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Impact of Terrorism on Pakistan’s Aviation Industry: A Case Study of Bacha Khan International Airport Peshawar (2001-2015) By Muhammad Israr

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Impact of Terrorism on Pakistan’s Aviation Industry:

A Case Study of Bacha Khan International Airport

Peshawar (2001-2015)


Muhammad Israr


(October 2018)

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Impact of Terrorism on Pakistan’s Aviation Industry:

A Case Study of Bacha Khan International Airport

Peshawar (2001-2015)


Muhammad Israr

A dissertation submitted to the University of Peshawar, Pakistan in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in

International Relations.


(October 2018)

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I Muhammad Israr hereby state that my PhD thesis titled “Impact of Terrorism on

Pakistan’s Aviation Industry: A Case Study of Bacha Khan International Airport

Peshawar (2001-2015)” is my own work and has not been submitted previously by me

for taking any degree from the University of Peshawar or anywhere else in the


At any time if my statement is found to be incorrect even after my graduation the

University has the right to withdraw my PhD degree.

Muhammad Israr

Date: 25-10- 2018

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I dedicate this thesis to my parents, siblings, wife and children (Zoha and M. Sameer) for their love and support

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I solemnly declare that research work presented in the thesis titled “Impact of Terrorism on Pakistan’s

Aviation Industry: A Case Study of Bacha Khan International Airport Peshawar (2001-2015)” is solely my

research work with no significant contribution from any other person. Small contribution/help wherever

taken has been duly acknowledged and that complete thesis has been written by me.

I understand the zero-tolerance policy of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and University of

Peshawar towards plagiarism. Therefore, I as an Author of the above-titled thesis declare that no portion of

my thesis has been plagiarized and any material used as a reference is properly referred/cited.

I undertake that if I am found guilty of any formal plagiarism in the above-titled thesis even after the award

of PhD degree, the University reserves the right to withdraw/revoke my PhD degree and that Higher

Education Commission (HEC) and the University have the right to publish my name on the HEC/University

Website on which names of students are placed who submitted plagiarized thesis.

Student/ Author Signature:

Muhammad Israr ____________________


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This is to certify that the research work presented in this thesis, entitled “Impact of Terrorism on

Pakistan’s Aviation Industry: A Case Study of Bacha Khan International Airport Peshawar (2001-

2015)”, was conducted by Mr. Muhammad Israr, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ijaz Khan.

No part of this thesis has been submitted anywhere else for any other degree. This thesis is

submitted to the Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations.

Student Name Muhammad Israr Signature: ____________________

Examination Committee:

a). External Examiner 1: Name Signature: ____________________

(Designation & Office Address) …………………………………………………...


b). External Examiner 2: Name Signature: ____________________

(Designation & Office Address) ……………………………………………………


c). Internal Examiner: Name Signature: ____________________

(Designation & Office Address) ……………………………………………………


Supervisor Name: ___________________ Signature: ____________________

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This thesis entitled, “Impact of Terrorism on Pakistan’s Aviation Industry: A Case

Study of Bacha Khan International Airport Peshawar (2001-2015)” addresses, the different acts of

terrorism that happened in the aviation history of the world, particularly in Pakistan and Bacha

Khan International airport Peshawar. It details some of the important incidents of terrorism against

the aviation industry and the impacts of those incidents on Pakistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and

BKIA Peshawar. It describes the history of terrorism, how and when it emerged in the aviation

industry and enumerates are the factors that breed terrorism and how much it affected the aviation

industry of Pakistan. It addresses the issue of why it is difficult to stop terrorism incidents on

Pakistani airports and BKIA Peshawar in particular. The study has thoroughly described some of

the important and recent security incidents in Pakistani Civil Aviation and at BKIA Peshawar.

Incidents of terrorism at BKIA Peshawar have been discussed in detail and its impact on the

Peshawar airport. It describes why and how passengers and visitors face difficulty while reaching

the airport from the surrounding areas. It also highlights what are the facilities provided at the

BKIA Peshawar, and whether it fulfills the needs of the passengers and visitors coming to this

airport. It also discusses the various available solutions towards a smooth and easy access of the

passengers to the airport. Such considerations have been taken in view while considering the

primary and secondary data with analysis. Airports are the gateway of any country and any

incidents at these gateways may harm the very aspects of aviation of a country in the comity of

nations. Keeping in views the threats to aviation industry in the world an international body under

the United Nations was formed for the development, management, safety and security of this

industry known as International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The role of ICAO in the

aviation industry is very important. The facts regarding what is the future of ICAO and what are

the challenges it is facing in the age of globalization is also an essential aspect of this study.

Following are some of the main questions addressed by this study:

How was Pakistani aviation industry before 9/11? What were the threats to it at that time and

what threats it is facing now days? Are Civil Aviation and other Law Enforcement Agencies in


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Pakistan playing its due role for the protection of aviation industry, keeping in view the current

security situation in Pakistan in the post 9/11 scenario? What is the role of different Law

Enforcement Agencies in the protections of airports in Pakistan? Are the basic structures of the

concerned agencies in line with the international standards set for the purpose? What types of

threats are faced by Pakistani airports and what are its remedies? What is the location of BKIA

Peshawar and why it has been targeted more than any other airport in Pakistan? This dissertation

addresses these questions by focusing on Pakistan aviation industry and Bacha Khan International

airport in specific. The available literature often overlooked the multidimensional impacts of

terrorism on Pakistan aviation industry. Specifically, this dissertation focuses on the impacts of

terrorism on BKIA Peshawar, which type of attacks were faced by this airport and what were the

effects of those attacks. This dissertation also focuses on the comparison of the stable Benazir

Bhutto International airport, Islamabad and the BKIA Peshawar.

The study emphasizes the role of the government, the people and a better planned security

equipped with modern machinery. The facilitation of passengers and visitors are also kept in

consideration along with the extension of this airport and the need for construction of another new

international airport with advanced facilities and wide space for the people of Khyber



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Abstract ................................................................................................................................ iii

Table Of Contents................................................................................................................. v

List Of Acronyms................................................................................................................. ix

Glossary Of Local Words ................................................................................................... xiii Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................. xiv

Chapter 1............................................................................................................................. 1

Introduction To The Study ............................................................................................... 1 Statement Of The Problem................................................................................................... 6 Significance Of The Study .................................................................................................. 7 Objectives Of The Study ..................................................................................................... 8 Hypothesis............................................................................................................................ 8 Research Questions.............................................................................................................. 9 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 9 Scheme Of The Study.........................................................................................................10...10 References………………………………………………………………………………….14

Chapter-2........................................................................................................................... 16

Terrorism And International Civil Aviation.................................................................. 16 Background Of Terrorism……………………….………………………………………....16

Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 22 Definition Of Terrorism..................................................................................................... 25 Causes, Categories And Types Of Terrorism.................................................................... 28 Categories Of Terrorism ................................................................................................... 30 Types Of Terrorism............................................................................................................ 31 Objectives Of Terrorism ................................................................................................... 34 Selection Of Terrorism Targets......................................................................................... 35 Categories Of Terrorism Targets ...................................................................................... 37 Counter Terrorism Measures To Protect Airports ............................................................ 37 Application Of Counter Terrorism Measures. .................................................................. 39 Counter Terrorism Efforts................................................................................................. 40 History Of Aviation Terrorism ......................................................................................... 47 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….53 References…………………………………………………………………………… …55

Chapter- 3 ....................................................................................................................... 60

Terrorism Impacts On The Civil Aviation Industry................................................... 60 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 60 Adaptability And Innovation Of Terrorists: .................................................................... 63


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Role Of Civil Aviation Legal And Regulatory Framework In The Airport Security.....65

Global Response To Airport Security ......................................................................... .. 67 Types Of Threat To Aviation Industry........................................................................... 67 Bomb Attacks................................................................................................................. 68 MANPADS.................................................................................................................... 69 Terrorism And Aviation Industry In Pakistan............................................................ 69 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province Of Pakistan.................................................................. 75 Analysis Of Terrorism Impact On The Bacha Khan Airport Of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.79 References…………………………………………………………………………......118

Chapter-4 ……………………………………………………………….…112

Incidents Of Terrorism At Pakistani Airports With A Focus On Bacha Khan International Airport Peshawar................................................................................ 122

Terrorists Incidents In Pakistan…………………………………………………..122

History of BKIA……………………………………………………………………136

Planned Upgrades…………………………………………………………………..141

National, Regional and Local Threats………………………………………………148

Attacks on Airport………………………………………………………………….150



Chapter-5 ................................................................................................................... 164

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) ............................................... 164

Introduction ................................................................................................................. 164

History Of Civil Aviation ............................................................................................ 165

History Of ICAO ......................................................................................................... 167

International Civil Aviation Organization ................................................................... 168 Functions And Responsibilities Of ICAO ................................................................... 172

Organizational Structure Of ICAO .............................................................................. 174

Aims Goals And Objectives Of ICAO ......................................................................... 178

Role And Future Perspectives Of ICAO ...................................................................... 186

References .................................................................................................................... 200

Chapter-6 .................................................................................................................. 205

Role Of ASF And Other LEA’s In Maintaining Law And Order Situation At The Airports With A Focus On Bacha Khan International Airport ............................ 205 Introduction ............................................................................................................ ..... 205


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Unlawful Interferences In Aviation Industry ............................................................ 205 History Of Important Incidents In World‘s Aviation Industry ........................................ 207

Brief History Of Establishment Of Airports Security Force ..................................... 212 Concept Of Security .................................................................................................. 218 ASF Formations........................................................................................................... 219 Manpower Resources ................................................................................................ 220 Women In ASF .......................................................................................................... 220 Different Types Of Training And Courses In ASF ..................................................... 221 Training To Other Departments/ Organizations ........................................................ 222 Training From Other Institutions ............................................................................... 222

Foreign Training ........................................................................................................ 223 Security Screening System ........................................................................................ 224 List Of Dangerous Goods And Articles ..................................................................... 224 Alarm Resolution ....................................................................................................... 225 Travelling Check List Before One Leaves Home ...................................................... 226 ASF Achievements In Terms Of Security ................................................................... 226 2014 Jinnah International Airport Attack .................................................................. 230

ASF Liaison with Other Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA's)………….……………...235

Local/ Provincial Police ............................................................................................. 235

Special Branch ............................................................................................................ 237 Traffic Police .............................................................................................................. 238 Bomb Disposal Squad ................................................................................................. 239 Federal Investigation Agency (Immigration) .............................................................. 240 Pakistan Customs ........................................................................................................ 241

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Pakistan Army ............................................................................................................. 241 Pakistan Air Force........................................................................................................ 242 Perimeter Defense ....................................................................................................... 243 Anti-Narcotic Force .................................................................................................... 243 Legislations ................................................................................................................. 245 National Laws ............................................................................................................. 246 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................246


Chapter 7 .................................................................................................................. 251 Recommendations And Conclusion……………………………...…………………… 251

ICAO and Terrorism In Pakistan …………………………………………………...252

Structural Changes ………………………………………………………………….…260

Other Recommendations……………………………………………………………264





Year wise aircraft movement…………………………………………………..………..98

Cargo flow at BKIA Peshawar…………………………………………….……………111

Annual airline data graph of BKIAP and BBIA Islamabad……113



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ACI Airport Council International

AD Assistant Director

A. D Anno Domini

APC Armed Personnel Carrier

ATC Air Traffic Control

AIIAP Allama Iqbal International Airport

ASC Airport Security Committee

ASF Airports Security Force

ASP Airport Security Program

APM Airport Manager

AUG Army Universal Gun

BC Before Christ

BBIA Benazir Bhutto International Airport

BKIA Bacha Khan International Airport

CCTV Close Circuit Television

CCR Crises Control Room

CQB Close Quarter Battle

CIP Commercially Important Person

CAA Civil Aviation Authority

CA Civil Aviation

CSO Chief Security Officer

CMH Combined Military Hospital

CNIC Computerized National Identity Card

DG Director General

Dy.DG Deputy Director General


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DSG Defence Services Guard

ECL Exit Control List

EJHD Eastern Joint Hydrant Depot

FSF Federal Security Force

FIU Field Intelligence Unit

FAI Federation Aeronautique International

FIR First Information Report

HQ Headquarter

HHMD Hand Held Metal Detector

IB Intelligence Bureau

ISI Inter-Services Intelligence

ISIL Islamic State of Iraq and Levant

IT Information Technology

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

ICAN International Commission of Air Navigation

IATA International Air Transport Authority

IATA International Air Traffic Authority

ITU International Telecommunication Union

IFALPA International Federation of Air Line Pilots

ICG Immediate Clearance Gate

IMU Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

I.D Card Identity Card

JIAP Jinnah International Airport

KP Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

LMG Light Machine Gun

LEAs Law Enforcement Agencies

LED Light Emitting Diode


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MI Military Intelligence

MCMC Mid Carrier Management Course

MNA Member of National Assembly

NADRA National Database & Registration Authority

NIPA National Institute of Public Administration

NWFP North West Frontier Province

NGO Non-Government Organization

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NCASP National Civil Aviation Security Program

NCLB No Country Left Behind

NQCP National Quality Control Program

NCASTP National Civil Aviation Security Training Program

PISCES Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Evaluation System

PLO Palestine Liberation Organization

PFLP Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine

PIAC Pakistan International Airline Corporation

PAF Pakistan Air Force

PFC Peshawar Flying Club

PICAO Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization

PISCES Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Evaluation System

PoC Point of Contact

PSO Pakistan State Oil

QRF Quick Reaction Force

RPGs Rocket Profiled Grenade

SB Special Branch

SMC Senior Management Course

SMGs Sub Machine Guns


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SRPs Standards and Recommended Practices

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals

TTP Tehrik Taliban Pakistan

UVIS Under Vehicle Inspection System

USA United State of America

UN United Nation

VIP Very Important Person

VVIP Very Very Important Person

VBIED Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devise

VPs Vulnerable Point

WTMD Walk Through Metal Detector

WHO World Health Organization

WMO World Meteorological Organization


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Afghan Muhajireen Afghan Refugees

En route On or along the way

Galyat Tourist spots in the northern area of KP

Gora Qabristan A graveyard of Christians

Taliban Knowledge seekers in an Islamic School

Umrah Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca

Veranda Porch, Gallery


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Allah, the Almighty has all the glory in the very first place, who I must thank for

enabling me to complete my research work on the topic. I revere the patronage,

prayers and moral support extended with love by my parents, my loving siblings and,

of course, my loving wife. I submit my heartiest gratitude to my respected research

supervisor Dr. Ijaz Khan, a truly genuine researcher, and an honest human being,

whose generous support and immaculate guidance made it possible for me to work on

the topic that was of great interest to me. It was a pleasure working with him and

under his kind supervision.

I am deeply indebted to my respected friends, Dr. Zafar (Lecturer), Dr. Ayaz, Ibrar

Khattak (CAA), Mr. Faheem (Lecturer); Mr. Fayyaz Ali Khan, Mr. Nasir Durrani,

Mr. Haseeb Khan and Mateen Khan for their sincere guidance and invaluable help.

My special thanks are due to Mr. Amjad Hussain Nassir for his proofreading the


The list of all those people who co-operated with me in this regard is very long and

each one of them cannot be mentioned here but I humbly extend my thanks to all of

them for the sake of brevity in here.

Thank you very much, everyone!

Muhammad Israr


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Terrorism is a very old phenomenon. The history of terrorism can be traced

back to the time of Sicarii zealots, which was a Jewish terrorist group that was active

in the 1st century A.D (Hoffman, 1988). In the 18th century the European continent

came across the term, terrorism during the French revolution in the era of Girondists

and Jacobins who used the phenomenon of terror and fear to terrorize the general

public by using different tactics to obtain the public’s allegiance to the state. The

internal events of intimidation and violence in the 20th century inside Germany and

Russia can be termed as terrorism. History is replete with terrorist acts around the

world. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria who was killed in Sarajevo was another

important event in the history of terrorism that led to the World War 1 (Mahajan,


Terrorists use their brutal designs to disrupt the ongoing smooth functioning at

the airports. A single event in airports can make all the Television (TV) stations alert

throughout the world. These events emerge as the hot issue during the News for many

days because only airports are the safest places where one can feel comfortable while

travelling all over the world. News related to airports spread in seconds throughout

the world. Everywhere in the world terrorists first of all try to capture this very

important place to get their nefarious designs achieved by hijacking the aircrafts to

siege other important installations (Herman, 2011).

Aviation industry basically consists of the civil aviation and military aviation.

The focus of the study is civil aviation industry of Pakistan. Different aspects of


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Pakistan civil aviation industry have been taken under consideration. Moreover, the

effects of terrorism on Pakistan civil aviation industry have been discussed with focus

on Bacha Khan International Airport Peshawar. Aviation industry worldwide is

supervised by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). ICAO looks

after the safety, security and development of the aviation industry at global level.

ICAO works under the United Nations for the promotion of this industry, so the

motive of both the ICAO and UN are almost the same for the betterment and

advancement of human beings of the world. The event of 9/11 in the history of

aviation industry was a huge blow for the developed countries like USA and the


In the 9/11 attacks, the terrorists used hijacked aircrafts against the twin

towers in the US. That was the event which shattered the whole world, in general, and

the Asian continent, in particular. In turn, the United States started its long-term

engagement in Afghanistan. This was one of the serious incidents in aviation industry

which brought disaster not only in the Asian region but to the world at large. The

aviation industry was used because of the importance of this industry and its

repercussions were observed by the whole humanity (Burke, 2011). In Yemen, when

the opposition tried to topple the government, they first of all moved to capture the

airport in Sana'a, the capital of Yemen.

Immediately after the 9/11 attacks, the then US President George W. Bush

asked Pakistan to support it in the war against terror. Pakistan's pro-US policy in the

war caused spillover of terrorism in the country. The war against terror shattered the

very roots of Pakistani society in politico, socio and economic spheres. The 9/11

attack brought a lot of consequences for the Asian continent and internal skirmishes

have emerged in this part of the world. This war has also brought about a great impact


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on the inter-relations between the Muslims and non-Muslims on the one side, and

among Muslims themselves, on the other (Noor, 2010).

Airports play a very important role in the day to day life on account of there

being the gate ways and, therefore, even a smaller incident at the airports cannot be

overlooked. A minor disturbance at airports can be noticed throughout the world.

Airports provide the speediest system of communication. Airports also play one of the

prime roles in the socio-economic drives. Moreover, its importance in economic

sphere and that of cargo delivery cannot be ignored (Graham, 2008).

During the war against terror, airports were also one of the prime targets in

Pakistan be it at Karachi or Peshawar, the terrorists tried their best to occupy this very

important installation, but fortunately they were unable in these two prime cases to get

success. Terrorists tried their best to reach this sensitive installation in any way,

however; they faced a strong resistance from the Airport Security Force and were

unable to acquire their desired aim. In Karachi, the terrorists attempted to get into

some of the planes and they had brought dry fruits and other necessities with them for

a long stay at the apron of Karachi Airport because at that moment boarding of

different planes was in progress.

The Bacha Khan Airport is the only international Airport in Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa that is fully operational but the recent waves of terrorism have affected

this airport tremendously. The air services have been de-routed to other cities of the

country, especially to Islamabad and Lahore. People of this province have faced many

difficulties due to the terrorist attacks. There are a number of domestic airports in

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, one of them is partially operational, three are closed and three

are fully operational.


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The Bacha Khan International Airport, Peshawar has been the target of

terrorist attacks for the last few years. The Bacha Khan Airport is an easy target for

terrorists because of its geographical location. It is situated on the border of Federally

Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Bara, which is the tehsil of Khyber Agency, is a

few miles from the vicinity of the Bacha Khan International Airport. This Airport is

surrounded by commercial and residential buildings which is a big security peril. The

airport is being a target- firstly, because it is near to the FATA and secondly, its run

way is being used by Gun-ship helicopters and jet fighters in the war against terror.

The airport is the only Airport of the world through which a railway track passes. This

airport is jointly used by the Civil Aviation Authority and Pakistan Air Force and its

run-way is also used by the Army Aviation and as such is one of the busiest airports

in Pakistan. Almost all the Middle East is covered by the different flights from this

Airport. This Airport provides a great deal of facilitation to the people of the province

of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

On December 15, 2012 at about 2030 hours during the landing of a PIA transit

flight PK-755 a Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) struck the

western wall of the Airport on university side opposite to the 9 th Army Aviation unit

due to which a wall of 60 feet parameter collapsed (The Nation, 2012).

This is the only Airport that has been targeted by the terrorists many times

than any other airport in the world. Landing of rockets at the premises of this Airport

is a routine matter. On 26-02-2014 three rockets were fired from an unidentified

direction towards the Airport and Pakistan Air Force base in Peshawar but luckily it

neither hit the Airport nor the base. One of these rockets hit the University Road

which is in the south east of the airport, the second fell near Shaheen Camp which is


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adjacent to the Pakistan Air Force Base and the third in the Gora Qabristan area but

without causing any casualty.

Its funnel area is also not safe. On 24-06-2014, an incoming PIA passenger

flight was targeted while landing at Peshawar airport. It was hit in the funnel area near

Pishtakhara prior to landing (The Nation, 2014). Resultantly, one lady passenger

Maknoon and two cabin crew (Flight stewards) Ijaz Khan and Wajid Khan got

injuries. Later, it revealed that the lady passenger expired in the hospital. After

thorough search, it was revealed that eight bullets hit the aircraft. Disturbance in

schedule of flights, cancellation and diversion of incoming flights is a frequent

recurrence. Consequently, due to this attack Emirates Airline flight EK-636/637 was

cancelled and Etihad Airways flight EY-261 diverted to Benazir Bhutto International

Airport Islamabad (K. Atlas, Personal communication 25 June, 2014).

After all that, night operations were closed by the concerned circles due to

security reasons. However, some of the aircrafts resumed flights during night time.

Three arrivals/departures took place during night time on 16th February by Airlines

which was viewed seriously by the Civil Aviation managers and issued warnings to

the concerned airlines that if something happened to them or the passengers on board,

airline will be responsible (Daily Mashriq, Feb 17, 2015).

Terrorist attacks on the aviation industry have suffered the smooth and easy

travelling of the passengers. Passengers have to pass through a thoroughly frisking

and security channels. Moreover, the duty of security agencies inside and outside

airports has become difficult because of threats from terrorists. Furthermore, the

meeting and greeting persons also face difficulties because the aviation division has

restricted the entry of visitors to airports in Pakistan due to security reasons. Now

only one visitor is allowed with a passenger arriving or departing (The Daily Aaj,


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2014). The number of security personnel increased in the vicinity of airports. At

BKIA Peshawar, the inside and outside security has been enhanced in order to prevent

any unfavorable situation. However, increase in the security checking system has

made difficulties for the movement of people towards the Airport. Tourists from

different corners of the world do not take a risk at moving to and from this Airport

and they prefer to visit other tourism spots in Pakistan instead of coming to the

beautiful places of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Most politicians and elites prefer to get on

board from Benazir Bhutto International Airport (BBIA) Islamabad instead of Bacha

Khan International Airport (BKIA) Peshawar and those who have to travel from

Peshawar come in a fool proof security to the Airport. Access to the BKIA Peshawar

is very difficult so it has its impacts on cargo and passengers flow to the Airport. The

study covers the overall situation of the Airport particularly the attacks it has suffered.

A lot of work has been done on aviation and terrorism. However, none of them

focused on Pakistan or any of its airports. Some newspaper articles exist on the topic

and little work has been done over the Pakistani Airports. Moreover, this study is an

effort to cover all aspects of the attacks and terrorism at BKIA Peshawar. Chaliand

and Blin (2007) have discussed terrorism, the history of terrorism and particularly the

way it is spreading. It also differentiates between the old and new forms of terrorism.

The effects of terrorism are for long time and what happens today has its impacts on

future. The beginning and the recent layer of terrorism are discussed in detail.

Moreover, the literature and history regarding the terrorism and aviation have been

discussed in the coming chapters with detail.


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Statement of the Problem

Frequent terrorist attacks have affected the aviation industry in Pakistan by

raising fear in the general population who travel by air. This fear has disturbed their

life and routine travelling. It has caused irreparable damage to the economic activities

and given birth to security dilemma. It has also made the passengers to take their

flights from other airports of the country instead of Peshawar and has thus, caused

inconvenience to the people. They are unable to move freely without fear in their own

country. The problem is here, to solve that how the economic and security situation

can be up to the mark and how the inmates and installations of airport can be secure

from terrorists. Terrorists have carried out many attacks on the airports in Pakistan

that have not only created law and order problems but also destroyed the economy of

the country. Due to these attacks flight operations during night time have been

suspended by the airport management and law enforcement agencies at BKIA

Peshawar; with every new incident in the city of Peshawar make the foreign airlines

annoy and they suspend their flights to the provincial metropolis. Why such an

extreme situation aroused in which the airlines have stopped operations from this

Airport and what are it remedies? How airports can be turned into safe places for

passengers specially the tourists?

Significance of the Study

This study is very important in the perspective of prevailing threaten situation

to the overall security, in general, and to the aviation industry, in particular. This

study highlights the existing situation at different airports in Pakistan as well as in the

world. It also highlights the consequences of the terrorist attacks on the important

installations i.e. airports. Airports are important installations and their security is of


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prime importance for the development of any country. Airports are the gateways to a

country and any untoward incident towards aviation industry can disturb the smooth

functioning of international traffic and the related processes. Bacha Khan

International Airport is the only international airport in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, there is

no alternate international airport in KP which caters to the needs of this Province. It is

therefore, very important to rebuild the confidence of people by improving the safety

and security situation. This study also covers the reforms and further suggestions in

improving the situation and protection of aviation industry. Moreover, it discusses the

security arrangements of Pakistan in general and at BKIA Peshawar in particular to

the threat level. An overall impact of terrorism on aviation industry in Pakistan is


Objectives of the Study

The study is to achieve the following objectives:

1: To bring on record the multifarious objectives of terrorists on attacking airports.

2: To determine the role of government machinery for protection of Airports inmates

and a safe and protected place for passengers, visitors and other installations in the


3: To collect accurate data of the losses and impacts on people that the aviation

industry has suffered in terrorist attacks in Pakistan and particularly the Peshawar


4: To determine and analyze the role of International Civil Aviation Organization

(ICAO) in combating terrorist attacks on airports.


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5: To develop/suggest a model for implementation to make an academic study of the

subject and put up suggestions and recommendations for the policy making



Terrorism on airport negatively affects aviation industry in terms of socio-

economic, security and tourism.

Research Questions

For the purpose of this research, following questions have been framed

Q-1 What have been the effects of terrorism on the aviation industry?

Q-2 Have the sabotage activities at airports affected the economy of Pakistan?

Q-3 What are the impacts of terrorism on the overall security situation of BKIA


Q-4 How has a common man suffered from these attacks?

Q-5 How much the socio-political life and tourism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have been

affected due to terrorist attacks on BKIA Peshawar?

Q- 6 How much effective are the measures adopted at airports for combating terrorist



Methodology refers to that how the study can be carried out.

According to the objective of the study mixed method research

paradigm were adopted to complete the study in hand. The


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qualitative and quantitative paradigms have been applied in this


1- Qualitative tools of data collection

a- Observations

b- In-depth interviews

c- Primary and secondary data

2-Quantitative tools of data collection

a- Questionnaire- based on structure question (closed


b- Sample size and respondents selection

Purposive sampling has been used in this study. The data was

collected from the relevant people. Two types of questionnaires

were developed one for the passengers who were travelling from

this airport via different airlines and for the staff of different

agencies working at the airport. Moreover, primary and secondary

sources are utilized for the completion of this dissertation. Both of

paradigms are properly justified and the statistical information are

gathered and analyzed quantitatively. Furthermore, theoretical

information has been gathered through qualitative means.

According to the nature of the study the mix-method approached

has been adopted for the completion. Book stalls, libraries are

visited and in-depth interviews are conducted from the concerned

personnel working in the field of aviation industry. Online surfing is

also done to collect relevant data.


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Scheme of the study

The study is based on seven chapters. The detail of which is as below:


This chapter consists of a brief introduction of the topic, its methodology,

objectives and significance. Terrorism existed in the human history since very long.

