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CHAPTER 1 : STAYING SAFE AND HEALTHY IN SANTIAGO TREMORS, EARTHQUAKES AND AFTERSHOCKS ust in case you did not know, Chile is one of the most seismic countries in the world. That’s right.. Chile is as shaky as it gets in the Southern Cone of the globe and for that matter, the whole world. Just to give you a better picture: The strongest earthquake ever-recorded in human history was a hefty, 9.5 nightmare in the city of Validivia in 1960… but not to fret! The country is very prepared for Earthquakes (terremotos), tremors (temblores) and aftershocks (replicas). Most Chilean buildings and homes J

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ust in case you did not know, Chile is one of the most seismic countries in the world. That’s right.. Chile is as shaky as it gets in the Southern Cone of the globe and for that matter, the whole world. Just to give you a better picture: The strongest earthquake ever-recorded in human history was a hefty, 9.5 nightmare in the city of Validivia in 1960… but not to fret! The country is very prepared for Earthquakes (terremotos), tremors (temblores) and aftershocks

(replicas). Most Chilean buildings and homes are constructed with reinforced steel and within strict earthquake resistant guidelines, so I implore you not to panic. In the unfortunate case that you actually do experience an earthquake (which is very highly probable in Chile), please do follow these guidelines :


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What to do:

Number One: Do not Panic!

Number Two: Make sure to open the front door of your house because with earthquakes, door locks get jammed. Many times, people get stuck in their house because of this inconvenience. Remember, always make sure your house door is open. (others would argue with this and would list “holding my plasma flat-screen TV upright” as first priority…)

Number Three: Protect your head. Try to find the most solid structure in the building or apartment, such as beneath the main entrance doorframe (another good reason for you to open the door).

Number Four: Keep away from glass, windows, or hanging cabinets. Make sure your head is protected.

What not to do:

Number One: Do not use elevators!

Number Two: Do not run away as you may get hit on the head with falling masonry. What’s more, during an earthquake, there’s nowhere to run anyway… it’s shaking everywhere, right?

Number Three: If you are outside a building, find an open space.

Number Four: After you are sure that earthquake has passed, resume your normal life and start getting used to them as they may happen a few times during your stay. Be positive. Many people pay to go to a theme park with roller coasters for fun

right? In Chile, you get a free ride… (wink).

Did you know ? : A “terremoto” is also a very popular, sweet, fermented, wine-based drink accompanied with pineapple ice cream served in 1 liter glasses! It’s the perfect way to release all the stress from all that ground shaking business. If a “terromoto” is not enough to calm you down, try a “replica” (which is the same, but only ½ a liter…almost nothing…).

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he Platanus Orientalis or “Oriental Banana Tree” is a non-native tree species brought to Chile by conqueror Pedro de Valdivia and his mates. Since then, these trees have been very popular and appreciated, not only for their beautiful, thick foliage, but also for how fast they grow. This beautiful tree, however, is not only good news…T

For many years, platanus orientalis trees have been a springtime nightmare for thousands of Santiaguinos and tourists alike who are allergic to the nearly 2,000 grains /m3 of pollen that each tree releases into the air. Every Chilean spring (late September to late December), inhaling this pollen may cause heavy sneezing, teary eyes, runny noses and spending a considerable amount of money on antihistamines. Santiago has more Platanus Orientalis trees than any other city in the world !

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What to do:

Number One: If you happen to be walking anywhere near these trees, make sure to have tissue paper and mineral water with you.

Number Two: If these allergies are unbearable, contact a doctor for medical assistance.

Number Three: If you happen to live in neighborhood with a lot of Platanus Orientalis, make sure your keep your windows closed for as long as possible.

What not to do:

Number One: Many pharmacies will try to sell you antihistamines just for the sake of selling. These antihistamines may not prove to be effective at all. So, please make sure to go a doctor who will prescribe the most appropriate antihistamines for you.

In other words, do not self-medicate.

Did you know? : Some of the neighborhoods/ áreas with the most Platanus Orientalis trees are:

Pedro de Valdivia, Colón, Ricardo Lyon, Quinta Normal, and Parque Forestal (Bellas Artes area.)

