web viewgrace journal 2014.q3. 2014/2015. clothed with power. luke 24:49 “i am going to send...

Grace Journal 2014.Q3 2014/2015 CLOTHED WITH POWER LUKE 24:49 “…I am going to send you what My Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” Acts 1:8 “…But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Overall direction ‘Clothed with Power’ is the overall theme for Grace Assembly in year 2014/2015. The theme adopted for two years instead of one year, seeks a comprehensive spiritual journey with fuller experience of the work of the Holy Spirit, in an unhurried manner and deliberate pace, in and for the lives of the church people. Acts 1:8 is the emphatic hallmark of the direction for spiritual empowerment on our lives and missional transformation in our ministry for the Kingdom of God. Person of the Holy Spirit and Purpose of the Power are foci of the direction which transcend beyond the experiences of speaking in tongues and the exercise of spiritual gifts to the teaching through pulpit ministry, cells, equipping through discipleship, praying for people through worship/altar ministry, etc., that fulfill the desired outcome of developing missional believers for God’s Kingdom; every Gracian / Gracian family reaching out to a pre-believer / a family of pre-believers. Focus The focus for 2014 will be on the PERSON and PURPOSE of the POWER of the Holy Spirit. Calendar on English Journal Jul 25 Fri Holy Spirit Revival Meeting - Rev Ong Sek Leang 26 Sat GDP Seminar – Rev Ong Sek Leang

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Page 1: Web viewGrace Journal 2014.Q3. 2014/2015. CLOTHED WITH POWER. LUKE 24:49 “I am going to send you what My Father has promised; but stay in the city until you

Grace Journal 2014.Q32014/2015

CLOTHED WITH POWERLUKE 24:49 “…I am going to send you what My Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”

Acts 1:8“…But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Overall direction‘Clothed with Power’ is the overall theme for Grace Assembly in year 2014/2015. The theme adopted for two years instead of one year, seeks a comprehensive spiritual journey with fuller experience of the work of the Holy Spirit, in an unhurried manner and deliberate pace, in and for the lives of the church people.

Acts 1:8 is the emphatic hallmark of the direction for spiritual empowerment on our lives and missional transformation in our ministry for the Kingdom of God.

Person of the Holy Spirit and Purpose of the Power are foci of the direction which transcend beyond the experiences of speaking in tongues and the exercise of spiritual gifts to the teaching through pulpit ministry, cells, equipping through discipleship, praying for people through worship/altar ministry, etc., that fulfill the desired outcome of developing missional believers for God’s Kingdom; every Gracian / Gracian family reaching out to a pre-believer / a family of pre-believers.

FocusThe focus for 2014 will be on the PERSON and PURPOSE of the POWER of the Holy Spirit.

Calendar on English JournalJul 25 Fri Holy Spirit Revival Meeting

- Rev Ong Sek Leang

26 Sat GDP Seminar – Rev Ong Sek Leang

Aug 6 Wed J333 (COMBINED)

10 Sun Water Baptism @ GII

30-31 Sat-Sun Worship Encounter

Sep 13 Sat GDP Seminar – Rev David Lim

19 Fri Holy Spirit Revival Meeting- Ps David McCracken

Page 2: Web viewGrace Journal 2014.Q3. 2014/2015. CLOTHED WITH POWER. LUKE 24:49 “I am going to send you what My Father has promised; but stay in the city until you


ContentThe Book of Numbers is a continuation of the Mosaic narrative that began in Exodus. In Exodus, the Israelites were situated in Sinai, but in Numbers, they begin their journey out of Sinai. Numbers broadly consists of two narratives: 1) A list of instructions to prepare the Israelites for the journey out of Sinai (1:1 to 10:10) and 2) An account of the Israelite’s journey (10:11 to 36:13).

The Holy Spirit at WorkAccording to Hayford, the Holy Spirit is spoken of directly in Chapter 11. There, the Spirit is depicted as performing two functions: anointing leadership and inspiring prophecy.

(Hayford, New Spirit-Filled Life Bible)

1-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 1

Reflection:What were the criteria for being counted in the census? What was this census about? Who were specifically not included in the census? Why was this so?

Response:As Christians, we are in a spiritual battle. How can you be counted upon in this battle?

2-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 2

Reflection:Place the 12 tribes on the picture below, as stated in this chapter.

What can you learn from the layout of the encampments?

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3-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 3

Reflection:Include in the picture above the placement of the Levites. What were the duties of each Levi family? What made the Levites different from the rest of Israel?

Response:Think about how you, as a Christian, are set apart from the rest of the world.

4-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 4

Reflection:What was the purpose of this second census? What do you think about the instructions concerning the Tabernacle and its accessories? Why was there a need to cover the various furnishings?

Response:What are some holy things of today that we should not profane?

5-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 5; Psalm 53

Reflection:Why do you think God had to demand absolute cleanness in the camp? What are the two sins stated at the beginning of this passage? Why should faithfulness to God and our spouses be our utmost priority?


6-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 6; Psalm 54

Reflection:What was the purpose of the Nazirite vow? Is there an equivalent to the Nazirite vow today?

Response:Can you dedicate a period of time - weekly, monthly or yearly - to the Lord?


