weco capacitor fuse lamp reference ocr r

7/27/2019 WEco Capacitor Fuse Lamp Reference Ocr r http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/weco-capacitor-fuse-lamp-reference-ocr-r 1/9 Capacitors VVestern Electric A paper c a pa c it o r; potted II I wax II I lead cans; used II I combined telephone sets. *Suitable for use on continuously applied potentials no t exceeding 130 volts d- c or 100 volts a-c (60 cycles or less) an d at operating temperatures not exceeding 120 degrees F. **Suitable for use on continuously applied potentials no t exceeding 200 volts d-c or 180 volts a- c (60 cycles or less) an d at operating temperatures not exceeding 120 degrees F. tThe can on th e 195B capacitor is provided with an in sulating coating an d th e slate red lead is connected to th e can 0 0 e e e e I 2 3 4 e e e e A 5 6 C ~ ~ ~ fl- o iQJ COVER REMOVED COMMON TERMINAL Test 0 Capacitance(U.F.) Voltage No. Max. Min. (DC) Between Leads 195A *2.50 2. 0 300 R ed a nd Black **0.63 O. 5 5 00 Yel lo w an d Slate t195B *2.50 2. 0 300 Red and Black **0.63 0. 5 5 00 Yel lo w and Slate 33 " 195C *2.50 2. 0 300 Re d an d Black 3 ~ 6 4 5" ~16 No.1S7 No. No. 198 Used In : :\ 0. 5 9 2A W Subscriber Se t ::'\0. 531 Subscriber Set Plastic film w ax impregnated capacitors; black tape wrap ping; tested on 600 volts d-c. Suitable for us e on continuously applied potentials no t exceeding 200 volts d- c or 180 volts a- c ( 60 c y cl es or less) an d at operating temperatures no t exceed ing 150 degrees F. Capacitar.ce(U.F.) Max. Min. .625 .5 .625 .5 No. 198A 198B Consists of te n small paper units potted in metal ca n ha ving metal cover. One side of each unit connected to common terminal; other side connected to one of te n terminals. Mount on Hi-in. horizontal, lY2-in. vertical centers; fur nished w it h t wo nuts and washers for mounting. Tested on 1,000 volts a-c. Suitable for use on continuously applied po tentials no t exceeding 300 volts d-c or a- c ( 60 c y cl es or less) an d at operating temperatures no t exceeding 120 degrees F. Capacitance Obtainable *Together with No. 25A bracket replaces Nos. 57AK an d 57 E on equipments arranged for lug mounting. *187A 187B t187C o to .346 UF to within .00133 F o to .069 UF to within .00066 UF o to .00584 UF to within .000084 UF No . 361C Plastic film w ax impregnated capacitor; gray finish; tested on 600 volts d-c. Suitable for use on continuously applied po tentials no t exceeding 200 volts d-c or 180 volts a- c (60 cycles or less) at operating temperatures no t exceeding 120 degrees F. Used on No. 1011 hand set. tTogether with No. 25 B bracket r ep la ce s N o. 131A on equipments arranged for lu g mounting. No . 437 Type Capacitor ~ A B FIG.2 A S IG.I B No. 195C NO.195B NO. 195 C 127 C.ORO ,I P \ RED BLACK \ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I " : L . - 5 4 - - : - - 1 1 ~ " " " 127 C.ORD "f ' ~ ",-" .. e - 8, Y E L ~ ~ SLATE 4: 7'" ~ BLACK 10 4 R E 0 3 ~ ~ 'SLATE RED' 5 ~ 8 r ._,--....LJIL-, I I I 1 I 3 ~ ' .. I I 1 I I L_.l--_-' NO. 195A ALSO G E NE R AL D ES IG N AND D IM EN SI ON S OF NO. 1 95 T YP E No.195B

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VVestern Electric

A pape r capac it o r; potted II I wax II I lead cans; used II I

combined telephone sets.

*Suitable for use on cont inuously appl ied potentials no texceeding 130 volts d- c or 100 volts a-c (60 cycles or less) an dat operating temperatures not exceeding 120 degrees F.