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any a time, while walking through the streets and parks of Santiago, you will come across a variety of street-smart stray dogs as well as some generous piles of dog poop. Affectionately known by locals as “Quiltros”, Santiago stray dogs are mostly harmless, friendly and so smart that they even respect traffic lights as well as properly use zebra crossings along with

everybody else. Can you believe it? Well , neither could I, until I started seeing packs of dog of no less than fifteen participants crossing the streets as if on their way to attend the latest dog-food-tasting event. As a matter of fact, as civilized as these hairy friends may seem and as much as it hurts my heart to say this as a doglover myself, it is NOT recommendable to approch or caress them as this may lead to some unfortunate bites. Stray dog bites are not uncommon in Santiago. So watch out for those who can actually be “Kill-tros. “


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What to do:

Number one: Try not to bother quiltros. While some of them are sweethearts, others can prove to be the “baddest”, bone-chewing bosses around.

Did you Know ? : There are approximately 1.7 million stray dogs in Santiago alone !


If you see a stray or injured dog and want to help, there are a few things you can do to help.

Number One: You can contact some animal rescue and adoption foundations online and report about the issue (see contacts below.)

Number Two: You can even donate money to some of these foundations if you’re feeling generous. These foundations not only rescue dogs (and cats for that matter) and put them up for adoption, but also offer sterilization services. As inhumane as it may sound, sterilizing stray dogs is a necessary evil that will help reduce the suffering of future pups.

CONTACTS: (Canine Rescue Team) ( E.D.R.A. Animal Foundation) (Canine Rescue Foundation)

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opularly known in Chile as the “Araña de Rincon” or “Corner Spider”, the “Chilean recluse spider”(Loxosceles Laeta) is a real Chilean nightmare The Chilean recluse spider is among one of the most dangerous arachnids in the world because of its powerful venom which can cause everything from skin necrosis (death of skin tissues) to organ failure or even death, in a matter of hours. The Chilean

recluse’s potent venom travels through the human body at a remarkable speed and that is why it is so important to go the emergency room as soon as you get bitten.


What to do:

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As their popular name indicates, Chilean recluse spiders live in inaccessible, dark corners of your house, den, or basement. These spiders will never attack you deliberately but they will definitely react with a poisonous bite if you ever accidentally touch them. Therefore, it is very important to vacuum and dust your house (especially those hard-to-reach corners) as often as possible. Chilean recluse spiders are more common in spring and summer than in fall and winter. In the former seasons, however, make sure you do your house cleaning chores at least once week.

What should I do if I get bitten?

In the unfortunate case that you get bitten by a Chilean recluse spider, please do as follows:Number One: See if you can catch the spider. Kill it and carefully put it inside a jar or recipient where there is no chance it may escape. This is important as it will allow your doctor to identify if it is indeed a recluse, and give you an adequate antidote.

Number Two: Put ice or cold water on the bite. Do this in intervals of 15 minutes. This is important as it will slow your blood’s circulation of the venom.

Number Three: Try not to panic and head immediately to your closest emergency room.

Good news at last: The Chilean recluse spider does have an enemy and no…it’s not only your vacuum cleaner that it is afraid of, but rather, another spider! Known as the Chilean Tiger Spider, or scytodes globula, this striped and long-legged arachnid is the recluse’s ONLY natural predator…thank God for that. It is very important to learn how to distinguish between a Chilean recluse spider and a Chilean Tiger spider.

Chilean Recluse Spider (Loxosceles Laeta) Size: 6-11 millimeters

Color: Brown or lightly black Legs: Eight Thorax: Violin-shaped thorax with no stripes or dots

Cobweb: The Chilean recluse’s cobweb is irregular and loosely constructed, as opposed to other spiders which construct a steady, wheel-shaped web. The Chilean recluse uses its web to hide and protect itself rather than to hunt.

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Chilean Tiger Spider ( scytodes globula )

Size: 30-70 millimeters Color: Yellow and light Brown with stripes Legs: Eight, disproportionately long legs

Shape: Two Globe shaped body parts Thorax: Egg-shaped or globe-shaped Cobweb: Not very elaborate and only in its refuge.

Did you know? : You should Always try to kill Recluse Spiders but you should Never kill Tiger spiders because they might save your life.

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f you want to move around in Santiago, then the subway system (Metro de Santiago) is a MUST. The subway currently has 5 major lines that stretch to the city’s four cardinal points. Every day, millions of Santiaguinos rushingly push and shove to catch a train that will take them to their jobs or to an occasional party or “carrete”.I

Metro de Santiago, loved by many for its cleanliness and modern infrastructure, has sparked a lot of controversy lately and not because of its ever-increasing fees or its occasional short-circuits, but rather, for its onboard “touchy-touchy” scandals … giving a new meaning to the term “metro-sexual”. Yes, on the subway, and especially if you’re a woman (or a very good-looking man), you may well be subject to some suspicious hand fondling. This, thankfully, does not happen very often, but must be addressed. There have been many reports of women, both local and foreign, who complain about how certain others touch them inappropriately while taking advantage of the fact that everyone is crammed together. At rush hours (7:00-9:00 am. /18:00-20:00) things can get really tight…yes, tuna fish-can “tight”. If you really

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don’t want to feel somebody else’s hand behind you and avoid all those urban, sexual opportunists, please do follow these recommendations.


