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E N G L I S H F I L E T H I R D E D I T I O N U P P E R - I N T E R M E D I AT E i T U TO R Wordlist File 1 Useful words and phrases WORDS Перевод absent-minded adj approach n arrogant adj bizarre adj candidate n coincide v context n cruel adj deadly adv demanding adj despise v destroy v drag v easy-going adj essentially adv estate agent n extreme adj good-tempered adj horizontal adj I wonder intonation n laid-back adj legible adj narrow-minded adj odd adj open-minded adj pretty adv rather adv react v recruitment agency n rub v specialist adj stable adj star v strange adj terraced adj vegan n wasp n weird adj well-balanced adj

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File 1Useful words and phrasesWORDS Переводabsent-minded  adjapproach  narrogant  adjbizarre  adjcandidate  ncoincide  vcontext  ncruel  adjdeadly  advdemanding  adjdespise  vdestroy  vdrag  veasy-going  adjessentially  advestate agent  nextreme  adjgood-tempered  adjhorizontal  adjI wonder intonation  nlaid-back  adjlegible  adjnarrow-minded  adjodd  adjopen-minded  adjpretty  advrather  advreact  vrecruitment agency  n

rub  vspecialist  adjstable  adjstar  vstrange  adjterraced  adjvegan  nwasp  nweird  adjwell-balanced  adj


English File third edition Upper-intermediate Printable © Oxford University Press 2014 1

More words in File 1astrology  n

backyard   nbig-headed  adjbox set  ncar-jacking  ncheesy  adjclairvoyant  ncrush  vdinosaur  ndisheartened  adjEmmy  nevolve  vexpand  vfaith healer  nflap  vflustered  adjfortune telling  ngo clubbing  vgraphology  nheadhunter  ninterpret  vjasmine  nmerely  advmystified  adjoveruse  vparanormal  npsychic  adjself-centred  adjsignature  nSilicon Valley  n

spooky  adjstrong-willed  adjtight-fisted  adjtwo-faced  adjUFO  nwhip  nwings  n pl

File 2Vocabulary BanksWORDS ПереводILLNESSES AND INJURIES(high / low) blood

pressure  nache  nallergic reaction  nantibiotic  nantihistamine  nantiseptic cream  n


English File third edition Upper-intermediate Printable © Oxford University Press 2014 2

be sick  vbleed  vblister  nburn  vchoke  vcold  ncome round  vcough  ncut  vdiarrhoea  ndizzy  adjearache  nfaint  vflu  nfood poisoning  nget over  vheadache  nhurt  vice  ninfection  nlie down  vlose consciousness  vpainkiller  npass out  vplaster   nrash  nrecover  vsneeze  vsore throat  nspill  vspin  vsprain  vstitches  n plstomach ache  nsunburn  nswallow  vswell  vtablet  ntemperature  nthrow up  vtoothache  ntwist  vunconscious  adjvomit  v

CLOTHESchecked  adjcotton vest  ndenim rucksack  ndress up  vfashion victim  nfashionable  adjfashion-conscious  adjfit  v

English File third edition Upper-intermediate Printable © Oxford University Press 2014 3

fur collar  nget changed  vget dressed  vget undressed  vgo out of fashion go with  vhang up  vhooded  adjin (fashion) lace top  nleather sandals  n pllinen suit  nlong sleeved  adjloose  adjlycra swimsuit  nmatch  vold-fashioned  adjpatterned  adjplain  adjscruffy  adjsilk scarf  nsleeveless  adjsmart  adjspotted  adjstriped  adjstyle  nstylish  adjsuede boots  n plsuit  vtight  adjtrendy  adjvelvet bow  nV-neck  adjwool(len) cardigan  n

Useful words and phrasesallow  valternative remedy  nambulance  naspirin  nbacteria  nblind  adjblood test  nbreak down  vcholesterol  ncontact lenses  n pldamage  vdeaf  adjdeal with  vdiagnosis  nfalse teeth  n plfirst aid  ngo through  vgrey wig  n

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heart rate  nhidden  adjinjection  nlife-threatening  adjmedical  adjmedicine  nmiracle cure  nmouth ulcer  noperation  nparacetamol  npulse  nrecommend  vrole  nsurgery  nsymptom  ntreat  vtypical  adjunder the weather virus  nwound  nwrinkled  adjX-ray  n

