate the perils of the Middle Ages. * Wednesday, March 13 th

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Wednesday, March 13 th. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Wednesday, March 13 th

Bell-Ringer: Please turn in your Medieval Recipe to the homework bin. Log on to your computer and visit the class wiki. On the Bell-Ringers and Agendas page you will find a link for a role-playing game on Surviving the Middle Ages. Take a few minutes to play the game and navigate the perils of the Middle Ages.

*Wednesday, March 13th

Page 2: Wednesday, March 13 th

*Daily Agenda

*Bell-Ringer: *Word of the Day momentous*Lecture: Medieval Europe *Review Quiz*TRF

Homework: Complete Extended Thinking Project and TRF

Page 3: Wednesday, March 13 th

-OUS: This Suffix means “ is Filled With”Momentous – filled with Importance; very significantMomentousIn 1960, lunch counters throughout the South

remained segregated. While moderates urged patience, Joe McNeil and three other black college students disagreed. Calling segregation “evil pure and simple,” the four college students sat down at a Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, and ordered coffee and apple pie. Although the waitress refused to serve them, the students remained steadfast in their determination to desegregate the dining area. Now known as the Greensboro Four, the students ultimately prevailed. The sit-in movement begun by the Greensboro Four had MOMENTOUS consequences. Just four years later, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 mandated desegregation in all public places.

Read Aloud W, March 13 – Block 1

Page 5: Wednesday, March 13 th

-OUS: This Suffix means “ is Filled With”Momentous – filled with Importance; very significantMomentousOdd Picture Out – which picture does not depict a MOMENTOUS occasion? Why?

High SchoolGraduation

Wedding ofPrince William &


Nap in hammock

Inauguration of

President Obama

A nap is an ordinary

event, not anything special.

Odd Picture Out W, March 13 – 2nd Block

Only 69 daysUntil May 22nd – the CHS Graduation

Page 6: Wednesday, March 13 th

*Essential Questions:1. Why was Charlemagne successful at

establishing a large empire in Europe when other kings had failed?

2. What prompted the Pope to name a Holy Roman Emperor?

3. Why wouldn’t serfs rebel against the whole system of Feudalism?

4. What did the Investiture Controversy reveal about real power in Europe?

5. What long-term significance did the Magna Carta have on European politics?

Page 7: Wednesday, March 13 th

*Key Vocabulary:*Feudalism – Political and Economic system in which

king’s grant land to vassals in exchange for military support.*Fief The grant of land given in exchange for military

obligation.*Excommunication The denial of sacraments to a

Catholic*Interdict The denial of sacraments to an entire

kingdom or group*Primogeniture The granting of all inheritance to a

first-born son*Missi Dominici Secret spies used to ensure the nobles

upheld their obligations to the serfs and king*Simony The selling of church positions

Page 8: Wednesday, March 13 th

*The Dark Ages

*As you watch the following presentation, consider the appropriateness of the title “Dark Ages.”*During the clip, complete the cause

and effect organizer on the worksheet provided

Page 9: Wednesday, March 13 th

*Critical Thinking:

*Why do you think Charlemagne forced his subjects to convert to Christianity?*What did Charlemagne do to appeal to the peasantry (serfs)?*Missi Dominici Spies for the King*Collectively, what do Charlemagne’s tactics reveal about who had the real power in the Middle Ages?*What are the benefits and shortfalls of decentralized power?

Page 10: Wednesday, March 13 th

*Critical Thinking:

*Who were the Vikings?*Primogeniture All inheritance given to first born son*What made the Vikings so terrifying?*What impact did the Vikings have

on European politics?

Page 11: Wednesday, March 13 th

*Critical Thinking:

*Under what circumstances does Feudalism work efficiently?*What stopped serfs from rebelling against their lords?*In what other situation/civilization might feudalism

have worked effectively?

Page 12: Wednesday, March 13 th

*Medieval Economics

*Due to Viking Invasions and the manor system, international trade crept to a halt in the Middle Ages*Manorialism dominated creating a local scale economic system

in which each manor was self-sufficient*During the High Middle Ages, the Hanseatic League formed

in Northern Germany to regulate trade and help to facilitate (at least) regional trade*In addition, trade fairs were held annually to reinvigorate trade *Locally, guilds formed to protect industries in the few cities

that did exist. These would govern who entered the industry, prices, production, and quality. *Artisans would have to begin as an apprentice, work as a

journeyman, and then became masters themselves.

Page 13: Wednesday, March 13 th

*Investiture Controversy• Investiture: Appointing local priests and bishops to church positions• Who’s job is this?• Kings battled with popes over this duty• Simony Selling of Church positions• HRE Henry IV appointed his chaplain

Bishop of Milan, though Pope Gregory VII appointed another.

• Pope excommunicates Henry IV. • Local nobles/princes support pope,

forcing Henry IV to beg the pope for forgiveness.

• In other cases, the pope threatened the use of the interdict to get monarchs to yield.

• Concordat of Worms Kings invest Bishops with worldly authority, but not with sacred authority (They must be loyal to king, but kings no longer viewed as divine)

Page 14: Wednesday, March 13 th

• Viking Invasions of France leave coastal region under control of Normans.

• 1066 William of Normandy invades and conquers England

• What problem might this create?• In England, abuse of monarchical

power (taxation, imprisonment without fair trial, etc.) led the nobles to demand that King John sign the Magna Carta, establishing rule of law.

• Over time, England’s political system changed slowly, with limits on the power of kings and the establishment of common law.

• This stood in contrast to the very centralized power that existed in the hands of the Spanish and French monarchs.

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*Worst Century Ever – The 1300s*The Great Famine(1315-1317): Precipitated by the Little Ice Age, massive famine killed millions and led to increased levels of crime and loss of faith.*Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453): 116 years of bitter

fighting between England and France results in no true winner; results in civil war in England.*The Black Death (1347-1350): Over 38 million killed

from outbreak of Bubonic Plague (approximately 1/3 of Europe’s population).*Western (Great) Schism (1376-1417): Dispute between

two popes led to division in Catholic Church, great confusion and loss of faith.

Page 16: Wednesday, March 13 th

Please log on to the class wiki. On the Daily Assignments page you will find your review quiz link. Please enter your name and complete your quiz. You may use your notes.

*Review Quiz