Airports are the sensitive installations and any type of incidents in airports damage the

reputation of a country in the comity of nations. BKIA Peshawar is the only

international airport of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. It is also adjacent to the

turbulent region of FATA and targeted by terrorists many times.


Terrorism is an old phenomenon. The term terrorism evades an exact

definition because it is defined differently by different states according to their ideals.

Some states consider a kind of act as terrorism but other considers it as freedom

fights. This anomaly exists in the definition of terrorism however no doubt terrorism

is a brutal phenomenon in the history of mankind as well as in the aviation industry.

There are regional, political, economic and religious etc. causes of terrorism. The

history of aviation industry is replete with the terrorist activities throughout the world.


The scourge of terrorism has affected the Civil Aviation industry of Pakistan

in many aspects. Pakistan is a developing country and any act of terrorism against any

part of the country affects the country in socio-economic, tourism and security. Due to

the 9/11 incident and the aftermath Pakistan is facing all kind of terrorism at it soil.

The most affected province due to terrorism is the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. It is because

this province is adjacent with FATA and so forth FATA is at border with


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Afghanistan. The movement of militants to this province is very easy due to the

porous border with Afghanistan. The social life, tourism and economy of this

province have badly affected due to the terrorist incidents at BKIA Peshawar. Due to

the incidents of terrorism at the BKIA Peshawar, the revenue of the airport and the

social life of the people of the province have been affected at large. The flow of the

passengers and visitors has been affected and the psychological burden on the people

of the province increases due to the terrorist incident at this airport.




Incidents of terrorism that happened in the aviation industry of Pakistan in the

twentieth century and in the start of twenty first century have affected the aviation

industry. The terrorists’ act of the 1978 hijacking of PIA flight, the 1981 hijacking of

another PIA flight lasted for thirteen days and the 1986 Pan Am hijacking happened

in the aviation history of Pakistan. In the recent history, the BKIA Peshawar and the

2014 Jinnah International Airport Karachi (JIAP) Karachi attacks have badly effects

on the aviation industry of Pakistan. A description of the BKIA Peshawar and

different type of terrorist incident happened at the airport have been thoroughly



International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was established in 1947 for

the regulation, reforms and for the development of international civil aviation. ICAO

is a permanent organization of the United Nations that looks after the aviation

industry around the world and lays down the Standards and Recommended Practices

for the international aviation. ICAO consists of assembly, council and secretariat.


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ICAO pursues the goals and objectives for the safety, security and development of the

aviation industry and other goals set forth by UN for the development of the countries

of the world. ICAO is playing its role in quality control enhancement, development

and supervision but it has to go further for bringing uniformity and equality in the

development of aviation industry and security at gross root level. Terrorism and

modern era cybercrime are great challenges for ICAO.




ASF was raised due to the different incidents of hijacking all over the world in

the era of 1960s and 1970s. Ensuring the safety as well as security of the aircraft and

those of the passengers has been the priority of the ICAO. All the member states of

the ICAO were asked for strengthening of their aviation sector against the possible

threats of hijacking and attacks against the aircrafts and airports. Due to the above

threats to the aviation industry the ASF was established in the year 1976 under the

ASF act of 1975 for the protection of airports in Pakistan. The security inside the

premises of the airport is the responsibility of the ASF. However, the responsibility of

security outside the perimeter is that of the Pakistan army and local police. ASF is

responsible for the security of the Civil Aviation installation and over all law and

order situation at the airports. At BKIA Peshawar, ASF is assisted by many agencies

for the smooth functioning at the airports; it includes the local police, army, PAF and

DSG. ASF keep liaison with sister agencies like Civil Aviation Authority,

Immigration, Pakistan Custom, ANF and local police for ensuring the security of the



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Indeed, terrorism against the aviation industry of Pakistan and BKIA

Peshawar has affected this industry in Pakistan. The different attacks against BKIA

Peshawar have disrupted the smooth functioning of the airport, created difficulty for

the passengers and visitors. The security of the airport is stringent but the facilities at

BKIA Peshawar are not up to the international standards. More concentration is the

need of the hour for the consideration of the establishment of a new airport for the

people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Government machinery and ICAO have to play their

role more effectively for the safeguard and development of this industry in Pakistan.

The location of BKIA Peshawar is strategically very important but commercially it is

located near to the turbulent region of FATA and a soft target for terrorist because a

general public place. Modern security equipment and other security measures may be

adopted for the safety and security of this airport in the present environment.


Abeyratne, R. (2013). Convention on International Civil Aviation: A Commentary.

Springer International Publishing AG.

Ansari, U. (2014, June 9). Defense News: Pakistan Airport Attack Could Be First of

Many. Retrieved from



Audacious Taliban Attack on Peshawar Airport. (2012, December 16). The Nation

(Karachi, Pakistan). P. 1

A serious view by the Civil Aviation Administration over night time landing. (2015,

February 17). The Daily Mashriq, P. 1


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Benny, D. (2012). General Aviation Security: Aircraft, Hangers, Fixed-Base

Operations, Flight Schools, and Airports. CRC Press.

Burke, J. (2011). The 9/11 Wars. London: Penguin Books, Pp. 38, 39

Chaliand, G., & Blin, A(Eds). (2007). The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to al

Qaeda, California: University of California Press, pp. 45- 52

Civil Aviation notice to restrict number of visitors to airports. (2014, June 29). The

Daily Aaj, P. 2

Elias, B. (2009). Airport and Aviation Security: U.S. Policy and Strategy in the Age of

Global Terrorism. CRC Press, Pp. 99-101

Graham, A. (2008). Managing Airports: An International Perspective (3rd ed.),

Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 67- 69

Herman, S. (2011). Taking Liberties: The War on Terror and the Erosion of American

Democracy, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 15, 16 and 30

Hoffman, B. (1988).  Inside Terrorism. New York: Columbia University Press, p. 83

Khan, A. (2014, June 25). Personal interview

Mahajan, V. (2004). History of Modern Europe since 1789. New Delhi: Rajendra

Ravindra Printers (Pvt.), P. 564

Mueller, J. (Ed). (2013). Terrorism since 9/11: The American Cases. Ohio: The Ohio

State University.

Noor, F. (2010). Analyzing the Discourse of the 'War on Terror' and Its Workings of

Power. Human Architecture, Vol. 8 (No. 2, Fall 2010), pp. 55- 58

Shots Fired at PIA Plane near Peshawar Airport. (2014, September 28). The Nation

(Karachi, Pakistan). Retrieved April 16, 2015, from



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Smith, J. (2005). Why? The Deeper History Behind the September 11th Terrorist

Attack on America. Institute for Economic Democracy

Wilkinson, P., & Jenkins, B. (1999). Aviation terrorism and security. Routledge




This chapter consists of the definition of terrorism in general, its history,

causes and measures how to counter terrorism. The evolution of terrorism is

discussed that how terrorism emerges into the human society, what were the main

reasons and causes of terrorism etc. It is very important to know about the basic

reasons of terrorism and how it has been caused. The ways and measures are also

discussed here to know how to counter the acts of terrorism. Moreover, this chapter

also contains the brief of the incidents of terrorism that happened in the history of

International Civil Aviation, to build counter-terrorism strategies for it.

Background of Terrorism

The word terror is derivative of the Latin word terrere, which means, to terrify.

The Webster’s English Dictionary defines terrorism as “violence committed by

groups in order to intimidate population or government into granting their demand”.

Considering terrorism in the context of the word its existence would go as far back as

recorded history itself. Both major religions of the world Islam and Christianity have


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used terror during their crusades against each other, the assassination of rulers by their

enemies, and the ruthless clamp down of all those who were in support of the rulers

(Wolf & Frankel, 2007). In the 100 A.D a tribe in Israel called the zealot used the

tactics of hit and run in different public places against the roman occupation. In the

same way in Iraq the Assassins in (1100 A.D.) used the tactics of suicide to fight the

Christian Crusaders. In India in (1300 A.D.) the Thuggees used the tactics of

kidnapping the travelers for sacrifice to their Goddess of Terror, Kali. Moreover, in

Spain the Inquisition (1469-1600) used the method of systematized torture, against the

Heretics and the whole medieval era was based on terrorizing the country side

(Furstenberg, 2007). The World War I started due to a Serb terrorist in the year

1914. The rise to power of Hitler's in 1932 involved plans for genocide. Some nations

like Cyprus, Algeria, Ireland, Israel and Tunisia, become republics due to

revolutionary terrorism, and more than a few people would argue that the United

States was founded on terrorism.

The initial day’s terrorism could be known as an ancient form of terrorism,

two major groups were active during this period one is known as Sicarri and the

Assassins. The zealot and Sicarri who were active in the era before the Anno Domini

(A.D) i.e. in the 63 B.C. their aim was to transform the Judea from the province of

Roman to the Jewish state. About at the end of the era of B.C. the Roman position

was going strong and Roman governor was appointed. The governor-imposed taxes

and other stringent measures were taken against the Jews. The Roman emperor even

did not hesitate to use violence/force against the Judea’s (Beckstrom, 2013). The

numbers and power of Roman were more than the Jews but it was the situation that

compelled the Jews to take steps and use terror against the Romans. So, they slew


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many people who were the supporters of Romans and even committed mass suicide at

the fortress of Masada but they said they would not live under the ruling of Romans.

The Assassins are another terrorist group which was founded by Hassan. I.

Sabah in the city of Qom northern Iran in the year 1080. An assassin was also a pre-

modern terrorist’s organization which was founded for the conversion of masses of

the world to the Ismailism. Ismaili was a small community in Islam and the founder

wanted to convert masses to Ismailism and for that cause, he has come on fire with

the Turkish Empire even and he took terrorists acts as well as guerrilla warfare in

revenge. If one compares it to the contemporary terrorism then it would be quite

evident that the ancient time terrorism was more religious in character and lasted

longer (Taylor, 1988). Analyst refers the Palestinian religious groups organized

attempt against their rivals in 66-73 A.D as of terrorist attacks of ancient times. The

era of modern terrorism that lasted from 1871 to 1960. In this era, the leftist as well as

the right-wing was operative, but in the period before world war first the leftist-wing

was more active and after the world war first most of the operations were conducted

by the right-wing. The leftist was socialist, liking equality and government

intervention was more there (Taillon, 2002). However, the right-wing was pro-free

market, protection of individual liberties and less government intervention. Most of

the time after the world war first the right-wing and nationalist separatist groups were

operative, as it was in the Croatian Ustacha, which received most of the support from

the fascist Italy and Hungry.

Furthermore, Terrorism is not a regional phenomenon but it is an international

issue and exists throughout the world (Laquer, 1977). In India, another group of

terrorists called Thuggees existed from 6th century until the 1800s. In October, every

year they disguise themselves for looting and strangling the wealthy travelers. They


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were then distributed the money and wealth amongst themselves as well as in the poor

people of the community. This system of Thuggees continued until 1800 century but

in the nineteenth century the British colonial ruler took action against them and got

able to dismantle the terrorist group. It is important to mention here that during the

Middle Ages and in the early eras of modern age. However, it took new dimensions in

the last decade of the eighteenth century. In India, as the Thuggees were using the

tactics of terrorism for looting the travelers in early times for the cause of distributing

money in poor and amongst themselves. With the passage of time the aims and

objectives of terrorist are also changing and with the introduction of aviation

traveling, the terrorist uses this industry too for achieving their aims. Aviation is a

lucrative industry for terrorist because the attacks over it can terrorize the masses


In the 18th century France was also gripped in its own economic problems but

the emperor did not heed to the affairs and the situation was going out of control from

his hand with the passage of time, resultantly the guillotine, a symbol of terror started

(Taylor, 2002). The latest form of terrorism is the contemporary terrorism which starts

from 1960 till date. In the later part of the 1960’s the number of terrorist’s groups and

terrorist incidents increased. The incidents of terrorism become more violent during

this stage of terrorism, because the number of injuries and casualties become quite

large. Terrorists are more trained and use the sophisticated weapons. Most of the

weapons are imported in nature and are provided by the opponent groups of the

neighboring countries. Terrorism, after the 1960’s has been viewed and observed in a

quite well-mannered and a great deal of awareness was shown by all the countries of

the world. The incidents happened during and after this period are recorded and

counter measures were also being introduced to cope with the menace of terrorism in


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a well manner. During the contemporary period the separatists, right-wing and left-

wing all were in operation (Ross, 2006). At the initial stage terrorism was not handled

in its true perspective with the thinking of serious solutions by the majority of the

countries rather the terrorists were harboring by different states for their own national

interests. Ultimately, terrorists formed their sanctuaries in different countries of the

world and threatening the general public as well as the installations of the organized

governments. Since 1968, more than 70 countries have been affected by the scourge

of terrorism and especially by the mass terrorism (Lodhi, 2005).

Terrorists change their targets from time to time and place to place but

aviation industry is such a place which has equal importance for them everywhere in

the world. It is pertinent to mention here that the terrorist started their activities in the

aviation sector from hijacking to the extent of using the aircraft as bomb against other

targets. In this way, the terrorists not only targeted aviation industry but also use it

against other important assets as evident from the terrorist attack of the twin towers in

September 2001.

The terrorist attacks that of 9/11 were of unique nature in the world as the

terrorists first used the aircrafts as bombs for mass destruction which took the lives of

thousands of innocent people. Before 9/11, the victims or casualties in terrorist acts

were in a single or double digit but during the incident of 9/11and after the September

attack the number of victims increased many fold. The present terrorist activities are

still of such nature, they try to inflict more and more destruction and casualties in

order to spread terror in the public.

The concept of terrorism in the present most civilized world that has existed

for around a century has a different connotation. The reason for this, ironic though it

may seem, lies in the fact that nations or societies do not and cannot respond to acts of


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terrorism in the same way they are being executed. Historically, this was not true and

that is why terrorism in the form known today is only around one hundred years old.

History of terrorism is full with different incidents and the historians are of

different opinion regarding the history/beginning of terrorism. However, some events

can trace us to the era of its time of beginning, Terrorism is a global phenomenon; it

has its roots across the World. Terrorism exists in the history of mankind for

thousands of years (Deutcher, 2009).

Wilkinson & Jenkins (1999) have focused on aviation terrorism specially the

threat and vulnerabilities of aviation industry in the existing threatened situations. The

authors have discussed the potential threat to air cargo and the missile attacks on the

aviation installations. The authors give a thorough detail of the aviation security in the

western countries.

Abeyratne (2013) has discussed the different Conventions made until 2012

and also has a view on the implementation by the International Civil Aviation

Organization (ICAO) on these conventions and other laws. The author has also

examined the morals and ethics of the air navigations. This study also includes the

Chicago Convention and effective measures to make the air journey safe and sound.

Mueller (2013) has descriptively added those terrorist events which go against

the American citizens inside or outside the United States of America. One is the shoes

bomber case in which the bomber failed to detonate in December, 2001 to blow an

aircraft headed to Miami by keeping explosives in his shoes. This book even discusses

in detail about the Islamic extremists who carried attacks on U.S. citizen after 9/11.

In the "Aviation Security Manual" (eighth edition), the security concerns of

airports of the world have been mentioned. It highlights the different measures to be


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taken for enhancing the security inside the airports. It also discusses about the

provision of latest security equipment for strengthening the security at the airports.

Smith (2005) discusses the background of the September 2001 terrorist attacks

in which four planes were hijacked by the terrorists and then used for hitting the twin

towers. Two of the planes hit the New York, one moved towards Pentagon and the

fourth one crashed in the air. The author also examines the causes of this

unprecedented attack on American soil. The author argues the promotion of economic

justice and giving rights to others can solve the phenomenon of terrorism.

Benny (2012) discusses the physical security system and the equipment for

detection at airports. Emergency responses in the case of need and other regulations

regarding airports have been dealt in detail. The security of general aviation, fuel

storage and aircraft hangers are discussed. Recruitment and transportation of security

requirement are important aspects of the discussion.

Elias (2009) discusses the terrorists’ threats to the Americans before and after

the incident of September 11, 2001 in which the terrorists used the aviation industry

as weapon against the people of United States. The author traces the history of

terrorism involving aviation since the 1960s to present and debate the changes that

have taken place after the 9/11 attacks in the security and other arrangements. It

discusses the persistent threat to airports and the counter policy of U.S.A.

Ansari (2014) has discussed that the Karachi Airport attack was the first of

their initiatives against the aviation industry and government installations after they

have issued their threat warnings. The terrorists used their intelligence very cleverly

by reccying the different aspects of their attacks. They were well equipped; however,

they did not establish their notorious designs.


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The great Prussian philosopher and student of war Karl von Clausewitz said

"Every age has its own kind of war, its own limiting conditions and its own peculiar

preconceptions" (Nardulli, 1982, P. 494). Terrorism is a very old phenomenon and

can be traced back to that of the French Revolution but after the incident of 9/11, it

has regained importance all over the world and can be termed as the ongoing warfare

of this age.

As terrorism has no specific or agreed upon definition because the different

groups and states have different opinion regarding terrorism because one group or

state defines terrorists as freedom fighters whereas the other side had its own

definition. So, it is difficult to draw a line or put up an agreed upon definition to the

term terrorism. The term has been used by revolutionaries to justify their stance of

what they think of economic and political injustice, rebels think it as to throw off the

exploitative ruler that are oppressors and the religious groups give their own reasons

of persecuting. The terrorist does not use the term for themselves because they call

themselves the freedom fighters. Here we have the example of PLO Palestine

Liberation Organization, which call themselves as the freedom fighters while on the

other hand the Israel and United States of America called them as terrorists. In such a

manner the Palestine and the Arab world called the Israel as a terrorist state. The head

of the Palestine Liberation Organization in 1974 addressed to the United Nations

expressly called the Israel and U.S.A as the master minding states of terrorists’

attacks. Moreover, Yasir Arafat said that the difference between a revolutionary and

terrorist lies in the reason for which each fight. He added that a person fighting for the

freedom and liberation of his homeland cannot be called a terrorist (Whittaker, 2001).


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It is also important to note that the first empire of Mesopotamian the Sargon of

Akkad was brought on the basis of terror. They break the will of the people by the use

of power and subjected them to the ruler. In the same ways Mongols and Tamerlane

used terror for allegiance and were able to get their desired objectives. It is important

here to note that terrorism is not a narrow phenomenon it basically exists since the

inception of human society. In broad spectrum it is a very old phenomenon and it was

during the French revolution that it has been used in modern era in the mid of

twentieth century (Chaliand & Blin 2007).

Terrorist tries to get the sympathies of the public by disguising themselves as

the custodian of social, economic and religious norms and fight against any

oppression or threat to these norms or other values. They describe themselves as

national liberation movement or fighters against any kind of oppression to their

interests. On the one hand they call themselves as freedom fighters and on the other

hand the state or government differentiates between the terrorists and freedom

fighters. The boundary between the two is blurred and it is difficult at some times to

differentiate the two. But still the fundamental differences are there and the two terms

are having quite separate meaning from each other (Netanyaha, 1981).

Terrorism was explicitly used during the French revolution as a political term,

in mid of the twentieth century the term was used in the European continent. In the

1972 when Olympics were held in Munich and a Palestinian group kidnapped the

Israeli athletes for political purpose, was an act of terrorism (Bovard, 2003).

The term international terrorism came into use in the politics, after the

hijacking of several Western airlines aircrafts by the Palestinians in the era of 1970

and thus the term international terrorism has come into use (Halliday, 1993). The

aviation industry is an important installation and the attacks of terrorists on it


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recognized them for trans-national terrorism. In this way, the terrorists tried to hit this

industry in one or the other way for accomplishing their aims. The important of this

installation is also beneficial for terrorists because the news of terrorist attacks on

airports spreads all over the world in a little time.

It was in July, 1968 when three individuals of Palestinian Popular Front for the

Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked an Israeli commercial aircraft EL AL that was

destined from Tel Aviv to Rome. These were the incidents which termed terrorism as

“international terrorism” (Hoffman, 2006, Pp. 63-65).

The term has become “international terrorism” because it has transcended the

boundaries of one country and its victims, targets and location of incident involve

more than one country. The phenomenon of international terrorism became familiar in

the last quarter of the 20th century (Roskin and Berry, 2009)

Terrorism over the years has developed into a complex phenomenon and is a

challenge that is being faced by the governments and the policy makers all over the

world. The causes of terrorism cannot be traced back to any specific reason. This

phenomenon can occur in any country at any time and may originate from different

groups and for different reasons. Consequently, Pakistan cannot remain oblivious of

the happening around the globe and especially because of its role as a front-line state

in war against terrorism.

The challenges and threat of terrorism remains ever-present for any country

even though it may be dormant at certain period in time. Pakistan is equally

susceptible to this menace. We should debate on both external as well as internal

dimensions of the problem, concurrently discussing the ostensible as well as ulterior

aspects of each factor. For countering any danger, Pakistan has to assess the danger in


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all its prone and cone to produce an appropriate response, and this is also necessary

for sustainable security atmosphere of Pakistan.

Definition of terrorism

Terrorism is neither a new strategy nor a new doctrine but it existed in the past

also. However, the improved communication systems have enlarged its scope and

extent. Terrorism used by an individual or a group differs in objective from the

terrorism used by the state against her own people. Since contemporary terrorism is

the strategy or weapon of the weak, therefore, terrorists are not the part of modern


The common understanding in the world is that defining terrorism is essential

but also impossible. This is probably why there is no one universally accepted

definition. A few of the more preferred definitions at present are as follows:

Terrorism creates a sense of fear in an organized manner in population and

Terrorism “needs and is aimed at audience” (Russet, 1981). The word terrorism defies

an exact definition, difference of opinion exists on the word terrorism, and there are

about hundred definitions of the word terrorism (Deutcher, 2009).

“Terrorism is the use or threat of extraordinary political violence to induce

fear, anxiety or alarm in a target audience wider than the immediate symbolic victims.

Terrorism is violence for political effect as opposed to military impact” (Walker,

2010, P.1395). In another definition M. Crenshaw, defined terrorism, “Terrorism is

characterized as a series of individual acts of extraordinary and intolerable violence, a

constant pattern of symbolic or representative selection and is deliberately intended to

create a psychological effect on specific groups of people” (Taylor, 2002, P. 10).


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Although it is difficult to define terrorism in a clear cut and agreed form but

here are few of its characteristics which make it distinguishable from all other forms

of violence. It inspires terror in the target audience by killing or destroying the

innocent and secondary targets. Moreover, terrorist do not have enough power to

topple or challenge the power that they thought their enemies. However, they are

unlike guerilla warfare use tactics to threaten the population because they have less

manpower and resources. Furthermore, they do not have a central command system

because they are decentralized and having their leaders but they are always working

in small groups or even in some instances in a bit larger. Terrorists target that place

which has media coverage and create more sensationalism in the masses in order to

get their desired aim of terrorizing the general public at large.

“Terrorism is a politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-

combatant targets by sub- national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to

influence an audience”. Terrorism has been defined differently by different states and

organizations but terrorism has almost the same basics and criteria anywhere in the

world. The criteria and those basics differentiate it from other form of violence. The

three key criteria for the distinction are that it is politically motivated act, violence is

primarily directed to the non-combatants and the clandestine agents or sub national

groups commit terrorist attacks (Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 2004).

Psychological study of terrorism explains that terrorism is proposed to form

an environment of fear and worry in the mind of individual. Such like situation of fear

and worry are for establishing terror in large audience who may have no affiliation

with the sufferers (Kaplan, 1981). Terrorism also leaves a psychological impact on the

masses. Therefore, some historian has also defined terrorism in the psychological

perspective, as it is defined in the U.S department of State’s that “putting the public or


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any section of the public in fear and even in the British legal definition of 1974 is

about to the psychological effect of this kind of warfare” (Chaliand & Blin 2007, Pp.


Here the important definitive characteristics that make an act of terrorism are:

a. This is an act that is aimed for the destruction even it is being performed by an

individual or by a group of persons but not on the behalf of an established

government or otherwise.

b. This is another type of act which aims at destruction being performed to

recompense a real or unreal injustice.

c. This type of act is aimed at a recognized rule, and it is deemed to be the reason

of the unfairness.

The absence of the above-mentioned characteristics in any item of devastation

of individuals or stuff is not to be treated as terrorism. But simply it is an act of war,

an internal policy or a crime of the law of the land, arson, etc. because:

a. Any act that bring destruction on the part of the people or property is caused

unintentionally, is not an act of terrorism.

b. In another place if such demolition of individuals or stuff is happening by or

on behalf of a recognized government against another state, so it may be

treated as a war, not terrorism.

c. Such like if devastation or demolition of individuals or stuff is carried out by

or on behalf of a recognized government in its own country and against its

own people may be termed as a planned matter of policy, not terrorism.

d. And if demolition of individuals or stuff is if not planned against a recognized

government, but is aimed at a private individual or group, it may be treated as

a breach of the local law of the land, not terrorism.


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Causes, Categories and types of terrorism

The reasons of terrorism are also of varied nature as the types of people who

pledge terrorist attacks. Terrorists frequently switch over to different terrorist act

because they think that they have utilized all other options for legitimate religious or

political change and have no other option to bring appreciation to their cause and

change to the society they live in.  Main causes behind such acts are:

a. Regional Crises. Crises like Kashmir and Palestine are the major regional

issues which require just and peaceful solution according to the wishes of the

people of both the states and Resolutions of the United Nations General

Assembly. These unresolved international issues are the major sources of

causing sense of deprivation and frustration of the people of both the states

which ultimately resulting in extremism in these regions of the Islamic world

(Mirza, 1994). It is the prime responsibility of the United Nation Organization

to take concrete steps for the peaceful and just solution of these problems. A

dream of the peaceful world is impossible till the time a peaceful and just

solution of both these unresolved issues lying on the agenda of the United

Nation is sought by the comity of nations.

b. Political Oppression/ Injustice. Political oppression becomes an emerging

cause of terrorism in the recent history. With the restoration of democracy,

political ambitions of the people have risen significantly but there is evidence

where these ambitions were not allowed to get revealed and given rise to

terrorist violence for ventilating their feelings (Merkl, 1986). Lack of political

stability and intolerance of an opposition are reason for political terrorism in

one shape or another.


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c. Religious Intolerance. Some individuals do not accept interference in their

religious freedom and if someone interferes with their faith or ideology it leads

the situation to ferocity. Most of the religious groups have grievances against

present government for their support to international coalition against Al

Qaida (Hoffman & McCormick, 2004).

d. Economic Deprivation. In the economic deprivation the main reasons are the

economic inequality and discrimination.

e. Regional Disparities. Concentration of wealth and economic resources in a

specific area and to keep the rest of the places at disparities that creates hatred

in the public of deprived community and may lead to terrorism acts

(Naughton, 2008).

f. Foreign Support. It is another important reason behind terrorism in the

world. This is a purpose of weakening the bond of unity between the people

and with the community of nations. In penetrable borders this task is very easy

for inculcating terrorist acts.

g. Sectarian Violence. Shia Sunni targeted killings and religious intolerance is

the main cause for sectarian violence.

Categories of Terrorism

Terrorism can be categorized as under:

a. Disruptive Terrorism: - The act of terrorism which causes disruption in the

institutional structure of a society may be termed as disruptive terrorism. The

objects of disruptive terrorism may be to publicize the movement supported by

terrorist, to build up the morale of the people and organizations supports the

movement. To discredit and demoralize the established authority by various

means and to provoke the established authority into taking harsh and


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repressive measures leading to a rising spiral of official expenditure in arms,

lives, and money etc. and finally resulting in a public clamor for the

abandonment of such an action.

b. Coercive Terrorism. The terrorism acts which are generated to change the

beliefs, opinions and normal practices of a society may be termed as coercive

terrorism. The objects of coercive terrorism are to deflate the civilian and to

create misconception between government and its people. It also inculcates the

revolutionary movement to fear the civil population.

Types of Terrorism

Modern terrorism has assumed many dimensions and gained a wide scope of

activity. Terrorism threats can be divided as under: -

a. Indigenous terrorism. The terrorist operations are restricted to the

geographical boundaries of a country although these internal terrorist

organizations may be obtaining external aid in terms of money and material.

The internal terrorism threats may be in the following forms: -

(1) Subversion. It is achieved by the use of subversive violence. “It is the

undermining or detachment of the loyalties of significant political and social

groups within the victimized state, and their transference, under ideal

conditions, to the symbols and institutions of the aggressor” (Blackstock,

1964, P. 56).