**Suitable for use on continuously appl ied potentials no texceeding 200 volts d-c or 180 volts a- c (60 cycles or less) an dat operating temperatures not exceeding 120 degrees F.

tThe can on th e 195B capacitor is provided with an insu lat ing coating an d th e s l at e red lead is connected to th e can

0 0

e e e eI 2 3 4

e e e eA 5 6 C

~ ~ ~ fl-o iQJ




0Capacitance(U.F.) Voltage

No. Max. Min. (DC) Between Leads

195A *2.50 2. 0 300 R ed a nd Black**0.63 O. 5 500 Yel low an d Slate

t195B *2.50 2. 0 300 R ed a nd Blac k**0.63 0. 5 500 Yel low and S la te

33 " 195C *2.50 2. 0 300 Red an d Black3 ~ 6 4

5 "~ 1 6



No. 1 98

Used In

: :\0. 592A W Subscriber Se t::'\0. 531 Subscriber Set

Plastic film wax impregna ted capac it o rs ; b la ck tape wrapping; tested on 600 volts d-c. Suitable for use on cont inuouslyappl ied poten t ial s no t exceeding 200 volts d-c or 180 volts a- c(60 cycles or less) an d at operating temperatures no t exceeding 150 degrees F.

Capacitar.ce(U.F.)Max. Min.

.625 .5

.625 .5



Consists of te n small paper units potted i n met al can ha vingmetal cover. One side of each unit connected to commonterminal; other side connected to o ne of te n terminals.

Mount on Hi-in. horizontal, lY2-in. vert ica l cen ters; furnished w it h t wo n uts a nd washers for mounting. Tested on1,000 volts a-c. Suitable for use on continuously applied potentials no t exceeding 300 vol ts d -c or a- c (60 cycles or less)an d a t opera t ing tempera tures no t exceeding 120 degrees F.


*Together with No . 25A bracket replaces Nos. 57AK an d57 E on equipment s a r ranged fo r lug mounting.




o to .346 UF to within .00133 F

o to .069 UF to within .00066 UF

o to .00584 UF to within .000084 UF

No . 361C

Plastic film wax impregnated capaci tor; gray finish; testedon 600 volts d-c. Suitable for u se on con ti nuous l y app li ed po

tentials no t exceeding 200 volts d-c or 180 volts a- c (60 cyclesor less) a t operating temperatures no t exceeding 120 degreesF. Used on No. 1011 hand set.

tTogether with No. 25B bracket r ep la ce s No. 131A onequipments arranged for lu g mounting.

No . 437 Type Cap ac i to r

~A B




No . 195C


NO. 195 C

127 C.ORO ,I P\

RED BLACK \~ ~ ~I ~ I " :L . - 5 4 - - : - - 1 1 ~ " " "

127 C.ORD "f '

~ " , - " .. e-8 ,

Y E L ~ ~SLATE 4:


BLACK 10 4R E 0 3 ~ ~

'SLATE RED' 5 ~8

r ._,--....LJIL-,I



3 ~ '..



L_. l - -_ - '




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CapacitorsWestern Electric


tSame as No. 437C except the two units are matched sot he y d o no t differ by more than 0.11 U.F.

Capacitance (UF)Max. Min.

.25 1.00

.62 .501.57 1. 25

1. 09 1. 071.12 1. 04

t,t-I f ' ~ ~

7"3 / ,6

[4 / 32

I . . - _ . . J




Paper capaci to rs ;potted in wax in aluminum cans; tested on1,400 volts DC between terminals . Close s t r e commend edmounting centers areYs-in. x 1Vz-in. Suit-able for use on continuously applied po -tentials no t exceeding300 vol ts DC or 300

volts AC (60 cycles orJess) an d a t operatingtemperatures no t exceeding 120 degrees ~ ' .

Hequire No. 2·1 Brackets when I llounted in p lace of No. 57 orsimilar type capacitors. One mounting stud connectedelectrically to can.

Capacitance (MF)Between TerminalsFig. (A·B) (C·D)

No. No. Max. Min. Max. Min.

439A 1 2.50 2.00*439B 2 2.50 2.00 .03 .02*439C 2 1.25 1.00 1. 25 1.00*439D 2 2.50 2.00 .06 .05*439E 2 1. 50 1.20 1.50 1.20t*439H 2 1.25 1.00 1.25 1. 00439QA 1 2.18 2.14439QB 1 2.16 2.10439QC 1 2.22 216439QD 1 2.24 2.08439QE 1 2.16 2.04439QF 1 2.28 2.16*439QG 2 2.28 2.16 .03 .02*439QH 2 1.08 1.05 1.25 1.00

*Consists of two sep ar at e c ap ac it or s insulated bu t no tshi elded f rom each o th er . T he se c ap ac it or s should no t beused bridged off or across two separate transmission circuits;should no t be used in th e same circuit where effect of capacitance between the separate un it s wil l be detrimental to trans-

mission.tSame as No. 439C ex cept th e two units are matched sothey do no t differ by more than .055 V.F.

