wordpress.com€¦ · web viewwhereas, in a statement echoed by director of national intelligence...

2012 Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. Resolutions (Adopted August 9 2012) Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President Dr. Ralph A. Canty, Jr. Interim General Secretary 1. COMMENDING MEMPHIS LOCAL UNION AFSCME 1733 WHEREAS, The Local Sanitation Worker Union, Local Union 1733 of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees known as “AFSCME 1733” has made an extraordinary contribution to the social justice and economic rights of the Memphis Community, people across our nation and across the globe; AND WHEREAS, AFSCME 1733 was founded in 1964 by T.O. Jones and was unique in its organization among the Federation of Local Unions. Although AFSME was given a charter by the national AFSCME in 1964, but it was not recognized by the city of Memphis; AND WHEREAS, the Union was desperately needed because sanitation workers earned wages so low that many were on welfare and relied on food stamps to feed their families. They also worked in poor conditions and with equipment that was substandard; AND WHEREAS, On Tuesday, February 1, 1968, when two Memphis garbage collectors, Echol Cole and Robert Walker, were crushed to death by a poorly maintained truck, the union, frustrated by a long pattern of neglect and abuse leapt into action. 1,300 of the sanitation workers went on strike. They demanded recognition of “AFSCME 1733”, better safety standards, and a fair and decent wage; AND WHEREAS, the AFSCME 1733 strike became a huge battle over not just the worker's right to join a union, but over the dignity and self- respect of Memphis’ black citizens and African Americans everywhere. The sanitation workers were beaten and attacked on several occasions as they marched and wore signs that universally declared "I Am a Man."; AND WHEREAS, The Memphis strike created a true mass movement a coalition of labor, the church, civil rights, and students. Dr. King joined this struggle and made it a part of his Poor People's Campaign to demand that the U.S. Congress shift spending from the Vietnam War to domestic concerns including education, health care, and housing; AND

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Page 1: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

2012 Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.Resolutions

(Adopted August 9 2012)Dr. Carroll A. Baltimore, Sr., President

Dr. Ralph A. Canty, Jr. Interim General Secretary


WHEREAS, The Local Sanitation Worker Union, Local Union 1733 of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees known as “AFSCME 1733” has made an extraordinary contribution to the social justice and economic rights of the Memphis Community, people across our nation and across the globe; AND

WHEREAS, AFSCME 1733 was founded in 1964 by T.O. Jones and was unique in its organization among the Federation of Local Unions. Although AFSME was given a charter by the national AFSCME in 1964, but it was not recognized by the city of Memphis; AND

WHEREAS, the Union was desperately needed because sanitation workers earned wages so low that many were on welfare and relied on food stamps to feed their families. They also worked in poor conditions and with equipment that was substandard; AND

WHEREAS, On Tuesday, February 1, 1968, when two Memphis garbage collectors, Echol Cole and Robert Walker, were crushed to death by a poorly maintained truck, the union, frustrated by a long pattern of neglect and abuse leapt into action. 1,300 of the sanitation workers went on strike. They demanded recognition of “AFSCME 1733”, better safety standards, and a fair and decent wage; AND

WHEREAS, the AFSCME 1733 strike became a huge battle over not just the worker's right to join a union, but over the dignity and self-respect of Memphis’ black citizens and African Americans everywhere. The sanitation workers were beaten and attacked on several occasions as they marched and wore signs that universally declared "I Am a Man."; AND

WHEREAS, The Memphis strike created a true mass movement a coalition of labor, the church, civil rights, and students. Dr. King joined this struggle and made it a part of his Poor People's Campaign to demand that the U.S. Congress shift spending from the Vietnam War to domestic concerns including education, health care, and housing; AND

WHEREAS, on April 4, 1968, as Dr. King was headed to Dr. Kyles’ house for dinner, in preparation for a peaceful march in support of the strike, Dr. King paid the ultimate price. He gave his life; AND

WHEREAS, in honor of Dr. King, on 8 April,1968 ,union members and others 42,000 strong, led by Coretta Scott King, silently marched through Memphis’ streets. They demanded that that city honor the union’s requests. And about a week later, with national and international pressure mounting, victory was won. The city recognized the union, agreed to wage increases, a grievance process, and an end to job discrimination; AND

WHEREAS, the sanitation workers’ success activated municipal, hospital and service workers across the South and as a result millions of people once in poverty were able to make a decent wage and enter into the middle class; AND

WHEREAS, the Memphis sanitation workers’ movement still resonates with us today and even on a global scale. The recent non-violent protest movements that we have witnessed in Egypt and

Page 2: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

throughout the Middle East were patterned directly after the non-violent protest movements of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. and the Memphis sanitation workers.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOVLED THAT THE PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: (1) commends and honors Memphis Local Union AFSCME 1733 for its lasting contributions to the civil, social and economic rights of all people; and (2) Urges its members to advocate for the protection of labor and collective bargaining rights, and a living-wages for all.

2. EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION 150 th ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, the Emancipation Proclamation was proclaimed broadly in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln to abolish slavery in the Confederate States of America; AND

WHEREAS, President Lincoln specifically proclaimed “on the first day of January in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free; and the executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom”; AND

WHEREAS, January 1, 2013 will mark the 150th anniversary; AND

WHEREAS, PNBC recognizes the need for the unification of all of our leadership and organizations in addressing the myriad needs of our community; and that if we are to make a lasting difference in the uplift of our people we must come together to think, plan and act on behalf of the whole of our people, even as the Scriptures instruct; AND

WHEREAS, the Progressive National Baptist Convention recognizes that the 150th Anniversary Commemoration of the historic New Emancipation Proclamation Movement provides a forum for the renewal of commitment and collective effort to bring about a new unity among and between all of our groups and organizations for the furtherance of our mandate to improve the quality of life to organize and mobilize our people nationally and put systems in place that will permit the successful programmatic thrust to save our people; and ourselves; AND

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc: (1) calls upon its members to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation by holding Jubilee Watch Night Services on Dec. 31, 2012, and other celebrations throughout the year. (2) Covenant in solemn agreement with national African American faith communities and organizations to create a spirit of unity amongst African American people; (3) Mobilize PNBC churches to “get the word out” and seek to get every man, woman, boy, and girl to register for a August 27, 2014 gathering on the Mall in Washington, D.C.; and (4) Participate in the agenda of the New Emancipation Proclamation Movement.


