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OneSchool Unit Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8) Duration: 10 Weeks Year Level: Year 5 Applicable Learning Areas/Subjects: Science Unit Plan Matter matters In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see how matter structures the world around them. They will understand that solids, liquids and gases have some shared and some distinct observable properties and can behave in different ways. Students will pose questions, make predictions and plan investigation methods into the observable properties and behaviours of solids, liquids and gases. They will represent data and observations in tables and graphs. They will identify patterns and relationships in data and compare patterns with their predictions when suggesting explanations. They will suggest ways to improve fairness and accuracy of their investigation. For further information to support teaching of the unit, view the: Year level plan Teacher lesson overview Throughout the unit, ensure all students have opportunities to develop their higher-order thinking skills. Students develop skills in thinking when they are encouraged to reflect, inquire, generate, and analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Resources that support higher-order thinking skills: Helpful information - Higher-order thinking skills Years P-9 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/9bd81b3a-7e0f-4031-b685- 85cdd806fd89/0/Higher_Order_Thinking.html Safety Teachers need to identify safety issues and conduct risk assessments. For this unit teachers should: refer to the Health and Safety policy pertaining to schools http://education.qld.gov.au/health/safety/index.html consult the Curriculum Activity Risk Management Guidelines http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/carmg/index.html Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities © ACARA 2014 Page 1 of 34

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Page 1: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

OneSchoolUnit Plan

Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)Duration: 10 Weeks

Year Level: Year 5

Applicable LearningAreas/Subjects: Science

Unit Plan

Matter mattersIn this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see how matter structures the world around them. They will understand that solids, liquids and gases have some shared and some distinct observable properties and can behave in different ways. Students will pose questions, make predictions and plan investigation methods into the observable properties and behaviours of solids, liquids and gases. They will represent data and observations in tables and graphs. They will identify patterns and relationships in data and compare patterns with their predictions when suggesting explanations. They will suggest ways to improve fairness and accuracy of their investigation.

For further information to support teaching of the unit, view the:

Year level plan Teacher lesson overview

Throughout the unit, ensure all students have opportunities to develop their higher-order thinking skills. Students develop skills in thinking when they are encouraged to reflect, inquire, generate, and analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Resources that support higher-order thinking skills:

Helpful information - Higher-order thinking skills Years P-9 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/9bd81b3a-7e0f-4031-b685-85cdd806fd89/0/Higher_Order_Thinking.html

SafetyTeachers need to identify safety issues and conduct risk assessments. For this unit teachers should:

refer to the Health and Safety policy pertaining to schools http://education.qld.gov.au/health/safety/index.html

consult the Curriculum Activity Risk Management Guidelines http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/carmg/index.html

use Chemwatch GoldFFX http://jr.chemwatch.net/chemwatch.web/ to consult the safety data sheets (SDSs) for chemical safety information pertaining to bicarbonate of soda, citric acid, peppermint oil, glycerine, calcium tablets, baking soda, egg yolks, lemon juice, mustard powder, vegetable oil, olive oil, salt and pepper

ensure students wear personal protective equipment ensure students observe sun safety at school procedures. See Developing a sun safety strategy http://education.qld.gov.au/schools/healthy/wellbeing-guidelines/sun-safety.html

ensure risk assessment includes allergic reactions to food items used in investigations.

In addition to the teacher's risk assessment, students are required to complete risk assessments for their own projects, under the guidance of their teacher.

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Page 2: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Schools should consult the Guideline for Managing Risks with Chemicals in DET Workplaces (HLS-PR-006) http://education.qld.gov.au/health/pdfs/healthsafety/guideline-managing-chemicals.pdf.

The document Chemwatch GoldFFX FAQ Factsheet http://education.qld.gov.au/health/pdfs/chemwatch-gold-ffx-faq.pdf contains information relating to the Department's online subscription to Chemwatch GoldFFX.

Detailed instructions are available to assist schools when registering for the first time, in the document Registering for Chemwatch GoldFFX online http://education.qld.gov.au/health/pdfs/chemwatch-registration-instructions.pdf.

