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ALLOCCO Una palla di piume arruffate, due fessure per occhi, morbidezza e calore nelle mani. Che emozione salvare quel piccolo uccello! . BROWN OWL A bowl of ruffled feathers, two fissures as eyes, softness and warmth in our hands . How exciting to have saved that little bird! BATTELLO Non un semplice mezzo di trasporto tra le isole della laguna, piuttosto una metafora del viaggio che stiamo facendo e di quelli che faremo.

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ALLOCCO Una palla di piume arruffate, due fessure per occhi, morbidezza e calore nelle mani.Che emozione salvare quel piccolo uccello!



A bowl of ruffled feathers, two fissures as eyes, softness and warmth in our hands . How exciting to have saved that little bird!

BATTELLONon un semplice mezzo di trasporto tra le isole della laguna, piuttosto una metafora del viaggio che stiamo facendo e di quelli che faremo.

STEAM BOATNot just a simple way of transport among the Lagoon islands but a metaphor of our life's journey: the journey we are going on now and the journeys we'll be making in the future.

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CANZONESopra di noi un arcobaleno di note musicali per cantare tutti insieme: “Si, noi siamo diversi, ma anche simili. Siamo ragazzi e ragazze che vivono e si amano sotto lo stesso cielo”.

SONGOver us a rainbow of music notes to sing together: “Yes, we are different but we are similar as well. We are boys and girls living and loving under the same sky”.


Divertimento è stato stare insieme, mescolare le lingue scivolando nell’insensato e giocare tra ragazzi e ragazze.

FUNIt’s fun to have been all together, boys and girls, mixing different languages and

cultures, sliding in the nonsense and playing joyfully.


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Tu chiamale se vuoi emozioni:il primo volo lontano da casa, essere accolti in nuove famiglie, la vicinanza alla natura, alla sua ricchezza e varietà, la paura e il piacere di mettersi in gioco.

EMOTİONSIf you like, call them emotions:The first flight far from home, being welcomed in a new family, the closeness to nature and its richness and variety, the fear and the pleasure to get involved.

FAMILLE Famille est un mot fort Que ce soit un ami, un étranger,Tous appartiennent à une famille.Des liens furent tissés chaque jour de notre voyage,Une famille naissait et grandissait,Nous appartenant désormais à plusieurs familles toutes différentes; tant par leur composition que par leurs liens, Cependant, toutes ces relations sont des plus importantes.

FAMILYFamily is a strong word,

Which is a friend, a foreigner?All belong to a family.Links has been forged everyday of our trip,A family was born and grew up,We belong to many families, all different;As by their composition as by theirs links,

However in all, the relations are the most important.

GELİNCİKGelincik kelimesi bana siyah ve kırmızı rengin aşkını hatırlatır. Bütün gelincikler çok güzeldir. Ben kendimi küçük bir gelincik gibi hissediyorum. Gelincikler çirkin ördek yavrusu gibilerdir. Gelincikler küçükken  yeşil ve çirkinlerdir ama büyüdükleri zaman kırmızı yapraklara sahip güzel çiçeklere dönüşürler. Gelincikler çok narindir. Bence bütün bebekler gelinciklere benziyor. WEASEL

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The word of weasel reminds me love of colours of black and red colour. All weasels are very beautiful. I feel  like a little weasel. Weasels are like ugly little ducks. When weasels are small  , they are ugly and green  but  when they are grown up, weasels turn into  nice flowers having red leaves. Weasels are very delicate. I think  all babies look like weasels.

Ğ Sorry…no word starts with ğ


Öğretmen = professore(ssa)professeur = teacher

Öğretmen , OK. And Öğret women ?!

HALLUCINANTCe que nous avons vécu,Durant cette semaine,Fut pour moi,Quelque chose de fantastique,Je n’avais jamais ressenti une chose pareille,Avoir un tel attachement pour nos correspondants,En si peu de temps : c’était Incredible!Une Aventure Unique !Nous étions dans une ambiance Harmonieuse!

UNFORGETABLEWhat we have experienced,During this week, Was for me,A fantastic thing,

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I have never felt this special feeling,Have a strong attachment for our pen friend,In a short time: it was incredible!A single adventure...We were in a great environment.

