webgraphed, an open source graph drawing editor for...

webGraphEd, an open source Graph Drawing Editor for the web Josep Ciberta Universitat Oberta de Catalunya [email protected] Robert Claris´o Viladrosa Universitat Oberta de Catalunya [email protected] David Ba˜ neres Besora Universitat Oberta de Catalunya [email protected] June 12, 2014 Abstract webGraphEd is an open source software for graph visualization and manipulation. It is especially designed to work for the web platform through a web browser. The web application has been written in JavaScript and compacted later, which makes it a very lightweight software. There is no need of additional software, and the only requirement is to have an HTML 5 compliant browser. webGraphEd works with scalable vector graphics (SVG), which it makes possible to create lossless graph drawings. These graphs can be done with several predefined layouts: radial, trees and force-directed. Keywords. Visualization tool, graph drawing, web editor, automatic layout, open source. 1 Introduction Nowadays, the information treatment has reached a considerable large amount of data that another ap- proach rather than the traditional one must be used. Even more if complex structures are involved. The need of modelling information and simplicity for ex- tracting patterns, has led to the use of graph draw- ings. Thus, readability and expressiveness of this data is considerably increased. Graphs are mathematical abstractions that repre- sent entities and the relationships between them. It is formed by nodes and links. Nodes represent different elements, whereas links represent relations between elements. Typically, graph drawings are depicted by a set of dots (representing vertices) and solid lines (representing edges). Graph theory is a subject of study in discrete mathematics. Layout consists in calculating the position of dif- ferent objects in a space according to various con- straints. In graph drawing, it is the process of cal- culating the position of the nodes and how the links between them will be drawn. However, when design- ing a graph, a variety of aesthetic criteria are also taken into account (readability, planarity, cross min- imization, space...). Graph drawings are largely used as a form of representation in a wide range of fields. Its util- ity lies in its simplicity showing a knowledge that, otherwise, would be difficult to illustrate. As the use of graph drawings becomes more popular, their size also grows. Thus, many different methods have been developed that can draw graphs automatically, most of them fully customizable, even aesthetically. Along with this development, several programming libraries have emerged containing implementations of these algorithms. Furthermore, they also incorporate other techniques in order to explore graphs, make searches... Application fields in graph visualization have been spread out as well, increasing the number of areas progressively. Moreover, the emergence of Internet’s web applications has caused in this field a great in- terest for scientific community. 1

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webGraphEd, an open source Graph Drawing Editor for the web

Josep CibertaUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya

[email protected]

Robert Clariso ViladrosaUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya

[email protected]

David Baneres BesoraUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya

[email protected]

June 12, 2014


webGraphEd is an open source software for graph visualization and manipulation. It is especiallydesigned to work for the web platform through a web browser. The web application has been written inJavaScript and compacted later, which makes it a very lightweight software. There is no need of additionalsoftware, and the only requirement is to have an HTML 5 compliant browser. webGraphEd works withscalable vector graphics (SVG), which it makes possible to create lossless graph drawings. These graphscan be done with several predefined layouts: radial, trees and force-directed.

Keywords. Visualization tool, graph drawing, web editor, automatic layout, open source.

1 Introduction

Nowadays, the information treatment has reached aconsiderable large amount of data that another ap-proach rather than the traditional one must be used.Even more if complex structures are involved. Theneed of modelling information and simplicity for ex-tracting patterns, has led to the use of graph draw-ings. Thus, readability and expressiveness of thisdata is considerably increased.

Graphs are mathematical abstractions that repre-sent entities and the relationships between them. It isformed by nodes and links. Nodes represent differentelements, whereas links represent relations betweenelements. Typically, graph drawings are depicted bya set of dots (representing vertices) and solid lines(representing edges). Graph theory is a subject ofstudy in discrete mathematics.

Layout consists in calculating the position of dif-ferent objects in a space according to various con-straints. In graph drawing, it is the process of cal-culating the position of the nodes and how the links

between them will be drawn. However, when design-ing a graph, a variety of aesthetic criteria are alsotaken into account (readability, planarity, cross min-imization, space...).

Graph drawings are largely used as a form ofrepresentation in a wide range of fields. Its util-ity lies in its simplicity showing a knowledge that,otherwise, would be difficult to illustrate. As theuse of graph drawings becomes more popular, theirsize also grows. Thus, many different methods havebeen developed that can draw graphs automatically,most of them fully customizable, even aesthetically.Along with this development, several programminglibraries have emerged containing implementations ofthese algorithms. Furthermore, they also incorporateother techniques in order to explore graphs, makesearches...