Sermon Notes

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7-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 7

Reflection:Why was there a need for such a detailed record of the offerings? (NB: Observe the repetitions in the account of the offerings, rather than comparing them) How are you impacted through reading this record?

God could have spoken anywhere, but in the closing verses, God chose to speak from a specific place—the Ark of the Testimony. Why do you think this was so? What can you learn from this?

Response:What kind of offering will you and your household bring to the Lord?

8-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 8

Reflection:The Levites were specially chosen by God to work in the Temple. However, to do so, they had to purify themselves and bring offerings to the Lord. Why was such an act of separation necessary?


9-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 9

Reflection:It had been a year since the Israelites were delivered from Egypt, and they were to remember the episode by celebrating the Passover. Imagine the conversations that could have taken place during each family’s vigil.

Response:Recollect how you came to accept Christ and share your story with your family.

10-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 10

Reflection:What were the functions of the trumpets? What purpose and significance did they hold in worship?

The Lord literally led Israel in all of their journeys and in every area of their lives. How has God been leading your life? Do you appreciate Him for it?

Note: Chapter 11 marks a major turning point in the Book of Numbers—Israel finally leaves Sinai and heads toward the Promised Land.


11-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 11

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Reflection:Were Israel’s complaints justified? Was Moses’ plea to the Lord justified? Was God’s anger justified? Despite being angry with the Israelites, God still satisfied their requests for better food. Why did He do so?

NB: The elders were selected from existing leaders. The Spirit brings new authority to their leadership. (Hayford)

Response:Are you facing a difficult situation? Ask yourself, “Is the Lord’s arm too short?” Find confidence in the Lord who can meet all our needs.

12-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 12; Psalm 55

Reflection:What can you learn about Moses from this chapter? How do you feel about God confronting Miriam and Aaron on behalf of Moses?

Response:What are some attributes of Moses that you would like to emulate?

13-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 13; Psalm 56

Reflection:Are you surprised by the pessimistic report of the majority of the explorers, given the abundance of food they saw? What causes you to choose fear over the faith?



Sermon Notes

14-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 14

Reflection:Why do you think Joshua and Caleb were so adamant about entering Canaan?

Consider Moses’ petition to the Lord on behalf of Israel. How does he remind you of the Holy Spirit?

How was their rebellion described at the end of the chapter?

Response:Imagine being one of the Israelites or one of the 10 explorers who were not allowed to enter the Promised Land. What do you think were some of their thoughts and feelings?

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15-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 15

Reflection:It is repeatedly mentioned that offerings had to be “an aroma pleasing to the Lord”. Why was this so?

How important was it for a person to atone for unintentional sins? Notice how severe the punishment was for someone who broke the Sabbath. Was there a need for such severity at that time?


16-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 16

Reflection:Initially, it was Miriam and Aaron who opposed Moses’ leadership. However, we see in this chapter the up-rising of Levites and well-known leaders. How would you have felt if you were in Moses’ shoes? How did the Lord affirm Moses as His divinely appointed leader? What are some qualities of Moses seen in this chapter?


17-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 17

Reflection:How did the Lord silence the rebellion? Consider how Moses and Aaron might have felt to have the Lord as their defender. How has the Lord been your defender?


18-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 18

Reflection:The Lord told Aaron that his priesthood is a gift. Take time to reflect over the priesthood that you are called to (1 Peter 2:9). Why was the phrase “is yours” repeated for emphasis?


19-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 19; Psalm 57

Reflection:What was the purpose of the ashes of the burnt heifer? Why is this ritual of cleansing necessary?

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20-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 20; Psalm 58

Reflection:What was wrong with Moses’ response? What consequences did Aaron and Moses have to suffer because of it? Do you think the punishment was too severe?



Sermon Notes

21-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 21

Reflection:Compare this episode of grumbling with the previous ones. Do you observe any differences in God’s reaction? Why did God instruct Moses to make a bronze snake instead of removing the snakes?

How did Israel end up occupying the land east of the Jordan (land that was not part of the Promised Land)?


22-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 22

Reflection:Meditate over Balaam’s words in verse 18 and hide these words in your heart.

God gave Balaam permission to go with the Moabite officials. Why then was God upset with Balaam? Why did God have to go so far as to send an angel and make a donkey speak to Balaam?

Response:What is your response to Balaam’s words in verses 18 and 38?

23-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 23

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Reflection:In this passage, Balaam faces an internal tug-of-war between obeying the Lord and giving in to Balak. Have you experienced a similar tug-of-war? Was the way you reacted like or unlike Balaam? What can you learn from Balaam?

Response:In which areas of your life can you resolve in your heart to “do whatever the Lord says”?

24-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 24

Reflection:What happened to Balaam when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him? Why do you think Balaam was not tempted by the silver and gold of Balak’s palace? What did Balaam’s fourth prophecy pertain to?


25-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 25

Reflection:Why was the Lord angry with Israel? What had to be done to quell the Lord’s anger? It is easy to question God’s love and mercy after reading this passage. What was the author’s intent in recording this history? Which attributes of God was shown through this incident? How was God’s mercy shown in this passage?


26-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 26; Psalm 59

Reflection:Why was the census taken? What do you think about the way the Lord allocated the land to the Israelites?


