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Page 1:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef AlbersYou can't direct the wind but you can adjust the sails. AnonymousReading makes a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man. Francis BaconThe job of an educator is to teach students to see the vitality in themselves. Joseph CampbellI hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand. Chinese Proverb Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime. Chinese ProverbBy viewing the old we learn the new Chinese Proverb They know enough who know how to learn. Henry Adams A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. Henry Adams The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influences... Amos Alcott Even the clearest water appears opaque at great depth. Anonymous We think of the effective teachers we have had over the years with a sense ofrecognition, but those who have touched our humanity we remember with a deepsense of gratitude. Anonynous student Education is the best viaticum of old age. Aristotle Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted... but to weigh and consider. Francis Bacon Out of monuments, names, words proverbs ...and the like, we do save and recover somewhat from the deluge of time. Francis Bacon You can observe a lot by just looking around. Yogi Berra Opposites are not contradictory but complementary. Niels Bohr It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreveranceto their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to questionit. Jacob Bronowski A man should first direct himself in the way he should go. Only then should heinstruct others. Buddha We think too much about effective methods of teaching and not enough about

Page 2:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

effective methods of learning. John Carolus S.J. No matter how good teaching may be, each student must take the responsibilityfor his own education. John Carolus S.J. Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken. Albert Camus The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. Winston Churchill What greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teach andinstruct our youth. Marcus T. Cicero I am not ashamed to confess that I am ignorant of what I do not know. Marcus T. Cicero If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter. Marcus T. Cicero The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. Pierre de Coubertin To think is to differ. Clarence Darrow The chief cause of human errors is to be found in the prejudices picked up inchildhood. Rene Descartes The origin of thinking is some perplexity, confusion or doubt. John Dewey One can think effectively only when one is willing to endure suspense and to undergo the trouble of searching. ,= John Dewey There is no education like adversity. Benjamin Disraeli Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depricate agitation, are men whowant crops without plowing the ground. Frederick Douglass It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression andknowledge. Albert Einstein Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simplier. Albert Einstein No one can become really educated without having pursued some study in which he took no interest ... T.S. Eliot Reinventing the wheel is a process. Rashid Elisha To arrive at the simple is difficult. Rashid Elisha Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordyevidence of the fact. George Eliot (Mary-Ann Evans)

Page 3:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

Every artist was at first an amateur. Ralph W. Emerson Whoso neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead to the future. Euripides Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone whokeeps learning stays young. Henry Ford Awaken people's curiosity. It is enough to open minds, do not overload them. Put there just a spark. Anatole France Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise. Sigmund Freud I have an infamously low capacity for visualizing relationships, which made thestudy of geometry and all subjects derived from it impossible for me. Sigmund Freud When inspiration does not come to me, I go half way to meet it. Sigmund Freud You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. Galielo Galilei There is more to life than increasing its speed. Mohandes Gandhi Vague and nebulous is the beginning of all things, but not their end. Kahlil Gibran A talent is formed in stillness, a character in the world's torrent. Johann W. Goethe An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher. John W. Gardner If you do not expect it, you will not find the unexpected. Heraclitus People learn more quickly by doing something or seeing something done. Gilbert Highet Education can be dangerous. It is very difficult to make it not dangerous. In fact, it is almost impossible. Robert M. Hutchins Sometimes one man with courage is a majority. Andrew Jackson In the practical use of our intellect, forgetting is as important as remembering. William James These then are my last words to you: be not afraid of life. Believe that lifeis worth living and your belief will help create the fact. William James

