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First Grade Social Practice of the Language Understand and write instructions Environment Academic and Educational Specific Competency Write instructions to use a bilingual dictionary Product A Instructions manual to learn how to use a bilingual dictionary

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First Grade

Social Practice of the LanguageUnderstand and write instructions

EnvironmentAcademic and Educational

Specific CompetencyWrite instructions to use a bilingual dictionary

Product AInstructions manual to learn how to use a bilingual dictionary

Achievements: Locate and reads the definitions of words both in English

and Spanish. Understands the use of upper case letters, lower case

letter and abbreviations in a dictionary. Completes and writes sentences in order to organize

them into a sequence, from model. Removes and/or adds information to edit an instructions


The goal of this lesson is to learn how to use guide words in a dictionary.

I. Review the alphabet prior to the following activity.

II. Answer the following questions:

Why do we use dictionaries? What are guides? How do we use them? Give at least 5 examples of a guide?

Guides are also words in dictionaries used to locate words alphabetically.

III. Write your name in large letters in a post it.On the board write these groupings. Then ask the students to paste their names under the appropriate alphabet grouping, no alphabetical order is needed at this time. After this is done ask your students, “Why did you put your names under the letters you chose?” After that tell the students to go in groups according to the section, one section at a time, and put their names now in an alphabetical fashion.

A - C D - F G - J K - M N - Q R - U V- Z

IV. Now your students are going to work with Guide Words in a bilingual dictionary. Complete the following exercise with a peer.Directions: For each set of guide words, decide if the numbered words would be between them on a dictionary page. Circle “yes” if they would be or “no” if they would not.

start-stop 1. study yes no 2. stand yes no

will-wonder 7. wild yes no 8. wonders yes no

blow-blue 3. bloom yes no 4. block yes no

ready-red 9. real yes no10. read yes no


5. chase yes no 6. chimp yes no

V. Hand-in some English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionaries to your students they don´t have to be from the same publisher.

Find each word below in your dictionary. Write the guide words and page number for each word in the correct space.Name of dictionary _______________________________________________________________

Dictionary Word Guide Word #1 Guide Word #2 Page #1. 1. giggle ____________ ____________ ____________2. 2. friend ____________ ____________ ____________3. 3. table ____________ ____________ ____________4. 4. teacher ____________ ____________ ____________5. 5. bottle ____________ ____________ ____________6. 6. soccer ____________ ____________ ____________7. 7. fence ____________ ____________ ____________8. 8. window ____________ ____________ ____________9. 9. shirt ____________ ____________ ____________10. 10. paper ____________ ____________ ____________

VI. For each set of guide words, decide if the numbered words would be between them on a dictionary page. Circle “yes” if they would be or “no” if they would not.


1. bull yes no

2. belt yes no


3. hose yes no

4. hospital yes no


5. car yes no

6. careful yes no


7. sell yes no

8. sent yes no


9. earnings yes no

10. ear yes no

VII. Directions: Locate each word below in your dictionary. Write the guide words and page number for each word in the correct space.

Guide Word #1 - Guide Word #2 Page #

1. play _____________ - _____________ _____ 2. school _____________ - _____________ _____ 3. desk _____________ - _____________ _____ 4. bus _____________ - _____________ _____ 5. class _____________ - _____________ _____ 6. office _____________ - _____________ _____ 7. pencil _____________ - _____________ _____ 8. study _____________ - _____________ _____ 9. book _____________ - _____________ _____ 10. ruler _______________ - _______________ ______

Web site that contains the activities for the guide words in a bilingual dictionary: www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/2850VIII. Read the following dictionary entry and the labels of each part.

IX. Read the following dictionary entry and label the parts using the words from the box.

Save /seIV/ (saves, saving, saved) Verb transitive and intransitive 1. ahorrar: to save money - ahorrar dinero2. salvar: the safeguard saved me – el socorristas me salvo.3. guardar: to save a file- guardar un archivo.4. to save one´s breath (informal)- no gastar saliva (coloquial).5. to save somebody´s neck (informal)- salvar el pellejo a alguien (coloquial).

