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Page 1:   · Web viewThis work is not an original work, it is from the Torah, it written with the best intentions and purest of motives and can be utilized by all who have the same intentions
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This work is not an original work, it is from the Torah, it written with the best intentions and purest of motives and can be utilized by all who have the same intentions and pure motives. If it approached with any negativism it should not be begun.

This work is not copyrighted and is available for anyone to use for this purpose only . Any attempt to misuse, for instance profit is forbidden. This work will therefore not be for sale. Its value being intangible. The only minimal cost in memorial was incurred was for publishing and distributing. 

The identity of the author is being kept hidden in order that no one individual claims any credit and is to be considered a national effort. It is therefore authored by the committee.

Note:The pronoun I and we in this text is used for relativism only. The intent is for it to be one and the same in this context.

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For copies or comments please refer to: Ari Mari

1635 53rd St.Brooklyn, NY 11204Tel: 716 256-2014

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   Chapter             Title PAGE

(hyperlinkable)SOME WORDS AND THOUGHTS OF WISDOM, COURAGE AND TRUTH THAT APPLY TO THIS WORK   7A LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING   8PREFACE  9 CHAPTER I -     INTRODUCTION 10CHAPTER II -    CHARTING THE FLOW                    -    THE 9 STEPS 11                        STEP 1 - STARTUP 11                        STEP 2 - CONVINCE AND                                        PERSUADE 11                        STEP 3 - APPROVAL 11                        STEP 4 - FUNDING 11                        STEP 5 - LAND ACQUISITION 11                        STEP 6 - SETUP                                         DEPARTMENTS 11                        STEP 7 - LABOR AND                                       MATERIAL. 11                        STEP 8 - PLAN AND BUILD                                      PROCESS 11                        STEP 9 - COMPLETION 11CHAPTER III -  THE TIMELINE -                         CRITICAL PATH METHOD 12                         A. CPM - 8 YEAR PLAN                         B. CPM - TYPICAL - FIRST                                       2 WEEKS 12CHAPTER IV -   HONORS 13CHAPTER V -    OBJECTIONS 14CHAPTER VI -   CONCLUSIONS 15TAM VENISHLAM 16

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THAT APPLY TO THIS WORK   Before wisdom, fear of The Lo-rd.

King Solomon

 Where there are no men, strive to be one.

Ethics of Fathers

 We must purify our motives before purifying ourselves.


 True thoughts have duration in themselves.If the thoughts endure, the seed is enduring;If the seed endures, the energy endures;If the energy endures, then will the spirit endures;the heart is the fire, the fire is the elixir.

800 ad

 He who would acquire fame must not show himself afraid of censure. The dread of censure is the death of genius.


 As the blazing firewood turns into ashes, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities.

400 bc

 Indolence is the sleep of the mind.


 A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.


 The way of superior man is threefold:Virtuous, he is free from anxieties;Wise, he is free from perplexities;Bold, he is free from fear.

479 bc


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 Stand upright, speak thy thoughts, declareThe truth thy hast, that all may share;They only live who dare.


 Dedicated to G-d, The Torah, all Jewish people, and all people of the world.Dedicated to Naftali Tzvi ben Moshe Shmuel AL"H.

Dedicated to Moshe Shmuel ben Eliezer Zisman AL"H.

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(AN ELIXIR OR A BANE)   I am a concerned member of the Jewish nation and therefore am not representing any particular group and am writing this letter and brief in behalf of them. 

No one asked me to do this so I cannot answer to anyone but the Torah. Although I am in this for all intents and purposes, alone in the meantime, (there are only a handful of individuals who know about this work) the idea is for others with various expertise to join me and come on board and if there are already groups similar to this in any way, shape or form, we can combine and consolidate the effort. 

In this frame of reference I am submitting the enclosed brief entitled "The Holy Temple". It is an argument whose time has come to shed light on the validity of the subject. I understand that an effort like this requires maximum cooperation from many people and a large sum of financial capital. It is however not something that has to prove itself or bring in a return on the money. The benefits are intangible, vast, unimaginable and non-substitutable.

Please allow me to remind you of a perspective. 

