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High Street Methodist Church Witney GENERAL CHURCH MEETING 12 th APRIL 2016 Reports from Church Committees & User Groups

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Page 1: Web viewJane Heath, Senior Steward. ... offering age relevant activities to explore and respond to God’s word. How: ... Lorraine Hurdle, Team

High Street Methodist Church



Reports from

Church Committees&

User Groups

Page 2: Web viewJane Heath, Senior Steward. ... offering age relevant activities to explore and respond to God’s word. How: ... Lorraine Hurdle, Team



Jesus Christ who brings us to the Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit is the foundation of our life


High Street Methodist Church aims to be a church, which is bringing Christ to our community and our

community to Christ. We want to be dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, devoted to each other, determined

to serve our local community and to support our fellow Christians.


Page 3: Web viewJane Heath, Senior Steward. ... offering age relevant activities to explore and respond to God’s word. How: ... Lorraine Hurdle, Team

April 2016

Dear Friends,

Where has the past year gone? And what an amazing year it has been with so many wonderful things happening. It is difficult for me to pick out specifics without running the risk of overlooking other remarkable events, for everything that happens is important, but I would like to draw your attention to the dedication of the Stewards and the Leadership Team who have gone above and beyond in response to looking at the future mission and strategy of the High Street Church Community. The attached document (page 5) is a work in progress and in many ways always will be if we use it properly, for it is designed to help us see where we all fit together and why we do what we do and for what purpose. One glance will tell you that God is at work amongst his people in a variety of ways including some new initiatives that you will be able to read about in this report.

Safeguarding is a priority within our Church and to that end there is a new Safeguarding Reference Group to oversee all matters relating to safeguarding ensuring that we constantly strive for best practise at all times.

We were sad to see Colin Hollies our Centre Manager leave in February, he and his wife Liz have secured their dream job of running a retreat centre together not too far away in Clanfield, but of course we recognise that there is a large 3

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‘Colin-shaped’ hole left at High street. We are seeking to replace Colin with a new permanent Centre Manager and in the meantime recognise how blessed we have been to have been able to employ Bridie Little as a temporary Centre Manager.

All churches rely heavily on a whole army of volunteers and that is certainly true of High Street, many of you, turn up each week and quietly get on with a raft of different things without fuss or indeed the desire for thanks, however, what you do does not go unnoticed, and believe me, I am hugely grateful to you all. This will be especially true when I go on Sabbatical on May 3rd. I am very aware that many of the things that I do will continue due to the generous nature of others, and the same will be true when Deacon Ellie goes on her Sabbatical at the beginning of January 2017. It is both humbling and exciting to have this opportunity of spiritual renewal.

We cannot always tell what God has in store for the future but one thing is for sure that he will always equip us for what lies ahead. May you know His blessing, strength and comfort as He leads us forward…

With Love

Rev Melanie


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Church Life

Lay Pastoral Worker and Pastoral Visitors 9

Prayer Opportunities 11

Stewards Team 13

Holy Communion Services 13

Music 14

Church Flowers 15

Display Window 16

Work among children and young people – on a Sunday

Junior Church 17

Cradle Roll 18

House Groups :

Davenport Road House Group 18

New Yatt Road House Group 18

Thursday Night House Group 19

The Seedhouse House Group 20

Vanner Road House Group 20

Witney View House Group 21


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Index Page

Women’s Fellowship 21

Newland Methodist Chapel 23

In Touch 24

Time Out 25

1st Witney Company of the Boy’s Brigade 26

2nd Witney Guides 27

Mission and Outreach

Mission to Children, Families & Young People in Witney 31

Wesley Baby & Toddler Group 36

Coffee Bar 36

Knit & Natter 36

World Church Committee 37

Operation Christmas Child 38

The Events Committee 40

Lunchtime Recitals 41

Action for Children 43

Fairtrade 44

Methodist Homes for the Aged 45

Sunday Afternoon Tea (monthly 45

Index Page


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Inter Church Relations

Churches Together in Witney & District 47

Women’s World Day of Prayer 48


The Property Team 49

Centre Manager 50

Use of Premises 50

Major Works 50

The Old School Building 51

Safeguarding 51

Health & Safety 51

Man Friday 51

Church Cleaners 52


Treasurer’s Report and Accounts 54

Church Life


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Pastoral Worker and Pastoral Visitors Report 2015-16

Pastoral care is of major importance in the life of our church and is essential for the wellbeing of the church fellowship. Our objective is to show everyone the love of God, give a warm welcome to all those who come to our church and show caring concern to them.

Our aim at High Street is to allocate all members to one of the Pastoral Visitor team whose responsibility it is to keep in contact, give support and encouragement to those on their list by visiting, telephoning and looking out for them at church. Leaflets and copies of In Touch are delivered by them at Christmas, Easter, and at Harvest which is an important way to keep everyone informed on news of services and other activities.

We are most grateful to the 31 Pastoral Visitors and Linda Burbage in her role as our Cradle Roll Secretary, for the caring that they give to the 300 or so people listed in our church directory. We remember housebound members and those living in residential care at Christmas with a card and plant, flowers at Harvest and a special card at Christmas for those who have suffered a close bereavement in the year also on the first anniversary of the death of a spouse.

We are very pleased that Hilary Ewing has joined the team and very sorry that Sue Withinshaw and Mary Lucy have had to resign. We thank them both for the years they have given to pastoral care.

It is good to share news of the church family, especially specific needs like bereavement or ill health but also to rejoice in special birthdays and anniversaries.

Pastoral Training

There was a meeting for Pastoral Visitors in March when Ruth Swift of


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Age UK gave a very informative talk on all the services and activities provided by Age UK in this area.

The Prayer Chain

This is an important way to communicate specific needs for prayer and also for information on additional care and assistance needed.


During the year Alisha Levermore, came into membership by confirmation.

The following have transferred their membership to High Street: Harry and Georgina Eaglestone and Sue Read.

The following have transferred to other churches:Doreen McMiken to Redditch and Glynn and Ruth Bryon to Swindon.

The following 6 members have died: Betty Langer, Christine Bourke, Gavin Scott, Cliff Townsend, Gwyneth Delahaye and Anthony Richards. We thank God for them and all that they meant to us and especially for Anthony and for his many special contributions to the life of our church and Circuit.

The following has ceased to meet: Bob Hamer

Total Membership is now 198

We continue to do our best to follow the aims of the church Mission Statement. I make extra visits when the need arises, keep in regular contact with Rev Melanie and the Pastoral Team and we share news with each other in order to improve pastoral care.

Anne Crawford, Pastoral Worker


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Prayer Opportunities 2016

The Weekly Prayer Meeting

This takes place every Thursday morning 9.30 -10.10am with 6 regularly attending and others join in from time to time. We pray for the life of our church, those who are unwell, in hospital or experiencing other difficulties. We always include those prayers left in the boxes in the Prayer Corner and Coffee Bar and any other topic, either here or overseas, that is current.

