web viewquestion: nsw police officer ... (with his hand held radar gun) ... began to copy worgl the...


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Page 1: Web viewQuestion: nsw police officer ... (with his hand held radar gun) ... began to copy Worgl the Austrian Central Bank stepped in and killed this exercise in true private

Radio Show Notes


8.00 - 8.05 - Welcome to the show

8.05 - 8.15 - Intro and e-mails

8.20 - 8.25 - 2 songs

8.25 - 8.45 – Interview with Owen Godfrey

8.45 - 8.50 - 2 songs

8.50 - 9.00 - Answer questions

9.00 - 9.20 mins –Interview with Owen Godfrey

9.20 - 9.25- 2 songs

9.25 - 9.35 – Seminar details

9.35 - 9.40 - 1 song

9.40 - 9.55 – Sponsors, Facebook group, plug websites, CLRG, donations etc.

9.55 - 10.00 - 1 Song

Total - 2 hours


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Good evening everyone and welcome to the Know Your Rights show streaming live on the internet on RAT FM. Our show is now proudly sponsored by WebGate IT Solutions - stretching your IT dollar further. If you are looking for any IT experts please contact the guys at www.webgate.net.au

My name is Mike and I'm joined again this week by Brenton.

(Introduce Brenton - they say Hi)

As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that they do informing and educating the motoring public about their rights. And, in conjunction with a number of different groups, we have now formed the new Know Your Rights group and we are committed to finding new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what is really going on in the world. We would especially like to thank John, who runs RAT FM for this great opportunity to do these broadcasts over his new digital radio network.

This is now our 30th official broadcast and we would like to welcome any new listeners to the show and extend a very warm welcome back all our regular listeners as well.

For those of you who are new to our show and our website, you will find a copy of all of our previous broadcasts on our Radio Show page – http://www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/radio-show/ - and you can access those podcasts completely free of charge.

Those podcasts include a wide range of topics and interviews and cover things like: unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal tax is voluntary and the fact that the ATO is not a legal entity and the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution. So there's lots of great information up on-line now for all listeners – new and old alike - to refer to in case you have missed anything or want a refresh on a topic we have previously covered.

Brenton asks - "So Mike, just remind our listeners again what the purpose of these broadcasts is all about".


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As always, the point of these broadcasts is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. It still amazes and concerns me how many people are still brainwashed by the government propaganda about things like speeding fines - "Speed Kills" and "Every K over is a killer", people who still don't see that 9/11 was an inside job or understand the fraud that is perpetrated by the banking elite every day.

And, once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we want to give people strategies and techniques for taking action against these injustices and helping to set things right again.

So, in order to achieve that outcome, we do these broadcasts every week on Tuesday night between 8 and 10pm and we would love to receive listener's feedback and any questions they may have or suggestions for topics they would like us to cover via e-mail at [email protected] or feel free to sms us at 0412 711 755 or call us on (03) 9017 5093.

I want to kick this week’s show off with a long but very powerful e- that one of our members or listeners sent through last week because it raises some very interesting points.

Read out e-mail

So, there’s some more info for you to think about as we go into our first break and, as always, we welcome your feedback and comments on that e-mail during the course of our upcoming break.

When we come back from the break, we will again be addressing a number of your Facebook posts and questions . So, as always, if you have any friends or family members that may not have tuned in yet, jump on the phone or post a message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an e-mail and remind them that our show is on live, right now, in case they forgot.

Tell them to go to our website and click the Radio Show tab and listen in - or they can even listen on their mobile device now via Tune In as well. We're going to play a couple of songs now to give you a chance to do that and we will be back with our responses to your Facebook questions and posts shortly.

Play 2 songs

Go through Facebook questions

Play 2 songs


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Go through Facebook questions.

Play 2 songs

As I mentioned on last week’s show, we recently ran our Sydney seminar and we had another great turnout as well as some really positive feedback. Once again, we had some people saying that some of the points that we covered were a bit too complex whilst others said that some things were a bit too basic. Again, this tells us that we have found a very good balance between the basic info that we start with – that caters to pure beginners in this area – right through to the more advanced topics and strategies that we talk about – which obviously caters to our more advanced attendees.

