…  · web view · 2015-11-06how i always hung onto every word from ... seems to indicate that...

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN It has been so difficult to write this. As you know I have been absent from the Kingdom Hall for some considerable time. I have now had sufficient opportunity to think and pray fervently about the situation and finally feel that an explanation is due. I have been going through what can only be described as a grieving process –I have lost something that I dearly loved with all my heart. What I thought was truth has deceived me and I feel deeply saddened and disappointed. What I have written here is somewhat lengthy, but I would ask you, as ‘shepherds’ of the flock, to please give me the dignity of explaining these things to you. By reading it in its entirety you will get to know exactly what is on my mind. Of course, whether you agree or not is entirely up to you, I only want you to know my thoughts on these matters and do not wish to destroy anyone’s faith. Indeed, as to your faith in the Bible and God’s promises are concerned, I would prefer it to be strengthened! I have been a Jehovah’s Witness for thirty years and have always trusted the Society to tell me the truth. Indeed, their expose of untruths told by other religions impressed me, hellfire, trinity, etc. Yes, the basic truths are wonderful – the condition of the dead, the resurrection hope, the ransom sacrifice - all these things are scripturally correct, but I have now discovered certain things that have been

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It has been so difficult to write this. As you know I have been absent from the Kingdom Hall for some considerable time. I have now had sufficient opportunity to think and pray fervently about the situation and finally feel that an explanation is due.

I have been going through what can only be described as a grieving process –I have lost something that I dearly loved with all my heart. What I thought was truth has deceived me and I feel deeply saddened and disappointed.

What I have written here is somewhat lengthy, but I would ask you, as ‘shepherds’ of the flock, to please give me the dignity of explaining these things to you. By reading it in its entirety you will get to know exactly what is on my mind. Of course, whether you agree or not is entirely up to you, I only want you to know my thoughts on these matters and do not wish to destroy anyone’s faith. Indeed, as to your faith in the Bible and God’s promises are concerned, I would prefer it to be strengthened!

I have been a Jehovah’s Witness for thirty years and have always trusted the Society to tell me the truth. Indeed, their expose of untruths told by other religions impressed me, hellfire, trinity, etc. Yes, the basic truths are wonderful – the condition of the dead, the resurrection hope, the ransom sacrifice - all these things are scripturally correct, but I have now discovered certain things that have been carefully concealed from me, in fact concealed from us all. Things, that if I had known about them thirty years ago, I would never have got involved with the organisation in the first place, and things that as honest seekers of truth we should all consider. ‘For the true God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgement in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad’ (Ecc.12:14).

Alarm bells rang a couple of years ago at a circuit assembly. The then District Overseer, David Algar, gave a very animated talk explaining the Society’s view of higher education, blatantly condemning it as something Jehovah’s Witnesses should not entertain. This view was not something I had been aware of when I first started to study. I had always thought that Jehovah’s people should be the most well educated people on earth. As you well know we have fought to have our son, Peter, educated, but always made sure the ‘truth’ came first. Bible study, meetings and field service were never neglected throughout Peter’s whole life from birth onward. Also, the trips to the British Museum – how

wonderful it was to see Biblical events brought to life with real history and artefacts that we could see and touch! What a wonderful education and catalyst to study further, in order to become a better witness for Jehovah! I, for one, certainly benefitted greatly from the tours I went on. So, there’s the dichotomy. What is the problem with further education? A classical scholar, Sir Maurice Bowra believed that the object of higher education is not the accumulation of knowledge but the training of the mind to think. Perhaps that is the key to the problem. Maybe the Society does not want us to have the ability to think for ourselves. It has been my experience that this lack of education, especially among the young, allows the Society to do their thinking for them, after all we are recommended to never look outside of the Society’s publications for any guidance or answers are we?

I do not consider myself a great scholar, but I did have a Grammar School education which I believe did enable me to think for myself. After all it was my own decision to study the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses, much against the will of my family. How I always hung onto every word from the Watchtower, believing it to be true and always endeavouring to understand what I thought at the time to be the deeper things of God. I studied all the publications zealously and as you know I readily answered up in all the meetings, especially the Watchtower Study. This has been an integral part of my life!

