file · web viewpage number actually .jpg number. pg005. they say thaf there aren't...

page number actually .jpg number pg005 They say thaf there aren't any people in this world who are better off dead then alive but that's not true at all There are so many on this planet who would be better off dead like the ones currently under my feet (cap)Chapter 109 - pg007 But on the other hand there are also tons of people who we have to keep alive What are you trying to say? pg008 I want us to fight together pg009 Haaaaahahahahahahhahaha pg010 Hahahahaha Is... everything okay

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Page 1: file · Web viewpage number actually .jpg number. pg005. They say thaf there aren't any people in this world who are better off dead then alive. but that's not true at all

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They say thaf there aren't any people in this world who are better off dead then alive

but that's not true at all

There are so many on this planet who would be better off dead

like the ones currently under my feet

(cap)Chapter 109 -


But on the other hand

there are also tons of people who we have to keep alive

What are you trying to say?


I want us to fight together





Is... everything okay


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so, was that everything the Lincoln told you?


I see...

...I figured as much from the information Ishigami left me

But after having it said so bluntly to me I just had to laugh at my own stupidity

To think that the countless crimes I've committed have all been for nothing, that it actually helped the Humanoids

...Is almost admirably laughable

But you know


It was because I was so blind that Ishigami could successfully thwart the Humanoids

Which is why I have come to accept my foolishness...




It must have been hard for you to tell me all of that without hiding anything

pg013 wasn't that big a deal...

Another cup?

Uh, sure...

What's wrong?

There's one thing I don't really get...

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I've been wondering what the Lincoln meant by obeying Juda and Ishigami...

I mean, it's not exactly something you can listen to

So how does he even go about "obeying" something like that


By obeying yourself

of course


Even though he was a Humanoid, the Lincoln had doubts about the other Humanoids' plans

and because you came back, those doubts finally put him into action

By thinking for himself, he realized that he was following Ishigami's words

Not what he should be doing as a Humanoid

But what he himself wants to do


What he wants to do...

Which is why he gave you the task

to kill the Deus Ex Machina

...So that means


That means?

That the Lincoln wwnted to become human after all...


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Miss Yurianne...

You okay?

...I'm totally

not okay...

Of course not... but hey

I'm sure your grand-



Wait, aren't you bummed out because the Lincoln-

No, not at all


Commander Katou!

If what you just told us is true, are you saying that /b/you/b/, the man who ruled the world from the shadows using the Accelerators and the Reubens foundation, was in the wrong?

Is this your idea of a joke!? How many people do you think you've sacrificed from the wars and conflicts you started!!

Try to remember that some countries benefit from war as well. And that the world today exists beyond our own control

Isn't it a little early to criticise how we do things?

I mean, we're not dead yet, at the very least

I'll admit that the things I did weren't exactly admirable

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Even if it was in the name of salvation, I killed too many for the means to justify the ends

So when all this finishes, I wouldn't mind being punished for my sins

Then, what now?

What was the point in spilling the beans about everything?


I know I'm not in any position to be asking for favors, but I would like to ask you, the representatives of your countries, for one thing

You aren't going to ask us to help you NOW, are you?

You've got to be kidding me!

We already let you do what you want and look-

Don't get in our way


I'll say it one more time

until everything is over and done with

stay out of our way


(cap) New Gregorian Calendar, 2023 August 12, Tokyo


(sfx) turn turn

Hey Furuya, you're 20 minutes late!

(cap) You're supposed to be early!


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Did something happen to you?


Well, I feel like someone's been following me for the past week or so...

Well... that's kind of creepy...

Naaah, you're probably just imagining things

(cap right) Its because you're too self-centered!

(cap left) I'm serious!


I don't think he's lying

Hmmmm really? I can't see anyone





I screwed up----D:

What? Makishi is here somewhere?

Heeeey! Makishiiii!

That human is calling out to me

But! Should I show myself

The fact that I've been tailing him for days will be exposed!


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...Well... it's not like I'm doing anything wrong

I can act like we just ran into each other by accident or something other or maybe-

What are you doing?

Aaaaaaah How did you do that!?

We just walked up to you (cap) but you were whispering about something

*Tremble* / Awawa

Man, what a coincidence



Ah, we're just thinking of getting something to eat, if you have time now do you want to come with?


W-Would it be alright for someone like me to go with you...!?

(cap) We're not going anywhere expensive...

You're always welcome to join us Makishi!

Always... welcome...

(cap) So what do you want to eat?

(cap) Um... Uh...