Throughout this unit, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Such ICT include spreadsheet software, graphing software, graphic calculators or mobile device apps. Note: A mobile device is a portable computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard. Ensure that the use of ICT in the classroom, including mobile devices, complies with DET policy requirements - Advice for State Schools on Acceptable Use of ICT Facilities and Devices http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au/corp/ict/management/Procedure%20Attachments/Information%20Communication%20and%20Technology/advice.DOCX.

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Page 3: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks


Assessment Task Summary Type Learning Areas Status Date

Investigating evaporation (Yr 05)Students conduct an investigation to explore what happens to the amount of evaporation when a container of water is placed in the sun. Students develop a scientific question and prediction, and create a scientific method. Students identify safety considerations, record observations, make a graph of the results, identify patterns in their data and compare patterns with predictions when suggesting explanations. Students describe ways to improve the fairness of their investigation.

Monitoring Science Unscheduled

Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and gases (Yr 05)Students plan, conduct and evaluate an investigation into a variable that affects evaporation and describe and apply knowledge of the physical properties of solids, liquids and gases. Students communicate ideas and findings using multimodal texts.

Experimental investigation

Science Unscheduled

Investigating the compression of matter (Yr 05)Students conduct an investigation to explore what happens to the volume of matter when it is compressed. Students develop scientific predictions, record observations using a table, identify patterns in their results and compare with predictions when suggesting explanations. They classify substances according to the properties and behaviours of matter.

Monitoring Science Unscheduled

Document Table of Contents

Curriculum Australian Curriculum Considerations

Teaching SequenceTeaching Sequence Summary

Three states of matter Exploring gases Investigating changes in state Assessment Gases in our world

Resources Attachments Plan Resource Bank

Assessment Experimental investigation -

Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and gases (Yr 05)

Monitoring - Investigating evaporation (Yr 05)

Monitoring - Investigating the compression of matter (Yr 05)

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Page 4: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Australian Curriculum

Science - Year 5

Year 5 Achievement StandardBy the end of Year 5, students classify substances according to their observable properties and behaviours. They explain everyday phenomena associated with the transfer of light. They describe the key features of our solar system. They analyse how the form of living things enables them to function in their environments. Students discuss how scientific developments have affected people's lives, help us solve problems and how science knowledge develops from many people's contributions.

Students follow instructions to pose questions for investigation and predict the effect of changing variables when planning an investigation. They use equipment in ways that are safe and improve the accuracy of their observations. Students construct tables and graphs to organise data and identify patterns in the data. They compare patterns in their data with predictions when suggesting explanations. They describe ways to improve the fairness of their investigations, and communicate their ideas and findings using multimodal texts.

Content Descriptions

Science as a Human Endeavour Science Inquiry Skills Science Understanding

Use and influence of science

Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE083)

Nature and development of science

Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena and reflects historical and cultural contributions (ACSHE081)

Planning and conducting

Decide variables to be changed and measured in fair tests, and observe measure and record data with accuracy using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS087)

Identify, plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer questions and solve problems using equipment and materials safely and identifying potential risks (ACSIS086)

Processing and analysing data and information

Compare data with predictions and use as evidence in developing explanations (ACSIS218)

Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS090)

Chemical sciences

Solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways (ACSSU077)

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks


Reflect on and suggest improvements to scientific investigations (ACSIS091)

Questioning and predicting

With guidance, pose clarifying questions and make predictions about scientific investigations (ACSIS231)


Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts (ACSIS093)

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Page 6: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Curriculum Priorities - Pedagogy


Prior and future curriculumRelevant prior curriculumStudents require prior experience with the following:

A change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat (ACSSU046) Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties that can influence their use (ACSSU074) Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE061) Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE062)

Science inquiry skills Questioning and predicting Planning and conducting Processing and analysing data and information Evaluating Communicating

Curriculum working towardsThe teaching and learning in this unit work towards the following

Changes to materials can be reversible or irreversible (ACSSU095) Science involves testing predictions by gathering data and using evidence to develop explanations of events and phenomena and reflects historical and cultural contributions

(ACSHE098) Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE100)

Science inquiry skills Questioning and predicting Planning and conducting Processing and analysing data and information Evaluating Communicating

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Page 7: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

