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(MBA SEM II 2008 - 2010 Batch)




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Only studying management theories are not enough and are of no importance without such practical application so that with theories practical study is the best learning method & both are inter-related.

Summer project is one of the significant parts of Management Programme because we can able to put into operation the principles of Management in practical circumstances. It gives us understanding of real life situation.

I had selected Telecom Industry because it is one the largest growing industries among all industries. I have experienced the reality between real life situations whatever we have learned in books.


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My silent thanksgiving ever and ever to the kindly light’s infinite grace and mercy that continues to light up every foot step till this project report end.

The multifarious features of this project could be successfully accomplished only by the persistence support, guidance and encouragement of all concerned.

First of all my sincere thanks to Mr. Shivaraj (GTL), Mr. Mahendra (GTL) who had guided me in completion of this project.

I am also thankful to entire staff of GLOBAL TELECOM LIMITED and SARVODAY COLLEGES OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY, LIMBDI for their constant encouragement, suggestions and moral support throughout the duration of the project.

Many people have rendered timely support and shared invaluable information and experience, space constraints do not permit me to thank them individually but I acknowledge the help rendered as individual and without which this report would have been incomplete.

At last but not least, I cannot forget to say thank you to my friends, family members and my God who have been there in my high and lows and encouraged and motivated me to express myself with success.


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Rakholiya Tejas P.


I, the undersigned, TEJAS P RAKHOLIYA, Hereby declare that the project work presented in this report, I have found from my company by observing during my training period and has been carried out under the guidance of Mr. NIRAV DAVE of SARVODAY COLLEGES OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY, LIMBDI.

My report is submitted as a part of study curriculum and as a partial fulfilment towards the Degree of MASTER BUSINESS ADMINSTRATION.

Rakholiya Tejas P.


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To know the area of employee dissatisfaction.

To identify particular group which have high level of dissatisfaction.

To reduce the number of employee left.

To build stayable workforce in the organization.


From the data analysis and interpretation shown above research has to come

on to the following findings:-

In ‘2008’ 40 employees left and 42 employees are join in the


The highest rate of employee left is between 26-30 years age group

that is 15 employees.

In 26-30 age group the reasons for left are following;


o Better opportunity of advancement - 7

o Other position - 3

o Relocation - 2

o Dissatisfied with benefits & salary - 1


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The second highest rate of employee left is between 31-35 year age

group that is 10 employees

In 31-35 age group the reasons for left are following.


o Better opportunity of advancement - 9

o Other position - 2

o Dissatisfied with benefits & salary - 2

o Dissatisfaction for advancement - 1

o Other - 1



21-25 - 6

36-40 - 6

41-45 - 1

46-50 - 1

51-55 - 1

The main reason of left is ‘Better opportunity of advancement’, 20

employee left because of this reason.

Then, ‘

‘Other position’ - 6 employee left

‘Dissatisfied with benefits & salary’. - 4 employee left


The most important reason for employee left is ‘Better opportunity of

advancement’ so I suggest organization may provide better opportunity

for advancement that reduce the rate of employee left at least 50%.


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The organization has better opportunity for different position & also

provides good benefit & salaries, but if company increase both of that

facility then more employee retain in the organization.


After survey I conclude that in GTL Company most of officer level employees

are left. Employee with age group of 21-30 have higher rate of left. Other

position employee left rate is less.



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To know the area of employee dissatisfaction.

To identify particular group which have high level of dissatisfaction.

To reduce the number of employee left.

To build stayable workforce in the organization.

1. RESEARCH DESIGN :- Research was done by getting the information from

the HRMS and employee personal file.


Secondary source

Data is collected from the secondary source, by getting the list of

employee join and left in year ‘2008’ from the HRMS and the reason

why employee left the organization from the employee personal file.

RESEARCH METHOD: Descriptive Method




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Sr. No. Topics Page No.

1 General Information

2 Company profile

3 Human Resource department

4 Marketing department

5 Quality department

6 Service department

7 Corporate social responsibility

8 Mini Project




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With the steep fall in the cost of providing cellular services, and increasing deregulation and competition, developing countries are witnessing rapid growth in cellular subscriber base. Indian cellular industry has been witnessing a Compounded Annual Growth Rate of about 105.2%. It is a $5 billion industry today, and the cellular subscriber base in the country has increased to 6.4 million from a mere 28,550 in 1996. According to reports, Indian mobile subscriber base is expected to grow to 15.68 million by 2003. However, the penetration rate of cellular services is very poor in developing countries. In India, the cellular density is 0.56 per 100 population compared to 77.84 in Finland. Economic conditions, market structure, policies regarding tariffs and interconnect agreements, and customer characteristics are some of the significant forces affecting the growth of cellular services. Since it takes about 3-4 years for cellular operators to attain financial payback on their projects, estimates of market size can be useful for network and investment planning.

As in other countries, in India, the Cellular Mobile Service Providers (CMSPs) are licensed to operate in designated geographical operating areas. The service areas include four metro areas and 18 circles categorized as A, B and C. The categorization is based on the revenue potential with category C circles in the lower end of the scale. For example the metros account for 40% of the subscriber population, with Category-A, B and C accounting for 33%, 23% and 4% respectively. As in most of the other countries, Indian cellular market adopted a duopoly market with licenses given to two Cellular Mobile Service Providers (CMSPs). The first digital cellular service started in the metros in 1995. A year later, licenses were awarded to two CMSPs in each of the 18 circles. The third and fourth operator licenses have been issued recently and the license holders are expected to commence their services soon. Currently, only 900


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MHz of the Global Systems for Mobile (GSM) band has been allocated for cellular services, though the government is considering the release of 1800 MHz band for cellular operations soon. The CMSPs had to pay an entry fee and subsequently annual license fee as a percentage of their revenue to the Department of Telecommunications. The entry and license fees varied according to the service area, highest for metros and lowest for Category-C circles. Some of the CMSPs could not fulfill their licensing obligations and their licenses were revoked leading to a monopoly situation in certain areas. Apart from these charges, each CMSP has to share the revenue with the long distance operators for carrying inter-service area calls. In profitable metros and circles, the competition is severe and the market is split between the two operators. In a price-cap regulated market, the operators use appropriate pricing strategy to win customers and win market share. In highly price-elastic markets, such as in India, as the service provider reduces the price, the subscriber base increases considerably, and so is the network traffic. The increased network traffic decreases the performance and the quality of service, inviting customers to switch [3]. Recently being a new entrant in a metro area, the government operator reduced the airtime charges to such an extent that the subscriber base increased suddenly leading to poor network performance. The operator did not have enough network capacity to handle calls leading to blocking of calls, with frustrated customers switching over immediately to competitors.

