wed 2nd march ‘squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm member … · to ‘get moving’ with...

The Inventors Association of Australia (Victoria) 30 Reids Lane Warranwood Vic 3134 HOTLINE: Ph 0421 767 790 . Web: Email: [email protected] Wed 2nd March 6.30 pm 45Miller Crescent Mount Waverley 6.30 pm Patent tutorial Chair David & Pat Bob Lloyd inventor of Board Game ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still earning royalties! Jenny Best Member presenta- tion This month we welcomed our first pat- ent attorney for 2011. Stephen Ander- son, from Morcom Pernat (Partner) Stephen has only been in private prac- tice for approximately one & half years. Prior to this he was a Corporate Patent Attorney. Our meeting, once again, whilst waiting for our members to arrive had an excited and relaxed mood. Stephen in his usual friendly style followed the relaxed mood.. We usually do have an informal start because members come from all over Melbourne or in some cases all over Victoria. Some are retired, but mostly our members are working men and women. In one case, we have a student! Consequently, every one arrives at different times and the meeting room fills up when they finish greeting their peers with handshakes, jokes and possibly min- gling the conversation with inventive chat! Stephen is currently working as a patent attorney at Morcom Pernat, pro- viding a full range of professional IP services to local and international clients. (Legal Services industry) Stephen Anderson’s Specialties: Acquisition of new IP rights, managing an international IP portfolio, competitor intelligence, licensing and col- laborative research agreements. Stephen is a Corporate Patent Attorney and Trade Mark Specialist with a multinational corporation with diverse business interests in the mining and energy sector. Stephen’s responsibili- ties are global in scope and span across all business sectors, but with par- ticular focus on Oil and Gas, Aluminium (bauxite mining, refining and smelting), Coal mining and processing as well as diamond mining and processing. Stephen has experience in the acquisition of new IP rights, managing an international IP portfolio, competitor intelligence, licensing and collaborative research agreements.

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Page 1: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to

The Inventors Association of Australia (Victoria) 30 Reids Lane Warranwood Vic 3134 HOTLINE: Ph 0421 767 790 . Web: Email: [email protected]

Wed 2nd March 6.30 pm

45Miller Crescent Mount Waverley

6.30 pm Patent tutorial


David & Pat

Bob Lloyd inventor of Board Game

‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still earning royalties!

Jenny Best

Member presenta-tion

This month we welcomed our first pat-ent attorney for 2011. Stephen Ander-son, from Morcom Pernat (Partner) Stephen has only been in private prac-tice for approximately one & half years. Prior to this he was a Corporate Patent Attorney. Our meeting, once again, whilst waiting for our members to arrive had an excited and relaxed mood. Stephen in his usual friendly style followed the relaxed mood.. We usually do have an informal start because members come from all over Melbourne or in some cases all over Victoria. Some are retired, but mostly our members are working men and women. In one case, we have a student! Consequently, every one arrives at different times and the meeting room fills up when they finish greeting their peers with handshakes, jokes and possibly min-gling the conversation with inventive chat! Stephen is currently working as a patent attorney at Morcom Pernat, pro-viding a full range of professional IP services to local and international clients. (Legal Services industry)

Stephen Anderson’s Specialties: Acquisition of new IP rights, managing an international IP portfolio, competitor intelligence, licensing and col-laborative research agreements. Stephen is a Corporate Patent Attorney and Trade Mark Specialist with a multinational corporation with diverse business interests in the mining and energy sector. Stephen’s responsibili-ties are global in scope and span across all business sectors, but with par-ticular focus on Oil and Gas, Aluminium (bauxite mining, refining and smelting), Coal mining and processing as well as diamond mining and processing. Stephen has experience in the acquisition of new IP rights, managing an international IP portfolio, competitor intelligence, licensing and collaborative research agreements.

Page 2: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to

Stephen has previously worked for IP Australia (Government Agency); as an examiner of patents

1990 — June 1992 (2 years 6 months) Stephen examined patents in the transport area, including

marine and aerospace technology.