General capabilitiesThis unit provides opportunities for students to engage in the following general capabilities.Literacy

Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Text knowledge Grammar knowledge Word knowledge Visual knowledge

Numeracy Estimating and calculating with whole numbers Recognising and using patterns and relationships Using fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and rates Using spatial reasoning Interpreting statistical information Using measurement

Information and communication technology (ICT) capability Investigating with ICT Communicating with ICT Managing and operating ICT

Critical and creative thinking Inquiring - identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Reflecting on thinking and processes Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures

Personal and social capability Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Social management

Ethical understanding Understanding ethical concepts and issues Reasoning in decision making and actions

Intercultural understanding Recognising culture and developing respect

For further information, refer to General capabilities in the Australian Curriculum and the Learning area specific advice.

Cross-curriculum priorities

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Page 8: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culturesStudents will develop a knowledge, deep understanding and respect for Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' history and culture and build an awareness that their histories are part of a shared history belonging to all Australians.The embedding of Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures into the curriculum can be a challenging task. For further information including pedagogical approaches refer to C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx.

Assessing student learningAssessment name: Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and gasesAssessment description: Students plan, conduct and evaluate an investigation into a variable that affects evaporation and describe and apply knowledge of the physical properties of solids, liquids and gases. Students communicate ideas and findings using multimodal texts.In this unit, assessment of student learning aligns to the following aspects of the achievement standard.By the end of Year 5, students classify substances according to their observable properties and behaviours. They explain everyday phenomena associated with the transfer of light. They describe the key features of our solar system. They analyse how the form of living things enables them to function in their environments. Students discuss how scientific developments have affected people's lives, help us solve problems and how science knowledge develops from many people's contributions.Students follow instructions to pose questions for investigation and predict the effect of changing variables when planning an investigation. They use equipment in ways that are safe and improve the accuracy of their observations. Students construct tables and graphs to organise data and identify patterns in the data. They compare patterns in their data with predictions when suggesting explanations. They describe ways to improve the fairness of their investigations, and communicate their ideas and findings using multimodal texts.Monitoring student learningStudent learning should be monitored throughout the teaching and learning process to determine student progress and learning needs.Each lesson provides opportunities to gather evidence about how students are progressing and what they need to learn next.Specific monitoring opportunities in this unit may include observations, consultations and samples of student work.Monitoring ActivityActivity name: Investigating the compression of matter (Lesson 6)Activity description: Students conduct an investigation to explore what happens to the volume of matter when it is compressed. Students develop scientific predictions, record observations using a table, identify patterns in their results and compare with predictions when suggesting explanations. They classify substances according to the properties and behaviours of matter.Activity name: Investigating evaporation (Lessons 7-8)Activity description: Students conduct an investigation to explore what happens to the amount of evaporation when a container of water is placed in the sun. Students develop a scientific question and prediction, and create a scientific method. Students identify safety considerations, record observations, make a graph of the results, identify patterns in their data and compare patterns with predictions when suggesting explanations. Students describe ways to improve the fairness of their investigation.

FeedbackFeedback may relate to misunderstandings and common alternative conceptions. In this unit this may include students thinking that:

materials such as sand and salt are liquids because they flow. Students should observe sand and/or salt and identify that they are made up of grains, and that each grain has all the physical properties of solids.

air and oxygen are the same thing. Explain that the air we breathe consists of a number of different gases and that one of those gases is oxygen. safety signs are only for flammable liquids. Show students other signs, such as toxic, corrosive and compressed air. the gas in the investigation results from a change of state. Explain to students that the gas produced in the investigation is due to a chemical reaction.

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Page 9: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

all gases can be detected by human senses. Inform students that different gases have different properties and may not be visible or have a distinctive odour. For example, liquid petroleum gas (LPG) does not smell; it has an odour added to it for safety reasons so that people can detect if there is a leak. This is important because it is a flammable gas.

the air in the investigation is being moved to somewhere else. Inform students that the same amount of air is there; it is just squeezed (compressed) into a smaller space. when liquid evaporates, it disappears and no longer exists. Explain that matter cannot be created or destroyed; it only changes state. the water that collects on the outside of a cold cup or bottle is the liquid leaking from inside the container. Explain that this is the water vapour in the air condensing into water. the air lifting bag materials in the activity are similar to real-life air cushions. Ensure that students are informed that the air lifting bag activity is an example and real air cushions are

constructed differently and with different materials. global warming and the greenhouse effect are the same thing. Ensure students understand that global warming is the name given to the phenomena, whereby the surface of Earth

gets hotter and this may be caused by the greenhouse effect. all substances can be classified as solid, liquid or gas. Inform students that substances can have different physical properties when different types of matter are combined.