The Prayer Corner

This area of the church is available for quiet prayer every day from 10.00am until 2.45pm. There is a Prayer Box and another in the Coffee Bar with special Prayer Cards for requests which are prayed for at Thursday morning prayers. There is also a board in the church entrance for prayer requests.

Prayer Ministry after Sunday Morning Worship

Two members of the Prayer Ministry team are available in the Prayer Corner to anyone needing prayers for themselves or others. Shirley Richardson organises this. It is used regularly and is appreciated by those asking for prayer.

Prayer Chains

For church members who wish to take part in intercessory prayers for those in special need. There is an Email Chain and telephone calls


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for those without email. The prayers are sent by Anne Crawford and anyone can ask her to include needs as they arise. It is well used and gives important comfort, healing and communication. 52 members are on the Prayer Chain list for receiving messages and others are very welcome to join it.

Church Prayer Diary

Issued twice a year in January and June, listing prayer needs for High Street Church, its activities, users of the premises and others.

Space 2B for quiet reflective prayer

Every Wednesday morning 9.30-10.30 am. Held at the home of Brenda Woods. Exploring different ways of praying.

Churches Together Prayers

Breakfast at 8.00am on the fourth Saturday in the month followed by an ecumenical prayer meeting held at High Street at 8.45am to 9.30am focussing on the life and witness of the churches in the Witney & District.12 regularly attend, others come from time to time and more would be warmly welcomed to join for prayers even if it is not possible to come to breakfast.

Anne Crawford


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Stewards Team

The stewards meet regularly to examine all matters relating to our Sunday worship. We are now only 5 in number and would love to have more on our team, sharing the work to aid the smooth running of our very busy church.

We are very appreciative of the 4 Sunday stewards who are so important in preparing the church for worship every Sunday.

With the Leadership Team we are exploring our roles of how best we can serve our congregation and the mission work of this church.

Jane Heath, Senior Steward

Holy Communion Services

Holy Communion, a vital part of our spiritual lives, continues to be well-supported. Sundays at 8.30am (18-24), 10.30am (100+), 6.00pm (18-30) and Thursday (18+).

After 10.30 Communion we always take a retiring collection for the Benevolent Fund. This helps anyone Reverend Melanie finds in need. So please support it!

With Andrea taking care of the Thursday communion, we are six stewards in number, with Sybil King starting to help Andrea and Heather price also offering.

Reverend Melanie has settled in well and certainly does not cause us any grief. Paul is also a key part of services leading our choruses (we are indeed well blessed and thank the Lord for them both!).

Our thanks go to Richard Carey, Jane Wilson and Peter Hunt who assist in leading our 8.30am communion and the unsung heroes who


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regularly slave away at this service putting chairs back, washing tiny glasses, and tidying up. Thanks folks!

Communion Stewards


Music Coordinator – Rachael Prince

Regular organists/pianists/musicians: Rachael Prince, Keith Crawford, Peter Hunt, Jeanette Mills, Jane Wilson, David Markham, Paul Reed

Orchestra: Rachael Prince (organiser) plus 4-12 members

Singing Group: Rachael Prince (organiser) plus 15-20 membersBand: The Reeds (organisers) plus occasional other members.


Our main aim is to produce worship enhancing music in whatever style is appropriate to the service.

Worship planning meetings are led by Rev Melanie and allow us to review the previous plan and the plan to come. It also gives us the opportunity for wider feedback from members of the congregation which we are always pleased to hear. We still like to use a broad range of music reflecting the variety of worship styles that we use. We will try anything, and will try to do it as well as we can.

Progress and Achievements

We continue to seek ways of using new hymns in worship whilst also using firm favourites.

I am grateful to the singing group for their help in leading worship, especially with new tunes. We had a good number sing at Christmas 14

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carol service and a group of singers went to sing at Otters Court again this year raising money for Action for Children. The singing group will next sing at the service on Pentecost Sunday.

The worship band still leads the music in worship and gives a lead especially with songs contemporary in style. Paul Reed is always keen to hear from anyone who would like to join with them.

The orchestra continue to provide valuable support to our services and we see encouraging younger players in their music making and faith an important part of what we do. It is a blessing to see their confidence and abilities grow year on year. We have been able to welcome Sue, Grace and Bill Reed this year to the orchestra.

The organ continues to be well used. More routine maintenance has been carried out this year due to another generous donation and stops that were once intermittent should be available to us all year. Another donation towards the music of the church has enabled us to buy some new sturdy music stands, including one that also has a microphone boom attached which will be useful for the band.

Rachael Prince

Church Flowers

In 2015 there were eighteen ladies donating and arranging flowers at High Street Methodist Church. Our aim is to provide fresh flowers in the worship area and to decorate using flowers and greenery at Easter, Harvest and at Christmas.


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Our special project is to produce floral gifts for housebound members at Harvest Festival, this year we were asked for make enough for twenty four people.

A rota is produced by the organizer of this group for display on the notice board near the lift. Volunteers can sign up if they would like to donate and arrange flowers on a particular date. This is often a significant date for them, for example in memory of a loved one.

We hope our group contributes to the mission statement of the church by making the worship area an attractive and welcoming place for each other and for visitors from the community. Fresh flowers enhance the feeling that our church is a living space.

Mary Bradley

Display Window (Wesley Room)

Through the window we are able to tell those who pass by and those who wait for the buses what our church is doing, saying and supporting. It is fascinating to see people’s reactions when we are setting up displays. We are pleased when you tell us what you think of what you see there.

We try to include all the church’s events and other things in which the church is involved. If you have something which might be included please do contact me well before the event. If you would like to help in creating a display, please do get in touch.

Nancy Crewe: 01993 866546 or e-mail: [email protected]

Nancy Crewe


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Work Among Children and Young People – On A Sunday

Junior Church

No. of volunteers – 14 on a voluntary basis

No. of attendees – 13 from 2 up to 15

Aim: Junior Church aims to encourage children and young people to begin their journey of faith, offering age relevant activities to explore and respond to God’s word.

How: On Sunday mornings up to three age groups are offered depending on the number and age of the children and young people attending. We currently use Roots material which gives a variety of themed games, stories, prayers, crafts and thought provoking discussion starters based on the lectionary of the day.

Progress: Over the year the 3 oldest of our young people have begun leading the session for our youngest children each month. This gives them opportunity to study the Bible text for the day and think about its relevance for children.

Projects: 4 of our young people attended the national children and young people’s assembly, 3Generate, again this year. They fed back some of what they had learnt and experienced during an act of worship and challenged the congregation to use Multi-plex worship.

The Junior Church has also led the Coffee Bar on several Saturday mornings working as a team and raising money for the Mission in Witney Fund.

Deacon Ellie Griffin


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Cradle Roll

There have been four baptisms at High Street during the last year which means there are now nine children on the Cradle Roll. The children receive cards on their birthdays until they are three years of age, when I invite them to join our Junior Church. Families are also invited to Messy Church and it has been encouraging to some of our cradle roll families at both Messy Church and morning worship recently.

Linda Burbage, Cradle Roll Secretary

House Groups

Davenport Road House Group

We are a group of 12 with one leader and a number of helpers.

We meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays each month.

Our aim is to study the Bible, share fellowship and to have the occasional social event.

For some time now we have been working our way through the Gospel of Luke

Dave Richardson

New Yatt Road House Group

Numbers involvedWe are a morning Group and this means that we have a high proportion of retired members but their loyalty to the group is outstanding. We have 22 people on our list, including some


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members from other churches and an average attendance of 15. We meet twice each month and weekly during Lent.


Like all House Groups we aim to grow in faith and understanding by fellowship and study in a home setting. There is the usual sense of responsibility for each other and a recognition that God can speak through all members in conversation and discussion together. An extended prayer time is central to our meetings.

ProgressOur numbers stay reasonably stable, and have been enriched by several somewhat younger members joining us.

Church Mission StatementWe believe our meetings are fully in accord with the Church Mission Statement

Ken Mumford

Thursday Night House group

Fortnightly @ 8pm, 235 Thorney Leys OX28 5NY 01993 773651Group size: 8New Members very welcome!

AimsOur main aims are to meet regularly during term time for fun and fellowship and to study. We like to choose material that is challenging and has a direct impact on our everyday lives.We meet on a Thursday and meet every fortnight during term time. More members are always welcome.


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Progress and AchievementsWe are currently following the York Course ‘Glimpses of God but have also used some of the Pilgrim course material from the Church of England. Rachael and Ian Prince

Seedhouse House Group

Still continues to meet monthly

Our six members continue to meet monthly for Fellowship and Bible Study. Since the last report, when we were using one of the York Studies (Glimpses of God) we continued the theme of suffering using the bible study booklet Good and Evil. We found both these quite challenging particularly with all the suffering we see in our world today.

On completion of our last study we met and shared a meal after which we discussed our next challenge and we decided that we would like a change and to look at a book of the bible – we decided on the Old Testament and have chosen a study based on Jonah, Joel and Amos.

The aim of our group is still to meet in Christian Fellowship, a time when we will continue to encourage each other and to share our Christian faith.

Val Seedhouse

Vanner Road House Group

Vanner Road House group meets on the first and third Tuesday


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evenings every month except August, including the occasional social evening. We have 11 members and others would be very welcome to join us.

Our aim is to meet for Bible Study, prayer, and friendship. We enjoy lively, informal discussion, respect each other’s point of view, encourage each other in exploring passages from the Bible, try to apply what we learn for living in today's world and help each other grow in our spiritual journeys.

During 2015/16 we have been discussing themes in Luke's Gospel and "Rich Inheritance: Jesus' legacy of love"‘ one of the York Courses with CD. We shall continue with more study of Luke's Gospel after Easter 2016

Anne Crawford and Mike Limmer

Witney View House Group

We meet fortnightly, and are currently studying the gospel of Mark. Sessions begin with a song and a prayer and end with prayer and refreshments. We enjoy learning and sharing together, and appreciate the kind hospitality of Muriel Glithero and Megan Somerville.

Hilary Ewing

Women’s Fellowship

The Fellowship has continued with the pattern of meeting on the 2nd and 4th Mondays during school term times as this is the preferred


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structure of the ladies, several of whom have family responsibilities in school holidays.

There are currently over 30 names on the membership list but, as previously several members are unable to attend the meetings because they are now house-bound, have family caring responsibilities, or health reasons. They are prayed for regularly and are visited by other ladies from the Fellowship.

The meetings, which are open to all interested parties, continue to be lively and informal, but do reflect the caring nature of the Fellowship who pray for each other, for local issues and worldwide concerns. The range of the programme is varied with the occasional quiz, member participation events, and speakers drawn from the circuit, other churches in the area and local charity organisations, with many having a Christian message. The meetings usually end with ‘Tea, Chat and Cake’ in the coffee bar.

A collection is taken at each meeting and, after a donation has been given to High Street, refreshments costs covered, and a ‘Thank you’ gift given to speakers, a contribution is sent to Circuit Mission, other UK and foreign charities.

In July the ladies again enjoyed a Cream Tea at the Royal Oak, and in November were responsible for providing the refreshments prior to the Operation Christmas Child Celebration. During the year, the ladies continue to contribute knitted hats, scarves, mittens and other items for the Shoe-Box Appeal.

Thanks to Anne Crawford, assisted by Megan Somerville for providing such a varied and interesting programme, to Shirley Simpson for managing the finances, Barbara Partlett for making the attractive birthday cards, Margaret Lawley for her musical talents in


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leading the singing, and to all the ladies who attend the meetings ensuring that is truly a ‘Women’s Fellowship’.

Ann Worrall

Newland Methodist Chapel

“Praying God’s Blessing on Newland”

We are a group of about 30 members, two organisers and a number of helpers.

We meet on a Thursday evening each week for fellowship, a simple meal, a time of worship and a talk, which may be almost anything from a Bible study to an account of a member’s holiday but which always contains a Christian message.

We also meet monthly on a Sunday afternoon for Worship and on a Saturday morning for coffee and chat. Both of these have an attendance of about 12/15 people.

As well as our aim to provide friendship and fellowship to those who attend we also have an on-going aim of being a Christian witness to the people of Newland, to help in this aim we use our notice board as a means of providing information about our meetings it also carries a Christian message in the form of a poster we also distribute a news sheet occasionally.

We would like to give a warm invitation to anyone to come along to one of our meetings.

Dave Richardson


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In-Touch is a free bi-monthly magazine by and for the three Methodist churches in Witney. At High Street, it is available to everybody who comes in to the coffee bar. In this way the magazine brings something of the Good News of Christ to our community.

It has one editor (me). There is always news about members and activities in the three church fellowships. Thank you to those people who provide this copy every two months. Anybody can contribute articles and all items submitted tend to be reproduced. However, items may be slightly changed for reasons of clarification and space. Opinions/thoughts expressed are those of the named contributor, not necessarily mine.

In-Touch includes articles relating to the liturgical year, prayers, occasional items on different theological viewpoints, humour etc. It is not only for us within the church, it also provides a window for non-churched and de-churched people as to what we are about as Christian communities and individuals. As such I feel it is important to show, implicitly and sometimes more explicitly, that the Good News of Jesus is for everyone, that God loves them, that the Kingdom of Heaven is here and now and that people who call themselves Christians are people of joy and hope as well as being flawed human beings. I feel that it is also important to demonstrate that the Church of God is fully engaged in the business of the world – hence articles on Fairtrade, Holocaust Memorial Day, trade justice, World AIDS Day etc.

270 copies are taken away from the Coffee Bar every two months. E-In-Touch is produced for those who want to view the magazine online. It is also put on the website, with contact details of


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individuals removed. 50 copies are also distributed by and through Davenport Road Methodist Church.

Thanks to all who contribute articles and ideas for In-Touch, they are appreciated.