Page 3: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated


WHEREAS, Jim Crow laws were enacted in 1876 as a result of Reconstruction and lasted until 1965, mandating racial segregation of public facilities in Southern states and “separate but unequal” status of African Americans; AND

WHEREAS, Jim Crow laws discriminated against and created hardship toward African American men, women and families; AND

WHEREAS, the appearance of crack cocaine in 1985 and related violence coincided with the "War on Drugs" in full swing resulted in massive increases in congressional funding and in legal penalties for crack-related activities against African American men in various respects, including disproportionally harsh penalties for crack, as opposed to powder cocaine, usage and dealing; AND

WHEREAS, Congress passed the increasingly comprehensive and punitive anti-drug abuse acts in 1986 and 1988, mandating anti-narcotic participation by the U.S. military, allowing court admission of some illegally obtained evidence and widening the scope of criminal suspects sought and penalized to include individuals not directly involved in illicit drugs such as family members; AND

WHEREAS, the acts new law also introduced five-year jail term first-time offender minimums for simple possession and set up a racially biased system that targeted the most disadvantaged and impoverished segments of the society; AND

WHEREAS, the Clinton Administration reinforced and magnified the damage Inflicted on African Americans by endorsing "three strikes and you're out" federal policies, signed in 1994 and expanded the drug war beyond what was considered possible before which resulted in the largest increase in the number of inmates in any president's tenure; AND

WHEREAS, The US Sentencing Project reported, “Nationally, an estimated 5.3 million Americans are denied the right to vote because of laws that prohibit voting by people with felony convictions. Felony disenfranchisement is an obstacle to participation in democratic life which is exacerbated by racial disparities in the criminal justice system, resulting in an estimated 13% of Black men unable to vote.”; AND

WHEREAS, “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” published in 2010 by Michelle Alexander, a civil rights litigator and legal scholar, points out that the US has 5% of the world's population, but 25% of the world's prisoners and still suppresses the lively-hood of African-American men; AND

WHEREAS, voting is a fundamental right to citizenship guaranteed under the Fifteenth Amendment of the US Constitution;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT THE PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: Join with other civil rights and faith-based organizations including the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, the NAACP and the African American Ministers Leadership Council to educate and raise awareness about “the New Jim Crow” to: (1) end mass incarceration of African


Page 4: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

American men; (2) advocate for voting rights restoration of all formerly incarcerated persons in all states; and (3) participate in the “Ban the Box” movement to delete the question on employment applications of whether an applicant has been convicted of a felony.


VOTER SUPRESSIONWHEREAS, the 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."; AND

WHEREAS, ratified on February 3, 1870, “the promise of the 15th Amendment would not be fully realized for almost a century. Through the use of poll taxes, literacy tests and other means, Southern states were able to effectively disenfranchise African Americans. It would take the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 before the majority of African Americans in the South were registered to vote”; AND

WHEREAS, Voter Suppression is a strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote; AND

WHEREAS, voter suppression tactics include impediments to voter registration, disenfranchisement of formerly incarcerated persons, misinformation, purging of voter rolls, reducing hours for early voting and eliminating Sunday voting, and photo identification laws such as those passed in 2011 and 2012 that extend beyond the Help America Vote Act (HAVA); AND

WHEREAS, the Pew Research Center released a study on states that found current systems to be “outdated, costly and inaccurate” with procedures that “create a system that is susceptible to human error from start to finish” calling for “common standards for voter records to allow sharing of data, with the eventual goal of giving each citizen a single voter record that can be easily updated as they move around”; AND

WHEREAS, calls for modernizing voter registration have arisen regularly in reaction to emotional election disputes and the 2000 presidential race resulted in a hard-fought recount battle that eventually ended in favor of Republican George W. Bush, prompting federal legislation revising vote-count procedures and the 2008 presidential race also included GOP criticisms of the tactics used by Acorn and other liberal groups that manage voter-registration drives.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: (1) participate in local, state and national efforts to expose to voters those persons and entities engaged in morally bankrupt voter suppression tactics and advocate for the repeal of such laws that discourage full participation in the democratic process and (2) advocate for voter registration and election reform federally and in the states beginning January 1, 2013.


Page 5: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated


INITIATIVEWHEREAS, in 2008, the African American vote was reported as the highest since 1960; AND

WHEREAS, the Word of God says “we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power maybe of God and not of us.” AND

WHEREAS, Americans of African descent know what it means to be “hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; perplexed, but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed”; AND

WHEREAS, Vessels are clergy, pastors, ministry leaders, women, men, youth and elders committed to increasing full voter participation by every voting age person in the African American community; AND

WHEREAS, Vessels stand firmly against the ploys of those who engage in voter suppression tactics such as passing restrictive vote identification laws and spreading misinformation about who can vote and when they can vote; AND

WHEREAS, Vessels know that every election (local, state, federal, special) is important to securing our future and the future of the next generation; AND

WHEREAS, non-partisan civic participation through voter education, voter registration and voter turnout is a part of the rich history of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.; and

WHEREAS, Vessels vote in every election, equip self and others with information, strengthen the presence of church and membership in every election, stand for the democratic process, encourage and embrace individual and collective power to make wise godly decisions about appointed and elected officials, leave apathy and excuses at home, and step into voting booths, pause, pray, give thanks for the opportunity to speak with clarity, vote and praise God for good stewardship of one of God’s many blessings – the right to vote.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THATTHE PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. : (1) continue its collaboration, started in August of 2011, with the African American Ministers Leadership Council and other faith and civil rights groups in the non-partisan VESSELS – I Am A Vessel And I Vote program to conduct voter education, on-going voter registration, voter verification and protection for every election with an emphasis on November 6, 2012.; (2) join the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and the African Methodist Episcopal Church and agree to register, educate and turn out to vote a minimum of 500,000 voters for the November 6, 2012 elections; and (3) opt for full participation in post Nov. 6, 2012 VESSELS 2013 initiatives.