Collocation pronunciation entry grammatical patterns parts of speech

Write the following words under each category.

the, a, run, book, desk, she, finally, he, they, easily, sing, I, an, opera, play, seat, joyfully, read.


XI. Match the abbreviations and grammar labels with its corresponding meaning.

1. Abbr.2. Adj.3. Adv.4. AmE5. BrE6. C7. Conj.8. Det.9. Etc.

a) Pl.b) Ppc) Pron.d) Pte) Sbf) Sing.g) Sthh) Symbi) Uj) V



American English British EnglishCountable NounAbbreviationAdjective AdverbConjunction determiner somebody

something plural etcetera past tense singular uncountable noun preposition symbol verb pronoun

XII. Rewrite the paragraph, put capital letters where necessary.

japan. endless discovery.discover a place so rich and full of majesty and wonder. a place that possesses a picture perfect blend of ancient tradition and modern elegance. no place in the world can offer a dreamscape of peace and ethereal beauty like japan. experience for yourself our infinite possibilities.

XIII. Rewrite the paragraph, put capital letters where necessary.

my name is kahlil bombay. i can speak english now, but when i arrived in the us, i only spoke chinese. that was only two years ago, but it feels like a long, long time! my family and I lived in a small town in china, but when we came we lived in los angeles. at first I was quite sad, I missed my friends and relatives over there. I didn´t speak English, so that was a big issue. fortunately i met my neighbor´s children one was my age and she started helping me with the language. that was a big relief and I started feeling more comfortable.

Read the two following entries and write on the line if they are intended for children or for adults.

o reference book. Literature. A book that provides well-organized, extensive information on a variety of topics. Dictionaries, encyclopedias, and atlases are reference books_______________________________________________________________

o reference books are ones you look at when you need specific information or facts about a subject.


Be a Book Detective!!

Look through a book to gather your own grammar clues. Write the title and author of the book below. Don’t forget to write the page that you found your answer on. Happy hunting! ☺

Book Title:_______________________________________________________________________ Book Author:____________________________________________________________________

◊ a three-syllable word p.____ What is it? _____________________________________________ ◊ a contraction p.____ What is it? ___________________________________________________

◊ a compound word p.____ What is it? _______________________________________________

◊ a word with a silent e at the end p.____ What is it? ____________________________________

◊ a word with a suffix that requires doubling the final consonant before adding the suffix p._______

◊ a word with a suffix that requires dropping a silent e before adding the suffix p._______________

◊ the longest word in the book p.____ What is it? _______________________________________

◊ a word that includes the letters tion p.____ What is it? __________________________________

◊ a four-syllable word p.____ What is it? ______________________________________________

◊ a word that includes a silent letter other than e p.____ What is it? _________________________

◊ an adjective p.____ What is it? ___________________________________________________

◊ a word with a prefix p.____ What is it? ____________________________________________

◊ a conjunction p.____ What is it? __________________________________________________

◊ a sentence that includes a simile p.____ What is it? ___________________________________

◊ rhyming words p.____ What is it? _________________________________________________

◊ synonyms or antonyms p.____ What is it? __________________________________________

◊ two examples of proper exclamation point use p.______________________________________

◊ a proper noun p.____ What is it? _________________________________________________

◊ three adverbs p.____ What is it? _________________________________________________

◊ a word in italics p.____ What is it? ________________________________________________

◊ a number written with words p.____ What is it? ______________________________________

◊ four different pronouns p.____,____,____,____


First Grade

Social Practice of the LanguageInterpret and express information published in diverse media

EnvironmentFamiliar and Community

Specific CompetencyExchange opinions regarding the contents of a radio program

Unit II

Product BPlenary


* Identifies words used to link ideas.* Detects speech register.* Writes expressions to produce opinions.* Answer questions to express opinions or points of view about the contents of an oral text.*Expands main ideas in an oral exchange.