Ruth Lapworth

Time Out

Time Out is a social group for ladies held every other month on Thursday evening at 7.30pm. All ladies are welcome to attend and Time Out provides an opportunity to get to know one another over a hot drink after a talk by a visiting speaker or a fun activity. The total number of ladies attending has increased to 35 this year up from 23 last year and the average attendance over the year has been 14. We have been joined by ladies from Stonesfield Methodist Church on 2 occasions during the year too. Many of the ladies coming to Time Out have no connection with a church. Time Out is organised by a small committee of 3 church members and 2 ladies from the group. During the last year there have been talks about Cecily’s Fund, Etiquette the rules of social behaviour, Witney Blankets, Melanie Reed’s story and the work of Healing Hands. Time Out has supported the work of Cecily’s Fund, IMPS and Healing Hands.

The small planning committee is currently considering ideas for the next programme of Time Out. Details will be circulated to regular attenders by email, a poster put up in the Coffee Bar to advertise the group to visitors and notices in the weekly newsletter will be published to remind all ladies of a very warm welcome to join Time Out. Linda Burbage


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The Boys Brigade 1st Witney CompanyJunior Section

The company is currently run by 3 dedicated Leaders who have recently completed their BB Youth Leader Training at Enfield. We also receive support from members of the church congregation who provide a rota for the boy’s weekly prayer slot and to oversee our finances. On several occasions we have had the support from a parent, Mark Sansom, who has helped us with the trip to the Pantomime and judging the team games competition.

Since our re-start back in September our membership has remained a steady enthusiastic six boys.

The aims of The Boys Brigade are to install Teamwork, Discipline, Respect to others and an understanding of the bible, relevant to modern life. This is achieved through an award scheme based on Body, Mind, Spirit, Community and Creativity.

We aim for these goals through regular team games, individual projects and starting each evening with a small religious based activity.

Our main activities so far this year have seen all the boys awarded their BB World War 1 badge at the church remembrance service after a series of talks throughout the autumn session. Our 5-a-side Football team won their age group at the Oxfordshire Battalion competition. We have had two outside visits; on a social occasion we took the boys to see the Chipping Norton Pantomime Robin Hood and studied the Witney War Memorial as part of their WW1 badge, so they could find ex BB members who had died in action.


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As part of our commitment to promoting the church within the community we held our enrolment service at the Sunday morning service, this year attended by all our members and their families.

Now we have successfully run the company following our re-launch, ironing out the problems of safeguarding and training, we are now looking to further increase our membership for the autumn session 2016.

We would like to acknowledge the tremendous support we have received from Rev Melanie Reed and Paul Reed and other members of the church throughout the year.

Mark Tooley, Captain

2nd Witney Guides


Currently we have 28 guides and have a waiting list of Brownies who are waiting to be aged ten to be able to join the unit. The unit is run by myself Allison Warren as Unit leader and assistant leaders Becky Raven, Annabelle Kennedy, Vicky Kennedy and Lisa Gray – Wright. We have a Young Leaders who is work on her Young Leader Qualification.

About Us

Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. Thanks to the dedication and support of 100,000 amazing volunteers, we are active in every part of the UK, giving girls and young women a space where they can be themselves, have fun, build brilliant friendships, gain valuable life skills and make a positive


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difference to their lives and their communities. We build girls’ confidence and raise their aspirations. We give them the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good.

Girlguiding Website

We carry out our aim by providing the guides with a weekly programme of events based around the 5 guide programme zones – Global Awareness, Discovery, Healthy Lifestyles, Celebrating Diversity and Skills and Relationships. Activities we have undertaken in the last year include circus skills, science activities, a visit from the local community police officers, trip to Lego land and badge work.


We aim to provide the guides with a safe girl only space in which to undertake activities both in and outside the meeting place. The guides take part in activities both as a whole unit and in their patrols. We currently have 4 patrols which are led by a patrol leader who is assisted by her patrol second. We encourage the guides to develop their leadership skills by becoming patrol leaders and seconds and also by leading group activities at meetings for example games. We have meetings 3 times a year with the Patrol leaders and Seconders to help them develop their leadership skills.


We support the guides to achieve and gain awards and badges. Many of the guides have gained badges throughout the year both as a unit and independently including –


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Traditions, Camper, Communicator, World Cultures, Go for It Peace, Go for It Five Senses, Go for it Parties and a Minion fun challenge badge.

Allison has become the joint District Commissioner for Witney 1 District. Annabelle is working on modules for her gong away Licence. Sophie our Young Leader has taken part in the Oxford Guide and Scout Gang show in February 2016. Sophie has gained her Senior Section Creativity Octant and Annabelle her Leadership Octant. They are both working on their Chief Guides Challenge.

Special Projects

Festival themed summer camp in May 2015 at Beanwood, Campsite Oxford.

BP challenge badge presentation to Lauren at the festival camp.

The guides took part in an international themed sleepover in Kennington, Oxford in November which included a meal out at the Hungry Horse, cheerleading, designing mosaics and trying American pancakes for breakfast.

7 guides will took part in the 0xfordshire Guides County Camp in the summer of 2015. The guides got to meet guides from Mexico and America who were visitors to the canmp. They also meet the Chief Guide as a prize for winning the competition to name the Camp newspaper.

We plan to open a Senior Section unit in Witney for members of Guiding aged 14 to 26.

To begin with we will meet once a month running a girl led programme of adventure and fun. We hope the Senior Section group


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will inspire Young People to grow to their full potential whilst having fun and working with others.

Church Mission Statement

We have contributed to the mission statement of the church by serving our local community through community service projects.

In February we ran the coffee bar at the Methodist church. The guides have chosen to send a donation from the money they raised to Guides in Ambleside, Cumbria who are rebuilding their guide hall after it was flooded.

The guides had a ‘wear dots raise lots’ non uniform night to raise money for the RNIB as part of their communicator badge in September 2015.

We have taken part in the Church Shoe Box service, St George`s Day Parade and Witney Town Remembrance day service.

We encourage the guides to think about their guide promise and at times throughout the year we take part in activities based around the guide promise and thinking about what the different parts of our promise mean. When new guides start we celebrate them making their guide promise with a special evening. Our last promise celebration was a Sparkling promise ceremony with sparklers at a local farm.

Working on Go for it Peace encourage the guides to think about others. We have a peace wall on our notice board on the lower hall.

In the past term we have been working on our world cultures badge and thinking about guides around the world.

Allison Warren Unit Guider


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Mission and Outreach

Mission to Children, Families and Young People in Witney Vision, Aims & Objectives

Using the same pattern as the HS Leadership to develop a Church wide strategy, attached is also a flow chart presenting this information in a visual way.

Vision – to build God’s Kingdom amongst the children, families and young people of Witney.