27-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 27; Psalm 60

Reflection:What do you think about the way the Lord handled the problem brought up by the daughters of Zelophehad? What was Moses’ utmost concern after the Lord revealed his imminent death? Given the fact that he was dying, did he necessarily have to care?


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Sermon Notes

28-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 28

Reflection:This passage lists the daily, weekly and monthly offerings required of the Israelites. What do you think of such requirements? Start a chart to list the details of the feasts. Below are the suggested headings for the chart:

Feast | When | Duration | Food | Offering | To do


29-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 29

Reflection:Add the feasts mentioned here to the chart you started yesterday. Was any feast more significant than the others? Why do you think that was so?


30-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 30-31

Reflection:Chapters 30 and 31 both pertain to women. What were the different conditions under which a woman’s vow was validated or nullified? Why do you think there were such conditions? What stirred Moses anger in Chapter 31? How was the plunder divided? Why did the soldiers bring an extravagant offering to the Lord?

Response:Consider how you might want to bring an extravagant offering to the Lord for the success or favour He has granted you.

31-Jul-14Readings: Numbers 32

Reflection:What was the request of the Gadites, the Reubenites and the half-tribe of Manasseh? What could have been some of Moses’ concerns upon hearing their request? How did they manage to reassure Moses?


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1-Aug-14Readings: Numbers 33-34

Reflection:Trace the Israelite’s journey using the map provided. (Image by http://classic.scriptures.lds.org/)

What were the warnings given to the Israelites?

Response:Imagine being an Israelite and receiving the Lord’s Word regarding the boundaries of the Promised Land. What hopes would you have regarding the future?

Image by viceregency.blogspot.sg.

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2-Aug-14Numbers 35-36; Psalm 61

Reflection:How were the Israelites supposed to allocate the Promised Land for other purposes, such as housing the Levites and protecting those seeking refuge? What was God’s intent for building the cities of refuge? How would you like to thank God for His kind consideration?


1 Corinthians

The Role of the Holy Spirit Paul wrote 1 Corinthians to correct the misconceptions of the Corinthians. These misconceptions pertained to issues like the Holy Spirit, Christian freedom, spiritual gifts and knowledge. Even today, his message continues to be relevant. Through his message, we learn that firstly, our faith is built not on human wisdom but on the power of the Holy Spirit (2:4-5). Secondly, the Holy Spirit gives us divine revelations (2:13) and dwells in us (6:19). Thirdly, He gives us gifts according to His sovereign will (12:11), and lastly, by the Holy Spirit, we are baptized into one body (12:13).

3-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 1; Psalm 62

Reflection: How did the grace of God manifest in the Corinthian church (vv. 5-7)? How do we distinguish between God’s wisdom and human wisdom (vv. 24-25)? How does God choose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise and the weak things of the world to shame the strong (v. 27)?

Response: Meditate on the power and wisdom of the Lord.


Weekend Sermon

4-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 2

Reflection: Why did Paul highlight that his message was not delivered with wise and persuasive words (vv. 4-5)? In what way has the Holy Spirit helped us to understand what God has given to us (vv. 10, 12)? What does it mean to have the “mind of Christ” (v. 16)?

Response: Do something today that reflects Christ in you.

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5-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 3

Reflection: Paul chastised the Corinthians for their worldliness (vv. 1-3). What are the characteristics of worldliness? Paul lists examples of materials which cannot be used to lay the spiritual foundation of the church (v. 12). What do these materials represent? In what way are we God’s temple and how do we know His Spirit dwells in us (v. 16)?

Response: Repent over an area of worldliness in your life.

6-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 4

Reflection: What is meant by “do not go beyond what is written” (v. 6)? What were the differences between the Corinthians, and Paul and his co-workers (vv. 8-10)? What was his purpose in making such comparisons? Which of his attributes did Paul urge the Corinthians to imitate (v. 16)?

Response: Identify an area in your life which you would like others to imitate you in Christ. How will you go about doing it?

7-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 5

Reflection: How do the Corinthians react to sexual immorality in their midst (v. 2)? What is Paul’s solution to sexual sin (vv. 4-5)? How do we reconcile reaching out to sinners and obeying God’s call to purity (vv. 9-13)?

Response: Pray that God will keep you from sexual immorality.

8-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 6

Reflection: Why is it wrong to resolve disputes among Christians by going to the court of law (vv. 1-6)? Identify those who will not inherit the kingdom of God (vv. 9-10). Can you name a few principles of sexual purity for Christians (vv. 12-20)?

Response: Make a commitment to maintain sexual purity in your life.

9-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 7; Psalm 63

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Reflection: What principles govern the sexual relationship in a marriage (vv. 1-5)? How should a Christian handle the issue of divorce (vv. 10-16)? What are the advantages of being single (vv. 25-28, 32-38)?

Response: If you are married, renew your vows with your spouse. If you are single, renew your devotion to the Lord.

10-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 8; Psalm 64

Reflection: What does the phrase “knowledge puffs up but love builds up” mean (v. 1)? What is Paul’s position on eating food sacrificed to idols (vv. 7-8)? Regarding the eating of food sacrificed to idols, what are the major considerations that Christians need to bear in mind (vv. 9-13)?

Response: If you have caused a fellow to Christian stumble, seek his/her forgiveness.