Page 4:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

It is art that makes life, makes interest, makes importance... and I know of no substitute whatever for the force and beauty of its process. Henry James Jr. Education is man's going forward from cocksure ignorance to thoughtfuluncertainty. Kenneth G. Johnson Praise, like gold and diamonds, owes its values only to its scarcity. Samuel Johnson To teach is to learn twice. Joseph Joubert Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since youcannot make yourself as you wish to be. Thomas A. Kempis Creative activity is not a superimposed, extraneous task against which thebody, or brain protests, but an orchestration of ... joyful doing. Gyorgy Kepes Where there is an open mind there will always be a frontier. Charles F. Kettering There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or todoubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking. Alfred Korzybski When asked what learning was the most necessary, he said, "Not to unlearn what you have learned!" Diogenes Laertius Learning is never done without errors and defeat. Vladimir Lenin Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Vladimir Lenin I have been maturing as a teacher. New experiences bring new sensitivities and flexibility... Howard Lester To do just the opposite is a form of imitation. Georg Lichtenberg Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or systemrespecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subjectwhich we as a people may be engaged in. Abraham Lincoln Certain subjects yield a general power that may be applied in any direction and should be studied by all. John Locke A note of music gains significance from the silence on either side. Ann Morrow Lindberg To define is to destroy, to suggest is to create. Stephane Mallarme

Page 5:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

Education...beyond all other devices of human origin, is a great equalizer of conditions of men --the balance wheel of the social machinery...It does better than to disarm the poor of their hostility toward the rich; it prevents being poor. Horace Mann People's behavior makes sense if you think about it inn terms of their goals,needs, and motives. Thomas Mann The young don't know what age is, and the old forget what youth was. Seumas MacManus Trifles make perfection, and perfection is no trifle. Michelangelo Let the potential artist in our children come to life that they may surmountindustrial monotonies and pressures. Barbara Morgan Teachers should guide without dictating, and participate without dominating. C.B. Neblette The critical factor is not class size but rather the nature of the teaching as it affects learning. C.B. Neblette How many writers are there... who, breaking up their subject into details,destroy its life, and defraud us of the whole by their anxiety about the parts. Cardinal Newman Knowledge rests on knowledge; what is new is meaningful because it departsslightly from what was known before. Robert Oppenheimer Only the mind cannot be sent into exile. Ovid In the fields of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind. Louis Pasteur The beginning is the most important part of the work. Plato An object in possession seldom contains the same charm that it had in pursuit. Pliny the Younger The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited. Plutarch A man should never be ashamed to own he has been wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday. Alexander Pope The basic idea behind teaching is to teach people what they need to know. Carl Rogers a painful, continual and difficult work to be done in kindness,

Page 6:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

by watching, by warning,... by praise, but above all -- by example. John Ruskin Men learn while they teach. Lucius A. Seneca The great pilot can sail even when his canvass is rent. Lucius A. Seneca Wonder is the desire for knowledge. St. Thomas Aquinas It is not often that we use language correctly; usually we use it incorrectly,though we understand each others meaning. St. Augustine I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind. Antoine de Saint-Exupery It is such a secret place, the land of tears. Antoine de Saint-Exupery A child educated only at school is an uneducated child. George Santayana Always to see the general in the particular is the very foundation of genius. Arthur Schopenhauer To me the sole hope of human salvation lies in teaching. George Bernard Shaw The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire toappear. Socrates One must learn by doing the thing; for though you think you know it, you haveno certainty, until you try. Sophocles A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone. Henry David Thoreau It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. Harry S. Truman It is easy to spot an informed man -- his opinions are just like your own. Miguel de Unamuno The best way to know life is to love many things. Vincent Van Gogh Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. H.G. Wells An artist is always out of step with the time. He has to be. Orson Welles Education should turn out the pupil with something he knows well and something he can do well. Alfred North Whitehead The limits of your language are the limits of your world. Ludwig Wittgenstein

Page 7:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

I put the relation of a fine teacher to a student just below the relation of a mother to a son... Thomas Wolfe Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher. William Wordsworth The wisdom of the wise and the experience of the ages are perpetuated inquotations. Benjamin Disraeli

The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort.  The tough problem is not in identifying winners:  it is in making winners out of ordinary people.  ~K. Patricia Cross