(2) Infiltration. The terrorist may infiltrate in government organizations for

assisting neo- anarchist elements. Infiltration may be physically by the

terrorists as in the case of Jinnah International Airport Karachi attack in which

the terrorist physically infiltrated and put huge losses to the aviation security.


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(3) Indoctrination. To obtain the popular support

from the masses.

(4) Agitation. The terrorist may carry out a politically motivated agitation.

(5) Propaganda. Terrorist may carryout propaganda against the government. In

case of the Peshawar airport attack in 2012 the terrorists were propagating that

their men have entered the premises of the airport boundary and are fighting

the security forces. However, in reality during that attack a single terrorist did

not able to get enter into the boundary wall but they were spreading the news

through propaganda via different media for demoralizing the security forces.

(6) Violence. The use of violence on a broad front may be employed to

accomplish the disintegration of the existing order. The violent means adopted

in this context could be selective like assassination, hijacking, kidnapping,

sabotage or robbery etc. or it could be indiscriminate like street shooting.

b. Individual or Group Terrorism. It is the use of calculated subversive

violence and intimidation by an individual or a group in furtherance of

political, racial or religious aims or monetary or material gains against the

target government, state or authority.

c. Nationalist Terrorism. “Nationalist terrorists seek to form a separate state for

their own national group, often by drawing attention to a fight for "national

liberation" that they think the world has ignored” (Kawilarang, 2004).Example

is the Irish Republican Army.

d. Religious Terrorism. In Religious terrorism the terrorist pursues the use of

violence for spiritual purposes. Frequently, in such type terrorism major

enemy is attempted for a speedy result. Al-Qaeda, Hamas, the Israeli

extremists Baruch Goldstein, is the examples.


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e. State Terrorism. It is an act of violence and repression by the instruments of

the state against its own people struggling for political, social or economic

emancipation or struggling to throw off a racist, colonial or an alien regime.

f. State-sponsored Terrorism. State-sponsored terrorist groups are those which

are intentionally carried out by radical states as a tool of their foreign policy or

for waging covertly war, by the use of proxy warriors or guns for hire

(Michael, 2007). Indian sponsored Tamil Terrorist in Sri Lanka during the

early 90s was a classic example.

g. International Terrorism. Two or more terrorist organization from different

countries may cooperate in the use of violence for the furtherance of their

specific aims which may be common to the participating terrorist groups or the

cooperation may be the result of some alliance for mutual assistance. The

record of international terrorism provides many examples of cooperation

among terrorist groups which may be in any of the following forms:

(1) Direct Cooperation. Direct co-operation may be in the form of: -

(a) Financial Support. It may be in the form of equipment, arms, manpower or

information about the target etc.

(b) Technical Support. It may be in the form of equipment, arms, manpower or

information about the target etc.

(c) Training Facilities. The terrorist training camps in geographical area may

provide training facilities to the members of other groups.

(2) Indirect Cooperation. The present-day communication facilities and media

coverage, also aids indirect cooperation among various groups. This indirect

cooperation may cover the following aspects: -


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(a) Techniques. The terrorist’s groups may adopt common procedures /

techniques of attacks, or they may help each other in evolving new techniques.

(b) Targets. They may select targets which may evolve common policies /


(3) Transnational Terrorism. It occurs when an organization commits acts of

terrorism outside its country of origin either against its own nationals and

institutions or against those of another state. These acts of terrorism may be

initiated by terrorist group or by a state.

Objectives of Terrorism

Propaganda is that tool of terrorism which is widely used to advertise a

movement and its cause, to stimulate supporters and followers to further acts of

terrorism and insurgency. Furthermore, in propaganda objectives of an organized

terrorist movement is to get publicity by media coverage, for getting the short term

relieve such as release of fellow terrorists from jail, payment of ransom or change in

government policies. Moreover, it is also used for taking revenge of the death of their

other terrorist fellows and employs terrorism as a catalyst to deliberately arouse

government repression, reprisals and counter-terrorism to militarizing a political

situation, leading to alienation of masses from the government. Such like situation is

the main reason for the down fall a feeble Government. Furthermore, acts of violence

and coercion to accomplish an anticipated social, political, or religious outcome, and

insurgency support.

Types of Terrorist Groups/ Organizations, Selection of Terrorism Targets and Categories of Terrorism Targets

Ethnic, Religious and Multinational Groups: Ethnic groups are formed by a

community of people who vary in language race or color or in national, religious or


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cultural origins from the main group, that is commonly form the majority in a living


Anarchist Groups. Anarchism (from the Greek, “without govt.”) is a political

ideology based on the belief that govt. is bad and unnecessary. Anarchists advocate a

society organized by free association, in which cooperation would take the place of

compulsion and competition.

Pathological Group/Individuals. In the modern society, crime sponsoring groups

are usually very well organized and the mafias have the patronage of influential

people. “Well established groups have an internal structure that provides stability for

interaction among members, who tend to enact particular roles, to perform specific

functions, to communicate more often with certain other members, and to form

subgroups and cliques” (Grolier, 1997, P. 376). In order to carry on their sinister

activities, such groups spread fear and terror in the society so that the law enforcing

agencies do not think of interfering with their activities. In a terror-stricken society,

these pathological groups prosper (Kelly, 1999).

Neo-Fascists and Extreme Right-Wing Groups. All fascists’ movements aim for

the enhancement of it position relating to other powers either at sweeping change or

stately growth. More stress is placed on the visual appealing and spiritual aspects.

Ideological Mercenaries. An ideology is that method of societal or dogmatic

attitude in which real-world fundamentals are as important as imaginary ones.

Indigenously Supported. A campaign has to be indigenous to be successful in

shortest possible time. The direction, conduct and execution have to be from within

and in line with the interest of the local population.


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Selection of Terrorism Targets

The basic criteria for selection of targets are the attachment of some sort of physical

or institutional value with the likely targets in all kind of terrorist activities either it is

against the aviation industry or against some other targets. The value can be of the

following types: -

a. Symbolic Value. The attacks by the terrorists on the institutional structure of the

government symbolize their power. In other words, the government’s

helplessness to protect its institutions demonstrates the strength of the terrorists.

The terrorists try to use the fire power or other tactics for taking a successful

attack. For example, the Taliban attack on the Kabul International Airport in

2015 and in 2011 the suicide bomber blew himself in the international arrival of

Moscow airport. Such like attack on the airports and other government

installations are creating a bad effect on the security situation of a country.

b. Propaganda Value. Modern terrorism is inextricably linked to advanced

telecommunications and the terrorists seek media coverage. Their choice of

target often assures them extensive coverage by national and international

media. In terrorism, the publicity factor is quite important if there is no publicity

or media coverage then there are less chances of terrorism but in those places

where the coverage and publicity is more terrorist try to choose it. Airport and

aviation sector has a lot of importance in this era of globalization. In case of

hijacking or physical assault at airports can give terrorist a speedy coverage

which they want.

c. Success Potential. The terrorist would prefer to attack such soft targets which

provide maximum opportunity of success. Airports are public places and access

to it is easy for a common man. In the present security situation, all other areas


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of forces are difficult to approach but airports are soft targets in a sense because

it can be used by anyone. The different attacks on Pakistan aviation industry is

also because of the above reason.

d. Softness. It implies selection of the targets which are vulnerable pressure points

of the government or the choke points of the society. All sabotage prone targets

like railway lines tracks, gas supply lines, airports, water supply systems and

electrical power system etc. are examples. Airports are the most important

places in the sense that most of the elite and dignitaries are travelling from


Categories of Terrorism Targets

All the terrorist targets fall under three categories: -

a. Selective or Premeditated Targets. The category of targets could also be

categorized as targets causing national disruption to lesser or greater extent but

do not involve acts of mass destruction since the targets under this category are

chosen deliberately. Following are some examples of this category of targets are

Assassination, Kidnapping, Sabotage, Explosive/ Incendiary Attacks and


b. Indiscriminate Targets. The targets under this category may also involve acts

of mass destruction. The following are some of the targets under this category-

Bomb Attacks and Street Shooting.

c. Opportunity Targets. One type of opportunity target occurs out of situational

compulsions like “robbery targets” perforce converted into “hostage barricade”

situation. The second type of such opportunity targets are those which are

attacked by terrorists without much pre-planning and become prone to attack


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due to weaknesses in security barriers. For example, incursion into a sensitive

government building on availability of opportunity due to relax security

arrangements or absence of armed security guards.

Counter Terrorism Measures to protect airports

There are two types of counter terrorism measures which can be adopted: -

a. General Purpose Measures. The measures which are adopted during the

preventive phase of counter terrorism have general examples, i.e. screening of

passengers and their baggage at airports, use of fences and boundary wall,

deployment of trained security guards, establishment of Intruder Alarm system

and use of CCTV cameras etc. to prevent or to at least handicap terrorists are

general purpose measures. When the likely targets are numerous, the protective

systems and devices must be so devised that they are economical in effort and

cost. In aviation industry, the general-purpose measures are basically defensive

and for the creation of deterrence. For example, double gate entry system and

many layers of security deployment to cope with any incident. Moreover, rising

of wall and fences around the perimeter supported by a ditch all along with the

fence or wall for the security of apron. In Pakistan airports are protected by

fence or wall and ditches all along the perimeter with patrolling of troops and

static posts. In few airports intruder alarm system has also been installed for

better ensuring better security.

b. Multi-Purpose System. It should be preferred to a single purpose

system. For example, a single purpose detector at each airport should not be

preferred over a device that could with moderate reliability, detect a wide

variety of poisons, explosive, drugs, weapons etc. new screening machine have

been in use in developed country with multi-purpose objective. These machines


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have the capability of detecting arms, explosives, narcotics and other contra

band items. Moreover, this equipment exists in Pakistan few airports but is not

available at all airports. The author observes that these machines may be

provided at all airports with trained staff for ensuring a better and uniform

security throughout the country. Furthermore, restorative measures are also a

kind counter terrorism measure, normally associated with natural disasters and

calamities. Such services which already exist may prove less costly and

therefore, should be considered for use in counter terrorism. Special measures

are another form applicable in control and containment phases of terrorism

because these have to be tailored in response to the threat. For example, if it

becomes apparent that a terrorist was incredibly threatening to use snake venom,

the availability of an antidote becomes crucial.

Application of Counter Terrorism Measures

The basic means of applying counter terrorism measures are the intelligence

operations, military operations, police actions; psychological approach, medical aid

and behavioral science etc. terrorism should be regarded primarily as a strategic

problem. It would necessitate viable and pragmatic national policy which should

encompass a wide range of social, economic, political and military measures.

a. Policy. Consistent policy by the government which is ought to be expressed by

the leadership in unambiguous terms. Such declaration be aimed at own

population, the terrorist and international community.

b. Strategy. Active strategy formulated for the prevention, pre-emption and

retaliation to deter future attacks. This would imply measures to first prevent

(by removing the causes and projecting an effective deterrence), to pre-empt

(through effective intelligence system) and lastly to retaliate with an efficient


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armed instrument. Some of these measures are: removing economic

deprivation/disparity and provision of jobs to youth, creating a central crisis

management organization at national level rep by all concerned departments

(including military and political). Moreover, the creation of a full-time counter

terrorist organization with highly skilled manpower consisting of military,

police, intelligence, psycho- analytic and media persons. Furthermore,

establishment of a central intelligence organization based on proper coordinating

efforts of all intelligence agencies. Ensuring concerted efforts and coop by

media by toning down media coverage without sensationalizing an activity and

better cooperation at international level for exchange of information.

Furthermore, revamping police, Pakistan Air Force and Airport Security Force

structure duly backed up by highly efficient and well-equipped anti- terrorist

force. For better results award of economic incentives for security staff,

lucrative monetary awards for those who assist in identifying and capture of

terrorists and integration of population within the overall strategic response.

Stringent legislation may be adopted against possible possession of arms or

capturing/ recovering of arms at the airports.

Counter- terrorism efforts

If terrorism exists in the world then there will also be a reaction to terrorism,

which will be in the shape of war against terror and counter terrorism measures. Many

attempts have been made so far to establish a well and coherent system to fight

against terrorism. One of the first important efforts was that in 1937 conference, held

in Geneva in which 24 countries signed the anti-terrorism convention under the

League of Nations (Zimmermann, 2006).


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But here it is very important to mention that an act of terrorism either it is

smaller or huge but it has some of its background. It does not evolve itself but rather it

has some grievances behind such crime and to address the problems. In 1980s the

United States of America took place a violent attack against Nicaragua and killed tens

of thousands of people. World public opinion were against the United States of

America but U.S.A was adamant to it behavior and destroyed that country.

Resultantly, the Nicaragua went to the World court, Security Council and lastly to the

general assembly but in vain. The voice of the Nicaraguan government was heard

anywhere in the internal bodies they were helpless, so what is then left with them for

retaliation? If the U.S.A has some reservations against the Nicaragua it can adopt the

lawful way but rather it uses the unlawful measures and implemented war on the other

country, which can be termed as an international terrorism on the part of America

(Chomsky, 2001). This means that in most of the cases the depressed and smaller

groups or countries people resort to terrorism or other such like measures against the


For such like terrorism, the whole world community is responsible because in

one or the other way they are not fulfilling their duties and obligations which

ultimately resulting in provoking the sentiments of the aggrieved people for resorting

to terrorists’ activities. The big states in most of their reactions are not justifiable and

did not get the resource persons from their targeted area which discredits their attacks

against the foreign states. The big and powerful states consider mostly for their

domestic problems or attacks the foreign states elements that are not true in most of

the cases. Again, the print and electronic media is mostly dominated by the powerful

states which highlight their own positive matters and the negative side of the other

states, so that to get the public opinion in their favor. Such acts on part of the


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powerful states are viewed seriously by the effected states and the repercussions come

in one or the other form from their side too.

It was after 9/11 attacks that the United States of America demanded Pakistan

to cut off aid to the people of Afghanistan. As Afghanistan was nourishing terrorist

elements and U.S.A wanted to pressurize Taliban and to isolate them. Afghanistan is

a land lock country and most of the supply takes place from Pakistan via Torkham. By

cutting supply to Afghanistan would have led to drought in the country and might lead

to the death of millions of innocent people because all of them were not terrorists.

Such stringent move against a country can compel its people to act in retaliation as

much as they can do, even they can resort to suicides and other terrorists act to get

revenge (The New York Time, September 16, 2001).

The term war on terror is not a new phenomenon it exists even the era of

Reagan administration at that time Soviet Union was a severe threat to the west and

the U.S.A itself gives a boom to the international terrorism. The organized campaign

on the part of U.S.A faced condemnation from the World court but U.S.A did not

heed to anything and moved on wards by backing its supporters throughout the world.

Since long no change in the policies and goals of U.S.A are observed but it is only the

tactics that are changing (Chomsky, 2001).

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was formed in 2001 after the

9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States of America. TSA came into being during

the 107th congress on November 19, 2001. It was the Federal Aviation Administration

(FAA) that was responsible for the aviation security and air cargo prior to TSA. TSA

is basically an advanced form of the FAA because most of the items were derived

from the FAA. TSA installed the latest equipment for the detection of passengers and

their baggage’s from explosives and other prohibited goods. There are transportations


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security officers who are deployed at 450 airports in USA. The primary responsibility

of the TSA is to monitor the security at ground level and forbid carrying of any

dangerous good to the sterile area of the airports. It was not only 9/11 incident which

fulfill the nefarious designs of the terrorist but the aviation industry is still a luxurious

spot for them to topple the economy of the United States of America and create a

wave of terror in the American citizens (Gonya, 2010).

The first hijacking in the history of aviation can be traced back to that of 21

February 1931 that took place in Peru. It was the first recorded hijacking in the history

of world. That lead, to the creation of an important association i.e. Transportation

Security Association (TSA). The importance and consideration of a structure like

TSA was realized in 1931 due to the above-mentioned hijacking. It compelled the

American to review their security system at gross roots level. With the passage of

time the incidents of hijacking in aviation industry become increased, the quarrel and

unauthorized possession of weapons during flight was also observed. Due to

unsatisfactory security measures the incident of December 1988 that of pan American

103 in route New York, in which 270 people died. In 1994 Ramzi Yousef carried a

test on Philippine airline by passing an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). The IED

detonated and killed one passenger. However, Yousef was not only captured but

Bojinka plot was also disclosed, in which they had planned to bomb 12 US aircraft

over Pacific Ocean. With knowing this plot the security system in the USA was

upgraded and the manual and X-ray checking was enhanced. Then after the 9/11

incident the situations took a U-turn and strict security measures were adopted

throughout the world in aviation industry (Backer, 2015).

Surveillance missions by terrorists conducted even after such tight security

arrangements by the aviation industry. In almost all hijacking and attacks against the


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aviation industry the use of surveillance is the top priority of the terrorists (Hoffman,


Aviation security is a complex task, in the 1990’s efforts were made to protect

the aviation industry against the scourge of terrorism and provide the level of safety to

commercial and other type of aviation but the unfortunate incident of 9/11 still took

place. In which only the world trade center destruction caused an economic collapse

of $70b and the total cost that happened due to the 9/11 attack was about $100b

(George & Watford, 2007).

When the term terrorism exists; there must be the term counter terrorism that

well defines the ways and technique how to prevent the occurrence of such incidents

in future. It is actually a disciplined which predicts us about the future of such terrorist

mind sets. It is in a way like every action is there a reaction but opposite in direction.

Moreover, it’s given the sense of speculation to about the forthcoming threats and

knows how about it prevention. Counter terrorism practitioners are actually trying to

predict the future and attempt to change it.

Counter terrorism asses the future of terrorist attacks by keeping in view the

past attacks, case studies, observations and precautionary necessary future planning.

Although, apparently counter terrorism seems to arose after 9/11 2001 but actually its

beginning can be traced back to that of 1970s by the first real recognition of terrorist’s

threats by American national security establishment. Moreover, in 1980s and 1990s

the terrorist activities further enhanced the role and development of counter terrorism.

It was in 1972 the president Nixon who clearly given the outline and counter terrorism

tools. Terrorism and counter terrorism goes hand in hand. But it is evident that it

comes in its real shape after the 9/11 incident, when the whole world was shaken and

alarmed by the terrorists’ attacks that hit the United States of America. It was these


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attacks which become a driving force behind the America’s national policy (Mueller,

2005). Furthermore, it not only revolutionized the American policy but around the

globe most of the countries prepared plan of their future strategies in order how to

face the menace of terrorism and the ways to root it out from the national and

international communities.

It was the terrorist incidents throughout the world which leads to the creation

of counterterrorism departments in different countries respective the need of their

requirements. This mainly happened in the results of the 1960s decade of terrorist

incidents, which even internationalized the term terrorism. The hijacking of planes by

some of the Palestine groups created a wave of terror in the world. It and some other

events compelled the leaders of the world to review their security system from all

dimensions. It was in 2003 that the United States of America introduced its homeland

security system to fight the terrorism inside their country. In such a way, other

countries also viewed the situation very seriously and introduced new techniques to

protect their homeland from the scourge of terrorism (Alexander & Kraft, 2008).

State level terrorism has suffered the lives of humans for the last five

centuries. In early stage it was used in order to get the allegiance to newly formed

states. All over the world i.e. in America, Africa, Asia and Middle East etc. many

people have suffered and even generations have been made to suffer due to the

terrorism. Furthermore, in the twentieth century the introduction of modern state

system suffered millions of people due to state terrorism (Rummel, 1994). It is

important to point out here that the number of casualties occurred due to state

sponsored terrorism are quite large in number than that occurred due to non-state

actors or insurgents. But it’s another thing that people do not give more attention to

the terrorism that has faced by the humanity due to state sponsored terrorism.


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Although, both types of these terrorism are destructive for human generation and its

effects are to be noticed for a long time (Jackson, 2008).

It is not only a group of people which through their organized efforts create

the wave of terrorism, states are also involved in inciting terrorism by some deliberate

threats or act of violence and thus induce fear in some target groups or desired people.

It is that act which differentiates the state terrorism from the other forms of state

repression. It is a question mark for scholars and human rights activists that such act

of state terrorism is a form of terrorism or otherwise (Jackson, Murphy and Poynting,


This shows that terrorism is not a local phenomenon but it is global

phenomenon and a single event that takes place in one place of the world has its

impacts on the other parts of the world. The waves of terrorism in the twentieth and

twenty first century alarmed the states of the world either it was in one or the other

form but certainly it has created panic in the society of the world. It was not only

containing to the west or east but almost every region of the globe has been affected

by the scourge of terrorism. Asia is also among those continents which have been hit

by the wave of terrorism. It was basically after the Afghan war which brought and

sows the seed of terrorism in this region. The cold war although brought to an end

with the disintegration of United Soviet Socialist Republic but the central and south

Asian region become hot zone between the big powers: they brought their cold war as

hot war for the people of this region.

Pakistan also got involved in these situations due to one or the other reasons.

However, after joining hands with the USA in the Afghan war against the USSR

Pakistan is facing the consequences of terrorism. Pakistan is badly hit by the guerrilla

war and other attacks by terrorist elements from across Afghanistan and Federally


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Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Pakistan changing policies against Afghanistan

and neighboring countries brought us in position that now Pakistan is amongst those

countries which are badly damaged by the terrorist incidents. The coalition of

Pakistan as a non-NATO ally in the 9/11 aftermath has further deteriorated the

unstable situation of Pakistan. Due to which Pakistan has to fight a war against its

own people in the FATA region. Pakistan has lost billions of dollars on this war but

still attacks are going against the law enforcement agencies and other soft targets. In

the war against terror Pakistan was given aid but Pakistan has spent many folds on

fight against terror. These terrorist attacks brought our economy to the low ebb and

foreign investment has become minimum because the uncertain situations. Attacks on

foreign investors in different areas of Pakistan have created a wave of terror in the

foreigners and they are mostly reluctant to come to our country. We are still in a state

of war, although the situation has become quite peaceful after the successes in

operation zarb.i.azab launched by the Pakistan army. However, the possibility of

terrorists’ attacks cannot be ruled out. It means that the law and order situation has

improved a lot but still it is not the ideal situation. Therefore, there is still a dire need

of taking more effective measures to counter the terrorism menace and its routes to

eliminate the terrorists as well as their hide outs and financial supporters.

History of Aviation terrorism

In the year 1975 LaGuardia Airport bombing took place claiming the lives of

11 people and injured 74. After 1927 it was the first horrific action by non-state actors

on the American soil. The terminal building of LaGuardia Airport was on fire that last

for few hours. The blast created a large hole in the concrete ceiling of the baggage

reclaims area. Other airports of the United States of America received threats warning


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from different non- state groups and thus created a wave of terror in the people of that

country. This was a big event in the history of United States of America because such

attack in the sterile area-which is a very sensitive area of the airport, is quite alarming

for such a technologically advanced country (Duschjr, 2009). Again in 1976 a group

of terrorists hijacked an aircraft from LaGuardia Airport to Chicago; during the

hijacking it was also revealed that a bomb has also been planted at the airport terminal

building. However, the bomb was recovered from the building and the hijackers were

arrested as the flight arrived in Paris.

It was in 1985 that Civil Aviation industry again faced with one of the

bloodied terrorist attack. On June 22, 1985 a bomb has been exploded in Narita

Airport, previously known as New Tokyo International Airport, Japan in the baggage

of a Sikh passenger. It was exploded on the ground in the airport terminal building

and left two people dead while four other were injured. The dead injured were the

baggage attendees’ who were to collect the held baggage and to move then onward to

the aircraft. It was about 0600 GMT that the explosion occurred and after a while a

second blast occurred in the flight of air India flight no-182 at the west coast of

Ireland 329 people, were died, none of the on-board people survived (Sloan &

Anderson, 2009). It was deemed that the explosion that took place in the luggage of a

Sikh that exploded on ground in the Narita airport was also planned for air India flight

no. 301, Which was destined to Bangkok, Thailand. However, fortunately that bomb

exploded before it reached to its target; otherwise it could have also claimed the lives

of 177 people that were booked on the above said flight. Although the bombing was

planned for Air India flight but the terrorist used the land of Japan and targeted the

planes. This was one of the bloodiest incidents that the history witnessed in the past.


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In the same year 1985 two other terrorists’ attacks were carried out by the

terrorists against the aviation industry in Rome and at Vienna Airport. Four terrorists

which were claimed to be Arabs carried out assault in Rome against the Israeli

ticketing counter, in which 16 civilians were killed and hundreds were injured. The

Israeli security in retaliation killed the three terrorists and injured the fourth one,

which was then, arrested (Singer, 1989). They were armed with rifles and hand

grenades, as they reached the target, started discriminate firing and used hand grenade

to mark maximum damage. After a minute of the Rome attack, three terrorists

attacked Vienna International Airport, Austria. Due to that attack at least three people

were killed and wounded 38. In that attack, in the retaliation one of the terrorist was

killed and the other two were captured. It was deemed that the terrorist was trying to

hijack the El Al jets at the airport and wanted to take it to the Tel Aviv.

Responsibility, for the attack was claimed by Abu Nidal Organization in retaliation of

the Israeli bombing on Palestinian Liberation Organization in Tunis in 1985. It was

earlier believed that the attack was carried out by the PLO but Yasir Arafat the then

president of the Palestine regretted/condemned the attack and declared it as a

conspiracy against the PLO, in order to discard the PLO by those countries of the

Europe. But with the claim of the Nidal Organization the responsibility was fixed to

the other side (Combs & Slann, 2009).

In 1988 an Iranian airplane was hit by the United States of America marine’s

in the Strait of Hormuz. All two hundred and ninety people on board the airplane were

perished. The commercial Iran air flight 655 took off from Bandar Abbas airport Iran

and was proceeding over Persian Gulf on the assigned commercial route for Dubai.

Two surfaces to air guided missiles fired from the USS Vincennes which caused the

destruction of Iran air flight. The plane was carrying passengers from six different


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nations. The U.S.A ship was there in the Strait of Hormuz during the Iran- Iraq war

for the oil field protection of Kuwait (Ghasemi, 2004).

The destruction of Pan Am flight over the Scotland in December 1988 was

another terrorist incident in the history of terrorism against the aviation industry. Two

hundred and seventy people died due to this act of terrorism. The federal aviation

administration imposed strict security measures for all its flights taking off from

European soil. This was a deadliest terrorist act on the British soil which took the

lives of more than two hundred innocent people.

On July 4, 2002 a gunman entered into Los Angeles international Airport in

Los Angeles, California. He started firing on the ticketing counter of the airline of El

AL the Israeli national airline. During the firing two people were killed and four

others were injured. The gunman first killed a customer service agent of the airline

and after that killed a passenger who was standing in the ticketing row. The gunman

was having two pistols and a knife, in retaliation he was killed by a security person of

the airline (Schiavo, 2008). Later on, the attacker was identified as an Egyptian

national and was associated to one of the extremist group. He alone committed this

act of terrorism which specially reflected the U.S policies toward Palestine. The

U.S.A at level continue to lobby Israel at almost all the occasion against the Palestine

issue, in response the Palestinian supporters tried to target the Israeli population

everywhere in the world especially in U.S.A.

In 2009 the Tamil Tigers used the suicide air strike against the Sri Lankan

government. The Tamil tried to copy the attack of 9/11 to hit the bases of Air Force in

Colombo but the plot was made unsuccessful by the Sri Lankan Air force. In 2002 the

Tamil which was a terrorist group in the north and east of Sri Lanka and were in the

control of an area of about 15000 km. However, the Tamil faced quite tough


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resistance from the Sri Lankan forces after 2007, till 2009 they were specified to an

area of 100 km. In the period of peace from 2002 to 2006 the Tamil Tigers brought

the small trainee plane to their area from foreign helpers. They loaded these with Z-

143 a single engine aircraft with bombs and headed it towards Colombo. However,

these were intercepted by the Sri Lankan Air Force and were hit and destroyed, which

killed a few people and injured many because it wreckages fall on buildings. If these

attacks could have been made successful, it would have brought a great disaster to the

Sri Lankan government because the perpetrators followed the tactics used in the 9/11

hijacking (Falk & Kroitoru, 2009).

On July 20, 2013 bomb explosion occurred at exit of terminal building of

Beijing Capital International Airport. The explosion was carried out by a Chinese who

was seated in a wheel chair. It only injured that person who detonated the bomb and

all the other passengers and the staff at the airport were safe in the explosion.