But I have been stumbled. Not by how people behave within the organisation (although we do sometimes find it difficult to put up with one another) but by the Watchtower itself. When I received the July 15th 2013 study copy, I read it avidly as always. But what was this, all those changes of thought, and all in one go! Was this some divine revelation? I examined all the information carefully and prayerfully. Did those ‘new thoughts’ accurately agree with scripture? (Acts 17:11) To be honest I was confused and puzzled. For example:

1] The separating of the wheat from the weeds – already accomplished? The wheat in the storehouse, the weeds just waiting to be burned??? True??

- Jesus said that the wheat and the weeds would grow together until the harvest. (Matt.13:30) Then he told the reapers, ‘FIRST collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up; THEN go to gathering the wheat into my storehouse’. Surely this is an ongoing situation right up until the end. There will be ‘weed-like’ Christians right up until the final trumpet, when the chosen ones are then gathered (Matt. 24:31).

2] The cleansing of the organisation in 1919, with no further cleansing required?? True??

- Could Jehovah have really approved and cleansed the Society at that time when technology was in its infancy and the Society still thought ‘Leviathan’ was a steam locomotive? Also, didn’t Jesus come and cleanse the temple twice, at the beginning and at the end of his ministry? Why dismiss the possibility of a further cleansing? Was the Society without blemish at the end of 1919? Have they remained in a clean and undefiled state since then, with no further need of inspection?? The increasing number of paedophilia cases within the organisation is indeed alarming – certainly a further cleansing is imperative.

3] The appointment of the ‘faithful slave’ over all his belongings - already accomplished?? True??

- Jesus says HE appoints the slave over all his belongings on his return does he not, at his future coming (Matt.24:46) and AFTER they have proved themselves faithful?

4] No evil slave CLASS?? True??

- We are not ignorant of the evil ones designs; after all he would prefer us to believe he doesn’t exist. What an achievement for his cohorts to enter into the house of the true God! Even to hijack his most holy name! Further examination of this scripture seems to indicate that this ‘evil slave’ is the same as the ‘faithful slave’ but who becomes impatient for his masters return and starts to beat his fellow slaves (Matt.24:48). This becomes clearer when one examines the same text in Luke’s gospel (Luke 12:42-45). The Watchtower has always pointed the finger at individuals who have left the society as ‘evil slave’, but surely these ones are powerless as to the beating of fellow slaves once outside the organisation are they not?

So, I got to thinking, what else had we been taught that needed adjustment?? My years of theocratic training and study of the scriptures would now be invaluable as I started upon the most difficult and yet truly enlightening journey of my life; a journey which set me on a trail of apparent deceit that shook my faith to its very foundations. Here I found myself turning into an avid Bible scholar – but let’s face it, that is what I was supposed to be! Finally after thirty years in ‘the truth’ I was now actually going to find the truth! This truth is

based, not on the thoughts of men, but on established fact. So my journey in search of truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth begins.

Truth CANNOT be denied; it WILL stand up to scrutiny, in fact it must do so in order to be believed.


A ‘crying stone’ that it is often used and quoted by the Watchtower as a reliable source of information, is the Babylonian Chronicle. Whilst innocently reading and enjoying ‘A Treasury of Bible Pictures’ - Places, discoveries and the Setting of Key Events – Archaeological notes by Alan Millard, I came across a photograph of part of the Chronicle . Here it is for all to see along with the very interesting superscription:

Note that this particular tablet is covering the years 605 to 594 B.C. It records, amongst other events, the accession of King Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon. So, it appears from this record that King Nebuchadnezzar did not accede to the throne before the year 605. This raised some questions in my mind. Had I not read, so often in the Society’s literature, that King Nebuchadnezzar had overthrown Jerusalem in 607 - apparently two years before he became king? I

referred to the ‘Insight’ Volume 2, under ‘Nebuchadnezzar’, page 480. Yes, there it was, under ‘Conquest of Jerusalem’ second paragraph, ‘Finally, in 607 B.C.E. ..etc.’ I decided to read all the information there recorded, and was surprised to see that the Society had dated Nebuchadnezzar’s rule from 624-582 B.C.E. So WHY the discrepancy? Are these dates true or false?