More words in File 2A&E (Accident and

Emergency) nactually  advadventurous  adjapart from assume  vban  vblazer  nchinos  n plcloth  nclumsy  adjconfession  nconform  vconsolation  ncover  vcreate  vcyberchondriac  ndevelop  vdiscriminate  v

documentary  nDutch  adjECG machine  nelderly  adjexist  vfare  nGP (general practitioner) nharm  nherbal  adjhypochondriac  n

English File third edition Upper-intermediate Printable © Oxford University Press 2014 5

ignorant  adjignore  vimpossible  adjinvolve  vlean  vmonitor  npainful  adjpensioner  npiercing  npinch  vplastic  adjpreparation  npress  vrare  adjrefer  v

related  adjremove  vresidential  adjreveal  vscare story  nscenario  nsoftware  nstreaked  adjsufficiently  advsupport  vSwedish  adjsynthetic  adjtattoo  ntechnical  adjtrade  vtrick  vtumour  nunenthusiastic  adjuser  nvain  adjvulnerable  adjwine  nwise  adj

File 3Vocabulary Banks

WORDS ПереводAIR TRAVELairport terminal  naisle  nbaggage drop off  nbaggage reclaim  nboarding pass  ncabin crew  ncheck in  vcheck-in desk  n


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collect  vconnecting flight  ncustoms  ndepartures board  ndirect flight  ndomestic  adjdrop off  vfill in  vgate  nget off  vget on  vhand luggage  ninternational  adjjet lag  nland  vliquid  nlong-haul flight  nobject  npick up  vprohibited  adjrunway  nscan  vseat belt  nsecurity  nsharp  adjtake off  vtrip  nturbulence  nVIP lounge  n

Adverbs and adverbial phrasesactually  advanyway  advapparently  advat the end  advat the moment basically  advespecially  adveven  adveventually  advever  advgradually  advhard  advhardly  advideally  advin fact  advin the end  advlate  advlately  advnear  advnearly  advobviously  advspecially  advstill  advyet  adv

English File third edition Upper-intermediate Printable © Oxford University Press 2014 7

Useful words and phrasesaim  vanonymous  adj

approve  vbitterly  advbrave  adjcomic  ncontribute  v

control  vcorner  vdifference  n

disappear  verror  n

exit  nexplode  vfasten  vfear  vfiction  nfrequently  advgeneration  ngrab  vhold  vindustry  ninflate  vinstruction  njournal  nkeep  vlife jacket  npack  vquality  nreport  vrequest  vsound  vstraight away  advsuch  predet

suddenly  advtextbook  nthe press  ntrue  adjunable  adjwheelchair  n

More words in File 3activate  v

audio  nbend  vbush  ncliff  n

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confrontation  ncourtesy  ndislike  vescape  vfairly  advfamily-run  adjferry  nfrantic  adjguard  ngun  nhooligan  nimpact  nintake  njust on time laughable  adj

loudspeaker  nmovie-goer  nnerves  nparking lot   nporter  nPortuguese  adjprocess  nprotect  vpudding  npurse   nrevenge  nset out to do (something)

shadowed  adjshooting range  nshortage  nspecifically  advstab  vsuitcase  ntourist  ntraumatic  adjtrigger  nupgrade  vwitch  n

File 4Vocabulary BanksWORDS ПереводWEATHERbelow zero blizzard  nboiling  adjbreeze  nbright  adjchangeable  adjchilly  adj


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clear  adjcool  adjdamp  adjdrizzle  ndrought  nflash  nflood  nforecast  nfreezing  adjget soaked  vhail  nheatwave  nheavy  adjhill  nhumid  adjhurricane  nicy  adjlightning  nmelt  vmidday  nmild  adjmist  nmoisture  nmonsoon  noccasional  adjoccur  vpavement  nperiod  npleasant  adjpouring (with rain) vscorching  adjsettled  adjshade  nshiver  vshower  nslippery  adjsmog  nstrong  adjsunburnt  adjsunny  adjsweat  vthick  adjthunder  ntornado  nwarm  adj