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.  ~Henry Adams

I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.  ~Lily Tomlin as "Edith Ann"

The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.  ~Author Unknown

I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.  ~Alexander the Great

It's easy to make a buck.  It's a lot tougher to make a difference.  ~Tom Brokaw

Teacher appreciation makes the world of education go around.  ~Helen Peters

A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.  ~Author Unknown

Page 8:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth."  ~Dan Rather

He who opens a school door, closes a prison.  ~Victor Hugo

What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.  ~Karl Menninger

If a doctor, lawyer, or dentist had 40 people in his office at one time, all of whom had different needs, and some of whom didn't want to be there and were causing trouble, and the doctor, lawyer, or dentist, without assistance, had to treat them all with professional excellence for nine months, then he might have some conception of the classroom teacher's job.  ~Donald D. Quinn

I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom.  ~Author Unknown

I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks.  ~William Shakespeare

None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps.  We got here because somebody - a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony or a few nuns - bent down and helped us pick up our boots.  ~Thurgood Marshall

A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.  ~Ever Garrison

No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.  Thank you.  ~Author Unknown

Teaching is not a lost art, but the regard for it is a lost tradition.  ~Jacques Barzun

Page 9:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work.  It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years.  ~Jacques Barzun

No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others.  The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.  ~Author Unknown

We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.  ~Cynthia Ozick

There are three good reasons to be a teacher - June, July, and August.  ~Author Unknown

Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone.  ~G.B. Stern

Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions.  ~Author Unknown

Often, when I am reading a good book, I stop and thank my teacher.  That is, I used to, until she got an unlisted number.  ~Author Unknown

Appreciation is a wonderful thing.  It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.  ~Voltaire

The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.  ~Khalil Gibran

The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.  ~Eric Hoffer

Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths pure theatre.  ~Gail

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I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.  ~G.K. Chesterton

The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains.  The superior teacher demonstrates.  The great teacher inspires.  ~William A. Ward

No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.  ~James Allen

The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.  ~John E. Southard

I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives.  ~Tracy Chapman

The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.  ~William James

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.  ~William Arthur Ward

One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings.  The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.  ~Carl Jung

When you teach your son, you teach your son's son.  ~The Talmud

Page 11:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

A teacher should have maximal authority, and minimal power.  ~Thomas Szaz

The secret of teaching is to appear to have known all your life what you just learned this morning.  ~Author Unknown

Don't try to fix the students, fix ourselves first.  The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior.  When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed.  ~Marva Collins

The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher.  ~Elbert Hubbard

Teaching is the only major occupation of man for which we have not yet developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance.  In teaching we rely on the "naturals," the ones who somehow know how to teach.  ~Peter Drucker

Teachers are expected to reach unattainable goals with inadequate tools.  The miracle is that at times they accomplish this impossible task.  ~Haim G. Ginott

The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.  ~Mark Van Doren

Quotations From Teachers:

The only reason I always try to meet and know the parents better is because it helps me to forgive their children.  ~Louis Johannot

If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I'll promise not to believe everything he says happens at home.  ~Anonymous Teacher


I dreamed I stood in a studio,And watched two sculptors there.The clay they used was a child's mind,And they fashioned it with care.

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One was a teacher; the tools used,Were books and music and art.One, a parent with guiding hands,A gentle and loving heart.

Day after day the teacher toiled,With a touch both deft and skilled.The parent labored side by side,And all the values filled.

And when at last their task was done,They looked at what they'd wrought.The beautiful shape of the precious child,Could neither be sold nor bought.

And each agreed it would have failed,If one had worked alone.For behind the parent stood the school,And behind the teacher, home.

2 teach is + 2 touch lives --------------- 4 ever


It takes a special personto be a great teacher.