Mr. Moritsugu


How does it feel like to be home?

I can't believe I grew up here... still feels weird

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I see, 3 years can do that to you

It's not a matter of getting used to it again... There's no time for that

But we're not in dire straits yet, it means that you're exercising your function as an ALLY OF JOOSTICE


Well... I guess

It's the truth

We can't complain about having free time I guess


For a shitty kid who lucked out on becoming Linebarrel's Factor...

So you do call me a shitty kid I see



But, you turned that coincidence into a necessity and really tried to become a Hero

and as a result you even inherited the will of a Humanaoid

Mr... Moritsugu?


There's something must absolutely tell you before we go into our last battle


Justice is a value that depends on the age, country, race and even individual values

As such, it is never constant, but always changing


So never forget that the opposite of justice is not evil, but the enemy

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That when you exacr justice onto someone, they are doing the same to you

...So...what are you trying to say?

I'm saying that if you are an ally of justice, you should focus that onto one and only one thing

That the continued survival of humanity is just


That if some super-being that rules all of space should appear and reject that ideal, you need to exact your justice

to prove that there is worth in our existence

Remember, justice is ever-changing

so /b/you/b/


Hayase Kouichi, must become someone who is ever-changing


I kind of do and I kind of don't get it


You really like using difficult language, don't you Mr. Moritsugu?

...was it that complicated?

You did the same thing when we fought Eiji that time too

I see

...I'm sorry

No, that's fine...

I just treat you like wall that I need to eventually overcome

I'm... a wall?

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Yeah! You completely schooled me when we first fought

I guess that did happen...

(cap, Hayase) (right)I'll show you (left) what true violence is

(cap, Moritsugu) Don't do that

I hated that about you at first

But the more I hung around you... the more I wanted to surpass you

It's an honor to be told that by a true hero


Though you really did go from zero to hero...



Started from this place


(banner) Welcome! Kouichi






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Doesn't exist anymore


We should get going



Let's begin


The end

of all hope...


Chapter 112 - That which falls from the sky is Death (or whatever I used in the beginning)


...I see...

So she died...

But how come Sawatari killed her?

Who knows... She could've been asking a fellow outcast for help

Or she couldve wanted to take him on by herself...


Whatever it was, she probably did it so she could save someone...

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Hey, Doumyouji

What's up?

Do you think really did everything she did to save people?

Maybe, maybe not

...the only thing we know is that she wanted strength strong enough to help mankind



She was basically glued to Hayase ever since they first met, right?


But what she had in her eyes was not the boy in front of her

But the power that was standing behind him


But... didn't she and the Painkiller

both get what they wanted?


She must have realised that what she obtained could be even greater, even stronger

I wonder why she wanted power that badly...

So she could become one herself, of course

Become what?

A true idol (so here they use ally of justice/hero in the main text but idol in the furigana, of course we both know that an idol is not just a singing and dancing Japanese bitch so there's probably no need to change it or put a note)

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(More slice of life fuck can you just fight robots already my thumbs are getting tired )



I've been observing him for so long but I just don't have a clue

(cap, right, friend) Ehh Furuya you can't come tomorrow?

(cap, left, Furuya) Yeah I gotta study

(cap, lower, friend) I see

(cap, lower, friend left) That sucks, I finally managed to get tickets

(cap, lower, Furuya) Ask me again next time, 'kay?

Maybe... The shock from being saved by such a person broke something in my logic

Lady Yurianne said something about it being love but that

is an absolute no

My one and only true love is the great Moritsugu --- and anyways I'm a humanoid so silly things like "love" is something I can't possibly feel!


And anyways, I'm an ally of justice you know?

It's embarrassing to be saved by such a commoner without even any special ability

(cap, top) Hey mom look, that lady's kinda weird

(cap, bot) Yeah, remember, don't hang around weird people

Hey what're you doin' there? You wanna come with me somewhere?

I got it!

Ehhh~ are you ignoring me? That's a little sad. I was thinking of grabbing a bite if you're not busy

I've solved the mystery! All I wanted was to know more about the person who saved my life!

I can't help but be interested!

Yes! Interest! That's all this is!

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Yes, as a humanoid I'm compelled to reflect on dangerous situations so its only natural that I'm interested in how people act after they've saved a life...

Hey what're you lookin' at?

-Can you shut up for a second here

(cap, right) 'Kay, later

(cap, left) 'Kay


Isn't that...


Ehhhh, you didn't have to shout at me. isn't that a little mean?

What's so mean about it? And why the heck do I have to go eat with a complete stranger like you?