The operators also have to resort to non-pricing competition strategies to win customers. In India, CMSPs offer a variety of service plans as a means to attract new customers. Different service plans include: pre-paid calling card schemes, discounted airtime rates for evening and night time calls, discounted roaming charges, no or minimum activation fees, and reduced mobile to mobile long distance call rates. The service providers incur additional advertising


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and infrastructure cost for implementing these plans. Short Message Service (SMS) and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) service are

fast catching up. For example, in India, about 500,000 SMS messages are being carried by a service provider in one metro area alone.

When the sector moves over to an oligopoly market, the operators have to provide improved quality of service and value added services in order to survive and gain market share. Larger operators who have experience andInfrastructure may be able to provide a higher quality of service and other value-added service at a lower price. They also have access to larger project financing for enlarging their networks and services. For example, a single large operator now has license to operate in 14 service areas in the country with the largest footprint to cover most of the areas of the country. Mergers and acquisitions are commonplace as the operators are consolidating their revenues to survive in the market.


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Overview – The Indian Telecommunication Industry- Past,

Present & The Future…


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The journey so far…

1994 was a watershed year in the history of the Indian telecom sector, which ranked sixth in the world after USA, China, Japan, Germany, and France in terms of number of installed fixed lines.

The government of India introduced the New Telecom Policy (NPT) that year that envisaged a vast change in Indian Telecom Scenario and reflected the Government’s desire to bring the Indian telecom at par with the rest of the world. It was followed up by the introduction of NTP 1999. The various policy changes also reflected the Government’s realization that the huge funds needed to undertake gigantic and extensive upgrade of telecom infrastructure in all the three segments of wire line, wireless and data services, would require active participation of private sector.

As soon as the telecom industry opened to private sector investment beginning 1994, a large number of Indian companies entered the segment with varying force, different strategies, and assorted aspirations. There were ten key strategic dimensions along which these new entrants positioned themselves in this sector.

How we stand today…

The Indian telecommunication network with 69 million telephone connections is the fifth largest in the world and the second largest among the emerging economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest growing market in the world and represents unique opportunities for UK companies in the stagnant global scenario. With tele-density approaching 6.9 per hundred, the target to achieve 15 per hundred by 2010 looks well within reach. India's total mobile subscriber base (both cellular and wireless in local loop-mobile) has reached 27


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million. About 85% of the villages have village public telephones (VPTs) - 5,16,887 VPTs exist in India. The remaining 15% that includes 88,970 villages are yet to be covered. Accordingly, India's 10th Five- year plan 2002-07 projects £25 billion worth of investments in 50 million fixed lines, 30 million cellular lines and 20 million Internet connections.

The factors behind the wireless revolution in India are no different from those prevailing globally and can be listed as follows:

1. Industry deregulation & liberalization has ushered in increased competition & led to growth

The Indian telecom industry has come of ages in the field of regulations. It started with the NTP in 1994. Between the years 1994 & 1998 TRAI was established as an independent regulatory body, the wireless licenses were allotted to private operators and the wire line services were opened up to competition.

Between 1999 & 2002 new telecom policy was introduced and there was entry of third & fourth operators in the wireless services. Free competition was allowed in wire line and first round of tariff rebalancing was done. The operators moved from fixed to revenue-sharing license fee structure. Then in the year 2003-2004 the unified license regime was introduced to enhance the competition and create a level playing field. Transfer of wireless licenses was allowed among the operators and intra-circle wireless mergers were also allowed.

2. Declining tariffs have made wireless & Handset prices extremely affordable

The intense competition has been instrumental in driving down the wireless tariffs. Entry of 3rd and 4th GSM operators in each circle, and CDMA wireless operators, has created a new floor for


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local & long distance tariffs. The average peak wireless call tariff per minute has come down from Rs. 16.8 in 1998 to Rs. 6 in 1999 to Rs. 4 in 2002 and Rs. 1.5 at present. There has also been a crash in the handset prices by more than 70% over the last 4-5 years, and the operators have coupled it with easy financing schemes and bundling of handsets with connections. With the government reducing the custom duties on the handsets, handset prices are expected to come down even further, leading to higher new demand and replacement demand. 

3. Prepaid offerings have driven mass penetration of wireless

Prepaid offerings have created a surge in wireless subscribers, mirroring the trend in other developing countries. The operators are aggressively promoting prepaid cards and have spurred the adoption of wireless by the masses. From the budget-conscious lower middle class households to college students to low income groups, people are increasingly seeing prepaid as a hassle-free way of going wireless. The prepaid share has increased from 26% in 1999 to 60% in 2002. However, in 2003 prepaid did not increase its share of the total subscriber base, despite the addition of 17 million new subscribers because all the 6 million new subscribers added by CDMA wireless were postpaid subscribers. With the introduction of the CDMA prepaid in 2004 the prepaid share will increase to over 75% in coming years. 

4. Implementation of CPP regime has given the subscriber greater control over costs

The implementation of CPP regime was a water-shed event in the industry. It has greatly increased the affordability of going wireless, as subscribers don’t have to pay for incoming calls, and can control their telecom costs better. The other benefits of CPP


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are lower costs for wireless subscribers, higher wireless usage, and higher penetration of wireless. 

Road to Future…

The unified licensing has ended the License Raj in telecom, resolved all litigations, created a level playing field for all the operators and has paved the way for faster and sustainable growth of the telecom sector. The wireless revolution will increase its pace and the factors that have been responsible for its growth will carry it further. The wireless data services will act as a revenue stream for the wireless operators. Some operators have already deployed 3G technologies on their networks. With further rollout of wireless broadband, backed by the provision of compelling content services, broadband revenues will comprise a key portion of the total telecom pie in the future

The future market will be characterized by high penetration, competition and churn and the winners will be distinguished by how they address these challenges. They’ll have to juggle between achieving economies of scale, efficient network management, increasing operating margins & attracting and maintaining subscriber base.

The future value will reside in ownership of customer relationship and provision of diversified services. This implies a trend towards bundled service offerings. For provision of bundled services, operators will need to have strategic alliances with intermediaries through whom traditional commercial transactions can be executed. Operators with the best interface strategies will succeed in maintaining the customer loyalty.


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The operators need to rapidly grow their subscriber base while simultaneously maintaining customer loyalty. The ability to segment customers, identify the best among them and maximize their value will determine success.

Subscriber numbers are expected to more than double in the period 2001-2006, from 35 million in March 2001 to about 85 million in 2006. India will mirror the global trend of high growth rates in mobile vis-à-vis fixed-line users (40 per cent CAGR in mobile services against 16 per cent in the fixed-line segment). However, with fixed-line teledensity in India being at a very low 4 per cent, absolute growth in fixed-line services will lead additions in mobile subscribers over the next 10 years. Despite the high projected growth, teledensity in 2010 is expected to be 11.5 per cent, falling short of the NTP99 target of 15 per cent. Revenues will also grow, albeit slowly, in the light of significant reductions in tariffs. By 2008, telecom is expected to be an Rs 76,000-crore sector, contributing 5.4 per cent to India’s GDP.