Although, it halted the operation for a few hours but actually overall flight schedule

was not disturbed and routine flights landed/took off. The same person who exploded

the bomb was just injured and was taken to the hospital; his hand was amputated due

to the injuries. Later on, it was revealed in the investigation that the passenger was

having some reservations against the security agencies back to the year 2005.

However, the said passenger used the aviation industry for protesting against the

grievances he had of security agencies.

A Boeing 777 of Malaysian air was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing

the capital of China on March 8, 2014 that the airplane lost its contact to the control

tower when it was over the South Asian Sea. The plane consisted of 239 passengers

and crew members and it is presumed that it has been lost in the southern Indian

Ocean. There are a numerous of stories regarding the missing of this Malaysian


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aircraft, however, a confirmed view about it could not be established. It is important

to note here that after a four-month period a second Malaysian aircraft was hit in

Ukraine by the terrorists. By hitting another airline of Malaysia, new stories were

roaming against the lost aircraft over the southern Indian Ocean (The Daily Nation,

March 09, 2014).

On July 17, 2014, a second Malaysian Boeing- 777 plane was shot down in the

eastern Ukraine, which was a troubled area, with 298 people on board which was

destined from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All the on-board people died who were

belonged from different parts of the world; most of them were from Malaysia,

Australia and Netherlands. The plane was hit with surfaces to air missile from the

Ukraine territory by the pro-Russian insurgents. This was one of the deadliest attacks

by the terrorist against the Civil Aviation industry. The wreckages of the plane were

spread over an area of fifty kilometers. Keeping in view the rules of Civil Aviation, it

was then the responsibility of the Ukraine government to take probe into the matter,

although the Ukraine government initiated the investigation but they have also asked

the Dutch safety board to head the investigation because the incident took more lives

of the Dutch people. According to observation the plane was hit in the left side of the

cockpit (BBC News, October, 14, 2015).

The latest attack against the aviation industry in the second decade of the

twenty first century is that of Brussels bombing that were carried on March 22, 2016.

In the morning time two suicide bombers approached to the Brussels Airport and

exploded themselves with short intervals in the terminal building. It took the lives of

32 people and injured more than three hundred passengers. After an hour of these

attack explosions in Brussels’ Malbeek Metro station killed twenty people. These

were coordinated attacks which aims were to disrupt the smooth function at the


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airports/metro stations in Belgium and terrorize the people of that country. Brussels

airport was immediately, closed for flights after those attacks, it also halted the

railway services to the airport. Metro stations were also closed due to the possible

terrorist attacks. The country was jolted with these attacks and high alert was declared

at airports and other important installations in Belgium. The terrorists were believed

to be belonging to Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) because Belgium was a

partner in the ongoing attacks against the ISIL in Syria and Iraq. The metro station

was at distance of ten kilometer from the Brussels airport. It was also believed that the

Brussels attackers were also involved in Paris attacks in 2015 (BBC News March 22,

2016). Public transport in the capital of Belgium was halted and the airport was also

closed for flights, the date of its opening was extended from time to time to the

projected date of 29th March. Most of the transports services to Brussels were affected

either from inside the country or outside of the country. Strict security checking was

started for all those who were entering into the turbulent city of Brussels. The

business at airport was affected tremendously, cargo suffered, passengers’ inflow

reduced and hotels in the city and airport were least occupied. Cargo services started

on the 23rd March however, formal resumption of flights in enhanced security started

on 01 May 2016. On the day of the attack most of the airlines either de-routed or

cancelled their flights from Brussels.


The roots of terrorism are traced back to very early era of human life. It

existed in human society in one or the other form for fulfilling the desired objectives

of terrorists. Terrorism persists in the pre-historic, Greek, Roman and the modern

society of the day. Terrorism avoids an exact definition and every state has its own


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definition for some states a terrorist is a freedom fighter and for other it is a terrorist,

so it is difficult to give it a definition on which all the stake holder is agreed. There

are many causes of terrorism the most important of these are Regional crises, political

turmoil, religious intolerance; drugs, injustice and economic deprivation etc. terrorism

may be disruptive or coercive but the purpose of both categories is to terrorize the

masses. Terrorism is of different type e.g. indigenous terrorism, international

terrorism, religious terrorism and state terrorism etc. when the losses of terrorism

increased many fold the countries of the world come to the conclusion to topple

terrorism with counter terrorism measures. Effective counter terrorism measures can

bring down the losses due to terrorism to its minimum by delivering trainings,

vigilance, predictions and new sophisticated technologies etc.

Terrorism brought a bad experience to the aviation sector in the 1960s and

1970s because of the many attacks on the airports and airline. No area and country

were left unaffected by the terrorist’s activity as much as concerned with the aviation

industry. They targeted in the developed and the developing countries

indiscriminately by putting heavy losses to the industry in men and materials. It was a

very gruesome period for the aviation industry because it was the major source of

transportation and an indicator of the development of the economy. Immense

development was brought in the shape of new technological equipment, machines and

weapons in this period. Besides all these developments and introducing advance

technology the terrorists escape it and implement their notorious designs which are a

question mark on the technological developed countries of the world. The struggle

between the terrorists and modern technologies is still there and thus putting at risk

the peace of the mind of the people who are travelling by aviation. However, with the

active role of Law Enforcement Agencies, Security Forces and Airports police the


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situation has been improve to some extent and the terrorists are now using suicides,

raid and physical assault for fulfilling their aims.

In the next chapter, the impacts of different types of terrorist acts that have

been taken place in international aviation as well as Pakistan’s aviation are explained

and discussed.


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This chapter focuses on the impact of terrorism on civil aviation. Terrorism has

enormous impact on civil aviation and particularly on the airports security. This

chapter is divided into three parts; the first part deals with security problems at the

global level; the second part covers Pakistan’s Aviation industry and airports, and part

three of this chapter is specifically focused on the impact of terrorism generally on KP

and particularly on Bacha Khan Airport. The impact of terrorism on BKIA Peshawar

has been discussed in this chapter in the light of both primary and secondary data.

The impact of post-9/11 airport security measures on air travel has been realized

worldwide. The global community has initiated various strategies to ensure airports

security particularly after 9/11. The most conspicuous changes in airports security in

the wake of the 9/11 attacks have been brought about in the different parts of the

world and particularly in the conflict zones. A considerable decline in air travel has

been caused by terrorism and this decline has had a substantial cost effect for the air

travel and economy both regionally and globally. Back-of-the- envelope calculations


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show that the airline industry lost about $1.1 billion, and about eleven percent of the

loss is directly attributed to 9/11 (Toohey, 2008).

Airports security after the new wave of terrorism has badly affected the economic

growth on the global level. Airport security volatile situation undermined the

economy and development at the global level. There is no country which has not been

affected by terrorism across the globe. Airport is considered a soft target for the

terrorist organizations and that’s why the passengers often avoid the air travel. This

new trend after the new wave of terrorism not only undermined the airport security

but also badly affected the economy, politics and foreign policy of the world. The

decline in air travel and new threat to air travel has badly affected human lives and

has caused destruction of property, infrastructure and economy, particularly of the

poor countries.

Although, economic disparity and poverty are not the sole cause of terrorism because

many terrorists belong to a sound economic background i.e. Osama bin laden that

belonged to a rich Arab family. However, globalisation has also helped the terrorists’

organisation in the implementation of their nefarious designs. The flow of money to

terrorist organizations becomes easy due to globalization. Their movements across the

borders also become easy due to the speedy transportation and communication after

the emergence of globalisation (Gurr, 2006). Therefore, globalization is also

considered one of the factors of trans-national terrorism, which particularly affects the

aviation travel across the world.

Despite technological and human resource advancement in security screening

technology and the deployment of significant human and financial resources over the

years, after the emergence of trans-national terrorism, aviation in general and the civil


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aviation sector in particular, is still faced with a situation that it is vulnerable to

attacks either by terrorists or any other miscreants. This dissertation examines the

impact (if any) which the international legal and regulatory framework has had on

terrorism that might take place in the aviation sector. In addition, it assesses the

historical effectiveness of such framework in preventing any terrorist attacks against

civil aviation. By doing so, it aims to assess the impact of the legal and regulatory

framework upon the ability of terrorists to plan and carry out attacks against civil


The analysis carried out in this work makes obvious that the international civil

aviation legal and regulatory framework has brought about many changes in reaction

to certain catalytic attacks. Such changes were brought about for obtaining a global

civil aviation security network which could be commensurate with new and emerging

threats. Although the analysis reveals that such measures prove to be arbitrary for

terrorists because they observe no boundaries, rather they look only for opportunities

and cash them whenever situation favours them. For the terrorists such new legal and

regulatory measures are mere a minute hurdle which they can easily cross. This

analysis shows that terrorists have so far been able to surmount security of the air

travel, in many parts of the world, by their steadfast attitude and by exercising

patience and creativity in the task assigned to them.

Over the past years various major terrorist attacks that have been made on civil

aviation which has caused both economic and psychological impact on the sector of

Civil Aviation and the society at large. It is glaringly highlighted by recent threats

against airports and civil aviation companies that how terrorist organisations see an

easy and a favoured target in the air transport industry to successfully instil fear and

deeply felt disruption among the masses of the global community. Very little room is


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available for innovations in the type, scale and means through which the industry can

be exposed to terrorists, and the list appears to be extensive. However, there is a

difference of precautionary measures adopted by airports across the world to cope up

with any threat or situation that can pose challenge to the law enforcement agencies.

At the same time the measures in place to mitigate all of the potential threats are the

priority of various airports around the world keeping in view the need of the hour.

There are two major determining factors for placing security measures by world states

in their respective domain. The first one is the affluence of that state and the economic

strength. The second is the past record of attacks made there on civil aviation

installations. Thus, states have comprehensive security measures in place according to

their priority. Another contributing factor can be the fact whether there are serious

security discrepancies between the regional and main airports within the same state. If

the terrorists can get access to the resources needed to launch an attack against a soft-

target, then there is nothing that can stop them and no security measure can ensure the

mitigation of all losses whether human or economic losses (Sonmez, 1998). There is a

need for serious efforts to revamp all modes of transport as part of a broader and

comprehensive security measures rather than a few limited actions that will just turn

the terrorists’ threats to some other less guarded targets. There is a dire need to take

practical steps to boost the security of the civil aviation industry. One of the major

means for such boost up is to enhance the intelligence on specific threats. Improving

the overall crisis management cycle in order to mitigate, prevent, prepare, and timely

respond to terrorist threats. This should take place not only in one region or continent

but in fact all across the globe if we want to make air travel safer and securer.

Terrorists in today’s world are highly qualified and they also search and find out new

and innovative means for their attacks on airports.


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Adaptability and Innovation of Terrorists

Hijacks of a complex and coordinated nature such as those that took place on 9/11 in

the US have been prevented generally through increased security checks prior to

boarding the aircraft. Because incidents like the attacking of the Russian airliner,

worn-out in the Sinai, this incident shows that terrorist do not required to carry out

attack in an onboard aircraft; their modus operandi is to transfer an onboard aircraft,

through some means, an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). The armed or explosive

attacks indifferent spots like the exit, entrance, lounges or other parts of airports of

key targets, show that the attackers know the reputation of getting handy targets. The

terrorist organizations have learnt very well how to adopt different kinds of

techniques for attacking airport and civil aviation installations in the different parts of

the world.

Most strangely, the terrorists operate through unconventional means of fighting and

target civilians, which render all the procedures permeable which are in place. In

order to counter such unconventional means of the terrorists, new measures should be

moderated to account for the impossibility of preventing their attacks and so any loss

of human life might be minimized. It is practically not possible to monitor and guard

all the areas of an airport such as all restaurants, malls, train-coaches, or mid-sized

Lorries during large pedestrian activity at all times. It is a fact that the law

enforcement human and financial resources are limited, while the number of potential

targets is usually huge. The ways in which an attack can be executed are, no doubt,

countless, unfortunately (Brunn, 2004).

Consequently, the attractiveness of the industry and its infrastructure for potential

attackers is determined by the consistency and permanency of security measures that


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are in place at a civil aviation target. It also depends on the speed with which

operations revert to normal if an attack is successful. In the initial days of the wave of

aviation terrorism in the late 1960s, the terrorists had the confidence that attacks

against civil aviation could do more than just create havoc—it also became a source

of media attraction to their cause which highlighted such events to the extent that the

public across the globe started forming opinions about them.

In order to obtain more media coverage, this vicious circle of perpetrating more

attacks escalated. Terrorist groups started killing and terrorizing the masses by

attacking on the ground, from the ground, and in the air. George Habash, leader of

Palestine’s The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine PFLP once stated that

killing a Jew far from the battlefield has more effect than killing 100 of them in battle.

According to him it attracted more attention (Cohen, 2007).

The media usually gives more coverage on the global level to terrorist attacks on

airports and soft targets. In this regard, the responses can be seen on the Global

Aviation Incident Database (GACID). This data based provides us the complete data

on the terrorist attacks on airport and its impacts on global economy and media

coverage which serves almost the purpose of terrorism. Airport attacks have steadily

been carried out since 1970s but using of aircraft as a target has actually transferred

considerable security risks to the airports and aviation industry (Duchesneau &

Langlois, 2017). “These databases in themselves constitute a considerable

contribution to the fields of terrorism studies, aviation terrorism studies, and aviation

security”(Hoo, Goodman& Greenberg, 1997).

Role of Civil Aviation Legal and Regulatory Framework in the Airport Security


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Establishment of legal regulations and framework has played a crucial role in

rendering and accelerating the growth and development of civil aviation. Thus, it has

played a great part in the development of civil aviation. Moreover, the aviation safety

and security, the international Legal and Regulatory Framework (LRF) have

contributed a lot in the rivalry against the terrorism that is aimed against aviation

industry. A two-factor statutory process: law-making and formulation of rules. The

civil aviation’s legal and regulatory framework helps airport security on an

international level. It is considered one of the leading institutions on global level for

the airport security.

Security is by far the strongest social demand in today’s environment around the

world, and air transport is no exception to it. Aviation security is considered to be one

of the biggest and, of course, most important global challenges of the current century.

Fear of the aviation terrorism in all of its forms and manifestations is rampant

worldwide and has touched almost all those who travel by air. Civil aviation is a

relatively easy as well as attractive target for terrorists on account of many reasons.

One, and possibly the biggest reason is media’s considerable. Civil aviation also

offers tremendous potential human victims. Lastly there is likelihood of material

damages in lesser time while psychological impact on the world community at large is

yet another advantage offered to the terrorists. Terrorists use asymmetric means and

methods of attack which are difficult to predict and hence prove to be hard to defend


The day of September 11, 2011 entered us into a history that altogether changed our

modes of thinking in the future time to come. Although in the past the terrorists have

been targeting the aviation many times before September the 11 th. But hijacked

airplanes had not been used like a weapon against ground targets with such a huge


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impact that carried colossal consequences for the rest of the world. The terrorist

attacks revealed so glaringly the vulnerability of the commercial aviation and pointed

out that the safety and protection of aviation must be the top priority of international

as well as national aviation around the world. That is the reason why the international

Legal and Regulatory Framework (LRF) has been made more active after the 9/11 so

as to protect civil aviation from terrorists’ attacks both on regional and global level.

Global Responses to Airport Security

It was in the wake of the 9/11 attacks that the Transportation Security Administration

(TSA) was established in November, 2001 by the Aviation and Transportation

Security Act under the supervision of the homeland security department in the

subordination of the U.S. TSA has prescribed to develop as many as twenty layers of

security for the general inhibition of any type of terrorist incident that is aimed against

the aviation industry of USA. For preventing or detecting any type of terrorist attack,

these layers form a complex system. They also devise how to respond in any of the

different stages of any terrorist occurrence. They are not only to be applied on visitors

and travellers but is also equally applied on the airport staff of all the agencies. This

security method devised by TSA was usually meant to be assumed in other countries

of the world regarding their own environment, natures, and financial potentials of an

airport, which was adopted by member states (Schober, Koblen & Szabo, 2012).

Giving a brief description of these layers, these layers consist of several random

screenings by employees, different task forces, multiple checks-in and passengers


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screening procedures and security officers specifically trained for the specialized

work both within the aircraft and outside in any area on the airport. As for the luggage

carried by passengers and their cargo have to go through the x-ray machines. The

most important layers out of the twenty security layers are three which are associated

with the aircraft, while all the rest are linked with the airport.

Types of Threat to Aviation Industry

By far the utmost threat that is supposed to be from probable bombings of the aircraft,

suicide skyjackings and attacks which use an airplane as a weapon against different

important targets (just like the 9/11 attacks). It lurks as a risk not only for commercial

travellers, cargo aircrafts, but also for General Aviation (GA) operators as well.

Moreover, in the face of enhanced security measures that surround the passenger

carrier manoeuvres, the terrorists may decide to pose an explicit danger to aircraft by

using Man Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS) which is liquidated out of the

perimeter fence of the airport or other standoff weapons to target a commercial

airplane. An action plan MANPADS was approved by the Leaders of G8 countries at

the summit in Evian in 2003, and again in the same year the Wassenaar

Arrangement__ multifaceted strategies were assumed as how to control of the eminent

threat of MANPADS to the aviation security. These guidelines were adopted by the

Organisations for Security and Cooperation in Europe in 2004. It has affected the

airport security a great deal across Europe.

The Contemporary aviation policies and safety measures must fully consider this

wide-ranging display of probable terrorist attacks situations to evaluate the general

danger position and to fix the most appropriate and practicable course of action to

protect airport security on global level.


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Bomb Attacks

The bomb attacks on aircraft proliferate in the present world environments. Protection

of the aviation industry against any type of bomb warnings is the responsibility of the

ground (airport) security. An effective and economical protection of passengers and

aircraft against any potential threat from luggage-borne bombs is essential. In order to

reduce the risk of any untoward events a very consistent search of travellers and

freight are to be carried out. Intelligence is an important player in the aviation security

to determine something unsure, so it must be utilized. It is an effective way to daunt

the use of bombs in the airplane for the protection of passengers and crew. Explosive

and bomb detectors, machine and Sniffex are used in aviation security for the

prevention of these threats.

As for protection of the aircraft, a baggage vessel with explosive absorptive creation

could be a suitable choice. In this regard many effective tests have been carried out

which have established that a possible in-flight baggage bomb blast will not have

negative impact on passengers or on the aircraft. The query, however, unanswered as

to the expenses of said construction as well as the airline`s curiosity to participate into

this mode of protection.


The Shoulder fired Man Portable Air Defence System (MANPADS) are anti-aircraft

missiles which are light, easy to transport and fast to unfold. They are used in surface

to air strikes. They can use 3 types of guidance: infrared, CLOS (command line of

site) and laser beam. Wide spread use of these weapon system, both by authorized and

unauthorized persons, has increased the security risks on regional and global level


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(Schroeder, 2007). Furthermore, the following lines explain the aviation industry on

national level in the context of Pakistan.

Terrorism and Aviation Industry in Pakistan

In a speech to National Assembly of Pakistan Ali Mohammad Khan MNA from

Pakistan Tehrik Insaaf categorically said, “Pakistan lost more than seventy thousand

precious lives which include Pakistan army personnel, paramilitaries, civilians and

school kids etc. in the war against terror from 2001 to 2015. Such a huge loss is

accompanied by more than 100 billion of dollars spent on the war against terror, and

still some countries are demanding Pakistan to do more and more. Pakistan did and is

doing more than any country is doing for the eliminating of terrorism from the

country and the world. On 9/11 few thousands of people were killed for which we are

equally sorry, but no Pakistani was involved in that killing in which the aeroplanes

were used as a bomb against the infrastructure in United States of America. No places

in Pakistan were safe from those terrorist attacks; even it was a mosque, market,

school and forces and airports etc. Pakistan was damaged, economically, socially,

psychologically, politically and in tourism aspects but still the USA is threatening

Pakistan with to do more, but now it is United States to do more because they are

supporting the terrorist in the world” (Ali Mohammad, 2017).

Moreover, an aircraft offers to be an ideal object for terrorist attack. It is not only the

risk of the possible terrorist attacks on airborne aircraft, but air terrorism is also a

huge threat for the aviation installation and general aviation on the ground. Any type

of sky terrorism may harm the confidence of general public on the safety of air travel,

which could result in adverse impacts on airline sector and other firms in aviation

industry. These effects display themselves in the form of sudden and huge decline in


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passenger travels and cargo shipments. In a terrorism engulfed country, such as

Pakistan, there are great chances of terrorists’ attacks on aviation industry which as an

ideal target as discussed earlier. Pakistan has become one of those terrorism affected

countries which is an ideal ground for the militants to use for obtaining their nefarious


One immediate and suppressing impact of such a situation was directly upon the

bilateral trade of Pakistan which was replaced by foreign funding/ aid and an increase

in the borrowing from outside countries is observed due to the havoc of terrorism.

This trend has increased the burden of loans on the general public of Pakistan due to

the fact that Pakistan too felt equally responsible for enhancing security to civil

aviation keeping in view the global pressure. An increase in funding to the armed

forces of the country and a cut in the budget for development, social and educational

sector of the country desperately affected the economy of the country which had also

its impact on global community (Ali, 2010). Terrorists’ activity on ground and against

aviation industry has affected our country in many aspects, political, economic, and

social or tourism but it has affected these directly and indirectly.

Tourism is one of the main sources of income for developing countries. In many

developing countries, the tourists’ industry has been badly affected by terrorist actions

either political or ethnic groups but have left disastrous effect on the revenue

collecting industry (Wynne-Hughes, 2012). Before the 9/11 and Talibanization,

tourists in this region were coming to Pakistan for exploring the beauty of this country

but with the increase of terrorism in this part of the world the flow of tourists have

been reduced or become vanished. It is because tourists try to go to some place for

relaxation and thwarting their anxiety but going to such a place where they do not feel

their life even safe, so they avoid going / visiting to such places. Nobody can stake


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their life just for the sake of tourism. So, only the foreigners have become limited to

the professional or other obligatory visits to Pakistan (Hoffman & Reinares, 2014).

Although the situation in Pakistan has become quite better but actually the role of

media is also negligible in this aspect to pose and spread the peaceful and beautiful

face of this country. Media personnel are pursuing their commercial objectives and

are trying to spread sensationalism in the masses by airing news at the quickest and

earliest either the News is true or false, good or bad for the image of the country but

they are leading one another in this race.

However, Pakistan is bestowed with many natural forests, rivers and tourism spots.

Tourism industry in Pakistan has remained a productive industry for the country and

provinces where it exists. Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) was

incorporated on March 30, 1970 for the promotion and development of tourism in

Pakistan. There have been established 18 tourist information centres by the PTDC in

different regions of Pakistan. Tourism corporations have also been developed at

province level for tackling tourism in the Provinces. The Corporation working in KP

is known as the Tourism Corporation of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (TCKP). This tourism

industry has been badly affected due to terrorist threats to civil aviation industry.

Tourism was at peak in Pakistan in the decade of 1970s, huge amount of revenue was

generated from tourism and the tourist prefer sites were, Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa,

Taxila, to the Himalayan hill stations, Khyber Pass; Swat, Murree, Galyat, Federal

and provincial capital and etc. however, after 9/11 the ratio of tourist visits to these

sites has declined.

According to Noor ul Haq and Khalid Hussain “the war on terrorism has merely

prompted terror and militancy in Pakistan. It has affected new areas and has expanded


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multi-fold in its scope and breadth. It has caused indoctrinating those who were on the

side-lines. The collateral damage, in this war, has affected thousands of innocent

families, pushing them in to the lap of insurgency, without any fault of theirs. It has

sort of bartered away Pakistan's sovereignty and has been a source of huge

humiliation to its 160 million people” (Haq and Hussain, 2008). The war against

terrorism has affected Pakistan in all spheres either it is socio-economic, politically,

tourism, FDI, Agriculture and in all security related fields.

Due to the security situation across Pakistan and the main city of commercial

activities such as Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar which was once some favourite

places for the foreign airlines have been affected a large due to the terrorism and law

and order situation in the country and especially in the city of Karachi and Peshawar.

Karachi is the Pakistan largest airport named as Jinnah International Airport Karachi

(JIAP) and is the main source of income. It is located in the largest city of Pakistan,

the sea ports are also located in the same city which doubled its importance for the

people and country in contributing to socio-economic, political and tourists’ point of


Due to the bad law and order situation in the city and surrounding in the beginning of

the twenty first Century and onwards many of the refutable airlines abandoned their

services to the main commercial hub of Pakistan. The detail of some of those airlines

are produced here that when those airlines quitted their services to our country and

this quitting had many side effects on the economy, tourism and social structure of

our country.

In 1984-85 SAS Airline (Scandinavia) in 1987-88 the air India, in 1989 the Romanian

air and Interflug (Germany), in 1992-93 British Airline (England); in 1996 two


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Middle Eastern airlines the Iraq airline, the Syrian airline and Libyan Airline

abandoned their flights to Karachi Pakistan. In the year 1998-99 many of the foreign

airlines either suspended or reduced their flights to the JIAP, after the deteriorated

security situation in the city of Karachi and over the country at all. The atomic

explosion and economic embargo was another reason for the most of Europeans and

other foreign countries to suspend their operation to the heart of Pakistan. The airlines

which suspended or reduced their frequency in the same period are Royal Jordan

Airline, Kuwait Airline, Yemen Airways, Gulf Airline, Egypt Airline; Garuda Airline

(Indonesia), Philippine Airline, Thai Air, Indian Airline, Air France, Royal Dutch

KLM, Lufthansa Air (Germany) and Aeroflot (Russia). The year 1998-99 was very

bad as for as the aviation industry of Pakistan’s are concerned because most of the

refutable and high valued aircrafts quit business with this part of the world which has

suffered the socio-economic status of Pakistan and a drawback for the aviation sector

as well (M. Jamil, Personal Communication, September 10, 2017).

In the year 2001 the Royal Oman airline, Kenyan Airline and in the year 2002-03 the

Royal Nepal Airline, Swiss Airline suspended flight operations to Karachi Pakistan.

In 2008 the Singapore Airline and the Malaysian airline and in 2015-16 the Catha

pacific also left this part for their flight operations (M. Jamil, Personal

Communication, September 10, 2017). It was not only a loss to the Karachi airport

but a setback for the Pakistani aviation industry because with the passage of the time

any industry boosts and flourishes but in the case of Pakistani instead of increasing

the flow of airlines to our country it went in the negative direction.

It was only the Karachi airport in Pakistan to which airline from most of the countries

were arriving and the other airports like Islamabad and Lahore were not of the same

calibre as that of Karachi. Like Karachi, BKIA Peshawar has also been suffered either


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due to the direct attack of the terrorists on it or due the terrorists’ activity in the city of

Peshawar but it is a fact that the Peshawar airport has suffered in all the aspects from

these terrorists’ activities. These attacks have diverted the passenger flow to other

airports of the country and only those passengers are trying to use this airport that has

no other alternatives. Moreover, BKIA Peshawar is the only international airport of

the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from where the people of this province can be benefited.

The following are given the impacts of terrorism on the airports and province of

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is generously blessed with beautiful natural places like

landscapes, mighty rivers, forests and mountains. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is the smallest

province of Pakistan having an area of 74521 square km but it has many tourists’

spots as compared to the other provinces of Pakistan. This province is full of natural

beauty and has many attractive places for which foreign tourists’ wishes to have a

visit to those places. The green valleys, snow cover mountainous ranges, beautiful

waterfalls, natural lakes and cultural heritage further adds to the beauty of this


Once a hub of tourism, valley of swat was engulfed by terrorism and tourism has been

mostly waived off by those who were coming to this mini Switzerland in Pakistan.

Many other tourist spots are barren now and tourists are afraid of coming to these

places. Although, there is also negligence on the part of the government as well in not

bringing these places back to its original and previous conditions as were before from

the wave of terrorism. Government as well as the designated authority from the

promotion and development of tourism is not heeding attention to this very important


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cause which can make a good name for our country in the comity of the world’s

nations. Tourism and Hotel industry has been badly affected after the Taliban attack

on swat and the Marriot hotel attack which left 60 people dead (Ali, 2010).