With the advent of the State of Israel, although it has been established largely due to ridding the world of anti-Semitism, according to Theodore Herzl's book The Jewish State, it has become a reality nevertheless even though it obviously did not fulfill that hope. The facts on the ground are that we are there and no backing out, heaven forbid! 

The better and more hopeful way was to wait for the Messiah. There is a view that he will come after the Temple is standing. There is also a view that he will come for all people and will have expected the Jewish people to have built, according to MAIMONEDES.

Be that as it may, whether Herzl was self-duped in moving forward, that Jews out of the way or into safe haven in Israel was the right reason, or if he felt so desperate and was compelled to go forward or G-d worked in His mysterious ways and delivered us there through various means, it is a fait acomplis. But, we are not doing so well. Maybe it will take a century to get it right, but being there at present is without a doubt in my mind correct nevertheless. 

I believe that the government of Israel is fully capable of supplying this effort is a part of the religious persuasion because this will lead to tesuvah' (repentance) of Klal Yisroel (the nation of Israel).

Now, as much as the extreme left in Israel deny the religious aspect of the State and even though our living there may indeed have been through coercion (the Shoah and maybe the Nations without realizing the total consequence of the purport of their actions may have


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surreptitiously ('ormah' , in Hebrew, which is permissible!) nudged us in there) it is nevertheless through the Torah that we BELONG there and not through the minds of men. 

The concept being that all the years of our wanderings we had no choice but to live scattered outside the Land. We were forced to substitute our service to Hash-em by lips as we say every day (uneshalmah Porim sefosaynu: Hosea 14:3). Now, we are so close to the real thing we cannot pick and choose what we want to do. To keep half the Torah (297 mitzvot out of 613) is inexcusable, no, even worse a travesty. The other 316 mitzvot we have been performing through proxy must now be realistically regenerated. Continuing with words in lieu of activity seems like the height of ridicule. It seems so thoughtless and unconscionable.

It therefore is inevitable that building the Temple must seriously be pondered. As long as Israel has been recognized by Jews and the Nations (barring some fringe murderous groups) The Temple and the Land become inseparable, one is integral with the other! Going on with negotiations may be futile if our central goal, the Temple, is not addressed. 

My attempt here among other faithful (Temple Faithful, Ateret Cohanim) is to throw another hat in the ring towards that ultimate goal. That is the road to validate G-d, the Torah and ourselves. I believe it is our test and we dare not fail!

The identity of the author is not being revealed in order that no one individual claims any credit. It is to be considered a national effort. 

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I have been having irrepressive feelings about issues dealing with g-d, Torah, The Jewish people, The state of Israel vis-a-vis the "heter" (allowability) of living in Israel without the Messiah. The fact that the land was forcibly taken was against my grain. Others living in the land was never enough of an excuse nor quite enough. All this against the backdrop of global affairs since 3/17/75 when I experienced a traumatic awakening. 

I have been agonizing 28 years on the "matzav" (status quo) of our plight, recent as well as historical and came to the conclusion that we as a people must continue our heritage and it is up to the next generation to deal with the unprecedented phenomenon of the return of the Jewish people to our homeland in Eretz Yisroel (land of Israel). 

I tormented because I have always been a serious minded person about religion , since in my mind it was the most important aspect of life. 

These feelings within me culminated in the writing of this pamphlet entitled "The Holy Temple", that if I at least worked on the plans I would be involved in its building, validating it, my conscience would not bother me. 

So, the last straw before beginning this work was yesterday, Thursday, July 24, 2003 (24 Tamuz 5763) when in a fervent discussion group at the Kollel (seminary) by 3 Avreichim (disciples) which I was observing, which motivated me to attempt the first step towards developing the methodology of how to go about building the Bais Hamikdosh. One of them asked whether related or unrelated and it struck me, "what is the first step"? I had been thinking about this very same question related to this project at that moment and also for awhile and it jarred me to write it out and here it is.

This morning I decided to author this work. I put some of the finishing touches on it at my Vesikin minian (prayer gathering at dawn) on Friday 7/25/03 (25 Tamuz '63) and was further inspired there to actually begin.

