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Grade 2 Art Unit Atmospheric View of Sky and Sea ‘Stormy Seas’ Gertrude Roos June 14, 2013 Education 3700OL: C&I for Non-Majors Instructor: Janice Rahn

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Page 1:…  · Web viewA painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner was taken as inspiration for this unit

Grade 2

Art Unit

Atmospheric View of Sky and Sea‘Stormy Seas’

Gertrude Roos

June 14, 2013

Education 3700OL: C&I for Non-Majors

Instructor: Janice Rahn

Page 2:…  · Web viewA painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner was taken as inspiration for this unit

Table of Contents


Backwards through design unit template 3

Unit Summary 4

Rationale 5

Lesson Summary 6

Assessment 7

Lesson Plans

Lesson 1 8

Lesson 2 13

Lesson 3 18

Resources 20

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Page 3:…  · Web viewA painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner was taken as inspiration for this unit

ART Value and Drawing: Stage 1 – Desired Results

Established Goals


Students will:

-Participate in class discussions

-Experiment with tints, shades, and painting techniques

-Connect creating tints, shades, and painting techniques to atmospheric view

-Create a painting with atmospheric sky and sea

Students create a painting of an atmospheric view of sky and sea by using tints, shades, and different painting techniques MEANING

Enduring Understandings:Students will understand that…U1 – paintings can portray different atmospheric viewsU2 – tints and shades play a role in creating these atmospheric viewsU3 – using different painting techniques will strengthen the mood/emotion that is brought into the artwork

Essential Questions:Students will keep considering…Q 1 – How do you ‘read’ paintings?Q 2 – What do paintings have in common?Q 3 – How does the changing weather impact their own emotions/moods?


Students will know…- How to create tints, shades- The use of different painting techniques and how to apply these techniques- How atmospheric view has inspired artists in the past and how it can inspire in the present

Students will be skilled at…- Using different techniques in their painting- Applying strategies to create atmospheric view in a painting

STAGE 2 – EvidenceEvaluative CriteriaCritique

Assessment Evidence

Performance is judged in terms of:4 Excellent – all criteria3 Proficient – most criteria, but few missing2 Basic – several criteria missing1 Limited – very few criteria

Students will need to show their learning by:

Constructing a painting of an atmospheric sky and sea, using tints, shades, and different painting techniques.

Unit Summary

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This unit is created for a grade 2 art class, and can integrated with a science unit about weather

cycle. A painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner was taken as inspiration for this unit. Turner

created several artworks in which were present sea and sky. It is interesting to read that he was

more concerned with the practise of painting as an end in itself (Honour, 1984).

In this unit plan students will look at different images from skies as well as seas. In a

class discussion students will describe what they see, what similarities or differences they see,

and how color plays a role in all this. This helps students to look closely and think of reasons

why it is painted the way it is. This introduction to the unit is followed by experimenting with

different techniques, and by experimenting with the creating of tints and shades.

When students are familiar with how to create tints, shades, and techniques, they can

move on to the next lesson in which they use what they have practiced in the previous lesson.

They will create skies by using these techniques, and when they are ready they will create seas

with these techniques.

Now they have had many times to practise, students will be creating their final project

in which they create a painting of sky and sea. All the previous lessons will come together in this

final project. At the end students will discuss the paintings the way they discussed the images at

the start of this unit.


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A painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner was taken as inspiration for this unit. This

unit plan is created for grade 2. This unit ties in with a science unit about Liquids, Solids, and

Gases. In this unit we talk about the weather, how it changes, what precipitation is, and what

the different forms of water are. In science students also learn well by experimenting, therefore

combining it with art will strengthen the learning process. This unit also ties in with a social unit

about a community in Nova Scotia. Since Nova Scotia is at the East Coast, we will be talking

about the weather there, about the ocean, and how the weather affects water and sky.

At the end of this unit plan, students will have an understanding of what an atmospheric

sky and sea look like, and how to create such a painting. The lessons are not longer than 50

minutes, since students in grade 2 do not have a very long attention span. I decided to create 3

lessons in this unit, and two of them are focussing on ‘mastering’ different techniques. This will

be all be used for their final project.