Stephen invited our members to ask him as many questions as they liked. Stephen said he was

happy to cover any topic of interest as he didn’t necessarily have a ‘planned’ presentation. One

member was asking about trademarks and the conversation led to Stephen giving an example of

“Fluffy Dog” cordial. “One could use “Fluffy Dog” as a cordial trademark and rely upon their good

reputation to build the brand. If, someone else comes along and calls their cordial “Fluffy Dag”

and the parents of the children are not too sure whether they wanted “Fluffy Dog” or “Fluffy Dag”

then confusion would or could occur. The “Fluffy Dog” cordial come against them in Common

Law suit.”

Stephen had some great advice concerning where your competition is, who your competitor is,

knowing your market, other countries policies, PCT’s, appropriate costs, where Stephen could

represent you and when he would need to rely on an associate overseas. Ray concluded and said

that Stephen has helped many of our members and how, on behalf of the committee and mem-

bers, appreciated his offer of his time and expertise for our members. Stephen had so much more

to say, so order the DVD and catch the rest of Stephen’s presentation.

Thank you Stephen for your great Q&A presentation!


Frank announced that the IAA Vic would be holding a monthly competition for our members. The purpose behind the competition is to encourage our members to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to enter.

We will be giving the winner a Perpetual Trophy that is to be returned at the De-cember Christmas Dinner Celebration. Most probably, there will be a ‘cash’ prize involved. (We best speak to Ron and check the financials!) Hopefully this will be a yearly event and we invited members to consider entering.

Well, what a response we had. Hands went up as each month was called. Andre asked ‘what if there’s more than one per month?’ We would love to see more than one per month! We will be voting for the best at the Christmas Celebration eve-ning. The prizes will be given at the end of the evening. Competitors will be asked to bring their inventions/innovations along to refresh our memory prior to the voting. The committee will be delighted to count the votes and this event will surely be the highlight, I am sure of the year. An event not to be missed by our members and visitors alike!. Limited bookings so diarize the event now!

Thank you Frank for announcing the competition on behalf of the Committee.

Please contact Ray by email to enter the IAA Vic ‘in house’ member only competi-tion. [email protected]

Page 3: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to

Guest Speaker

Geoff Kelly from Kelly Strategic Influence Pty Ltd was our guest speaker for this month.

Geoff spoke on ‘how to communicate/frame new ideas and products to achieve a high impact’.

“Right now in hundreds of locations around the world people are saying ‘no’ to products and ideas that they need. Management teams are failing to grasp presentations on ideas and initiatives that they need. Prospects are rejecting sales pitches for products and services that are right for them. Project lead-ers, chief executives, professionals and salespeople are frustrated by their failure to win hearts and minds to their mutual benefit.

Today's managers and leaders need to earn the support of people both inside and outside the organisation, whether they are staff, customers, suppliers, regulators, financiers, or community groups yet, few do it well. Some provide more information to an already information-overloaded audience; forgetting that they work in the most over-communicated society in history. Others are disappointed when a purely rational appeal fails to arouse anyone's desire to take action.

The ability to persuade and sell ideas is learnable and those who learn it have a crucial advantage over those who don't. Just imagine the difference when you get buy-in and commitment from your next level down managers.

You and your team earn the active co-operation of external groups and organisations whose support you need. You and your organisation earn the reputation among peers as a leader in your field. The biggest and most desirable prospects in your professional service market will see your firm as consultants of choice in your core practice area. Audiences will respond to your speeches with appreciation and acclaim, and take action to support your ideas.

Your staff function and team will earn the attention, respect and co-operation of line managers and peer functions.”

Strategic communication Many organisations are frustrated that their communication is failing to cut-through to their most important target groups. We work with clients to identify and impact the relatively few stakeholders, barriers and drivers that make the most difference. This means that clients focus their communication to get the greatest returns on their dollars and effort.

The results clients can expect are:

Better relationships with their most important targets

Communication activities that contribute to their business results

Fewer activities, each having greater impact

“Geoff Kelly has displayed a keen understanding of the issues faced by CEOs in regard to meeting the challenges of wide-ranging public debate. The combination of this understanding and his ability to be well received by many stakeholders in that debate proved to be of great value." Source: Testimony from Geoff’s website.