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Page 10: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Curriculum Plan Topics

Duration Topic

2 Lessons Three states of matter Lesson 1: Revising solids and liquids Lesson 2: Introducing gas

4 Lessons Exploring gases Lesson 3: Describing safety considerations relating to matter Lesson 4: Exploring everyday gases Lesson 5: Investigating how gases move Lesson 6: Investigating the compression of matter

4 Lessons Investigating changes in state Lessons 7-8: Investigating evaporation Lessons 9-10: Investigating condensation

4 Lessons Assessment Lessons 11-14: Assessing student learning

6 Lessons Gases in our world Lesson 15: Investigating useful gases Lessons 16-18: Researching greenhouse gases Lessons 19-20: Investigating everyday colloids

20 Lessons Total Unit

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Page 11: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Three states of matter Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will define matter, the properties of liquids and solids are reviewed and gas is introduced as the third state of matter. Students conduct investigations and observe properties of gas.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 1

Revising solids and liquids

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand the observable properties of solids and liquids.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Justify classifications of objects as solid or liquid, based on observable properties?

Example learning sequence Discuss matter, solids and liquids Classify solids and liquids Discuss solid and liquid classification

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - States of matter: Teacher note Sheet - Matter matters forum: Revising solids and liquids Sheet - Classifying solids and liquids Supporting learning resource - C2C: Science glossary Supporting learning resource - Science inquiry skills poster Years 3-6

Helpful information Website - Contemporary practice resource: Science


Website - Matter is the stuff around you (Andrew Rader Studios) http://www.chem4kids.com/files/matter_intro.html

Website - Gases, liquids, and solids (Purdue University) http://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/liquids/character.html

Website - How many states of matter are there? (EdInformatics.com) http://www.edinformatics.com/math_science/states_of_matter.htm

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 2

Introducing gas

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that gases are a state of matter.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Use evidence to identify properties of gas and justify that gas is matter?

Example learning sequence Review solids and liquids and discuss gases

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Slideshow - What's the matter? Sheet - Matter matters forum: Introducing gases Supporting learning resource - Introducing gas: Teacher note Sheet - Is gas matter? Task cards Slideshow - Fair tests: Year 3-Year 6 Sheet - Investigation: Is gas matter? Supporting learning resource - Science inquiry skills poster Years 3-6

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Page 12: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Three states of matter Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will define matter, the properties of liquids and solids are reviewed and gas is introduced as the third state of matter. Students conduct investigations and observe properties of gas.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Review properties of matter and test properties of gas Discuss results

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 13: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Exploring gases Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will explore and investigate properties and behaviours of gas. Students will also consider the properties of matter in relation to decision making and safety. Students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 3

Describing safety considerations relating to matter

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how our knowledge of matter helps us to make safe choices.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Model appropriate choices when a danger has been identified?Example learning sequence

Discuss safety considerations relating to matter Identify safety considerations related to matter

Resources Supporting learning resource - Safety signs: Teacher note Sheet - Matter matters forum: Exploring safety Sheet - Signs Sheet - Safety signs Sheet - Safety scenarios

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 4

Exploring everyday gases

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that gases can be produced in different ways.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain how they know a gas has been produced?Example learning sequence

Discuss common uses of gases Explore a commonly used gas Investigate how gas can be produced

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Everyday gases: Teacher note Supporting learning resource - Example of variables grid: Teacher note Learning object - Graphic organiser toolkit (select 'Variable grid' from drop- down

menu under 'Organiser type') Sheet - Making fizz method Sheet - Investigation: Making fizz Supporting learning resource - Science inquiry skills poster Years 3-6

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 5

Investigating how gases move

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that a unique physical property of gases is the way they move.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Sheet - Matter matters forum: Movement of gas Supporting learning resource - Odour experiment: Teacher note Supporting learning resource - Movement of gases and liquids: Teacher note Sheet - Movement of gases and liquids: Task cards

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Page 14: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Exploring gases Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will explore and investigate properties and behaviours of gas. Students will also consider the properties of matter in relation to decision making and safety. Students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Explain that a gas spreads evenly to fill the space it occupies?