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1. Introduction


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GTL Limited, a Global Group enterprise, is a leading Network Services company, offering services and solutions to address the Network Life Cycle requirements of Telecom Carriers and Technology providers (OEMs).

GTL’s consolidated revenues for FY 2008 - 2009 ending March 31, 2009 stood at Rs.1945.09 Crores. Today GTL executes projects across 44 countries, has built over 70 cellular networks, installed and commissioned over 51,000 sites.

Global Holding Corporation Pvt. Ltd. is the holding company of “Global Group” that has 7 operating companies, two of which are listed on Indian Stocks Exchanges.

The Group has Operations across 44 countries, Revenues in excess of US$622 million FY 09 and balance sheet size of over US $2 Billion. It employs more than 25,000 professionals of 22 nationalities and supports 18 social causes.

For over 2 decades Global Group has been partnering with leadings telecom operators and OEMs offering its expertise in wireless communications. From 2G Networks to 3G and 4G, from WiMAX to IPTV, Global Group provides complete life-cycle solutions around Network Services. The services include Network Planning and Design, Network Deployment, Network Operations and Maintenance, Infrastructure Management, Energy management and professional services.


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2.) History OF the Company

Business: - Network Services

Founded: - 1987

Global headquarters: - Mumbai, India

Global Presence: - 44 countries spread across Africa, Asia – Pacific, Middle East, North America, South Asia and Western Europe.

Domain Expertise: - Telecom

Associates: - 5947 (As of March. 31, 2009)

Stock Listed on: - BSE, NSE

3.) Vision: -


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“Provide better connectivity By offering quality network solutions and And services to telecom carriers across the world”


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4.) Values: -

- Integrity

- Proactively manage change

- Delight customers through superior services

- Develop entrepreneurs through an achievement – oriented culture

- Build a technology – savvy organisation

- Share knowledge and focus on end - result

5.) Culture: -


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Promotes Performance

Nurtures Teamwork

Strengthens Quality Consciousness

Encourages transparency and Facilitates Professional growth

6.) Location: -


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Corporate Headquarters: - Mumbai, (India)

Operational Headquarters: - Navi Mumbai (India) 44 countries spread across Africa, Asia – Pacific,

Worldwide Offices: Middle East, North America, South Asia and Western Europe

7.) Board of Director: -

Chairman & Managing Director: - Tirodkar, Manoj G.


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Senior Director: - Patel, Sadanand D.

Director: - Ayyar, T. N. V.

Director: - Desai, Gajanan V.

Director: - Poddar, Dipak Kumar

Director: - Prof. Navathe, Shamkant B.

Director: - Prof. Sahasrabudhe, S. C.

Director: - Sethi, Vinod


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8.) Milestone: -

2000 – New B2B services applications development – GTL E-

enterprise – an Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) package for small and medium enterprises.

GTL moves out of its Subscriber End Terminal Division.

2001-GTL merges group company – GECS and acquire two software Companies, Fine InfoTech Limited (FIL) and Thermax Systems & Software Limited (TSSL).

Fully commissions’ 1,000 seats Call centre spread over 1, 20,000 sq. ft. area in Navi Mumbai.

Company name changed to “GTL Limited”. GTL ranked

amongst ‘Best 200 Small firms’ by Forbes Magazine

2002-GTL enhances international presence with over 100 employees and 11 offices.

Assessed at SEI - CMM Level 4 for Enterprise Solutions – Software Development.

GTL’s Call Centre division ranked third in the ITES sector by NASSCOM.

2003- GTL wins Golden Peacock National Quality


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IGTL’s subsidiary, IGTL Saudi Arabia Limited, to execute the Saudi Telecom Project 16 critical processes of the company have been undertaken as projects under Six Sigma Initiatives

2005- “Nortel N Power Partner of the year 2005” Award from Nortel


“Most Significant Competition Breakthrough 2005” Award from Nortel Networks

“Best Process Compliances Year 2005” Award from Nortel Networks

2006- President’s award for Corporate Governance – Business for Social Responsibility

“APAC Partner of the year 2006” Award for Oracle E- Business Suites Specials Edition

“The Best On time Renewal Partner in the year 2006” Award from Oracle Support Services



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GTL hives off Enterprise Networks and Managed Services business to Orange Business Services, an arm of France Telecom.

GTL wins the prestigious Global Peacock Award for Corporate Governance.

GTL enters into a strategic alliance with Ericsson UK, to offer Managed Network Infrastructure services to customers in UK and Ireland.

GTL Intemational, a 100% international subsidiary of GTL, acquires SCS, a Network Deployment Company in USA.

2008- GTL Wins Golden Peacock National Training Award 2008

GTL receives the Prestigious Greentech Evironment Excellence Silver Award 2008.

GTL wins Outstanding Contributor corporate Responsibility Award from Nokia Siemens.

GTL forms Strategic Alliance with Vanu Inc to Conduct Shared Active Infrastructure Field Trials in India.

GTL becomes No. 1 Telecom turnkey Company of the year in V&D 100 Survey.

2009- GTL features amongst top 10 companies in the S&P ESG Index 2009


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1) Departmental Structure : -


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2.Role of Personnel Department : -

Personnel Role:-








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- Man power planning - Training and development

- Assessment of individual

Welfare role:-

- Canteen - Transport - Communication

Clerical role:-

- Time keeping

- Salary and wages

- Administration

3.Office Premises : -

No fixed working hours for technical staff, they are normally required work 24*7. Anytime of the day if the need is generated, then the employee is required to be present. The employee can stay home otherwise when no work is there. The regular office


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staffs have fixed working hours from 09: 30 to 05: 30, and they are required to work five days a week.

4. Details in Employee Personal File: - It is important to keep record of personal data of employees

because it is remain as proof and helps in making proper and corrective decisions. Following detail are usually found in employee’s personal file.

Bio data


Date of conformation

Joining documents

Educational certificate

Resignation letter from previous company

Relieve letter / experience letter


Gratuity form

Pay sleep of previous company

NSSN (National Social Security No.) form

PF form


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Bank A/C data


Introduction: -

Today, the Human Resources function has made a paradigm shift from being a support function to a core and strategic business partner. In this new role, it works with executives and the leadership to clarify the business direction performance expectations, and actively contributes to deciding the tactics required for managing talent to achieve business goals.

Human resource management (HRM) is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the business. The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations. In simple sense, HRM means employing people, developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirement.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers


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The HR Management is very import function of any organization as it deeds with managing people, which are the most valuable resource of any organization.

For the efficient working of any organization adequate support has to be given to the different requirement of its employee such as providing fair wages, handling graveness, and look after the welfare of the employee, proper satisfaction and also the training needs.

In most of all the cases all the large scale company has its different personal department. But in GLOBAL TELECOM INDUSTRY LIMITED. It has separate HR department. All the functions of this department perform HR Manager. HR Manager responsible for all the functions of personal department and he has all authority for them.