What to Do:

Number One: Avoid taking the subway at rush hours. This is when it gets most crowded and when the probabilities of these unfortunate occurrences happening rise exponentially.

Number Two: If possible, find a place where you can lean your back on or where there are no people behind you. If this is not possible, try finding an empty seat.

Number Three: If all the above is impossible to do, just try to be alert and make sure nobody is too close for comfort.

Number Four: If you actually do feel “touched” by someone, please make sure to contact the Metro guards and platform attendants or call ####.

Did you know? : A staggering 2.2 million people use the Santiago Subway every day! To get a better idea, Santiago’s population is roughly 7 million people.

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or the last fifty years, Santiago has been experiencing a serious problem with high smog levels and polluted air. In the winter season especially, a thick cloud of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide poison floats threateningly over Santiago’s skyline. Santiaguinos are very aware of this problem but understand that its one of the prices to pay for living in such a rapidly-expanding, business-oriented city.

Factories from the Corporate city of Huechuraba and suburbs as well as an ever-increasing number of cars and buses as well as excessive barbecues parties( I’m serious…) are to blame for this inconvenience.

FNaturally, the Chilean government has been taking several measures to alleviate air pollution levels such as passing laws that restrict the number of cars used every day as well as by banning the use of chimneys. The biggest tragedy of air pollution in Santiago, is not the pollution itself, but rather , the poor ventilation issues. One important fact to bear in mind is that Santiago is surrounded by Pre-Andean and Andean mountain chains which greatly worsen the circulation of polluted air, thus making the city a “smog trap”. Nevertheless, there are ways of mitigating the

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problem. The local media and Chilean news always inform people on “Smog Pre-Emergency or Emergency dates”. The latter refer to days when smog levels are expected to be at their highest. The months when smog levels are at their highest are between those of May through August (Chilean Winter). There isn’t much you can do about the high smog levels apart from trying to not worsen the problem.


What to do:

Number One:

In Pre-Emergency/Emergency days, make sure you respect the car restriction policies. In newspapers and nightly newsreports, it is specified which cars can’t be used the next day. This is done by restricting certain car license plate numbers. If your car has a restriction and you still use it, you risk a heavy fine.

Number Two:

Barbrcues or “asados” as they are known in Chile and believe it or not, contribute significantly to the smog problem. If you love the environment and the rest of the world for that matter, avoid having barbecue parties on pre-emergency/emergency days.

Number Three:

In a Pre-Emergency/Emergency day, you can buy a breathing mask at any local drugstore if you like. If you don’t want to look like a character pulled straight out of a comic strip and prefer a more fashion-friendly method, just wrap a nice scarf around your face to filter all the polluted air.

What not to do:

Number One:

Do not do any form of outdoor exercise on a Pre-Emergency/Emergency day. This will force your lungs to inhale more polluted air and that is obviously very unhealthy for you.

Did you know ?

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Downtown Santiago is the most polluted part of Santiago. The higher up you move through the city, the thinner the smog level. Naturally, the higher up you go, the higher the prices of property and real estate; makes one wonder…


hile strolling through the Bellas Artes neighborhood or the Plaza de Armas main square, you must be careful into not falling for what I like to call, “Chronicles of a Theft Foretold”. Some colorful women (normally dressed in long skirts) may coerce you into talking to them. The next step is to make you believe that some evil omen has befallen you and how they

need to “cleanse you from this evil.” The other thing they might do is grab your hand and force you into an awkward palm-reading session. (You’ll always end up having a long life mind you and at this point, a long face too, so don’t bother…) They then


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proceed in asking you to bring out a bill from your wallet so that they can “bless it”. The moment you bring out your wallet or purse, you are for some unpleasant surprise. Instead of making your evils disappear, what will magically disappear are your bills and coins and you will remain dumbfounded and penniless!


What to do:

It’s always safer to not talk to anybody who approaches you or engages you in any sort of communication at all, yet alone with dubious soothsayers. The best thing to do is continue walking (without looking back). If the harassement persists and starts becoming unbearable, just as the wartime English saying goes, “Keep Calm and Carry on ol’ chap”. Ah yes, almost forgot …look for a Carabinero (Chilean Police Officer) for help !