Example learning sequence Discuss the movement of gases Investigate the movement of gases and liquids Compare observations about the movement of gases and liquids

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 6

Investigating the compression of matter

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that gas can be easily compressed and that liquids and solids cannot be compressed.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify that gases can be compressed and solids and liquids cannot be compressed?

Example learning sequence Observe an experiment about compression Discuss the experiment Investigate the compression of a gas and liquid Discuss compression of matter Review the states of matter

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Compression of matter: Teacher note Sheet - Matter matters forum: Compression of matter Sheet - Investigation method: Compression of matter Sheet - Investigation: Compression of matter Sheet - Properties of solids, liquids and gases Venn diagram

Helpful information Video - Diet cola and mint fountain experiment


Website - Mentos Diet Coke geyser - The original experiment (Steve Spangler Science) http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/original-mentos-diet-coke-geyser

Website - Science of Mentos-Diet Coke explosions explained (Reed Business Information Ltd) https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14114-science-of-mentos-diet-coke-explosions-explained/

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 15: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating changes in state Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore the relationship between heat and the three states of matter. Students also consider how Australia's First Peoples' knowledge of evaporation assisted in more effective water storage.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lessons 7-8

Investigating evaporation

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that heating can cause matter to change state.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain that evaporation occurs due to the addition of heat?Example learning sequence

Observe changes in states of matter Observe how heating affects change of state Conduct evaporation investigation Discuss investigation results

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Evaporation: Teacher note Video - Changing states of matter Slideshow - Ngama (Gnammas) Sheet - Investigation: Evaporation Supporting learning resource - Science inquiry skills poster Years 3-6

Helpful information Image - Gnamma hole (rock-hole), 1894, (TLF R5520)

https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/1baec374-05a7-9006-3a9c-b5f60d735c01/5/viewIMS.jsp© Curriculum Corporation and National Trust of Western Australia

Website - Gnamma holes (Government of Western Australia) http://museum.wa.gov.au/explore/wa-goldfields/water-arid-land/gnamma-holes

Website - Solids and liquids (BBC) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/8_9/solid_liquids.shtml

Website - Changing state (BBC) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/9_10/changing_state.shtml

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 9-10

Investigating condensation

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that cooling (removing heat) can cause matter to change state.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain how condensation is a change of state?Example learning sequence

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Change of state of matter: Teacher note Sheet - Matter matters forum: Mass and change of state Sheet - Investigating change of state Sheet - Matter matters forum: Condensation Sheet - States of matter memory cards

Helpful information Website - Changing state (BBC)

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Page 16: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating changes in state Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will explore the relationship between heat and the three states of matter. Students also consider how Australia's First Peoples' knowledge of evaporation assisted in more effective water storage.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Review current knowledge of change of state Discuss and investigate relationship between change of state and

mass Conduct investigations into condensation Recall different changes of state


Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 17: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Assessment Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will plan, conduct and evaluate an investigation into a variable that affects evaporation and will describe and apply knowledge of the properties of solids, liquids and gases. They will communicate ideas and findings using multimodal texts.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lessons 11-14

Assessing student learning

Assessment purposeTo plan, conduct and evaluate an investigation into a variable that affects evaporation and describe and apply knowledge of the physical properties of solids, liquids and gases. To communicate ideas and findings using multimodal texts.Example assessment sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards A-E Conduct the assessment

Resources Assessment task - Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and

gases Assessment task - Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and

gases: Model response Assessment task - Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and

gases: Teaching notes Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 18: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Gases in our world Topic Duration 6 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will research and present information about a selected gas. Students will report on its properties and the effect that it has on environments. Students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 15

Investigating useful gases

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that physical properties of gases generate many uses in everyday life.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain how the physical properties of gas make it suitable for a specific situation?

