web viewin fact, we invented the mandolin. we are a seafaring country and import many goods from...

Welcome to Florence! We are the birthplace of the Renaissance. Ruled by the powerful Medici family, we are famous of our patronage (support) of superior artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. See that dome to the right? That’s the Florence Cathedral which some say is a wonder to behold. If you’re in town, be sure to check out our thriving textile industry (our wool is very fine indeed) and be sure to bank with us! Due to the powerful leadership of the Medici family, we are a thriving banking center. His Holiness the Pope even banks with us! Some say that we spend too much

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Post on 06-Feb-2018




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Page 1: Web viewIn fact, we invented the mandolin. We are a seafaring country and import many goods from North Africa and Spain. Speaking of Spain,

Welcome to Florence!We are the birthplace of the Renaissance. Ruled by the powerful Medici family, we are famous of our patronage (support) of superior artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. See that dome to the right? That’s the Florence Cathedral which some say is a wonder to behold. If you’re in town, be sure to check out our thriving textile industry (our wool is very fine indeed) and be sure to bank with us! Due to the powerful leadership of the Medici family, we are a thriving banking center. His Holiness the Pope even banks with us! Some say that we spend too much money on art, architecture and opulence. To them we say “Ars longa, vita brevis” – Art is long, life is short.

Page 2: Web viewIn fact, we invented the mandolin. We are a seafaring country and import many goods from North Africa and Spain. Speaking of Spain,

Welcome to Milan!Ok, ok – so we may have been a little obsessed with war and conquering our rivals in Florence, but once our leaders the Sforza family took over in 1450, there has been great peace and harmony in the region.We are committed to the ideals of the Renaissance including new ideas about art and literature. In fact, our leader Francesco Sforza was even good friends with influent writer Niccolo Machiavelli. Machiavelli praises him in his book “The Prince” for the fact that Sforza is able to hold his country in peace.Be sure to purchase some of our fine metalwork in Milan – including suits of armor. Surely a must in times of war! Some say that we don’t hold the prestige of other cities – but those other cities must just be jealous.

Page 3: Web viewIn fact, we invented the mandolin. We are a seafaring country and import many goods from North Africa and Spain. Speaking of Spain,

Welcome to Venice!We may be an island city – but we can still compete with land mass power of other city states. We are called the “Little East” in some circles because of our powerful trade connection to the Far East. We import luxury items such as spices and silk. And let’s be honest – you’re nobody this season unless you’re wearing dyed silk. We also make beautiful artistic glassware.Our strategic position along the Adriatic Sea means we have a very good navy – we even drove away pirates along the Dalmatian Coast as well as protected trade routes of other cities from pirates. Unlike other city states that rule by powerful families that are “born into” their jobs – we are democratic in Venice. We have a great council ruled by a “Doge” who is elected as a sort of CEO until his death (or until he is forced out).Some might say that our ties to the East are also our downfall. When the Ottoman Empire conquered Constantinople, our trade empire did shrink a bit – but hey, at least our city isn’t sinking!

Page 4: Web viewIn fact, we invented the mandolin. We are a seafaring country and import many goods from North Africa and Spain. Speaking of Spain,

Welcome to Rome!Welcome to the center of Catholicism. You like power? You like influence? You like religion? Then look no further than Rome. While Rome was built under the leadership of Nicholas V, really it’s the Pope and the Catholic Church that reign supreme here.We are great lovers and patrons of the arts – we’ve commissioned such artists as Raphael and Michelangelo who not only worked as an architect on St. Peter’s Basilica but also painted the ceiling of a little place called the Sistine Chapel.We have a glorious history! Literally, “all roads lead to Rome” thanks to our forefathers…the ROME(ans) – and we are called the “eternal city”. So maybe we don’t produce quite the number of goods for trade that other cities have….we are one of the greatest art centers in the world and attract huge amounts of visitors a year. We are also buddy-buddy with several Tuscan bankers who contribute to our rich economy.

Page 5: Web viewIn fact, we invented the mandolin. We are a seafaring country and import many goods from North Africa and Spain. Speaking of Spain,

Welcome to Naples!Do you enjoy a warmer climate? Welcome to Naples, the ruler of Southern Italy for much of the Renaissance. Sure, we didn’t get on the whole city-state bandwagon until late in the game; but in 1443 when Alfonso I conquered the city, we became a major player.We were big supporters of artists, writer and philosophers but mostly of musicians. In fact, we invented the mandolin. We are a seafaring country and import many goods from North Africa and Spain. Speaking of Spain, they are a thorn in our backside… in 1504 they capture us and turn us Spanish. Bummer.But on the bright side, we helped orchestrate a peace treaty called the Peace of Lodi in 1454 between Milan, Florence and ourselves which lasted over 30 years. Not bad for a city-state late to the game.