Paper capacitors; po tt ed i n wax in aluminum cans; testedon 500 vol ts DC . Closest recommended mounting centersare Ys-in. x 1 Vz-in. Sui tabl e for u se on continuously appliedpotentials no t exceeding 200 vol ts DC or 180 vol ts AC (60


less)an d

a toperating

temperatures no t exceeding120 degrees F. Require No. 24 Brackets when mounted inplace of No. 57 or similar type c ap ac it or s. One mountingstud connected electrically to can.

Minimum capacitance values, unless otherwise noted, ares tamped on end of can.

No. 439 type Capacitors rep lace No. 139 t yp e o f corresponding letter.


C 0

~ ~BFIG.2

No. 437 type Capacitors replace No. 137 type of corres-

ponding letter.Capacitance (UF) Between Terminals

Fig. (A·B) (C·D)No. No. Max. Min. Max. Min.

437A 1 5.00 4.00

*437B 2 5.00 4.00 0. 3 .02

*437C 2 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.00

*437D 2 5.00 4.00 .06 .05

t*437E 2 2.50 2.00 2.50 2.00

437QA 1 4.36 4.28

*437QB 2 4,36 4.28 .03 .02

*Consists of two s ep ar at e c ap ac it or s insulated bu t no t

shi elded from each o th er . T he se c ap ac it or s should no t be

used bridged off or across two separate transmission circuits;

should no t be used in th e same circui t where effect of capacitance between th e separate units will be detrimental to trans-


Paper capacitors; potted in wax i n a luminum cans; tested

on 500 volts DC . Suitable for use on continuously applied

potentials no t exceeding 200 vol ts DC or 180 vol ts AC (60

cycles or less) an d at operating temperatures no t exceeding120 degrees F. Minimum capacitance values s tamp ed o n

end of c an ; t ermi nal l ett er s s tamp ed o n e nd o f cans of four

t ermina l capac it or s. No. 24 Brackets required when mounted

i n p lace of No. 57 or similar type capac it or s. One mounting

stud connected electrically to can.

No . 439

*1"01' u:se as plate blocking capacitor in rcpeater circuits\ \hcrc high insulatiun re:sistance required.

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CapacitorsWestern Electric

CapacitorsWestern Electric

Pape r c a p a c i t o r s ;

potted in wax in aluminum cans; tested

on 1,400 volts DC be

tween terminals. Min-imum capacitance val

ues stamped on end of

can. Suitable for use

C 0

~ @ J ~ i ~ ~A B



~ @ ; § ~ »FIG.I B

Type 442

on continuously ap-

plied potentials no t

exceeding 300 volts DC

or 300 volts AC (60cycles or less) an d at

operating temperatures

no t exceeding 120 de-grees F. Closest rec

commended moun tingcenters are Y2-in. x lY2-in. Require No. 24 type Brackets

when mounted i n p lace of No. 57 or s imilar capacitors. Onemounting stud is connected electrically to th e can.

Capacitance (UF) Between TerminalsFig. (A·B) (C·D)

.625 .500 No. No. Max. Min. MaL Min.

442A 1 .6200 .500.320 .250.625 .500 442B 1 .3200 .250.160 .125

442C 1 .1250 .100.030 .020442D 1 .0600 .050

*442E 2 .0300 .020 .0300 .020

*442F 2 .0065 .005 .0065 .005

.on .010 *Consists of two separa te capacitors insulated but no t

.135 .100 shielded from each other. Should no t be used bridged offor across two separate transmission circuits; should no t be usedin same c ircu it whe re e ffec t of capacitance between separate

units will be detrimental to transmission.



**.065t .404

.020t .004.010








Capacitance (UF) Between Terminals(A·B) (C·D)

Min. Max. Min.




C 0. .BFIG.2

No . 441

Paper capac i tors ;potted i nwax in alumi-num cans; tested on500 vol ts DC. Minimum capacitance values stamped on end ofca n unless otherwIsenoted. Terminal lett er s s tamp ed o n e nd o fcans of four terminalcapacitors. Suitablefor use on continuouslyapplied potentials no texceeding 200 volts DCor 180 volts AC (60cycles or less) and atoperatingtemperaturesno t exceeding 120 degrees F. Closest recommended m ount-ing centers are Y2-in. xlY2-in. Require No.24 Bracke t s whenmou nted i n place of

No. 57 or similar typeOne mounting stud connected electrically to can.

Fig.No. No. Max.