Geoff’s presentation has given our members many ideas and thoughts to process. Geoff had so much more to say and left an opportunity open for another invitation, so hopefully he can visit with us later in the year.

Contact Geoff by email: [email protected]

Thank you Geoff for an informative presentation.

Page 4: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to


Inventors Association of Australia (VIC) March 2011Newsletter

Bendigo Inventor Awards 2011 is on the way!

Following the outstanding success of the first Bendigo Inventor Awards in 2010, the Bendigo Inventor Awards Steering Committee is about to launch an even bigger, better competition for 2011.

The Inventors Association of Australia - Victorian branch, are sponsoring this year’s Awards and will host the metropolitan Launch to coincide with their April member meeting in Mount Waverley.

“This year the Awards will span the entire State, which will not only increase the amount of high quality applications to the Awards but will also increase the aware-ness of talented inventors and innovators in Victoria”, Steering Committee Chair-man Herbert Hermens explains.

“We are proud to welcome the Inventors Association as a sponsor this year and thank them for providing the venue for our first-ever Melbourne Launch”, said Mr Hermens.

“I’m really looking forward to meeting IAA members and hopefully encouraging some more entries into the Awards.”

The Bendigo Inventor Awards aim to assist entrants by providing free support and information sessions based around the commercialisation of ideas. Finalists also receive ongoing mentoring by business and industry professionals.

“The Bendigo Inventor Awards is committed to increasing support to all entrants. This year we will be conducting two support sessions and two information ses-sions. These sessions are excellent networking opportunities for entrants, with the judging panel, mentors and specialists on hand to provide advice”, said Awards Secretariat Peter Jeffery from the City of Greater Bendigo.

The Awards are on the hunt for the Inventor of the Year, Innovator of the Year and Young Inventor of the Year. An Encouragement Award and People’s Choice Award will also be presented at the Exhibition and Awards Ceremony to be held at the Bendigo Town Hall on 2 September 2011.

The official launch of the Bendigo Inventor Awards 2011 will be held at the Mount Waverley Community Centre on 6 April 2011 from 7pm and at the Bendigo Town Hall on 8 April 2011 from 11am. Everyone is welcome to attend.

More information about the 2011 Bendigo Inventor Awards will be available soon at or contact Awards Secretariat Peter Jeffery, City of Greater Bendigo on (03) 5434 6241.

Page 5: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to

Bendigo Inventor Awards Snapshot

Vision: Bendigo -inspiring invention and innovation.

Mission: To identify, support and promote original ideas that will create employment and recognise Central Victoria as a centre for invention and innovation.

Bendigo – the home of Australia’s premier invention and innovation Awards

Bendigo has always been a hub for inventors and innovators. Our inspiring past includes inventions like the Chiko Roll and the Sunshine Harvester, and innovations such as community banks and Fernwood Womens Health Clubs. Some of Australia’s most famous businesses were born in Bendigo – from Myer to Bendigo Bank and Leggo’s pasta sauces.

The 2010 Awards uncovered amazing ideas, brilliant inventions and state of the art innovations. Our Award winners included a unique new formula for gluten free dough and innovative developments for ducted wood heating and solar hot water systems. (See 2010 Finalists Profile Sheet attached). It’s now time to see what 2011 can uncover!

The intent of the Bendigo Inventor Awards is to encourage imagination through a competitive process that will identify, support and promote practical, original ideas that create employment and recognise the Greater Bendigo and Central Victorian region as a centre of invention and innovation -“A Thinking City”.

Page 6: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to

Guest Speaker and our first competitor in the IAA Vic Competition!

Therese Cataldo was not only our second guest speaker for this month but also the very first competitor in the new initiative that the IAA Vic has for 2011! Frank brought this idea to the first com-mittee meeting held in January. A motion was accepted very quickly and put onto our meeting agenda.