Useful words and phrasesa sense of (one’s) own

vulnerability admit  v

affect  valive  adjbuzz  nclimate change  ncommunicate  v

English File third edition Upper-intermediate Printable © Oxford University Press 2014 10

edge  nenvironment  n

environmentally-friendly  adj

face  vget straight to the point 

global warming  nhabitual offender  nin advance 

in case lead  vmake sure  vmixture  nnegative  adjobserve  vopportunity  nparticipant  n

potentially fatalconsequences 

realistic  adjreason  n

recycle  vregret  vregularly  adv

release  vreusable  adjrule  vrun out  vsoar  vspeed  nstrategy  n

sum up  vtake seriously vehicle  nwarm spell  n

More words in File 4addiction  nadrenaline  naffair  nalthough  conj

appliance  n

battery  nbungee jump  ncall off  vcarbon footprint  n

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chapter  ncocktail  ncollision  ncurriculum  n

decorator  n

desalination  ndisturb  vdouble  vdrown  vearnestly  adv

Easter  necology  n

element  nengrave  vequipment  nfacilitate  vfatal  adjfence  nfill  vfurthermore  advglobe  nguarantee  vhelmet  nidiot  nin haste Indian summer  n

interaction  nintoxicating  adjintrinsically  advlack  nlock up  vmeasure  n

no point organic  adjoven  nparachute jump  npeculiar  adjplenty  pron

precipice  nreluctant  adjreserve  nresort  nrhythm  nsensation-seeking  n

severe  adjsin  n

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solar panel  n

statistic  nstock  vstrike  ntempt  v

testosterone  nthe main advantage 

the Met Office  nturbine  nunlikely  adjurban  adj

File 5Vocabulary BanksWORDS ПереводFEELINGSastonished  adjbewildered  adjdelighted  adjdesperate  adjdevastated  adjdisappointed  adjdown  adjgobsmacked  adjgrateful  adjguilty  adjgutted  adjhomesick  adjhorrified  adjlonely  adjnervous  adjoffended  adjoverwhelmed  adjproud  adjrelieved  adjscared stiff  adjshattered  adjshocked  adjsick of (hearing) stunned  adjthrilled  adj

Useful words and phrasesabandon  v

ability  nabsolutely  advalone  adv


English File third edition Upper-intermediate Printable © Oxford University Press 2014 13

anything  pronassess  vattempt  nbe bothered  v

briefing  nbury  vcase  nchallenge  n

chance  ncivilization  n

count  v

destination  nenter  v

excuse  nfact  nfactor  ninfuriate  vintruder  n

irritate  vmajor  adjmanage  vmanageable task  n

memorize  voversleep  voxygen  npay attention  vpure  adj

rate  n

rational  adjrevolution  nrumour  nself-control  nserve  v

species  n

today  advwater  v

More words in File 5avalanche  nbackpack  vBolivia  ncadet  ndespair  v

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dwell  v

hysterical  adjin the long run jungle  nlethal  adj

philosophy  nplumber  nproperty ladder  n

rainforest  nspirit  n

File 6Useful words and phrasesWORDS Перевод alien  namount  nattack  vballet  nbass guitar  nbe used to  vcello  nchoir  ncontinue  vdecade  n

drums  neat out  vexploit  vfall asleep  vfast asleep  adjfilm-maker  nflute  nget used to  vhalf asleep  adjhead  vinfluence  vinsomnia  nkeep you awake kiss  vmaximum  nmidnight  npillow  npost (online) vpsychologist  nsaxophone  nset (an alarm) vsheet  nsiesta  nsleeping pills  n plsoprano  n


English File third edition Upper-intermediate Printable © Oxford University Press 2014 15

taste  nused to  vweep  v

More words in File 6among  prepancestor  nblanket  nblinds  n pl

bouquet  ncacophony  ncappuccino  nchauffeur  nchorus  nclack  nconcerto  nconsequently  adv

country music  ncroissant  ncurtains  n pldominate  vduvet  nencore  nfaithful  adjfield  n

fry  vgenre  ngraffiti  nhearing aid  nhum  nlog  nlucid  adjmacchiato  nmezzo soprano  nmicrophone  nnap  nneurological disorder  n

parallel  adjpostpone  vprofoundly  advrecur  vREM (rapid eye

movement) nrestore  v

routine  nscore  nseek  vsleepwalker  nsnore  vsonata  n

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spinach  nsuggestion  nsymphony  nsyndrome  n

system  ntire  v

universe  nunwanted  adjvast  adjvideo game  n

virtual  adj

wander  vwhir  v

File 7Vocabulary BankWORDS ПереводVERBS OFTEN CONFUSEDadvise  vargue  vavoid  vbeat  vdeny  vdiscuss  vexpect  vhope  vlay (past laid) vlie (past lay) vlook  vmatter  vmind  vnotice  vprevent  vraise  vrealize  vrefuse  vremember  vremind  vrise  vrob  vseem  vsteal  vwait  vwarn  vwin  vwish  v