There was also a lot of discussion over the course of that weekend about setting up and conducting some comprehensive and intense, two day workshops that would give far more detailed information, as well as many more specific strategies for dealing with the police, how to interact with the ATO and handling yourself in court.

Our goal is to work on those in the middle of the year and then do a tour of the country after July, running those advanced workshops so, please be sure to join our Know Your Rights mailing list – via the link on the lower left hand side of any of our web pages – and we will keep you informed of that progress as it happens.

Given the feedback that we have received from our recent seminars, as well as the interest shown in other parts of the country, we have now locked in our next two seminars, which will be in Perth on the 28th of March and then we will be back in Melbourne with our newly updated and revised seminar on the 18th of April.

We haven’t selected venues yet but we hope to have the Perth one locked in within the week and the Melbourne one in the following week or so after that. Again, once we have confirmed that information, we will let everyone know.

Just a reminder that we have been slowly but surely taking on the feedback and suggestions from each of the seminars that we have conducted and we have edited our presentation slightly each time and we know for a fact that our current 64 page workbook will grow to about 70 pages before we conduct our next few seminars.


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This means that even those who attended our first seminar in Melbourne will be getting a lot of extra information, over and above what we originally presented, because of all the changes that we made. And, remember that anyone that repeats one of our seminars gets a full 50 % discount. We really want to get this information out to the masses and, now that we’ve established a really good balance between basic, introductory information – to cater to people completely new to all of this – as well as expanding on our more advanced information as well – to cater to those who have been studying this info for some time – we believe we have a seminar that is well suited to people across the board and we want to see a minimum of 100 people at our Melbourne seminar so please start spreading the word now. These seminars are getting some great feedback, as I mentioned, and we are incorporating new information into each and every one that we do. You can read testimonials from previous attendees, as well as viewing actual video testimonials that a few people left for us on our Seminar page – www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/seminar

That page also covers all the different topics that we speak about at our seminars, including: how to successfully challenge unjust and unlawful fines, why the ATO is not a legal entity and why personal tax is voluntary, how the Commonwealth Constitution really does affect us every day and how to use it to your advantage, understanding how we have been subjected to private law for many years now and how to bring courts back into Common Law jurisdiction, the distinction between you and your Strawman and how to use that distinction to your benefit, how to set up a private foundation and the importance of operating in the private rather than in the public and a whole lot more!

Finally, we would like remind people that Darryl and I have also spoken about the importance of getting this information into the minds of young people as much as possible so that they can start learning all the things that we now know in our 40s and 50s at a much earlier age. So, we do urge you to bring your teenagers along to any of our upcoming seminars with you.

Hopefully this will show people how serious we are about getting this message out there and how important it is for young people to start seeing the world differently, not the way they have brainwashed into seeing it from the current education system. If nothing else, it should be a great way for them to start seriously questioning things and finding answers that sit with them, rather than just being told what to do by someone in power – now, who thinks that makes sense!


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Okay, so we need to go to another quick break and while we do that, please be sure to jump onto our Seminar page and either book your ticket for our upcoming Perth or Melbourne seminars or pass the details of our seminars onto one or two other people who you think might, or should, be interested in attending one of our seminars. If you could do just one of those things during the next break, that would be very much appreciated.

Play 1 song

Okay, so, as I explained at the start of tonight’s show, it is great to see that people are listening in live and given us their feedback and, more importantly, it is great to hear that people are starting to actually use our information and take action.

So, that’s what I want to focus on as we finish this week’s show – taking action, As I have said a few times before, you can start small if you like – register your interest in our local government class action, which you can do via www.localgovernmentclassaction.com and just let us know that you would be interested in taking part in a class action against local councils and heir ridiculous, ever increasing rates and parking fines schemes. Let’s return these agencies back to the role of State departments – where they belong – not out lawlessly acting as a third tier of government and supposedly writing their own by-laws which they have no Constitutional right to do.

Go to our Local Government page and download the flyer relevant to your State and send it off with the cover letter that you can also download from that page to your local MP and see if they can answer those few simple questions.

Join up as a Facebook Member and help us spread the word on social media. We have just reached 4,300 Members on the Know Your Rights Facebook group and the Aussie Speeding Fines group has just over 6,000 members. Be sure to share posts that we put up there with other on your own page and through other groups that you may also be a part of.