The same morning I mentioned that I am working on plans to build the Bais Hamikdosh to 2 Rabbi acquaintances in my neighborhood for additional impetus and they wished me well without hesitation (see OBJECTIONS CHAPTER however).I hope that by publishing this work my conscience will rest on the basis that I did my part, I/we could legitimately live there (from my mind's eye) and the continuation will be picked up by the next generation and bs"d Israel can enjoy its new 2nd Commonwealth. 




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While I do not profess to be qualified in any of the important intricacies of special religious expertise on this subject my desire stems from the verse in Shemos (Exodus) Parshas Terumah 25:8 "veosu li mikdosh..." and the verses in the 1st commandment "Anochi...", I am ... in Shemos (Exodus) 25:1 (Jethro) and Devarim *Deuteronomy) 5:6 (Vaeschanan). The true way of fulfilling these requirements are through the Bais Hamikdosh (Temple).

Also, there are authorities that hold that the B"H will be built by people rather than miraculously, and this work presupposes that opinion.

I do however profess that any Jew may aspire to this desire simply because he wants to "mezake the rabim" (bring merit to the multitudes) towards the potential to keep the entire Torah. To do teshuvah on half the Torah is not 'sheleimah'! I hope and believe that the readiness and willingness will come with the publicizing of this work.

It goes without saying that the most critical concept is to have in hand the willingness of the people. Without people and an empty Temple is like a king without people, patently absurd! The land of Israel without a Temple is a naked land. This work therefore presupposes that the will of the people is given. If not then this work is in vain as it says in Psalm 127. I am somehow confident that if it's built they will certainly come and be awakened to teshuvah! In this vein I continue.

It seems inconceivable to me that it is impossible to get it done through peoples' efforts as the holy books say. We got the land by volition, the other half of the work - the temple - can also be built by volition. There is no inherent difference!. Volition is the way, it is more honorable to Has-hem when we want to build it rather than He building His Own! Certainly only its successful (sic barring) completion will attest to its success.

So therefore, the above in conjunction with my passion I took the liberty to prepare this thesis. I hope that the following are a few motivational words to jump start the ultimate completion of this work. 

People, the hurdle is big and the obstacles are huge but the time has come to build the holy temple and legitimize the Jewish State! - the situation demands it - to advance the purpose of our destiny - to take the next huge step in our development!

The Jewish State has been established for approximately 50 years (a yovel). The State is viable and it is the moment to move on. It is the Temple that is missing to truly represent the Torah and to verify and validate our existence.

This new option has never sunk in deeply enough within us because of our long diaspora, the shock of the Shoah, the reality of the jewish State becoming extant, our horrific experiences in the past as well as those we are still experiencing, world wide Jew hating and the murdering of our people in our own long prayed for land in our times.

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The following pages are a general outline of the procedure. It is not meant to be rigidly linear since like everything in lifes' steps, they depend on others and THEIR next step. Some of the steps may need to be made in conjunction with other steps, some even before others (such as land acquisition, which may need to be the first step, indeed) or after others. The logistics is there, so when an obstacle appears it can be addressed and move on. The foundation is all laid out.

May we succeed in this lifetime historical challenge. The opportunity is boundless. Only ill will can hold it back! One person can start it, but 1 person or even a group cannot stop it, as has been seen from acquiring the State!

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   (US - Handle in America; IS - Handle in Israel)


(US) - INITIAL SETUP Choose 1 other loyal, dedicated, motivated, willing, reliable, credible, inspired, enthusiastic, full time, person to work together on this project, either an acquaintance or through an ad as follows: 

A 73 word ad in Yated, Hamodia, Jewish Press, der yid such as the following is an idea: "I am looking for an intelligent individual who is very serious minded who can help me on a very serious subject to act as a sounding board and will be capable in checking me before I proceed with a very serious project. The person must have experience and a feel for sensitive public relations. High confidentiality will be required. Please call 718 256-2014". Or something as unassuming an article in a newspaper as "A 'kuntres' to come out soon by The Vaad to build the B"H on building the B"H. Whoever is interested please call 718 256-2014. 

Then, get initial reactions from various members of the Jewish community to determine initial feasibility (Rabbis, laymen).