At GLOBAL TELECOM INDUSTRY LIMITED. All the decisions regarding employees are taken very effectively. They give more important to employee’s efficient and also fair wages. Personnel head always remain aware about necessities of employees and try very much to fulfill them and provide cordial environment to workers for working.

At GLOBAL TELECOM INDUSTRY LIMITED this department performs function such as main power planning, requirement, selection main training discipline action and also training programmer.


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Recruitment is the most important function of HR department Recruitment is nothing but a process of finding & attracting capable applicant for employment by recruitment process. HR Department attracts capable and efficient needed person in the organization .

Recruitment refers to the process of screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an organization or firm, or for a vacancy in a volunteer-based some components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations and companies often retain professional recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. External recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting employees from outside the organization.

The recruitment industry has four main types of agencies: employment agencies, recruitment websites and job search engines, "headhunters" for executive and professional recruitment, and in-house recruitment. The stages in recruitment include sourcing candidates by advertising or other methods, and screening and selecting potential candidates using tests or interviews.

Once the entries are received, the applicant is required to fill in a form wherein all his details are filled up and this form is then sent to Mumbai head office. There all the forms are scrutinized and some are short listed.


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TRF – Technical Requisition Form This form is for core GTL employees who are to be

recruited for technical processes.

MRF – Manpower Requisition Form This form is for the employees being recruited for

office staff, accountants, etc.

The interview process is then held for the scrutinized employees at their respective offices from where they applied. The interview is a sort of panel interview where a panel of judges including technical person, project manager and the human resource manager, interviews the candidate. The interview process is a kind of a structured interview where the candidate is judged for certain skills and capabilities.


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Meaning :-

“Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is measuring and improving the actual performance of the employee and also the future potential of the employee. Its aim is to measure what an employee does.

Performance appraisal, also known as employee appraisal, is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost and time). Performance appraisal is a part of career development.

Normally Graphic Rating Scale method is used to rate the employee for their performance appraisal. The employees are rated twice a year, in March or October. The employees are rated by their immediate boss. Their performance rating is given on the site maintained by GTL for its staff’s performance.

Even the boss suggests some improvements if the employees require any on the site itself where the employee can access their own account and see the remarks.

Performance appraisals are regular reviews of employee performance within organizations


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Generally, the aims of a performance appraisal are to:

Give feedback on performance to employees. Identify employee training needs. Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards. Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases,

promotions, disciplinary actions, etc. Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and

development. Facilitate communication between employee and

administration Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to

meet federal Equal Employment Opportunity requirements

Method being used as performance appraisal process is:

Management by objectives

360 degree appraisal

Behavioral Observation Scale

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale


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Meaning: -

In the field of human resource management, training and development is the field concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. It has been known by several names, including employee development, human resource development, and learning and development.

Training: -This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an individual currently holds.

Education:-This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in the future, and is evaluated against those jobs.

Development: -This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization employing the individual, or that the individual is part of, may partake in the future, and is almost impossible to evaluate.

It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviours to enhance the performance of employees.


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Training in GTL: -

“The only thing worse than training your employees and losing them is not training them and keeping them." We commit to build up a learning organization, which continuously improves skills and performance of employees by running a professional training system, because a company's human capital is a critical asset and a success factor.

“The learning & Development initiatives at GTL are committed to deliver benefits to the employees by ensuring complete satisfaction with need based, timely and high quality training solutions that contribute to continuous development and growth of human potential.”

Objective of Training in G T L: -

• It’s not what you want in life, but it’s knowing how to reach it

• It’s not where you want to go, but it’s knowing how to get there

• It’s not how high you want to rise, but it’s knowing how to take off

• It may not be quite the outcome you were aiming for, but it will be an outcome

• It’s not what you dream of doing, but it’s having the knowledge to do it

• It's not a set of goals, but it’s more like a vision


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• It’s not the goal you set, but it’s what you need to achieve itAim of GTL in Training: -

“We are committed to building a learning organisation, and have established variety of training programs for our employees. The aim of the whole process is a long-term involvement and emphasis on growth and improving the intrinsic level of competence of employees

Through a range accredited training programs the organisation ensures people have the opportunity to achieve their goals and fulfil their potential


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Management Development Programme: -

“Management Development Program is planned for the employees based on the organizational objectives encompassing Personality development, Organizational needs and Cross-functional needs.

GTL has a competency based training approach, wherein the person's existing competencies are mapped to the desired competencies and a specific plan is developed for each individual.


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“For new employees, GTL has a comprehensive induction programme and in-service training program for new employees, to ensure that every new employee could meet the skill requirements before going to the post, the training programs vary from 3 to 4 months based on working positions

The new employee orientation program includes a series of training courses, which are corporate culture, products knowledge, marketing and sales skills, product developing standards, etc.

The in-service training program includes management skill training and technical

skill training. We set training plans for all the employees at different level and of

different categories, providing career development of every employee

The aim of the whole process is a long-term involvement and emphasis on growth

and improving the intrinsic level of competence of employees


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“The incentives are normally offered to the employee in April-May, a vague amount is given to the employee according to his performance. The amount may range from 12,000 to 15,000. When the employee joins initially he is given an increment after 6 months and then on after every end of the year.


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Indian Telecom Industry at a glance

At 110.01 million connections ‘Indian Telecom Industry’ is the third largest and fastest growing in the world. The subscriber base has grown by 40% in 2005 and is expected to reach 250 million in 2008.

Over the last 3 years, two out of every three new telephone connections were wireless. Consequently, wireless now accounts for 54.6% of the total telephone subscriber base, as compared to only 40% in 2003.

Wireless subscriber growth is expected to grow at 2.5 million new subscribers every month in 2007. The wireless subscriber base skyrocketed from 33.69 million in 2004 to 62.57 million in FY 2004 -2005.

The wireless technologies currently in use ‘Indian Telecom Industry‘ are Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).

There are primarily 9 GSM and 5 CDMA operators providing mobile services in 19 telecommunication circles and 4 metro cities, covering more than 2000 towns across the country. And the numbers are still growing for ‘Indian Telecom Industry‘. ‘Telecom Industry in India ‘is regulated by ‘Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’ (TRAI). It has earned good reputation for transparency and


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competence. Three types of players exists in ‘Telecom Industry India ‘community - State owned companies like - BSNL and MTNL.

Private Indian owned companies like - Reliance Infocomm and Tata Teleservices. Foreign invested companies like – Hutchison-Essar, Bharti Tele-Ventures, Escotel, Idea Cellular, BPL Mobile, Spice Communications etc.

The ‘ Indian Telecom Industry ‘ services are not confined to basic telephone but it also extends to internet, broadband (both wireless and fixed), cable TV, SMS, IPTV, soft switches etc. The bottlenecks for ‘Indian Telecom Industry ‘ are:

Slow reform process:

Low penetration. Service providers bear’s huge initial cost to make inroads and achieving break-even is difficult.