441A 1 1.250441B 1 .625*441C 2 .625441D 1 .320*441E 2 .320*441F 2 .320*441G 2 .085*441H 2 .030441J 1 .160441K 1 .135441L 1 .085441M 1 .060441N 1 .030441P 1 .006*441R 2 .013441S 1 1.600*441T 2 .135441V 1 .040441QA 1 1.090441QB 1 1.080441QC 1 1.110441QD 1 1.120441QE 1 1.080441QF 1 1.140441QG 1 .545441QH 1 .540441QJ 1 .555441QK 1 .560441QL 1 540441QM 1 .570

441QN 1 .275441QP 1 .280441QR 1 .270441QS 1 .290441QT 1 .115441QV 1 .110441QW 1 .120


*Consists of twu separate capacitors insulated bu t Hotshielded from each other. These capacitors should no t beused bridged off or across two separate transmission circuits;should no t be used in same circuit where effect of capacitancebetween separa te units will be detr imenta l to transmission.

**Stamped .075 U.F. on en d of can.

tStamped .05 V.F. on end of can.

tStamped .005 U.F. o n e nd of can.

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FusesWestern Electric

r - . DIM ''A''-- ---- - - - - - ,I I

~ . ~ IM ~ I~ ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ "I I - T- - - - l

: I 1&- I ~ R A T E DI .. . - - - - - I i - - - - -... I CAPACITY';.... I !.!"- - - - - - - - ~ STAMPED



No. 24 Type

Non-Alarm Type Fuses

These fuses wil l nlount on I -i n. c en te rs by means of fuse posts or individualporcelain moun ti ng a s in th e No. 62D Protector. Th e over-all dirnensions are:length 11%2-in., width l%-in. Th e current carrying capacities an d operatingcurrent value s a re g iven in th e table below.

In ordering it is necessary tha t both th e code n umbe r a nd rated capacity

be given.

FuseOperates in

Rated Less Than One TerminalsCode Capacities Minute On Size of Screw Dim.No. (Amperes) (Amperes) Finish Slotted For "A" (Inch)

24C 2 3 T i ~ n e d No. 10 1 ~ 4

24D %: l } i Copper No . G %224E ~ 1 Ti;tned No . 10 1 ~ 4

24F 5 6 ~ Copper No . G %224G 1% 2 Tinned No . 10 1 ~ 4

FusesWestern Elec tr ic

No. 35 Type-Indicator Ala rm Type Fus es

\Vhen o rde r ing speci fy code

nUltlher an d raLed capacity.

Fuse ,,,ire mounted so on

en d fastened to flat indicatorspring, other to f la t s pr in g.'Tenninal ends have coppertinned finish.

Mount in g o f fuse ma y bso arranged as to cause fl

spring to lnake contact wialarnl circuit ,,,,hen fuse wirbroken.

Dimensions (Inches)MountCente

B C (Inch

1% 14%'4 l ) i1 ~ 6 143/{(4 1) i

1% 14%'4 l ) i17'8 1% 1:W61}1 16%'4 lU61 ~ 6 14%'4 1) i1 ~ 6 14%'4 l ) i1 ~ 6 14%'4 l ) i1 ~ 6 14%'4 l ) i1 ~ 6 14%'4 l ) i1:K6 14%4 1>41% 14%4 1) i1% 14%4 l ) i1% 14%'4 l ) i1% }4%'4 1) i1% 14%4 1>41 ~ { 6 14%'4 ];,i


I II .. I~ ~ - i


r-- ~ ' -~I I




I I 5"-1 f - 64

~ i'.,I rn IIIII


Size ofScrewsSlotted Fig.For No. A

No. 10 1 1:%4

No. 6 1 ~ ~ 2

No . 6No . 10 1 1 ~

No . 6 1 5 //32

No. 6 1 ?/32No. 10 1 1 ~ 4

No . 6 1 %2No . 6 1 %No. 10 ] 1%4No. 10 2 1 ~ 4

No . 10 2 1%4No. 6 2 %2No . 6 2 %2No . 10 ] 1 ~ 4No. 10 1 1%4No. 10 1 1 ~ 4

No. 10 1 1%4

(f ) Also satisfactory for use in circuits operating up to 16volts if current i s l il ll it ed as covered in th e standardequiplnent inforlnation 011 fuse boards.

(g) Fo r use i n c ir cu it s opera ting on voltages up to ] 60 voltsFuse wire enclosed i n g las s tube to pn"ven t s ide flash.

(h ) Replaces D-17622R.


Color ofInsulatingStrip


I I~ A \ -

Operates OnIn Less Than1 ~ Min.1 ~ Min.3 Min.3 Min.1 ~ Min.5 Min.lY2 Min.5 Min.5 Min.1 ~ Min.: ~ Min.: ~ Min.5 Min.S Min.1 ~ Min.1 ~ Min.1 ~ Min.:3 Min.


I II .,1.. ~ ~


13"r - - i 6 - ~



",FORNOS.35J.P 8: 5 ONLY


- l t- 64




I I~ A I -

13" 7"~ 3 2 . . ( ,"'3"2I ' - l . - r_ _

A - 1 IT - 0 0 I I


J I__ .-1

RatedCode CapacitiesNo. (Ampere) Amps.