Weekend Sermon

11-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 9

Reflection: Why does Paul choose not to exert his rights as an apostle over the Corinthians? What does Paul mean when he writes “to the Jews I became like a Jew…to those not having the law I became like one not having the law” ( vv. 20-21)? How does Paul demonstrate self-discipline in his Christian walk (vv. 24-27)?

Response: Identify an area in your Christian life where you can develop greater discipline.

12-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 10

Reflection: How did the Israelites in the wilderness displease God (vv. 1-10)? What were the consequences of the Israelites actions? What lessons can we draw from these consequences (vv. 11-13)? Think of a contemporary example where a Christian appears to “drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too” (v. 21). Identify an important principle governing the freedom of Christians (vv. 23-33).

Response: Memorize 1 Corinthians 10:13.

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13-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 11

Reflection: Why did Paul say “follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (v. 1)? Why don’t women today prophesy and pray with their head covered (vv. 4-6, 13-16)? What attitude should we adopt when we partake in the Holy Communion (vv. 23-30)?

Response: Give thanks for the broken body and the shed blood of Jesus.

14-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 12

Reflection: Identify the many ways in which the Holy Spirit can manifest (vv. 7-10). In what ways do they differ, and it what ways are they related? What does “For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body” (v. 13) mean? In using the human body to illustrate the working of the community of Christians ( vv. 15-26), what is Paul’s main message to us? What does it mean for us to “eagerly desire the greater gifts” (v. 31)?

Response: What spiritual gifts has the Holy Spirit given you? Deliberately look for an opportunity to exercise them today.

15-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 13

Reflection: What are the differences between love and the six spiritual gifts, namely, tongues, prophecy, knowledge, faith, giving, and martyrdom (vv. 1-3)? What are the characteristics of love (vv. 4-7)? How does Paul distinguish between the eternal nature of love and the temporal nature of spiritual gifts (vv. 8-13)?

Response: Memorize 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Demonstrate love tangibly to a friend or a family member today.

16-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 14; Psalm 65

Reflection: What does it mean to follow “the path of love” and “eagerly desire spiritual gifts” at the same time ( v. 1)? In what ways is the gift of prophecy different from the gift of tongue (vv. 2-22)? What principles are there to guide the exercising of spiritual gifts when the people of God come together (vv. 26-40)?

Response: If you have been baptized in the Spirit, pray in the spirit. Otherwise, pray for the infilling of the Spirit in your life.

17-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 15; Psalm 66

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Reflection: What is the significance of the repeated phrase “according to Scriptures” (vv. 3-4)? In what ways did Adam differ from Christ (vv. 21-22)? What is the nature of the resurrected body (vv. 35, 42-44)? Why is there a need for resurrection (vv. 50-53)? How does the assurance of resurrection influence our Christian walk (vv. 57-58)?

Response: Give thanks for the resurrection of Christ.


Weekend Sermon

18-Aug-14 Readings: 1 Corinthians 16

Reflection: Why and for whom was money collected in the Corinthian church (vv. 1-4; Gal 2:9-10; Acts 11:27-30)? Why did Paul wish to stay in Ephesus despite the adversaries there (vv. 8-9)? Why did Paul request the Corinthians to respect Timothy (vv. 10-11; 1 Tim 4:12)? Who were Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus (vv. 15-18; 1:16)? Who were Aquilla and Priscilla (v. 19)?

Response: Show appreciation to those who serve the Lord quietly behind the scenes.


ContentThe major portion of the book illustrates a recurring pattern—the Israelites did evil in the sight of the Lord (apostasy); the Lord delivered them into the hands of enemies (oppression); the cries of Israel (repentance); the Lord sent deliverers whom He empowered with His Spirit (deliverance). Six individuals—Othniel, Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Japhthah, and Samson—whose role as deliverers classified them as “major” judges. And six others are referred to as the “minor” judges.

The Holy Spirit at WorkThe activity of the Spirit of the Lord is portrayed in the charismatic leadership of the period, namely Othniel, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson.

1. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Othniel (3:10) and enabled him to deliver the Israelites from the hand of Cushan-Rishathaim.

2. Through the personal presence of the Spirit of the Lord, Gideon (6:34) delivered God’s people from the oppression of the Midianites. Literally, the Spirit of the Lord clothed Himself on Gideon. The Spirit empowered this divinely appointed leader and acted through him to accomplish the Lord’s saving act on behalf of His people.

3. The Spirit of the Lord equipped Jephthah (11:29) with leadership skills in his military pursuit against the Ammonites. Jephthah’s victory over the Ammonites was the Lord’s act of deliverance on behalf of Israel.

4. The Spirit of the Lord empowered Samson to perform extraordinary deeds. The Spirit of Lord came mightily upon him on several occasions (14:6, 19; 15: 14, 15).

(Hayford, New Spirit-Filled Life Bible)

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19-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 12

Reflection: Chapter 1: What did Manasseh, Ephraim, Zebulun, Asher and Naphtali do to the original occupants of the land? How did the Lord respond?

Chapter 2: How would you describe the new generation? Why was the Lord angry? What happen as a result?

Response: If the God is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all. What areas of your life might you need to surrender to the Lord?

20-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 34

Reflection: Chapter 3: Why did God raise Othniel up? Why did God raise Ehud up? Why did God raise Shamgar up? What was their God intended purpose?