That kinda hurts my feelings

Actually, that pissed me off a little

Hey you


What are you doing, trying to pick up my girl?



Oh, he's with someone

Hey Maxi, are you okay? You're really cute so you have to watch out for...

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Oh, I might not look like it now but I was the "bad boy" at school. Seeing you in trouble made my old self come out (hah...)


This is the second time he's saved my life...

Anyways, we sure are running into each other a lot

Oh, maybe, just maybe, you've been stalking me?

...Just kidding~ That won't happen in a million years, right?




It is unfathomable for me to develop a special relation with a human like you

I have an important mission given to me, nothing that is to be shared with a commoner such as yourself


I guess so...?

In conclusion, any feelings I have from being saved by you or by keeping in contact with you

does not exist in my mind


I see...


I guess I did the wrong thing just now...

...I didn't know that you hated me [b]this[/b] much... Sorry

...I guess I'll get going



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...I didn't mean-


Hey look, it's that flowerbed we made

it's still here


I heard that the other students have been taking care of it this whole time

Oh yeah?

...But is just coming here enough? It is the last day we have off

I told myself that we would come here again when you finally came back to us


I mean-


This place is really important to me

...I didn't notice it until I really thought about it:

"Hey, from the moment we built this flowerbed, I had friends (I wasn't alone)"


Then we have Doumyouji to thank

He forced us to do this in the first place

You're right


I wasn't true to my feelings back then

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How about now?

Well it's obvious, isn't it?

I'm standing together with you right now, aren't I




But... just now isn't enough


I want to be with you forever, Kouichi



me too

I want to be with you forever, too (technically she's saying "That makes me so happy" but good luck fitting that in)

Hey, let's go travelling together when all this is over!


There are a ton of places I want to go with you!!

I'd like to go to Nagasaki again, and-


I [b]will[/b] win



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I don't want to have you witness the world around you end a second time


So believe in me, that I'll come back



I'll wait for you!


Uhh... did you hear? Rachel made some addition stuff for the Linebarrel...

Ooooooooohhhh reeeeeaaaaally? I didn't know that

She... said that for now, the weapons are done

Ahhhhh okay

...Sorry if we bothered you or something


USA, New York

August 26th, 2023 New AD

10:28 a.m.



Let's get this final rumble started


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Chapter 113 - A liar's history

Currently, The U.S. Forces and Katou Corporation have joined hands in order to halt the advance of the Machina, which have once again invaded New York.

Here at Washington D.C., some sympathizers for the Machinae have gathered and are holding a demonstration

The Machinae are God's Messengers, sent here to save us!!

As we are one with the Earth, we must receive our punishment for the foolish actions we humans have made and repeated

The Machinae will give us deliverance!!


When will the battle between humans and Machinae end-

I'll end everything once and for all


All units

Don't stop attacking!



no oh no ono

back up back up back up



Yeah Yeah

I know, geez...

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You sure know how to keep a man busy



The data's here!

It matches with the set we got from the head of the last Death that we fought!

The master computer is in there too!


I'll focus my attacks on its head


That beam's too strong for me to hold out for long... but that time is more than enough-

for me to take you down

I'll hit you with everything I have!!




You're mine!!!


Is it dead?


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It's head is way too huge, I couldn't get to its brain!

Stop moving!!

You piece of shit!


It didn't work, Mr. Moritsugu!

It's as tough as it is large!

No need to rush, we planned for this

and if Maxi's right, this is just the beginning


Commander! The Death started to open its stomach, just like what Maxi told us!

We're detecting a distortion in space around it

This is it-

They're coming

All units, get ready!



That's a lot more than what we expected!


I can't handle them all at once...

Go away!

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Go away go away!!





Go away go away




They really...

went away


Now I've got half of them under my control


Sorry I kept y'all waiting

You guys...



It's time for the Deceive V to make its debut!

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And also

The beginning of our grand counterattack!


Chapter 114 - A Machine That Loves

(cap) A few weeks before the final battle

You're kidding right...?

It's the truth

Two more of the gigantic Machina called "Death" still exist

Two more of them...

I'm certain that they'll use them in the next battle

Are there any effective ways to fight them?


Yes. Death opens its stomach in order to call for reinforcements using the transfer device inside

And on the other side of the portal is the "master computer" controlling all of the Humanoids, Death included

In other words, the Humanoids' home base is on the other side of that portal?

That's right

Hold up... What do you mean by "master computer?"