(a)35A 1 ~ 2(a)35B 1 ~ 3 2

2 3(a)35C 2 ~ ~

(a)35D 1 ~ 2(a)35E ~ ~ 4<

(a)35F Y2 :%'(a) (b)35G 3 4 ~(a) (c)35H 5 6 ~

(d)35J ~ %(e)35K 1 ~ 2(e)35L 2 3(e)35M 3 4Y2(e)35N 5 6} 1(d)35P % 17'8

(a) ( f )35R .180 .270(g)35S ) i %

(a) (h)351"1 .6 5 1.1

1'errninals have t imed finish.(a) Fo r us e in ericuits ope ra ti ng on voltages up to 90 vol ts .(h ) H.eplaces No. 35B c : - ~alnpere).(e) Rep laces No . 35B (5 arnpere).(d ) For u se in circuits opera t ing on 90-160 volts. 1"use ,vire

enclosed in glass tu be t o prevent side flash.(e) Fo r use in circuits opera t ing on 90-150 volts. Fuse wire

enclosed in porcelain tube to prevent side flash.

Tubular Fuses

Used With

77, 98A, 98B, 1074A1075A, I078A, 1093AProtectors

"B " Cab le Termina ls

Operate ValueLess Than Current(Sec,) (Amp.)

Rated Capacity(Amp.)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.7 as specified





No . l i eNo.7A

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Fuses, Indicator Alarm TypeCook

(Grasshopper Fuses)

These fuses ca n be used to se t off an a la rm when fuse wire ha s separated causingt he b o tt om spring t o c on ta ct a n alarm circuit.

This type fuse normally used on circuits oper a ti ng up to 90 volts, bu t ar e also madefor c i rcu it s up to 160 vol ts l imited curr ent , wi th fuse wire enclosed in glass or porcelaintube to prevent side flash.

When ordering , speci fy ca ta log number a nd r at ed capacity.

Indicator Alarm Type FusesGrasshopper Fuses

Rated Insulating Slotted for Dimensions, InchesCapacity, Operates on Strip Screws Slot Mounting Lenglh

No. Ref. Known As Amp. Amp. In Less Than Color No. Width Centers Overall170-10 (a) ~ \ 5 A 1}1 2 In Min. White 10 I%"4 1% 14:W4170-11 (a) :\5B lJi 2 In Min. White () 9{2 l ~ 14;(4170-12 (a) :35B 2 ~ ~ 3 Min. Orange 6 ~ ~ l ~ h 14%4170-13 (a) ~ ~ 5 C 2 3 : ~ Min. Orange 10 1 ~ 4 l ~ 14;(4170-14 (a) : ~ 5 J ) 1 , ~ ~ 2 In Min. White 6 flL: l ~ l%~ 2

170-15 (a) : ~ 5 E 3 4 5 Min. White 6 *{2 I n 16%'4170-16 (a) :35F ~ ~ 4 l ] ~Mill. Hed 10 1 ~ 4 1 ~ h 14%'4170-17 (a) (b) :35(; 3 1 1 , ~ 5 Min. Blue 6 ?i2 1 ~ h 14%4170-18 (a) (c) : _ ~ 5 J[ 5 6 n 5 Min. Cireell 6 ~ 1% ] 4%'4170-19 (d) ;35J ~ ~ ~ 1 1) 1 Min. Hed 10 1%4 l ~ 14%4170-20 (e) 35 K l ) ~ 2 3 Min. White 10 1 ~ 4 1% 14%'4170-21 (e) 35L 2 3 :3 Min. Orange \0 1%4 1% 14%'4

170-22 (e) 35M 3 ttn 5 Min. Blue 6 ~ 1% 14%4170-23 (e) 35N 5 6 n 5 Min. Grech 6 ~ 2 1% 14%'4170-24 (d) 35 P % I ~ In Min. ' ran 10 1 ~ 4 1% 14%4170-25 (a) (f) 35 R .180 .270 In Min. Yellow 10 1%4 1%5 14%4170-26 (g) 358 }i % In Min. Pink 10 1%4 1% 14%4170-27 (a) 3ST .6 5 1.] 3 Min. rran 10 1%4 1%5 14%4References:

(a) Fo r circuits opera t ing on voltages up to 90 volts.(b) Replaces 35E, 3-ampere fuse.(c) Replaces 35B, 5-ampere fuse.(d) Fo r circuits oper a ti ng on voltages 90 to 160 volts. F us e wire e ncl ose d in glass tube.(e) }-1--'orcircuits operating on voltages 90 to ISO volts. Fuse wire enclosed i f porce lain tube to prevent side flash.(f) Satisfactory for circuits oper a ti ng on voltages up to 160 volts i f c u rr en t is l irni ted a s cove red i n s ta nda rd equ ip rn en t

infonnation on fuse boards.(g) 1"'01' c i rcu it s oper a ti ng on voltages up to 160 volts. Fuse wire enclosed in glass tube to prevent side flash.