Then, hand pick core people of like mind, who feel the same about this project to elaborate comprehensively on the steps in more detail by soliciting 13 volunteers or appointees, each one to extensively expand on one of the next substeps and follow up and handle his respective substep and be on top of it to its completion and to also stay on board as the STARTUP COMMITTEE to continue and see the project launched.

Then, setup a reliable accountability system (treasurer, etc.).

Then, seek out a benefactor for seed money - publish and distribute this work, rent an office, travel - flight and transportation, secretary, hotels, car, advertisement, choose name (tentatively, The Committee to Build The Bais Hamikdosh), open bank account, stationary, telephone, mailing.

(If we go through the internet we do not even need seed money at first since there are web designers that give free service for 2 months which can bring in the initial seed money through contributors. This is not advisable since going public is not warranted so early in the progress).STEP 2 - CONVINCE



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For openers, I for one cannot fathom that our great sages have not called for action for the real thing yet. To me it is a regular 'mitzzvah', albeit more complex but nevertheless doable. The resulting joy will be worth the effort!

It is obvious that the completion of this project will testify, strengthen and encourage all Jews and yes all people of the world of our resolve, right and willingness to complete the mission and firmly establish ourselves there. 

The willingness of the participants must be through Torah values. When it starts going really well it will even be self-convincing. It will eliminate so much of the vacillation Jews and Israelis have been experiencing. 

The success will affirm that the Jews are the rightful people to accomplish this holy task. The cooperation of the indigenous people is vital and crucial! It will eliminate all the questions of our raison d'etre. It will be the answer to all the peace efforts (Madrid, Camp David, WYE, Oslo and the road map).

Transforming from present "service" to future "service" should be effortless and without suffering or pressure. It should be a natural procedure.


A. (US/IS) - TALK TO THE RELIGIOUS COMMUNITYSelect the key persons, make appointments, visit, and get blessings and input.

B. (US) - TALK TO ISRAELI GOVERNMENT Select the key individuals, make appointments, visit and lobby, get letters of approbation.

C. (US/IS) - SOLICIT OTHER NATIONS' (WASHINGTON, ETC.) GOVERNMENTSSelect the key individuals, make appointments, visit and inform (courtesy), get letter of understanding.

D. (IS) - "TALK" (NOTIFY) TO PALESTINIANS/JORDANIANSSelect the key individuals, make appointments, visit and inform.



(US) - ANNOUNCE THE MISSION AND FUNDRAISE (EXPECT TOTAL COST TO BE $1 BILLION US)Setup a Financial aid consortium and a Membership committee.

This step depending on how much comes in will determine interest. If not, consequences may be dire! - the status quo will remain which will further weaken and erode our cause.

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Solicit thru advertising - The half shekel system. Through the children schools (raffles, pushkes), shules. So that everyone participates and no one claims greater share.

A half shekel would be valued as follows: In the sefer "midos veshiurei torah" hotzo'os machon keser torah, rechov yitzchok meir hacohen 3, bnei berak, Israel, author chaim p. beinish.It states that: 1 Shekel Torah, value in silver1st BH = 16.14 gm, 2nd BH = 17 gm 1 Shekel Talmud 1st BH = 7 gm, 2nd BH = 8.5 gm1 oz = 28 gm & silver @ $6.00/ozLowest = 7gm/28gm x $6/oz = $1.50 Highest = 17/28 x $6 = $3.65 Average would be (1.5+3.65)/2 = $2.50 

If inadequate other sources of funds will be sought.


(US/IS) - OBTAIN PROPERTY BY PURCHASING NO OPPOSITIONIf by acquisition this step will be before Funding.Either the site or if initially the site availability poses hardships, select a remote place and transport by helicopter, etc.Office space.Warehousing.Ancillary spaces; for shanties. trailers.


(IS) - SET UP COMMITTEES (WHICH WILL TURN INTO AGENCIES)To get input.To make contacts.brainstorming.checklist.Research on how to...Sales people. 

(IS) - SET UP AGENCIES (DIRECTORS, ASST DIRECTORS, CLERICAL, EXPERTS, PROFESSIONALS)Administration - Plans the project; hires personnel; maintenanceReligious - Details, Furnishings, personnel, ritualismsFinancial - Budget, Estimate time and costPlanners - Architects, EngineersBuilders - TradesmenMaterials - Purchasers


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(IS) - HIRE EXPERTS (EXPECT 3000 PERSONNEL)Rabbis (Talmidai Chachomim - 71). Temple servers.Laymen.retraining courses.planners. builders. Materials list, manufacturer. Labor, employment agencies. Equipment.