Page 6: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

WHEREAS, the Supreme Court’s January 21, 2010, decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC) aggressively deviated from long-settled law limiting corporate spending in our elections; AND

WHEREAS, due to the dangerously overreaching Supreme Court decision in Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission (FEC), federal, state, and local governments are now taking the necessary steps to restore the authority of the American people to restrict the undue influence of corporations on our elections; AND

WHEREAS, the radical view of the First Amendment in Citizens United permitted extraordinary corporate influence in our political processes since 2010 by allowing unlimited independent spending from corporate general treasuries; AND

WHEREAS, the Supreme Court’s decision has elevated free speech rights of a corporation to be equal to the free speech rights of a person; AND

WHEREAS, the Supreme Court’s elevation of corporations in this case may have constitutional repercussions that go far beyond this one case; AND

WHEREAS, the American people, through their federal, state, and local governments, must reclaim their constitutional right to protect the electoral process from corporate domination; AND

WHEREAS, fair elections are fundamental to the security of a democracy; AND

WHEREAS, we are a body of men and women of faith who believe in the values of justice and fairness committed to ministering “to the social, spiritual, and physical development of all people,” and thus find it our responsibility to advocate the restoration of authority and electoral power to the citizens of the United States of America;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: (1) continue its support for “Amending the U.S. Constitution to Restore the People’s Power to Limit Corporate Spending in Elections” and work with state and national partners to educate the members and broader community of the impact unlimited spending has on elections and to work with state legislatures to adopt and send to the United States Congress a resolution in support of amending the Constitution to restore the ability of the American people to limit corporate spending in our elections and (2) support “Amending the U.S. Constitution to Restore the People’s Power to Limit Corporate Spending in Elections” by (1) further educating its members of political influence by entities such as the Koch Brothers, the Chamber of Commerce, and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC); (2) presenting this resolution for adoption at various state and regional gatherings; and (3) that an executed copy of this Resolution, inscribed with the leadership signature, be presented to state and congressional member by or before January 10, 2013.


HONORING THE LIFE OF TRAYVON BENJAMIN MARTINWHEREAS, on October 1, 2005, Florida became the first state to pass the “Personal Protection Bill” eliminating the requirement to retreat (duty to retreat) first in case of self-defense, defending ones house


Page 7: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

against intruders and became known as the “Stand Your Ground” law and in some instances “Shoot To Kill”; AND

WHEREAS, Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law includes an “immunity provision” that protects the shooter from arrest unless police can determine that the force used was indeed unlawful; AND

WHEREAS, the law eliminates the “duty to retreat” and such duty should be an initial action taken to maintain civility and calm in any potential situation that could result in harm or deadly force; AND

WHEREAS, according to the Legal Community Against Violence and the National District Attorney Generals Association, 24 states have copied parts of, if not all, of the Florida law; AND

WHEREAS, a 2012 study at Texas University noted significant evidence that the laws increase homicides, and suggestive but inconclusive evidence indicates that castle doctrine laws increase the narrowly defined category of justifiable homicides by private citizens by 17 to 50 percent, which translates into as many as 50 additional justifiable homicides per year nationally. More significantly, we find the laws increase murder and manslaughter by a statistically significant 7 to 9 percent, which translates into an additional 500 to 700 homicides per year nationally across the states that adopted the castle doctrine.”; AND

WHEREAS, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence believes these laws promote vigilantism; AND

WHEREAS, it is understood there is a right to defend yourself and the right to bear arms is protected under the Second Amendment of the US Constitution and is a component of the Bill of Rights; AND

WHEREAS, on February 26, 2012, 17-year-old Trayvon Benjamin Martin, who was unarmed, was shot to death because he was deemed “suspicious” by a member of the Neighborhood Watch in Sanford, Florida;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: (1) raise education and awareness about “Stand Your Ground” laws by conducting youth and young adult led forums and advocacy trainings on February 5, the birth date of Trayvon Benjamin Martin to honor his life; (2) partner with other local, state and national faith and civil rights groups to advocate for “safe, sane and sensible gun laws” and “aggressive anti-racial profiling laws; and (3) write a letter to the Department of Justice supporting a federal review and address of “Stand Your Ground” self-defense laws.


WHEREAS, In an average year, 100,000 Americans are shot or killed with a gun and every day (on average) 300 Americans are victims of gun violence, with 85 lives taken daily as a result AND

WHEREAS, recent mass shootings at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado and at Sikh temple in Wisconsin Sikh temple show that we have become a nation rife with domestic terrorism -- moving from a land of hospitality and freedom to a land of the fearful and the besieged, with gun violence being the driving force behind this change; AND7

Page 8: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

WHEREAS, Responsible gun ownership can be consistent with our constitutional rights; however, it must be stressed that there are relatively few shootings by average citizens defending themselves.Rather, most fatal and non‐fatal shootings result from abuse or misuse of guns. Over 40,000deaths annually are caused by citizens shooting and killing other citizens, whether these shootingsare intentional, accidental, suicidal, drug or gang related; AND

WHEREAS, in the decade following the Federal Assault Weapons Act of 1994 there was a 66% decline in assault weapon use (According to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence); AND

WHEREAS, Annually, there are 1.5 million crimes committed where firearms were used. 68% ofmurders are gun related and 55% of suicides are by using guns. More than 69,000 shootings eachyear are non‐fatal, yet still leave in their wake a trail of pain, suffering, disabilities and/ordisfigurement, and anguish and grief for family and community; AND