Evangelism – to declare God’s love in relevant ways and provide opportunities to respond

Worship – to develop a variety of worship styles enabling a wider range of people to be inspired to worship God

Service – to identify and work in partnership to respond to those in need

Learning & Caring – to equip all to reach their potential and follow in God’s call with confidence


Evangelism1. To engage with 5 primary schools on at least 6 occasions per

year2. To develop CTiW Holiday Club to work with 150 children by July



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3. To Create a strategy to move C,F & YP along in their relationship with God and Church by July ‘17

Worship1. Establish Messy Church at High Street, meeting monthly with

200 contacts by July 20202. Enable C & YP to take the lead in worship 3 times annually3. Work ecumenically to offer 2 opportunities for youth worship

each year from 16/17Service1. Build a Dinner Time team of 5 committed leaders for HS

meeting by Aug ‘162. Meet AFC and Base33 on a 6 monthly basis3. Work ecumenically to offer an opportunity for C & YP to be

involved in social action bi-annually from 16/17Learning & Caring1. Update and implement the Safeguarding policies for HS and

Davenport Road by Aug ‘162. Parenting course to have 20+ participants annually3. Create strong Vision Team of 6 to monitor and evaluate plus

set ongoing strategy by Aug ‘174. Provide 2 opportunities for training for leaders annually from

16/175. Develop team of 5 pastoral visitors to families by July ‘176. Establish plan to lead annual exploration courses from 17/18

Progress to date in work

Evangelism – We have built upon the initial schools work adding Tower Hill and Madley Brook to the schools with which we have regular contact. I have developed a rolling programme that we can offer to schools that includes our Experiences for the festivals, Godly


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Play, assemblies and additional visits to find out about Methodism. This had led to being part of creating a new RE curriculum for the Batt School. At the beginning of the year we were struggling to maintain input into Queen Emma’s school after change of staffing, this has since improved though more focussed prayer is needed. High Street also hosted 2 Year 11 pupils from Wood Green on work experience this year which was very positively received by the pupils and the school.

Worship – Messy Church was launched in December 2015 with 34 adults and 46 children attending. 50+ Church members have offered support of various types. We are learning each month and are building the team to carry out this work. Numbers attending have currently balanced out to around 40 attending each month.

Service – The Dinner Time project has suffered of late due to lack of time on my part. I am working with the very small number of volunteers to review and plan. Those who have attended events are still asking about it and keen but we need to look at the team and promotion. The next event is set for 15th May.

Melanie and I continue as trustees of Base33. They are facing significant changes currently and would appreciate support both in terms of prayer and financially. If you feel able to support them please let me know.

Learning and Caring – Last year a number of volunteers from both High Street and St. Mary’s carried out the 3 day accredited Godly Play training. This is being held at High Street again in April enabling myself to progress towards becoming a trainer of Godly Play and others at St. Mary’s to attend the training. Helen James has also had the opportunity to attend a schools networking event and the Connecting Disciples training/networking event in March. I attended


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the ‘We are Family Conference’ in September which could lead in to further local training.

Melanie is enabling both Witney Churches to review their safeguarding policies and High Street is setting up a Safeguarding Group due to the high level of work required.

On Going - As you will see from the Objectives above there is now a strategy in place guiding the work with children, families and young people in Witney. I am keen to develop a Vision Team of those involved in this work to ensure the sustainability and growth into the future. There is much to do but it is exciting and we are often encouraged by enthusiastic feedback from those with whom we share God’s good news whether in words or actions. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement and please continue your faithful prayers for the people of Witney.

Deacon Ellie Griffin


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Wesley Baby and Toddler Group

Not available at time of going to print

Coffee Bar

We are very grateful to the volunteers (approximately 40) who provide such an important witness on our behalf, giving of their time to enable this facility to operate. We are desperately in need of others to share in this rewarding aspect of our church life. All who use the coffee bar are welcomed and many have commented on the warm atmosphere and helpful staff.

The coffee bar is used by a very large number of individuals and groups who feel it is a safe place to relax and enjoy refreshments.

A meeting has been arranged for all volunteers to gather together, to share ideas and concerns, so we can improve the experience for our volunteers and for those who come into the building.

The coffee bar contributes clearly to our mission statement: “Bringing Christ to our community and our community to Christ”.

We hope we will be able to develop the many opportunities this offers us, to reach out to so many.

Jane Heath

Knit ‘n’ Natter

Knit ‘n’ Natter is now in its fourth year and continues to grow in numbers, occupying a couple of tables in the Coffee Bar between


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10.30am – 12.30 each week. We can have up to 20 ladies, both young and the more mature. Not only is it a good way of meeting other ladies (gentlemen are welcome too, however!) but you can socialise while being creative. Knitting is making a big come-back so get yourself some needles and wool and come and join us. You don’t have to be a knitter just come and natter if you want!

We have a mixture of people who are church members and people who are not. We do our own projects but also knit for the Special Care Baby Unit at the JR and various other charities. We have also sent out items to Greenfields, Africa and also Syria.

Erica Evans

World Church Committee

This committee has 8 members and meets twice a year in Spring and Autumn. We aim to involve and educate members of the congregation to the needs of the wider world and in accordance with our mission statement: “determined to support our fellow Christians”.

We have continued to work with these aims during 2015 – 2016 through our involvement in:

Christmas Bazaar: This annual event, organised jointly with the Anglican team Parish, was held in the beginning of December. The total raised was £ 3,510.48 which was divided between World Mission, Base 33 and an Anglican charity. We thank Rosie Jones for her time and energy she put in to making this event such a success.

World Church Sunday: This years’ service will be held on Sunday 17th July 2016 and a speaker from CORD, a refugee-aid


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project based in Leamington, will be joining our worship. We are planning on sharing together in a fellowship lunch after the service.

Christian Aid collection: Ann Worrall is coordinating High Street’s collection which will be held 15th – 21st May. We need more volunteers to help with the house to house collections to enable all our allocated roads to be covered.

Wells for India: We continue to give our small change on a Sunday morning in the large glass bottles, but there are boxes at the back if the church for those who would prefer to take a box home. Once full they can be given to Ken Mumford or Jane Heath to empty. This loose change goes to increase the availability and accessibility of water to the people in Rajasthan, India. Last year we banked £267. 50.

The coffee bar profits for last year were divided between Mission in Witney (50%), Street children in Kolkata (25%) and the Karibuni Trust (25%). The charity box on the coffee bar continues to raise funds for both Kolkata and Karibuni charities and the money from the cards sold in the coffee bar are contributing to this. The total sent to both Kolkata and Karibuni was £1,688.50

If you have a heart for Mission we would love you to join with us in our work.

Jane Heath

Operation Christmas Child

Administrative Information

Name of Group - Shoe Box Team


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Number of volunteers – between 25 and 30 We have 12 members in the Shoebox Team

AimsThe aim of the group is to organise the checking of shoeboxes and packing them into crates to be transported. The team tries to involve as many people from our community as possible in this activity and promote a warm and friendly atmosphere in which to check boxes. Everyone enjoys working together for the good of the children who receive these wonderful gifts.

1. Invite Churches, schools, local businesses and other groups such as the WI to join with us and be collection points for the shoeboxes.

2. Advertise in local village newsletters and on our website asking for volunteers to contact us if they would like to be involved in knitting, donating, checking, packing or helping with the administration.

3. Hold coffee mornings to raise funds for transport and top up items.

4. Organise a timetable for volunteers to come in and check5. There is a Shoe Box Celebration Service in Church when all the

shoeboxes, toys and knitted items are on display, this is very well attended by the general public and involves Brownies and Guides.

