webcast: using outcome-based selling to achieve better sales success

Using Outcome-Based Selling to Achieve Better Sales Success TOM PISELLO, Chairman & Founder Blog: http://tompiselloroiguy.blogspot.com/ Twitter: @tpisello http://www.alinean.com http://www.fightfrugalnomics.com Powering B2B sales to economic buyers

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Post on 22-Apr-2015




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Over the past few years, buyers have been inflicted with a condition known as Frugalnomics, where B2B buyers require significant ROI, fast payback and superior value from each investment they make. It is often easier for these buyers to do-nothing, than to change.How can help today's more skeptical and frugal buyer realize that there is a cost of doing nothing and facilitate stalled sales cycle?In this webinar we will discuss ways you can fight Frugalnomics, and answer the following important sales enablement questions: How can you better connect with and engage today's economic-focused buyer? How can you convince buyers that there is a cost of doing nothing? When you have a proposed solution, how can you best provide economic justification and prove ROI? How can you differentiate your value from the competition?At the end of this webinar you will be provided with several real world examples and links that can help shorten sales cycles, recover stalled deals, reduce discounting and improve competitive advantage.


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Using Outcome-Based Selling to Achieve

Better Sales Success

TOM PISELLO, Chairman & Founder

Blog: http://tompiselloroiguy.blogspot.com/

Twitter: @tpisello



Powering B2B sales to economic buyers

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A New Buyer Requires New Strategy & Tactics


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Less Discretionary Budget up for Grabs in 2012,

But Opportunity Exists

Determined potential impact through other adopters and built a business

Budget was taken from another line item after need was established/clear

Budget was determined post multiple bids

Budget was allocated as part of a larger line item once need was established

Budget for project was approved and allocated during beginning of the year






Demand Creation Specialists B2B Buyer Survey - 2011

Sales needs to proactively help facilitate buyer’s realization that:

1. A need exists and it is a priority

2. If opportunity is not addressed it has a cost

3. If opportunity addressed = tangible and significant financial and competitive reward

4. A viable proposed solution is available w/ significant ROI and fast payback

5. The proposed solution represents a good value vs. competitions

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Buyer’s Decision Process Significantly Changed

Fewer internal team members provided their input into decision process

Relied more on live customer feedback/recommendations

More internal team members provided their input into decision process

Did more detailed analysis of costs/ROI of solution before finalizing the process

Utilized a wider variety of sources to research options

Took more time to research and consider solutions







Multiple Responses Allowed

Demand Creation Specialists B2B Buyer Survey - 2011

Match and facilitate buyer’s decision process:

1. Deliver content to help buyer’s adequately research opportunities and solutions,

2. Provide financial justification and business case tools to prove return on investment


3. Provide live customer testimonials and advocate communities to help buyers learn from

peers the best way to solve opportunities with the proposed solutions.

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B2B Buyers: It’s All About the Benjamins

Focus on Lowest Purchase Price

vs. Best Value

Focus on Total Cost of Ownership

can help facilitate better decision

Source: The Considered Purchase Decision What Matters, What Doesn’t And What It

Means For B2B Marketing and Sales by TriComB2B / University of Dayton School of

Business Administration http://www.cmo.com/conversion/purchase-survey-finds-price-


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Buyers are Economic-Focused

• Size

Longer Sales Cycles

Reduced Deal Size More Leads to Close Same

Amount of Business

Stalled Deals

Increased Competition More Stakeholders

Executive Scrutiny

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Unfortunately, Product / Solution Selling Still Reigns

Forrester Sales Enablement Forum- 2011

Sales Recognizes Issue as Well:

26% of BtoB sales reps surveyed cited “inability to communicate value

messages” as the number one inhibitor to achieving quota - SiriusDecisions

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Fight Frugalnomics™ with Value Selling & Marketing

Value Focus


• Prescriptive & Quantified

• Discover… Is customer

aware of issue?

• Diagnose… How bad is it?

• Quantify … Value of change

• Compare … Value vs. Status

Quo / Competition

Drive: Diagnostic Led: What

is issue & value of change?