Fuses, Resettable, GrasshopperCook


Centers1 1/61 ' ~ i ~1 1/:;1 : 3 1 ~

11.;1 : ~ 1 ~

SizeScrew SlotSlotted Wdth.,for No. In.


White 10White 6Orange 6Orange 10White 6White 6Re d 10Blue 6

Green 6Re d 10'Vhite 10Orange 10Blue 6Green 6l 'an 10Yellow 10Pink 10Ta n 10



1) 1In




Operates OnLess

ThanMin.1 ~In


-t 5~ i 1 ~ 2

- In 5

6 ~ ~ 5~ / i 1)12 3

: ~



3,tn6 n1 ~

.270~ ~

1. 1


~ i.180~



(Amp.)1 ~1 ~221 ! / ~

3~ ~



35A35B35B35C35D;35E35 F35G

:351135J35K:35L35IVI35N35 P35 R35S35T

Table Showing Interchangeability ofGRASSHOPPER FUSES* & RESETTABLE


Overload Failure Warning RelayA_ccessory i tenl for operation ,,,ith Grasshopper fuses.

I t energizes ,,,hen Grasshopper fuse operates an d shortsagainst th e bus. Th e relay coil connected in series withhus then energizes an d ,yarning contacts close. Operates a t21 01'18 yol ts . d-c ; or with external shunt renloved 135 an d165 yults, d-c.





COlllbination of grasshopper fuse a nd h eat coil proyides anew econoll1ical an d positive acting fuse, ar c f ree, , , ,i th accurate operation tirne. Is no,,, ayailable to ,,,ire cOllununicationsan d elec tron ic equiprnent . Resettable by re-engaging heatcoil ratchet. Parts easily replaceable.

I-Ieat coil operation sinlple an d positiye. ' Vh en s ub je ct t oInore than rated current, t he r at ch et releases t he g round an dalann spring. After t rouble ha s been cleared. an d current ficnvIS nonllal, fuse can be reset l nanu al ly by ratchet \vhich IS

aga i n l ocked into position.

Table Showing In te rchangeab i li ty o f Hea t Coil TypeGRASSHOPER FUSES

WillOper- SizeRated WillCarry ate in 210 Screw

Code Resistance for 3 Hr. Seconds on SlottedNo. No. (Ohms) Current of Current of for

Note 1 Note 2 Max. Min. (Ampere) (Ampere) No.170-509 74:-A. 21.0 19.0 .10 .18 6170-510 74:-B 4:.1 3 .7 .24: .4:0 10170-5117-!-C 8.0 6.5 .185 .265 10170-512 71-E 8. 0 6.;) .185 .265 10170-513 71-F 57 53 .055 .110 10170-514 71-G ;), 5 3 . 0 5 . 3 . 1 1 0 10

~ o t e 1 :Cook E lec tr ic COlllpany Reuseable Fuse: \ ot e 2: 'Vestern Electr ic I-Ieat Coil Replaceable Fuse

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Fuses, Precision Rated


Telephone fuses designed f? r use in C o o ~prot ec to r s andterminals. Interchangeable ,vIth correspondIng t yp es o f telephone fuses.



59-0700 A-7 Wood, 5 An lpe re s S-6, 11-29D. 0-7, t TA-20146-0900 A-9 Lavite, 5 Amperes B-7, 0 -9 , RO*146-217 A-9u Lavite, 7 Anlperes 0-9u, RO-9u498 -6300 A-63 Fiber, 5 Amperes M-16-F424 -5200 A-52 Fiber, 5 Amperes 0-52149-1600 A-16 Wood, 5 Amperes 0-16494 -6200 A-62 Fiber, 5 Amperes 0-62214 -2200 A-22 Lavite, 5 Amperes 10-W, 105499 -6400 A-64 Wood, 5 Aluperes 0-64307 -4600 A-46 Wood, 5 Amperes H-36, 0-46306 -4500 A-45 Lavite, 5 Amperes H-36, 0-4591-1200 A-12 Lavite, 5 Anlperes H-51, 0-12

Note: Part numbers on al l fuses should be as sho,vn aboveexcept last digit to be th e salue as aluperage required.

*Li st ed a s s tandard by Underwriters' Laboratories.