Contact the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines and ask them to send you out some cards and stickers and help them spread the word too. We are currently in the process of designing some business cards and stickers for the Know Your Rights group and, as soon as we have those ready, we will let everyone know.

Then, if you want to do even more, sign up for the Aussie Speeding Fines e-book, watch the Strawman videos and research that concept on-line. Order your tickets for our upcoming seminars and speak to the guys at Operate in the Private about setting up a private foundation – take some new action to make


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2015 your year rather than just another year of money grabbing and control by the powers-that be.

The guys at Aussie Speeding Fines have asked me to quickly mention their affiliate program again. So, just very quickly, if you go to their website www.Aussiespeedingfines.com you will find an affiliate link and if you join their affiliate program you can actually earn a full 33% commission on every single member that you refer to them.

So, if you joined up as an e-book member and then referred just three people who, in turn, also joined up as e-book members, then your e-book membership would, essentially, be free. This is a really great way to help out your fellow motorists, by directing them towards information that is going to educate and inform them about their rights and also earn a great little income on the side.

If anyone has a large database or a website that gets a lot of hits then this is a great opportunity to help them spread the word and make some serious cash as well. As I said before, in my view, every man or woman who travels in an automobile should have a copy of the Aussie Speeding Fines e-book in their glovebox – it’s just that simple.

Make full use of all the information that is already on our website and the ASF website too - there is a ton of free information available, people can access and download all of our podcasts, the ASF site has probably even more free info than ours does. The point is that there is a wealth of information available and it is all easily accessible on just 2 websites – you just need to actually access it, learn it and then use it!

Now, speaking of podcasts, we have had a number of people ask if it is possible to get copies of the podcasts on CD so, guess what, that’s what we have done now.

We have burnt and printed a number of twin CD packs and those packs contain 2 CDs that have all 25 of our current podcasts on them in an mp3 format. Most modern CD players will play those files directly from those CDs, otherwise, you can upload them to your iphone or tablet if you like as well.

It is important to note that these are the fully edited podcasts that have had all the music removed so it’s just the pure 1 and a half hours or so of straight content from each podcast, which equates to about 40 hours worth of content on those 2 CDs. This CDs span 7 months worth of Membership, which would usually cost around $140 but, as a trial, we are offering the limited number of those CD packs that we’ve had made up for just $39.95 + $2.45 P&H.


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If you would like to order one of those packs then please use the link near the top of our Radio Show page to place your order and we will get them straight out to you.

As I have mentioned a few times before, we are always looking at new ways of generating some cash flow to ensure that we can continue running these weekly radio shows right throughout the year and organising some great guest speakers as well – such as Darryl and Owen Godfrey, who we had on a few weeks ago and last week. We also need to continue researching for our shows and so that we can also update our website with the latest, cutting edge information and strategies for learning about and standing up for your rights.

Again, we welcome anyone who would like to help sponsor our show or provide prizes that we could give away to our listeners to please contact us and, those who like to get involved with RAT FM as a whole, please e-mail John directly at [email protected] so he can fill you in on the finer details.

We'd like to remind everyone listening that our goal here with these broadcasts is to inform and educate people as to what is really going on in the world and to help people to really "wake up" to the truth that is all around them that they are either blinded or conditioned from seeing.

One of the great sites that we have found recently is the Wake up the Sheep website which can be found at www.wakeupthesheep.com They have a number of important stories from around the globe that we simply do not hear about here through our local media and many of them cover topics that people here really should be aware of.

One of the challenges that we have is that everyone is at different levels in regards to how "awake" they are or, once they are truly awake, how much they actually know about a particular topic.

So, the Know Your Rights Group was put together to create a one-stop website for people to come to regarding some of the most popular topics and we are looking to expand the amount of basic, introductory information that we have on that website and then, once people have their heads around those various topics, they can then go onto dedicated websites such as Aussie Speeding Fines, CLRG and the soon to be developed Bank Secrets Revealed sites to find our more specific detailed information about these various topics.


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Also, we are slowly but surely building up a regular base of listeners for the Know Your Rights show and we will be doing more research and hopefully talking to some new people about all kinds of topics that concern our freedoms and Constitutional rights so be sure to block off your Tuesday nights between 8 and 10pm and, if you can't listen in live for some reason, be sure to check for our podcasts which will now be uploaded each week so you can listen in to all your favourite parts of the show.