From what I know about the studies of Piaget, I find it important that students take the

time to practise and experiment this before they work on their final project. Therefore every

lesson has a hands-on experience for students, since by doing they will learn. In the last lesson I

did not include any images, since I strongly believe that students need to come up with their

own work, and not be tempted to copy what they see. Especially at this age, as teacher you

need to make sure that students do not lose their creativity and imagination by showing them

all sorts of examples.

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Lesson Summary

Lesson 1

In this lesson students will be introduced to the unit about Stormy Seas. Students will look at

several images and participate in a class discussion. Direct the students towards ‘atmospheric

views of skies and seas’. Students will experiment with creating tints, shades, and different

painting techniques. The lesson ends with an evaluation on how it went, and how this all relates

to the images this lesson started with.

Lesson 2

In this lesson students will start with a review of last week’s lesson. They will take a closer look

at the skies and how the weather has an influence on how it looks like. Students will create a

painting of a sky. Then students will take a closer look at the seas and how the weather has an

influence on how it looks like. Students will create a painting of a sea. This lesson ends with a

reflection on their work.

Lesson 3

This lesson starts with a short review about tints, shades, techniques, atmosphere/mood in

paintings. This is being done by a review of lesson 1 and 2. Students will decide where sky and

sea meet, and draw the silhouette of a ship there. Then the students will create a painting of an

atmospheric view of sky and sea. They will use their knowledge and experience about how to

do this, since they have practised this in lesson 1 and 2.

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Students will be evaluated on their work. This evaluation will be done mostly by the use of a

rubric. This rubric is created for students so they will know what is expected from them. This

rubric should be visible during art class, either by writing the criteria on the board, or displaying

them on plays that is visible for everyone. For each criteria that is being worked on in the

lessons there are four levels in performance: 1) limited, 2) basic, 3) proficient, 4) excellent.

For the discussions students will be evaluated in a different way. Here students will be

observed on participation in the discussions. Also, throughout the entire unit student are

observed on how they treat each other and how they participate in cleaning up.










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Grade/Subject: Grade 2 / Art Unit: ArtLesson 1: Introduction Stormy Seas – shades, tints, techniques Class Length: 47 minutes

Lesson OverviewIn this lesson students will be introduced to the unit about Stormy Seas. Students will look at several images and participate in a class discussion. Direct the students towards ‘atmospheric views of skies and seas’. Students will experiment with creating tints, shades, and different painting techniques. The lesson ends with an evaluation on how it went, and how this all relates to the images this lesson started with.

Outcomes:Students will:

- Participate in class discussion about images shown- Understand the purpose and how to create tints - Understand the purpose and how to create shades- Understand the purpose of different techniques and experiment with this

Assessment:- Students will have participated in class discussion about the images- Students will have completed to create different tints- Students will have completed to create different shades- Students will have completed to experiment will different painting techniques


Teaching Strategies:

Introduction (10 min.)Students look at the following images:

- Describe what you see on the pictures.o Coloro Shapes

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Images for introduction of lessonPaint brushesPaint shirtsPallets (Tempera) paint8.5” x 11” Cardstock paper (3 per student)

Class discussion Lecture DemonstrationHand-on experience

Page 9:…  · Web viewA painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner was taken as inspiration for this unit

o Objects- Would the images change if the colors were changed?- What are some similarities?- Describe some differences.

Lead students slowly to the atmospheric views of skies and seas. - How do the paintings show atmospheric view of skies and seas- What emotions do you recognize?

Body (30 min.)Explain to students that by doing today’s activities, they will be working towards their final project (Lesson 3: Painting with Atmospheric View of Sky and Sea). Activity#1 Tints and shades of colorsStudents will experiment with tints and shades of paint.Explain that tints are created by adding white to the paint, and shades are created by adding black to the paint. On a pallet each student will make tints from their chosen color and experiment with this on a sheet of paper. On a pallet each student will make shades from their chosen color and experiment with this on a sheet of paper.