6. Send off evening involves Fireman, Police, Base 33 and volunteers to load crates.

Progress and Achievements1. There was a wonderful response from the public and once

again the checking team had more visitors and enquiries due to


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the fact that we were visible to all who entered the Church. We had a lot more volunteers again last year and they worked hard but also enjoyed themselves, a few of them came back three or four times during the week and sometimes with a friend.

2. We were delighted to receive shoeboxes from several companies for the first time last year.

3. The Celebration Evening was a great success and everyone I talked with was very moved by the blessing of the boxes. There was a wonderful atmosphere and the visitors who have not attended before were amazed at the display of boxes. The Guides and Brownies also attended the service.

4. The Send Off evening went without a hitch last year. The Fireman were wonderful as usual and we consider ourselves very lucky to have their support. Base 33 were also extremely helpful and we had a very diligent and friendly police woman to keep everyone safe. Brilliant!

Marie Cotton

The Events Committee

Chair: Rachael Prince

Members: 7

AimsThe Events Committee have a new remit this year. We will be putting on a mixture of public events that are either/or overtly Christian and raise money for the church, plus facilitating events for the church community to help build fellowship. We are also coordinating a calendar of events so that we do not have times of many events and times of none.


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Progress and AchievementsWe have had less events this year due to rethinking of our remit, but the events that we have put on have been very successful. In particular, the Bath Male Choir with guest soloist Rebecca Reed drew a big audience and the choice of music was well received by all who came.Events for this year will include a Quiz night in May, a harvest supper with homespun entertainment plus a return visit from Jonathan Veira later this year (date to be confirmed)

Rachael Prince

Lunchtime Recitals

The church again in 2015 hosted a series of five lunchtime recitals on selected Thursdays spread over the spring, summer and autumn months.

Since their inception in 2000 these recitals have become an important part of the church’s outreach; the average audience at each concert last year continued at about 50-55, mostly people who have no other contact with the church (but it would be nice if there were more of our church members there too!) They are all grateful for this opportunity to enjoy classical music amid the pleasant ambience and fine acoustic - of our town centre church – not to mention the coffee bar facilities! The age spread is wide, the atmosphere informal, and both young children and the disabled can integrate easily with the audience.

The recitals, which are always free of charge to the audience, are only possible because of the church’s partnership with ‘Lunchtime Recitals’. This is the autonomous organisation which in 2014 evolved from the small group of musicians who had provided the artistic


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input to the recitals from the beginning. Its raison d’être is to put on regular lunchtime recitals by professional musicians at High St. The church provides the venue free of charge but ‘Lunchtime Recitals’ provides everything else, including all performance planning and costs. The artistic director is West Oxfordshire mezzo-soprano Annabel Molyneaux and it is thanks to her enthusiasm, ability, and generosity with her time and her talents that the recitals are able to continue. She and her regular pianist Peter Cowdrey perform at all the recitals but at each one there are also guest artists. Last year these included a couple of violinists and trombonists, a double bass player, a flautist, a poetry reader, a tenor and two sopranos, one of whom was our own Becki Reed. Annabel carefully plans each recital around a particular theme and this always ensures an inventive and entertaining mix of music.

It is considered important by both partners in this outreach that the recitals remain free of charge. This means that ‘Lunchtime Recitals’ has to work hard to keep in financial balance, but the District and Town Councils both recognise its importance to the local community and give invaluable grants. Individuals can (and do) help by becoming Friends of Lunchtime Recitals and there is also a small income from programme sales. Of vital importance too is the generosity shown by the musicians, all of them professional, in accepting fees that are significantly less than they could get elsewhere, and for this both ‘Lunchtime Recitals’ and the church are most grateful.

Tom Jones (High St.Liaison Person with ‘Lunchtime Recitals’)


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Action for Children - Witney Children’s Centre

Number of organisers and helpersThere are 7 members of the team. 1 full time Team Lead who manages both Centres in Witney, 1 full time Family Support Worker, 1 part time Admin Support worker, 2 part time Support Workers and 2 casual staff. In addition we have a student social worker on a placement.

Number of those attending Over the last year there have been approximately 788 children under 5 and 902 carers attending the group.

This does not include the Grandparents group as we no longer log this information as the church are responsible for this group.

Aim of our groupTo provide opportunities for parents and carers to access services that will help develop life skills and improved outcome for families who live in the Witney area.

How we carry out this aimBy providing a well-balanced programme of targeted and universal work which includes children from less advantaged areas. The centre offers one to one work in the centre and in the home.

How our group has developed towards fulfilling its aimsThe group is consistently reviewing data which enables to make sure we are offering the right service for


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children and families who live in the local area. This programme is reviewed and can change to continually meet the local need of families.

Progress of any special projectsThe Children’s Centre and all other centres in Oxfordshire are looking to be closed by Oxfordshire County Council. A new model has been approved, but we are currently waiting to see how and when this will be implemented.

How has our group contributed to the mission statement of the church?As a children’s centre who works within the community we aim to better the life of children and families who live in the community.

Lorraine Hurdle, Team Leader Witney Children’s Centre


High Street continues to use only Fairtrade tea and coffee in its Coffee bar which is open every day of the week and much used.

The Church supports Fairtrade events and in Fairtrade Fortnight this year hosted the Fairtrade All Day Breakfast as part of the national awareness of the importance of Fairtrade to sustain and develop a decent standard of life in the poorest areas of the world. This involved serving All Day Breakfast almost entirely composed of Fairtrade products. Fairtrade products were also on sale.


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The Church gives support to Fairtrade in its publicity with posters and through the Display Window as appropriate. It is a member of the Witney Area Fairtrade Action Group,WAFTAG.

Elgin Crewe

Methodist Homes for the Aged (MHA)

High Street continues to support Methodist Homes. Every year it celebrates MHA Sunday and offering envelopes are distributed inviting gifts to support MHA . The total raised in 2015 was £181.50. High Street also supported Homestead the Methodist Home at Carterton and made a gift to aid the chaplain in her work which includes many activities of social and community activity in addition to leading worship.

The High Street has members living in many Care Homes in the area and supports a monthly Service at the Madley Park Care Home.

Elgin Crewe

Sunday Afternoon Teas (monthly)

‘Bringing Christ to our Community’

It was whilst sitting with some elderly carers at an Age UK cream tea that the conversation turned to the loneliest time of the week. ‘Sunday afternoon’ was the unanimous cry, and those words were the catalyst for what happens at High Street in the coffee bar on the 4th Sunday of every month at 4pm.


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Volunteer hosts and kitchen co-ordinators treat our guests to a sumptuous afternoon feast of sandwiches, scones, cake and of course the all-important cup of tea or coffee, but even more significant is the conversations shared and the friends made.

Since its launch in September 2015 we have worked with and alongside Stephen Mott from Age UK Oxfordshire in order to provide a monthly event designed to reach out to our community. The majority of the food is provided by Huffkins at a discounted price and funding in the form of grants has come from the Rotary Club with an initial £300 followed by a further £500 plus £300 from Witney Lions, plus some small cash donations.