Therese started her presentation with wishing everyone a great New Year; acknowledging and giving thanks to both Ray and Debbie for all the help they have given her product over the Christmas and January period. Ray has helped Therese with the costings of her products by teaching her the costs involved from manufacture to the retailer. Debbie has helped by testing and critiquing her products, by using the ‘Bichari’ range of products. Debbie is currently help-ing Therese with her administration needs; offers advice based on her knowledge of the hair and beauty industry background and is more than qualified to help her with her business/consulting needs. Therese said that Debbie has helped her revise the brochure/pamphlet and the result is “truly beyond my expectations. I have done a lot of work before, but this the best work I have ever had” quote.

Debbie has also undertaken to help Therese launch her innovative Party Plan business. A possible slo-gan is: All the hostess needs to do is to invite her guests! We do the rest! Therese’s inten-tion is to provide the hostess of her party plan business with the catering. (Morning / afternoon tea or supper) Supper is always a ‘winner’ for us girls! Of course the hostess can add to the ‘menu’ if she likes. The point is, to make a party booking as ‘hassle free’ as possible. All the hostess has to do is to provide the table/s and guests, Therese and her consultants will do the rest!

Bichari consultants will be paid a retainer and will receive commission on sales. Debbie is having the ‘launch party’ for the Bichari range of natural products for Therese. (Date to yet be set)

Hostesses will receive a beautifully presented gift pack of her entire range of products!

Currently Therese has 4 products ready for sale.

Bichari ‘Power of 2”, an organic 7 week treatment with a ‘high grade active ingredient’ for a younger and healthier skin designed for those ‘problem areas’.

100% natural Wax that is perfect for sensitive skin. Water soluble, not a chemical to be seen! Therese explained how her ‘ice pack’ helps sensitive skin and stubborn hair.

Tooth Whitening Gel treatment. (TGA registration and patent)

Natural tooth cleaning gel.

Therese has an everyday use product, with the benefit of the ‘Power of 2’ (citrus c and hydrating cream) yet to be finalized with her co-developer.

Bichari ‘Power of 2’ is a treatment that consists of 2 / 30 ml jars each containing either Citrus C or the Hydrating Cream. This is a treatment designed to target those areas of concern on your face. For ex-ample, the Bichari ‘Power of 2’ is a 7 week treatment for the lines between the eyebrows, under the eyes, around the mouth etc. The product is for both male and female. ‘The new age sensitive guy will really love it.’ said Therese when someone asked ‘what about the men?’ (Therese is sending sam-ples to Debbie’s soon to be, son in law in Perth! Ben is a male model and can’t wait until he gets his sample!) (Therese may possibly have a distributor in both WA and Tasmania!)

Page 7: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to

Debbie testified that it has improved her area of concern (in between the eyebrows) of be-

tween 70-80% improvement, without even following the instructions to the letter, either

through the busyness of the Christmas season, tiredness or even laziness. Debbie is abso-

lutely thrilled with the

Debbie testified that it has improved her area of concern (in between the eyebrows) of be-tween 70-80% improvement, without even following the instructions to the letter, either through the busyness of the Christmas season, tiredness or even laziness. Debbie is abso-lutely thrilled with the results. This range is fantastic! I can personally recommend them because my family use them and see the results.

Ray testified that he is anti chemical person and those who know him, knows this is quite true! Ray assured our members that there are absolutely no chemicals whatsoever in Therese’s range of products. Isabelle wasn’t present in the meeting hall when Debbie tes-tified to the fantastic result Isabelle received the very first time the tooth whitening gel was used on her bottom teeth. It was truly a ‘wow factor’ event! Debbie absolutely loves the teeth cleaning gel simply because it is natural and no chemicals! “I just love the whole range!” said Debbie.

I am happy to report that a sale was made on the evening. Quite a few questions were

asked from how much, to when are they available, have they been tested? etc. I am

pleased to report that our male members, in spite of Theresa’s ‘girly products,’ our men

showed great respect and attention to Therese’s presentation. Thank you guys and well

done Therese!

This journey has taken Therese quite a few years to get to this stage. There is a way to go,

but step by step, with a well thought our business plan, she will arrive at the launching of

her very own creation!

The ‘sale of a product’ doesn’t happen overnight, but with the right help, encouragement

from friends and family, perseverance and a ‘don’t give up’ attitude, your product will end

up on a shelf with a ‘for sale sign’ hanging around it’s neck.