Application fields in graph visualization have beenspread out as well, increasing the number of areasprogressively. Moreover, the emergence of Internet’sweb applications has caused in this field a great in-terest for scientific community.


The objective of this paper is to present an opensource software for graph visualization and manipu-lation called webGraphEd. In Section 2, a review ofthe main layouts and graph drawing types is depicted.The state of the art of the main web libraries and ap-plications libraries and applications is presented insection 3. In Section 4 the new web tool and its fea-tures are described. The architecture is described insection 5 and the implementation in section 6. Sec-tion 7 shows the results of the conducted research.Finally, section 8 gives the conclusions and futurework.

2 Main Layouts and GraphDrawing Types

Several different graph drawing designs have ap-peared in order to satisfy the growing demand. Thesenew designs require, sometimes, new layout methods.Several classifications have been done in this area [1][2]. Most of these layout types are related to someparticular algorithm, especially those that produceautomatic layouts. In this section, a brief summaryof the main layout types is presented (table 1).

Type Subtype

Tree layout H-TreeHV-Tree

Radial layout Radial viewBalloon view

Tree mapHierarchicalOrthogonalForce-directed3D layout Radial view

Cone treeHyperbolic Layout

Table 1: Main graph layout types

One of the most common graph drawings are treesconsisting in a node (called root node) which is con-nected to other nodes, and these others are connectedto other new nodes and so successively without cre-

Figure 1: Tree1

ating cycles, that is a graph where any vertex is con-nected to anyone else by one simple path. Althoughnot always the representation is as expected (figure1), it matches with the definition: simple undirectedgraphs that are connected and has no cycles. In thesecases, the layout is critical to appreciate several fea-tures (root node, children...). Some of the layouttechniques are described in [3]. A binary tree (fig-ure 2) is a special case of tree in which each node hasat most two child nodes (denoted as left and rightchildren).

Figure 2: Binary tree2

Layout techniques are described by Wetherell andShannon [4], also by Reingold and Tilford [5]. Succes-sive refinements have been made by many other au-thors. Even, new representation forms have brought





out: H-Tree [6] (figure 3) and HV-Tree layout [7] (fig-ure 4).

Figure 3: H-Tree layout3

Figure 4: HV-Tree layout4

Radial layouts are another kind of graph layouttype. They present different variations. The mostcommon is the radial view [8] shown in figure 5, wherefrom a centred root, branches spread out successivelyin several circles until they reach the leaves. Thesecircles indicate the different depth levels. The bal-loon view [9] (figure 6), although it is similar to theprevious one, depicts one important difference: ev-ery new subtree becomes the centre of a new radialgraph.

Tree maps (figure 7) are a kind of layout whereeach node is presented as a nested box inside another


af/H_tree.svg4Extracted from the GOBLIN graph library (http:



Figure 5: Radial view layout5

Figure 6: Balloon layout6

one depending on its level. The area of the outlinedrectangle is significant.

Hierarchical layouts (figure 8) are directed graphswhere nodes are distributed along different layersforming horizontal levels. One of the first techniqueswas proposed by Sugiyama, Tagawa and Toda [10].Like other cases, subsequent refinements have beendone.

In orthogonal layouts (figure 9) every edge isaligned to the axis. These kind of graphs try toachieve the maximum planarity, minimizing the num-ber of crossings and bends [11].

Force-directed layouts (figure 10) can be viewedas a system of nodes with forces interacting betweenthem. The algorithm looks for such a configurationof forces in order to balance the whole system [7].





Figure 7: Tree map layout7

Figure 8: Hierarchical layout8

Figure 9: Orthogonal layout9


8b/Tree_Map.png8Figure extracted from yFiles Online Demos (http:


demos.html)9Figure extracted from yFiles Online Demos (http:



Figure 10: Force-directed layout10

Figure 11: 3D radial layout11

In 3D layouts an extra dimension is added. There-fore, there is more space to represent large graphs,increasing scalability. On the other hand, new de-picting problems appears as some objects could oc-clude others. Changing properties like transparencyor interactive methods like modifying perspective aresome of the techniques to work out this problem. Thesimplest layout is the 3D version of the radial layout(figure 11). Another is the cone tree [12] (figure 12),but in this case some kind of interaction is necessaryto show the hidden elements.