Terrorism put a severe shock to the fundamental rights of citizens of Pakistan, FATA

and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. However, the maximum affected area from terrorism in

Pakistan is the FATA and KP. Militancy has left a bad impact on the cultural, socio-

economic, political lives of KP. Terrorism affected the political structure of the KP

and FATA, the political leaders and their families were targeted and prosecuted. The

then information minister of KP Iftikhar Hussain’s son was killed by the terrorists and

the president of Awami National Party was targeted by the terrorists by dispatching

suicide bomber to his residence of which he was escaped narrowly and personnel

deployed on his security embraced shahadat (Bhatti, 2015).

The political structure of FATA is governed by Frontier Crime Regulation, therefore

the disputes raised, would be settled by the Malik’s and political agents through Jirga

system but the terrorist also targeted the Malik’s and other political management and

thus affected the political structure.

The terrorists’ targeted areas, in KP are also affected in terms of education and

economy. The school system in all the KP was disturbed due to the wave of terrorism;

not only in the affected areas but in whole of KP schools were closed for some time

when the terrorist’s threats were at peak to hit the educational institutions. The study

of the residents of this province was affected a lot; the students as well as their parents

were in psychological constraints. Each and every person was afraid in approaching to

the market, mosque, school and cities etc. Peace of mind of the people of this region


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was quite disturbed, no one was sure that either they will be able to get back to their

homes or not after going outside for any activities.

The girls’ educational institutions were targeted in most of the areas of KP and

FATA. Improvised Explosive Devices were placed near the premises of girls’ schools

and colleges. In such like a situation how a normal educational environment could be

sustained. Threatening letters were dropped in some educational institutions for its

closure and in some areas the female students were assaulted, as like Malala

Yousafzai and her colleagues (D. Zafar, Personal Communication, January 10, 2017).

The attack on the army public school in Peshawar, in which hundreds of students and

teachers were killed, was an attack renowned and condemned all over the world by all

nations. The attack on Bacha Khan University in Charsadda and other school attacks

were quite horrible. In these terrorists’ attacks, not only the precious lives were taken

away but the educational, economic, social system and infrastructure were destroyed.

Not only female education but their mobility was also restrained by the terrorists in

the affected areas of KP. The women were not able to approach freely to the public

places and the whole burden in these areas fell on the shoulders of men. In such a

way, the social life of women was also disturbed due to terrorism. Terrorists in area of

conflict were of the opinion of Islamic way of life for women and these terrorists were

of the opinion to impose this radicalisation throughout the country. However, after the

operation Zarb.i.Azab the situation in the region has come a bit towards improvement.

Although, still much is needed to improve the situation, but the previous situation is to

be kept in mind, it has been improved considerably (D. Zafar, Personal

Communication, January 10, 2017). No area or place in KP remained safe from the

attacks or insurgencies; either it is the main provincial capital, Peshawar, smaller

districts or towns.


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However, the most affected areas are KP, the Federally Administered Tribal Areas

and Provincially Administered Tribal Areas (PATA). FATA is under the control of

federal government and PATA is under the control of provincial government.

Moreover, PATA is developed as compared to the FATA, the population are educated

and rule of law and courts jurisdiction prevails. Both FATA and PATA are connected

with KP in terms of geography and in term of culture and traditions. The turbulent

valley of Swat and Malakand division are included in the PATA. After the 9/11 the

terrorists slowly and gradually made their feet strong in FATA and PATA for

enforcing Shariah __a government/life system based on the Islamic ways, they came

across from the borders and attracted the local targeted people from the population of

KP. Furthermore, from these areas the terrorists were operating in all areas of the

province and inflicted heavy losses to this province. The peace of the people of this

province was snatched and unrest prevails all over it (Khan, 2012).

Most of the people, who can bear the cost of replacement, moved to the different parts

of the country especially Islamabad. It was in October 2007, when the situation flared

up, the government decided to start an operation in Malakand, Swat, Shangla, Dir etc.

known as Operation Rah-e-Haq. Thousands of residents from the FATA and PATA

fled to the settled districts of KP and thus created a situation of fear and unrest in the

whole province of KP. The Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s) were whole

heartedly accommodated by the settled places people either in their homes or the

camps made by the government of the province (Y. Jan, Personal Communication,

January 17, 2013).

In these persons, many were the friends or relatives of terrorists and even some of the

terrorists also disguised in IDPs to escape arrest or prosecution. But the whole of the

province was badly affected with all these unfortunate incidents of terrorism. Millions


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of dollars were spent on the settlement and living arrangement of the IDPs and the

rule of law also suffered a lot. Camps were also arranged for the IDPs in the

abovementioned districts with special attention from administrations of all the

concerned districts with strict monitoring (Y. Jan, Personal Communication, January

17, 2013). The losses took place due to terrorism in a few years’ period. It includes

the security force personnel, civilian, children and women. No one was spared in

these attacks and a panic was spread in all KP.

Analysis of terrorism Impact on the Bacha Khan Airport of Khyber


KP province has the only international airport for the people of this province, so all

these above-mentioned activities have adversely affected the business and the security

of the airport. The direct effect of the entire situation has been observed over BKIA

Peshawar. The flow of visitors and passengers affected due to all the above-

mentioned damages faced by the province and the city of Peshawar. The political

leaders and elites of the society in KP avoid using this airport for travelling. The

security structure has been converted from normal to high and red alert. Moreover,

due to all these negative developments in the province the tourism has been almost

disappeared and the economy of the province has been damaged badly (Quadri &

Quadri, 2014).

Moreover, Pakistan as a front-line state had to face the severe impacts of terrorism.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa the border province with Afghanistan had to bear the larger

brunt of the responsibility. Most of the giant of airline’s industry like the British

airways, Etihad airways, Saudi Airline etc had to either permanently finished their

services or some have suspended their services to some airports for particular


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intervals depending on the threat level (Badshah, 2015). It has significantly affected

the civil aviation industry of Pakistan and particularly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

As we know that the province of KP has one international airport that is the Bacha

Khan International Airport Peshawar supported by many operative and non-operative

domestic airports, mostly in the scenic locations of the northern areas of Pakistan.

These, northern airports were operative in the 1970s and onwards attracting the

national and international tourism, which had a very positive effect on the socio-

economic conditions of that area, the province of KP and the whole country. Like in

Swat, Chitral and Parachinar, the tourism industry was in full bloom and hence the

aviation industry flourished (As discussed before). However, with the passage of time

and with increase in the fanatics in those beautiful rural areas the tourism industry was

devastated. Instead of upgrading the respective airports for global cargo and

transportations, they were closed down even for the mass transport except Chitral

airport which has a few weekly domestic flights. The northern areas have fresh fruit

and dry fruit production in huge quantity like peach, apple, orange and nuts etc. the

aviation industry could have proved to be the fastest means of transport to national

and international markets which can further add to the economy and social structure

of the province but in case of the lack of this very fast mean of transport i.e. aviation

industry services and hence the opportunity of economic prosperity was missed

(Azam, 2016).

Besides the eatables, these areas have local industries of other goods like garments,

antiques, handicrafts and so on. Moreover, Swat remained the centre of Gandhara

civilization. But unfortunately, due to the closure of Saidu Sharif Swat Airport for the

last few decades for public aviation the economy of the aviation as well as the

province have suffered. The Kalash of Chitral is known as the oldest tripe from


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ancient time still living on earth. Before, the start of terrorism these areas numerous

researchers, religious tourists and many others who wanted to explore these ancient

civilizations which was contributing to the economic prosperity of the area and hence

the nation, for going to kalash they normally used the Chitral airport but due to the

terrorism their movement have been curtailed. These areas are mostly high-altitude

locations and in winter covered with snow, therefore the residents, face problems and

difficulties in land movements and remained cut off from the rest of the areas due to

closure of land routes. The airports in these areas were providing the sole means of

transport as an alternative. Tourism, religious tourism, economy, social and aviation

industry as a result of terrorism have been affected in the province of KP (Azam,

Personal Communication, February 22, 2016).

The Airport security has direct impact on the stakeholder such as passengers and

security personnel. This Airport has been affected the most as compare to the other

airports of the country in all aspects. The data collected in this regard is helpful in

explaining the opinion of passengers and staff that how much it affected by the waves

of terrorism. In the analysis two types of respondents has been entertained one the

passengers who were travelling via BKIA Peshawar through different airlines and the

staff of different agencies working at the airport. Their opinions have been shown in

percentage graphs and again each graph has been analysed in the context of their

opinion. The following chart explaining the country of the respondents:

This chart related to the countries where the respondents intended to visit


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Bahrain Doha KSA Malaysia Sharja UAE UK Ukrain USA







1 1 1

The passengers from Bacha Khan International Airport travel to different countries of

the world. Most of the people of this region are labourers and daily wages earners

who prefer to travel to the Middle Eastern countries.

I frequently use BKIA to fly to local / domestic destinations


Only in cases of extreme need


Yes, Regularly and preferably


Majority, that is 77% of the respondents reported that they use BKIA “Only in case of

extreme need’’, while 19% of the respondents also reported that they use BKIA

‘’regularly and preferably’’, however, would still prefer other airports if extra travel

costs were not involved. This indicates a clear pattern of choosing other airports, if

available which would translate into loss of revenues for BKIA.


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If travel costs of accessing other airport permitted, would you still use BKIA for local destinations

Yes No

Majority of the 89% replied in “no” only 5% said that they would still travel via

BKIA Peshawar and 6% were not sure about their response. This means that it is not

the airport of choice for passengers and its security situation is one of the core reasons

in this regard.

The majority were in favour to travel from Islamabad and Lahore airports even it is

far away from their homes. Hence, terrorism not only affected the domestic travel of

the airport and also has significantly reduced its uses for international destinations, as

discussed below.

Passengers at BKIA Peshawar for international destinations after 9/11


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Q2: I frequently use BKIA to fly to international destinations

Only in case of extreme need No Yes, Regularly and preferably

For international destinations, most (49%) of the respondents reported that they would

prefer BKIA, while some 45% stated that they use this airport in case of extreme

need, while 6% reported as they do not use BKIA frequently. However, as with local

passengers, internal flyers also preferred other options if extra travels costs permitted.

Hence, majority 55% of the passengers stated that they would not prefer BKIA for

international travel, reflecting the perception about security among passengers.

Majority, use this airport as preference because they do not have an alternative.

My frequency to use BKIA to local destinations has changed since the recent security



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For domestic destinations, most (73%) of the respondents reported that their

frequency to use BKIA for local destinations has changed since the recent security

incidents. They were of the opinion that due to stringent security checking at the

airport and in the city of Peshawar, they prefer to travel by other means of

transportations instead of the wasting time at the airport. It is noteworthy that nearly

two hours pre- departure arrival is needed for the domestic flight but one has to reach

airport even early due to security check-ups, which further ads to the inconvenience.

Some 16% of the passengers relied in no and about 11% said that their decisions vary

on the basis of security situations. This indicates that terrorism incidents targeting the

airport and around the area have led people to choose alternate transport systems.

My frequency to use BKIA to international destinations has changed since the recent

security incidents.


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For international destinations, most (58%) of the respondents reported that their

frequency to use BKIA to international destinations has changed since the recent

security incidents. They were of the opinion that due to stringent security checking at

the airport and in the city of Peshawar they prefer alternate choices. They further

added that due to the difficult access to this airport due to the security check ups, they

prefer to travel via other airports of the country, especially from the Benazir Bhutto

International Airport Islamabad. Some 13% of the passengers relied in NO as they

were of the opinion that they do not have any other choice but to use BKIA, while and

about 29% said that their decisions have changed to some extent as they decide for

their travelling according to the situation.

The findings regarding international passengers indicate a change too but to a little

extent as there is no other choice available in the region. In comparison, in domestic

travelling one has many options but in international travelling they have only the

option of airport.

The government has put adequate security measures at BKIA Peshawar in order to

respond to acts of terrorism and security


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Majority that is 67% of the respondents reported that adequate security measures at

BKIA Peshawar have been taken in order to respond to acts of terrorism and security.

Only, 6% of the respondents reported that the security measures are not adequate to

respond to terrorist attacks while 27% of the individuals were of the opinion that

although measures are adequate, further enhancement is needed.

Perception of passengers about the increase threat of militancy and terrorism at

BKIA since 9/11


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Majority, that is, 84% of the respondents reported that the threat of militancy and

terrorism at BKIA has increased since 9/11 because of the reason of its proximity to

the turbulent FATA and the troublesome situation in the province of Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa. Some 18% were not sure about the question.

Passengers Satisfaction Level about BKIA Security after terrorist incidents.

Interestingly 64% of the respondents reported that they are fully satisfied with the

existing security arrangements at BKIA Peshawar for a safe journey and deemed the


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security at the airport as quite satisfactory. Just 6% replied in negative and reflected

that they were still not feeling safe while going through to the airport, while 30%

correspondents believed that the security has improved to some extent. The Airport

security is managed by ASF supported by Pakistan Army, Defence Services Guards,

PAF and local police. The increased checking has caused some inconvenience to

passengers but has also gathered a vote of confidence from 64% of the passengers.

The security measure creates obstacles for passengers and visitors

63% of the passengers were of the views that due the stringent security measures in

the airport, the ease of passengers and their relatives have affected in many ways.

Multiple checks in the areas close to the airport many layers of security checks in the

airport have no doubt made travelling of passengers and visitors difficult to the

airport. 18% replied that the security arrangements did not affect the flow of

passengers and 19% said that it has affected the ease of passengers and visitors to

some extent. Nonetheless, in the preceding question, it is clear that even though it is a

hassle, the passengers have increased confidence in airport security measures.


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Psychological effects of security measures at BKIA Peshawar on passengers and


Yes, 64% of the respondents replied that the security arrangements at the airport have

increased psychological burden for people visiting the airport. Only, 5% replied that it

did not affect the people visiting the airport and 31% responded that it affected the

people visiting airport to some extent. There is no doubt that the stringent security

measures at the airport have made entering the airport a difficult task. On one hand

the strict security checking and on the other hand the airport with it small parking,

building and veranda increase the psychological burden for all those who come here.

Hence, the space for people at the airport could be increased. Furthermore, the

behaviour of security staff could be politer with the passengers accessing the airport.

Has your preference to use BKIA changed after recent terror incidents?


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56% of the correspondent replied that their preference to use BKIA has changed after

recent terror incidents while and 20% stated that their preference remained the same

even after the attacks on this airport. However, 24% stated that their preference has

changed to some extent and they try all the other available options and keeping in

views the changing situations. It is clear that the terrorist incidents, suspension of

flights, strict security checking and uncertain security situation in the city of Peshawar

have changed the preference of people.

If, not changed, then please specify the reason


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In 20% stating “no” change, 84% of them are of the view that they use BKIA

Peshawar because of its proximity to their homes and they cannot go elsewhere. Some

6% said that they are not troubled by terrorism such acts and will use this airport for

movements. 10% gave other different reasons for their travelling. Many of the people

that prefer to travel from BKIA Peshawar use it for its proximity to their homes.

The international airline ticket price changed overtime due to increased threat of

militancy and terrorism


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51% respondents said that the international airline ticket price changed overtime due

to increased threat of militancy and terrorism because many foreign airlines

suspended flights operation to BKIA Peshawar. Competition in the market come

down due to which the local and the rest aircraft service provider increased the fare

and seat availability was also difficult some times. Only 7% respondents replied that it

does not affect the ticket fares and 42% respondents said that it affected the ticket

price to some extent.

When the suspension of foreign airlines took place, the competition decreased that’s

left the space open for the airlines that were operating so the ticket price hike was

observed because passengers’ visas, leave and job expiration they have to travel.

Airlines suspension effect on passengers cost and time


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Interestingly, 56% respondents responded in yes, when asked if the suspension of

airlines has had any effect on them in terms of cost and time. It is worth mentioning

that the frequency of suspension has reduced due improving security arrangements.

Some 20% stated that suspensions did not really affect them in cost/time while 24%

stated that they were affected to some extent. Due to the suspension of airlines, seat

availability is often difficult because those passengers. The non-availability of seats

with their concerned airline and no space in other flights creates a heavy load on the

airport passengers in term of cost and time.


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Views of passengers about difficulties on different routes, due to the security

checking while accessing BKIA Peshawar

75% of the respondents said that they have been faced with difficulties due to the

annoying security checks while reaching BKIA Peshawar and only 25% of the

respondents said they did not face any difficulty while coming to the airport. The

difficulty is also due to a number of unplanned security layers as well as lack of

proper access route dedicated for the airport. Passengers accessing the airport have to

go through various long routes within Peshawar cantonment as the main route with

direct access is no longer open. While accessing BKIA Peshawar, there are many

check posts around the airport in the city of Peshawar which create difficulty for the

people coming to the airport. Although, it provides strict security to the people but

long queues are formed at check posts because of the manual checking system and

other formalities.


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The strict security checking at the airport curtails the flow of visitors and


Majority, 81% respondents stated that the security arrangements at the airport has led

to reduction of flow of visitors and passengers and the allowing of only one greeter to

the departing or arriving passenger has further discouraged the flow of people towards

the airport. Obviously, the strict security in the premises of the airport discourages

coming of visitors to the airport. Some 19% of the respondents responded that the

security arrangements at the airport did not affect the flow of visitors and passengers

to the airport because they have no other option but to use BKIA Peshawar for

travelling. Furthermore, they were of the opinion that in case of visitors they me be

reduced to some extent but in case of passengers they do not have another alternative.

Hence, strict security measures are needed but they also come with a cost of

distracting passengers from the airport. This can be avoided by opening the direct

access to the airport and better planning of security measures.


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Satisfaction of the passengers from the existing security arrangements at BKIA

Keeping in view the existing security situation in Pakistan, KP and in the city of

Peshawar, mostly 92% respondents were of the views that strict security arrangements

are need of the hour. However, with strict security arrangement facilitation and easy

access of the visitors and passengers may also be kept in consideration. Only, 8% of

the respondents are of the views that there is no need of such strict security

arrangements at the airport.

Although, present security situation in the airport are quite better and satisfactory as

the threat of attacks on the airport cannot be ruled out as this airport is always the

target of terrorist, nonetheless, better planning and direct access to the airport could

make the visit to the airport hassle free. The people are more satisfied about the

present security arrangement as compare before to the 9/11 but still due to these strict

arrangements and checking only passengers and their closed may come to the airport.


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The government provided adequate security equipment for the security of the




Need for improving security equipment at BKIA

Yes No

Majority, of 47.5% of the people interviewed were of the opinion that the security

related equipment could be improved. This is perhaps due to their experience at other

international airports, where state of the art equipment is installed with no physical

checking. Some 41.5% stated satisfaction with the equipment. It is obvious that the

degree of increase in physical verification also increases the dissatisfaction with the

existing scanning equipment that is very old.


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Year Wise Aircraft Movement


1997 1378 9438 10816

1998 2418 7140 9558

1999 2364 8632 10996

2000 4162 6256 10418

2001 3,590 4,650 8,240

2002 4,230 3,333 7,563

2003 4,090 3,390 7,480

2004 5,606 3,498 9,104

2005 6,998 4,509 11,507

2006 7,116 3,360 10,476

2007 6,809 3,653 10,462

2008 7,730 3,316 11,046

2009 7,500 2,808 10,306

2010 8,791 2,763 11,560


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2011 8,888 4,388 13,276

2012 6924 3354 10278

2013 7017 2700 9717

2014 6281 2049 8330

2015 6642 2072 8714

(CAA BKIAP data)

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 20150











Errattic flight pattren due to security situation


The above table shows the number of domestic and international flights arrivals/

departures to Peshawar airport. The table is based on year wise flight operation at

Peshawar airport. The table clearly shows the reduction in the year of turbulence and

with the increase of terrorism but the aircraft movement increases as the security and

law and order situation become well in the country and city of Peshawar. The above

graph shows the erratic movement of the increases and decreases in domestic and

international flights movement due to the terrorism.


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In 1998 when Pakistan conducted it nuclear tests and Talibanization/ terrorism

increases the aircrafts movements decrease. Due to the 9/11 and American

engagement in Afghanistan and their activities in Pakistan have affected the aircraft

movements to Peshawar international airport and the movement in the year from 2001

to 2003 has been drastically reduced from its usual numbers. However, from 2004 to

20012 when the security situation at the airport and the country was comparatively

good except 2009 when the airport was again under constant attacks from terrorist, the

movement has been increased but again in 2013 and 2014 with the deteriorating

security in the city and the December 2012 attack on the Peshawar airport has

dropped the aircraft movement to a low ebb. The aircraft movement needs to be

increased at a stable airport with the passage of time because the population increases

with the passage of time and that’s why the aircrafts movement and numbers may also

needs to be increased to cater to the needs of the growing population but in case of

Pakistan’s aviation and specially the BKIA Peshawar the situation is different.

Sometimes the movement and number of aircrafts are up and sometimes down that

really affect the business and reputation of this airport.

During different incidents, different airlines either closed or suspended operation to

this airport which effected the operation and smooth functioning of this airport. The

passengers and staff were in trouble for many times due to these types of terrorists’

incidents at the airport. The operation of Rasul Khima and NAS Air were suspended

in 2014 due to the terrorists firing on a PIA flight during landing time which was

viewed seriously by the airlines of different countries. Some airlines continued their

operations uninterrupted, some suspended for few days, some suspended for few

months and some airlines have permanently stopped their flights operations from

BKIA Peshawar. The airlines which have permanently stopped operation from this


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airport include, NAS Air, Rasul Khima, Oman Air and Etihad Airways. However,

Qatar Airways, Emirates and Saudi Airlines resumed flights operation to BKIA

Peshawar after the satisfactions of their security teams by the airport security and

management staff after their formal visit to BKIA Peshawar. All these events were a

bad experience for this airport and have negative impacts at the smooth development

and progress of the airport (M. Ibrar, Personal communication, August 29, 2015).

The opinion of two hundred of the different staff and agencies personnel working at

Bacha Khan International Airport were taken in form of closed questionnaire, their

opinions are represented here in the shape of graphs. The information provided by the

different agencies staff at the airport was quite helpful in understanding their opinions

about the current security and other facility situations at the airport. The question

along with the reply in percentage, graphical shapes and analysis are represented

below with some detail.

Terrorist attacks on BKIAP affected airlines routine business?


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Yes No Do not know

Most of the staff members 87% were of the view that the terrorists’ incidents have

affected the airline routine business. Interestingly, 7% were also of the opinion that it

did not affect their business to a great extent.

Do you think that air cargo and trade have suffered due to the security





Yes No To some extent

Majority, of the 69% of the staff at the airport were of the opinion that the air cargo

services have been affected by the different waves of terrorism here at this airport or


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in the surroundings. Some 22% of the staff was of the opinion that it has affected the

air cargo services to some extent and 9% said that it has not affected this field.

Do you think the terrorist attacks have reduced the number of local visitors/





Yes No To some extent

58% were of the opinion that obviously, it has affected and reduced the flow of

domestic/ local visitors from this airport. 39% said that the terrorists’ incidents have

not affected the flow of local visitors to and from this airport.

Do you think the terrorist attacks have reduced the number of foreign visitors/



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87.5 % of the staff said that the foreign visitors’ movement have stopped from this

airport due to the bad law and order situations in the city of Peshawar and at the

BKIA Peshawar. 8.5% were of the opinion that it has affected the flow of foreign

visitors to some extent and only 4% were of the opinion that it has not affected their

flow. Consensus is there in the foreign visitors and tourists because majority are of the

opinion that terrorist activities affected the flow of foreigners to this airport.

Do you feel that the security measures have improved at BKIAP after these





Yes No To some extent


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Yes No To some extent

Majority, of the 81% of the respondents were satisfied with the security arrangements

at the airports after these attacks. 14% were satisfied to some extent and 5% were not

satisfied with the security arrangements at BKIA Peshawar after the waves of

terrorists’ attack.

Do you feel that the security situation has improved after these security measures

were taken?




Yes No To some extent


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73% were of the opinion that the security situations have been improved due to the

security steps taken. However, 6% were of the opinion that it has been improved to

some extent and 21% said that it has not improved.

Are you feeling safe with the existing security arrangements at BKIAP?

Majority, of the 78% of the respondents were satisfied with the existing security

arrangement at BKIA Peshawar, 17% were satisfied to some extent and 5% were not

satisfied with the existing security arrangements.

Do you think that the entrance to the airport has become difficult for the

agencies working inside the airport?




Yes No To some extent


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Yes No To some extent

77.5% staff was of the opinion that the entrance to the airport has become difficult for

the agencies working inside the airport. 13.5% said to some extent and 9% replied

with no.

How protected do you feel at the airport as compared to the events before these





More secure No change Less secure

Most of the staff working at the airport with a percentage of 76% replied that they feel

more secure at the airport after the attack and the security measures taken at the


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airport. 17% said that they feel no change and 7% said that they feel less secure even

after the security arrangements after those terrorists’ attacks.

What do you think about the objectives of terrorists attacking BKIA?





Hijacking Killing Ordinary peopleKilling of Security StaffTaking people hostage

Majority, of the 56% were of the opinion that the main motive behind these attacks

are to hijack the aircraft from the airport and fulfil their demands and objectives. As

the airport installations are very important and any damage to it is a collusive loss to

the airport and aviation industry, therefore their aim is to damage the sensitive

installations of the airport, 19.5% were of the above opinion. Some 8.5% respondents

were of the opinion that their aim is the killing of staff at the airport and ordinary


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people that is present there. 7.5% were of the opinion that they want to hostage the

people at the airport.

Do you think the terrorist threats have reduced flow of passengers/ visitors to

BKIA in comparison to the past?




Yes No to some extent

Majority, 47.5% of the respondents were of the opinion that the terrorists’ threats

have reduced the flow of passengers and visitors to this airport to some extent, 41.5%

said that it has affected the flow and only 11% were of the opinion that it did not

affect the flow of passengers and visitors to BKIA Peshawar.


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Furthermore, to elaborate the views of the Passengers used to travel via BKIA

Peshawar and staff working here at this airport, it is pertinent to mentioned here that

the views of three hundred passengers and two hundred staff working in different

agencies at this airport were asked through closed questionnaires. Interviews were

conducted and secondary data was also incorporated to know maximum about the

impact of terrorism on Pakistan’s aviation industry and BKIA Peshawar. The ratio of

passengers who used to travel to use this airport and if they have another alternative

then what will be their choice, so majority of them prefer the alternative. Due to

terrorism, the passengers try to avoid this airport for local destinations because of the

alternative means of transportations but in case of international destination they have

only BBIA Islamabad which is not in the easy approach of all the travelers of this

province. However, due to the terrorism incidents at this airport the majority of the

passengers who can afford to travel from other airports for international destinations

changed their preference. The majority of the respondents were of the opinion that the

government had put adequate security measure for ensuring security of the airport but

according to them these measures in turn have curtailed the ease of the visitors,

passengers and staff who are coming to the airport. the security measures adopted at

BKIA Peshawar and the city of Peshawar have increased the level of confidence of

the people of this region but again these arrangements has increase the psychological

burden on the masses. The security checking has created difficulty for the passengers

and visitors. The suspension of airlines with every terrorism incidents has effects on

the passengers in terms of time and cost. The majority of travelers have changed their

option to use other airports of the country but only those who cannot afford and near

to the airport are still using this airport in any circumstances. After the incidents of

terrorism, the government has provided adequate security measure and machinery for


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the better security but the equipment still need modification and new technological

accessories to meet any emergencies and also to be at par with the international

standards which are being using in the developed countries at the movement.

Terrorism has affected the movement of airline at this airport and the cargo services

too. The foreign visitors and tourists have stopped using this airport and even the

foreign nationals who were using this airport are now using other alternative airports,

only some foreigners who have used this airport but that is in rare cases. The workers

and staff at this airport are satisfied with the existing security but they are also of the

opinion that it had made their entry difficult to the airport and the technological

advanced machinery and equipment may be deployed at the airport for better results.

Keeping in view the overall opinion of the passengers and staff it is evident that the

terrorism has affected this airport in many aspects and still the threats are there, so

keen observation and vigilant security in and around the airport may be taken for the

safety and security of this airport, passengers, staff and other entities.