Example learning sequence Discuss how gas can be useful Experiment with uses for gas in air lifting bags Discuss observations

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Sheet - Matter matters forum: Useful gases Supporting learning resource - Useful gases: Teacher note Sheet - Investigation: Air lifting bag

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 16-18

Researching greenhouse gases

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how different gases contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Research and present a summary of information on a greenhouse gas?

Example learning sequence Discuss the greenhouse effect Research the greenhouse effect Research a greenhouse gas Present information about a greenhouse gas

Resources Sheet - Matter matters forum: Greenhouse gases Sheet - Investigation: The greenhouse effect Video - The greenhouse effect Video - Carbon dioxide Supporting learning resource - Research the greenhouse effect and a greenhouse

gas: Teacher note Sheet - Research questions: Greenhouse gases Sheet - Greenhouse gases information sheet 1 Sheet - Greenhouse gases information sheet 2

Helpful information Website - Climate kids (NASA) http://climatekids.nasa.gov/ Website - Greenhouse effect: Keeping the balance (NASA)

http://climatekids.nasa.gov/greenhouse-effect-and-carbon-cycle/ Website - A blanket around the Earth (NASA) http://climate.nasa.gov/causes/ Website - Overview of greenhouse gases (United States Environmental Protection

Agency) https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases Website - Seven case studies in carbon and climate (NASA)

http://climate.nasa.gov/news/2365/ Website - Water vapor confirmed as a major player in climate change (NASA)

http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/vapor_warming.html Website - Your cool facts and tips on climate change (eSchoolToday)

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Page 19: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Gases in our world Topic Duration 6 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will research and present information about a selected gas. Students will report on its properties and the effect that it has on environments. Students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resourceshttp://www.eschooltoday.com/climate-change/Introduction-to-climate-change-for-children.html

Website - Greenhouse gases (The Environmental Literacy Council) https://enviroliteracy.org/air-climate-weather/climate/greenhouse-gases/

Website - Greenhouse effect & global warming (Clean Air Kids) http://www.clean-air-kids.org.uk/globalwarming.html

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 19-20

Investigating everyday colloids

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that some substances are difficult to classify as solid, liquid or gas because of their physical properties.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify the physical properties of some substances that make them difficult to classify?

Example learning sequence Discuss materials that are difficult to categorise as solid, liquid or

gas Define colloids Compare physical properties of colloids

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Sheet - Matter matters forum: Colloids Supporting learning resource - Colloids: Teacher note Video - Colloid creation Sheet - Investigating the formation of colloids

Helpful information Video - Types of mixtures (YouTube, Duell Chemistry) https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=kezsLzyR-Pc Website - Colloid (Advameg, Inc.) http://www.scienceclarified.com/Ci-Co/Colloid.html Video - Making toothpaste - Part A (Backyard science)


Video - Making toothpaste - Part B (Backyard science) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/a3d294bd-15be-6556-ca7a-8dabc3304310/0/html/video_3_06.html

Website - Make mayonnaise (NewsLifeMedia) http://www.taste.com.au/how+to/articles/3254/make+mayonnaise

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 20: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Resources* Attachments are available in the relevant Unit Plan Section directory in the downloaded zip file.

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sequence - Three states of matter Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP01.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP02.docx

Sequence - Exploring gases Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP03.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP04.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP05.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP06.docx

Sequence - Investigating changes in state

Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP07_08.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP09_10.docx

Sequence - Assessment Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP11_14.docx

Sequence - Gases in our world Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP15.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP16_18.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y05_U4_LP19_20.docx

Sequence Image - Gnamma hole (rock-hole), 1894, (TLF R5520) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/1baec374-05a7-9006-3a9c-b5f60d735c01/5/viewIMS.jsp © Curriculum Corporation and National Trust of Western Australia

Learning object - Graphic organiser toolkit (select 'Variable grid' from drop-down menu under 'Organiser type')

Sheet - Classifying solids and liquids

Sheet - Greenhouse gases information sheet 1 Sheet - Greenhouse gases information sheet 2

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Page 21: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sheet - Investigating change of state

Sheet - Investigating the formation of colloids

Sheet - Investigation method: Compression of matter

Sheet - Investigation: Air lifting bag

Sheet - Investigation: Compression of matter

Sheet - Investigation: Evaporation

Sheet - Investigation: Is gas matter?