ISLAK ALANIslak alan kelimesini duyduğumda Kızılırmak Deltası’nı ve hayalimi hatırlarım. Delta nemden dolayı yağış alan ve yerlerin ıslak olduğu bir yerdir. Kuşlar ihtiyaçlarını bu ıslak alandan karşılarlar. Kuşların bu alanlarda yaptıklarını izlemek oldukça zevkli. Islak alanlarda temizlenir ve su içerler. Özellikle temizlendikten sonra üzerlerindeki suları sıçratırlar. Bu alanlar kuruduğunda tekrar yağmur yağıyor ve deltada yaşam devam ediyor.WETLANDWhen I heard the word of wetland ,I

remember the Kızılırmak Delta and my dream. Due to wetness , the delta is a place where it takes rain and the ground is wet. Birds get their necessities from this wetland. It is very enjoyable to watch what birds do in this areas. They clean themselves and drink waters in wetlands. Especially after they clean themselves they spring water to each other. When these lands dry , it rains again and life continues at the delta.

IDEETante e diverse idee che come bolle colorate dalle nostre teste sono volate nel cielo blu del nostro Progetto e noi le abbiamo raccolte e ora sono qui per voi tutti.

IDEASSo many and different ideas like colored bubbles from our heads have flown in the blue sky of our Project and we have gathered them and here they are for you all.

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JOYAUXDans ce voyage, le Delta Kizilirmak est un vrai joyaux de la nature, toute cette biodiversité de la faune et de la flore concentré en un même lieu donnent des paysages époustouflants. Le silence et la présence des oiseaux apaisaient le lieu. Nous étions en accord avec la nature, nous oublierons jamais cette visite.

JEWELSDuring this travel, the Kizilirmak Delta it’s the most smiling place, so unique and truth-breaking that I can call it a "jewel". All the faune and florewere so diverse and amazing that I can't set the landscapes out of my mind. It was quiet but at the same time the presence of the wind made that place come to life. We felt as me with nature and will never forget that visite.

KUŞKuş kelimesini duyduğumuzda, Kızılırmak Deltasını ve hayalimi hatırlarım. Delta, çok sakin hissettiğimiz ve hiç gürültünün olmadığı pek çok kuş olan güvenli bir yer. Daha önce hiç bu kadar kuşu bir arada görmedik. Hepsi özgür. Onların farklı yerlere gitmelerini ve keşfetmelerini engelleyen hiçbir engel yok. Onları izlemek bizi özgürlük hissiyle uçmaya itiyor. Renkli tüyleri ve kanatları olan kuşlar olmak istiyoruz. Kuşların ve insanların bir olduğu bir dünya olabilir.


When we heard the word of bird, I remember Kızılırmak Delta and my dream. The delta is a safe place you can feel quite calm and there is no noise. We have never seen many birds that live together. They are free. No boundries can prevent them from going places and discovering every country. Watching them makes us want to fly away with them

feeling of freedom. We desire to be birds which have colourful feathers and wings. It would be a world where birds and men would be one.


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Quand nous fermons nos yeux , Nous imaginons les oiseaux, les animaux de cette lagune.Sa couleur avec le reflet du soleil, nous fait penser à un diamant,Où se reflete le gris des nuages.

LAGOONWhen we close our eyes , We imagine birds, animals on the lagoon.Its color, with the sunshine, makes us think of silverWhere the grey of the clouds reflect.

MERNous sommes allés de la mer Méditerranée à la mer Noire Nous avons quitté notre continent qui est le continent européen,Pour rejoindre nos correspondants qui vivent sur le continent asiatique. Un désir impatient et une joie inexplicable

SEAWe went to the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea, We left our French country,To rejoin our pain friends who live in the Asian country.We felt an unlikely desire and an inexplicable joy.

NEHİRNehir kelimesi bana yaşadığım şehir Samsun’dan denize dökülen Kızılırmak nehrini hatırlatır. Türkiye topraklarından doğarak yine Türkiye topraklarından denize dökülen en uzun nehirdir. Bu nehir sayesinde oluşan Kızılırmak Deltası eşine az rastlanır ölçüde biyolojik çeşitliliğe

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sahiptir. Bu da bizim birçok canlı çeşidini tanımamızı ve yaşam alanlarını görmemizi sağlar.


The word of river reminds me the River Kızılırmak river which flows to the Black Sea through Samsun where I live in. It is the longest river which springs , passes and reaches the sea in Turkey. The Kızılırmak Delta which is consisted of the river Kızılırmak , has a rich and rare biological diversity. This facts allows us to recognize and meet them in their habitats.