Please do not hesitate in contacting Therese for any product information on her range, for

sales, becoming a party hostess or consultant. (This also applies to any of our newsletter


Therese Cataldo M: 0401 081 896 Debbie Dash 0438 421 405

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) 023( 002- 023 A s ubri A

Stand / as per 08-2010

Getting people in the right order before they get on the plane, its elementary.

“FLYING CARPET” representing the seating plan for a typical single aisle aircraft. Footprints on the mat represent 39 men, women, and children passengers, standing in their correct places, ready to board. Off to the right are the footprints of passengers who weren’t able to fit on the mat, but will join the next group a couple of minutes later.

*As confirmed by computer simulations. View the comparison between “The Flying Carpet” system and Rear-to-Front boarding on the short video clip at The Flying Carpet fills the plane completely with 150 passengers, all with carry-on bags, in less than 9 minutes, way ahead of the almost 16 minutes taken by Rear-to-Front.

Deceptively simple, yet twice as fast: The first two passengers take their places on the Flying Carpet (left), just before the gate. A minute later the carpet is full and the group are about to move to the plane, rear seats leading (above).

)023(002-023A subriA

Stand / as per 08-2010



The Fastest Way To Fill A Plane*

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A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 F 1

How it worksThe Flying Carpet for an aircraft with 180 seats, placed at the gate. Measuring only 2.0 x 7.2 metres (6.5 x 23.5 feet), it represents the cabin plan drawn to scale.

Places are deliberately small so, when boarding commences, the carpet is filled by the first 30 to 40 passengers stepping onto their correct numbered places. This only takes about a minute, then the group proceeds to the plane, rear seats first, and go direct to their seats unimpeded. They will then be spread throughout the plane with plenty of elbow-room to stow their bags and get seated.

Meanwhile, those that were not able to fit on the carpet in the first group will now certainly be able to take their places along with others to form the next group of 30 to 40, a minute or two later. This second group now heads to the plane and so and on until everybody is aboard. Five or six groups in rapid succession fill the 180 seat plane far quicker than any other method.

Being passenger-friendly, with minimal regimentation, the Flying Carpet means less anxiety and stress. Passengers who like to be first aboard can do so, as do those who like to be last. Live display screens show which passengers have gone through the gate, so that others can judge when best to make their move. Boarding groups are regulated by announcements and gate staff removing and replacing tape barriers. Ultimately this function could be fulfilled or at least augmented by “traffic lights”.

Patent Pending

Page 9: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to

one size Fits AllA Flying Carpet with 40 rows, 3 seats each side of a single aisle only measures 2.0 m x 8.0m. (6.5 x 26 feet) but it can handle all of today’s biggest medium/short haul aircraft. And the smaller planes as well; it doesn’t matter if places on the carpet are unused, and of course the unused rows can always be roped off. Likewise, the same generic Flying Carpet can handle two seats per side, as in business class or smaller planes.

If space is a problem a scaled-down version can be used. In really tight places a simplified, narrow version is the answer.

selF CHeCk-in, selF BoArdingThe Flying Carpet boarding system is timely given the current trend at airports towards automating passenger processes such as self check-in and mobile phone boarding passes. In particular, the Flying Carpet fits well with boarding machines (scanners/turnstiles) as passengers are well able to arrange themselves and proceed through the gate with minimal staff input.

PAtent PendingInternational Patent Application (PCT) is well advanced. Inquiries from parties interested in licensing and/or commercialization are invited to contact RoundPeg Innovations Pty Ltd.

rob will be attending passenger terminal expo 2011, Copenhagen – call him on +44 79 24 59 49 24

RoundPeg Innovations Pty Ltd is a company established by Rob Wallace to undertake development and commercialization of a wide range of products. Over a long career as a professional design engineer Rob has designed and developed numerous novel but practical, commercially successful solutions to real world problems.