Numbers of those benefitting averages around 40 individuals ageing from 40–90+ years. Some are bereaved, some have mental health challenges, some have learning difficulties, some are struggling to cope with the challenges of old age, some are carers, but all are lonely.

A few take up the opportunity to stay for evening worship.

Christ sat with people from all walks of life and shared food and fellowship, such radical hospitality is at the heart of God’s kingdom. I am delighted that this is one of our new initiatives and pray that it will go from strength to strength.

Rev Melanie Reed


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Inter Church Relations

Churches Together in Witney and District

Churches Together Council meets three times a year and at other times when needed. Lay and ordained representatives from most of the churches in the town regularly attend. 2015-16 Chair is Stephen Hodge, Rev Dr Jason Boyd will take over in May 2016.

Sue Green and I are CTiW representatives for High Street. I am also its secretary. CTiW aims to foster and encourage ecumenical cooperation between the various denominations in Witney and District.

High Street always supports the annual events organised by CTiW including the Good Friday Walk of Witness and act of worship in the Market Square. The Sunrise Service on Easter Day 2016 will be again held in the garden at the Congregational Church and is usually attended by about 40 from various churches including members from High Street. Other events are organised during the year including carol singing in Witney town centre on a Saturday in December. Annual events include the Week of Prayer in January when services were held in different churches on most evenings of that week, usually three or four United Services are held annually; the next scheduled for Sunday 15th May at High Street in Christian Aid Week and Sunday 16th October One World Week Service at St Mary's Cogges.

Every week in Lent Soup Lunches in aid of Christian Aid took place again this year and High Street hosted one on 26th February.

There is a monthly Prayer Breakfast held at High Street on the fourth Saturday morning and more members of High Street would be very


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welcome to attend. CTiW issues a Prayer Diary four times a year and High Street is always represented.

An important event planned for 2016 is the ecumenical Holiday Club for Children which will be held again at High Street Methodist Church in July. A number of High Street members took part in 2015 and it is hoped that more will be assisting in 2016.

Information about events taking place in member churches is circulated regularly to give the opportunity for attendance by those from other denominations.

Anne Crawford

Women’s World Day of Prayer - 4th March 2016‘Receive children, receive me’

The service this year was prepared by the Christian women of Cuba. The world’s prayers were focused, therefore, on Cuba on this special day.

The theme of the service was based on Jesus’ words to his disciples to put children and the vulnerable in society at the centre of God’s Kingdom.

In Witney this year’s WWDP service was organized by representatives of 8 churches in the town. There were 2 services - one at St Mary’s, Cogges, and the other at the Congregational church.

The morning service at St Mary’s, Cogges, was well attended and gave us a very lovely and memorable experience. We were delighted to have three girls from Blake’s school take part in this service. The Rev. Chris Howden gave us a thoughtful and moving address, based on Jesus’ words “Receive me, receive children”.

At the evening service at the Congregational church Mrs Vivienne


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Boyd gave us a thought provoking reflection, with the aid of slides, on the same theme. It was pleasing to have 2 young girls taking part in the service.

Earlier in January a study / preparation day was led very ably by the Rev. Hilary Ewing based on Jesus’ words to his disciples, when they had been squabbling about which of them was the most important. Jesus reminded them that in order to bear witness to God’s Kingdom, we should accept every human being as unique and equal in God’s eyes - the young and the old, the vulnerable, and those considered worthless in society.

The generous donations received from the WWDP services will help projects run by Christian charities around the world.

Many thanks to all, who made this year’s WWDP services in Witney such a success, and to the church of St Mary’s, Cogges, and the Congregational Church for their very warm hospitality.

Megan Somerville


The Property Team

The Property Team meets monthly to deal with the practical details of maintaining and running the premises, with the larger Property and Finance Committee meeting three times per year to consider matters of property policy.


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We are grateful to both our paid staff Robin Edmunds, Robin Hambidge, Malcolm Cartner and Jason Thomas who keep our buildings clean and secure. We also appreciate the many volunteers (including Man Friday and the Coffee Bar helpers) who do so much to keep the premises open, tidy, safe and welcoming.

Centre Manager

Colin Hollies, our Centre Manager, has moved on to work for Adventure Plus. We much appreciate his cheerful work for us, and all he did to build up the use of our premises over the past seven years. We are very fortunate to have Bridie Little to keep things running while we prepare to make a more permanent appointment.

Use of Premises

We are pleased to host Volunteer Link-Up, the Red Cross medical loan service, Churches Together in Oxfordshire, Witney Talking News and many other community activities and organisations. Action for Children, who run the children's centre on our premises, are working out their future following the cuts in County Council funding for their work.

The church flat is let through Martin's as our managing agent. Lynne Carter has recently taken out a 3-5 year lease on the shop unit.

Major works

Major property work during the past year has included rebuilding a section of collapsed stone boundary wall, recoating areas of flat roof to extend their life (recommended in the last Quinquennial Inspection) and fitting a new boiler controller. Thanks to a donation from Brian and Mary Jordan, we have installed a defibrillator outside our premises for public use.


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The Old School Building

The church has decided to dispose of the empty Old School Building and this will soon be advertised for "expressions of interest".


A Safeguarding Reference Group has been set up under the chairmanship of the Rev Melanie Reed to oversee the church's safeguarding activities. Ruth Lapworth is our Designated Safeguarding Officer.

Health and Safety

The Church Council remains aware of our responsibilities towards the health and safety of all who use our premises.

Keith Crawford, Property Secretary

Man Friday

Number of organisers One co-ordinator through which all work requested should be channelled.

Helpers/members of group…. This varies – due to age, family commitments & infirmity we are now down to 6 or 7 Men Fridays & 2 Girl Fridays (more always welcome and very necessary!)



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A social meeting for retired folks who, as well as enjoying each other’s company, are willing to attempt minor D.I.Y jobs around the church buildings – really valuable work keeping our premises looking good & welcoming.

How this aim is carried outWith enthusiasm and the help of cakes baked by Phyllis.

Development of group….. Unfortunately, as the years go by, some people are unable to continue coming. So we are looking for extra help and if you are available & would like to join this happy band, please come along on a Friday morning from 9.00a.m. to 12 noon and see what they get up to new members are always welcome, whatever their skills. Please contact Geoff or Margaret [881316] for more information.N.B. Attendance each Friday is NOT compulsory and if you can spare only half a morning, you will be welcome too.

Progress of projects Usually have about 20 tasks on the books at any one time, ranging from painting, putting up shelves and coat hooks, sorting out vacuum cleaners, changing light bulbs to mending chairs and deterring pigeons! These jobs are crossed off as they are completed - but there are always others to take their place.

Value of this groupInestimable & a great money saver for the church!

Margaret Wright

Church Cleaners

Our very large premises comprise:


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3 entrance halls, 4 flights of stairs 3 kitchens, 13 toilets, 9 meeting rooms, 2 large halls

and miles of corridors as well as the outside steps & patios. Each day the waste-paper bins have to be emptied, the meeting room and corridor floors have to be vacuumed, the toilets and wash-basins cleaned, the toilet floors washed, the kitchen sinks & floors cleaned, all before the first meetings of the day begin. With an increase in room bookings over the past year, the importance of this work is increased. You would think that a small army of cleaners is necessary to keep them looking good and fit-for-purpose.