Chapter 4: How did Deborah stand out for you? Why did Barak ask Deborah to go with him?

Response: Is there anything that is preventing you from living according to God’s way?

21-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 56

Reflection: Chapter 5: Why do you think Deborah’s song is especially given a chapter? How would you thank God that He is no respecter of gender?

Chapter 6: What did Gideon do in obedience to the Lord? What gave Gideon the courage to obey the Lord? When the Spirit of the Lord came on (clothed) Gideon, what did it cause Gideon to do?

Response: How would you like the Spirit to empower you?

22-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 78

Reflection: Chapter 7: If you were Gideon, how will you feel as the Lord reduced the battle men? Why do you think God does that?

Chapter 8: In v. 23, Gideon was offered kingship but rejected saying “The Lord will rule over you”. Why do you think he said that? How did Gideon’s subsequent request led to the downfall of himself and his kinsmen?

Response: How is the Lord ruling over you? Is there any area you might want the Lord to rule over?

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23-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 910; Psalm 67

Reflection: Chapter 9: What evil did Abimelech do? How did the Lord deal with him as a result?

Chapter 10: What emotion was stirred within you as the chapter enfolds yet another of Israel’s rebellion and also repentance?

Response: What will it mean for you to learn the lesson of “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath...” (Romans 12:19a)

24-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 11; Psalm 68

Reflection: Despite his far from perfect background, the Lord used Jephthah in a remarkable way. What does that tell you about God?

Do all the successes Japhthah experienced came as a result of personal effort? What is the Lord’s part in it?

Response: Despite your shortcomings and your past, the Lord wants to use you in a remarkable way as well. Surrender your heart to the Lord.


Weekend Sermon

25-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 1213

Reflection: Chapter 12: Civil war prevails in Israel. What was the fight between the tribe of Ephraim and the tribe of Gilead about? What is significant about Ibzan’s life?

Chapter 13: Leopard never changes its spot; Israel did evil again and was taken captive by the Philistines for forty years. Yet again, the Lord provided a deliverer—Samson. What is special about the birth of Samson? Whose birth does the angelic announcement remind you of?


26-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 1415

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Reflection: Chapter 14: What is the irony in Samson’s desire for the Philistine woman? Though Samson violated the Nazirite vow of not touching carcass and drinking wine (likely during the feast he provided), why do you think the Spirit of the Lord still came upon him?

Chapter 15: How did Samson end up killing a thousand Philistines? What happened when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him?


27-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 1617

Reflection: Chapter 16: What is Samson’s weakness? How did he violate yet another of the Nazirite vow? [NB: Samson’s source of strength came from the supernatural empowerment of the Spirit of the Lord. This divine enabling was associated with his consecration to God as a Nazirite. (Hayford)] Despite his shortcoming, how was Samson’s end?

Chapter 17: What are the various evidences of Israel’s decline? Despite being influenced by the paganized view of God, how would you consider Micah’s religiosity?

Response: The ironies of c. 17 may be obvious to the reader, but are oblivious to the people. Let’s set ourselves apart from the world, lest we become oblivious to the things of the world.

28-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 1819

Reflection: Chapter 18: What did the tribe of Danites do to Micah? Why do you think they did that to Micah?

Chapter 19: What happened to the Levite and his concubine in the land of the Benjamites? (NB: When the Levite divided her concubine into twelve pieces, it is for the purpose of mobilizing the tribes of Israel to convene a hearing to determine the disciplinary action against the perverted Gibeah men and the Benjamites who supported them. See c. 20)


29-Aug-14 Readings: Judges 2021

Reflection: Chapter 20: What do you see the Israelites do in their fight against the Benjamites? How did they eventually win the fight?

Chapter 21: How did the Israelites sympathize with the plight of Benjamin?

What do you notice in the last few chapters on the emphasis “no king” in Israel? Consider how these editorial details bring you into the times of Samuel.

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Response: There are many battles we fight in our life time. How would you like to position yourself to first seek the Lord and trust his deliverance?


ContentRuth is a record of the genealogy of David, the crowned king of Israel appointed by God to sire the line leading to the Messiah’s royal and endless rule. It demonstrates the sovereignty of God, not only in the life of Ruth, but Israel and also mankind.

The Holy Spirit at WorkThere is no direct reference to the Holy Spirit in this book. There is, however, an interesting analogy in Naomi’s concern for and guidance of Ruth through the process of her establishing her relationship with Boaz. Although Naomi’s perception of God’s dealings in her own life was limited, she nonetheless typifies the Holy Spirit’s work in our interests.

(Hayford, New Spirit-Filled Life Bible)

30-Aug-14Readings: Ruth 1-2; Psalm 69

Reflection:Chapter 1: What happened to Naomi? What do you think about her outlook of her life? How was Ruth different? How does Ruth inspire you?

Chapter 2: The harvesters of Boaz followed the Mosiac laws (see Lev 23:22, Deu 24:19-20). What does this reveal about Boaz's character as a leader? How did Ruth find favour in Boaz? How did God provide for Ruth and Naomi who were destitute?

Response:List the times when the Lord provided for you and protected you during times of desperation. Take some time to thank Him.