As I say each week, these shows don't write themselves, it takes about 4 hours or more each week to prepare for each 2 hour show. We have to research the content and put it all together in a format that flows and makes sense. We do this in addition to trying it upload new information to our website each week or so and, as anyone who is involved in web design knows, there is a fair bit of work involved in setting up and constantly updating a website - writing the content, uploading that, constantly making little changes here and there etc. and this all costs time and money.

So, if you enjoy these broadcasts and appreciate all the new information that we keep adding to our Know Your Rights website then please help us out by making a donation via the link on our Home page.

Also, if anyone has any related events, meetings, rallies, seminars or anything like that, please let us know here at RAT FM or via the Know Your Rights Group website and we will gladly promote any relevant events during our show and even get you live on air to discuss them.

We're going to finish off tonight by reminding everyone that, as always, nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice and we recommend that listeners do their own, independent research into all of the topics we discussed and we recommend websites such as:

www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.auwww.aussiespeedingfines.com www.banksecretsrevealed.com.au

And finally, just before we go, don't forget to listen in to the other great shows that RATFM now has on air.

Monday nights now feature Alternative and Indie rock with Drop D between 8 and 10pm. Tomorrow night from 8 til 10 is the Glass Off which is a great surfing show with Lonza and also from 8 til midnight on Thursday for the heavy metal show, Disaster Zone with The General and Dr Death.


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And, last but not least, stay tuned in because coming up next is the Dave and Ronx show which is sure be a bit of fun with the boys coming up in just a few minutes.

Sign Off.


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TangataAttendance (from Latin Attendere "to direct the attention, to give notice") is when a man or woman is present in the court room, without admitting, accepting or agreeing to being under the jurisdiction of the court in order to settle some controversy or dispute. 1. The private bar guild- forever obsessed in trickery via words – often use the word “appear” as the term for describing when a man or woman is present in a court room. The word appear comes from Latin appear meaning “to be seen, to show oneself and to wait/serve upon an official”. As no Divine Immortal Spirit having perfected their Ecclesiastical notices can be lawfully subjected to the inferior laws of the private bar guild, the correct term is attendance, to clear up a matter, not appearance.2. The sole reason for attendance: It is true that if one does not attend court, then under the perverse rules of the private bar guild, such non-attendance will be viewed as admission of guilt and delinquency permitting the court to proceed with the matter on the basis that you are incompetent at standing on your own.

Council :

GlenAnother drama with local council and need your advice. My boundary fence which borders a public pedestrian lane blew down in a storm and my insurance company refused to accept the claim stating fence not maintained. That part of the story is going before an ombudsman.My grief is the council won't pay for half the cost of repair which I am paying while my insurance claim fight gets finalized.Council argue the laneway is not owned by them as it is a public access but the council maintain it by removing rubbish and weeds.I get the usual run around and have had enough of the nothing to do with us fob offs.I need to know how to prove the Council has liability for half the cost of the fence.Thanks

Matt Looks like a new job for me due to untreated rainwater collection legislation. i had to apologise to the client for laughing about it when she told me. Apparently we cannot go willy nilly collecting rainwater anymore without compiling to this new legislation which entails getting the roof and gutters cleaned every 3 months and erection of signs about the dangers of drinking the water. They have had their water tested and it is of good drinking quality There is no town water to a large amount of properties and maybe their onto a winner here seeing as how nothing at all can live without water . This sort of legislation


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obviously takes a high costing university degree and an office in a high-rise to think up.

Police: Suz

I have decided to buy a notebook and write down: date/time/location/ comments, every time I see "monkeys in the bushes" (cops and speed radars by the side of the road). I'll write "I confirm I was definitely going under 60, so if I get a speeding fine, I'm going to court". I have a suspicion, last time I was going under 60 but I got a fine saying I was going 68! So I'm going to keep record from now. No more cheating me! And if I was speeding, then I'll write that down for my own sanity haha

SteveI was travelling over a crest in a 50km zone and for a brief time I did 80 and at that time a red highway patrol was coming the other way I knew I was done but I turned off and got away then I seen him with his disco lights on looking for me anyway can he still fine me

RNBQuestion: nsw police officer detects you allegedly (with his hand held radar gun) speeding.. If you ask to see the reading, can he refuse to show you. that's just what happened to me ..I have it all recorded on my phone.Thanks all


AngelHey , I feel a strong desire to learn everything I can about my rights and the law. I'm sick and tired of being bullied by government agencies and hearing horror stories of the little guys being hurt because they don't know how to defend themselves. I want to eventually offer help to other to end this kind of abuse. Where do you suggest I start? I'm looking for the most informative books , videos , authors ect. Any and all guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys.