ORNITHOLOGIE Nous avons eu la chance d'avoir touché le plumage de ces oiseaux si différents les uns des autres venant chacun d'horizons différents, durant notre voyage en Turquie. Nous avons appris que la Turquie n'était qu'une étape dans leur long voyage. Cette expérience nous prouve encore une fois qu'on ne peut se fier aux apparences. Ils paraissent si frêles et si fragiles qu'on ne peut se douter de cette incroyable force qui leur permet de parcourir des milliers de kilomètres.


We were lucky enough to touch the colorful feathers of these different birds coming from different horizons, during our stay in Turkey. We learnt that Turkey was just a stop in their long journey.This experience showed us once again that we can't judge a book by its cover. They look so freil and fragile that we can't imagine the strength it takes them to get to their final destination.

ÖRDEKKızılırmak deltasında da gördüğümüz sevimli ,paytak yürüyüşleriyle ördekler , büyük küçük çeşitleriyle ilgimi çekti.Yaşam alanları ve özgür olmaları beni büyüledi. Bulundukları kareyi çekmekten kendimi alıkoyamadım. Ördekleri izlemek yaşam alanlarıyla uyumlarını görmek

bizim için büyük bir zevk ve mutluluktu.


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The cute , ducks with their knock-kneed walking which we saw in the Kızılırmak Delta attracted my attention with varieties of large and small. Their habitats and freedom fascinated me a lot. I couldn’t stop taking the photo of their magnificent panoroma. It was a great pleasure and happiness for us to observe ducks and to see their accordance with their habitats.

PROJETL’envie de parcourir le monde à la découverte de ses Nombreux trésors, Tels que les cultures, les paysages, la nourriture, et le plus importants, les gens, Ceux qui transmettent leurs connaissances,Cette passion pour l’inconnu m’a poussée dans le projet Comenius, Et ainsi faire partager mes découvertes.


The desire to travel through the world to discover their many treasures,Like the cultures, the landscapes, the food, and the most important the people,Who transmit their knowledge,This passion for the unknown led me in the Comenius Project.And make share my discoveries.

QUAI Quelle beauté ! Que nous avons du quitter!Quand nous étions alignés comme des quilles !A côté de ce quai qui avait une si belle histoireA nous conter !

WHARFWhat beauty! That we had to leave! When we was aligned as keel! By side it which have a beautiful story To tell us

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RİFLESSİONEUsa la fantasia, usa la tua immaginazione : rifletti su ciò che la natura ti offre. Immagina posti fantastici , villaggi pacifici, boschi e siepi, sentieri da percorrere, traguardi da raggiungere.

REFLECTIONUse your fantasy, use your imagination: reflect on what nature offers you. Imagine fantastic places, peaceful villages , woods and hedges, paths to cross and goals to achieve.

SÜLÜNSülün kelimesini duyduğumda,Samsun’u

hatırlıyorum.Çünkü,Samsun’un belli noktalarında sülün heykelleri var.Sülünlerin asil hayvanlar olduğunu düşünüyorum.Çünkü,uzun kuyrukları, parlak ve renkli tüyleri var.Ama sesleri çok rahatsız edici. Her şeye rağmen,bir sülün olmak isterdim.

PHEASANTWhen I hear the word of phesant, I remember Samsun .Because ,there are some statues

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of pheasants in certain parts of Samsun. I think , pheasant are noble animals . Because , they have long tails, bright and colorfull feathers.But their singing is very disturbins.İn spite of everything , I wish I were a phesant.

ŞAHİNŞahin kelimesini duyduğumda, Kızılırmak Deltasını ve birçok vahşi kuşu hatırlarım.Onlar özgürdürler.Şahin deltada yaşayan vahşi kuşlardan biridirO gökyüzünde özgürce uçarken ben de onunla uçmak isterim. Çünkü o istediği gibi uçar ve her zaman gökyüzüne hakimdir.Daima dünyanın doğal dengesini korurlar.Bu yüzden şahinler doğal denge için önemlidirler.Keşke biz onların üzerine bir gün binebilsek.