Sheet - Investigation: Making fizz

Sheet - Investigation: The greenhouse effect

Sheet - Is gas matter? Task cards

Sheet - Making fizz method

Sheet - Matter matters forum: Colloids

Sheet - Matter matters forum: Compression of matter

Sheet - Matter matters forum: Condensation

Sheet - Matter matters forum: Exploring safety

Sheet - Matter matters forum: Greenhouse gases

Sheet - Matter matters forum: Introducing gases Sheet - Matter matters forum: Mass and change of state

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Page 22: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sheet - Matter matters forum: Movement of gas

Sheet - Matter matters forum: Revising solids and liquids

Sheet - Matter matters forum: Useful gases

Sheet - Movement of gases and liquids: Task cards

Sheet - Properties of solids, liquids and gases Venn diagram

Sheet - Research questions: Greenhouse gases

Sheet - Safety scenarios

Sheet - Safety signs

Sheet - Signs

Sheet - States of matter memory cards

Slideshow - Fair tests: Year 3-Year 6

Slideshow - Ngama (Gnammas)

Slideshow - What's the matter?

Supporting learning resource - C2C: Science glossary

Supporting learning resource - Change of state of matter: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Colloids: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Compression of matter: Teacher note Supporting learning resource - Evaporation: Teacher note

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Page 23: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Supporting learning resource - Everyday gases: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Example of variables grid: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Introducing gas: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list

Supporting learning resource - Movement of gases and liquids: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Odour experiment: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Research the greenhouse effect and a greenhouse gas: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Safety signs: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Science inquiry skills poster Years 3-6

Supporting learning resource - States of matter: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Useful gases: Teacher note

Video - Carbon dioxide

Video - Changing states of matter

Video - Colloid creation Video - Diet cola and mint fountain experiment https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/5d0fa827-324b-44bf-abad-0ebd6e650e90/0/Sci_y05_u4_Dig_Dietcolaandmintfountainexperiment.mp4

Video - Making toothpaste - Part A (Backyard science) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/a3d294bd-15be-6556-ca7a-8dabc3304310/0/html/video_3_05.html

Video - Making toothpaste - Part B (Backyard science) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/a3d294bd-15be-6556-ca7a-8dabc3304310/0/html/video_3_06.html

Video - The greenhouse effect

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Page 24: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Video - Types of mixtures (YouTube, Duell Chemistry) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kezsLzyR-Pc

Website - A blanket around the Earth (NASA) http://climate.nasa.gov/causes/

Website - Changing state (BBC) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/9_10/changing_state.shtml

Website - Climate kids (NASA) http://climatekids.nasa.gov/

Website - Colloid (Advameg, Inc.) http://www.scienceclarified.com/Ci-Co/Colloid.html

Website - Contemporary practice resource: Science https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/f8019ae1-2174-8a3d-6ba4-6af039998d9a/0/index.html

Website - Gases, liquids, and solids (Purdue University) http://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/liquids/character.html

Website - Gnamma holes (Government of Western Australia) http://museum.wa.gov.au/explore/wa-goldfields/water-arid-land/gnamma-holes

Website - Greenhouse effect & global warming (Clean Air Kids) http://www.clean-air-kids.org.uk/globalwarming.htm

Website - Greenhouse effect: Keeping the balance (NASA) http://climatekids.nasa.gov/greenhouse-effect-and-carbon-cycle/

Website - Greenhouse gases (The Environmental Literacy Council) https://enviroliteracy.org/air-climate-weather/climate/greenhouse-gases/

Website - How many states of matter are there? (EdInformatics.com) http://www.edinformatics.com/math_science/states_of_matter.htm

Website - Make mayonnaise (NewsLifeMedia) http://www.taste.com.au/how+to/articles/3254/make+mayonnaise

Website - Matter is the stuff around you (Andrew Rader Studios) http://www.chem4kids.com/files/matter_intro.html

Website - Mentos Diet Coke geyser - The original experiment (Steve Spangler Science) http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/original-mentos-diet-coke-geyser