I did further research on Nebuchadnezzar from the Jerusalem Encyclopaedia and found out that history records that he ‘served as Commander in Chief in his father’s place and shattered the Egyptian army at Carchemish in 605. After his father’s death on August 16th 605, he returned to Babylon and ascended the throne.’ O.K. so Nebuchadnezzar was involved in conflicts before his ascension to the throne, but his kingship DID start in 605 B.C.E. not 624 as the Society had stated. In fact the Chaldean dynasty is well documented in history starting with Nabopolassar in 612 and ending in 539 under Belshazzar. However, using the Society’s dates the Chaldean dynasty would have started at least twelve years before it did! But does it really matter I thought? Well it does, if it makes all the other related dates incorrect, and definitely if it makes a difference where prophecies are concerned!

So, back to the clay tablet. Notice it dates the defeat of Judah as 597, followed by the appointment of Zedekiah. So what was that date again? 597 B.C.E??? Amazingly this same photograph is used in the back cover of ‘Insight on the Scriptures Vol.1’ along with a superscription on the previous page. (Please check this out for yourselves). However, please note the unmistakable difference. The ‘Insight’ book script reads, “Clay tablet reporting the capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar II; 617 B.C.E. So, WHY this discrepancy? After all it was the very same tablet of stone. The ‘Insight’ book Vol. 2, page 480, under ‘Nebuchadnezzar’ actually used this evidence again. Under ‘Conquest of Jerusalem,’ notice the reference to ‘A cuneiform inscription (British Museum 21946) along with the translation of the text by A.K. Grayson, 1975. So I looked this very thing up on the Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles website. Grayson had used the date 597, not 617 as we had surreptitiously been made to believe!

We know from scripture, that Zedekiah ruled for about eleven years; this would bring us to the year, 586 when Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed. (This date is also confirmed in the Jewish Encyclopaedia and many historical documents). So, WHY did the Society use the date 617, making the date for the end of Zedekiah’s reign as 607/6? Was this date true or false?? Further

investigation and research found NO archaeological or historical evidence to support this date – but I did find something else.

As we are well aware, the Society uses the date of 607 for the destruction of Jerusalem and to support the supposed seven times or 2520 years to 1914. This is taught as factual and true in many publications including ‘What Does the Bible Really Teach’ page 218, para.1, also ‘Live with Jehovah’s Day in Mind’ page 154, where it quotes 607 B.C.E as HISTORICAL FACT. However, a book called ‘The Divine Plan of the Ages’ by well known author and luminary C.T. Russell on Page 342, came up with a startling and detailed explanation of the origin and significance of 1914.

It appears from this text that our illustrious founder had a profound interest in Egyptology and the mysteries of the pyramids and had worked out the year 1914 from the measurements of passages in the Great Pyramid of Giza! (And we always thought he was examining passages of scripture!) On further investigation I discovered an earlier edition dated 1891 when the pyramid had apparently shrunk slightly to enable Russell to come to the year 1874! (The pages are copied here for your information.) Of course, 1914 did see a time of trouble, with the outbreak of World War I. So did the Pyramid of Giza hold some mystical powers as to the foretelling of the future? It appeared to be so. But we know that we should not look to such things should we? Jehovah clearly condemns such practices as detestable. Also, the very fact that this monument, along with the other two pyramids, has connections to the opposer of Jehovah, Nimrod (the pyramids line up to the stars in the belt of the constellation of Orion) shows that whatever its secrets, they are not from the true God.

So here is the ‘whitewash’. How on earth could the Society cover this up? After all, the integrity of Charles Taze Russell was at stake here. Mmm! Let’s see, if we can hijack a prophecy that fits in with 1914, nobody will ever know! Hence the seven times in reverse brings us back from 1914 to 607! Can we manipulate the dates to fit in with this? After all, 1914 did see a time of trouble such as has never been seen before, so 607 MUST be correct???

But is this date accurate? Is it true, or is it false? Careful examination was needed in order to get to the real truth, and may I say, a considerable length of time. However, my findings have been rewarding. Please, stay with me on this journey, and please keep an open mind as to the things I have discovered. It is

all too easy to condemn someone before we have the facts, on both sides of this issue, I’m sure you will agree.

As we know, the Watchtower publications say that decades in advance the sincere Bible students ascertained that 1914 was a marked year as regards the birth of God’s heavenly kingdom and the ‘beginning of the last days’. But let’s not forget that they had previously said 1874 for these events when nothing happened and a few other dates along the way! Throw the dice a few times, and you will surely throw a six ......