GlenWe know that people need to stand up for themselves and protect their rights in all aspects when dealing with corporations, agencies etc but in some instances some do not know the required processes involved.


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This lack of knowledge can be exploited by the above mentioned agencies, corporations etc to the uninformed detriment. More people need to learn about the power of affidavits, commercial liens etc and the correct way to empower themselves.In some cases, where allowed, the office of the Ombudsman can help in disputes.The power is with the people...this group is proof of that. Thanks for a great place to learn.

Cayne:There was incident that occurred a month or two back in which the Victorian government said Victorian Police were not state employees and were 'on their own' in the event of any cops being accused of misconduct. Do you know anything about this guys???


Justenis there any defence to red light fines from the fact that I stopped and check if nobody was there (nobody was) and also the fact that it was at a time where there was hardly anybody on the road anyway (5 am on a Sunday)? I got done for running two consecutive lights (stopped at both) was just tired and wanted to get home, i get that I've still broken the law however I'm going to lose my license because of this and i don't feel that the circumstances of the crime fit the punishment. This is in Tasmania

LucyHi! I have 2 toll fines that I'm currently fighting. I responded to the original demand notices with the "General Default" letter and got no reply since I sent it last Oct. Got a SPER Overdue Account Reminder (arrived with only 2 days to reply!) in the mail. What do I do next? Which letter do I send? Or what action do I take?? Anyone had any success or advice to offer? Cheers in advance.

GlenSpeed cameras and speed measuring devices do not lie.The lies are being told by the Government and the Road Safety Departments in the States and Territories.How come the autobahns of Germany where speed is not limited, are one of the safest highways in the world?


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We encountered a speed camera at the mid-section of a steep incline going uphill around a bend on a one way highway. You need to accelerate to get up the incline but there it was waiting to raise revenue in a blatant form from overtaxed taxpayers.You didn't get me but how many did get done and how many people will not challenge the fine and pay to the Government coffers?

AndrewHey guys and girls I need some help. Today my wife and I pulled up to the pharmacy in cairns city with our 4 day old son (who was balling his eyes out and had also kept us awake all night) to go and get some needed items. Anyway with everything that was going on we forgot to put money in the meter. When we came out about 10 minutes later there was a $45 parking infringement on our windscreen. What are my options here? What do I do now?Thanks in advance

KYRGlenn Has anybody had any success getting themselves removed from the electoral roll?

Glennjust finished listening to last nights podcast. Excellent show with the ex cop. So happy they maybe doing a 2 day advanced seminar in Sydney . I was filthy i couldn't make the seminar last Saturday.

GlenYesterday I committed some more civil mischief on an uncooperative slave of the Motor Registery Department.I told the public servant serving me that I was no longer living at my former address and had now become unemployed and homeless with no fixed address so needed to change the registered address to unknown for my car. I was told I needed an address or a garage address to where the vehicle was parked or going to be parked.I then explained the registration plate number was my address as I would be living in my car and would be travelling about looking for some work and could end up anywhere.The superior was summoned and said I cannot do that so I dug my heels in and said show me the law where it states I can't.Security was called and asked me to leave..I hit a nerve I think. Trust me, every customer and staff member looked but it was a laugh knowing they were stumped by their own bureaucracy


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SusanWondering if anyone can give me any information on council rangers?On Friday evening a ranger came to our door. My daughter who is an adult answered the door first. They spoke for about 2 mins before I went out there. The ranger didn't identify himself to me and said to my daughter, is this your mother. The complaint was regarding our rooster who had just starting crowing.We agreed that we would do something about it but he continued to press for exactly when as well as asking irrelevant questions. I refused to answer them telling him it was not his business. He then began questioning us about a cat that was in our front yard. I felt as though he was trying to intimidate us and eventually told him to leave. Well getting to the point, once he had left my daughter then told me he had informed her he was recording the conversation. He did not inform me I was being recorded.Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Colin well I was driving home tonight from Ballarat and a dumb ass cop had his high beam on so I flashed him (lmfao) with my spottie's and he pulled me over what a joke that was he has the same last name as me so he let me go lmfao after I told him he has no right to pull me over for that lol



If you've ever parked at a train station, it's likely your number plate has been written down and scanned by police.