Finally, hyperbolic layouts [13] [14] (figure 13) area graph layout which is closely related to its interac-tion. The geometry used here is radically different.First, the layout is realized in the hyperbolic spaceand then is visualized in the Euclidean space.

11Extracted from the GEOMI documentation10http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/




Figure 12: Cone tree layout12

Figure 13: Hyperbolic view of a tree in 3D13

3 State of the art

3.1 Preliminaries

The DOM (Document Object Model) [15, 16, 17] isa multi-platform and language-independent interfacewhich allows to access HTML and XHTML docu-ments by its representation as nested objects. Theseobjects are organized in a tree where the documentis the root, and all the elements of the document canbe accessed through objects’ methods.

With the fifth version of HTML language, two newelements came up: the canvas and the svg element.Both can be embedded in HTML pages in order toenhance websites.

The canvas [18] element allows to create and ma-nipulate 2D and 3D (WebGL [19]) images at the pixel

12Extracted from the GEOMI documentation13Figure generated through h3.exe from http://graphics.


level. However, it is not possible to browse within thiselements with DOM objects.

SVG [20, 21] stands for Scalable Vector Graphicsand it is used to define vector-based graphics. AllSVG elements are embedded as DOM elements andtherefore, can be browsed through the HTML docu-ment.

With the increase of the web usage in many ar-eas, there have also appeared libraries for visualizingand interacting with graph drawings. But the biggestincrease in libraries and web applications happenedafter the development of version 5 of HTML, withthese new elements described before. Most of theselibraries rely on the SVG element due to its advan-tages in contrast with the canvas element such a loss-less zoom in and out, and the capacity of being em-bedded into the document object model.

The state of the art of these libraries and appli-cations will be described, including a review of somerelevant desktop applications with the most remark-able features. Finally, a summary of these featureswill be depicted in several tables. Only tools that areable to perform layouts have been take into account.

3.2 Desktop libraries and applications

This kind of software has evolved from single graphlibraries, where just a few types of simple diagramswere supported, to complex libraries allowing the cre-ation of automated graph drawing layouts. The com-putational model used within the libraries has alsoevolved from small pieces of software running in spe-cific platforms to frameworks or environments able torun in current desktop clients or even on the cloud.A review of the most popular desktop applications isnext presented.

Graphviz [22] [23] is a collection of tools for thevisualization and manipulation of abstract graphs.Different types of graph layouts through a C library,command line utilities, GUI tools and web browsertools are implemented. It is composed by two mainlibraries: Libgraph and Dinagraph. Libgraph fo-cuses on static layouts while Dinagraph deals withincremental and interactive layouts. A variant of theSugiyama algorithm to make it more aesthetic is usedfor layered layouts. Two models are used for sym-


metrical layouts: the Kamda-Kawai spring layout al-gorithm and a Fruchterman-Reingold extension. AnEades-based algorithm implementation is used for ra-dial layouts. There are two layout tools [24]: Dot(successor of DAG) for directed graphs drawings andNeato for non-directed ones. The main goal is tomake good diagrams with reasonable size and ableto scale properly. Graphviz is used in software en-gineering, bioinformatics applications, web applica-tions, among others. Most of the implementation iswritten in C, but there are also implementations writ-ten in C++ and Java. The software is released underthe Eclipse Public License (EPL).

Tom Sawyer Software [25] is a commercial prod-uct for producing layouts and visualization of graphdrawings used by many companies, software vendorsand educational institutions. The product is dividedinto two tools: Tom Sawyer Layout (formerly GraphLayout Toolkit) and Tom Sawyer Visualization (for-merly Graph Editor Toolkit). Layouts supported inTom Sawyer Layout are circular, hierarchical, orthog-onal and symmetric. The product is available for sev-eral desktop platforms (Windows, Linux, Apple, So-laris) with C++, Java, ActiveX and .NET editions.