But, we may say, what about the prophecy in Jeremiah of the seventy years of desolation on Jerusalem (Jeremiah 25:11). Surely this proves 607 B.C.E. as the true date because the seventy years ended in 537!? Right? We MUST believe the Bible as authority above all else must we not? Definitely! But are the Society’s dates accurate? Are they true or are they false?

We have already established that 607 is suspect, but let us consider 537. The account at Ezra 1:1-4 states that in the first year of Cyrus, he issued an edict to set the captives free in order (note in verse 2) ‘to build him [Jehovah] a house in Jerusalem’. Cyrus overthrew Babylon in 539, so his first year would have been 538 B.C.E. when the captives started to return. Ezra 3:8-10 states that in the second year the captives started to lay the foundations of the temple, so this would have been in the year 537 B.C.E. Hooray, here we have success, a date that matches Watchtower history! The Babylonian Chronicle stated that Cyrus defeated the Babylonians in 539 B.C.E., which the Society accepts as factual because it fits in with 537, and yet it dismisses the same Chronicle that dates the fall of Jerusalem as 597 preferring its own date of 617. So, how can this be reconciled to agree with both historical evidence and more importantly, the Bible? Let’s use 597 B.C.E. as our start date and see what happens ....

According to the Bible, Jerusalem’s fall was followed by the reign of Zedekiah, which lasted eleven years, before he rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar and thus brought the destruction of the city and its temple (2 Chron.36:11-20). This brings us to the year 586 B.C.E. This would be the start of the seventy years of DESOLATION on Jerusalem, so let us count seventy years from here and we come to the date 516. The ‘Insight’ book gives us a tremendous amount of information on Chronology, and although they have been convinced of the year 607 as a pivotal, irrefutable date, the paragraph on Page 463 ‘From 537 B.C.E. to conversion of Cornelius,’ gives us some very interesting information. We can ascertain from scripture that although the foundations of the temple in Jerusalem were laid two years after the return from exile, (Ezra 3:8-10) we are also told that the building work was halted for some years before the final completion of the temple in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king. (Ezra 6:14-16) Note in the latter part of verse 14 “and they built and finished it DUE TO THE ORDER OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL and due to the order of Cyrus, etc.” So the sixth year of Darius the king? The paragraph in the ‘Insight’ book states, ‘Darius’ sixth year therefore began April 12, 516 B.C.E. (also historically correct.) So here we have agreement with both the Bible and history that the

‘seventy years of desolation’ began in 586 and ended in 516 B.C.E. Also, the fact that the building work was delayed, and the temple stayed in a ruined state for a number of years appears to indicate divine intervention in order for the 70 year prophecy to be fulfilled, would you not agree?

However, if we say that the prophecy refers to seventy years of EXILE, how can that be worked out? This brings in the information about Nebuchadnezzar and his accession year. If we use the TRUE date from history 605 B.C.E. as a definite pivotal year it can help us to work out all the events from this portion of the Bible with accuracy.

As we have previously stated, history records that Nebuchadnezzar defeated the Egyptian army at Carchemish in 605 and thereafter Jerusalem became a vassal state of Babylon. Jehoiakim was then king of Judah. This is confirmed at Daniel 1:1 where we read ‘In the third year of the kingship of Jehoiakim the king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and proceeded to lay siege to it.’ So we need to ascertain the third year of Jehoiakim. We know that he reigned for eleven years, (2 Chron.36:5) and that he was followed by his son Jehoiachin who ruled for just three months before being replaced by Zedekiah. Zedekiah reigned from 597 to 586 when Jerusalem was destroyed. Thus, we can work out Jehoiakim’s third year from this. 597 + 11 = 608 - 3 = 605. If we continue to read 2 Chron.36:6, it tells us that ‘Against him [Jehoiakim] Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon came up that he might bind him with two fetters of copper to carry him off to Babylon. And some of the utensils of the house of Jehovah Nebuchadnezzar brought to Babylon and then put them in his palace in Babylon.’ Thus began the seventy years of Exile, Jehoiakim’s third year, 605 B.C.E. Following this event, there were further periods of exile, when Jehoiachin was taken to Babylon in 597 and Zedekiah was made king, and then the final exile in 586 B.C.E. when Jerusalem was devastated. So the exiles left over a period which lasted nearly twenty years; it was not just one event in one particular year.