Fuses, Telephone and Telegraph


( (==0 ( ( ~54A 528

Symbol Length, Diameter, OldNo. In. In. No. Amperes

54A 11916 2%4 557A 2% 2%4 1, 3 or 10S7C 2% 2%4 5/10HYA 3 2%4 5538 ~ to 2S4B : ~ X 6 2%4 2HYB . - 1 ~ 2%4 5568 ~ to 2HLA 41%2 2%4 5530 8/10HLA 4 1%2 2%4 5530 3 or 10HNA 5!1ti 2%4 5534 ~HYC 5Y2 2%4 5558 ~ to 252B 21!16 2%4 8/10SIB 4%2 2 ~ 14lB 4}{2 U6 10lC t ~ % 10Symbol Center to Slot,No. Center, In. In. Amperes

lOlA 1 ~ ~ 6 7


Mica %-inch Nut ted End Fuses

P rovi ded w it h copper terminals, these fuses are stockedin U an d ~ amp er es . Enc lo se d type will be shipped unlessotherwise specified. Order by c at al og nun lb er and aluperage

desired. S td . P kg . 50; sh ipp ing weight ~ Lb . pe r 100.


Ship. Wt.Lbs. Per100



Flat Tipped Fibre Fuses

716-inch Nutted End Fuses%2 Threaded Tip

Fuse Lgth., ShoulderDiam., to Shoulder, Std.

Material In. In. Pkg.

Ceraluic 716 3 ~ 50Ceramic U6 '!Yi6 50




Postal TypeLength, Width

No. In. In.

11 278 %21 2 %25 2 ~ ~137 lYB or 2 ~

Weste rn Union TypeLength, Width,

No. In. In.

8 278 %19 2 %22 2 ~ ~235 2 ~310 3 ~

Terminal an d Protector Fuses

52 Fibre 372 50 3

O.A. Lgth.,In.

52B Telegraph Protector % 2% 100 .8

*Approved an d listed by lJ n de rwr it er s' La b. i n 7 alnp.capacity.

Heat Coil FusesSizes an d types for every telephone p ro te ct or a nd cableterminal supplied in wood, fibre or ceramic. When orderingspecify catalog nurnber an d amperage des ired. Un le ss amperage is on o rde r, s even ampere fuses wil l be suppl ied. Al soavailable in one, three an d five amperage capacities.

Tip Lgth., Shoulder Ship. Wt.Diam., to Shoulder, Std. Lbs. Per

No. Material In. In. Pkg. 100

27L Ceramic 1 ~ 4 ~ 50 735 L Ceramic I%'4 3YB 50 5*77L Ceramic I%'4 4%: 50 695L Ceramic I%'4 4 50 531 L Ceramic 1%4 3 50 4106 !1""ibrc 1!(4 3>16 50 : ~



Used In

303 Protector308 Protector

Fuse ShDulder toDiam., ShDulder,In. In.

% 3 ~%> 3Yi6





.3 5

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LampsWestern Elect ric

No . 2

Carbon Filament Lamps usedwith Nos. 12, 30, 34, 49, 50 orsimilar type lamp sockets.





Current ConsumptionMax.


Tungsten Filament LampsUsed with Nos. 12, 30, 34 or sirnilar type Larnp Sockets.

A1 24 .033 .045A2 24 .075 .105A3 24 . 033 . 045B2 18 .036 .048C2 36 .032 .044E1 6 .033 .045E2 6 . 270 . 310E3 6 . 120 . 160F1 4 .170 .210F2 4 .270 .310

G1 8 .085 .1G2 8 .035 .0H1 16 .270 .3J1 10 .230 .2K1

30 .033 .0K2 30 .032 .0

Th e No. 51A Lamp is a tungsten filament l amp int endedfor use in illuminated push-button telephone sets. The r at evoltage of this lamp is 10 volts an d at this voltage th e curreconsumption is maximum .045 ampere and min:mum .0ampere a nd t he miniInum illuInination is 200 end-foot candl

Lamps, BallastWestern Electric

Current regulators designed to rnaintain approximately constant cnr rent within a rated voltage range.

No . 124A

Use(Carrier Current Equipment to mai~ tain a cons t an t cu rr ent in th e filnlent circuit of electron tubes.Telephone Repeater Circuits.C3 & C4 Carr ier Telephone Systems.Carrier Telephone System.Carrier Telephone System.17B Oscillator.fBattery charging equipment J -862

l Carr ier Telephone an d TelegraphSystems.