JViews [26] is a commercial component suite inJava made by the ILOG company (absorbed by IBM,in January 2009). The framework is easily integratedinto third party applications. One of the most impor-tant components is the graph drawing layout module.It has a great variety of layouts: mesh, spring, force-directed, tree, radial, hierarchical, bus, circular, grid,orthogonal and nested.

yFiles [27] is another graph drawing visualizationsoftware that performs automatic layouts. It is de-signed as a Java library with a commercial license.One of the priorities is to keep a flexible and ex-tensible architecture. The library consists of threecomponents that cooperate mutually: the yFiles Ba-sic Component containing the classes, data structuresand algorithms, a viewer/editor component that con-tains an intuitive and easy to use graph drawing edi-tor (yEd), and the yFiles Component Layout contain-ing a multitude of layouts. The software uses severallayout types: circular-radial layout; orthogonal lay-out, following the Tamassia approach; force-directedlayout, layered layout following the Sugiyama ap-

proach with different alternatives (this technique isalso used by GraphViz); and tree layout, a variantof the Reingold-Tilford approach. The graph draw-ing supported formats are ygf (own), GraphML andGML, and also drawing can also be exported to SVGand PDF. There is also a version for the web (de-scribed further).

Cytoscape [28] [29] is a general purpose environ-ment for graph visualization which was originally de-signed for working on biomolecular networks. Cy-toscape components provide the basic functionalityfor integrating arbitrary data, representing it visu-ally, selecting and filtering it, and even link it withother software through an interface implemented asplug-ins. The data in the graph drawing is integratedthrough attributes and annotations representing a hi-erarchical classification. Regarding the layout, it sup-ports a variety of automatic layouts (spring, hierar-chical, circular...). The software is written in Javaand the license is LGPL although some algorithmsuse the commercial yFiles graphics library. The soft-ware also facilitates the use of plug-ins, in order toimplement new algorithms or carry out new graphanalysis among other things. There is no restric-tion when adding plug-ins, they may have differentlicenses, even commercial. It has a powerful API,which allows to create additional features that theycan be distributed through its own store, the Cy-toscape App Store.

Prefuse [30] is a framework for creating dynamic vi-sualizations through structured or unstructured dataoffered as an extensible toolkit. It allows abstrac-tions to filter data before being displayed and thenperforms several actions on the display (transforma-tions, layouts, colors...). It also implements a greatvariety of layouts: tree-maps, cone trees, perspectivewalls, starfield displays, hyperbolic trees, DOI (De-gree Of Interest) trees, space trees, force-directed, ra-dial, among others. Prefuse is written in Java usingJava2D graphics library and it is distributed underopen source license.

JGraphX [31] is a library written in Java for graphdrawing visualization. It has been create primar-ily with the Java Swing components. This libraryhas an open source license, the 3-clause BSD license.However, the web library version, which is called mx-


Graph and described further, is released under a com-mercial license.

Goblin [32] is an application written in C++ andTcl/Tk for displaying and manipulating graph draw-ings. It has a graphical interface, an API and Tcl/Tkprogramming interface. Supported layouts are: tree,orthogonal, hierarchical and force-directed, besidesdifferent graph optimizations for the most knowntechniques. This software is distributed under GNUGPL.

H3Viewer [33] is a graph library that supports in-teractive navigation in graph drawings up to a fewhundred of thousand edges through an adaptive algo-rithm that ensures a specific frame rate. The layoutand navigation occur in a hyperbolic space which eas-ily allows changing the point of interest. H3Viewermotivation’s is that other libraries do not scale prop-erly in a large number of nodes and edges, especiallyin automatic layouts. This library achieves an inter-active navigation in large graph drawings through theuse of a spanning tree, which fits properly with treesand directed acyclic graphs. The layout technique de-pends, not on the total number of nodes and edges,but on the visible ones. The algorithm implementa-tion is a loop where it starts drawing from the centreof the sphere heading around until time runs out, inorder to ensure a specific frame rate. The library isavailable for SGI, Linux and Windows released underthe SGI licence (free for non commercial use).

Geomi [34, 35] is a software for the analysis andvisualization of graph drawings, specialized in 3Dlayouts. It is composed of three main components:network analysis, layout engine and a component forinteractions. Over this layer, a multitude of plug-ins can be integrated. Three-dimensional supportedlayouts are: hierarchical, radial, cone-tree and clus-tered. The software is written in Java and releasedunder the LGPL license.

3.3 Web libraries

Protovis [36] is a library for graph visualization onthe web. It uses JavaScript and the SVG elementto display those graphs, which means that it doesnot need any special plug-in (just a modern browser).The library is open source and is released under the

MIT license. In 2011, its development stopped infavour of the D3 library.