31-Aug-14Readings: Ruth 3-4; Psalm 70

Reflection:Chapter 3: What Naomi directed Ruth to do may appear to be seductive, yet Ruth did as instructed, what does this tell you about Ruth's attitude? How is Boaz, the kinsman-redeemer, a reflection of our Redeemer Christ Jesus?

Chapter 4: Why do you think the nameless kinsman-redeemer avoided fulfilling his duty-bound obligation to redeem the land and marry the widow Ruth? As a result of Boaz's faith in God and duty to kith and kin, God blessed generations through one of their descendants.

Response:In what areas would you like to emulate Ruth?

Is there a kin you have not being concerned about for some time? How might Boaz’s example inspire you to take action?

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Sermon Notes

1 Samuel

The Holy Spirit at Work1 Samuel contains remarkable instances of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the prophets, as well as upon the Saul and David. In 10:6 the Holy Spirit comes upon Saul, who prophesies and is “turned into another man”, that is, equipped by the Spirit to fulfil God’s calling. Also in 16:13 “the Spirit of the Lord came upon David” after being anointed by Samuel. The Spirit-inspired worship occurring in chapter 10 and 19:30 is also phenomenal.

(Hayford, New Spirit-Filled Life Bible)

1-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 1-2

Reflection:Chapter 1: What principles can you gather from how Hannah prayed? How would you react if you are in Hannah's position and someone judges you harshly like Eli did? What inspires you about Hannah's example of surrendering her most precious possession to God?

Chapter 2: Hannah not only willingly gave the gift of her son back to the Lord, but also proceeded to exalt the Giver. What attitude should we have when surrendering our gifts to the Lord? What are the differences between the attitudes of Hannah and Eli towards their children?

Response: Have you been in a place where you are at wit's end and the only thing you can do is abandon yourself in prayer? Pray as Hannah did.

2-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 3-4

Reflection:Chapter 3: Do you find it remarkable that God called a boy to do His work? How does that influence your perception about ministry by the young? Why do you think Eli chose to let his sons continue in their sins and priestly positions despite God's warnings?

Chapter 4: Why do you think God did not give the Israelites victory? Why did they suppose that the ark will deliver them victory? What outward symbols, rituals or observances do Christians sometimes rely on today for blessings from God?

Response: If you are a parent, what do you think is God's view of your responsibilities?

3-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 5-6

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Reflection:Chapter 5: Even though they faced the power of the true God, why did the Philistines not repent and worship Him? Why did they seek to remove His presence from their lives instead? How might you have, at times, removed yourself from God’s presence?

Chapter 6: The cows would naturally gravitate towards their calves but due to divine guidance, they headed towards Israel territory instead. What do you think are the reasons for God's actions in all these unusual events?


4-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 7-8

Chapter 7: What choice did the Israelites have to make before God would deliver them from their enemies? Considering what happened, what does it say about true repentance and real faith as opposed to outward or ceremonial worship?

Chapter 8: Samuel felt displeased with the peoples’ request and went to God in prayer. How would you react when faced with a difficult request in your life? If God was unhappy with their request, why did He grant them a king? What do you think is the difference between the perfect will of God and the permissive will of God?

Response: “Ebenezer” means “Stone of Help”. What “Ebenezer” might you set up today?

5-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 9-10

Chapter 9: Do you think there are any "accidental" coincidences that happen in life? Imagine how Saul felt when he heard Samuel's proclamation about his future? Why do you think God chose him to be the king? Why do you think it is important to be faithful in the ordinary tasks we are responsible for?

Chapter 10: The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully on Saul and God changed his heart and he became a different person. How should we expect ourselves to be changed by God?

Response: Ask the Lord to reveal to you what area of change He wants to start in you. Consider how you might cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

6-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 71

Chapter 11: What do you think is the role of the Spirit in moving Saul to act as a leader? What do you make sense of the anger that came upon Saul?

Chapter 12: Samuel was displeased that the people were replacing the Almighty King for a mortal king. What are the consequences of wanting to follow the pattern of the world rather than relying totally on the Lord? Why do you think Samuel asked God to show His power and anger over the peoples' sin? Why did God not reject them?

Response: Just as Samuel did, what legacy would you like to leave behind in your personal relationships, your ministry and in the marketplace?

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7-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 13-14; Psalm 72

Reflection:Chapter 13: What drove Saul to offer sacrifices to God instead of waiting for Samuel? What does that reveal about Saul's heart? What do you think God would have done for Saul if he had only waited for God's will and timing?

Chapter 14: Why do you think Jonathan was successful in defeating the enemy (vv. 12, 15)? What can you see about his faith? How would you compare Jonathan to his father, Saul?

Response: When a situation looks desperate, how do you normally react? How do you think God wants you to respond?


Sermon Notes

8-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 15-16

Chapter 15: God chose Saul to fulfil His kingdom purposes in defending Israel (14:47-48). Yet he failed God although he was chosen by God. Why do you think that our partial obedience is called "rebellion" and "arrogance" by God? When confronted with his disobedience, Saul's excuses sounded very logical and even godly! What excuses do you give for not fully obeying the Word of God?

Chapter 16: Samuel had to risk his life to obey God in anointing David. What risks would you be willing to take in choosing to obey God? In what ways do you think God chooses leaders differently from how the world chooses their leaders?