DOM. &









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2010-11 104.759 573.738 678.497 6511.286 1145.798 7657.084 8335.581

2011-12 98.663 444.880 543.543 6650.996 504.416 7155.412 7698.955

2012-13 76.613 421.275 497.888 5721.284 432.290 6153.574 6651.462

2013-14 36.699 324.657 361.356 8020.900 445.304 8466.204 8827.560

2014-15 44.802 207.885 252.687 6820.997 260.510 7081.507 7334.194

TOTAL 361.536 1972.435 2333.971 33725.463 2788.318 36513.781 38847.752

(CAA BKIAP data)

The above-mentioned table shows the flow of cargo from Peshawar airport, the

trouble era of 2012-13 clearly indicate the fall total value of cargo at this airport. This

show that the terrorism has affected the flow of cargo services at this airport. The

December 2012 attack on BKIA Peshawar has affected the flow cargo at this airport

which in turn affected the economy of the aviation industry and of the people of the

area. No area has left unaffected by the wave of terrorism in the city and at the airport,

it has affected the airport and people of the region in every aspect. Due to the

December 2012 attack at this airport the cargo flow in 2011-12 and 2012-13 came

down and due to the June 2014 aerial firing on the PIA aircraft again bring down the

flow of cargo in year 2014-15. There is needed to be a gradual increase in the flow of

cargo from this airport. As with the passage of time and with the increase in the

population, development in infrastructure and communication the movement from this

airport as like other airports may also to increase but at this airport due to the

unpredictable situation the flow of cargo and aircrafts movement is also of the same

nature, with slightly ups and downs.


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YEAR 1999-


YEAR 2000

YEAR 2001

YEAR 2002

YEAR 2003

YEAR 2004

YEAR 2005

YEAR 2006

YEAR 2007

YEAR 2008

YEAR 2009

YEAR 2010

YEAR 2011

YEAR 2012

YEAR 2013

YEAR 2014

YEAR 2015









67 7 7

8 89 9

10 10 10 10

12 1211

8 8



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YEAR 1999-


YEAR 2000

YEAR 2001

YEAR 2002

YEAR 2003

YEAR 2004

YEAR 2005

YEAR 2006

YEAR 2007

YEAR 2008

YEAR 2009

YEAR 2010

YEAR 2011

YEAR 2012

YEAR 2013

YEAR 2014

YEAR 2015

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17














4230 4090


6998 7106 68097730 7500

8791 8868

6924 70176281 6281




3333 3390 3498


3360 3653 33162808 2769 2750


2049 2049



YEAR 1999-


YEAR 2000

YEAR 2001

YEAR 2002

YEAR 2003

YEAR 2004

YEAR 2005

YEAR 2006

YEAR 2007

YEAR 2008

YEAR 2009

YEAR 2010

YEAR 2011

YEAR 2012

YEAR 2013

YEAR 2014

YEAR 2015















Passenger data BKIA


(CAA BKIAP data)


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Now BBIA Islamabad

YEAR 1999-


YEAR 2000

YEAR 2001

YEAR 2002

YEAR 2003

YEAR 2004

YEAR 2005

YEAR 2006

YEAR 2007

YEAR 2008

YEAR 2009

YEAR 2010

YEAR 2011

YEAR 2012

YEAR 2013

YEAR 2014

YEAR 2015










10 1011 11

12 1213 13 13 13 13

14 14 1415 15 15


YEAR 1999-


YEAR 2000

YEAR 2001

YEAR 2002

YEAR 2003

YEAR 2004

YEAR 2005

YEAR 2006

YEAR 2007

YEAR 2008

YEAR 2009

YEAR 2010

YEAR 2011

YEAR 2012

YEAR 2013

YEAR 2014

YEAR 2015









12671 12653 12766 12620 12041 12163 12406 12517 12640 12590 12621 13140 13201 13521 13248 13454 13528




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YEAR 1999-


YEAR 2000

YEAR 2001

YEAR 2002

YEAR 2003

YEAR 2004

YEAR 2005

YEAR 2006

YEAR 2007

YEAR 2008

YEAR 2009

YEAR 2010

YEAR 2011

YEAR 2012

YEAR 2013

YEAR 2014

YEAR 2015











(CAA BBIA data)

YEAR 1999-


YEAR 2000

YEAR 2001

YEAR 2002

YEAR 2003

YEAR 2004

YEAR 2005

YEAR 2006

YEAR 2007

YEAR 2008

YEAR 2009

YEAR 2010

YEAR 2011

YEAR 2012

YEAR 2013

YEAR 2014

YEAR 2015












Graphs are shown here the purpose to indicate the difference between the peaceful

Islamabad international airport and BKIA Peshawar. In peaceful Islamabad airport,

one can clearly understand the flow of improving in flights and passengers with the

passage of time but in case of Peshawar airport the graph is not in a smooth up

direction and goes up down. Which clearly demonstrate the changing trend of people

and airline to this airport? In case of Islamabad airport, the graph smoothly goes up

and up but in case of BKIA Peshawar it does not happen with the same smooth up.


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Although the flights most of the time at BKIA Peshawar remained during the year

period but at the time when terrorists action flares up some the airlines immediately,

stop their service to Peshawar and again resumes it as soon as the atmosphere get

relax. However, such like situation creates a bad image for this airport and the routine

business as well as the travelling of the passengers disturbs.


This chapter discussed the airport security on the international and national level. The

first part of the chapter discussed the international responses to the growing

transnational terrorism and the second part discussed the overall security impact on

the Pakistan aviation authority. The last part of the chapter was focused on the

province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Bacha khan airport security. The airport

security impact on the passengers and economy has been discussed in the light of

primary data. The significant influence has been observed over the years after the

emergence of terrorism particularly on Bacha khan airport. The number of aircraft

movement is inversely proportional to the terrorist attacks on the BKIA Peshawar. It

is observed that when the attacks or any type of terrorism act happens against this

airport the routine business of the airport and airlines effect. A comparison with a

peaceful BBIA Islamabad has also been taken where a normal boost in airline

movement and passenger flow are observed but in case of BKIA Peshawar, due to the

terrorist incidents this airport does not acquire the desired level of gradual increase in

flights movement and other facilities as happen in the rest of airports.


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This chapter consists of the terrorism incidents that happened in the history of

Pakistani airports, particularly focusing on Bacha Khan International Airport (BKIA)

Peshawar. A thorough description of the structure, facilities and location of the of

BKIA Peshawar is also discussed. Different types of terrorist incidents were

witnessed at the airports of Pakistan. However, BKIA Peshawar is the only airport in

Pakistan which has been more frequently targeted by the terrorists than any other

airport in Pakistan. This airport is geographically close to the conflict zone, and the

terrorist organization as compared to other airports can easily access it premises.


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Terrorist Incidents in Pakistan

Pakistan Civil Aviation industry has also faced different types of attacks from

the terrorists, just like terrorist’s incidents happened at international airports all over

the world. Keeping in view the terrorist activities throughout the world it can be

ascertained that they do not resort to a single tactic; instead they use different types of

tactics in different places. Moreover, they are not inclined to a known method but they

are exhibiting some new techniques in order to skip/avoid the resistance from the Law

Enforcement Agencies. In the third and fourth quarter of the twentieth century in the

aviation industry the terrorists mostly used the tactics of hijacking of the aircrafts of

various airlines all over the world. It is pertinent to mention here that the decades of

1950s, 1960s and 1970s witnessed numbers of incidents of hijacking all over the

world (Gupta, 2001). It was not only recorded but also received a worldwide

momentum and publicity which immensely crippled the aviation industry

internationally. Moreover, these waves of the many hijacking incidents shattered the

very confidence of the global air travelers worldwide which ultimately called for the

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) serious attention as well as that of

the comity of nations to take stringent security measures for safeguarding the civil

aviation industry from unlawful and uncalled-for interference of any kind.

The (ICAO) then took immediate cognizance of this air piracy and held an

International Convention in Tokyo Japan in 1963, another International Convention in

Hague Holland in 1970 and the third one at Montreal Canada in 1971 for the safety,

regularity and efficiency of International Civil Aviation (Abeyratne, 2010). These

three international conventions and resultantly its output work in the shape of

Annexure 17 (it is related to aviation security) compelled all the members states of

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to adopt preemptive measures such


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as effective security systems for safeguarding the civil aviation industry in their own

domain as per the required Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs of ICAO)

which were ensured mainly by all the member states. These steps adopted by all the

member states of the (ICAO) played a very pivotal role and brought a tangible decline

in the occurrences of incidents of hijacking all over the world. Thereafter sensing the

situation, the terrorists changed their strategy all over the world and in the beginning

of the twenty first century, along with hijacking; they resorted to physical attacks with

fire power to incur maximum losses of human lives and property (Sweet, 2008). The

Brief history of the incidents of hijacking and terrorist’s attacks that took place in

Pakistan is elaborated in the following paragraphs:

On January 20, 1978, a Pakistan International Airlines aircraft that had 22 x

passengers on board was hijacked by a hijacker (patient of cancer) and tried to take it

to India, as he was demanding his treatment of cancer there. The then Managing

Director of Pakistan International Airline Nur Khan (Air Marshal Retired) himself

went to the plane for negotiation and during the process of negotiation he himself

tried to disarm the passenger but the passenger opened fire upon him. Resultantly, he

got injured but in spite of that he disarmed the passenger and also brought him down

from the aircraft. After preliminary investigation, the hijacker was handed over to

police for further necessary legal proceedings in the matter (Rashid, 2012).

Another incident of hijacking took place on March 02, 1981 which is believed

to be the longest hijacking in the history that lasted thirteen days i.e. till March 14,

1981 (Wagner & Finkelman, 2014). In this incident, a Pakistan International Airlines

plane Boeing 720-030 B flight PK-326 which took off for Peshawar International

Airport, the provincial capital of the then North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) now

called as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa from Karachi International airport. There were 132


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passengers and 9 crew members on board that aircraft, when three hijackers hijacked

the aircraft and took it to Kabul, Afghanistan. The hijackers who were believed to be

die hard workers of Al-Zulfiqar Organization, demanded for the release of their 92 x

persons who were behind the bars indifferent jails of the country due to their

involvement in various criminal activities. However, on March 7, 1981, after five

days, 29 hostages including women, children and sick passengers were released by the

hijackers in Kabul (Riedel, 2014). The then president of Pakistan General Muhammad

Zia Ul Haq was not agreed to accept their demand for the release of prisoners named

by the hijackers, which prolonged the hijacking to 13 days. In retaliation, the hijackers

killed a Pakistani diplomat namely Tariq Rahim in the plane in front of other

passengers and threw his dead body on the tarmac in order to pressurize the

government to fulfill their demand. It was a highly critical time for the Pakistani

government because the passengers included some foreigners out of whom few were

American nationals and the terrorists threatened that they will kill the American

passengers if their demands were not fulfilled (Hudson, 1989). Finally, as a result of

negotiations, on 14 March 1981, the president agreed for the release of 55 prisoners,

which brought to end the longest hijacking of history. The released prisoners were

taken to be flown to Libya. But the Libyan government later changed its decision

about granting asylum to hijackers and their friends (Choi & Munson, 1993).

Therefore, then they were taken to Syria who finally agreed to do so. PIA is said to

have discarded the above said plane in April 1981. It was put on a brief display at

Karachi’s Jabees Fun Land Park, Clifton Karachi. Such like attack on the aviation

industry in Pakistan raised many fingers on the security and other intelligence

agencies of the country. Stringent security measures were required to counter such


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like attacks so as to make the aviation industry of the country safe and protected from

all kinds of unlawful interferences.

After the above said incident the then government took few measures for the

enhancement of aviation security but unfortunately, in later years, the country faced

another fatal hijacking incident in1986.It was on September 05, 1986 early morning

that a Pan Am aircraft flight 73 arrived Jinnah International Airport Karachi from

Sahar International Airport Bombay (now called Mumbai) India for stop. From Jinnah

International Karachi, it was to have its stopover at Frankfurt Airport in Frankfurt am

Main, West Germany and from there its final destination was John F. Kennedy

International Airport in New York City, United States. It was parked at the nearby

aircraft parking bay behind D gate and while boarding of passengers was in progress,

4 x hijackers of Abu Nidal Group of Palestine Liberation Organization reached (D

gate) in the uniform of Airport Security Force posing themselves as ASF officers.

Terrorists were equipped with Semi-Automatic Machine guns, grenades, explosives

and pistols. They deceived the Airports Security Force personnel deployed at the said

vehicle entry gate and reached their desired target i.e. Pan Am aircraft flight 73. They

opened fire upon the security persons deployed at the steps of the aircraft and made

their way to the plane. One of the cabin crew members informed the cockpit crew,

that the plane has been hijacked by the hijackers. Upon receipt of this information

both the pilot and the co-pilot managed to jump out to the apron with the help of a

rope and ran away towards the airport terminal building. The hijackers opened fire

upon them but they managed their safe escape (M. Khan, Personal communication,

August 5, 2016).

The main aim of the terrorists was to take off the plane to their desired

destination which could not materialize due to simultaneous action by the cockpit


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crew of the aircraft. The United States government approached the Pakistani

government with the option that their Special Operation Forces’ Delta Force may be

allowed for operation at the hijacked aircraft so as to release the passengers. Pakistani

government negotiated with the United States and as a result of the negotiation, it was

finally decided that the SSG (Special Services Group) will launch operation. It is

pertinent to mention here that the Special Services Group (SSG) troops of Pakistan

army are specially trained for such like operations. Shaheen Coy of the Pakistan

Army’s SSG (Special Services Group) were employed to take charge of the above

said operation. They were provided uniforms of the airline catering staff to serve

catering stuffs to the passengers on board that aircraft. So, in the garb of airline

catering staff they succeeded to enter the aircraft where they conducted an operation

inside the aircraft headed by Brigadier Tariq Mehmood Shah. Some of the terrorists

were killed in the operation while few others during the evacuation of passengers

from inside the aircraft tried to escape and took the guise of passengers however; they

were identified by the passengers and were taken in custody by the duty staff of

Airport Security Force. During investigation, the hijackers (Palestinian nationals)

revealed that prior to their action; they remained in Karachi city for a long duration in

the garb of students at different locations to plan their mission of hijacking of an

American aircraft at the soil of Pakistan. They further added that they frequently

visited Karachi airport for so many months with a view to examine the various

structures specially the vehicle entry gates as well as the security arrangements at the

airport and after that when they got fully aware of all the whereabouts of the airport

and psyche of the Airports Security Force personnel, they came to Karachi Airport in

the uniform of the Airports Security Force and reached (D gate of the airport) in a


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Suzuki van and succeeded in getting access of the tarmac through the gate (M. Khan,

Personal communication, August 5, 2016).

On May 25, 1998 three Baloch men hijacked a Fokker aircraft on board which

were thirty-three passengers and five crew members. The men belonged to the Baloch

student organization. The flight took off from Gwadar airport and was destined to

Hyderabad airport. The hijackers wanted the plane to be landed in New Delhi but the

pilot pretended that the fuel is not sufficient for taking the aircraft to Delhi and said

that they are near Bhoj India. The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) contacted the pilot of the

hijacked aircraft and advised him to land at Hyderabad airport Sindh, the pilot did so

and landed at Hyderabad airport. The Pakistan Special Services Group (SSG) troops,

Rangers and police stormed the aircraft, got released all the passengers/crew members

and arrested the hijackers. It was revealed in the investigation that the hijackers were

Iranian Baloch who was traveling on fake documents. The hijackers were against the

nuclear test in Baluchistan that was to be held on 28 may 1998, but their nefarious

designs were not accomplished and the nuclear test was carried out successfully by

the then government of Pakistan and brought a great name for the nation in the

community of the world (S. Mohammad, Personal communication, December 13,


The most fatal terrorist attack of the twenty first century attacks against the

aviation industry in Pakistan is the terrorists attack at old terminal of the Jinnah

International Airport Karachi in 2014. Jinnah International Airport Karachi is the

Pakistan's largest and busiest airport, and it serves as the hub for Pakistan

International Airlines (PIA), the national flag carrier of Pakistan. Besides Pakistan

International Airlines, many domestic airlines like that of (Air Blue, Shaheen Air

International etc.) and international airlines like that of Saudi Arabian Airlines, Qatar


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Airways, Emirates, Gulf Air, Air Arabia, Thai Air etc. flights are also transited

through the airport daily. Jinnah terminal is a newly constructed terminal of the

Karachi airport which was inaugurated in the year 1992 and got operational with a

view to fulfill the enhanced operational requirements of the airport. Old airport

consists of 3 x terminals. Presently Terminal No. 1 is being used as HQ CAA,

Terminal No. 2 is being used for cargo activities and Terminal No. 3 is being used

both for cargo and Hajj operations. PIA Main Engineering Complex is also situated at

Terminal No. 1. Actually, this one i.e. the old terminal (Cargo Terminal) was attacked

by the terrorists. This attack was the first large-scale incident in the history of aviation

industry of the country in years, with the last major incident being the hijacking of

the Pan Am which took place at Karachi airport in the year 1986 (Leventhal &

Chellaney, 1988).

It was at about 2300 hours, On June 8, 2014 that 10 x militants dressed in ASF

uniform/ armed with automatic weapons (Sub Machine Guns SMGs 7.62), hand

grenades, (RPGs) Rocket-propelled grenades, other explosives and flammable

substances, broke into the old terminal of Jinnah International airport Karachi and

with full preparation of attacking their target. The attack was very well organized and

pre-planned because when they reached the vicinity of the airport they got themselves

divided into 2 x groups and started a violent and indiscriminate firing on the duty ASF

staff at two gates i.e. Fokker gate and ICG (Immediate Clearance gate) of cargo

terminal from two different points simultaneously. Each group consisted of 5 x of

well-trained terrorists. First group of terrorists consisting of 5 x persons attacked the

Fokker gate situated in front of the Pakistan International Airlines Head office which

is mainly being used for the access/exit of PIA engineering staff into the PIA

engineering complex Premises for official duty. Adjacent to this gate i.e. towards its


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right-side is an aircraft maintenance hangar and a VIP car gate flanked by a lounge at

a distance of approximately 150 meters whereas PIA Engineering Complex is situated

towards the left side of the Fokker gate. At the back side of the PIA aircrafts

maintenance hangers, apron is situated where a large number of PIA aircrafts remain

parked for maintenance and cleaning etc. purpose. Furthermore, at the time of this

attack at the Fokker gate, a number of PIA aircrafts were parked at the apron which

was the main target of the terrorists (M. A. Pervaiz, Personal communication, April

19, 2015).

The first target of the terrorists was the ASF staff deployed at the first entry

gate i.e. Fokker gate. With this speedy and fire power, the terrorists targeted few ASF

personnel and managed to enter the first entry gate (Fokker gate) to the old terminal

building of the airport. ASF staff deployed at the Fokker gate responded very well,

kept the terrorist engaged, break their fire power as well as their speed and contained

the terrorists inside the gate premises for a considerable time. This in turn gave time

to the Airports Security Force QRF (Quick Reaction Force) which is the second line

of defense created after attacks at certain important installations of other armed forces

of the country to respond such like attacks at the airports effectively. The terrorists

though succeeded in beating the first line of defense of Airport Security Force up to

some extent but they were unaware of the deployment of second line of defense i.e.

the Quick Response Force (QRF) which was also deployed inside the entry gate i.e. at

apron who promptly responded to the terrorists and engaged the terrorists to the extent

of containing them up to the Pakistan International Airlines Aircrafts Maintenance

Hangar. These two lines kept the terrorist engaged and break their fire power as well

as their speed. Meanwhile additional contingents of the reserve ASF personnel also

reached the spot that joined the on duty ASF staff at the airport to counter the attack.


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Airports Security Force troops of Babar coy on duty at the said gates and other nearby

posts, effectively and promptly responded to the terrorist’s attack. Airports Security

Force QRF staff on duty at the airport and reserve staff in ASF camp JIAP, who

rushed to the airport without any loss of time, joined the duty staff to sort out the

terrorists. ASF staff fought bravely and contained the terrorists adjacent to the

terminal building at the airside so, that they were not able to approach the parked

aircrafts at apron and sorted out them one by one. In this sector, all the five terrorists

were sorted out one by one by the ASF troops who encountered the terrorists within

the premises of the PIA maintenance hangers and the terrorists could not have

succeeded to get access of the apron where a number of aircrafts were parked and if

they could have been reached at the apron the situation would be different. Thus, the

ASF troops saved the aviation industry of Pakistan specially the PIA of a great

disaster at the cost of their lives (M. A. Pervaiz, Personal communication, April 19,


Similarly, in the other sector second group of the terrorists which was also

consisting of five persons stormed the ICG (Immediate Clearance Gate) situated at

Hajj Terminal which is being used normally for the cargo activities. They after

reaching the gate started fire upon the duty ASF staff at the gate who also responded

to the terrorists. As a group of the terrorists attacked at Fokker gate few minutes

earlier to this attack therefore ASF troops in this sector were already aware of the

situation, therefore, when the terrorists attacked this sector, they faced a tough

response from the ASF duty staff and ASF QRF troops/reserves as well. It is pertinent

to mention here that two fuel dumps are located at this sector of the airport. One is the

main oil depot which is called the EJHD (Eastern Joint Hydrant Depot) which is

situated behind the (C gate) of old terminal which at the air side is at a distance of


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approximately, 150 x meters towards right side of the ICG gate, the gate through

which the second group of terrorists attacked. This oil depot is meant for the supply of

fuel to all the aircrafts of national as well as international airlines. The second oil

depot is a petrol pump of Pakistan State Oil which is situated at a distance of

approximately 200 x meters towards left side of the ICG (Immediate Clearance gate)

duly attacked by the terrorists. All the vehicles of the airport agencies operating at the

airport are provided with fuel from this petrol pump. The ICG gate is situated in

between these two oil depots of the airport. So in this sector the terrorists earlier fully

tried to approach the main fuel dump i.e. EJHD (Eastern Joint Hydrant Depot) but

they faced a tough response from the ASF staff deployed at the (C gate) therefore,

after their failure to advance towards this fuel depot they retrieved and thereafter they

diverted towards the left side i.e. to attack the PSO (Pakistan State Oil) petrol pump,

but the ASF troops bravely and effectively responded the terrorists and contained

them to a limited area. Resultantly, ASF troops sorted out the terrorists one by one but

the terrorists could not succeed to reach these two oil dumps. It is pertinent to mention

here that in this sector 9 x ASF officials embraced shahadat and a similar number got

injured, however, they contained the terrorists from 3 x sides, the terrorists at right

side could not succeed to reach the EJHD (Eastern Joint Hydrant Depot), towards left

side the PSO (Pakistan State Oil) petrol pump and in front side up to the aircrafts

parked at the apron. So, it was the cost which accepted by the ASF troops which not

only saved the Karachi airport, Aviation industry, nation and our beloved country as

well from a big disaster. The terrorists if would have been successful to reach these

two fuel depots or the aircrafts parked at the apron it would be a great disaster to the

aviation industry of the country (M. Khan, Personal communication, August 5, 2016).


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Within a short span of time (i.e. just within 2 x hours), eight of the ten

terrorists were shot dead by the Airports Security Force troops whereas the remaining

two blew themselves up when they were cornered. It is pertinent to mention here that

in the encounter 12 x ASF personnel embraced Shahadat encountering the terrorists

attack. This attack although inflicted a huge economic and human loss but the

nefarious designs of the terrorists were thwarted and did not accomplish. Furthermore,

the terrorist desired to reach the apron where a large number of the aircrafts was

parked to hijack some plane and get their demands remained unfulfilled. However,

their nefarious designs were buried into the dust by the Airport Security Force

soldiers at the cost of their blood and ultimately their lives.

It is also pertinent to mention here that the first brunt of terrorists’ attack was

faced by the ASF troops on duty at the airport as well as the reserve troops that

reached at the airport from ASF camp situated adjacent to the airport, although, on

receiving information, contingents of the Pakistan army from Malir Cantt, Pakistan

Rangers and Sindh police also reached the airport and joined the ASF troops to

counter the above said attack of the terrorists. Troops of all the three forces fully

supported the ASF troops at the later stage of the attack as well as in the evacuation of

the casualties and the post attack situation. Besides the troops of these forces local

administration, fire brigades as well as ambulances of Edhi, Cheepa and other NGOs

(Non-Government Organizations) also fully participated and supported the ASF in the

evacuation of the casualties even during the attack and rescue operations after the

attack was over.

The Karachi airport attack of June 2014 is important in a sense that the

terrorists have planned to destroy the Civil Aviation industry of Pakistan. Karachi

airport is the largest and modern airport in Pakistan. This airport is the hub of


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maximum air operation in Pakistan and if the terrorist attack was successful, the

aviation industry of Pakistan has to face an irreparable loss. However, fortunately the

terrorist miserably failed in their plot as how they planned the attack and how they

were retreated made a history in the airport security of Pakistan Civil Aviation. The

event was discussed in detail for the awareness of the international community and for

the security of other airports because this was the latest and brutal tactics the terrorist

used in Pakistan to topple the aviation industry. This would have been more disastrous

than the 9/11 if the terrorist may take control on some aircraft present at that time on

apron or may take control, some parts of the airport.

On the evening of 9th June 2014, Ch Nisar Ali Khan, Federal Interior Minister

visited Karachi airport where he was explained the whole episode in detail and was

apprised of the role played by the troops of all forces during the counter attack

operation (Menon, 2017). He highly applauded the role of all forces specially that

displayed by the ASF troops during the said terrorist attack while addressing the

session of the National assembly for apprising its honorable members regarding the

details of the attack.

The Tehrik-I-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) announced to claim responsibility for the

attack; they told in their statement that it was actually in repercussion of the killing of

their leader Hakim Ullah Mehsud, in a drone strike in North Waziristan in November

2013.The TTP also reiterated to carry out further attacks against the aviation industry

in Pakistan. The motive against them did not reveal however, the terminal they

attacked in use for VIP movement and near to the CAA/PIA Headquarters (Lynch,


At the time of the attack (Babar coy of ASF) was performing its first night

duty i.e. with effect from 2000 to 0200 hours at the old terminal of Karachi airport


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under the command of Assistant Director Muhammad Iqbal Khan Khattak. After the

attack was over, while fulfilling legal formalities of the post attack situation a proper

FIR (First Information Report) was lodged at the airport police station by AD Iqbal,

against the Tehrik. I Taliban Pakistan (TTP) as they claimed the attack so that the

police could further probe the legal proceedings in the case (L. Bacha, Personal

communication, June 10, 2014).

After a few days of this attack a ( Special Durbar ) of the contingents

comprising of the officers and officials of the Pakistan Army, Pakistan Rangers, Sindh

Police and Airports Security Force who participated in the above said attack was held

at ASF Headquarters Karachi which was addressed by General Raheel Shareef Chief

of the Army Staff who highly appreciated the role played by the officers and staff of

all the above mentioned forces specially of ASF whose 12 x officials embraced

shahadat and a similar number of its officials got injured during the above said attack.

Later on, Chief of the Army Staff also sent an Appreciation Letter to the Director

General Airports Security Force and highly appreciated the role played by the

Shuhada, injured officials as well as all other staff of ASF who performed well during

the above said attack (I. Chaudhry, Personal communication, May 10, 2015).

Later a case was initiated by the ASF HQ to concerned quarters of the

Government of Pakistan, briefly describing the role of each Shaheed and injured

official of ASF staff during the above said attack for honoring them with gallantry

awards. Government of Pakistan in recognition of the act of bravery, valor and great

courage displayed by the ASF Shuhada and injured persons during the said operation

were awarded with (Gallantry Awards) i.e. (Sitar-I-Shujaat and Tamgha-I-Shujaat)

(M. Khan, Personal communication, August 5, 2016).


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At the time of the attack, Major (retired) Muhammad Aslam Parvez Director

Airports Security Force was the Chief Security Officer of Jinnah International airport,

who just after the attack was launched at the airport, within a few minutes, he himself

reached at the critical attack zone area of the airport and joined his under-command

troops. This act on his part highly boosted the morale and level of the courage/valor of

the fighting officials of ASF who fought the terrorists very bravely and brought

success to the name ASF and Pakistan as well. It is an historical fact that all the

terrorists who attacked Karachi airport were killed during the counter attack operation

and no one remained spared who could have managed his escape from the airport.