Thank You, Teacher

T hank you for yourE agerness to teachA ndC are for our children,H elping us inE ducating them to beR esponsible, respectable people

Teacher's ABC

(Tricia Stoddard)

A is for the Abundance of questions and yearningB is for the Beauty IC in your learningD is for Doing it over til it's rightE is for the Effort you pour into learning each night

Page 13:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers

F is for watching how Far you can goG is for watching you blossom and GrowH is for reaching for that star so highI is for Imagination, for the courage to tryJ is for Joy in touching a child's life in a meaningful wayK is for the Kindness children bring to each dayL is for the Love of teaching we seeM is for the "Me" you're helping me to beN is for Never being too weary to stayO is for Overcoming the desire to strayP is for the Positives you bring to eachQ is for showing the Quintessential way to teachR is for the ability to power and ReasonS is for teaching to appreciate each SeasonT is for Touching those that sit before youU is for Understanding their fear of what's newV is for the Vitality you bring to every dayW is for every Wonderment you bring their wayX is for the Xtra Special Teacher that You've becomeZ is not for the Zoo! - but the wonderful job that you've done.

Teacher's ABC's - altered version

A is for the abundance of questions and yearningB is for both inward and outward beautyC is for creative learningD is for doing it over 'til it's rightE is for the effort you pour into preparing each nightF is for watching how far we can goG is for seeing us blossom and growH is for reaching for that star so highI is for imagination, for the courage to tryj is for joy in touching a child's life in a meaningful wayK is for kindness you bring children each dayL is for the love of teaching we seeM is for the "me" you're helping me to beN is for never being to busy to prayO is for overcoming our desire to strayP is for the positives you bring to eachQ is for the quintessential way to teachR is for your willingness to give us a reasonS is for teaching us to appreciate each seasonT is for touching those that sit before youu is for understanding our fear of all that's so new

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V is for the vitality you show each dayW is for every wonderment you bring our wayX is for the extra-special teacher we seeY is for our sense of yearning to be, andZ is for the big "yahoo" sent from your very own "zoo"!

Teacher's Album Title Poem

 (by Kathy M. - revised by Sandi H.)

This album with its loveIs sent with thanks to youFor the ways you show you careAnd the things you say and do.

You take your time with your students,Molding minds so patiently.You instruct by your example,Giving your heart unselfishly.

You look at all your studentsThrough the eyes of tenderness.You see each one's potentialAnd chances for success.

This album is a keepsake,And I hope it will conveyThe gratitude that's feltFor your care in special ways.

This album comes with a message,Words seldom expressed.You're wished life's greatest joysAnd every happiness.

Put one line of the poem above on each page of a sentiments album. Print the words on cement paper, and mat them with red gingham. Use the small red gingham apple die-cuts on each page (adding evergreen stems with a pen). Mat the kids' photos with evergreen paper and have them sign their name on their page with pencil to trace later with a black pen. (Sherri)

Poem for a Teacher's Scrapbook

(Give this poem with a pre-decorated sentiments album. Donna in MB adapted the poem fit a teacher.)

This school year's nearly over,Many thanks for all you doThis gift will make it easyTo record it for review.

Choose your favorite photosThen remove the plastic sheet,Peel up the blue tabs thenPlace your picture, neat!

Add some special memories,Of moments dear to you,Slide on the plastic once again,That¹s all you need to do!

This album is our thank you,We know how much you careWe hope you will remember,A year beyond compare.

To My Teacher On Being a Teacher

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A substitute for working moms,she comforts, pampers, soothes and calms.With all the love she has to share,She's great to have when mom's not there.

She loves to rock a fussy child,corrects the one who gets too wild.She hears her share of tearful pleas,and comforts those with skinned up knees.

With little children she plays a peek,for bigger ones it's hide-and-seek.She is an expert at each game,but somehow loses just the same

She helps them learn the alphabet,and gives them hugs when they're upset.She is a true and trusted friend,who helps them learn and play pretend.

Although she's paid, it's plain to see,She serves them with a love that's free.