Activity#2 Painting techniques Students will create compositions using line and shapes.Give students a demonstration on how to make washes, dry brush, flat paint, and wet on wet techniques. On a sheet of paper, students will try out the different techniques by using lines and shapes.

Closure: (7 min)After writing their initials on the back of their paper, students will put their work on the shelves to dry. One student from each group washes the paintbrushes and puts them back on the paint cart. As a class, take a look at student work:

- What went well?- What needs more strengthening?- How can we see that there are tints?- How can we see that there are shades?- How do you think the practised techniques are related to the paintings we looked at in

the beginning of today’s lesson?

Ask students to look for pictures with views of skies and seas. They can bring these to school and hang up on the student bulletin board.

Activity #1: Tints and Shades of Colors

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Create different tints by adding white to the paintCreate different shades by adding white to the paint

Activity #2: Painting Techniques










Create lines and shapes to make washesCreate lines and shapes for dry brush techniqueCreate lines and shapes for flat paint techniqueCreate lines and shapes for wet on wet paint technique

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‘Snow Storm – Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth’ by Joseph Mallord William Turner

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‘Fishermen at Sea’ by Joseph Mallord William Turner

‘Ship in a Stormy Sea off the Coast’ by Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovsky

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Grade/Subject: Grade 2 / Art Unit: ArtLesson 2: Skies and Seas Class Length: 47 minutes

Lesson OverviewIn this lesson students will start with a review of last week’s lesson. They will take a closer look at the skies and how the weather has an influence on how it looks like. Students will create a painting of a sky. Then students will take a closer look at the seas and how the weather has an influence on how it looks like. Students will create a painting of a sea. This lesson ends with an reflection on their work. Outcomes:Students will:

- Participate in class discussion about images shown- Understand the purpose and how to create skies by using tints, shades, and techniques - Understand the purpose and how to create seas by using tints, shades, and techniques

Assessment:- Students will have participated in class discussion about the images- Students will have constructed a painting of a sky by using tints, shades, and techniques- Students will have constructed a painting of a sea by using tints, shades, and techniques


Teaching Strategies:

Introduction (7 min.)Shortly review lesson 1. Have student work from lesson 1 available for students. Take a look at the images that students brought from home. Ask students to take a closer look at the skies.

- What in the images shows you the type of weather?- Is the weather changing?

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Images of skies and seas in different types of weatherPaint brushes(Tempera) paintPaint shirtsPallets8.5”x11” cardstock paper (2 per student)

Class discussionLectureHands-on experience

Page 14:…  · Web viewA painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner was taken as inspiration for this unit

- Is there movement?- What do you think the artist had in mind when painting this image?

Ask students to take a closer look at the seas:- What in the images shows you the type of weather?- Is the weather changing? - Is there movement?- How does this affect the water? - What do you think the artist had in mind when painting this image?

Body (35 min.)Explain to students that by doing today’s activities, they will be working towards their final project (Lesson 3: Painting with Atmospheric View of Sky and Sea).

Activity#1 SkiesStudents will be creating paintings of skies by using different shades, tints, and techniques. Ask students to think about a certain type of weather.

- Is the weather changing?- How will the sky look like?- Is there movement in the sky?- Is there any form of precipitation?

On a sheet of paper students will paint this type of weather. Encourage them to use different shades, tints, and techniques that were practised in lesson 1. Encourage them to create different paintings, since they will be working toward their final project. Activity#2 SeasStudents will be creating paintings of seas by using different shades, tints, and techniques. Ask students to think about a certain type of weather.

- Is the weather changing?- How will the sea look like?- Is there movement in the sea?- Does the weather have any effect on the water?

On a sheet of paper students will paint the sea in this type of weather. Encourage them to use different shades, tints, and techniques that were practised in lesson 1. Encourage them to create different paintings with different types of weather, since they will be working toward their final project.

Closure: (5 min)After writing their initials on the back of their paper, students will put their work on the shelves to dry. One student from each group washes the paintbrushes and puts them back on the paint cart. One or two students from each group clean the desks.As a class, take a look at student work:

- What went well?