What not to do:

Number One:

Never, ever, bring out your wallet in public. I am literally on my knees right now pleading you not do it…

MEA MAXIMA CULPA: Last year, I was elegantly tricked into a palm-reading session and into giving $60USD to a bamboozling, deceiving, money-swindling, urban clairvoyant who candidly snatched all my money and walked away. “What an idiot”, you’re thinking. Right you are. There…I said it. Please be smarter than me…

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aywalking is a national sport in many countries practiced by natives and foreigners alike. Intoxicated with the urge of getting to their job on time, thousands of Santiaguinos cross the street when they shouldn’t. “So why is it dangerous for me”, you’re probably asking yourself…”I’m a responsible, law-biding citizen”, you say. Fair enough, but remember this: It’s a contagious bad habit that could be very costly if you don’t pay attention. From jaywalking

you’ll suddenly end up staircase- walking up to the Pearly Gates, so don’t do it. People are run over every day in Santiago for not respecting these very basic civic rules. Remember: Better safe than sorry.


What to do:

Number One:

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Only cross when the green traffic-light is on. Look left and right, yes I really MEAN it. Make sure that all cars have completely come to a halt. I say this because there are some cars that skid a few meters before stopping (all those amateur drivers are to blame…) Please be careful when crossing streets in Santiago.


antiago is abundant in shopping centers. From downtown department stores to expensive neighborhood malls, these “cathedrals of consumption” are to be found everywhere. You will be tempted to pay a visit to a mall or shopping complex at least once during your stay. Let’s suppose that you actually do go shopping and run out of cash. If that happens, I’m guessing you will most probably use your credit card or

withdraw money from an ATM. If you choose to do this, you have to be extremely careful. In Santiago, not all ATMs are safe. There exist ATMS in malls, pharmacies, supermarkets, underground parking lots, and Banks. It is always safe to access ATMs that are inside banks which have surveillance cameras and armed security guards. Doing otherwise will mean that you are putting yourself at risk as your


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credit/debit card is prone to being cloned and you will soon find your bank account empty.


What to do:

Number One: Only access ATMs inside banks with security guards. Never use random ATMs anywhere else.

Number Two: You might as well consider making sure you have an “anti-cloning “ insurance policy at your bank if it makes you feel safer. They are not expensive, and may be of tremendous help if your card is ever cloned.

Number Three:

Many people use safe ATM’s but forget to retrieve their card after they’ve withdrawed their money. Please do not forget to retrieve your card as you will not have to cancel your card and go through a heap of time-consuming and exhausting bureaucratic paperwork as well as put yourself at risk that somebody else already has your card details.

Number Four:

If you think that someone has cloned your card, please contact your bank as fast as possible so that they can start all the paperwork to block it and issue you a new one.

Did you know: ATM crad cloning is so high, that only last year, 1,000 public ATMs were disabled by the government and relocated inside police stations!


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treet theft, what can I say… it’s a problem that is common around the world. Many professional thieves mug you when you’re daydreaming or distracted and in Santiago, it’s no different. In Chile, pickpockets are notorious for being really fast runners… almost outrunning Usain Bolt himself. You never know when or how they could strike. Sometimes they’re as fast as lightning and sometimes as sly and stealthy as ninjas.

They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and are mind-boggingly unscrupulous. There are many accounts of women whose gold chains are snatched right off of their necks in an instant. From bus stops to busy streets, they are a ubiquitous nuisence. In my very humble opinion, however, 99% of the blame for getting robbed falls upon oneself. Please do consider these tips to avoid this from happening.


What to do:

Number One: Do not have a lot of cash or jewelry on you. Don’t walk around with your new digital camera hanging from your neck. Do not have a lot of cash on you or use any flashy gold chains or expensive jewlery as this is as tempting for thieves as putting a raw sirloin steak in a piranha-infested river.

Number Two: Keep your wallet in your front pocket (if you are a man), and handbags in front (if you are a woman). If you happen to be carrying a backpack, keep it hanging from one shoulder only and slightly tilted towards the front. This will help you react with your other free arm if you feel someone is trying to mug you from behind.

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Number Three: Make sure that both zippers of your backpack are zipped up on the lower ends and not at the top. It’s much easier to open a backpack with zippers at the top.

Number Four: Avoid participating in large, al fresco group shows. These include comedian, clown, mime and magician shows. Doing the contrary, will surely make you an easy target (especially if you’re ablonde-haired and blue-eyed, Anglo-Saxon- looking Apollo or Aphrodite).