So then, counting forward seventy years from 605, we come to the year 535. The exiled Jews started their return to Jerusalem after Babylon fell to Cyrus in the year 539 B.C.E. (2 Chron. 36:22-23). This returning of exiles began in 538 and is listed in the book of Ezra in great detail. It would have taken some considerable time, maybe two or three years, for the ‘forty two thousand, three hundred and sixty, apart from their men slaves and their slave girls, these being seven thousand three hundred and thirty seven, plus two hundred male singers

and female singers’ and all their animals, to establish themselves back in Jerusalem (Ezra 2:64-67). Allowing for the few exiles remaining in Babylon to leave if they wanted to (we know that some, including Daniel, remained in Babylon) this would fit in nicely with 535 as the end of the seventy years of exile.

So there we have it Seventy years of Desolation and Seventy years of Exile, both agreeing with history and the Bible!

As you can imagine, I have spent some considerable time checking and re-checking this information, only to discover that when the correct historical dates are used in all instances there is no discrepancy between secular and biblical sources; amazingly, and quite rightly, they all agree. There is no need for speculation, no need for argument. Our loving God has had all things written down in great detail so that anyone who has a mind to discover these wonderful truths can do so with his blessing! As Jesus’ words at Matthew 7:7 state, “Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened.”

It seems from this mountain of evidence that there is no reason to cling on to 607 as the date for Jerusalem’s destruction, so WHY do the Society do this? Why have they carefully worked out every date relevant to this time period using 607 B.C.E. as the pivotal date? The ‘Insight’ books are full of it. Even when it conflicts with historical fact! - The Battle of Carchemish 625? or 605 B.C.E.? The Battle of Hastings 1086? or 1066? Or are we re-writing history here? No, it appears that the ONLY reason for clinging defiantly to this date is to uphold the original Russellite teaching from the pyramid to establish 1914 as the end of the 2520 ‘days of years’ from 607. This teaching has become a ‘cornerstone’ to our faith. We are still unknowingly ‘propping up’ the pyramid!

Of course, this has a definite impact on 1914! It also has an impact on us. The decisions we made, sometimes hastily, when we first heard the ‘truth’, have affected our lives in many ways. I started studying in 1982. The Society was then teaching that the generation that saw 1914 would not pass away before the end came. (This teaching of course has also been the subject of ‘new thought’ over the decades since). That generation would have been well along in years then – “We must get baptised soon to avoid dying at Armageddon!” we foolishly thought. I was pregnant when I got baptised and gave birth to our son six months later. The talk at a District Convention soon after was entitled

‘Responsible Childbearing in the Time of the End!’ We made the decision then not to have any more children, but at least we had one child – we know of some brothers and sisters who decided not to have any children at all after that talk was given – how sad! It’s a good job that all did not heed the counsel or there would be a lot fewer Jehovah’s Witnesses on the earth today!

So what of 1914 and the Great War? Could this be just one of the reports of wars that must take place? It ‘appears’ to fit the bill as far as the beginnings of pangs of distress are concerned, but can we be sure about the start of the reign of Christ at the same time, since we have doubts about 607?? Also, if we still were to take into account the 2520 years before Jesus took up his kingship from the year when Jerusalem was really destroyed, 586 B.C.E., it would bring us to 1934/5. Well, you say, nothing happened in that year to indicate Christ’s rule had begun and Satan’s ouster from heaven. However, Jesus himself said at Luke 17:20 that “The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness ...” Also, remember the Nazi regime was about to rear its ugly head and ultimately start its reign of terror. Adolf Hitler’s hatred of both Jews and Jehovah’s Witnesses became apparent at the end of that war, when we learnt of his attempt to annihilate them! If Satanic forces were behind him, they were certainly angry! Also, the Second World War by far eclipsed the death and destruction of the First. So could this indicate the ouster from heaven? We must not speculate! It just goes to show that even the most ordinary of folk, like myself, can put an interpretation on something and make it believable! Let’s face it; if something is invisible to our eyes, as events in heaven surely are, we are none the wiser are we? People can be fooled into believing anything rather than appear foolish to others (‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ comes to mind.) But perhaps these wars are just precursors to an even greater battle. Maybe we ‘ain’t seen nothing yet’ as to the evil mankind will bring upon himself before the end finally comes.