WHEREAS, African‐Americans are being murdered or harmed by gun use at significantly higher rates than the rest of our society. While African Americans compose roughly 12% of the U.S. population, they account for 27% of all gun‐related deaths in this country; AND

WHEREAS, Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew's gospel, instructs his followers to be instruments of peace. "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also....You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you . . . (Matt. 5: 38‐39, 43‐44); AND

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT PROGRESSIVE NATIOAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: (1) call upon our local, state, and federal legislators to enact reforms that ban access to assault weapons and handguns, including closing the so‐called federal “gun show loophole,” which allows for the purchase of firearms from private sellers without submitting to a background check, or providing documentation of the purchase; (2) participate with movements such as “Heeding God’s Call” (http://www.heedinggodscall.org/) to insist that commercial sellers adopt and adhere to responsible sales practices; and (3) prayerfully support ecumenical efforts for gun violence reduction.

9. JOBS, POVERTY AND UNEMPLOYMENT WHEREAS 84% of Americans listed jobs as “very important” in an April 2012 Pew Research Center survey, second to the economy; AND

WHEREAS Unemployment continues to hover at its highest levels in30 years and unemployment rates for African Americans remain at double the rate for those of white Americans; AND

WHEREAS poverty in this country is actually worse than it was when President Lyndon Baines Johnson launched the war on poverty in the 1960's; AND

WHEREAS the gap between the "have’s" and the "have not’s" has widened in the last 50 years;


Page 9: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: strongly urge the current administration and the Congress to "lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily beset us" and focus on 3 things: (1) jobs; (2) jobs and (3) jobs.

10. SUPPORT FOR EQUAL PAY FOR WOMENWHEREAS, in 2010 the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported there were 73 million women in the labor force; AND

WHEREAS, in 2011 the Department of Labor reported in “The African American Labor Force in the Recovery” that African American woman represented 53.8% of the employed; AND

WHEREAS, gender based pay discrimination exist in the United States with women receiving “77 cents to every dollar paid to their male counterparts” according to the National Women’s Law Center; AND

WHEREAS, African American women make 62 cents to every dollar “earned by white, non-Hispanic males”; AND

WHEREAS, pay discrimination hurts working women and families while undermining the principles of equality under the law;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. : support efforts to establish paycheck equity and fairness for women by (1) sending a letter to the leaders of the House and the Senate encouraging them to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act which expands the Equal Pay Act of 1963, and (2) encourage members to host community forums which invite elected officials to learn more about obstacles to passage of the bill and support Equal Pay Day on April 17, 2013.


WHEREAS, as a part of last year’s Debt Deal, and the goal to reduce the federal deficit by $1.2 trillion over a 10-year period, Congress and the White House enacted language that would require all federal programs be subjected an across-the-board spending cut process known as sequestration; AND

WHEREAS, $110 billion in federal program cuts are set to take place on Jan. 2, 2012 hitting defense and domestic programs equally hard; AND

WHEREAS, the cuts will affect social service, job training, transportation, veterans, biomedical research, community development, housing, small business, education, supplemental food and many more programs — programs that reflect an expenditure of about 20 cents for every dollar that leaves Washington; AND

WHEREAS, these cuts would also have destructive impacts on Federal activities that promote and protect the poor and middle class in – everything from education to job training, medical research, child care, worker safety, food safety, national parks, border security and safe air travel; AND


Page 10: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION INC.: urge its member churches to advocate with their congressional representatives to oppose the budget sequestration process and find ways other than cutting vital social program to reduce the $16 trillion national debt, including having the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes. 


QUALITY OF LIFEWHEREAS, according to the Center for Disease Control of all racial and ethnic groups in the United States, African Americans have been plagued by HIV and AIDS more than any other group; AND

WHEREAS, African Americans have:

More illness. Even though blacks account for about 13% of the US population, they account for about half (49%) of the people who get HIV and AIDS.

Shorter survival times. Blacks and African Americans with AIDS often don’t live as long as people of other races and ethnic groups with AIDS. This is due to the barriers we face.

More deaths. For African Americans, HIV/AIDS is a leading cause of death; AND

WHEREAS, in 2005, 104 (63%) of the 166 children under the age of 13 diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 33 states were black; AND

WHEREAS African Americans account for about half of all people living with HIV/AIDS (among men, 41%; among women, 64%); AND

WHEREAS, PNBC encourages teaching on HIV/AIDS that will raise awareness and decrease stigma and shame associated with the disease; AND

WHEREAS, PNBC currently supports “efforts to stem and eradicate the further spread of the HIV/AIDS pandemics”;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. : (1) encourage teaching on HIV/AIDS that will raise awareness and decrease stigma and shame associated with the disease; (2) advocate for more federal funding for research, testing and prevention; (3) engage and promote its involvement in awareness activities, to include HIV 101, on one or more of the following days: National African American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (February 7); National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (March 10); National Black Church Week of Prayer for the Healing of HIV and AIDS (second week of March); National HIV/AIDS Testing Day (June 27); National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (September 18); and World AIDS Day (December 1); and (4) initiate a strategic education campaign that focuses on 3-4 cities with high rates of HIV infection.