Protective Services Officers, who patrol many of Melbourne's train stations from 6pm to the last service, have also been tasked with scanning station car parks for expired registrations, unpaid fines and arrest warrants.

PSOs are required to have regular chats with commuters - seemingly about innocent subjects, but at the end of the chat the commuter's name and address are recorded and entered into the police database. In 2012 almost 30,000 of those names and addresses were recorded by PSOs.

Commuters have also reported PSOs conducting on-the-spot ID checks of commuters at railway stations.


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In the Austrian town of Worgl between 1932 and 1933 that city council ran its own currency. They issued 5,000 'Free Schillings' of local currency backed by the same amount in Austrian Schillings. That small town built a bridge, improved roads and provided public services and paid for it by charging 1% per month on the 'Free Schillings'. The interest was payable by the person holding the note at the end of the month. Understandably, people got rid of the note so they weren't caught for the 1% per month. They had to pay the 1% if they held the note at the end of each month because if it didn't have a 1% stamp on it the note was self cancelling. Thus, the 'Free Schillings' circulated 463 times creating 5,000 X 463 =2 million in production (whereas the Austrian Schillings circulated only 213 times) The local council was paid 12% per annum on the 'Free Schillings’, i.e., 600 'Free Schillings' and that was used (cost free and debt free) to build the public works. The rotten banks were by-passed. When 300 Austrian communities (understandably) began to copy Worgl the Austrian Central Bank stepped in and killed this exercise in true private enterprise.While the whole world was in the (bank created) throes of the Great Depression Worgl reduced its unemployment by 25% in one year alone.It can be done in any and every town in Australia. The people would be 100% employed, the silver bodgie's promise that "There won't be any child living in poverty by 1990!" would actually become true (no thanks to him or the ALP) and debt financing would be eliminated. P64 - http://api.ning.com/…/HowToScrewYourBank2ndEdLaurenceFHoins…

ColinNo corporation can force their products on you?????? Is it true if so where can i find it in the law?????


RobertSo this is the second time in 2 years I've been booked for doing 7 kms over the speed limit. Both times it was purely because I thought the speed limit was 10 kms higher. So in reality I was fined for going 3 kms under the limit I thought it was. It's really stupid that they can fine you for human error. I have otherwise a perfect driving history for 9 years. Shits me to tears. Last one I got off with a warning coz I wrote them a letter and told them to look at my driving record.


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Dimo1. Keep the paper work flowing!

2. Flood the courts.3. Continue to Adjourn.4. Make them prove their allegations.


The thieves are running a business of corruption, theft, coercion, extortion and fear. I cannot believe what I'm reading... We will seize your property and sell it because you haven't paid me money? That's sounds like the making of organised crime to me....


Hi! I have 2 toll fines that I'm currently fighting. I responded to the original demand notices with the "General Default" letter and got no reply since I sent it last Oct. Got a SPER Overdue Account Reminder (arrived with only 2 days to reply!) in the mail. What do I do next? Which letter do I send? Or what action do I take?? Anyone had any success or advice to offer? Cheers in advance.

AnnaTenix Solutions is delighted to be named the preferred supplier for Parking and Tolling Infringement Notice Processing Services for Brisbane City Council, the biggest Council in the Southern Hemisphere.

Other Facebook GroupsTroy

So I’ve been paying my fines to fines and enforcement for a few years now i rang them up today to see how much i have left and the lady said to me that i finished paying in November 2014 so for the last 3 months I’ve still been paying $50 a week Is it possible for me to get this money back ?

GaryI got pinned this morning for making an illegal right turn into a side street as i was running considerably late for work. It was a residential street with a sign "no right turn between 6:30 - 9 am (i think it is)". I was in bumper to bumper traffic and seen that it was completely safe to make the turn as there was not one oncoming car in the few hundred metres i could see down the road. Made the turn and there was a highway patroller camping there waiting for me. I’d like to appeal it as i am a sensible and safe driver. Could anyone offer any advice here or do i just cop the demerits and pay the fine?