Of course, it could be that the 2520 days or seven times, only applied to the time when King Nebuchadnezzar lost his sanity (Dan. 4:25). He regained his mind and his kingship after seven years when he came to realise that ‘the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of mankind.’ (Dan.4:36) The Society has always linked this event to the prophecy at Ezekiel 21:25-27 where the denunciation is pronounced on the ‘wicked chieftain of Israel’ whose DAY HAS COME IN THE TIME OF THE ERROR OF THE END. No mention of seven times anywhere here. However, an examination of Ezekiel 22 in its entirety begs the

question, who really is this ‘wicked chieftain’? Could it possibly be a ‘figurative chieftain’ in the time of the end?’ The ‘Insight’ book, Vol.1 on Page 433-4 sheds some light on this question. Under the heading ‘Chieftain - Ezekiel’s vision,’ it states, ‘So in the fulfilment of Ezekiel’s vision, the visionary city evidently would not picture the heavenly government of Jesus Christ and his associate kings and priests. Instead it would seem to picture an earthly, visible seat of administration under the direction of the heavenly kingdom. Correspondingly ‘the chieftain’ would stand for those who are appointed as visible, ‘princely’ representatives of the heavenly government’. Who this description fits, we must not speculate, after all the denunciation at Ezekiel 22:27-31 is thought provoking to say the least!

Returning to Charles T. and his interest in pyramids. The ‘Proclaimers’ book did inform us of this fact, but the information provided did not disclose what he had ascertained from his study of them. It seemed to indicate that his interest was quite innocent, however, on further examination, a far more sinister reason was evident. It appeared that he was searching for signs and portents as to the timing of significant future biblical events. This posed a problem. Why, I asked myself, would Almighty God, who clearly condemned such practices as detestable, (Deut.18:10-13) use this man to dispel ‘truth’ to his servants on earth? Was he really ‘a chosen vessel for an honourable use’?

The Society’s book ‘Live with Jehovah’s Day in Mind’, on Page 109, para.2 states, “You can be sure that God never uses magic or the occult to reveal his will or to exercise his power .... Moreover, dabbling in the occult can bring one under the influence and control of the leader of the demons, Satan, who is a liar and whose strategy is to deceive people”. Also, if Russell was to be used at some later date, would he still stick to this unscriptural, erroneous thinking?? And why, after Russell’s death, did the misconception continue? Surely it would have been an opportune time to ‘clean up!’ Or is the ‘old chap’ really still in charge?

Of course, this sort of thing has happened in the past. Jehovah has used people to accomplish his purpose – King Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus the Great to name but two. However, these men never claimed to be in a dedicated relationship with God, whereas Russell had. We have always believed that he was used by Jehovah to lead the many to righteousness and truth, but could it possibly be a deception. ‘Never!’ we may say. However, many believe that the astrologers followed a ‘star’ from God which led them to Jesus. The Society has clearly

stated the logical source of this phenomenon. So would it be derogatory to use our own logic and discernment in this matter also?

It begs the question, from where did C.T. get his power and knowledge. For a certainty he was a very powerful and wealthy man. Further investigation involved a trip (via Google earth) to a certain Masonic cemetery, Rosemont United Cemeteries, Allegheny, Pennsylvania. There beside his grave is erected a granite pyramid dedicated to the founder of The Watchtower Society; engraved on the pyramid are the Masonic symbols of the Crown and Crucifix, these were also used on the first editions of the Watchtower magazine, along with the Knights Templar symbol. The ‘Proclaimers’ book has pictorial evidence of this of course, but you may have to use a magnifying glass to see it clearly! So was Charles T. a Freemason? The evidence is again written in stone, or in this case granite, for all to see! Make up your own mind.

Even more disturbing than this was when I found out that Charles T. was of the Russell bloodline that founded the infamous Skull & Crossbones Society at Yale University! It also appears that some contributions for funding the Watchtower Society into being came from certain ‘Secret Societies’ and that Russell promoted Zionism on behalf of these friends and backers. Russell also embraced the then ‘new’ translation of the Bible by Westcott & Hort (do your own research on them) and also used texts prepared by Jesuit scholars Jose Maria Bover and A. Merkz, for the New World translation.