D3 (Data-Driven Documents) [37, 38] is the spir-itual successor of Protovis. It has been written inJavaScript, where data manipulation is done throughselections (a widely used technique used in otherJavaScript libraries that consists on select elementsof a web page in order to modify, append or re-move these items like applying operations on a dataset). Data is specified as arrays of arbitrary data.The library supports event handlers, which it makespossible to create animated transitions, interpolat-ing the current value to a specified value graduallyover the time. It also has different modules, some ofwhich provide chart and histograms shapes, layoutsfor graph drawings (extensible via plug-ins)and in-teraction techniques (behaviour). Applications madewith the library range from real-world applicationsto teaching examples for new users. Like Protovislibrary, D3 is also open source and is released underthe MIT license.

Sigma.js [39] is a lightweight library for display-ing graphs. It also uses HTML canvas and has beenspecially designed to view static graphs interactively,whether data is imported or generated on the fly.However, the development is in a very preliminarystage. The library is open source and distributedunder the MIT license, and it has been written inJavaScript.

Raphael [40] is another reduced-size JavaScript li-brary that simplifies vector graphics creation. Eachgraphical object is an object which can be linked toJavaScript event handlers or modified from code. Thelibrary is released under the MIT license.

yFiles for the web is the web version of yFiles [27].It is available in several technologies: HTML5, Sil-verlight, Flex and AJAX. There are also client andserver versions. Allowed layouts are hierarchical, or-ganic, tree, radial, and orthogonal. It has a commer-cial license.

Flare [41] is an ActionScript (Flash) library cre-ated by the UC Berkeley Visualization Lab. From ba-sic graphs to complex interactive graph drawings canbe created with this tool. It supports data manage-ment, animation and several interaction techniques.Some of the available layouts are tree, force-directed,


indent, radial, circle, dendrograms, bubbles, circlepack, icicle and sunburst. The library is distributedunder the BSD license.

Cytoscape.js [42] is the successor of CytoscapeWeb. Both libraries are the web version of Cy-toscape. In the case of Cytoscape Web had twoversions, one for JavaScript and another for Flex.However, the new library keeps only the JavaScriptversion. Although Cytoscape is an entire desktopplatform (application, libraries, and plugins), Cy-toscape.js is just a library. According to its website:Though Cytoscape.js shares its name with Cytoscape,Cytoscape.js is not exactly the same as Cytoscapedesktop. Cytoscape.js is a JavaScript library for pro-grammers. It is not an app for end-users, and devel-opers need to write code around Cytoscape.js to buildgraphcentric webapps14. This library is distributedunder GNU LGPL version 3.

According to its website mxGraph [43] is the onlyfully client-side JavaScript Graph Visualization andLayout Solution. Available layouts are tree, organicand circle. The library can be used in conjunctionwith Java, .NET or PHP. The mxGraph library islicensed under a standard commercial license.

Table 2 depicts a review of the most relevant fea-tures. It has been taken into account the minimalsize for web libraries, since most of them have beenreduced or compressed. This is an critical featurebecause it increases the performance when loading aweb page.

3.4 Web applications

Tom Sawyer [25] is one of the oldest graph visualiza-tion tools. It has two separated products for graphdrawing visualization: Tom Sawyer Visualization andTom Sawyer Layout. Through the Java platform andworking on several servers it allows the executionof their software on the web as JSP pages. More-over, it is also possible to run the software throughthe .NET platform, creating ASP.NET pages. TomSawyer software is distributed under a commerciallicense.

14Cytoscape.js & Cytoscape section. http://cytoscape.


Graphity [44] is a free graph editor made with theyFiles for Flex libraries. Allowed layouts are hierar-chical, organic, tree, radial, and orthogonal.

Draw.io [45] is a web application realized with thecommercial mxGraph library developed by the com-pany JGraph. It has a Google Apps look and feel andit can work directly with some cloud services (GoogleDrive and Dropbox). Available layouts are tree, or-ganic and circle. Although the mxGraph library is li-censed under a standard commercial license, Draw.iocan be used freely.

DAGitty [46, 47] is a tool for drawing and analysingcasual directed acyclic graphs (DAG). It is a specificpurpose application and does not have many features.There is only one layout available, and it is not welldefined. DAGitty is available under the GNU GPLlicense.

On the other hand, there is also some applicationsthat allow graph and diagram creation like Gliffy [48],LucidChart [49] or Creately [50]; but they are notable to perform any layout.