English File third edition Upper-intermediate Printable © Oxford University Press 2014 17

THE BODYankle  nbite your nails blow your nose bottom  nbrain  nbreak someone’s heart brush your hair / teeth calf  ncan’t get (something) out of

your head chest  nchew  vcold feet comb your hair elbow  nfist  nfold your arms frown  vget it off your chest give someone a hand 

have butterflies in yourstomach 

heart  nheel  nhips  n plhold someone’s hand 

hug  vkidneys  n plkneel  vlearn by heart liver  nlungs  n plnails  n plon the tip of your tongue palms  n plpoint  vpull someone’s leg put your foot in it 

raise your eyebrows scratch  vshake hands shake your head shrug your shoulders stare  vstretch  vsuck your thumb thighs  n pltouch your toes waist  n

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wave  vwink  vwrist  nyawn  v

Useful words and phrasesargument  nback up  vbackground  nbe supposed to  v

Botox  ncan’t have  vcapable  adjchange the subject cheek  nchin  ncombine  vcomplexity  nconsider  vestimate  v

eyelashes  n pleyelids  n plfacial  adjforeground  nforehead  nhuge  adjhuman being  n

hurtful  adjin floods of tears look  vlook as if  vlook like  vmeaningful  adj

muscle  nmust have  voutside  prepperformance  npostman  nrequire  v

rest  vshould have  vsignificance  n

spot  vtechnique  nwould rather 

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More words in File 7assertive  adjcave  nconflict  nconvey  vcounsellor  ncrouch  vdaydream  vdecipher  vdeduce  ve-book  nfrog  nfury  ngender  ngesture  nice pick  nlift  vlinguist  nloo  nmachete  nmediate  vmetro  nnaturalistic  adj

naughty  adjnon-verbal  adj

out of tune perfume  npress on  vrose  nrotten  adjsincere  adjsoft  adjspeculate  vsteroids  n plstuff  nsugar cane  nthus  adv

tirade  ntopic  n

upbringing  nuseless  adjwithdraw  v

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File 8Vocabulary BanksWORDS ПереводCRIME AND PUNISHMENTaccuse  vacquit  varrest  vassassination  nblackmail  n

bribery  nburglary  ncatch  vcharge  vcommit  vcourt  ndrug dealing  nevidence  nfraud  nguilty  adjhacking  nhijacking  ninvestigate  vjudge  njury  nkidnapping  nmanslaughter  nmugging  nmurder  nproof  npunishment  nquestion  vrape  nrobbery  nsentence  vsmuggling  nstalking  nterrorism  ntheft  nvandalism  nverdict  nwitness  n

THE MEDIAaccurate  adj

agony aunt  n

axe  vback  vbiased  adj


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bid  vcensored  adjclash  vcommentator  n

critic  n

editor  n

freelance journalist  n

hit  vnewsreader  nobjective  adj

paparazzi  n pl

presenter  n

quit  vquiz  vreporter  nrow  nsensational  adj

split  vtip  vvow  vwed  v

Useful words and phrasesbomb  nbonus  n

brilliant  adj

campaign  vcivil liberty  ncolumn  ndisconnection  n

electrician  neye contact  n

fake  adjfinally  advfirstly  advfor instancehand over  vhoroscope  nin addition 

in conclusion in most cases 

income  n

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insist on  vintroduction  njail  njustification  nmenu  nminor  adj

nearby  adjofficial  adjparagraph  nprint  nreach for  vrecipe  nreverse  nsecondly  adv

shoplifter  nskip  vso  adv

spare  adjsummary  ntap  vwardrobe  n

More words in File 8antique  narmed  adjarmoured  adjbecome entangled  vbreed  ncab  nconvoy  ndopey  adjeverlasting  adj