Page 11: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

WHEREAS, on March 23, 2010, President Barak Obama signed into law historic legislation to ensured quality and affordable health care coverage for all Americans; AND

WHEREAS, January 12, 2011 was a day members of the US House of Representatives attempted to repeal Health Care Reform and put 33 million lives are at stake eliminating needed protections for the poor and care for African Americans where 40% of the population (1 in 5) is uninsured according to the Census Bureau (2007-2008); AND

WHEREAS, on March 23, 2012 the country observed the 1 year anniversary and benefits of this vision to reduce health care cost, get affordable health, grow the economy and take care of men, women, children and families in need of care and prevention; AND

WHEREAS, 36% of African American adults visit the Emergency Room for conditions that could be treated by a regular doctor visit; AND

WHEREAS, the US Supreme Court upheld the Constitutionality of the Act on June 29, 2012 that was challenged by various states;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: support and educate its members on the Affordable Care Act commonly known as Health Care Reform (as well as conservative tactics being used in the state and nationally to undermine this valuable resource) which speaks to our values as men and women of faith, affirms the health and dignity of those created in God’s image, provides another means of taking care of “the least of these”, gives us an opportunity to be good stewards of the temple that is not ours, and compliments “the Hope that is in us.”

14. IN SUPPORT OF DC VOTING RIGHTSWHEREAS, the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. as one of the nation’s largest and most prominent African-American institutions is a recognized institutional leader in the struggle for civil rights; AND

WHEREAS, the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. with more than 2 million members and 2,000 local congregations across the United States continue to believe in the organization’s legacy of progressive advocacy; AND

WHEREAS, the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. recognizes that it must uphold its duty to remain an organizational voice opposed to injustice and lifted in solidarity with those who support equality; AND

WHEREAS, the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. acknowledges that the residents of the District of Columbia are disenfranchised because of Congress’ steadfast refusal to permit the District of Columbia a representative vote in the United States Congress; AND

WHEREAS, the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. acknowledges that the Congress continues to impinge upon the collective will of residents of the District of Columbia by attaching social riders to the District of Columbia’s budget.


Page 12: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. officially endorse, join and support the District of Columbia’s struggle for self-determination and statehood.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. urge the Congress of the United States to grant the District of Columbia budget and legislative autonomy and permit the residents of the District of Columbia to have voting representation in both houses of the United States Congress.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. urge the Congress of the United States to introduce and pass an act granting admission to the District of Columbia as the 51st State of the United States.


WHEREAS, we support comprehensive immigration reform out of our Christian commitment to caring and loving the “stranger” in our midst (Leviticus 19:33-34); AND

WHEREAS, our faith calls us to seek fairness and equality for all people and we believe that immigration reform is one of the major civil and human rights issues impacting our nation; AND

WHEREAS, most Americans agree that our current system is broken and in need of urgent attention to address punitive and discriminatory practices occurring in states; AND

WHEREAS, the answer is an immigration policy that will result in the protection of the US borders, the establishment of just labor practices, the enhancement of family reunification, and the provision of a fair and balanced pathway to citizenship for all; AND

WHEREAS, we further believe that:

Cruel and inhumane practices carried out in tracking, arresting, detaining, and deporting undocumented persons without granting basic civil liberties is deplorable.

Immigration policy affects all aspects of society. Regardless of status, immigrants have always played a central role in the life and growth of our nation. Immigrants contribute $10 billion a year to this country's economic growth.

E-Verify (Employment Verification) programs are currently inefficient and therefore should be opposed for reasons included but not limited to those noted in studies conducted by the Government Accountability Office indicate it will “lead to job loss for an estimated 800,000 authorized workers due to database mistakes while an additional 3.6 million American workers would have to correct their information and lose pay in the process.”

Without a fair and balanced policy, immigrants will continue to suffer from an economic system that relies upon the cheap labor of undocumented persons. Vulnerable men, women and children will continue to be exploited by unscrupulous employers.

Our current system criminalizes many well-meaning individuals and drives them into the shadows without properly addressing the role that businesses and corporations play in supporting the current situation.


Page 13: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

Our immigration policy negatively impacts many established families in the US, causing various forms of pain, trauma, and suicide, and keeping loved ones apart for years and even decades.  It prevents promising young people – DREAMers - from college and drives them underground.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: (1) continue its support efforts for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” by joining with African American Ministers Leadership Council and other faith institutions such as the Interfaith Immigration Coalition in urging state and national leaders to move expeditiously on immigration reform; and (2) support Comprehensive Immigration Reform by joining in Covenant agreement with other organizations committed to shared principles of love, respect, tolerance, and sensitivity.


WHEREAS, the Summer of 2012 has been one of the hottest Summers in the world’s history; AND

WHEREAS, God is not a distant bystander with respect to human affairs, but judges all people and holds them accountable for their thoughts and actions (Psalm 24:1; Isaiah 45:5-8; Hebrews 4:12-13); AND

WHEREAS, Christians are called by God to exercise caring stewardship and dominion over the earth and environment (Genesis 1:28; Psalm 8); AND

WHEREAS, we share God’s concern that the poor should not be abused, taken advantage of, nor overburdened (Psalm 140:12; Proverbs 14:31; 29:7; Isaiah 25:4; Ezekiel 22:29, 31; Matthew 25:40; John 14:15); AND

WHEREAS, the impacts of climate change disproportionately impacts the communities of color; AND

WHEREAS, globally, climate change is likely to cause damage in excess of $600 billion per year, with particularly negative effects in Africa; AND

WHEREAS, about 160,000 people die every year worldwide from side-effects of global warming ranging from malaria to malnutrition and reduction of agricultural output in many poorer countries; AND

WHEREAS, an additional 80-90 million poor people could be at risk of hunger and malnutrition later in the 21st century and poorer countries are much less able to withstand the devastation caused by extreme weather events, and climate change is likely to increase such events; AND

WHEREAS, solving the climate crisis can create 5 million ‘green’ jobs that will be in places where they are needed most; AND

WHEREAS, a new energy policy can reduce the burden of low- and moderate-income households spending a larger share of their budgets on energy and other basic costs of living than better-off households; AND


Page 14: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports that the average surface temperature of the earth increased nearly 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the 20th century, due primarily to human caused climate change and scientists project an increase of 3.2-7.2 degrees Fahrenheit in the 21st century; AND

WHEREAS, we have an opportunity to end energy policies that drain jobs from our economy, put our communities at risk of heat waves and flooding, and drag America into conflicts over energy resources overseas; AND