Huge initial investments. Limited spectrum availability and interconnection charges

between the private and state operators.

The Government Broadband Policy 2004 aims at 9 million broadband connections and 18 million internet connections in 2007. ‘Indian Telecom Industry ‘is currently expected to contribute nearly 1% to India’s GDP which is heartening and estimated to grow further and brighten the ‘Scenario of Indian Telecom Industry ‘.


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Major Players

There are three types of players in telecom services:

State owned companies (BSNL)

Private Indian owned companies (Reliance Infocomm, Tata Teleservices,)

Foreign invested companies (Hutchison - Essar, Bharti Tele-Ventures,

Escotel, Idea Cellular, BPL Mobile, Spice Communications)


On October 1, 2000 the Department of Telecom Operations, Government of India

became a corporation and was renamed Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).

BSNL is now India’s leading Telecommunications Company and the largest public

sector undertaking. It has a network of over 45 million lines covering 5000 towns

with over 35 million telephone connections.

The state-controlled BSNL operates basic, cellular (GSM and CDMA) mobile,

Internet and long distance services throughout India (except Delhi and Mumbai).

BSNL will be expanding the network in line with the Tenth Five-Year Plan (1992-

97). The aim is to provide a telephone density of 9.9 per hundred by March 2007.

BSNL, which became the third operator of GSM mobile services in most circles, is

now planning to overtake Bharti to become the largest GSM operator in the country.


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BSNL is also the largest operator in the Internet market, with a share of 21 per cent of

the entire subscriber base.


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Established in 1985, Bharti has been a pioneering force in the telecom sector with

many firsts and innovations to its credit, ranging from being the first mobile service in

Delhi, first private basic telephone service provider in the country, first Indian

company to ovide comprehensive telecom services outside India in Seychelles and

first private sector service provider to launch National Long Distance Services in

India. Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited was incorporated on July 7, 1995 for promoting

investments in telecommunications services. Its subsidiaries operate telecom services

across India. Bharti’s operations are broadly handled by two companies: the Mobility

group, which handles the mobile services in 16 circles out of a total 23 circles across

the country; and the Infotel group, which handles the NLD, ILD, fixed line,

broadband, data, and satellite-based services. Together they have so far deployed

around 23,000 km of optical fiber cables across the country, coupled with

approximately 1,500 nodes, and presence in around 200 locations. The group has a

total customer base of 6.45 million, of which 5.86 million are mobile and 588,000

fixed line customers, as of January 31, 2004. In mobile, Bharti’s footprint extends

across 15 circles.

Bharti Tele-Ventures' strategic objective is “to capitalize on the growth opportunities

the company believes are available in the Indian telecommunications market and

consolidate its position to be the leading integrated telecommunications services

provider in key markets in India, with a focus on providing mobile services”.


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Reliance is a $16 billion integrated oil exploration to refinery to power and textiles

conglomerate (Source: It is also an integrated

telecom service provider with licenses for mobile, fixed, domestic long distance and

international services. Reliance Infocomm offers a complete range of telecom

services, covering mobile and fixed line telephony including broadband, national and

international long distance services, data services and a wide range of value added

services and applications. Reliance IndiaMobile, the first of Infocomm's initiatives

was launched on December 28, 2002. This marked the beginning of Reliance's vision

of ushering in a digital revolution in India by becoming a major catalyst in improving

quality of life and changing the face of India. Reliance Infocomm plans to extend its

efforts beyond the traditional value chain to develop and deploy telecom solutions for

India's farmers, businesses, hospitals, government and public sector organizations.

Until recently, Reliance was permitted to provide only “limited mobility” services

through its basic services license. However, it has now acquired a unified access

license for 18 circles that permits it to provide the full range of mobile services. It has

rolled out its CDMA mobile network and enrolled more than 6 million subscribers in

one year to become the country’s largest mobile operator. It now wants to increase its

market share and has recently launched pre-paid services. Having captured the voice

market, it intends to attack the broadband market.


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Tata Teleservices is a part of the $12 billion Tata Group, which has 93 companies,

over 200,000 employees and more than 2.3 million shareholders. Tata Teleservices

provides basic (fixed line services), using CDMA technology in six circles:

Maharashtra (including Mumbai), New Delhi, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat,

and Karnataka. It has over 800,000 subscribers. It has now migrated to unified access

licenses, by paying a Rs. 5.45 billion ($120 million) fee, which enables it to provide

fully mobile services as well.

The company is also expanding its footprint, and has paid Rs. 4.17 billion ($90

million) to DoT for 11 new licenses under the IUC (interconnect usage charges)

regime. The new licenses, coupled with the six circles in which it already operates,

virtually gives the CDMA mobile operator a national footprint that is almost on par

with BSNL and Reliance Infocomm. The company hopes to start off services in these

11 new circles by August 2004. These circles include Bihar, Haryana, Himachal

Pradesh, Kerala, Kolkata, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh (East) & West and

West Bengal.


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Vodafone’s presence in India dates back to late 1992, when they worked with local

partners to establish a company licensed to provide mobile telecommunications

services in Mumbai. Commercial operations began in November 1995. Between 2000

and March 2004, Hutch acquired further operator equity interests or operating

licences. With the completion of the acquisition of BPL Mobile Cellular Limited in

January 2006, it now provides mobile services in 16 of the 23 defined licence areas

across the country.

Vodafone India has benefited from rapid and profitable growth in recent years. it had

over 17.5 million customers by the end of June 2006.


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Indian regional operator IDEA Cellular Ltd. has a new ownership structure and grand

designs to become a national player, but in doing so is likely to become a thorn in the

side of Reliance Communications Ltd. IDEA operates in eight telecom “circles,” or

regions, in Western India, and has received additional GSM licenses to expand its

network into three circles in Eastern India -- the first phase of a major expansion plan

that it intends to fund through an IPO, according to parent company Aditya Birla

Group .


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Geographical Presence

Presently GTL Infra owns andOffers towers in 15 out of22 Telecom circles

Indian Telecom market isClassified into Metro, Class A,Class B and Class C circles

GTL Infra has a portfolio of6,010 towers as of March 2008

Current tower presence mix isSkewed towards Class AAnd Class B circles

Vision of establishing presenceIn all 22 circles by 2009

As we expand our towerPort folio, sizeable presence inClass C and Metro circles willBe achieved

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Diverse Customer Mix

Occupancy Mix as on Mar 2008



USO 23%




* Others include BSNL, MTNL, HFCL, Tata Teleservices, Spice, Aircel and BPL


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1. Wireless:- GTL is has a rich experience in delivering Network Services in

the wireless domain, having rolled out close to 35 cellular networks across 2G and 3G technologies

We closely monitor the technology changes and future trends that are happening in the wireless space, and align our skill sets to the needs of our customers. By stepping into the shoes of our customers and understanding the challenges they face, we place Telecom Carriers and OEM’s at the very core of our service offerings to help lower our customers' operation costs while improving their business efficiency and competitiveness.