idol  n

incredible  adjinmate  nlimousine  n

literally  advluxury  n

manicured  adjmask  nmatchbox  nmayonnaise  nmonument  nnecessity  noppose  voverprotective  adj

paws  n pl

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pickpocket  n

pose  vpremature  adj

regulated  adjreputable  adjscroll  vshrink  vsideline  vsquat  vsweep  vtag  n

till  n

tramp  n

treat  n

ultimately  advunanimously  adv

undistinguished  adjunoccupied  adjwell off  adj

File 9Vocabulary BanksWORDS Перевод BUSINESSbecome  vbranch  nbusiness  nchain  nclient  n

close down  vcolleague  ncompany  ncustomer  n

do a deal (= businessagreement)

do a job do badly do business do market research do well drop  veconomic boom  nemployee  nemployer  n


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expand  vexport  vfirm  ngrow  vhead of department  nhead office  nimport  vimprove  vincrease  vlaunch  vmake (someone) redundant make a decision make a loss make a profit make money manager  n

manufacture  vmarket  vmerge  vmultinational  nowner  nproduce  vrecession  nset up  vstaff  ntake over  vthe CEO (= chief executive

officer) nunemployed  adj

Word buildingabsence  naccommodation  n

alcoholism  nantisocial  adjautomated  adjbelief  nbilingual  adj

brotherhood  nbulletproof  adjcareful  adjchildhood  ncoldness  nconvenience  ndeath  ndistance  ndrinkable  adjentertainment  n

excitement  nfriendliness  ngovernment  n

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heat  nheight  nhomeless  adjhopeless  adjhunger  nignorance  nimprovement  nintention  nlength  nloss  nmegacity  nmisunderstand  vmonorail  nmulticultural  adjovercrowded  adjpollution  npostgraduate  adjracism  nreduction  nstrength  nsubway  nsuccess  nthought  nugliness  nunbreakable  adjunderdeveloped  adjuseful  adjwaterproof  adjweakness  n

Useful words and phrasesadvert (advertisement /

ad) nairbrush  vbelongings  n plblock  vbrand  ncelebrity endorser  ncommercial  nconsist of  vdespite  prepeven though for  prepgift  nhowever  advimage  nin order to in spite of ingredient  nmust-have  nneighbourhood  nordinary  adjpoverty  nprogress  v

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reasonable  adjrelatively  advsatisfactory  adjso as to so that statement  n

status  n

sue  v

transport  ntrouble  nwhatever  det, pronwherever  advwhichever  det, pronwhoever  pron

More words in File 9agricultural  adjalmost always bagel  nbattle  nconstruct  vcontrast  n

divide  n

entire  adjharbour  nhelicopter  n

incident  nintact  adjIslamic  adjleftovers  n plmassive  adjmomentous  adjMuslim  adjpolicy  npop-up  nproportion  nrefund  nreinforced  adj

slum  nspam  nsubscription  nunintentionally  advunthinkable  adjvibrant  adj

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File 10Useful words and phrasesWORDS Перевод acceptable  adjacid  nair  nanaesthetic  nbeforehand  advbiologist  nbits and pieces blood transfusion  nclinical trial  ndisabled  adjdiscovery  ndonor  ngas  ngeneticist  ngive and take ideal  nimprison  vinhale  vintense  adjissue  nlaboratory  nlaw and order leap  nmalaria  nmankind  nnow and again nuclear  adjphysicist  npolio  npresentation  n

radiation  nrope  nsafe and sound sick and tired side effect  nsolid  adjstrangle  vtuberculosis  nups and downs wait and see 


More words in File 10activist  n

additive  nall  detall (of) the  pronany  det, pron

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apartheid  nastronaut  nautograph  nbarber  nbumpy  adjcosmetics  n pl

council  ndefend  vdemocratic  adj

desert  ndiamond  ndistracting  adjeither  det, pronelectron  nevery  deteverybody  proneverything  pronexquisitely  advflow  vharmony  n

intolerable  adj

invalid  ninvasion  nlawsuit  nlead  nlightning  nmeans  n plmost of   pronmyth  n

navy  nneither  det, pronnitrogen  n

none  pronobstacle  nrailing  n

resist  vrubber  adjstamina  nsuffragette  nsurrender  v

toxic  adjtyre  nvapour  nvarious  adjvolcano  nwithstand  v

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