D U M M ~ F I L A M E N T.437" I - I .468"

.125" DIA. .156" DIA.DUMMY .640" FILAMENT


No . 123A


143B Electron Tube Socket143B143B143BStandard Mogul Screw BaseMediuIn Screw Base

Nos. 120A, 1218,and 122A

~ - 1 - - r1/116

1 I

g4"~ l ~ i j


. 4 3 7 " ~ . 4 6 8 ".125" D I ~ ~ 5 6 " D I A .DUMMY .640" FILAMENT


Ballasted Current

Amperesl1.07 to 1. 17 a t 90.940 to 1.010 at 90

1 . 07 to 1. 16 a t 90.490 to .530 a t 90.485 to .525 a t 90.430 a t 70.870 at 70

1. 9 a t 703.0 a t 70

10.0 ± 17% at 700.97 ± .03 at 70

Nos. 7A a nd 7 8os . 5A and_58


Range3 to 9. 53 to 9. 53 to 9. 53 to 103 to 105 .5 to 125.5 to 123.0 to 7.54.0 to 12.05.0 to 12.05.5 to 14.5



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Caps, LampWestern Electric

'Thick., substantial lenses made f rom speci al ly sel ec tedand t rea ted glass unless otherwise noted. Lenses held firmlyin place in cap cases by spinning th e edges over th e lenses.

Slotted cages g ive spr ing f it for cap in socket.

*N umbered as specified in order. Lens has flat top.No . 2A


~- - 3 Z - - ~__ :


l : ~i6 I

, - - l - - - l

l- - i!"_..J64

No . 2A TypeExcept No . 2B A No . 2BA








White opalescentGreen opalescentWhite opalescentGreen opalescentGreen opalescentWhite opalescentClearClear amberWhite (Moulded Plastic Lens)Red (Moulded Plastic Lens)Green (Moulded Plastic Lens)

No .2 Lamp Cap: Used with Nos. 12, li9 and 50 Lalllp

Sockets. Diameter l%-in.

No . 4 0

*Jeweled.tInside surface of lens is concave.

Nos. 4A to M Lamp Caps: Used with Nos . 34 an d 53Alamp sockets.

Nos. 4N to 5 Lamp Caps: Used with No. 2GB or similarindicators.

No . aBOo. 8 Type,

Except No . 8BO

No . 8 Y

Used for pilot s ignal s, fire a la rms, supervi so r' s s igna ls 'other classes of work in mounting large signal.

No. Symbol Color

4A 0 White opalescent4B _ *Red opalescent4C CD *Green opalescent4D 0 Red opalescent4F 0 Green opalescent4G E9 White opalescent4M 0 Clear ambert4 N 0 White opalescentt4 P 0 Red opalescentt4 R 0 Green opalescentt4S 0 Clear amber


White opalescentWhite opalescentWhite opalescentWhite opalescentWhite opalescentWhite opalescentWhite opalescentRed opalescentWhite opalescentWhite opalescentGreen opalescentWhite opalescentRed opalescentJe\veled red

Jeweled blueJe,veled greenRed opalescentAmberBlueGreen opalescentWhite opalescentRed opalescentWhite opalescentRed opalescentRed opalescentWhite opalescentWhite opalescent\Vhite opalescent

\Vhite opalescent\Vhite opalescentGreen opalescentWhite opalescent\Vhite opalescent\Vhite opalescent\Vhite opalescent\Vhite opalescent\Vhite opalescent\Yhite opalescent\ \ ~ h i t eopalescentlled opalescent\Yhi te opalescent\Yhite opalescent













2AS2A'"f2A.L2A\V2 A l ~


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White opalescent


Re d opalescent

White opalescent

White opalescent

White opalescent

White opalescent

White opalescent

White opalescent

Green opalescent

Green opalescent

Hed opalescent

White opalescent

White opalescent

White opalescentWhite opalescent

White opalescent

two black digit s as speci fi ed in

black except for rais ed bar

~ : = l ; m1"'F=;:;==;r'1 32 II"

m 1\ IIf?

I ,a lll l ' Sockds.


Caps, Lamp (Con't)Western Electric

No. S Lamp Caps: I [sed with No. 30Oyerall diameter 2!.t4-in.

No. Symbol







*Numbered with one ororder.

tWhite opalescent paintedacross th e face.

No. 72 t ype (Whit e Opalescent Numbe rs o n B la ck B ac kground except Nos. 72L, M an d N, which have Whi te , Redan d Green Backgrounds with Black Characters). Used withNos. 12 and 49A t yp e L amp Sockets.Code Code

No. Symbol No. Symbol

72A @ 72G ®72B CD 72H ([)

72C ® 72.1 ®72D ~ 72K ®72E @ 72L* '

72M* t @72F ( ~ 72N* J

*Characters as speci fi ed in order. One, two or t hr ee char-acters will be arr anged on one line; fo ur characters 0/ 1 twolines.