39 Charles St Northcote, Victoria, Australia, 3070

ACN: 005 592 576 ABN: 63 138 310 399

t: +61 3 9481 6600 F: +61 3 9481 6633

e: [email protected] w:

Aisle CongestionA passenger in a front row holds up all the other passengers while he stows his coat and bag and gets seated. This gets repeated over and over again resulting in a series of bottlenecks; boarding proceeds at snail’s pace.

row CongestionThough it reduces aisle congestion, Rear-to-Front boarding creates row congestion. The passengers are all clumped together and get in each other’s way. Various studies have shown Back-to-Front boarding is actually slower than no system at all.

windows FirstWilma (Window, Middle, Aisle) and Reverse Pyramid are variants based on the obvious, desirable principle of getting window seat passengers seated first. Studies show that this is much faster in theory, though minor bottlenecks still occur. However, the high degree of regimentation required and splitting up of couples or families is not acceptable to the travelling public.

Flying CArPetPassengers enter the plane in the right order and go straight to their seats unimpeded. No aisle congestion. No row congestion either; being well spread out they have plenty of elbow room while they stow their bags and get seated. The Flying Carpet is almost twice as quick as Back-to-Front.

boarding SySteMS

Forget the cattle crush – Not only does the Flying Carpet get passengers aboard much faster but it does it in a civilized manner.




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Page 10: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to

A tiny change can make a Big Difference! © Roger La Salle The power of many is greater than the sum of the individuals. It is common knowledge that a linked worldwide network of computers is in use to provide a virtual super computer, the power of many being much greater than that the individual. So too social networks have been formed and open innovation models developed where problems are presented to the wider community in the hope that somewhere somebody may be able to proffer a solution. Again the power of many being much greater than the individual. It may be possible for many businesses to exploit some of these open innovation and wide area models but for many this is giving away too much of the “farm”. Perhaps it’s best to keep opportunities in house and use the power of your people to find the solutions. This is without doubt the model preferred and embraced by most businesses, and for every good reason – confidentiality. Why past attempts have failed Attempts to tap into the power of a company’s own people have often foundered because they failed to embrace some simple rules and models. The old fashioned “Staff Suggestion Scheme” is an example of a model that in theory sounds good but unfortunately these have not really delivered what they promised and the reason is simple. This model is fundamentally flawed. For a person to lodge a staff suggestion requires these following three activities: Problem Identification Proposed Solution Idea Submission The simple issue here is that a proposed solution seems to be a necessary pre-cursor to a submission, whereas the person who has identified the problem may not be in the best position to propose a solution. Consequently, the identified problem may languish for want of a solution and subsequent submission. A Better Model The real secret to tapping into the latent talents of your people should not require them to solve the problem but perhaps better still, simply highlight or identify issues in need of exploration and solution. Thus the staff suggestion scheme should in fact be an “Issue identification Forum” Problem Identification Issue Submission Once a problem has been identified it is far easier to have one of the “Innovation Circles”© (that one would assume many businesses have now embraced – refer previous article) investigate and resolve the issue at hand. A Simple Example The following may be an overly simplistic example but the reader will no doubt get the message. It is the highlighting of the issue where the real value lies. Suppose a production worker notices that the tamper tape on packets of pills they manufacture and sell is not really providing adequate tamper protection. The worker notices this but in putting forward a staff suggestion the worker should not be required to suggest a solution that may include alternative tamper tapes or attachment gluing material. The worker need only highlight the problem and be rewarded for that. Leave the solution to the experts, perhaps those forming an “Innovation Circle”©. These are the people charged with resolving issues and developing innovative solutions to problems. In Short Simplify your staff suggestion scheme, make it easy for all staff to submit issues in need of resolution, reward them for that and leave the solution to the experts. Understand that the real opportunity lies in identifying the problem, more so than the solution. Roger La Salle Mobile 0418 370 828 Office + 613 9842 7267 Fax + 613 9842 2260 Address: La Salle Matrix Thinking 156 - 158 McGowans Road, Donvale, Victoria Australia 3111

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New Products and Inventions

Frozen Smoke is the world’s Strongest and Lightest Material

A new aerogel nicknamed "Frozen Smoke" is the world's lightest solid material. The Frozen Smoke aerogel, so named because of its translucency, has a very large surface area and is incredibly strong. The aerogel is manufactured by replacing the liquid component of the gel with a gas, resulting in an extremely light, yet solid, material. Officially known as a “multiwalled carbon nanotube (MCNT) aerogel”, the material could be used in sensors to detect toxic substances and pollutants. Other aerogels have already been fabricated, but this new version is the first one to be made from carbon nanotubes.