A. (IS) - PLAN THE BUILDINGThe location, the details, the intricacies.

B. (IS) _ BUILD ITDemolition (not ofr sacred religious elements, there is enough room, space and place; excavation; foundation; building.



A. (IS) - PURIFICATION AND CONSECRATION Furnishings, utensils, personnel, heifers.

B. (IS) - START TEMPLE SERVICESPriests, Levites, scheduling mamodim, Bedek Habayis (maintenance).

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Year 1 - Core Committee, preliminary              feelers, Preliminary project              plans, fundingyear 2 - set- up, secure property,              hire helpYear 3 - Building planningYear 4 - solicit bids, procurement Year 5 - Excavation, constructionYear 6 - Construction continuedYear 7 - Completion & consecration Year 8 - Start services


Year 1 - 2003Month 1 - Julyweek 1 & 2 - Tentatively July 28 Monday 28 TaMUZ to August 7 Thursday 9 Av - Someone else to OK it with $14,890 (see breakdown below), establish initial core group, set up newspaper ads (in jewish ones only) and/or 2 months free internet sites (for all people to unify and participate), present informally (target by end of 2 weeks August 7 [9 Av]) to get reaction, willingness, advice, input, etc.


2 people 3 days (1 day setup app, 1 day meet, 1 day wind dn)$1,000 Airfare round trip/person     150 Hotel/day/person     100 Groundfare/day       20 Food/day/person     200 Railfare round trip/person

Computation:$1,000 x 2 peop + $170 x 6 (2 peop, 3 days) + $100 x 3 (3 days, 2 peop) = $2,000 + $1020 + $300 = $3,320 x 4 (5 internat key peop) = $13,280. 

$200 x 2 + $170 x 6 + $100 x 3 = $400 + $1,060 + $300 = $1,760 x 1 (2 national key peop) = $1,760.

Total for seriously approving the project, $13,280 + $1,760 = $15,040 


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This includes visiting 7 key people or their designees of the secular community: SG Anon, Kg Abdulah, Pr Min Abbas/Pres Arafat, Pres Bush, Pr Min Blair & Pr Min Sharon.

Visiting the religious community which is more critical will be under separate special more discreet cover. To translate this work to Hebrew, Yiddish and other languages and send to Grand rabbis' Svei, Eliashev, Kanievski, Perlow, etc. Also, key figures of Major Jewish organizations, ie. Pres of Agudah, M. Honlien, A Foxman, etc. and yes, even outside the Jewish clergy.

A lower key method would be to write in lieu of visiting. A typical letter could be as follows:

1776 58rd St.Brooklyn, NY 11204Tel. 718 331-5999 

August 3, 2003

The President of The United States

Dear President ----,

I am enclosing for your perusal some information (a letter of understanding and a brief entitled "The Bare Land") that I think you would find important.

Rather than make an appointment and visit you in person I have decided to write instead.

Please feel comfortable in spite of the seemingly serious subject matter. I am sure the American people will see the benefits of a magnificent modern Temple all will aspire to behold where all peace loving people are welcome.

It may seem like Jewish issue but I can assure you it is an all encompassing inclusive one. Please excuse some of the seemingly impersonal tone of the information, it is merely because I am writing it from a Jewish perspective. The intention is to represent the One G-d of all people. The intention is to to bridge the religious chasm of religious indifference in the service of G-d and not man. If these are not appropriate times, when is?

There is a huge interdependent dynamic involved and would appreciate your comments on the feasibility of it from your perspective.

I will be soliciting comments from others as is evident from the literature.

It will be great if you would encourage this effort.

Very Truly Yours,

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Avrohom Fried, Vice President(committee to build the bais hamikdosh)

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SACRIFICED    This work advances the work of Binyamin Zev Herzl and David ben Gurion who were both so instrumental and crucial in furthering the destiny of the Jewish nation. In honor and memory of them and all who followed I am listing the outline of BZH's great work "The Jewish State". 