I. Look at the definitions from the Collins Cobuild Advanced Dictionary.

top-ic / tapIk/ (topics) N-COUNT A topic is a particular subject that you discuss or write about. The main topic for discussion is political union.

pur- pose / pͽrpәs/ (purposes) 1. N-COUNT The purpose of something is the reason for which it is made or done. [+ of] The purpose of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies.

audi-ence /Ɔ:dIbәns/ (audiences) 1. N-COUNT [ with sing or pl verb] The audience at a play, concert, film, or public meeting is the group of people watching or listening to it. [+ of] He was speaking to an audience of students at the Institute for International Affairs. 2. N-COUNT [with sing or pl verb] The audience for a television or radio program consists of the people who watch or listen to it.

II. Answer these questions related to the definitions in the above exercise.

A) There´s a Justin Bieber concert in the Monterrey Arena. Who is the audience? (the most logical answer is)a) A group of old peopleb) A group of babiesc) A group of teenagersd) A group of adults

B) There´s a Beethoven concert in the University Auditorium. Who is the audience?a) A group of children ages 3-12.b) A group of adultsc) A group of babiesd) A group of toddlers

C) There´s a Bely and Beto show in progress.Who is the audience?a) A group of moms and kidsb) A group of adults ages 45 to 55c) A group of senior citizensd) A group of dogs and cats

D) There´s conference about Menopause in Doctor´s Hospital Auditorium.Who is the audience?a) A group of menb) A group of kids Senior citizenc) A group of womend) A group of senior citizens

E) What is the topic of the following paragraph?

Some kids in Japan may not have to feed the fish in their aquariums anymore. That´s because they may choose to buy robotic fish instead. Robotic fish are little fish robots powered by light. The light causes the fish to move around inside the aquarium. A special design keeps the fish from bumping into the aquarium´s walls.

Taken from “Scholastic Success with 4th grade”

a) New aquariumsb) Robotic fishc) Waterd) The power of light

F) What is the topic of the following paragraph?

During a 1992 storm, a ship lost thousands of plastic turtles, frogs, and ducks in the Pacific Ocean. Since then, the toys have drifted thousands of miles. Some have shown up in the ocean of Alaska. The toys´ trip helps scientist study how wind affects drifting objects.

Taken from “Scholastic Success with 4th grade”a) The big stormb) The great state of Alaska c) Turtles in the sead) Drifting toys

G) What is the topic of the following paragraph?

Are you letting too much water go down the drain in your house? We all know that it´s important not to waste water. But most of us use a lot more water than we think. Try these two simple ways to cut your water consumption. First, try taking a shower instead of a bath. Showers use a lot less water. You should also turn off the tap while

you brush your teeth. Turn it on again to rinse.

Taken from “Scholastic Success with 4th grade” a) How to comb your hairb) Saving water c) Showerd) The world


Speech register refers to different language styles called register, which are varied according to the topic under discussion, the formality of the occasion and the medium used (speech, writing or sign).

The appropriate language register depends upon

1. Static Register. It rarely or never changes. Frozen in time and content, e.g. the Pledge of Allegiance, the Lord´s Prayer and the Preamble of the US Constitution.

2. Formal Register. It is used in formal settings and is one way in nature. It is usually impersonal and formal. E.g. speeches, sermons, rhetorical statements and questions, pronouncements made by judges.

3. Consultative Register. Standard form of communication. Professional discourse. E.g. when strangers meet, communication between superior and a subordinate, doctor and patient, lawyer and client, lawyer and judge, teacher and student and, counselor and client. 4. Casual Register. Informal language used by peers and friends. Slang, vulgarities and colloquialisms are normal. E.g. buddies, teammate, chats, e-mails, blogs and letters.

5. Intimate Register. Communication is private. It is reserved for close family members or intimate people: husband-wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, siblings, parent and children.

III. After reading the different types of speech registers, look at the following pictures and write on the line what kind of register they are using in that context.

____________ _______________ ________________

______________ _____________ ________________

IV. Answer the following questions.

1. If you are in a church, what type of speech register is used between the preacher/ father and the visitors? _________________________________________________________________

2. If you are in a political event and you are listening to a candidate, what type of speech register is he using? __________________________________________________________________

3. If you are check-in a hotel, what kind of speech register would you use to address the hotel receptionist? _________________________________________________________________

4. You are talking to your little brother, what kind of speech register would you use?_________________________________________________________________:_______

5. If you are hanging-out with your best friends at the mall, what type of speech register are you using there? _________________________________________________________________


Also known as conjunctions, they are words that join together words or parts of a sentence.