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- What needs more strengthening?- How can we see what type of weather there is in the paintings of the skies?- How can we see what type of weather there is in the paintings of the seas?- How do shades, tints, and techniques play a role in this?- What do you think will happen if we put a ‘sky’ and ‘sea’ of different type of weather

together? Does the emotion change?

Activity #1: Skies












Use of different techniques

Activity #2: Seas












Use of different techniques

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Page 17:…  · Web viewA painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner was taken as inspiration for this unit

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Grade/Subject: Grade 2 / Art Unit: ArtLesson 3: Stormy Seas – Final Project Class Length: 50 minutes

Lesson OverviewThis lesson starts with a short review about tints, shades, techniques, atmosphere/mood in paintings. This is being done by a review of lesson 1 and 2. Students will decide where sky and sea meet, and draw the silhouette of a ship there. Then the students will create a painting of an atmospheric view of sky and sea. They will use their knowledge and experience about how to do this, since they have practised this in lesson 1 and 2. Outcomes:Students will:

- Participate in class discussion about their art projects- Understand the purpose and how to create an atmospheric view of sky and sea

Assessment:- Students will have participated in class discussion about their finished projects- Students will have completed a painting of an atmospheric view of sky and sea


Teaching Strategies:

Introduction (5 min.)Show students their work from lesson 1 and 2. Explain to them that they will be creating a painting with atmospheric view of sky and sea. Everything that was experimented with in the lesson 1 and 2 will now be put together in their final project. Do a short review about tints, shades, techniques, mood setting/atmosphere.

Body (38 min.)Activity #1 ShipStudents will decide where sky and sea meet. They will draw a light line with pencil.

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Student work from lesson 1 and 2Paint brushes(Tempera) paintPaint shirtsPallets11”x17” cardstock paper (1 per student)

Class discussionHands-on experience

Page 19:…  · Web viewA painting by Joseph Mallord William Turner was taken as inspiration for this unit

With black pencil crayon or wax crayon students will draw the silhouette of a ship. Explain that they do this first, so it will really look like the ship is in sea.

Activity #2 Atmospheric view of sky and seaStudents will create a painting with an atmospheric view of sky and sea.In this activity students will complete their final project by creating a sky and sea on their paper. They will use their knowledge about how to create atmosphere and the techniques for painting that was practised in lesson 1 and 2. The students will start with the sky and then add the sea. They will know where the sky and sea meet, since they have drawn a line in activity 1.

Closure: (7 min)After writing their initials on the back of their paper, students will put their work on the shelves to dry. One student from each group washes the paintbrushes and puts them back on the paint cart. One or two students from each group clean the desks.As a class, take a look at student work:

- What went well?- What needs more strengthening?- What do the paintings show us about the type of weather?- When looking at this picture, what does it remind you of?- What kind of atmosphere/mood do we see in the painting?- Is there movement? If so, how does this show?- How do we see the different tints, shades, techniques coming back in the painting?- What effect does this have on the atmosphere?





ExcellentShades in sky

Shades in sea

Tints in sky

Tints in sea

Use of different techniques in skyUse of different techniques in seaSilhouette of a ship

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The following resources were very useful when I wrote this unit plan. Especially the book A

World History of Art was very useful. This book has a lot of information about all different

artists in different times in history. This book was not only very useful for the information about

Turner, but also for the history and different components about painting seas.

Two articles that I found on the internet gave useful information about teaching art. Art

Across the Curriculum showed the importance of teaching across curricular subjects. It also

focused on how to integrate the subjects with art. The second article was about how to connect

science and art. I found this article very interesting, since in this unit plan I connect art with


Flemming, M. A. (2007). Preceptions of Science & Art: A Interdisciplinary Investigation of Preservice Elementary Teachers. Ann Arbor: ProQuest Information and Learning Company.

Honour, H., & Fleming, J. (1984). A World History of Art. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd.

Wardle, F. (n.d.). Art Across the Curriculum. Retrieved June 12, 2013, from Early Childhood News:

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