I hope and pray that I was guided by his systematic method and that you can compare a bit by the following highlights that we are continuing in a unified direction. It is a review and overview of the main factors and thinking on how we achieved our current status. May it serve to remind us and keep us focused and in perspective lest we forget. It was just such a short while ago that we were wandering! 

I would advise the readers that they read his work and may he observe that the greater work was already accomplished, which was the establishment of the state. What this work is attempting to do is add the finishing touch, the second half of the job. 

Also, I wish to give special mention to the late Mota Gur AL"H who was in charge of reclaiming the Temple Mount.

The following 6 chapters and their subtitles represents 84 pages of description which was the basis and footprint for creating a new country.Preface (4 pgs)Chapter I (12 pgs) -  Introduction.Chapter II (13 pgs) -  The Jewish 

question.Previous attempts at solution.Effects of anti-semitism.The plan.Palestine or Argentine. Demand, medium, trade.

Chapter III (25 pgs) -  The Jewish company.Non transfer - able goods.Purchase of land. Buildings.Workmen's dwelling.The 7 hour 


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day.Relief by labor.Commerce.Other classes of dwellings.Some forms ofliquidation.Securities of the company.Some of the company's activities.Promotions of industries.Settlements of skilled laborers.Method of raising capital.

Chapter IV (13 pgs) - Local groups - transmigration. Emigrations in groups.Our Rabbis.Representatives of the local groups.Plans of the towns.The departure of the middle class.The phenomenon of the multitudes.Our human material.Habits.

Chapter V (17 pgs) - Society of Jews & the Jewish state.Negtiorum Gestio.The Gestor of the Jews.The occupation of the land.Constitution.Language.Theocracy.Laws.

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The army.The flag.Benefits of the emigration of the Jews.

Chapter VI (4 pgs) -  Conclusions.

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Some typical objections by some which were encountered are technical difficulties in nature and I am sure will be addressed by the appropriate authorities. If we admit to the viability of Israel then we must find a way, the only purpose for the State being established is to build the Temple!:

1. The Temple mount is holy, how can one go there and build?

2. Halachah does not permit the building of it, how is it possible?

3. Not all Jews are living in Israel yet, how can it be built?

4. I must ask my Rabbi if I can participate.

5. This effort may be dangerous and create more chaos rather than big benefits.

6. The seemingly violations of the 3 promises.

7. The Temple must come down directly from heaven.

8. We are unclean and fixing the people first is even harder than the building of it.

9. We don't even do Halachah (service not including Temple services) correctly, how are we going to do Avodah (Temple Service) right.

10. Jews are already treading or attempting to tread on the Mount.

11. Casual religion, as we are performing it, for all intends and purposes it is voluntary, makes a mockery of it.

12. One does not undertake a mission 


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of this purpot and magnitude unless it will surely be successful, because failure will be catastrophic.

13. There is not enough love and respect for one another.

14. The lion, wolf and lamb are not lying together in living peace.

15. The metal swords are not turned into plough shears yet.

16. There is no red heifer to purify.

17. This idea is sacrilegious, heretical, in opposition to tradition, only Moshiach may perform this Mitzvah (precept, commandment), we don't know enough to perform and complete this undertaking, etc.

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Israel will be complete, Jews will have fulfilled their destiny, Has-em will have a dwelling place on earth and the world be transformed to a better place G-d willing, hopefully soon.

The gist I am sensing on all of the herein is that we are heading in the right direction, PROCEED!, BUILD!; there is no better choice for doing the right thing!

A sequel or a 2nd printing (the public one) to this work, which should be exhaustive and extensive (200 - 500 pages), will be forthcoming after feedback is obtained. It will be distributed in a controlled semi-public manner.

I am hoping and praying that the outcome of this work will proceed in as natural a process as possible.

To reiterate, the intention for this is to be a national effort and no one individual should take credit for it.

Footnote:The final scheme will probably be a 3 or 4 Temple system, 1 for each faith, and yes, even 1 for non-monotheistic one - the premise being that G-d is the G-d of all people, even the evil ones!

Page 27:   · Web viewThis work is not an original work, it is from the Torah, it written with the best intentions and purest of motives and can be utilized by all who have the same intentions