'Invisibility cloak' hides objects without using metamaterials

The quest to build a working “invisibility cloak” generally focuses on the use of metamaterials– artificially engineered materials with a negative refractive index that have already been used to render microscopic objects invisible in specific wavelengths of light. Now, using naturally occurring crystals rather than metamaterials, two research teams working independently have demonstrated technology that can cloak larger objects in the broad range of wavelengths visible to the human eye.

Both teams, one from the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART Centre) and the other comprised of researchers from the University of Birmingham, Imperial College, London and Technical University of Denmark, made the breakthrough using a natural crystal called calcite.

Part of the pink object is rendered invisbile to the naked eye under the calcite-based invisibility cloak (Image: Baile Zhang and G. Barbastathis/SMART Centre)

Page 12: Wed 2nd March ‘Squatter’ developed in 1962 still 6.30 pm Member … · to ‘get moving’ with their ideas, inventions, innovations or prototypes. Members only are invited to

This transparent mineral boasts an optical property known as birefringence, or double-refraction. This means that when light enters the calcite, it splits into two rays of different polarizations traveling at different speeds and in different directions. This causes objects viewed through a clear piece of calcite to appear doubled.

To create their invisibility cloak, the University of Birmingham team glued two pieces of calcite with differing optical paths together and placed them on a mirror and performed demonstrations in both air and a container of liquid.

Meanwhile, the SMART Centre team used a similar method. They glued together two pieces of calcite to form a small wedge measuring 38mm x 10mm x 2mm and is placed over an intended object. Due to the light bending as it enters the cloak, objects are rendered invisible when the viewer looks from the left and right sides of the wedge, meaning it remains visible when viewed from other angles.

Although currently the cloaks can hide only small objects, such as a pin or paperclip, the technology is limited only by the size of the calcite crystal.

‘‘This is a huge step forward as, for the first time, the cloaking area is rendered at a size that is big enough for the observer to ‘see’ the invisible object with the naked eye,” said Dr Shuang Zhang, lead investigator from the University of Birmingham’s School of Physics and Astronomy. “We believe that by using calcite, we can start to develop a cloak of significant size that will open avenues for future applications of cloaking devices.”

Additionally, the calcite-based cloaks are much cheaper to create than those using metamaterials. The cloak developed by the SMART Centre team costs less than $US1,000, which is extraordinarily cheap by research standards.

Breakthrough promises $1.50 per gallon synthetic gasoline with no carbon emissions

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UK-based Cella Energy has developed a synthetic fuel that could lead to US$1.50 per gallon gasoline. Apart from promising a future transportation fuel with a stable price regardless of oil prices, the fuel is hydrogen based and produces no carbon emissions when burned. The technology is based on complex hydrides, and has been developed over a four year top secret program at the prestigious Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford. Early indications are that the fuel can be used in existing internal combustion engined vehicles without engine modification.

According to Stephen Voller CEO at Cella Energy, the technology was developed using advanced materials science, taking high energy materials and encapsulating them using a nanostructuring technique called coaxial electrospraying.

“We have developed new micro-beads that can be used in an existing gasoline or petrol vehicle to replace oil-based fuels,” said Voller. “Early indications are that the micro-beads can be used in existing vehicles without engine modification.”

“The materials are hydrogen-based, and so when used produce no carbon emissions at the point of use, in a similar way to electric vehicles”, said Voller.

The technology has been developed over a four-year top secret programme at the prestigious Rutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford, UK.

The development team is led by Professor Stephen Bennington in collaboration with scientists from University College London and Oxford University.

Cella Energy CEO Stephen Voller exhibits his breakthrough technology - right shows the fuel's hydrogen microbeads under a microscope

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