GTL has worked with leading technology vendors on platforms related to GSM - 2/2.5/3G, CDMA, WCDMA and Broadband Wireless Access. Whether it’s a Core Network, a Radio Access Network, or a Broadband network, we have executed projects in varying complexity across geographies. We have expertise in various phases of the network roll out right from the planning stage to the operations and maintenance.

Technology is most important factoring production of qualified and better product good technology. Production can not be


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manufacturing in good manner. Technology used in production of product


Access to extensive deployment experience in a wide range of technologies

Shorter time to market

Seamless migration performed by trained and experienced engineering professionals

Cost effective deployment services

2. Wire line:-GTL has expertise in a wide range of Wire line technologies namely TDM and Packet Switching, SDH and DWDM. Higher Order Cross Connect, Metro Ethernet, Multi Services Access Devices, Fiber Monitoring systems and many more.

For these technologies and Products, GTL offers services for Installation, Commissioning, Integration, Operation and Maintenance. The customer base for GTL under these service offerings include all leading and upcoming OEMs as well as Telecom Carriers across different geographies

GTL has relationships and deployment experience of leading technology vendors like Nortel, Alcatel-Lucent, NEC, Terawave communications, UT Starcom, Ascom to name a few. We have executed projects in varying complexity across geographies. We


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have expertise in various phases of the network roll out right from the planning stage to the operations and maintenance.


Extensive Deployment experience covering the Core, Access and Broadband networks

Expertise in delivering SLA based operation and maintenance services

Cost effective and quick roll outs


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“GLOBAL TELECOM LIMITED one’s of the most valued assets is the product quality. The Quality statement is the guiding force for all of us. Our customer put their trust in our ability to consistently deliver the product to their satisfaction. This trust drives us on continuous basis.

The quality management program is meant to motivate all the employees towards achieving ever-higher results that could be gauged through personal development, enhanced management abilities and greater profits.

In GTL, managing quality to achieve excellence means managing organization, business or unit so that every job, every process is carried out right first time, every time. We have adopted holistic approach that affects and involves everyone – employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and society. This was reflected when we received “Golden Peacock National Quality Award” in the service category.

We have a corporate culture of innovation and healthy competition. Our quest for learning and constant up gradation is backed by an ingenious learning process, with superior quality being an underlying factor in all. This passion to excel comes down to us from our leaders, who themselves have been commended for their pioneering initiatives.


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GTL has divided that Quality in Two division Zone:-


All our future initiatives are geared towards enhancement of GTL Excellence Model, which is planned purposeful approach that causes a gradual change to take place, so that “Business as Usual” becomes “The Implementation of Quality and Excellence” in a near seamless transition. This is an important first stage for our business leaders to be role models of a culture of quality and excellence, so that these ideas permeate with support from the top management.

Excellence model is based on three pillars of framework:

Centre of Excellence for business processes

Centre of Compliance for core processes

CII Exim for management processes


ISO 9001 Certifications:- GTL quality initiative has started in achieving ISO 9001 certification for all the business divisions and key support functions.


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The never-ending improvement cycle ensures that we learn from the results, standardize what it does well in our documented system and improve operations and outputs. This has been done in a planned, systematic and conscientious way to create a climate and culture of quality and excellence for the last several years.

What we believe in three basic: -

Focus on Customer

Understand the Process

All employees committed to quality and excellence

People’s Initiatives:-

In GTL, employees are a fundamental building of all quality initiatives. The complexity of most of processes in our organization places them beyond the control of individual, and the only efficient way to tackle process improvement or re-design them is through the use of teamwork. To address people’s issues and to empower them meaningfully, we have adopted the People Capability Maturity Model (PCMM

There is no doubt that GTL has consolidated its leadership position in the Network service provider’ market through clearly defined goals and by enforcing a strict quality management plan to reach its objectives. In this enforcement policy, GTL is playing a critical role as a supplier of biggest network services that in practice have paved way to what has come to be known as “invisible management”, that involves all organizational layers in the search of excellence.


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1. OHSAS 18001:2007 - Standard for Occupational Health Safety

2. ISO 9001:2000 QMS for Network Services

3. ISO 14001: 2004 for Environmental Management System

4. ISO 9001: 2000 for Support Divisions


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Introduction: -

Our core service offerings revolve around Networks and Network enabled services - for Telecom Companies and OEMs. For more than a decade, leading wireless carriers, equipment manufacturers and service providers have trusted our experienced and trained engineering professionals to Plan and Design, Deploy, Optimize, Operate and Maintain, Manage, and Secure their Critical Networks and Applications. Our skilled manpower of over 5,947 associates offer assured quality to our customers through our integrated end-to-end Network Services.

We aim to Create Unique Value for customers by leveraging our

Expert knowledge of business and technology issues in the Telecom industry

Capability to Advice, Plan, Deploy and Manage Networks

System Integration through Multi Platform and Technologies

Global customer relationships, Delivery capabilities and market presence

The experience and expertise gained by executing projects across 44 countries and over 70 networks gives our customers an


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unbeatable advantage of Reach, Scale, Efficiency, Cost and Time to market

Services Offering: -

1. Network Planning & Design Services: -

GTL provides Network Planning & Design Services for its customer’s right from

Radio Frequency (RF) & Transmission Engineering to fixed and core network

engineering design in the Wireless and Wire line domain – GSM, CDMA,

Microwave Transmission, SDH, DWDM WiMAX and Broadband networks

The planning and design process assesses alternative options of Network Technologies, Network Migration, Expansion imperatives and incorporates them into the planning phase.

To satisfy the discerning requirements of global customers, GTL engineers use technology expertise, sophisticated algorithms, world-class tools and disciplined design processes to provide total end-to-end, multi vendor design solutions that not only fulfil but even exceed customer expectationsNetwork Planning & Design Services deliver value by designing the most economical network with the highest Quality of Service to support current and future technology and capacity requirements.

Carrier Wave Test and Model Tuning

Nominal Cell Planning

Radio/ Tran receiver design

RF/Line of Sight survey


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2. Network Development: - GTL offers a comprehensive suite of Network Deployment services that supports

every phase of the deployment process. The offerings include Active as well as

Passive Infrastructure services for Wireless and Wire line domain.

GTL’s Network Deployment services enable Customers to roll out their Wireless, Wire line and Broadband Networks efficiently with a shorter time to market. By applying its global expertise and leveraging local resources, GTL assures its customers high quality and cost effective network rollout.

GTL has a proven track record of timely and successful deployments that meet and exceed customer satisfaction levels. Our multi skilled technicians and professionals, combined with our mature processes and techniques, create turnkey solutions by managing, integrating, installing and testing the customer’s multi-vendor network.