Fortunately we are blessed with three very competent workers.

Robin Edmunds, who has been with us for several years, acts as janitor, spending his time arranging furniture in the meeting rooms as required as well as keeping them all clean.

Robin Hambidge joined us last year and keeps all the toilets & kitchens spotlessly clean from Monday to Saturday.

Saturday Caretaker

Jason Thomas is our Saturday Caretaker, welcoming visitors each Saturday morning and cleaning and clearing up one Saturday per month. Unfortunately, due to family commitments, he is unable to cover the other Saturday afternoons in the month and so we have to rely on a band of volunteers while we try to find a permanent solution for this cover. To these we owe a great deal of thanks and understanding.

We are still looking for a person to fill this post. It requires someone who will ensure that a high level of tidiness, cleanliness and hygiene


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is maintained at the Church premises and also involves end-of-day security.

2hrs per Saturday afternoons @ £8.29 /hr Please contact the Church Office if you [or someone you know] shows an interest.

Saturday Volunteer Cleaners

For many years we have relied on a stalwart band of volunteers who come in early each Saturday morning, to clean and tidy the worship area. There are five teams - each team covers one Saturday per month [one extra for when there are five Saturdays in the month] and they vacuum, tidy and dust in there for our benefit on Sunday. Unfortunately there are several vacancies on the teams now, due to ill health or family reasons and we would like to fill these, so that the work is not too onerous for those left. If you can help in this way, please contact Margaret Wright 01993-881316.

We thank these volunteers for keeping our premises clean and welcoming.

Margaret Wright

Treasurer’s Report & Accounts

The accounts of the church have been prepared and are presented below in the format as required by the Charities Commission. These present the full picture of the activities of the church and combine both the normal church operation and the funds for the building projects.

The accounts show an overall deficit of £8,615 (2014: surplus of £37,403) with unrestricted funds showing a deficit of £7,813 (2014:


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surplus of £26,153) and restricted funds (the building project) showing a deficit of £802 (2014: surplus of £11,250). The deficit on the unrestricted funds partly reflects the spend of some monies received in 2014 for building works that were spent in 2015. However, the overall picture is that in 2015 there was higher expenditure than income reflecting the use of reserves to fund work of the deacon.

Lettings are higher by 10% following the 18% increase last year and reflect the usage and activity within the church. The decline in offerings and donations has slowed showing a decline of 2% compared to almost 8% last year. Costs, excluding those relating to the building project, were 23% higher than 2014. Partly this reflects a change in the payment of the assessment during 2014 which reduced the 2014 cost by £15,600 compared with a full year payment in 2015. However, there was also increased spend across the board reflecting both the timing of building maintenance projects and the increased activity within the church.

The churches funds remain OK. Excluding the building project money the funds stand at £89,396 (2014: £97,210) representing 37% (2014 – 37%) of annual expenditure. However, it should be noted that a level of reserves needs to be maintained to protect the fabric of the church building.

The funding position of the church building project is at £8,623 which will cover a few remaining items and the retention.

Going forward, the commitment made by church council to provide an average of £18,500 a year for the 5 years of Ellie’s appointment as deacon, presents a significant challenge. It will require the whole church to respond and support this undertaking.


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The accounts have been audited and are presented below.

Ian Prince, ACMA, Treasurer


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ChurchStatement of Financial Activities (SOFA) for the year ended 31 August 2015

General Fund (Unrestricted) Restricted Funds Endowment

Funds Totals this year Previous year totals

£ £ £ £ £

Incoming Resources

1 Offerings and Tax recoverable 78,094 78,094 79,863

2 Interest and Investment Income 362 2 364 342

3 Lettings 113,423 113,423 103,447


5 Other Income 44,449 2,469 46,918 134,000

6 Internal Organisations

7 Total Incoming Resources 236,328 2,471 238,799 317,652

Resources Expended

8 Circuit Assessment or Share 97,042 97,042 78,391

9 Grants and Donations 35,611 35,611 20,952

10 Repairs and Maintenance 12,839 4,842 17,681 89,583

11 Insurance, Utilities etc 30,915 30,915 29,185

12 Depreciation 1,908 1,908 1,841

13 Provisions

14 Other expenditure 64,257 64,257 60,297


16 Internal Organisations

17 Total Resources Expended 242,572 4,842 247,414 280,249

18 Net Incoming Resources -6,244 -2,371 -8,615 37,403

19 Transfers between funds -1,569 1,569

20 Sub Total -7,813 -802 -8,615 37,40321 Gains and losses on investment assets

22 Net investment in funds-7,813 -802 -8,615 37,403

23 Total funds brought forward 97,209 9,425 106,634 69,231

24 Total funds carried forward at end of year 89,396 8,623 98,019 106,634

Balance brought forward from last year -278 -278

8729 9063

8729 9063

Balance carried forward -278 -278

High Street Methodist Church, Witney

For information only: Money received and passed on to External Organisations

Offerings/Gifts - received for External Organisations

Offerings/Gifts - passed to External Organisations


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Tangible Fixed Assets*



Totals last year


ChurchHigh Street Methodist Church, Witney

Endowment Funds

Totals this year



Balance Sheet as at 31 August 2015General Fund (Unrestricted)

£ £

Other Funds (Restricted)


















84,973 8,623 93,596



89,396 106,635








Total Funds 89,396 8,623 98,019 106,635



Current Assets

Net current assets/liabilities

Provisions for liabilities and charges

Total assets less current liabilities

Loans and creditors due after 1 year

Funds of the Church

Church buildings and other property

Investment properties


Cash at Bank and in hand

Total fixed assets

Net assets

Debtors and Prepayments

Total current assets

General Fund (Unrestricted)

Other Funds (Restricted)

Endowment Funds


Creditors and Accruals (due in under 1 year)

Central Finance Board & Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes deposits etc


87,579 8,623


Loans by Churches


Page 59: Web viewJane Heath, Senior Steward. ... offering age relevant activities to explore and respond to God’s word. How: ... Lorraine Hurdle, Team

Reserve Policy for High Street Methodist Church for the year end 31st August 2015

We will commence the new financial year with £66,077 Reserve Fund held at CFB and maintain our General Fund of £15,751 held locally. In 2007 Church Council agreed a Fund target of six months average expenditure (approx £120k) and in recent years we have maintained a position a little short of this target between 37% and 49%. However, the growth of our lettings and the costs, directly associated with this, allow us to run a lower reserves position without risk.

Policy for Restricted Funds

The only restricted funds that we maintain relate to the project to develop the Wesley Centre. With phase 1 now finishing the decision has been taken to put further fundraising on hold while other options and ideas are considered for the rest of the building. With the repayment of the loan there will not be any significant funds remaining in the project and they will be used for further furnishing or maintenance of the building until exhausted.