WHEREAS, meaningful climate change policy can create real public benefits including millions of good green-collar jobs and build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty; AND

WHEREAS, the strength of the United States’ position in the international climate negotiations will largely depend on two factors: the level of emissions reductions we commit to make and the level of financial support we offer for international adaptation and clean energy technology;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. : (1) call on our nation’s elected leaders to support climate change legislation that helps provide immediate assistance to the poor and most vulnerable people around the world; (2) supports climate change policy that will build a new generation of good jobs, rebuild urban areas and support rural areas, and protect families, communities and public health, and help elevate our nation as a world leader; and (3) encourages its members and to reduce its carbon footprint by greening their churches including: Conducting energy audits, purchasing and installing Compact Florescent Light bulbs, LED exit signs and occupancy sensors, automatic thermostats, weatherizing windows and doors, insulated attics and hot water pipes and tanks, buying efficient appliances, going solar, carpooling, purchasing green energy, reducing purchases of bottled water, buying local produce, using recyclable packaging and making the 3 r’s (reduce, reuse, and recycle) a part of collective and individual lifestyle.


WHEREAS, the first half of 2012 was the hottest first half of any year on record in the United States1

and the first decade of the 21st century (2000-2009) was the hottest decade on record2; and

WHEREAS, scientist are more than 90 percent that most of global warming it is caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels like gas and coal and climate change leads to stronger storms, floods, and droughts across the globe.

WHEREAS, offshore wind power is one of the most abundant clean energy resources in the United States with potential four times the total power generated in the country3; AND

1 Castillo, Michelle. “January to June 2012 warmest first half of any year on record.” CBS News. 9 July 2012. <http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57468991/january-to-june-2012-warmest-first-half-of-any-year-on-record/>2 Voiland, A. (2010, January 21). 2009: Second Warmest Year on Record; End of Warmest Decade. NASA Goddard

Institute for Space Studies. Accessed January 22, 2010. < http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=42392>

3 Guhl, Christine. “Celebrating Global Wind Day.” WhiteHouse.Gov. 15 June 2012. < http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/06/15/celebrating-global-wind-day>


Page 15: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

WHREAS, investing in clean energy like offshore wind power will save money in the long-term by decreasing reliance on volatile fuel prices and by reducing the costly effects of global warming and health-hazardous pollution; AND

WHEREAS, the burning of coal for our energy is unhealthy and studies show that it lead to thousands of asthma deaths each year; AND

WHEREAS, over 70 percent of African Americans live in counties in violation of federal air pollution standards; AND

WHEREAS, in every one of the 44 major metropolitan areas in the U.S., African Americans are more likely than Whites to be exposed to higher air toxic concentrations. As a result, African Americans are nearly three times as likely to be hospitalized or killed by asthma; AND

WHEREAS, developing clean energy resources like offshore wind power will create much-needed jobs and especially for Minority Business Enterprises; AND

WHEREAS, European nations have utilized offshore wind power since 1991, while there are currently no offshore wind turbines in the United States; AND

WHEREAS, states can enact policies that can be replicated at the national and international level, make significant progress toward reducing global warming emissions, and realize extensive economic benefits; AND

WHEREAS Massachusetts and New Jersey have enacted policy to support offshore wind development and Maryland’s House of Delegates passed supporting legislation in 2012 that stalled in the Maryland State Senate;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: supports state and national policies to support the development of clean energy technologies like offshore wind power by: (1) calling on states, like Maryland and others along the East Coast, to invest in offshore wind development off their coasts to realize stable-priced energy, new jobs, and healthier air; and (2) calling on the federal government to support offshore wind power by extending the Investment Tax Credit for clean energy.

18. TERRORISM AND RELIGIOUS ATTACKS IN NIGERIAWHEREAS, from its inception in 2002 the militant Islamist group currently known as Boko Haram sought the elimination of Christianity and the Nigerian Federal state and its replacement with a Shari’a state governed by an extremist orthodoxy defined by its leader, Mohammed Yusuf; AND

WHEREAS, in 2003, the group issued pamphlets declaring its determination to make Nigeria a Muslim State, invading two Local Government Areas (LGAs in north eastern Yobe State and declaring a jihad against Christians and the Nigerian Federal Government in an uprising that was eventually crushed by Federal forces; AND

WHEREAS, in 2004, the group murdered over a dozen Christians and four policemen during raids on the towns of Bama and Gwoza in Borno State, situated in the north-east before retreating into neighboring Republic of Cameroon as federal forces again gave chase; AND15

Page 16: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

WHEREAS in July 2009, during a coordinated uprising targeting four states and ostensibly launched to protest harassment and mistreatment by officials, Boko Haram murdered three pastors, torched over twenty churches, destroyed numerous Christian-owned businesses and held over 100 Christians hostage at its headquarters in Borno State for use as human shields, forcing male hostages to convert or face beheading; AND

WHEREAS, following the destruction of its headquarters and extra-judicial killing of its leader the group went underground, only to emerge in September 2010 with an array of sophisticated tactics including; improved bomb and IED manufacturing capacity and suicide bombings, which were previously unheard of in Nigeria; AND

WHEREAS, while Boko Haram currently conducts hit and run drive-by murders of government officials, imams, traditional rulers and individuals deemed to have betrayed or oppose it, the group has also given Christians, including those indigenous to the north and centre, the alternative of conversion or death and has mounted massive attacks on Christian suburbs and homes, and gun and bomb attacks on church services; AND

WHEREAS, AND in statement issued on 22 June 2012 the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) condemned “the repeated attacks by Boko Haram on places of worship and on religious freedom, as well as its blatant attempts to stir sectarian tensions and violence between two communities” adding that “deliberate acts leading to population ‘cleansing’ on grounds of religion or ethnicity would also amount to a crime against humanity;”; AND