Service offerings::: Site/Construction Engineering

Site SurveyCivil Works DesignStructural AnalysisElectricity Utility DesignSoil InvestigationNetwork DesignReinforcement SolutionSite AcquisitionFoundation Design

   :: Management Services

Project ManagementPermits & ClearanceLogistics Management Warehousing Management Supply Chain ManagementThird Party Handling


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   :: Site Implementation

Civil WorksMechanical WorksElectrical WorksInfra Equipment Supplies I&CTelecom IRM kit supplyTelecom Works at BTS,MW, BSC and MSC levels Telecom Works for WiMAX & Wi-Fi

   :: Acceptance Services

Telecom and Infra Acceptance TestsFactory Acceptance ServicesThird Party Dispatch Audit

   :: Site Documentation

Site PlanMaterial Consumption ReportAs Built ReportSite Handover Documents

   :: Validation Services

Tower AuditsAC AuditsEnergy Efficiency AuditsFoundation AuditsRefurbishment Services Post Audits


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3. Network Operations & Maintenance: -

GTL’s Network Operations and Maintenance service portfolio enables Network

Operators to focus on the core of their business in marketing, brand building and

value creation while ensuring effective network Operations and Maintenance

activities thus yielding significant reduction in Operational Expenses (OPEX).

GTL’s expert Engineers and field personnel undertake operations and maintenance of all network processes and elements for a wide range of technologies.

GTL’s extensive experience on multi technology products across geographies, system & process based maintenance and right shoring of operations provides the operator with required comfort to partner with GTL for managing its business critical task of operations & maintenance.

Service offerings:  :: Network Monitoring & Operations

24x7 Network Monitoring & Escalation ManagementUpgrade/Capacity ManagementConfiguration ManagementKPI MeasurementFault Management & Trouble shooting Management, Database

   :: Network Field Maintenance

Preventive & Corrective Maintenance of Core Network Elements (MSC,BSC,BTS)Transmission SystemsElectrical Equipments & other Facilities

   :: Technical Support And Process Management

Technical Help DeskAcceptance Testing


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Type Approval TestingBenchmarking & Process Management activities

 :: Logistics & Vendor Management

WarehousingSpares ManagementRepair & Return coordination3rd party Vendor Management

   :: Transition Management

SWAP Management Transmission Network Audit for NetworkBackbone & Access level of Fiber/HDSL/ADSL/SAT COM/Microwave links


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4. Infrastructure Management: - GTL’s Infrastructure Management Services allows the Network

Operator to make optimal use of its assets by the way of critical and periodic evaluation of performance of various assets vis-à-vis their desired outcomes.

GTL has been involved in Design, Planning, Engineering, Implementation and Maintenance of almost all elements of Telecom Networks. The Network services have been provided for various levels of network Maturity i.e. Green field Rollouts, Network Expansions or SWAPs. This has enhanced GTL’s understanding of network requirements in the infrastructure space.

The Infrastructure Management Services allows better utilization of capacities available by use of incremental reinforcement in design parameters

Service offerings:  :: Program Management

Planning & ExecutionControl activities and Key reports generation within a program

   :: Site Expansion Management

Indoor/Outdoor Equipments AugmentationTower Strengthening ServicesFoundation Reinforcement ServicesRefurbishment services

   :: Sharability Assessment

Power Utilization AuditsSite InfrastructureTelecom Infrastructure Audits and other preliminary assessment services like design evaluation, reporting & recommendations

   :: Documentation Management


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Database hostingDocument creation & version control


:: Disaster Recovery Management

Back UpBackhaulServer Management,Management of Site Location and the Disaster Site Location

   :: Site Acquisition Management

Acquisition Process ManagementStructural/Geo-technical AssessmentSite Mapping services


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5. Energy Management: -

GTL’s Energy Management offering strives to drive a revolution in the field of

Telecom infrastructure management by providing tailor made solutions to telecom

operators and optimize their energy usage.

Environmental issues have gained importance as companies world over are looking at sustainable development. The telecom space is no exception. World over the mobile operators are attempting to reduce their energy expenses and tower companies are trying to improve the energy-efficiency of their cell sites. Efforts are being initiated to reduce the consumption of energy and also the per unit cost.

In the present scenario where the operators are battling against rising energy bills GTL has prompted Energy Management to be taken up as an important initiative at GTL. It has ventured into the business of Energy Management & Energy Infrastructure Provisioning for Telecom Operators/Tower companies through the Energy Management offering.

Take advantage of our energy management services package to reduce your energy costs without capital-intensive investment

Services Offering: -

:: Energy Audits of Telecom Infrastructure


Auditing the performance of the power supply / DG sets etc. at the sites


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hmarking the consumption pattern

Generating energy efficiency reportsGenerating energy supplies quality analysisStudying demand and supply side management applicability

   :: Process Improve


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ments & Best Practices

Monitoring / supervising / controll

Tracking the records of fuel / diesel consumption at site‚ and calculating the fuel efficiency of the DG sets as a derivable parameter.


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ing the existing diesel filing practices

Using innovative systems & procedures is to achieve energy savings without affecting service quality i.e. SLAs Customer has with their tenants. Proper and timely maintenance and support services to improve energy efficiencyClose monitoring of AMCs

   :: Technolog


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y Upgradation

Providing and maintaining the Energy Savi

Installing new energy efficient equipments


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ng equipments

Upgrading of existing energy equipmentsRemote monitoring of telecom sites for better control over energy spending and O&M from a central NOC ´

   :: Alternate Sources of Energy


Ensuring that the telecom site will keep operating even if utility power is disrupted by reductions in supplies or national emergencies


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ing Off grid sites with renewable power to get rid of diesel depen


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dency wherever possible

Solar‚ wind‚ hybrid systems for remote locations

Benefits :

Reliable‚ dist

Better forecast of the price in an uncertain energy economy .Lower risk of fuel spills in environmentally sensitive‚ remote locations ‚ Less need for imported fuels ‚Lower utility bills


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ributed power supplies and fuel diversification‚ which enhan


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ce energy Security for telecom sites in remote locations.

Quality Results - GTL engineers are experts with extensive experience of passive infrastructure and energy management at


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telecom sites and follow procedures that have been proven to yield quality activities and deliverables.Faster Time to Market - GTL’s energy management services get clients to market faster. By applying our expertise and leveraging local resources‚ GTL ensures our customers a successful‚ high quality‚ and cost efficient disruptive energy system.



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Corporate Social Responsibility at GTL has been institutionalized as a way of life for many GTLites. We believe that CSR means much more, than extending commitment to all the stakeholders including the society. We believe that it is an integrated approach towards operating in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner. The focus is more of an inclusive approach taking care of the interests of investors, employees, business partners, customers, local communities, the environment and society at large.