In table 3 a brief description of the main featuresis listed, likewise as in previous table, except the size,which is not available.

4 Application

In the previous section, the state of the art of li-braries and tools for graph drawing visualization andmanipulation have been described. The developmentof the HTML version 5 has caused the emergence ofmany web libraries, including some of them especiallydesigned for graph drawing visualization and manip-ulation. Among these last ones, there are also anincrease of the open source libraries.

However, in the case of web applications, this isa very virgin field. Although some commercial ap-plications are found, which they usually have a freeaccess to use them, there is a complete lack of gen-eral purpose open source applications. webGraphEdattempts to fill this gap. Another important pointis the absence of use of open file formats, especiallyfor graph drawings. Most of this applications havetheir own file format, which in most of the cases, it isunknown to the end user. This is a considerably con-


Library Version Size Year Language/Environment License

Cytoscape.js 2.0.4 216 Kb 2013 Flex, JavaScript Open Source. LGPLD3.js 3.3.11 146 Kb 2013 JavaScript Open Source. BSDFlare 2009.01.24 1.2 Mb 2009 ActionScript Open Source. BSDmxGraph N/A 2014 JavaScript CommercialProtovis 3.3.1 1.3 Mb 2011 JavaScript Open Source. BSDRaphael 2.1.2 91 Kb 2012 JavaScript Open Source. MITsigma.js 1.0.2 109 Kb 2014 JavaScript Open Source. MITyFiles 1.1/2.3/1.8/2.1 N/A 2014 HTML5, Silverlight, Flex, AJAX Commercial

Table 2: Web libraries summary

Application Version Year Language/Environment License

Tom Sawyer 9.2 2011 ASP.Net, JSP CommercialGraphity 2.10 2012 Flex CommercialDraw.io N/A 2014 JavaScript CommercialDAGitty 2.1 2014 JavaScript Open Source. GPL

Table 3: Web applications summary

straint to the interoperability between applications.

The aim of the application is to be able to creategraphs drawings, lay out and manipulate them, witha friendly interface. All of these in a open sourcelightweight application (currently, less than 650 KB)with the capacity to be embedded into a web page.webGraphEd is designed to be intuitive and easy touse for end user, containing basic editing and visual-izing functionalities. In addition to these basic fea-tures, some others are implemented as well like layoutdetection and several graph formats support.

The chosen license has been the GNU GPL version3. A copyleft license is a must and version 3 is themost suitable because it is compatible with BSD li-cense (3-clause), Apache License 2.0 and MIT license,in order to use properly the required libraries.

4.1 Features

The most basic features for graph drawing visual-ization and manipulation have been implemented inwebGraphEd. A brief description of all these featuresis shown below.

• Detection of graph drawing type [7] (connectedand disconnected graphs, cyclic and acyclicgraphs, trees and binary trees).

• An extensible variety of layouts. Currently, hor-

izontal tree, vertical tree, radial tree and force-directed layouts are available.

• Ability to draw a graph with a fixed layout algo-rithm, depending on its type. For instance, fora cyclic graph drawing or an acyclic non-tree,only force-directed layout is available since or-thogonal and hierarchical layouts are not imple-mented yet, but for a binary tree, all kind of treelayouts are also available.

• The application recognizes the main graph for-mats and it is capable of importing and export-ing them considering the most relevant featuresof these formats. The supported graph formatsare GML (Graph Modelling Language) [51] andGraphML [52], although the totality of the fea-tures of those notations are not implemented.

• The basic actions are:

– Pan and zoom.

– Drag and drop nodes as well as links.

– Select and unselect nodes and links.

– Add and remove nodes and links.

– Change basic properties of nodes (shapeand color) and links (thickness and color).

– Center layout when the nodes are movedfreely, except for force-directed layout,which is always centred due to its own grav-ity.


• The advanced actions are:

– Change layout algorithm on the fly.

– Collapse and uncollapse nodes.

– Fit layout to the available screen, in orderto give more space and readability to thegraph drawing.

The application can also be embedded into a webpage. The graph being drawn can be referred in twodifferent ways: embedding into the URL or indicatingthe URL where the file is located.

5 Architecture

The developed application have been designed in 3layers (figure 14): core, layout manager and user in-terface. The goal is to abstract the full functionalityencapsulating them into different layers, allowing adifferent approach for a specific layer if it is neces-sary.