WHEREAS, the increasingly sophisticated array of violent techniques adopted by Boko Haram and its uncharacteristic methodology indicate specialist training and would appear to validate repeated claims by purported spokesmen of affiliation with Somalia’s Islamist Militia al Shabaab or Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM); AND

WHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated in June that Boko Haram, al Shabaab and AQIM are increasingly seeking to coordinate efforts and given the take over of northern Mali by Islamists linked to AQIM and that Somalis and Nigerians have already been sighted there, raising the specter of a militant Islamist haven in West Africa similar to Afghanistan under the Taliban; AND

WHEREAS, and despite a general recognition of Boko Haram’s links to two organizations that have designated as terrorist groups by the US, the group’s verbal assertions of these links and the fact that the bombing of the Abuja headquarters of the UN highlighted its hostility to the international community as a whole, the US government decided against designating Boko Haram a terrorist organization, choosing instead to designate three members as terrorists, including the new leader Abubkar Shakau, who greeted the move with derision; AND

WHEREAS, key members of the administration continue to view Boko Haram as a localized response to poverty and corruption and underdevelopment in northern Nigeria and not, as the group itself has stated, a movement bent on forcing Nigeria to adopt its own peculiar version of shari’a law, and on forcibly transforming this multi-ethnic, multi-religious country through lethal force.

THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED THAT THE PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVETION INC.: (1) urges the Obama Administration to recognize the aims and origins of Boko Haram, which have been consistent since its inception and have been reiterated by its current leader, and


Page 17: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

(2) review current US policy on northern Nigeria accordingly, including enacting the overdue recognition of Boko Haram as a terrorist organization, and swiftly enacting the appropriate mechanisms that accompany this recognition.



WHEREAS, conflict and political instability has had a negative impact on religious minorities in the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan and Afghanistan with acts of persecution increasing and high levels of religious minorities fleeing these countries; AND

WHEREAS, attacks on the historic Christian population in Iraq have increased since 2003 leading in part to massive emigration and refugees in Syria include a significant numbers of the historic Christian community in that country who fear attacks by extremists; AND

WHEREAS, despite their central role in the January 2011 revolution in Egypt, Coptic Christians have been increasingly excluded from the process of drafting a new Constitution and have been targeted for acts of violence with little or no response from the authorities; AND

WHEREAS, there are concerns that the imposition of shari’ah law in countries like Egypt will have a detrimental effect on religious freedom and on the rights of religious minorities and non-believers; AND

WHEREAS, a Protestant pastor, Yousef Nadarkhani, has been sentenced to death in Iran for the crime of apostasy and hundreds of other Christian converts rounded up and imprisoned; AND

WHEREAS, religious minorities and minority Muslim sects are often treated as second class citizens in Pakistan; AND

WHEREAS, debate on the blasphemy laws in Pakistan has become so volatile the neither the government nor civil society risk speaking out at present and Western intervention can further agitate the situation, but the frequency of false cases and related impunity has not abated; AND

WHEREAS, despite multiple attempts at reform, school curriculums in Pakistan still contain discriminatory material and nationalistic propaganda that contributes towards intolerance and division in society; WHEREAS religious minorities can be marginalised by both curriculum requirements and the personal bias of teaching staff; WHEREAS responsibility for educational issues lies with the provincial governments; AND

WHEREAS, the abduction, forced marriage and forcible conversion in Pakistan of non-Muslim women and girls is a serious problem, those from low caste Hindu communities in interior Sindh and southern Punjab being particularly at risk; AND

WHEREAS, Afghan citizens who leave Islam are at risk of discrimination or violent persecution from society and state alike if their decision becomes known publically; WHEREAS the Afghan constitution


Page 18: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

is silent on the question of apostasy and Afghan law makers therefore refer to Islamic Shari’a provisions which prescribe execution as the appropriate punishment for those who leave Islam;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: (1) urge the Obama Administration, the State Department and the US Congress to take immediate actions to incorporate protection for religious minorities; (2) actively promote religious freedom as a fundamental part of its policy in its relations with the countries of the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan and Afghanistan, to ensure that aid and political cooperation is conditioned on the respective governments taking concrete steps to protect religious minorities and uphold religious freedom in their countries, and (3) appoint a special envoy at the State Department focused on the plight of religious minorities in the above mentioned regions.


WITH AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITIESWHEREAS Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is generally recognized to include “a concern for the environment, human (and civil rights), community development and the welfare of their employees”; AND

WHEREAS corporate activities can have both short term and long term impact on communities that can be both positive in terms of cost savings for individuals, and negative in terms of loss of small businesses who are unable to compete with volume, pricing, etc.; AND

WHEREAS in 1977, Reverend Leon H. Sullivan developed codes of conduct for corporations named The Sullivan Principles (www.sullivanfoundation.org) that include: “support for universal human rights for employees, the communities within which we operate, and parties with whom they do business; equal opportunity for our employees at all levels of the company with respect to issues such as color, race, gender, age, ethnicity or religious beliefs, and operate without unacceptable worker treatment such as the exploitation of children, physical punishment, female abuse, involuntary servitude, or other forms of abuse; respect for employees’ voluntary freedom of association; compensation for employees to enable them to meet at least their basic needs and provide the opportunity to improve their skill and capability in order to raise their social and economic opportunities; a safe and healthy workplace; protect human health and the environment; promote fair competition including respect for intellectual and other property rights, and not offer, pay or accept bribes; work with governments and communities in which we do business to improve the quality of life in those communities– their educational, cultural, economic and social well being–and seek to provide training and opportunities for workers from disadvantaged backgrounds;”

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC.: (1) work in partnership with organizations and labor unions to advance principles of corporate social responsibility principles similar to the Leon H. Sullivan Principles; and (2) expand the model Principles and develop principles to include criteria for selection on who it will invest its funds and conduct financial transactions with as well as accountability measures and indicators for integrity, environmental, social justice, and community and family consciousness to share with its members, vendors and corporate “partners.”