(Emma Brown)

A careful teacher I want to beA little girl follows meI do not dare to go astrayFor fear she'll go the selfsame way

I cannot escape her eyes;Whatever she sees me do, she tries;Like me she says she's going to beThe little girl who follows me.

She thinks that I am good and fineBelieves in every word of mine;The base in me she must not seeThe little girl who follow me.

I must remember as I goThrough summer's sun and winter's snow,I am building, for the years that be,For that little girl who follow me.

A Special Person

You're a very special person.and you should know.How I loved to be your teacher,how fast the time did go.I wish that you could visit me,as through the grades you go.Try hard to learn all you can,there's so much to know.The one thing that I tried to teach youto last your whole life through,Is that you are YOU!


I saw tomorrow marching byon little children's feetWithin their forms and facesread her prophecy complete.

I saw tomorrow look at mefrom little children's eyesAnd thoughthow carefully we'd teachIf we were truly wise.

Poem for last page of a Teacher's Album

No more studentsNo more testsI finally haveSome time to rest

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I will be good

I will not yell in class.I will not throw things.I will not get mad.I will be goodBecause I'm the teacher.

"Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in

the form of facts." Henry Brooks Adams "A teacher affects eternity he can never

tell, where his influence stops." Henry Brooks Adams "There are obviously two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live." James

Truslow Adams "My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it."

William Adams "What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul."

Joseph Addison "I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and the willingness to remain

vulnerable." Joseph Addison "Time as he grows old teaches many lessons."

Æschylus "The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self-distrust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that

quickens him. He will have no disciple." Amos Bronson Alcott "Example is the

school of mankind, and they will learn at no other." Kurt Herbert Alder "Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything." Muhammad Ali "I had a terrible education. I attended a school for

emotionally disturbed teachers." Woody Allen "When I was in school, I cheated on my metaphysics exam: I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me." Woody

Allen "To know how to suggest is the art of teaching." Henri-Frédéric Amiel

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"Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt." Paul Anderson "The quality of strength lined with tenderness is an unbeatable combination, as are

intelligence and necessity when unblunted by formal education." Maya Angelou "I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides

homework." Edith Ann "We are like children, who stand in need of masters to enlighten us and direct us; and God has provided for this, by appointing his angels to

be our teachers and guides." Saint Thomas Aquinas "You cannot teach a crab to

walk straight." Aristophenes "Education is the best provision for old age."

Aristotle "Wit is educated insolence." Aristotle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Robert Schuller: Teacher QuotesBetter to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.

Joshua J. Marine: Teacher QuotesChallenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.

Helen Keller: Teacher QuotesCharacter cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

Sir Winston Churchill: Teacher QuotesCourage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.

Winston Churchill: Teacher QuotesCourage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

Arthur Koestler: Teacher QuotesCreative activity could be described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.

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Will Durant: Teacher QuotesCultivate your garden. Do not depend upon teachers to educate you... follow your own bent, pursue your curiosity bravely, express yourself, make your own harmony.

George E. Woodberry: Teacher QuotesDefeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.

William Jennings Bryan: Teacher QuotesDestiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

William Ellery Channing: Teacher QuotesDifficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.

John Alves: Teacher SayingsThe hard way is the right way.

Vince Lombardi: Teacher SayingsThe harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.

Ayn Rand: Teacher SayingsThe hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.

Goethe: Teacher SayingsThe highest happiness of man... is to have probed what is knowable and quietly to revere what is unknowable.

John Ruskin: Teacher SayingsThe highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.

John Lubbock: Teacher SayingsThe important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn.

Unknown Author: Teacher SayingsThe impossible is often untried.

John Quincy Adams: Teacher SayingsThe influence of each human being on others in this life is a kind of immortality.

Lao Tzu: Teacher SayingsThe journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

Cicero: Teacher SayingsThe life given us by nature is short, but the memory of a life well spent is eternal.

Page 19:€¦ · Web viewGood teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Josef Albers