Exactly what the words say it is

I see... that answers the question Eiji had when he was on the moon

Are you trying to say that all of the Humanoids that we've been fighting were all remote-controlled?

I am

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Each of them have their own computers to act as their "brains," but generally, Humanoids control their respective exoskeletons remotely

Remote-control does conceptually allow them to fight without fearing death, even after they've become fully Humanoid

So... we can take one of them out by either destroying their "brain" or the master computer? ...Wait, shouldn't you know where the master computer's stored?

I don't

The relevant data does not exist in my archives


We only have one way of doing this


Chapter 114 - A Machine That Loves


(cap) The present

Chris, status on the satellite feed?

Together with the allied countries, 2800 eyes are currently on the moon


2nd Division, get ready to go out there


They sure are making the Deceive V's maiden voyage a tough one, huh Doumyouji?

It'd be a lot easier if our nerve cracks worked on the big guy

Not in a million years

It's way too big for them to reach the control centers of that thing

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There's more to the new Deceive than meets the eye!


Where's the 2nd Division? It'll only get harder to fight them if we let the Death spit out more guys!

Expecting there to be reinforcements is the whole reason we split up our forces in the first place


Hey Maxi honey, you sure you can go out like that?

...Sure, no problem... know the situation we're in right? It's the final fight

I know...



I said some really terrible things to that gentleman...

He had a really sad look on his face...

You just don't get it...

I needed to become an ALLY OF JUSTICE so I could save mankind...

but I managed to hurt someone...

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If you feel so bad about it, just say sorry and tell him how you really feel


How I...really feel?

...You know deep down inside, right?

So stop lying to yourself already

I'm not ly-


If you lie to yourself, you'll have to perpetuate that lie and you'll never be able to come to terms with yourself

Even if there is something to be gained by lying,


A lie is a lie

Big momma... Yurianne?

W-What I'm trying to say is

You're a human who was born in this world, so you should work on obtaining your own happiness


My own



Ship 1, catapult opening

Yajima stays here and provides support, everyone else, make a path for the Pretender


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Guide markers, illuminated. Machina, secured

4th Division Commander, Nakajima Soubi, let's go

Followed by 6th Division Commander, Kiriyama Eiji, heading out!


Alright! My little toddler army!

Nibble on daddy's legs!!


Maxi isn't with us, what's wrong?!

Don't worry!

She'll definitely be here



They're starting to come out!


They should expect a simple plan like destroying the base on the other side of the portal by ramming a missile into its stomach...

But they won't possibly expect us to play the same trick we did on the moon!

There is one difference though:


This time, he's with us from the beginning of the fight!!

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It didn't work!?

pg183 way

that's impossible...


Chapter 115 - An unexpected strike

Hey, Furuya... Do you think Yajima and everyone else alright?

Its a bit far away... but it looks like a copy of itsèlf came out of its stomach

Who would call me at a time like this...




Chapter 115 - An Unexpected Strike

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Why are you calling?


You're fighting in New York right now, aren't you?

They're showing it on TV-

I'm really sorry for the mean things I said to you the other day

Uh, well... Anyone would do that, it's totally understandable

Anyone would hate a disgusting idol-nerd like me... but you should focus

You're wrong...

I am?

You've always been looking out for me...

Uh... well... It's true that I've been looking at you wait that's not what I meant to say uhhh (Ha. Ha.)



I've fallen in love with you!



You must hate me...

Not at all!


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Yeah! I'm over the moon!!

T-Then let's go on a date

after you finish this battle!


No way


I have a very important duty that I must carry out

And I've just found the reason why I should fulfill my duty

Which is why I can't agree to go on a date with you!


Maxi, you're not-




All units, report in


Squad Two, the Hind is still in action... but I can't continue fighting for long


The Talisman and the rest of Squad 4 are operational

Squad 5's taken a direct hit... Layzner and I are the only ones left

Save me...


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...How horrible...

To anyone who can still move, rescue the other survivors and come back


Open fire! Make sure they come back in one piece!



If I knew this was going to happen I would've put in more wired ones!


...Yurianne, I'm sorry...

the mission was a failure

It's too early to give up

But we don't have any-

We have a plan, so this is just a strategic retreat-



The Ally of Justice

has arrived on scene!

It looks like you've come clean


That's great!

It is!

I don't know what you two are talking about,

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but... we've got trouble


Not everyone's made it out yet!

If you can move


This is Kiriyama


Continue the mission!

I repeat

Continue the mission!







Grandad, I get it now

I'm here to help people because I have someone like Furuya! I want to protect beings that are the same species as him!