Of course, the information about these people was not available to us until now when all things can be thoroughly researched and discovered. We have all just blindly followed on thinking it was all OK. ‘If then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.’ Matt 15:14.

Needless to say that my faith and confidence in the Governing Body as ‘God’s channel of communication on earth’, has greatly diminished. After all, as a nation supposedly dedicated to God, they should heed the words of Zechariah 8:16 ‘These are the things that you people should do: Speak TRUTHFULLY with one another. With TRUTH and the judgement of peace do your judging in your gates’.

So where does this leave me? – Saddened, disappointed, yes, but also I have felt anger. Why have the Society not been honest with us all? Why try to hide the facts? What benefit has it been to all our dear brothers and sisters, many long gone, to put false evidence in front of us all this time, many putting their lives

on hold because of the ‘urgency’ of the times – it is cruel and unscriptural (Prov.13:12). But of course, Jesus did warn us (Matt. 24:11 & 36).

The Society may one day come to the conclusion that they will have to have a ‘change of thought’ on the date 607 and ultimately on 1914, but it may be too entrenched as an ‘established fact’ to deviate from. Indeed, the chasm is now too great to cross and with the focus of attention on 1914-2014 at last years’ Convention, it appears to confirm that this is unlikely to happen. In fact a ‘change of thought’ on this issue could mean devastation and the ultimate fall of ‘The Watchtower’, after all it is one of the foundation teachings on which many have built their faith. Also, the fact that this date is quoted in every Watchtower ‘teaching aid’ publication since the year dot, it would prove far too costly to change it now. Perhaps this is why it remains a secret, a whitewash (Ezekiel 22:28).

Ezekiel 13:6,7, and verse 14 says quite graphically ‘And I will tear down the wall that you men have plastered with whitewash and bring it into contact with the earth and its foundation must be exposed. And she will certainly fall, and you must come to an end in the midst of her; and YOU will have to know that I am Jehovah.’

All of this evidence has made it perfectly clear to me why the Society has closed ranks over recent years. Only the brothers and sisters are allowed the ‘study’ Watchtower, not the public anymore. We are forbidden to look on any other website except jw.org for research, because everything else is evil. But of course, brothers are looking elsewhere, and they are discovering the truth. ME’NE, ME’NE, TE’KEL and PAR’SIN.

An exciting ‘new thought’, became apparent during an examination of Jesus words at Matthew 24 that we know so well. Notice what Jesus states in verse 4-9, before the reports of wars are mentioned. He says, “Look out that nobody misleads you, for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many.” These few verses exactly parallel the verses in Revelation 6 describing the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The description given of the rider of the white horse says, ‘the one seated upon it had a bow, and a crown was given him, and he went forth conquering and to complete his conquest.’

The Society has always stated that this rider is Jesus Christ himself. But would the Christ really lead an onslaught of pain and suffering on the human race? Would this description not more realistically fit the anti-christ, or false religious leaders who are given power - a crown - and who have misled many? This would certainly fit in with Jesus words at Matthew 24. Also the distinction between this rider and the one mentioned at Rev.19:11 is clearly evident. The second rider of a white horse is CLEARLY identified as Jesus Christ having not one crown but many diadems on his head, and no bow, but a sharp long sword protruding from his mouth. Maybe the Society will one day examine this passage and come to the same conclusion. (Many learned Bible scholars already have). What an exciting flash of divine light that would be! Why everyone would stand in awe and amazement at the wisdom of these men. We’ll have to wait and see on this one!

So, in conclusion, what have I found to be deceitful ......

Evidence shows the Society, in its early years, was profoundly influenced by Egyptology and Freemasonry. Many Masonic and Egyptian symbols have been used throughout Watchtower literature. (Please note the chequered floor in illustrations of the Temple, also, the winged sun disc on the front of early books). Charles Taze Russell was clearly overly interested in the Great Egyptian pyramid. The name ‘Jehovah’ is accepted and used by Freemasons, taking the emphasis off Jesus Christ.

There is NO scriptural, historical or archaeological evidence that 607 B.C.E. was the date for the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple. Therefore, any supposed prophetic period of 2520 years would not end in 1914.

Therefore, 1914 was not the year for the arrival of God’s Kingdom when Jesus was supposedly given his kingly power.