When I hear word of hawk, I remember the Kızılırmak Delta and a lot of wild birds.They are free.Hawk is one of the wild birds living in the delta.When it fliesin the sky freely, I want to fly with it.Because it flies in the sky us it wishes and it is always the ruler of the sky.They always protect the natural balance of the world.So hawks are important for natural balance.We wish we can ride on them one day…

TERRAUn pezzo di prato, quanti fiori, colori, suoni, forme di vita. Perché non far fiorire tutta la terra?

LAND, EARTHA bit of a meadow: so many flowers, colours, sounds, life forms. Why not

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UNIONChaque voyage nous unissait toujours plus, Ce mot a pour nous un aspect symbolique:Par la chaleur des familles, On s'y sent chez soi.Même l'école devenait un plaisir,L'union de la force nous empêchait de partir.

UNIONEvery trip we united more and more,This word has for us a symbolic aspect:For the heat families, We felt at home.Even the school began a pleasure,The unit of the force we prevented to leave.

ÜREMEÜreme ile yeni canlılar oluşur ve üreme canlı yaşamının devam edebilmesi için önemli bir faktördür. Biz canlıların olmadığı bir dünya hayal edemeyiz. Onlar adeta dünyanın renkleri ve biyoçeşitliliğidir.

BREEDINGBreeding, is an important factor for the living can continue to live. New species of breeding and breeding is an important factor in continuation of living things. We cannot imagine a world without livings. They’re almost the colours and biodiversity of the world.


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Verde come un prato fiorito, come un bosco, come uno stagno ricco di vita, come un campo di frumento in primavera, come un fiume che arriva al mare, come un ramarro sopra una roccia, come un quadrifoglio che porta fortuna!

GREENGreen like a field full of flowers, like a wood, like a pond rich in life, like a wheat field in spring, like a river that flows into the sea, like a green lizard on a rock, like a four-leaved clover that brings luck!


les oiseaux les oiseaux

(fourche) fusion des clavicules

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squelette thoracique rigueurs de voler.

vol voeu voile

WISHBONEWishbone is a forked bone found in birds and some other animals, and is formed by the fusion of the two clavicles. In birds, its primary function is in the strengthening of the thoracic skeleton to withstand the rigors of flight

XENOPHILE Grâce à ce voyage, je suis devenu xénophile, mon regard sur le monde s'est agrandi. Le mélange de culture et de tradition est fascinant et très intéressant. Se comprendre sans parler la même langue, accueillir des gens inconnus les bras ouvert; cela m'a ouvert au monde, d'où la xénophilie.

XÉNOPHILEThanks to this trip, I turned into a xenophile. Indeed, my take on the world evolved. The intertwining of culture and customs is fascinating and very interesting. Being able to understand each other without speaking the same Mother's tongue and being welcomed with open arms widened my horizons, hence the choice of the word xenophilia.



Yeşil kelimesini duyduğumda,ormanları ve tazeliği hatırlarım.Yeşil renk,dünya üzerinde en çok bulunan renklerden birisidir.Bana göre yeşil hayatın yenilenmesini anlatıyor.Kızılırmak deltası oldukça yeşil.Bu insanlara enerji veriyor.Çevremizde hep yeşil ve dinginliğe sahip olabilmeyi diliyorum.


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GREENWhen I hear the word of green,I remember forests and freshness. Green colour is one of the most abundant colours on earth.According to me,green describes renewal of life . The Kızılırmak Delta is quite green.This gives people energy.I always wish greens and calmness in our enviroment.

ZOOLo zoo che abbiamo visto era trıste,perche’ le gabbie erano molto piccole e al loro interno non era riprodotto il loro habıtat,molti di essi erano stanchı o tristı. Per una vita migliore bisognerebbe dar loro piu’ spazio e privacy. Le gabbıe erano sporche e c’era molta puzza. Una bella cosa di questo zoo era la sua biodiversita’, c’erano animali provenienti da tutto il mondo come i leoni e i babbuini. Abbiamo apprezzato molto questa varieta’ di specie perché senza la biodiversita’ la vita sulla terra non esisterebbe.


The zoo we visited iwasn’t beautiful because the cages were really small and what’s more it is not their natural habitat.The animals were really tired and crazy.Because they were extremely restless.For a better life they need to more place and intimity.The cages were really dirty and gritty.A good thing about the zoo was biodiversity.There were animal coming from all over the world such as lions from Africa, bears from North America or from East Europa and baboons from East Africa.We really enjoyed seeing all those species because without biodiversity, life on earth would be impossible.