It was because I met him, that I want to protect this world!

And from that, I figured it out

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I figured out the way to save humanity

And that is—


With love!!




No way... She...

We've confirmed a large-scale explosion on the moon!

All of the Humanoids on the Earth have stopped functioning!



We saw it here too!

I'm sending over the enemy base's coordinates to the Linebarrel right now!!



I have the coordinates!

Go, Hayase! That's where the Deus ex Machina is!

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This will be the end

of everything


Extra Chapter - Non-selective Factor Forever

Man, I managed to get all the models on my list~

I spent so much


It's Hayase...

...He still can't accept that it's been three years, huh




It must be real hard for you

What? Uh... sure?

I mean, I wouldn't believe that three years have passed since I left the planet

...that's not it

I know, I know


The Hind is actually a tank...


But the way it is now is just so wrong! I should be more like, something more boring or it should look like someone would ask "Why did something like this even get created?" or "Can it even put up a fight?" It has to give off that kind of feel, you know!

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Say you're sorry! Apologize to all tank robots in history right now!!

But don't worry Yamashita!

Don't ignore me! I'm really mad at what you just said!

I asked Mr. Maki this morning

Asked him to what?

A full-scale remodel of Hind-Tank, of course!



—Hu-Humanoids? Now!?


Now's the time!

To show them what Tank Robots are all about!


Fine, whatever!

For now, I'll just—


(capそろくー) turn...




What've you do—

He's gone!


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(ブリュ)drip drip drip

Ahhhhhhhhhh whatever!




kinda stick but other than that the cockpit's the same...

Okay! Let's—

Wait a sec how is this thing supposed to fight!? It doesn't seem to have any weapons...

How is it even supposed to move!?

It's just a sitting du—


Is this what Hayase meant—


Don't grgab that!

by "what Tank Robots are about?"

...To be a...

punching ba—


It was a dream...

(cap) More like a nightmare...

Oh, you were kinda rolling around a lot, but I didn't bother waking you up because you were probably fine, oh thanks for letting me in

...Why are you playing on my console like you own the place

Page 37: file · Web viewpage number actually .jpg number. pg005. They say thaf there aren't any people in this world who are better off dead then alive. but that's not true at all

Wait, don't talk to me right now, I just got to the good part

(コン コン コン)knock knock knock





Personal space isn't a thing anymore...

Hey Yamashita, listen to this!


Hind-Tank's upgrades are finished!

(capんたあ) smirk

By the way, I put in something too

for you


(cap) Of course, me too, me too!

Com'on, let's go see it!

It's okay... but why did you upgrade the Hind without telling me, Mr. Moritsugu?

Good deeds must be done fast, Yamashita

(boxed text) What fate awaits the Hind-Tank?

(boxed text) Find out next time!

Linebarrels of Iron Vol. 24/End


Linebarrels of Iron Setting Information

Page 38: file · Web viewpage number actually .jpg number. pg005. They say thaf there aren't any people in this world who are better off dead then alive. but that's not true at all

Deceive V

Full Length: 55.8 m Head height: 55.2 m Mass: 145.5 t

Piloted by Endoh Shizuna and the Katou Corporation Third Divison's Commander, Doumyouji Makoto (The Deceive V becomes the Commanding Unit if Doumyouji is piloting it.) Part of the thrusters on both its shoulders contain the Radio Nerve Cracks, as well as hidden arms. In battle, the arms are extended and they're used to wield the beam cannons mounted in the binders. There's another container on its back, which holds wired Nerve Cracks.

While it has the name of Deceive V, it is not actually a Machina nor an actual successor to the Deceive series of machines. It is a transforming machine manufactured based purely on Kiriyama Heavy Industry's technology, based on the Idaten Type-3 combined with Kiriyama Eiji's ideas for functions and weapons of the updated Jinrais, themselves based off of his Pretender.


As it is not a Machina, it does not contain an on-board electronic brain (note: computer is the literal translation, but it would be pretty unlikely that all of the Arma are not computer-supported in terms of controls, so I'll use electronic brain here to give an image of the Amagatsu-brain, up to you though.), but utilizes a neuro-system support controller made from backed-up data from the old Deceive, like an imitation brain. However, with the current technology, it is difficult to miniaturize such a system. As a result, the system is split up and stored in the head and lower body (the reason why the lower body was chosen is because during development, they used a Jinrai's head and worked from there). Being able to transform, and having high mobility, its main form is its flight form.


A single imaginative mind gives birth to a myriad of possibilities...