Joining words together:

I like baseball and soccer.

Joining parts of a sentence together:

I ran as fast as I could but I still didn´t catch the bus.

The three most used conjunctions are and, or, and but.

Some other conjunctions may be: although, since, when, therefore, because, though, where, whenever, if, unless, however, while.

Scholastic Guide to Grammar

V. Complete the following exercise with: and, or, but.

1. Michael ______________________ Lucy broke up several months ago.

2. Jennifer likes to cook Italian, Greek, Mexican _________ Japanese food.

3. You can´t have it all, _______________________ you can still be happy.

4. What´s your favorite color? Blue ___________________________ pink?

5. I don´t like Math _________________________________ I love Biology.

6. You have to choose between right ________ wrong everyday of your life.

7. I like Jorge a lot, ____________________ sometimes he´s a bit grumpy.

8. An American breakfast will have eggs, ham, bacon, coffee, _____ toast.

9. I like strawberries _______________ cream. It´s simply a delicious treat.

10. Do you like hip-hop music _______________________________ pop?

VI. Read the following script of a radio program and then answer the following questions.


The Gunsmoke team Dramatis Personae:ANNOUNCER: George Walsh Matt Dillon, U.S. marshallSINGERS Doc, the doctorGIRL Chester, Matt´s deputy MAN 1 Brand, a bad guy MAN 2 Stanger, Brand´s friend, another bad guy Miss Kitty, Matt´s girl

FX: Galloping hoofbeats approach… gunshot!MUSIC: IntroANNOUNCER: Gunsmoke! Brought to you by L & filters. This is it! L & M is best MUSIC: Figure ANNOUNCER: Around Dodge City and in the territory on West, there´s just one way to handle the killers and the spoilers – and that´s with a U.S. marshall and the smell of –Gunsmoke!MUSIC: Theme… Then behind announcer—ANNOUNCER: Gunsmoke – starring William Conrad, the transcribed story of the violence that moved west with young America—and the sto- ry of a man who moved with it. GUNSMOKE: I´m that man. Matt Dillon, United States Marshal. The first man they look for and the last they want to meet. It´s a chancey job and it makes a man watchful – and a little lonely.


1. What do you think the word CAST mean?______________________________________________________________________

2. What does FX mean?______________________________________________________________________

3. Who is the audience for this radio program?______________________________________________________________________

4. What´s the topic about?______________________________________________________________________

5. Do you know any radio programs similar to the one you have already read?Can you name them?_______________________________________________________________________

VII. Work in teams of 14, you are going to prepare a radio program no more than 10 minutes long. Think about one you listen to. For every activity there should be two students.

VIII. Write the expressions according to their use.

I know but… I love to… Wait a minute. Could you repeat that? Yeah, but… I like the idea. That might work for some people. I´m afraid I disagree. I know, but… Sorry? I see your point but… I didn´t quite get that. You´re absolutely right.

Some other expressions you can use to give your opinion.a) I was impressed byb) One aspect I found a little disappointing wasc) One possible flaw is that

Of course there are many ways to give your opinions when speaking English. The exact English expression you use depends on how strong your opinion is.

Giving your opinion neutrally “I think…”“I feel that…”“In my opinion…”“As far as I am concerned…”“As I see it…”“In my view…”“I tend to think that…”

Giving a strong opinion

“I´m absolutely convinced that…”“I´m sure that…”“I strongly believe that…”

“I have no doubt that…”

Expressions for asking someone´s opinion

“What do you think?”“What´s your view?”“How do you see the situation?”“What´s your idea?”“What are your thoughts on all of this?”

Expressing disagreement

“I don´t think so.”“No way.”“I´m afraid I disagree.”“Not necessarily”“That´s not always the case”

Interrupting someone

“Can I add something here?”“Is it okay if I jump in for a second?”“If I might add something…”“Sorry to interrupt but…”