Page 19: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated


CYBERBULLYING AND ONLINE BEHAVIORWHEREAS harassment, intimidation or bullying is generally understood to mean “any intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act [which]: (a) physically harms a student or damages the student’s property; or (b) has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education; or (c) is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or (d) has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operations of the school”; AND

WHEREAS the US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights in 2010 noted “Harassing conduct may take many forms, including verbal acts and name‐calling; graphic and written statements, which may include use of cell phones or the Internet; or other conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating” AND

WHEREAS Cyberbullying is generally understood to be “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones and other electronic devices”; AND

WHEREAS according to the Center for Disease Control and www.bullyingstatistics.com: (1) suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year; (2) for every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts; (3) over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it; (4) bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University; and (5) according to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying; AND

WHEREAS the Broadband Act Title II: Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act Section 215 require[s] elementary and secondary schools with computer access to the Internet to educate minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting…on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response as a part of their Internet safety policy.

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. in the spirit of love through its Christian Education ministry create, adopt and promote a model to address, raise awareness and provide education on the various aspects and impact of harassment and cyberbullying, to include review of intervention and prevention practices, Internet safety 101 and the importance of behavior and being good stewards of resources such as social networks for both youth and adults (parents and guardians) in the context of culture and Christianity to be released by or before The National Day of Cyberbullying Awareness on April 21, 2013.



Page 20: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

WHEREAS, Islamophobia is defined as an irrational fear or prejudice toward Islam and Muslims; AND

WHEREAS, there are groups and people who advocate for the hate and fear of Muslims and Islam as a religion; AND

WHEREAS, public figures such as Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison, boxer Muhammed Ali, former NBA player Kareem Abdul Jabar, and social activist Malcolm X for example practiced Islam and are/were widely respected by persons across religious lines; AND

WHEREAS, religious liberty is recognized in the United States;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. join with other faith, social, human and civil rights groups in the spirit of “love thy neighbor as thyself” to address, educate, protest, speak out against and eradicate Islamophobia that leads to racial profiling, stereotyping, and suspicion.


WHEREAS, the Progressive National Baptist Convention has gone on record supporting the Apache Nation in their struggle to protect sacred sites and rites from desecration and destruction; AND

WHEREAS, we recognize that the Apache people and their supporters continue to be engaged in a struggle to protect their sacred sites, including Mount Graham and most recently, the Oak Flat area, from the dangerous intrusion and development of a huge mine perpetrated by two foreign mining companies, who have gone to the US Congress to seek exemption from normal safe practices of permitting mines on Federal lands; AND

WHEREAS, we recognize that the entire shape of the area comprising Oak Flat, Apache Leap, and Ga’an Canyon and the surrounding watershed is critical for the religious freedom of the Apache people; AND

WHEREAS, we recognize that the free practice of religion is not possible if the entire shape of the area, including, but not limited to the water, the land, the plants, and the animals are not protected from the impacts of this mining proposal; AND

WHEREAS, we recognize that the protection of the shape of Oak Flat is not possible unless all people have unfettered religious freedom at Oak Flat; AND

WHEREAS, we recognize that the perseverance and faith of the Apache people in spite of these desecrations has created a renaissance of strength and spirit that has created a renewal of Apache activities on Mount Graham and Oak Flat that represent a true victory.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT PNBC: (1) go on record continuing to stand with the Apache people and their allies in their struggle to protect Mount Graham and the shape of Oak Flat; (2) oppose any legislation that seeks to remove the shape of Oak Flats from Federal public or Tribal ownership through outside privatization; (3) oppose any use of the shape of Oak Flat that desecrates religious freedom or the freedom of all members of the public to freely use and enjoy the area; (4) in support of the Apache people, call upon the US Government to fulfill its commitment to Native


Page 21: WordPress.com€¦ · Web viewWHEREAS, in a statement echoed by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, General Carter Ham, the head of the US Africa Command (Africom) stated

Americans to protect sacred sites and religious freedom whether it be Mount Graham, Oak Flats, or any other sacred site in the United States; and (5) commit to send a delegation to the San Carlos Apache Reservation to investigate further how best to support the Apache people in their struggle to protect these and other sacred sites as well as get to know the Apache people who are engaged in this struggle.


WHEREAS, the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC) is a national partnership oforganizations and individuals from all walks of life – a non-partisan group of patient and consumer advocacy groups, health care professionals and providers, private sectorstakeholders, faith-based organizations, and health care payers - committed to ensuring thatall people with advanced illness receive high-quality, coordinated, and compassionate care consistent with their personal goals and values; AND

WHEREAS, Advanced illness occurs when one or more conditions become serious enough that general health and functioning decline, treatment begins to lose its effect, and quality of life increasingly becomes the focus of care – a process that continues to the end of life; AND

WHEREAS, as C-TAC works to transform advanced illness care in the U.S., the Coalition is united by principles that empower people and help them to make their own health-care decisions to make your own decisions, have access to a comprehensive set of health care and social services and honor a person’s dignity; AND

WHEREAS, the interfaith community has a critical role in addressing the spiritual needs of patients and families experiencing advanced illness.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. join C-TAC’s and support its mission and vision which resonates with the faith community’s goals and objectives to provide for the human welfare.


WHEREAS, on April 6 marks the anniversary of the assignation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; AND

WHEREAS, on April 6, 2011, the PNBC president, his cabinet and members of PNBC participated in a day on Capital Hill with briefings, training and visits to Senate and House members; AND

WHEREAS, the Advocacy Day on the Hill provided an opportunity for members of Congress and their staffers to be introduced to the leadership of PNBC and receive information on priority concerns by the Convention and its members;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the PROGRESSIVE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION, INC. create an annual Day of Advocacy on or around April 6 to include visits by member churches to any and all public servants at the community, city, county, state and federal level starting in 2013.