Page 18: Web viewQuestion: nsw police officer ... (with his hand held radar gun) ... began to copy Worgl the Austrian Central Bank stepped in and killed this exercise in true private

MichaelHi all. I am looking for some advice on a problem I have with the local council. They received a complaint that my dog was out of the yard and barking at a lady walking her dog in the street, the council came and took photos of the dog, the fence and scanned the microchip. They also stated that I would be receiving a $200+ fine for her escaping the yard. The only evidence they have is a witness statement from the lady. There is no proof that it was my dog. There are many dogs similar to my dog in the neighbourhood so how can they be sure it was my dog? No council officer laid eyes nor hand on the dog in question while it was out of the yard. I consider that they could have easily mistaken my dog for any number of dogs in the neighbourhood. What should I do? Return the fine un-opened with something written on the envelope? Open the fine and follow the avenues for appeal? Blindly pay the fine?

MatthewAnybody got a link to more information about the Global Estate Trust and the Pope as Executor/Trustee or whatever? Can’t find much w/ Google Preferably not a YouTube link as I read faster than they talk smile emoticonThank you in advance

Getting out of paying fines, rego, feesNathan

Living without a bank account:

For a long time now I have thought of making a documentary about going about my daily life for a year without having a bank account.

It seems the root of all these issues we have is due to banks. There is nowhere it says we need one, so why have one? It is not illegal.

My last work contract stipulated I must have a bank account that they could pay electronically into but what if I didn't have one? Could I sue them for discrimination?

Tolls would be an interesting conversation.Work would be ok, I could get paid via a cash check. I could still use the bank facilities to pay bills etc, I would just pay cash.

I think this is really interesting. It would be fun to see what the ATO made of it too.

Can you think of any other interesting scenarios where not having a bank account but still be fully willing to pay all contractual obligations via cash?


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EllenorG’day could someone help me with a link to a letter to debt collectors to stop contract or them from harassing me I have not receive a letter as yet but they keep on calling me. The letter in the files won’t open once it has been down loaded thank you all for teaching me so much thus far.


Disturbing Facts About The Hospital That You Were Born Inon April 10, 2013 at 1:29 pmPosted In: General, Government, News

Usually run by Religious organizations…In EVERY hospital in EVERY country with a CENTRAL BANK (most of the world), a “public” hospital is also known as a “charitable” hospital. A “charitable” hospital is also known as a “foundling” hospital where children are ABANDONED by their maiden mothers to the State. The children are given away to the state because the mother is considered to be a pauper, and needs help from a third party.This has happened to every single one of us since 1933 … since “The New Deal”, when the international banking interests took control of the United States.Originally a hospital was just a place that offered hospitality or help. They were not what we think of as a hospital today. And, YOUR mom went into a hospital, a “public” hospital; this could have been any where in the WORLD with a central banking system. All “public” or “charitable” hospitals are also known as a “foundling” hospital. All children born in these institutions are considered abandoned and therefore property of the state.What does this mean? This means that a mother goes into the hospital, abandons her child, picks up the child, then “legally” adopts the child (via a LEGAL process, not a LAWFUL process), the state becomes the guardian over the child’s estate and administrates over the child’s estate, until they are 18 years of age. At age 18 the child should be able to take over administrative authority, but cannot because the child never takes responsibility for his estate, his property, or even for his own LIFE! And because administrative authority is never claimed, the state continues to administrate over the Man or Woman for the REST of their LIFE.Foundling children.

The entire system is probate, but the REAL administrative authority is what WE think is the COURT system here in America … the Merchant of Law in the USA, The Department of Justice.The Department of Justice is not a system of Law, it is a system of Commerce. The Department of Justice, has administrative authority over YOU and


Page 20: Web viewQuestion: nsw police officer ... (with his hand held radar gun) ... began to copy Worgl the Austrian Central Bank stepped in and killed this exercise in true private

EVERYONE that has been born since 1933.Every MAN, WOMAN, and CHILD born since 1933 is considered to be an ORPHAN! That orphan lives in a House called Congress. And that house has rules, that you must follow.Your ass is literally OWNED by the government from birth! Are you going to continue to tolerate this?