Website - Overview of greenhouse gases (United States Environmental Protection Agency) https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/overview-greenhouse-gases

Website - Science of Mentos-Diet Coke explosions explained (Reed Business Information Ltd) https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14114-science-of-mentos-diet-coke-explosions-explained/

Website - Seven case studies in carbon and climate (NASA) http://climate.nasa.gov/news/2365/

Website - Solids and liquids (BBC) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/8_9/solid_liquids.shtml

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Page 25: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Website - Water vapor confirmed as a major player in climate change (NASA) http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/vapor_warming.html

Website - Your cool facts and tips on climate change (eSchoolToday) http://www.eschooltoday.com/climate-change/Introduction-to-climate-change-for-children.html

Assessment Planner - Investigating evaporation Assessment task - Sci_Y05_U4_AT_InvestEvaporation.docx

Assessment Planner - Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and gases

Assessment task - Sci_Y05_U4_AT_MR_InvestEvaporation.docx

Assessment task - Sci_Y05_U4_AT_TN_InvestEvaporation.docx

Assessment Assessment task - Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and gases

Assessment task - Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and gases: Model response

Assessment task - Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and gases: Teaching notes

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Page 26: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks


Assessment Task – Marking guide

AssessmentTask Name

Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and gases (Yr 05)Type Experimental investigation


Description Students plan, conduct and evaluate an investigation into a variable that affects evaporation and describe and apply knowledge of the physical properties of solids, liquids and gases. Students communicate ideas and findings using multimodal texts.

Learning Area Science

Science understanding Science inquiry skills

Classify substances according to their observable properties and behaviours. Pose a question & prediction. Use equipment safely, improving the accuracy of observations.Construct tables & graphs to organise data, identify patterns & compare to predictions.Describe ways to improve fairness & communicate ideas.Communicate ideas and findings using multimodal texts.

A ◄ Applies science knowledge of properties and behaviours to explain real-world contexts. ◄

Justifies the prediction, using scientific understanding.Plans and conducts a logical investigation.Accurately organises and represents data.Uses patterns in data to justify explanations.Justifies how changes will improve fairness and accuracy.Communicates using accurate scientific language and appropriate representations comprehensively.

B ◄ Identifies individual and shared properties of solids, liquids and gases. ◄

Poses questions clearly linked to the investigation.Uses patterns in data as evidence when developing explanations.Describes effective ways to improve the fairness of their investigation.Communicates using scientific language and representations.

C ◄ Classifies substances according to their observable properties and behaviours. ◄

Poses a question for investigation and predicts the effect of changing variables when planning an investigation. Uses equipment in ways that are safe and improve the accuracy of their observations.Constructs tables and graphs to organise data and identify patterns in the data.Compares patterns in their data with predictions when suggesting explanations.Describes ways to improve the fairness of their investigation.Communicates ideas and findings using multimodal texts.

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Page 27: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Assessment Task – Marking guide

AssessmentTask Name

Investigating evaporation and explaining solids, liquids and gases (Yr 05)Type Experimental investigation


Description Students plan, conduct and evaluate an investigation into a variable that affects evaporation and describe and apply knowledge of the physical properties of solids, liquids and gases. Students communicate ideas and findings using multimodal texts.

Learning Area Science

Science understanding Science inquiry skills

D ◄ States a property of a solid, liquid and gas. ◄

With guidance follows an investigation method.With guidance constructs tables and graphs.Identifies a way to improve the fairness of their investigation.Uses everyday language.

E ◄ Identifies a state. ◄

States a prediction.Records data.States if the test was fair.Uses fragmented language.

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Page 28: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewUnit Plan . Matter matters. In this unit students will broaden their classification of matter to include gases and begin to see

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 4 - Science Year 5 (V8)

Year: 5Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Acknowledgement, Disclaimer and Copyright

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities are extracts from the Australian Curriculum.

These are subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 and are owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) [2014].

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ACARA does not endorse or verify that:

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You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au. This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.

Copyright in this publication and the content therein is owned by the State of Queensland (acting through the Department of Education and Training) (‘the Department’) or, in the case of some materials, by third parties (‘Third Party Content’).

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