GTL in accordance with its founding principles will continue to improve the quality of life of its employees and the communities it serves. GTL will conduct its business keeping in view its accountability to society while respecting applicable laws and regard for welfare of employees

Every year, the GTL management donates a percentage of its profit to GTL Foundation for continuing the CSR program

On the recommendation of the Social Commitment Cell, a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Cell was formed in January 2004, which aimed at conforming to the best global practices. Subsequently, the GTL Foundation (GTLF) was set up to implement social activities with a clear focus to support areas of health, disability, education, women's empowerment and children. GTL Foundation was a way to ensure that all CSR activities of the Company were routed through a single, comprehensive source.


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Project: Gyan Jyot: -

A program initiated to encourage young achievers through scholarships

GTL Foundation launched this scholarship program in 2004 for children of GTL employees studying from Standards 7 to 12. This is in line with the education objective of the Foundation to provide financial assistance and support towards the education of select students. Scholarships are awarded on merit cum need-based. In 2004, the Foundation added one more scholarship program covering the students passing 12th Standard. This scholarship covers the following 3 years up to degree completion. 32 children are been awarded with this scholarship so far.

The Foundation is in the process of reaching out to more and more children of GTL employees who deserve financial assistance and for whom, a scholarship program will be a motivator to excel, despite all odds.

Project: Samrakshan: -

One of the most trying times the family of a GTL employee goes through is at the time of the latter’s untimely death or severe disability. GTL Foundation launched Project Samrakshan to support such causes. The objective is to provide financial assistance to the dependent families of the deceased or totally disabled employees of GTL Limited


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GTL Limited is energy conscious, environment friendly and a sustainable business organization, which strives to achieve goals of achieving symbiosis with nature, and has been proceeding with efforts toward environmental protection in all aspects of its business activities.

In the last few years, our drive towards sustainability has culminated in a new approach to environment management system. The company has taken great efforts in upholding causes related to environment in all its business endeavors. It is certified with ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System and ISO 14001:2004 Environment Management System certificates

The remarkable performance in economic, environmental and social areas has been achieved by consistently moving ahead on a sustainable path and this journey of GTL has won itself many accolades and recognitions, the recent one being positioned as amongst Top 10 in the Standard & Poor’s ESG Index

The cornerstone of GTL’s Environment Management is based on the following principles: -

Environment Management System Certification, which gives us a framework for carrying out our activities

Statutory & Voluntary Compliances ensure that we comply with all the laws of the land


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Reduction in Consumption of Natural Resources in carrying out our business activities

Green efficiency, to treat in an environment friendly manner the waste we generate

Awareness and Education, to inculcate the spirit of Environment protection and management in employees, suppliers and partners


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Talent requisition is import factor for organization. Talent requisition is major

aspect of organizational image and development. This project includes the

number of employee join and left last year and also the reasons for their left.

This helps to change organization policy for employee stability.


To know the number of employee left and join.

To know the age group and designation which have more requisition

compare to other age group and designation.

To know the major reasons why employee left from the organization.

To have an atmosphere of goodwill between the employees and

management, thereby improve company’s image in society.


To know the area of employee dissatisfaction.

To identify particular group which have high level of dissatisfaction.

To reduce the number of employee left.

To build stayable workforce in the organization.



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1. RESEARCH DESIGN :- Research was done by getting the information from

the HRMS and employee personal file.


Secondary source

Data is collected from the secondary source, by getting the list of

employee join and left in year ‘2008’ from the HRMS and the reason

why employee left the organization from the employee personal file. UNIVERCE - 50


LEFT ‘2008’


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In ‘2008’ 40 employee left

JOINEE ‘2008’ In ‘2008’ 42 employees join

JOINEE ‘2008’Designa-


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tion Age


26- 30

31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 total Percent-age

VP - - - - - 1 1 2.38

Sr. manager

- - - 1 1 - 2 4.76

D. manager - 1 - 1 - - 2 4.76

DGM - - - - 1 - 1 2.38

Manager - - - 1 - - 1 2.38Asst.

manager - 2 1 3 - - 6 14.29

Executive - 5 2 - - - 7 16.67

Sr. officer 3 2 - - - - 5 11.90

Officer 4 4 - - - - 8 19.05

Jr. officer 4 1 - - - - 5 11.90

Clerk - 2 - - - - 2 4.76

MGT 1 - - - - - 1 2.38

Research - - 1 - - - 1 2.38

Total 12 17 4 6 2 1 42

percentage 28.6 40.48 9.52 14.28 4.76 2.38

JOINEE ‘2008’ (AGE WISE)101

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Design-ation Age


26 -30

31 -35

36 -40

41- 45

46 -50

51 -55



GM - - - - - - 1 1 2.56

Sr. mana - - - - - 1 - 1 2.56

D. mana - - - 2 - - - 2 5.13

Manager - - - - 1 - - 1 2.56Asst. mana - - 4 1 - - - 5 12.82

Executive- 1 1 1 - - - 3 7.69

Sr. officer- 2 2 - - - - 4 10.26

Officer3 7 3 2 - - - 15 38.46

Jr. officer1 4 - - - - - 5 12.82

Clerk1 1 - - - - - 2 5.13

Trainee1 - - - - - - 1

Total 6 15 10 6 1 1 1 40

Percent 12.83 38.47 25.65 15.39 2.57 2.57 2.57


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LEFT ‘2008’ (AGE WISE)


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Better opportunity of


2 7 9 1 1 20

Other position 1 3 2 _ _ 6

Relocation _ 2 _ _ _ 2


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Dissatisfied with

benefits & salary

_ 1 2 1 _ 4

Dissatisfaction for


_ _ 1 1 _ 2

Job in government /

public sector

1 _ _ _ _ 1

Other 1 _ 1 1 _ 3

Total 5 13 15 4 1 38



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From the data analysis and interpretation shown above research has to come

on to the following findings:-

In ‘2008’ 40 employees left and 42 employees are join in the


The highest rate of employee left is between 26-30 years age group

that is 15 employees.

In 26-30 age group the reasons for left are following;


o Better opportunity of advancement - 7

o Other position - 3

o Relocation - 2

o Dissatisfied with benefits & salary - 1

The second highest rate of employee left is between 31-35 year age

group that is 10 employees

In 31-35 age group the reasons for left are following.


o Better opportunity of advancement - 9

o Other position - 2

o Dissatisfied with benefits & salary - 2

o Dissatisfaction for advancement - 1

o Other - 1



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21-25 - 6

36-40 - 6

41-45 - 1

46-50 - 1

51-55 - 1

The main reason of left is ‘Better opportunity of advancement’, 20

employee left because of this reason.

Then, ‘

‘Other position’ - 6 employee left

‘Dissatisfied with benefits & salary’. - 4 employee left


The most important reason for employee left is ‘Better opportunity of

advancement’ so I suggest organization may provide better opportunity

for advancement that reduce the rate of employee left at least 50%.

The organization has better opportunity for different position & also

provides good benefit & salaries, but if company increase both of that

facility then more employee retain in the organization.


After survey I conclude that in GTL Company most of officer level employees

are left. Employee with age group of 21-30 have higher rate of left. Other

position employee left rate is less.


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