9-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 17-18Chapter 17: If you are a soldier in Saul's army, what would you be feeling when facing Goliath? Remember this went on for 40 days! How is David different from the soldiers in Saul's army? What are some of the reasons for consuming fear or anger in a person's life? Chapter 18: What makes David gain favour with Jonathan, the people, Saul’s officers, and Saul’s daughter, Rachel?

Response: Which aspect of David's character would you like to ask God for today?

10-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 19-20

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Chapter 19: Saul again tries to kill David and enlist help to do so. What do you think drove him to such actions? The Spirit of God overcame Saul and he prophesied rather than continue on his evil mission. What role does the Holy Spirit have in overcoming evil? How is Samuel part of this holy work? Chapter 20: When David was in danger, he turned to a friend he trusted and loved in faith (v. 42). Why are such friendships important? What traits in the character of Jonathan do you admire? Saul was so obsessed in destroying his perceived rival, David, which he even tried to kill his own son and heir, Jonathan! What do you think is the outcome of a life focused on personal success?

Response:If you do not have friend like Jonathan, ask the Lord to grant you spiritual friendships today. If you do, consider writing a note to them to renew that friendship.

11-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 21-22Chapter 21: Not only did David lied for food, he pretended to be insane, what do you think about his actions? If you were David at this desperate time, how would you have felt about life? About God? (See Psalm 34)Chapter 22: David ensured the safety of his parents at the time of danger. What does this tell you about him? What do you think of what Saul destroyed in the process of his hatred? What is the destiny of a person who acts on uncontrolled feelings?

Response:Is there an example for you to follow? Is there an error for you to avoid?

12-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 23-24Chapter 23: What impresses you about how David makes his major decisions in battle? How is David different from Saul in how they made their decisions? What do you think was the secret of David's ability to escape from harm against all human odds? Chapter 24: If you had an arch enemy in your power to destroy, how would you feel and act? Whom did David fear most—his foe, his men or God? How did this make him a better leader than Saul?


13-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 25-26; Psalm 73Chapter 25: How was Nabal foolish in his attitude? In what way was Abigail a blessing to David and her husband at the same time? From the way Nabal died, what does this show you about God's ways?Chapter 26: How did David believe God to deal with his enemy? Again David showed grace and spared Saul's life. What did this make Saul confess about himself? And about David's future?

Response:In what way can you emulate Abigail?

14-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 27; Psalm 74

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David was forced to leave Israel and stay with their enemies, the Philistines, in order to survive. How would he and his men have felt then? How did David continue to aid Israel even at this time while away? What do you think of David deceiving his host at this time of desperation?



Sermon Notes

15-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 28-29Chapter 28: How did the Lord speak to his people in the past and how does he communicate in the present times? Saul broke God's command and turned to help from the spirits. What would you do if God remained silent to your urgent prayers? Do you think Saul ever repented of this sin? Why or why not?Chapter 29: What do you think about the way the Lord helped David avoid killing his own countrymen? The Philistines rulers greatly distrusted David. He was rejected by them and sent away. When have you suffered rejection?


16-Sep-14Readings: 1 Samuel 30-31Chapter 30: When facing great loss, grief and possible death, what impresses you about how David found strength? From this chapter, in what ways is David "a man after God's heart"?Chapter 31: What do you think of how Saul handled loss and defeat? What help will you ask from the Lord today so you may experience victory when your faith is tested?

Response:Both David and Saul faced great losses during their lives, yet both men responded differently. What steps will you take today to build up faith that will triumph over adversity?

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The Holy Spirit at WorkPaul asks the Galatians, in 3:2-3, why they were seeking spiritual maturity by performing works of the Law. The intimation is that the same Spirit who regenerated them causes their new life to grow. In 3:5 Paul asks a similar question concerning the Holy Spirit. The language he uses indicates an experience of the Spirit that extended beyond the Galatians’ initial reception. These verses teach that we receive the Spirit by faith and that the Spirit continues to manifest Himself in power as we walk in faith.

In 5:16-25 Paul graphically describes a fierce and constant conflict between the flesh, our lower nature prone to sin, and the indwelling Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit, when we submit to His control and actively walk in Him, can enable us to die to the flesh (vv. 16, 17), deliver us from the tyranny of the Law (v. 18), and cause the fruit of holiness to grow in our lives (vv. 22, 23).

(Hayford, New Spirit-Filled Life Bible)

17-Sep-14Readings: Galatians 1

Reflection: If there are different versions of the gospel in the days of Paul, do you know the gospel? What is the gospel to you? Believers praised God because of Paul’s testimony in verse 24. Can others say that of our testimonies too?

Response:Do you know how to share the gospel or your testimony? Take this chance to learn to share the gospel &/or craft your testimony.

18-Sep-14Readings: Galatians 2

Reflection: How did the decision about Titus confirm the validity of Paul’s message? Considering the position Peter, James, and John held in the early church, of what importance is their approval to the message of Paul?

How did Paul live his life, once he had died to the law? If we have been crucified with Christ, how do we live?

Response:How have you been crucified with Christ? If you are a different person than you were before Christ, what evidence do you see in you? If not, what change would you like to make?

19-Sep-14Readings: Galatians 3

Reflection:How do human effort and law keeping get in the way of relationship with Jesus? What is the relationship between faith and the Spirit? How does the gift of the Spirit affirm that God accepts us completely in Christ? What does Christ accomplished with His coming?