Therefore, as Christ had not yet received kingly power, there is no conclusive evidence that he cleansed the organisation in 1919. Paedophilia cases rising in USA , UK and across the world, prove that this organisation is NOT clean.

Therefore, in 1922 it would appear that Christ was not reigning, therefore no need to ‘Advertise, advertise, advertise the King and his Kingdom!’

1918/19 was clearly not the date for the appointment of a ‘faithful and discreet slave’ to give food at the ‘proper time’.

In 1925 the statement was made ‘Millions now living WILL NEVER DIE!’ False hopes and expectations were given to followers. These would NOT live forever. All are probably now dead.

1975 did not bring Armageddon. Fred Franz’ recorded talk is available, when he definitely stated that 1975 would be the end of the system as we know it. Another failed prediction, embarrassingly covered over.

2014 - could not be 100 years of Christ’s rulership since the starting date is incorrect.

Therefore, the preaching of the ‘good news’ of God’s established Kingdom is seriously flawed. This could be the greatest con-trick since Satan deceived Eve.

Armageddon - Imminent? - Don’t hold your breath! – But, of course, it is now closer than when we became believers!

So there we have it, just a few reasons (I will not mention others, only to say that this is just the tip of the iceberg, or should I say the tip of the pyramid) why I have not attended meetings for a while. My findings make it impossible for me to continue to go from house to house or to teach any Bible studies things that I do not believe with my whole heart; things that may be deceptive, or things that do not have a firm scriptural basis. As such I feel that I can no longer be a part of The Watchtower Society and I must take my stand on the side of Truth. For this reason I feel that I must do as ‘The Master’ recommends, and ‘Get out of her, if you do not want to share in her sins’.

Please take this letter as my resignation from the Society. I do, however, in line with the Human Rights Act, forbid you to darken my name or reputation within the congregation, as if I have committed some crime against the scriptures. (Should I hear of this I may well bring legal action against you for deformation of character.) I do not agree with the Society’s policy of shunning ones who just want to disagree with their doctrines. I will continue to talk to whosoever I please, whether they talk to me or not is their decision. My conscience is clear.


This decision has meant that I can now try to re-build my estranged relationship with my fleshly family. Unfortunately, it is too late as far as two of my brothers and my mother were concerned, these died during my time in the organisation.

Thankfully the resurrection hope is still strong in my heart because I know that this promise was made by Jesus Christ himself. Perhaps at that time I will be able to apologise for the grief I caused them. Also, let me make it quite clear that my love for the true God and his son Jesus Christ has not wavered. I will still be determined to walk in integrity and truth up until this evil and corrupt system is finally destroyed. I do not intend to join any other religion or get involved with Christmas or the like because I believe, even more so now, that the WHOLE world is definitely lying in the power of the wicked one.

So, where is TRUTH? It appears that the religions of this world are ALL CORRUPT and controlled by very clever men to manipulate the masses, and to acquire great wealth. We are not the first to be duped and will not be the last. I give you, for example, the millions of faithful Catholics who blindly follow their now Jesuit Pope, never questioning the ‘unseen’ power behind his throne. The faithful Mormon community, who stalwartly believe Joseph Smith and his golden leaved book of ‘truth’. The Muslim fundamentalists who are ready to die for Allah. I could go on .... but enough is enough!

So, to all those who showed me kindness and love during my thirty years of service, I thank you, and pray that you will continue to search for real TRUTH, based on SCRIPTURE, not on man’s thoughts, and build your faith on Jesus Christ, after all HE is the Way (THE TRUE CHANNEL) and the TRUTH and the Life, no-one comes to the Father except through HIM. I also implore you, ‘DO NOT put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man to whom no salvation belongs’ and ‘DO NOT give your heart to all that MEN may utter’.

Finally, as I’ve been speaking of stones crying out, I have taken comfort from this scripture, “Look! I am laying in Zion a stone, chosen, a foundation cornerstone, precious; and no one exercising faith in it will by any means come to disappointment” (2 Peter 2:16).

I rest my case, literally!

Penny Shakespear

N.B. The evidence I have presented here is to be found on respectable websites: British Museum, Jewish Encyclopaedia, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles, and also the Society’s own publications, and of course, the Bible. PLEASE check these references for yourselves.