The core layer implements the kernel of the appli-cation, containing the most basic functions, internalgraph drawing and data structures, the import andexport modules, and several utilities related to mathscalculations, DOM and JSON.

Above it is the layout manager, which links to thegraphics libraries (in this case D3) through a welldefined interface, in order not to rely exclusively ona single library. It chooses the most suitable layoutfor every graph drawing.

Finally, the user interface layer is the top layer. Itis in charge of the aspect of visualization, includingthe GUI, manipulation and interaction tools, proper-ties and behaviour.

6 Implementation

webGraphEd is fully implemented in JavaScript [53,54], which means that the application is executed onthe client. Among the different client-side languages,like Java applets or ActionScript, JavaScript is themost widely used, most compliant with browsers andthe code is interpreted, so the code can be browsed.This does not mean that JavaScript applications areopen source, but they are close.

Figure 14: webGraphEd’s architecture

Although in JavaScript there are no classes (butobjects), an OOP [55] approach has been used. Thus,different functionalities from distinct layers have beenencapsulated properly. A Test Driven Development[56] methodology have also been used, and a large listof unitary tests have been written.

Several libraries are used, which all of them areopen source with their respective licenses and theyare further described. The documentation of thewhole application has been done with JsDoc [57],which provides a comprehensible HTML help for de-velopers. With the aim to reduce the code size,and therefore increase the application’s performance,compression tools have also been used. JavaScriptcode is reduced with the Closure Compiler [58], whichoptimizes and verifies the code as well. The cascadestyle sheets (CSS) have been compressed with theYUI Compressor [59].

A local copy of the libraries is used in order toprevent side effects, such a server downfall, locationchanges, or even behavioural changes (new versions,deprecated functionalities...)

6.1 External libraries

Several external libraries have been used in order toimplement the different layers. These libraries arenext described and every one is employed in a specificlayer.

At the core layer two libraries have been used.The jQuery library [60] is a general purpose library.It allows to keep your application independent from


Library Version License

D3 3.4.6 BSDClosure N/A Apache 2.0QUnit 1.12.0 MITJQuery 2.1.0 MITJQuery Impromptu 5.2.3 MIT

Table 4: Library licences

browsers among other features, such as a powerfulAPI or an easier manipulation of HTML elements.The library used for unit testing has been the QUnitlibrary [61], from the same authors of jQuery. Li-brary’s choice has been made by its simplicity. Thelow-level development of the application has beenclosely linked to the unit tests. QUnit is distributedunder the same jQuery license, the MIT license.

The application’s main library is found at the lay-out manager, the graphical library D3.js [37, 38],which is aforementioned in section 3.

A widely used library in the interface layer is theClosure Library [62], developed and maintained byGoogle. This library is part of the Closure Tools,containing, in addition to the library, a JavaScriptoptimizer and other related utilities. All graphicssuch as menus and dialogs are performed with thislibrary. It is distributed under the Apache 2.0 li-cense. An additional library used at this level is thejQuery Impromptu [63]. Due to some limitations ofthe Closure library, jQuery Impromptu has been usedfor a richer dialogs, which requires some outputs tobe different from the standard ones.

A brief summary of the used libraries in the appli-cation is shown in table 4.

7 Results

In this section, qualitative and quantitative data havebeen analysed. Several layouts, distribution and spa-tial organization, layout readability and aestheticalparameters like colour and shape have been analysedas a qualitative data. Quantitative data has been fo-cused basically on compatibility and response timesin order to assess the application performance.

7.1 Quantitative data

First of all, compatibility among browsers have beenverified. The most common actions have beenchecked for the most popular browsers. Althoughthere are some cross-platform browsers, tests havebeen done in a Windows 7 environment, since themost browsers have an implementation for this oper-ating system. The latest versions of these browsershave been used:

• Google Chrome 35.0

• Mozilla Firefox 29.0

• Internet Explorer 11

• Safari 5.1.7

• Opera 22.0

In table 5, the compatibility for the most commonactions is shown for several browsers. Safari doesnot support local file handling, although the latestversion is from 2012. Moreover, Internet Explorerlets drag parts of the graph outside the SVG element.Even the force-directed layout is partially drawn outof the bounds when the simulation is still going on.