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Response:Have you felt unacceptable to God recently? Why? In what ways do we sometimes try to earn God’s favour by what we do? How have you been blessed by the Spirit’s presence in your life?

20-Sep-14Readings: Galatians 4; Psalm 75

Reflection:Are you saved by faith or by works? And do you live your Christian life—by faith or by works? How does life changed for you when you no longer live as slaves to your own inability but as heirs of all God’s goodness?

Response:What things do you do which will show that you are living life as a slave again?

21-Sep-14Readings: Galatians 5; Psalm 76

Reflection:What is Paul’s desire for the Galatians Christians? Are you enjoying the freedom that Christ has paid for you? How are you supposed to use that freedom?

Response:Have you been challenged to do anything new or different for Christ as you enjoy the freedom in Christ?


Weekend Sermon

22-Sep-14Readings: Galatians 6

Reflection:Verse 2 tells us to “carry each other’s burdens” and verse 5 says “each one should carry his own load”. How do you make sense of that? Why must we be reminded not to be weary “in doing good”?

Response:List some ways you can “do good” to those who belong to the same “household of faith”.


The Holy Spirit at WorkAll references to “spirit” in the book are to the life-force that animates the human or the animal. The Preacher advises that not every dream is the voice of God. And Preacher stresses on reverence and obedience to God. True spiritual gifts—genuine manifestations of miraculous utterance or deed—will be used in a spirit of reverence for the glory of God through Christ and for the edification of the believers.

(adapted from Hayford, New Spirit-Filled Life Bible)

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23-Sep-14Readings: Ecclesiastes 1

Reflections:King Solomon, whose heart understands great wisdom and knowledge, reiterates that everything is meaningless and that there's nothing new under the sun. From the repeated phrase 'under the sun' (1:3, 9, 14), what perspective towards life is Solomon taking? Hence, what is the conclusion when we view life from this perspective?

Response:In a current challenging situation in your life, seek to see it from God's perspective rather than from an earthly view.

24-Sep-14Readings: Ecclesiastes 2

Reflections:Pleasure, achievements, wisdom, folly and toil are all meaningless under the sun. From the repeated idea that man's days on earth are numbered (see 2:3, 16, 23), what perspective is Solomon taking?

Response:How should we live the few days of our lives on earth, knowing that our perspectives should not be limited to only this life?

25-Sep-14Readings: Ecclesiastes 3

Reflections:God has appointed a time for everything. Nothing happens by chance. God has also set eternity in our hearts. Holding an eternity perspective, what are some things in life that we can hold loosely?

Response:Seek to let go of our own plans and take hold of God's Hand.

26-Sep-14Readings: Ecclesiastes 45

Reflections:Chapter 4: When Solomon observes with his own eyes (see repeated idea in vv. 1, 4, 7, 15) oppression, toil, friendlessness and advancement on earth, he declares it all meaningless. What do you think Solomon will declare about these issues when he views them through God's eyes?

Chapter 5: Many words are meaningless. Fear God. Riches are meaningless, but when God gives wealth and good health to enjoy it, accept this lot and be happy. How does accepting our lot from God help us?

Response:In your next conversation with someone regarding issues on injustice, share God's perspectives.

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27-Sep-14Readings: Ecclesiastes 67; Psalm 77

Reflections:Chapter 6: A wealthy man whose wealth gets enjoyed by a stranger, a poor man, who has a long life or a stillborn - we may know what happens to them on earth but what will happen to them when their earthly life is up? Days on earth are few, so how are we spending them on eternity terms?

Chapter 7: Solomon writes many wise sayings upon considering what God has done, and after testing them with his wisdom. 7:18 says that the man who fears God will avoid all extremes. What is one current area in your life where you need to act out the fear of God?

Response:Pray for God to grant you wisdom to discern between being 'wisely passionate' and being 'extremely over' (see 7:16-18).

28-Sep-14Readings: Ecclesiastes 89; Psalm 78

Reflections:Chapter 8: Since our vision is limited to our life on this earth and we do not know what the future holds, we should live it up and enjoy this God-given life. It is also better to be reverent before God. Are we living every moment with God, or are we anxious about a future that we cannot control?

Chapter 9: A common destiny awaits all: righteous and wicked, good and bad, clean and unclean. Yet, being alive is still better than being dead, for there is hope. In view of this, what suggestions does the Teacher give as to how to live life?

Response:Thank God for the gift of life, to be able to eat and drink and be glad.


Weekend Sermon

29-Sep-14Readings: Ecclesiastes 10

Reflections:From the wise sayings in this chapter, choose one to reflect upon and respond to.


30-Sep-14Readings: Ecclesiastes 1112

Reflections:Chapter 11: How diligently are you investing your time, money and resources?

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Chapter 12: Ponder the Teacher's conclusion of the matter: “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (12:13)

If we don't understand the meaning of life from heaven's perspective and from the perspective of the next world, we finish up disillusioned, disappointed and depressed. Do you find yourself experiencing one of these feelings at some junctures in your life? How will rearranging priorities or changing perspectives help? (Unlocking the Bible by David Pawson)

Response:In the few days of your youth, be happy! Ask God for wisdom to invest your time, money and resources for eternity.

Memorize Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14.