Major Muhammad Aslam Pervez from the very beginning of the attack till the attack

was over, rescue operations started and got over, area scanning started and got over,

flight operations were resumed and all the post attack activities were over, he

remained present with his under-command troops. Therefore, considering his overall

good command and control and his valor/courage, he was also awarded (Gallantry

Award) by the Government of Pakistan.

As after an overall look on Pakistan aviation industry, the rest of perspectives

of Bacha Khan International Airport are to be taken in consideration with elaboration

of its different areas and aspects.

History of BKIA


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Photo credited to CAA Data

The old name of Bacha Khan International Airport was Peshawar International

Airport. It is an International Airport situated in Peshawar city in the province

of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It is situated at about 8 km from the Centre of

Peshawar city (Quadri & Quadri, 2014). It is one of the busiest airports in Pakistan

and stands at number 4th as far as annual flights are concerned. There is an unusual

feature related to this airport which is that one end of the main runway has a railway

line passing across the main premises of the airport. It is the only Airport in Pakistan

through which a railway tract is passing. Furthermore, it is also important to note that

a canal passes beneath its runway. These two qualities make it a unique airport of the

country. Bacha Khan International Airport is situated 180 km to the west of Islamabad

City (the capital of Pakistan), which makes it at a distance of about two hours’ drive

from the capital to the Airport through M-1 motorway. The BKIA Peshawar is a

historical airport across Pakistan. As it is the provincial capital of the Khyber


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Pakhtunkhwa province, the BKIA offers global networks for most of the north-

western region of the country and the adjacent areas of Afghanistan. The airport was

renamed after a Pashtun nationalist political leader Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (known

as Bacha Khan among the residents of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province). It was

renamed on 27 January 2012 (Mahmood, 2014).


The history of the airport can be traced back to 1927 when there was a small

airfield that served most of the flight needs of the British Empire and that were

travelling onwards to the east (e.g. to China and the rest of south east Asia) and to the

west (e.g. the European continent). It was in fact due to this reason that the city was

called by British the "Gateway to the East" because it linked the two cultures namely

the long-established oriental culture of the East and the modern occidental culture of

the West. It was after the independence of Pakistan from the British Raj that the

airport got true importance. The Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan (CAA) and the

Pakistan Air Force started using the airfield jointly for military as well as civil


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operations of all types. Numerous flights started to be operated to and from Karachi,

Pakistan's largest city, as well as to other cities within the newly established state.

In the year 1965, the Peshawar airport became an airport of international status

when flights started to be operated from Kabul Afghanistan to Peshawar and vice

versa. The first flight was operated by the national flag carrier, Pakistan International

Airline (PIA). With the passage of time the airport grew with more flights and

aircrafts and needs based up gradation was accordingly carried out. It was in the year

1981 that the CAA extended the building of BKIA Peshawar for the forthcoming

requirements of the people of this part of the province. The apron was extended fully

by 1986, where the airport was able to accommodate four large body aircrafts and two

small body aircrafts at a time.

The provincial government of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa consulted the Pakistan

Civil Aviation Authority in January 2008, to deliberate upon the expansion work of

the airport, which was needed to upgrade the quality of facilities, the terminal

modernization and cargo growth. In June 2008 the Deputy Director General of the

CAA, Air vice Marshal Sajid Habib, said that R.s 5 Billion had been allocated to

expansion and development of BKIA Peshawar (Alamghir, Personal communication,

November 13, 2016).

Although this airport is not much large in structure, as compared to other

airports of the country but a large number of passengers and visitors are frequently

visiting this airport due to their travelling requirements. As most of the population of

the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is poor and illiterate, so they are doing jobs in the Middle

Eastern countries. Almost all the flights are destined to Middle East and recently there

is no direct flight to any of the European country from this airport. A few years back

there was a direct flight to London from BKIA Peshawar by the national flag carrier


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but due to less number of passengers it was too abandoned. This airport is witnessing

a large number of passengers, visitors and flights on daily basis. Although night

operation is suspended at this airport however the flight operation deficiency is

fulfilled in day time and it affords the whole burden on day time only. Operation at

this airport is almost closed after the sun set and starts at the dawn. After the sun set

only departure of the already parked plane take place and no landing permission is

accorded because of the grave terrorist threat to the aircrafts. Furthermore, during the

taking off, aircrafts uses the Tehkal side which is quite safe as compared to the other

side of Pishtakhara region. Because the Pishtakhara side is situated in close proximity

of the Khyber agency and terrorists have already targeted an air borne plane of the

Pakistan International Airline from that side and even fired rockets a number of times

from unknown places of Bara region, Khyber Agency.

As per different survey reports conducted by various Federal and provincial

government agencies, approximately Seven Thousand Afghan nationals are living in

the funnel/surrounding areas of the Bacha Khan International Airport which is a great

threat to it. Action has since been started by the Law Enforcement Agencies against

those Afghan Muhajireen bearing fake I.D cards for their deportation with a view to

eliminate this potential risk to the security of BKIA Peshawar. Government is also

planning to settle these refugees at some other suitable places and a safe distance from

airport, because airport is a sensitive installation and any accomplice on their part

with the terrorist groups may be very harmful for the security of the airport. They

were termed as a risk for the Peshawar Air Force Base and BKIA Peshawar. Action to

be taken in the Tehkal (upper and lower), Abdararoad, Garhi Sikandar Khan,

Pishtakhara, Custom area, Swato, Bara gate, Badhbeer, Bara road and all the small

villages near the funnel area of the Airport. Data has already been collected by the


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concerned quarters of the registered and non-registered Afghan population (The Daily

Mashriq, June 30, 2015).

The intelligence agencies and other quarters issue threat alerts to the airport

security authorities from time to time. Some alerts were of serious threats and others

of minor nature of expected attacks. However, all the relevant agencies are in close

liaison with the airport security authorities for prompt and timely/effective response in

case of any untoward situation. Media and other information groups are also playing

its role in a befitting manner. On 25th August 2015, it was revealed through the daily

Mashriq that terrorists are planning to attack Bacha Khan International Airport

Peshawar and PAF Base, due to which high alert has been enforced at Base and

airport. Terrorist groups have once again planned attack against airport, therefore, due

to these threats sale and use of laser lights beam is prohibited. It was intimated vide

Letter no. 14/07/2015 issued by ministry of interior to the provincial government of

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa that some terrorist groups are planning a massive attack against

the PAF Base and airport. They intend to hijack plane. Provincial government was

asked to enhance the security measure all around the airport, especially in funnel area.

Other Law Enforcement Agencies outside the airport were asked for strict vigilance

round the clock (The Daily Mashriq, August 25, 2015).

Planned Upgrades

Peshawar airport is the only international airport of the province therefore it is

frequently being visited by the passengers as well as visitors in connection with their

travelling abroad and on domestic flights. It has both the facility for

International/Domestic arriving/departing passengers, a Civilian Important Personnel

(CIP) lounge with separate parking, drop lane, parking facility for general visitors, a

mosque as well as sitting facility for a limited number of visitors. The airport has also


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a number of facilities to cater to the normal needs of passengers such as bank,

(domestic/international) telephone calling booths, money exchanging, Automatic

Teller Machines (ATMs), Internet Stations (powered by Wateen), information

counters, gifts and souvenir shops, snack shops, rent a car service and a post office. Its

apron has the capacity of 5 x aircrafts to be parked at one time. It also consists of a

cargo shed for cargo operations and a fuel depot for fueling of the aircrafts. The up

gradation of the airport is currently under consideration to make it compatible with

the future needs of the air travelers. The geographical location is also under

consideration for the authorities. Construction work of the expansion of the airport

with an eighteen months projects, has been started since March 2016 would be

completed in September 2017 by the CAA which is still in progress with a view to

enhance its capacity to meet the future requirements of the aviation industry and to

develop the airport so as to meet the international standards. The project plan of

extension of the airport has been supposed to be completed with an extension of six

months in March, 2018 but still it does not look with the same pace that the project

can be completed in the stipulated period of time and would take more time (M. Ibrar,

Personal communication, December 14, 2017). The new project will give a temporary

relief to the passengers, visitors and the people of KP but in the long run this project

will not cater to the need of the growing population of this province.

This airport is not only used by the people of KP but it is also used by the

people of FATA whose majority people are working in foreign countries because they

have no other opportunities in their barren lands hence they prefer to go out of the

country for jobs in different fields. This province needs another international airport

outside the city of Peshawar for the betterment and ease of the people of this part of

the country. The technical side of the airport is also kept in consideration because


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with the expansion of the airport it may get able to be look like an international

airport. Furthermore, the security agencies may also be able get the resistance time, in

case of emergencies and physical attacks. Space is a very important aspect as for as

security of an airport is concerned. A huge open space and proper set up may also

provide space for the speedy talking of passengers and wide space for the proper

functioning of equipment and other security related machinery. In a congested

atmosphere there are not only difficulties for the passengers but also for the security

and other functionaries of the airport. Being an international airport, it may have to

equip with all the required facilities for the staff and passengers to be look like a

standard international level airport.


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04 10

4 INT’L ARRIVAL LOUNGE (Square feet) 13,035 24,3005 DOMESTIC ARRIVAL LOUNGE (Square feet) 7,600 12,6006 INT’L DEPARTURE BRIEFING AREA (Square feet) 8,550 14,4007 DOMESTIC DEPARTURE BRIEFING AREA

(Square feet)6,223 13,500

8 CONCOURSE HALL (Square feet) 16,580 32,0009 CAR PARK (CARS NOs) 350 900



NO.104.63 04.65


- 05.11


- 06.32




As keeping in view, the comparison of the existing structure and capacity of

the BKIA Peshawar, the existing capacity of the airport is quite less and it cannot

cater to the needs of the people of this province. This is an international airport but

unlike other internationals airport of the world it does not seem to be an airport of the

international level and standard but as like a bus stand or other national level entity.

The parking area and other parts of the building is not in any way sufficient for the

easy passage of passengers and visitors. The extension work is in progress at the


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moment and after its completion for which the estimated time was eighteen months, is

about to end, but it does not seem to be completed soon, the structure and capacity

will be enhanced but to a little extent. It will only cater to the existing flow of people

but keeping in view the future perspectives the airport will not be able to fulfill the

needs of the people of this region after a few years. The population is increasing and

the future resources will not be capable to meet it. Work is going on in the airport for

its extension and a grant of 5 billion rupees was also approved for its extension but

here is a lack of proper future planning, work has been going on in some way or the

other but proper planning is unfortunately not being carried out otherwise the results

would have been different.


(Photo credited to CAA BKIAP)

Google map of the BKIA Peshawar shows the taxi ways, runway and

boundary etc. of the airport. A total area of 681 acres (29661450 Square feet) has

been occupied by the Bacha Khan International Airport. This total area also includes

the runway, Taxiway, apron and buildings etc. the area is not too less for an airport as

compared to the other international airports of the world. This also show the strategic


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importance of this airport. If the security issues of this airport are resolved so, this

may be utilized for the Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries as a gateway. This

airport may be quite helpful for increasing the revenue generation and as a cultural

development source between Pakistan and Central Asian republics because those

states are at an easy approach from this airport. Flight to Afghanistan and Iran may

benefit the people of both the regions.




International Briefing Area 300 Standing + 50 Seats

Check-In Counters 09 Nos.

International Departure Lounge 360 Seats

International Arrival Lounge 500 Standing + 60 Seats


Domestic Briefing Area 250 Standing + 50 Seats

Check-In counters 06 Nos.

Domestic Departure Lounge 340 Seats

Domestic Arrival Lounge 300 Standing + 60 Seats

EXECUTIVE LOUNGE For both Int’l / Dom. Arrival / Departure 68

CONCOURSE HALL Concourse Hall 1000 Standing + 200 Seats

CAR PARKING CAPACITYGeneral Car Parking 350

VIP Car parking 15


The above-mentioned table shows the existing capacity of the different

locations of the airport. However, the new plan has the increased capacity for all the

above. Work is in progress for the last many months which has created a lot of

problem for the security staff, other agencies and passengers as well. The plan on

which work is still in progress will increase the capacity as mentioned earlier in the




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International Flights Per Week 79+77 = 156

Domestic Flights Per Week 16 + 18 = 34

Airlines Operating(9 NOS.)


Chartered Flight (06NOS.) (Parachinar)



The above table shows the weekly international and domestic flights

scheduled showing the different airlines operating from BKIA Peshawar. Etihad

Airway has suspended its flights permanently from this airport after the aerial fire on

the PIA flight and the domestic sector flights have also been abandoned except the

Serene Air and PIA. The chartered flights were operating from this airport to

Parachinar due to the closure of roots leading to Parachinar in the Sunni-Shia conflicts

but after the opening of roots those flights and airlines have also been abandoned and

now only small trainee planes are operating under the sponsorship of Peshawar flying

club for the training purpose.

Electronics Terminal Facilities

FIDS (Flight Information Display System).

APC based FIDS which has all the advanced features installed at various locations.

The System comprises of the following: -

Panasonic Plasma Monitors 42” - 07

Panasonic LCD Monitors 32” - 02

LED Display Board - 04

LED Message sign for Counters 17


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Airside Information



RUN WAY 900 FT x 150 FT




The above table shows the information about the runway, its allied facilities

and the capacity of the apron to bear how many large and smaller planes.

Public-address System

PAS (Public Address System).

A Processor based Public Address System consists of the following:

1. Power Amplifier 120W - 03

2. Power Amplifier Dual Channel - 02

3. Wall Mounted speakers 30W - 10

4. Reflex Horn Type speakers 30W - 14

5. Ceiling Speakers 6W - 116

6. Remote Paging Console - 03


Baggage Check in System:

Baggage check in facility is provided through display system. There are 05

Briefing Counters with Electro Mechanical Weighing scales in Domestic and 09

Briefing Counters with Electro Mechanical Weighing Scales in International Briefing


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Halls which are not enough during peak hours when the number of flights increases

from two departures. It specially creates problems to the staff as well as the

passengers during hajj or Umrah flights because of the low capacity space in the

briefing area and other facility in the domestic and international departure lounges.

In the above paragraphs, the different structures and present/ existing facilities

were highlighted in order to have as clear understanding of the Bacha Khan

International Airport Peshawar. The facilities offered by the government and Civil

Aviation Authority clearly indicate the lack of desired facilities required at an

international airport. The system at the airport may be developed to the international

standards the provision of modern technological accessories. As the aviation industry,

all over the world has many threats so the same is the case with Pakistan. Pakistan is a

developing country and it has to take efficient control on the law and order situation

for going ahead with the developed and advanced countries in the world. A little

happening in this regard can damage the integrity of our country and extra vigilance

and care is required at the airports in Pakistan. In case some untoward events happen

at this airport, the available record has been discussed with some detail.

National, Regional and Local Threats

Aviation industry being a main commercial hub and an income source of each

country economy, since its inception, and with the passage of time threats for the

airports throughout the world are almost of the same nature but actually the terrorists

try to adopt the ways and means which are very easy to them and are easily

implementable at the place of their contended targets. Moreover, they often try to

carry out their terrorists’ activities by using new and unique technique to make

successful their notorious designs but still there are some basic similarities in every


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attack, which is very important for the security agencies to analyze those aspects and

make security more and more secure and prepare their troops to cope with any type of

attack. Such type of analysis and rehearsals stand the security agencies at a position

predicts the nature of possible attacks and the capability to cope with it as well.

Keeping in views the importance of Pakistani airports and especially the Bacha Khan

International Airport the following national, regional and local threats are impending

to its security are the threats of hijacking of aircraft, threats of sabotage of aircraft on

ground; threats of sabotage of aircraft in the air and threats of missile attack on

aircraft. Moreover, threats of raid on aircraft on ground, threats of rocket attacks on

airport VPs; threats of suicidal attacks at the airport and threats of Vehicle Borne

Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED). Furthermore, threats of forced breaking of

perimeter range, threats of sabotage of Vulnerable Points (VPs); threats of

surreptitious infiltration of perimeter, threats of hostage taking of passengers or others

and threats of attack on lounges for killing people. The threats of sabotage in Car Park

area, threats of internal conspiracy by airport functionaries; threats of attacks on Very

Very Important Personnel VVIPs /VIPs in airport premises, Threats from known

terrorist organization and any specific threats to airlines.

Some of the security enhancement measures are adopted at BKIA

Peshawar on immediate basis after the different terrorists’ threats and attacks over this

airport. Ababeel Flying stopped due to security reasons. Political Agent Parachinar

requested for enhancing security in and around the Airport. All General Aviation

Companies operating chartered flights have been issued instructions to allow only

Pakistani Nationals and as such no foreigners may be allowed. Peshawar Flying Club

has also been requested for proper security arrangements in their premises. Cargo


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Agents Association and Exporters Association have been requested to co-ordinate

with ASF for proper security arrangements.

Attacks on Airport

Sabotage incidents at BKIA Peshawar are also more in number as compare to

the other airports of the country. Either it is terrorists or other unfortunate accidents,

BKIA Peshawar suffered all the times. It is a hub or gateway for the Middle Eastern

and central Asian countries. Most of the Middle Eastern passengers are travelling

from this airport. But the locality of this airport made it quite vulnerable for terrorists

and this airport is situated on a small piece of land as compared to the other

international airports of the country and the rest of the world. In case of any terrorist

attacks reaction space and time is very important but this airport has a small parking

due to which managing of reaction would obviously matter a lot. Incidents took place

here from time to time some of which were of severe nature others were of small

nature. However, all the time the flow of passengers to the airport and flights schedule

has suffered which is not a good omen for its future development. Below here are

some of the incidents which have directly happened at BKIA Peshawar and some are

those which are even not happened at this airport but was related to this airport in one

or the other way.

One PIA Douglas C-47A-1-DKflight took off from the BKIA Peshawar airport

on Friday March 26, 1965. The aircraft lost contact with ATC i.e. the air traffic

control in the mid-flight. The aircraft had crash landed at the Lowery Pass. The actual

cause of the crash was not known that either it was crashed due to technical fault or

due to some terrorist incident. No passengers or crew members survived the tragic



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One PIA Fokker, F-27 Friendship, on October23, 1986, while making a night

approach at the airport, had a lower than expected flight, due to co-pilot error. The

aircraft undershot the runway and landed in a nearby ditch which caused the aircraft

to crash and break up. Thirteen passengers and crew members were seriously injured

(M. Khan, Personal communication, 22, December 2014).

On December 26, 2006, one person was killed and two were injured when a

powerful time bomb blasted beside the main Khyber road outside Peshawar Airport.

The bomb was planted in a car, parked on Khyber Road. The Bomb disposal squad

officials announced that the bomb was about two kilograms. It totally smashed the car

it was planted in, in addition to breaking the boundary wall of Risalla Lane of the

Pakistan Army ground opposite to the main in gate parking of the Peshawar airport.

The explosion took place at 7:10 am. It also damaged six other vehicles. The

explosion did not disturb the schedule of flights except the effect that the airport's

entry and exit points were closed for some time. The CCPO Peshawar, Malik Saad

told Daily Times that the Suzuki car exploited in the bomb blast was stolen some 10

days before from the capital city, Islamabad (Daily Time, 27 December 2006).

The deceased person in this bomb blast was identified as Naveed from Buner,

a bus cleaner, while among the injured were Siraj Mohammad a resident of village

Regi, district Peshawar who was an employee of the contractor of the car parking, and

Anwar Zaib Bakht of district Swat, who was an airport employee. Immediately after

the blast, the local police, the bomb disposal squad and the intelligence agencies

officials swiftly reached to the site of the blast and cordoned off the area in no time.

The injured Siraj gave his statement to the reporters that he could see a huge smoke

and dust which covered the entire area after the blast and that he could see nothing at

the time when he fell unconscious. An eyewitness reported that he had parked his car


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in the parking area at 6:15am and that there was no other car parked there at that time.

He said he was asleep in his car at the time of the bomb blast. It was a terrorist

incident who tried to take the above said explosive laden inside the airport premises

but due to proper security checking of the vehicles at the main entry gate of airport,

terrorists could not make it and parked the vehicle outside the airport near the army

cavalry ground situated opposite the airport. Fortunately, the terrorist could not

succeed in their nefarious designs. In case they could have reached the main car

parking area of the airport it would have brought a great disaster to the airport and its

inmates (The Daily Dawn, 27, December, 2006).

On 28 April, 2007, a bomb blast inside the Peshawar International Airport on

Saturday rocked the sensitive cantonment of the city, triggering a wave of fear among

hundreds of passengers in the compound. The device was attached with a timer and

planted in crates of soft drinks inside the canteen. The explosive device weighing 150

to 200 grams went off at 6.55am but did not hurt anyone inside the airport building.

Following the explosion, the Airport Security Force and other law-enforcement

agencies further tightened security measures in and around the airport building. All

the passengers and vehicles entering the airport premises were being thoroughly

checked. This was another attempt to disrupt the smooth functioning of the airport but

fortunately, it again could not report any casualty except a little economic damage to

the canteen. Although, it created panic in the visitors and passengers however, in long

run it did not suffer the aviation industry at BKIA Peshawar as might have been

desired by the terrorists (M. Khan, Personal communication, 22, December 2014).

After the 9/11 attacks the terrorists physically tried to reach the BKIA

Peshawar but it was really a difficult task for them, so they tried to hit the airport from

far flung area of Federally Administered Tribal Area (EX-FATA) which is at a


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distance of few kilometers from the airport. Such a way on 25-04-2009 at about 0155

hours two Rockets were fired by unknown terrorists which fell at two different places,

one near DVOR located in PAF Area and the other in the area of 9 Army Aviation

Squadron. No loss to the human lives occurred, however an Army oil tanker parked in

9 Aviation Squadron was observed spilling out oil from its tank. It was fortunate for

the airport that it did not hit the oil depot otherwise the operation system from BKIA

Peshawar might have suffered for a longer time (S. Nawaz, Personal communication,

September 23, 2010).

On 9-5-2009 at about 0103 hours 1 x Rocket fired from Western side of

Peshawar, probably from Tribal Area, blasted in grassy ground in front of office block

of 9 Army Aviation Squadron which is situated adjacent to the BKIA airport and

Flying Club Peshawar Airport. Many splinters of rocket blast hit Peshawar Flying

Club aircraft hangar and also tail of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor's aircraft plus

wing of one Cessna parked in the hanger. Few splinters also reached ASF Camp and

Airport Car park area. After a few seconds, another similar rocket blasted in the

vicinity of 2 Signal Battalion opposite to Peshawar Airport. Some splinters of this

blast reached ESSO gate (Catering vehicles Gate) opening on apron. No loss to the

human lives/property was caused to the ASF Troops and their accommodation and

Civil Aviation Installations/Building. The wave of these terrorists’ attacks did not stop

here but they were constantly trying to hit airport building/vicinity but no serious

damage happened to the airport (A. Ullah, Personal communication, November 12,


On 8-7-2009 at about 0220 hours 1 x Rocket fired from Western side of

Peshawar, probably from Tribal Area, was targeted at International Committee of Red

Cross(ICRC) Tarmac in front of Pakistan State Oil (PSO) Depot. Resultantly, a


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splinter hit against left engine of ICRC aircraft, causing one-inch hole. A few splinters

also reached near car park Main-in gate. After a few seconds 3 x Rockets blasted, in

Pakistan Air Force (PAF) area near Air Traffic Control (ATC) Tower, near PAF

Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (SNCOs) Mess and Tehkal Town, respectively.

No loss to the human lives was reported, although one PAF personnel had been

reported to be injured (Q. Kamil, Personal communication, July 29, 2010).

On 10-8-2009 at about 2305 hours, more than twelve rockets were reported to

be fired by unknown terrorists. 1 x rocket out of these landed at FC Campus Phase –

VI, Hayatabad, damaging MI Room without any loss to human life, whereas, 4 x

rockets hit civil population about 1½ Km away from Runway end and the remaining

rockets fell at Pishtakhara and its surroundings, resulting into death of two and

injuring ten civilians (Daily "Mashriq" Peshawar, 2009). PIA flight PK-217 (ISB-

PEW-AAN/AUX) landed safely after about two minutes of above rocket attack. It

was in view of such deteriorating security situation in that part of Pakistan that six

international airlines suspended their flights to Peshawar, though on a temporary basis

which were resumed later on. This was followed by a rocket attack on the airport in

August, 2009. Since the Pearl Continental hotel was blown up in a bomb blast, the

non-availability of a functional 5-star hotel in Peshawar is also said to be one of the

major causes of suspension of many of the foreign airlines operations to BKIA

Peshawar. The airlines which suspended their operations included Saudi Airlines, the

Emirates Airlines, the Gulf Air, the Air Arabia, the Qatar Airways and the Etihad

Airways. All the airlines resumed services to the city after a brief pause, but such

attacks have badly affected the economy of our country besides damaging the image

of the airport and Peshawar city in the world. Although, after some time the

confidence of the airlines restored after an extensive improvement in the security


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measures taken by the Airports Security Force, and the Rasul khima (RAK) Airways

not even resumed its flights operation but also commenced new services increasing

the number of flights to BKIA Peshawar (M. Ibrar, Personal communication, August

29, 2015).

On 3-10-2009 at about 0225 hours, four to five rockets were reported to be

fired by unknown terrorists from unknown area out of which only one landed in PAF

Base area near 16 Squadron, whereas, the others in surrounding area of the airport. No

loss to human life has been reported. Flight operation remained normal (The Daily

News, 2009).

On 30-5-2010 at about 2305 hours, 1 x Russian made Rocket was fired from

Western side of Peshawar, probably from Tribal Area which, blasted in PAF/Army 9

Aviation area, adjacent to ASF Camp and Peshawar Flying Club. Some of splinters

including shell of rocket blast hit PFC Cessna aircraft, parked at Apron of Peshawar

Flying Club, slightly damaging its tail and right-side wing. No loss to human life

occurred and ASF troops’ accommodation and Civil Aviation Installations/Buildings

remained safe. The author of this dissertation personally observed it.

Thereafter, a period of calm and stability was seen at BKIA Peshawar and the

airport was operating normally but again in after a lapse of two years in December

2012 another unfortunate incident took place at BKIA Peshawar which cannot be

forgotten in the history of this airport. This time terrorists were not firing rockets or

other explosives from far flung or tribal areas this time they physically approach the

airport perimeters and carried out a massive physical attack on the airport but

fortunately they even did not capable to put their feet inside the boundaries of the

airport. The police and armed forces men fight with valor and dedication and did not

let them pass through inside the perimeter walls.


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On 15-12-2012 at about 2031 hours, during landing of PIA transit flight PK-

755 (LHR-PEW-RUH) sound of explosion was heard from western side of the airport

near University town. Meanwhile sound of 3 x more explosions were also heard at

2032, 2035 & 2037 hours respectively and a Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive

Device (VBIED) struck with the perimeter wall at western side of the airport opposite

to 9th Army Aviation unit near runway, due to which approximately 60 feet of

perimeter wall was blown up at Abdara Road adjacent to University town in which 2

x militants were killed. 3 x militants were shot dead during intrusion by PAF and

army combaters. Dozens of the stray bullets fell at the apron during the occurrence (F.

Rabbi, Personal communication, December 20, 2012).

According to PAF, all the area was combed and no militant was found. No

Casualty of PAF, DSG, Army, Police and ASF personnel was occurred. Except a

police man was hit at his duty post before carrying out the said attack on Abdara road

at the back side of the airport and several other civilians were injured due to the blasts

and cross firing. It is also worth mentioning here that a Pakistan International Airline

(PIA) flight PK-755 was parked on apron and 34 transit passengers were on board the

aircraft. All the passengers were embarked from the aircraft and were brought to the

international departure lounge by the Airport Security Staff. Syed Iftikhar Hussain of

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa minister for information visited the airport at about 2200 hours

during the crisis and went to different areas of the airport and met with Pakistan Air

Force (PAF) and Defence Services Guards (DSG) personnel. On 16-12-2012 at about

1045 hours, runway of the airport was cleared by PAF and CAA for operation (F.

Rabbi, Personal communication, December 20, 2012).

Furthermore, the responsibility for the attack on Peshawar airport i.e.