Another qualitative data analysed has been thetime, especially load times and execution times for a30 nodes graph drawing. Table 6 depicts these times.Data has been retrieved from a Dell Inspiron 15 (In-tel Pentium T4500 2.30 GHz) running a Windows 7operating system.

Application load time is a critical point. It re-lies on two main parameters, the server where theweb application is allocated (response time, band-width, ...)and the optimization of the application.webGraphEd has been optimized and compacted withthe Closure Compiler, and thus, the load time per-formance has been improved.

Nevertheless, some dramatic differences are ob-served such as the excessive time for loading a filein Internet Explorer. Regarding the layout execu-tion, the Safari browser is slightly faster than Chromeand Opera (these two do not have many differences,as they are based on the same web browser engine,Blink). On average, the less favourable times are forInternet Explorer.

Scalability of the web application have also beentested, through a comparative of the execution time


Action Chrome Firefox Explorer Safari Opera

Graph drawingPan & zoom yes yes yes yes yesAdd node yes yes yes yes yesDrag & drop yes yes yes yes yesHide node yes yes yes yes yesLink node yes yes yes yes yesNode’s properties yes yes yes yes yes

OthersOpen file yes yes yes no yesSave file yes yes yes no yesDialog yes yes yes yes yes

Table 5: Browser compatibility

Action Chrome Firefox Explorer Safari Opera

Load timesApplication load time 3.3 4.0 3.9 4.3 3.9File load time 0.012 0.015 0.072 N/A 0.029

Execution timesHorizontal tree 0.03-0.04 0.05-0.06 0.05-0.08 0.02-0.03 0.03-0.05Vertical tree 0.03-0.04 0.05-0.06 0.05-0.08 0.02-0.03 0.03-0.05Radial tree 0.03-0.04 0.07-0.08 0.05-0.08 0.02-0.03 0.03-0.05Force-directed 0.01-0.03 0.02-0.03 0.02-0.04 0.01-0.02 0.01-0.03

Table 6: Load and execution times


of different layouts depending on the number ofnodes. Table 7 shows these results of this compar-ative, where the values are in seconds. The force-directed layout has better execution times because itis executed in two steps: first, it locates all the nodesin a not well defined position; and then the simula-tion of the forces begins, which takes longer times.In the case of 5000 nodes, the simulation never stops,because it enters in an infinite iteration. However,the time of the simulation depends on several factorsthat can be customized, such as gravity, distance be-tween nodes, force and charge [64].

It is also observed that the progression of layoutexecution time is linear, proportionally to the numberof nodes. Figure 15 outlines the temporal relationshipwith regard to the number of nodes for each layout.

Figure 15: Layout execution time

7.2 Qualitative data

Currently, the application has 4 different imple-mented layouts, though 3 of them are trees. Nonethe-less, a great variety of graph typologies can be il-lustrated. Figure 16 depicts a vertical layout for 30nodes while figure 17 shows a force-directed layoutwith 50 nodes.

Another implemented features that can be cus-tomized are colour and shape for nodes, and colourand thickness for links. Figure 18 shows a radial lay-out with several customized nodes and links.

Readability has been improved with functions likecenter and fit, which lays out the graph according thescreen boundaries.

Figure 16: webGraphEd vertical layout

Figure 17: webGraphEd force-directed layout

Figure 18: webGraphEd radial layout

8 Conclusions

A new web graph editor has been presented is thispaper. One of the most goals has been to create aneasy to use application, with a friendly user interface.In this early version, the major relevant features havebeen highlighted and the available layouts have beendescribed. Several performance test have been car-


Nodes 50 500 1000 2000 5000

File load time 0.02 0.076 0.28 1.067 8.712Layout execution time

Horizontal tree 0.053 0.537 1.072 2.413 6.744Vertical tree 0.047 0.488 1.169 2.204 6.45Radial tree 0.058 0.473 1.167 3.279 15.887Force-directed 0.075 0.174 0.268 0.503 1.589

End of simulation 5.047 15.895 29.032 57.37 N/A

Table 7: Scalability of the application

ried out, including scalability, as well.

This is an ongoing project, and new features areforeseen. Available layouts can be increased, even ifthey are not implemented by the D3 library, throughthe own layout engine. Support to more graph for-mats such as DOT [65], GXL (Graph Exchange Lan-guage) [66] and GraphXML [67] would be also conve-nient. Moreover, new forms of interaction and miss-ing actions, like enlarging nodes, more shapes andcustomising links are planned.


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