Product Focus


• Customer knows issue

• Tie features / functions to needs

• Compares product alternatives

• Feature • Function • Price

Drive: Sales Led: Product


Solution Focus


• Customer knows issues &

desired outcome

• Questions to discover pain


• Recommend solution to

solve pain

Drive: Sales Led: Pain-Point



Provider Trusted Advisor Vendor

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Facilitating the Buyer’s Journey w/ Interactive Sales &

Marketing Tools


Interactive White Papers

Diagnostic Assessment Tools

ROI Analysis Tools TCO Comparison Tools

Create awareness

around a new problem

Align problem with

business issues; drive


Help buyer

identify needs in solving

the problem

Align solution

with specific sets of

business needs

Make the business case

for change

Validate/ reinforce choice

Prove best value

Loosening of the

status quo

Committing to change

Exploring possible solutions

Committing to a


Justifying the


Making the selection

Content Marketing & Sales Enablement Strategy



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Case Study: Microsoft Simple-to-Save


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Microsoft Simple-to-Save Cost Savings Analysis


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Quick Savings Analysis

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Few Data Points to Estimate Savings

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Overview of Results

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Capability & Maturity Benchmarks

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IT & Business Savings

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Savings Details

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Review & Customize Results

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Roadmap Recommendations

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White Paper Reports

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PPT Report

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Case Studies: OfficeMax ProForma


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Proactive Profiling to Generate Provocative Savings Reports

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Profile + Research = Savings Opportunity

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Select Scope of Proposed Services

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Quantifying the Cost of Doing Nothing

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Estimate Savings Potential

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Compelling Savings From Enterprise Programs

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Urgency via “Speed to Savings”

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Word and PPT Report Options

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Tool Development Process & Benefits


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Typical Development Project

• Demand-Gen – Week 1: Kickoff

– Week 2: Initial Prototype Spreadsheet

– Week 3: 2nd Prototype Spreadsheet

– Week 4: Initial Tool Alpha

– Week 5: Initial Tool Beta

– Week 6: Initial Tool Pilot

– Week 8: Final

• Sales Enablement – Week 1: Kickoff

– Week 2: Initial Prototype Spreadsheet

– Week 3: 2nd Prototype Spreadsheet

– Week 5: Initial Tool Alpha

– Week 7: Initial Tool Beta

– Week 8: Initial Tool Pilot

– Week 10: Final

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What is Required of You and Your Team?

• Collect and Provide Prior Art:

– Benefit statements

– Benefit / ROI white papers

– Spreadsheet or other tools

– ROI / Benefit oriented case studies

• Create Tool Development / Review Team

– Marketing/ sales enablement usually leads project

– ROI subject matter expert(s)

– Enterprise sales representation

– Channel sales representation

– Pilot review team (select customers / partners)

• Participation

– Weekly meeting

– Weekly review

– Alpha, Beta & Pilot review

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Facilitating the Buyer’s Journey w/ Interactive Sales &

Marketing Tools


Interactive White Papers

Diagnostic Assessment Tools

ROI Analysis Tools TCO Comparison Tools

Create awareness

around a new problem

Align problem with

business issues; drive


Help buyer

identify needs in solving

the problem

Align solution

with specific sets of

business needs

Make the business case

for change

Validate/ reinforce choice

Prove best value

Loosening of the

status quo

Committing to change

Exploring possible solutions

Committing to a


Justifying the


Making the selection

Content Marketing & Sales Enablement Strategy



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Connect higher in organization & speak language of economic buyers / CFOs

Break through the noise with value add / personalized content

Elevate relationships from vendor to trusted advisor

Convert 240% more prospects to sales than other programs Increase the competitive success rate of proposals by over


Prove more value, lower costs and competitive advantages

Automate development of personalized assessments and business case proposals

Reduce proposal time from days to hours Reduce sales cycles by 20-30%

Drive 50% more leads / connections compared to other initiatives

Reduce discounting and increase deal size by 20%

Engage on value vs. feature / function / price

Increase the credibility and acceptance of proposals by 100%

Deliver credibility with research and 3rd party validation

Convert existing Excel sales tools into on-line interactive applications with no programming

SaaS delivery Self-authoring for shared workload

Develop sales tools with lower TCO

Enable all direct and channel sales teams with a scalable sales /marketing tool suite.

Collect customer data, track and drive usage

Standardize and centralize value selling / marketing efforts

Convert 240% more prospects to sales than other programs Increase the competitive success rate of proposals by over


Value of Alinean Business Value Selling / Marketing Tools

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Next Steps

1. Your Sales & Marketing Ready to Do Business with Frugal Buyers? Take this Diagnostic Assessment to Find Out.

2. Research White Paper: Sales Enablement and the Economic Buyer

3. Over 200% ROI from a Value Selling Program Sound Impossible? Find Out for Yourself

4. Why Alinean? Alinean Vendor Profile (SiriusDecisions)

Alinean powered tools can significantly upgrade the quality of sales interactions

throughout the buying process, allowing prospects to drive at the beginning

through simpler, self-service tools and sales to provide greater depth as the buying

process proceeds – SiriusDecisions 2010


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Thank You!