December 15, 2012 was claimed by the Taliban and reiterated by Taliban spokesman


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Ehsan Ullah Ehsan that they will carry out further attacks on the airport. the

passengers who were on board at the time of attack were brought to the departure

lounge and were safe in the custody of Airport Security Force (The Express Tribune,


On 24-05-2013 at about 2315 hours a blast was heard in PAF base area which

according to PAF authorities was a rocket attack. The rocket hit the History Park /

parade ground some 40x yards away from Main Guard Room and some 100 x yards

away from Base Commander Office. Siren voice from PAF was also heard. No

casualty and damage occurred. After rockets attack, all the staff was stand to,

especially staff deployed at land side/airside and directed to be alert and vigilant to

foil any terrorist attack. Extra deployment of ASF staff from ASF Camp was also

called to strengthen Apron, PSO and Flying club gates. Major Mansoor of 69 FRA

and PAF Wing Commander Arbab Naveed (Admin Officer) told that the said rocket

had been launched from Shah Kas (Jamrud boundary South West of the Base) near

about 15 to 18 km road distance and about 06 to 08 km aerial distance away from the

hitting place and all the situation was himself witnessed by the author of the


On 06-06-2013 two rockets were fired on the airport area from unidentified

location. Fortunately, the rockets did not hit the important installations of the airport

and the PAF Base. The rockets hit the un-populated area of the ground and according

to the PAF authorities the rockets were fired / launched from south west probably the

Shah Kas area of Khyber Agency (ASF Operation data, 2015).

On 26-02-2014 at about 0035 hours 03 x rockets were fired towards the airport

from unknown direction and ASF staff on duty observed the rockets crossing over the

apron of airport. As per police sources, one of the rockets fell near Nawaz Eye Clinic


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University Road Peshawar, the other fell near Shaheen camp and the 3rd rocket fell

near the tomb of Begham Baba JeeJamrud Road Peshawar. No loss to human lives

occurred. In view of the above, security of the airport has been strengthened and extra

vigilance and alertness is being exercised by the Airport Security Force staff to foil

any attempt of terrorist activity (ASF Operation data, 2015).

On 27-04-2014 at about 2330 hours two rockets fell in the airport premises

from unknown direction. However, one rockets landed in the grassy field near the

run-way without causing any damage to the building, installations or human. The

other rocket fell near the wall of army unit that is opposite to the ASF camp BKIA

Peshawar airport (M. Khan, Personal communication, 22, December 2014).

On 13-06-2014 at about 0010 hours, rockets were observed crossing over the

apron of BKIA Peshawar. Later on, the police sources confirmed that the rockets fell

near Civil Quarters at a distance of about one kilometer. The possibility of that could

not be ruled out that the target of those rockets was the Bacha Khan International

airport but fortunately it missed the target and fell at another place (ASF Operation

data, 2015).

On 24-06-2014 at about 2257 hours, on the arrival of PIA flight PK-756 from

Riyadh it revealed that the aircraft (Registration No. AP-BGN) was hit in funnel area

near Pishtakhara prior to landing. Resultantly, 01 x lady passengers namely Maknoon

and 02 x Cabin Crew (Flight Stewards) namely Ijaz Khan and Wajid got injuries. The

injured lady passenger and Cabin Crew were shifted to CMH Peshawar in CAA

Ambulance and later it revealed that the lady passenger expired in the hospital. 191+5

passengers were on board the aircraft. After arrival of the flight, the CSO, Deputy

Director (Ops), Base Commander PAF Base Peshawar, Commander 102 Brigade,

Airport Manager CAA and Station Manager PIAC BKIA Peshawar reached at the


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Apron. Combined search of the aircraft by ASF and PIA security staff was carried out

and it revealed that 08 x bullets were hit to the aircraft. PIAC authorities lodged an

FIR of the incident in Police Station Badhbeer Peshawar. A search operation was

launched by the concerned law enforcement agencies after the incident in the airport’s

funnel area, during which 200 suspected persons were arrested. After this incident the

UAE-based carrier’s the Emirates and the Etihad suspended their flight operations on

a temporary basis to Peshawar, and resumed their flight operation at BKIA Peshawar

in August of the same year, after a short period of time (K. Atlas, Personal

communication 25 June, 2014).

The main culprit of the 24-06-2014 attack was sentenced to death was

endorsed by the Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Shareef on Monday the

November 7, 2016. The Chief of Army Staff endorsed the death penalty of nine

terrorists who were involved in different terrorist activities in the country. Out of

these nine terrorists one was known as Sajid son of Ibrahim Khan who was carried out

firing attack on the Pakistan International Airline attack in which an innocent woman

killed and two other persons sustained injuries. He was also involved in other criminal

activities in which many other law enforcement personnel were killed (The Daily

Mashriq, November 08, 2016).

On one hand, this airport was suffered due to the terrorist activities and on the

other hand 18th October 2015 two PIA flights one for Kuala Lumpur and other for

Abu Dhabi were not operated on time because of the scuffle in the air league and the

engineers at BKIA Peshawar and the passengers were suffered badly (Geo TV, 2015).

Terrorism is a reality and a potent threat to mankind. The manifestations of

this threat are not limited to any particular region or society. The spectrum of its

activities and different circumstances leading to its start, pose a greater challenge to


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the experts and policy makers. The peril is further augmented by existing differences

among the nations and their multifarious diverging interests. Any attempt to counter

the phenomenon is not only required to be dealing with the apparent causes in a

particular society. The existence of various international networks and state

sponsorships has institutionalized terrorism as not an expensive mode of warfare. An

overall view of the entire phenomenon in general has revealed the fact that political,

social and economic efforts with the requisite and controlled use of force are believed

to be the key to success for any counter terrorism drive. However, Pakistani

Government must take these requisite measures without further delay, utilizing both

political as well as military means.


Pakistan aviation industry faced many terrorist attacks some are of serious

nature and some are minor but all these incidents badly affect the aviation industry of

Pakistan. Of these attacks the most serious and recent attacks are the Jinnah

International attack 2014 and the 2012, 2014 attacks against the BKIA Peshawar.

Bacha Khan International Airport Peshawar is located in the city of Peshawar, Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa. Due to the proximity with FATA, the BKIA Peshawar suffers more

than any airport of Pakistan. The airport is very important in strategic as well as in

cultural promotion with the Central Asian countries. The facility and other

requirement at the airport do not look like an international airport. Moreover, in past it

has been targeted many times and still much type of threats persists to it. Latest

equipment, machinery and communication system may need to install with a full

proof security arrangement in the funnel area of this airport for the safety of

passengers, crew and aircrafts.


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Abeyratne, R. (2010). The Unlawful Interference Conventions. In Aviation Security

Law (Pp. 205-263). Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Alamghir. (2016, November 13). Personal interview

ASF Operation office data, (2015). different incidents at BKIAP

Atlas. Khan, Personal communication, June 29, 2014

Bacha, L. (2014, June 10). Personal interview

Choi, J. T., & Munson, R. B. (1993). Aviation terrorism: historical survey,

perspectives and responses. Springer.

Chaudhry, I. (2015, May 10). Personal interview

Gupta, R. (2001). Changing conceptions of terrorism. Strategic Analysis, 25(9), 1003-


Hudson, R. A. (1989). Dealing with international hostage‐taking: Alternatives to

reactive counterterrorist assaults. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 12(5), 321-378.

Ibrar, M. (2015, August 29). Personal interview

Ibrar, M. (2017, December 14). Personal interview

Kamil, Q. (2010, July 29). Personal interview

Khan, M. (2014, December 22). Personal interview

Khan, M. (2016, August 5). Personal interview

Leventhal, P., &Chellaney, B. (1988). Nuclear terrorism: Threat, perception, and

response in South Asia. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 11(6), 447-470.

Lynch, D. (2014-06-08). Militant Attack on Karachi Airport in Pakistan Claims 23

Lives, At Least 14 Wounded Retrieved on January 11, 2015 from




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Mahmood, A. (2014). Regional Political Parties: Challenge to Political Stability of

Pakistan. Pakistan Vision, 15(2), 1.

Menon, M. (2017). Reporting Pakistan. Penguin Random House India.

Mohammad, S. (2010, December 13). Personal interview

Nawaz, S. (2010, September 23). Personal interview

Pervaiz, M. A. (2015, April 19). Personal interview

Quadri, G. N., &Quadri, A. (2014). Security Analysis on the International, Regional

and Domestic Fronts. Defence Journal, 18(4), 75.

Rabbi, F. (2012, December 20). Personal interview

Rashid, A. (2012). Descent into chaos: how the war against Islamic extremism is

being lost in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia. Penguin UK.

Riedel, B. (2014). What We Won: America's Secret War in Afghanistan, 1979 89.

Brookings Institution Press.

Shah S.T. 2016, November 08. Chief of Army Staff endorsed the death penalty of

nine terrorists. The Daily Mashriq Islamabad and Peshawar, Pp. 1, 10

Sweet, K. (2008). Aviation and airport security: terrorism and safety concerns. CRC


Wagner, A. R., & Finkelman, P. (2014). Security, Privacy, and Technology

Development: The Impact on National Security. Tex. A&M L. Rev., 2, 597.

2006, December 27. Bomb blast at Peshawar airport parking. The Daily Time, P.1

2009, October 4. Rocket attack. The News International, p.8

2009, August 11. Rocket fired at PAF Base and Peshawar airport. The Daily Mashriq

Islamabad and Peshawar, P.1

2012, December 16. Three people killed, 46 injured as attack on Peshawar airport

repelled. The Express Tribune, Peshawar, P.1


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2015, June 30. Seven thousand Afghan nationals near airport premises, a risk for

BKIAP. The Daily Mashriq Islamabad and Peshawar, P.1

2015, August 25. Peshawar Air Base and Airport are under threat; high alert enforced.

The Daily Mashriq Islamabad and Peshawar, Pp. 1, 10

2015. The News at 1900 hours. Scuffle in Air league and engineers at BKIAP. Geo

News. Karachi. Geo

Ullah, A. (2014, November 12). Personal interview


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Civil Aviation is a major source of air transportation worldwide, providing air travel

facility to the passengers as well as air lifting of cargo. The Civil Aviation includes

both the commercial as well as the private aviation. ICAO supervises the aviation

industry worldwide, with issuing instructions, standards and recommendations to the

member states for the uniformity, security and development of this sector. Pakistan is

also member of the ICAO, it is therefore necessary to know about the ICAO before

discussing the aviation industry of Pakistan. This chapter starts with an introduction to

Civil Aviation, its history and is followed by a description and discussion of the role

of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) that how it emerged and how it

is performing its crucial role in Civil Aviation. ICAO is a supervisory body for the

regulation and development of the air transportation. States usually follow the

instructions of ICAO in their national Civil Aviation and in case if there is any

difficulty or non-applicability of some Standards and Recommended Practices

(SRP’s) it is binding on the state to convey it to ICAO. Moreover, ICAO is main force

behind the national security program of any country for management and regulation

of its affair related to aviation. ICAO works in coordination with all countries of the

world but their efforts need further enhancement with the developing countries.

Furthermore, it needs collaboration at gross root level and even at smaller airport in

the third world countries for rooting out the issues related to aviation, imparting

trainings and ensuring latest equipment. Recently, ICAO initiatives in imparting

training to the security officials of the Pakistan airports are appreciable.


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History of Civil Aviation:

In the history of mankind many ups and downs could be seen, sometimes humans

discovered things by chance and sometimes they acquired it because they needed it

for their survival in this universe. The idea of flying came into the minds of humans

by observing birds flying in the air. The making of Kite is thought to be the beginning

of aviation history by man. China is deemed to be the pioneer in introducing Kites, at

that time even they had enabled themselves to carry a man through these Kites. With

the passage of time Balloons were discovered, which were flown with the help of

burning lantern and further, with the discovery of hydrogen gas the aviation took the

new dimensions (Rickards, 2000). This gas is lighter than air, which was filled in the

balloons and used for air travelling.

It was the Wright Brothers who in 1903 are deemed to be the first to fly in powered

and controlled aircraft (Lindley, 1977). Moreover, that aircraft was heavier than air; it

was the Wright brothers who took the first passenger namely Charles Furnas, in 1908

(Ogland, 2001) and immediately after that with the passage of time military and Civil

Aviation reached its new heights in development.

Thereafter, a German company Zeppelin introduced the airships that can carry

passengers and cargo to a longer distance. At that time hydrogen gas was used as a

fuel for the airships. After some time, hydrogen gas was replaced by helium gas, at

that time the airships were lighter than the air. History of airships and aviation can be

traced back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Although, in the beginning of the twentieth century the aviation industry saw the

airline with the fixed wings and body. In the mid of that century the structure was

advanced quite a lot and towards the close of the twentieth century latest technology


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was introduced in the aircraft, i.e. a computerized system. In 1930s there were

scheduled commercial airlines services in the world. Now a day there are five major

manufacturers of the commercial transport aircrafts that are Russia, Europe, USA,

Brazil and Canada.

As we know that Wright Brothers gave a practical shape to the dream of man to fly in

the air, but after the invention of aircraft its proper management and security had

become a question in 1920s and 1930s because the hijacking incidents that took place

in 1931 and onwards. At that time, the management of civil aviation and curbing the

incidents of hijacking were the main problems which the countries of the world faced

in the beginning of this industry. It was these issues which compelled the leaders of

the world to think over it with great concern for the peace and development of the

future generation.

In the mid of the twentieth century it was considered mandatory by the comity of

nations to establish a permanent International Regulatory Body under the umbrella of

United Nations (UN) which can manage all the issues pertaining to civil aviation and

observe the rules and regulations. Resultantly, ICAO (International Civil Aviation

Organization) was established keeping in view the above reasons in the Chicago

convention held in 1944. It is very important here to know regarding the role of

International Civil Aviation Organization that has been especially established in order

to ensure the safety as well as security of aviation industry at the global level. It is a

permanent body of the United Nations, which is playing its role in securing aviation

industry against any acts of unlawful interferences and enhancing the safety, security

and spreading awareness in the general public (Bowett, 1975).


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History of ICAO

If we go back to the history of ICAO we can trace it back to Berlin, Germany

convention held in 1903, although no agreement was reached between the eight

participating states but it paved the way for the second and third conventions held in

1906 and 1912 respectively. It was due to these conventions that Provisional

International Civil Aviation Organization came into being in 1944 and bloomed in its

original form in 1947 in the shape of ICAO.

The United States of America played a dominant role in the establishment of ICAO.

After the defeat of Germany and its allies it was realized that there should be a

provisional organization to manage the transportation services and from which all the

states of the world get advantages. It was also mentioned in the said meeting that the

organization should not be monopolized by a single region or state and this was an

initiative to give a peaceful coexistence to the states. It was also decided in the

meeting to provide provisions for the establishment of a permanent aeronautical body

and Air Navigation in order to fulfill the technical issues of the organization. In the

conference, it was discussed that due to domination factor lead states to wars and the

countries present here should not to help in such factors. The thrust for power and

domination separated the western and eastern hemispheres. The air is for everyone

and everyone should get benefit of it (U.S Department of State, 1948). The World

War Second proved a catalyst for the technical development of aircraft. United States

of America took an initiative by inviting fifty-five (55) states to Chicago to attend the

conference on International Civil Aviation in 1944. Out of fifty-five states fifty-four

attended the conference and fifty-two signed it on December 07, 1944.


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The agreement was inked in the conference held from November 1 to

December 7, 1944 in Chicago, Illinois, and that is why it is termed as the Chicago

Convention. This convention is very important in the history of Civil Aviation

because it laid down the foundation of ICAO, initially named as (PICAO) the

Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization (Proceedings of the

International Civil Aviation Conference, 1944). In the 1944 Chicago conference, it

was agreed by the member states that the air space above a country is the exclusive

sovereignty of that state (ICAO DOC, 1944). The top and foremost aim of ICAO was

to stop hijacking, unlawful inference and ensure an optimum uniformity in the rules

and regulations, the standards, and the procedures by organizations for the smooth

functioning of Aviation Industry. On April 4, 1947 upon the ratification by the

required states the Provisional status of ICAO ended and a permanent status of ICAO

was achieved. From the date of its existence the body of ICAO is permanently in the

development of aviation industry and till now about 12000 international standards and

practices have been agreed with consensus by the 191-member countries of ICAO,

which no doubt is a great achievement on their part.

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)

International Civil Aviation Organization established by the Chicago

convention of December 7, 1944, in which improvements were made from according

to the emerging situations in order to enable them to be effective in the times to come.

The International Civil Aviation Organization established for the promotion,

development and advancement of aviation industry (Bowett, 1975). The Civil

Aviation conference held from November 01 to December 07 in 1944 which finally

gave birth to ICAO. It came into being after the ratification of 26 states on 04 April

1947. It was primarily run as a Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization


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(PICAO) under the Chicago convention from June 06, 1945 until 4th April 1947. It is

also pertinent to mention here that ICAO superseded the two former conventions, the

one Paris convention of 1919 which established the International Commission for Air

Navigation (ICAN) and the Pan American convention on commercial aviation at

Havana in 1928. To bring uniformity in international aviation ICAO brought fifteen

sets of Standards and Recommended Practices (SRPs) as annexes to the ICAO

convention in territories of the ICAO member countries (UN Publications, 1956).

International Commission for Air Navigation (ICAN) was the precursor of ICAO,

which was founded in the Paris convention on October 13, 1919 after the world war

first. Moreover, France has the honor of very first non-governmental federation for

the promotion of aviation industry in 1905 known as the Fédération Aéronautique

Internationale (FAI). Furthermore, it was in 1919 when the aviation air transport

industry was born, even the first scheduled air service took place in the year 1914,

across Tampa bay Florida (USA) but the actual year of consensus is 1919 (Burke II,

2014). In 1919 IATA (International Air Traffic Association) was also formed which is

the precursor of present International Air Transport Association (IATA) (Funck &

Cooper, 2013). From 1919 to 1944 many developments were made in the aviation

industry and during the primary era of aviation, air transport was mainly focused on

air mail. During the 1930s further developments were made in the aviation industry

and aircraft technology but from 1940 to 1945 a setback for the civil aviation industry

due to the 2nd world war however soon after, the situation was tackled by the ICAO

(Building on a strong foundation, 2016).

Civil Aviation is one of the important, safe and fastest sources of transportation in

commercial sector. Airlines serve as a mean of transportation, so it was very

important that there should be an organization for the smooth and uniform functioning


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of this industry. ICAO came into existence as a specialized agency of the United

Nations (UN) under the December 4, 1946 agreement. ICAO became effective in

1947 and the budget for 1948 was $26000000. The contribution for the budget was

made related to the size of member states airline operations (Chase, 1950). In 1958

members of the ICAO raised to 73, efforts were made in 1958 to increase the air

traffic on the world air routes (UN publications, 1958).

ICAO consists of the Assembly, Council and the Secretariat and it’s headquarter is in

Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The main objectives of ICAO are: -

Establish international standards and regulations for Civil Aviation

To establish international standards and regulations for Civil Aviation, to foster the

development of international air transport and to ensure the safety measure and

uniform regulation among the member states are the main objective of ICAO.

Moreover, to introduce new equipment for the enhancement of it role, to deliver

training in order to equip the technical staff with latest technology and to get more

revenue through air transport (Office of public information, UN, 1977). ICAO keeps a

close eye on air traffic, pilots and the security of international airports (Office of

public information, UN, 2000). The organization has worked remarkably during its

forty years it’s achievements in technical, economic and legal sphere are good. So far

analyzing the functions and basis of the organization from the date of its birth is

satisfactory. The organization continues to provide legal, economic and balance of

interest among states (Milde, 1984). The council of ICAO consisted of thirty-three (at

that time) nations which are to be elected by the assembly of ICAO. Recently, the

council of ICAO consists of thirty-six members which are to be elected by the

assembly for a term of three years, keeping in view the criteria of selection in order to


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include those states which are of chief importance in air transportations, chief

contributors etc. The council of ICAO is assisted by different committees for example

the air navigation commission, air transport committee and finance committee etc.

The secretariat is another important organ of the ICAO. It is headed by the Secretary

General of the ICAO. The secretariat is divided into five main divisions: The Air

Navigation Bureau, the Air Transport Bureau, the Technical Co-operation Bureau, the

Legal Bureau and the Bureau of Administration and Services. The assembly of ICAO

consists of all the contracting members which are now a day 191. It is the assembly

which formulates policies, reviewing the work of the organization and votes for a

triennial budget. ICAO keeps close liaison with the non-governmental and other

member organizations of the United Nations (The ICAO Council, 2016).

In 1994, after the completion of fifty years of this Organization its 50 th anniversary on

7th December was observed and that day was declared as the International Civil

Aviation day. Keeping in view the importance of this day and the organization, the

council of ICAO presents an anniversary theme for the International Civil Aviation

day. ICAO is playing a unique role in providing a good deal in aviation sector

development by helping people in awareness regarding the importance of this

industry. ICAO is a regulatory body of all the ICAO member countries to promote the

standard and recommended practices and policies for making aviation industry

efficient both economically and environmentally. ICAO is not only a regulatory body,

it also assists in capacity building of states and providing help in a number of aviation

related developmental objectives.


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Functions and Responsibilities of ICAO

International Civil Aviation Organization mainly focuses on six key areas:

safety, security; environmental protection; efficiency, continuity and the rule of law

(The ICAO Journal, 2007). It is evident that the traffic in the aviation industry has

been increased as compared to the past but the accident occurrences either remained

lower or at stable rate, which indicate that the safety is improving with the passage of

time. In the safety plan, global initiatives have been introduced for ICAO and states

and for the aviation industry. The measures taken for the security of civil aviation by

the ICAO are of great importance in the current waves of terrorism because a minor

negligence can cause a great damage to the aviation industry of a country. In 2002

during the ministerial conference, a plan was decided for the audit of the member

countries; in which the member countries and aviation industry be addressed with

type of security issues. In the same ministerial meeting, it was also decided to

establish a Universal Security Audit Program (USAP) to timely check the security

measures at international airports and put forward their suggestions and then to check

its implementations. In the era after 2nd world war the cases of hijacking and sabotage

increased. In the following decades of 1950’s, 1960’s and 1970’s the aviation industry

was at hit list due to the above-mentioned reasons.

The hijacking cases of Eastern Europe were welcomed in the western countries; in the

same way, the Cuban airlines hijacking was welcomed by the United States of

America. However, the attitude of American government was totally different when

an American hijacked Plane would be carried to Cuba. In 1960’s and 1970’s the cases

in the Middle East have attracted the attention at international level. It was a great task

for ICAO to handle the cases of hijacking in this period (Jean, 2010). It is the council

of ICAO which convenes the session of assembly at a suitable time and place. The


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first session of assembly was held in Montreal from May 06 to 27th 1947. The first 12

sessions have been held regularly on yearly basis but after that some missing also took

place. There were also some extraordinary sessions held from time to time, keeping in

view the situations. Before going to hold the first assembly session in 1947 there was

held an interim session in 1946.


The 39th ICAO’s assembly session was held in its Head Quarter at Montreal from 27

September to 07 October 2016. Session is basically called by the council of the ICAO,

the 191-member states including other international organization were invited to

attend the session in order to form and shape policies for the upcoming three years. In

the session work of the previous years was reviewed in different fields. Each member

state has one vote and decision can be taken on the majority of votes.

As the 39th session of the ICAO Assembly that was held in September at

Montreal in that the ICAO member states stressed over the techniques that how to

control the emission of carbon dioxide into the environment because the aviation

industry is adding 1.3% of manmade Carbon Dioxide a year by managing about

100000 flights daily in the international aviation. The ICAO assembly mainly focuses

on the current issues of the aviation industry. In this session, including the security

issues from the terrorism, the issue that is the alternate fuel for the aviation industry


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and the development in the manufacturing of airplane so that a minimum of carbon

dioxide is to be emitted in the global environment. ICAO takes into consideration the

multi-dimensional tasks for ensuring the safety and development of this industry. Like

terrorism it also considers the environmental hazards as a threat to the people of the

world. This was the first time in the history that the civil aviation industry and civil

society representatives agreed on the New Global Market-Based Measures for the

control of Carbon Dioxide. The Chicago convention in the establishment of ICAO set

forth the purpose of this organization as to promote and preserve friendship among

the nations, promote co-operations; equality of opportunity, development of air

transportation and a safe and secure journey for the passengers (39th Session of ICAO

Assembly, 2016).

Organizational Structure of ICAO:

As we know that ICAO came into being in the Chicago conference held in 1944 and it

was the article 43 of that convention which named this organization as International

Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and has given proper guidelines for the

composition of this organization. In the ICAO convention terms for its working were

agreed, ICAO was not a local but an international body and its structure and set of

rules and regulations were framed for its working. ICAO consists of assembly,

council and the secretariat. All the matters in ICAO is carried through a systematic

way, these bodies are involved in different ways as per their jurisdictions. However,

all the organs are equally very important for the smooth functioning of this

International body. Coordination and cooperation between and among these organs

give this organization a world level recognition (Abeyratne, 2013). The detail of the

ICAO components is as below:


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1: Assembly:

The first and foremost is the assembly which consists of all the member states

of the International Civil Aviation Organization. The session of the assembly is

convened by the Council of the ICAO at a suitable time and place at least once in

three years. However, a special meeting of the assembly may also be called at any

time at the direction of the Council or at the request of minimum of one-fifth member

states of the total number of the member states. It is composed of the representative

from all the countries of the member states; assembly is the sovereign body of the

ICAO. It has its role in the election and also reviews the work of the organization. It is

mandatory for the assembly to meet at least once in three years. However, it can also

meet more than once, keeping in view the requirement and the situation. The

assembly elects’ members to the council; it takes action on the matters referred to it

by the council keeping in view the rules and regulations. It can also bring

amendments in the convention of 1944, by getting ratification from the member

states. If the member states wish any desirable changes in the convention of ICAO

then they refer it to the assembly, the assembly then present it in the session subject to

the ratification of other states (Jones, 1949). It is also main function of the assembly

which approves the budget of ICAO. It has its jurisdiction of review in the legal,

technical, administrative and economic spheres. It is also the assembly of ICAO

which votes for the triennial budget.

2. Council:

It is the governing body of the ICAO, elected by the assembly and is

composed of 36 states. During the selection of states for the council all the important

aspects are kept in consideration and states of prime and chief importance in aviation


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industry are the top priorities. The member countries mostly cover all the major areas

of the world. Being a governing body, it gives direction to the work of ICAO. There

are committees and sub-committees that assist the council in its work.

Moreover, ICAO’s council is headed by the president who is elected for a term

of three years by virtue of article 51; he can be elected for a maximum of two terms.

Vice president, one or more, are also to be elected who will perform duty and cast

vote in the absence of president. It is not necessary that the president will be from

amongst the representatives of the council. It is the duty of the president to call

meetings of the council and its committees. Moreover, as a representative of the

council he has to perform other functions as may be assigned to it by the council

(Milde, 2008).

There exists an anomaly in the top position holder in ICAO, either the

secretary general is the head of the organization or the president? In other

organization of the United Nations there is a president or Secretary General or

Director General, who performs the overall function of the organization but in ICAO

the structure is unique that is why anomaly exists here. Furthermore, the powers of

both the high officials are about of the same nature, except the few differences due to

the nature of their offices. However, in comparison the office of the president is

deemed to be the highest one in ICAO. The highest salary in ICAO is that of the

president. The first president of the ICAO was Dr. Edward Warner from United States

of America who remained in office from 1947 to 1956 (Milde, 2008).

Moreover, the active and prime role of the president of ICAO’s council can be

judged from the issue that has been raised in the decade of 1990s. The issue was about

the super-sonic jet engine. The European countries were of the view to cut/ban those


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aircrafts to Europe because of their noise pollution. The noise of those aircraft is more

than the recommended standards as per the annexure 16. However, it was not possible

at once for the operators and companies to come to the standard of sub-sonic engine.

It was at the good offices of the president of ICAO that the issue was resolved.

Operator took the plea that the European hush-kit would cost a minimum of 2 billion

dollars’ loss to the industry. However, a compromise was made at the intervention of

president (Aviation daily, October 7 1999).

3. Secretariat:

The secretariat is headed by the Secretary General who is to be appointed by

the council. There are five bureaus under the supervision of the Secretary General of

ICAO; those five bureaus are headed by directors separately. The air navigation

bureau and air transport bureau are the most important bureaus out the five which are

headed by the secretary general, the former deals with the technical aspect of the

organization and the later with the economic aspects of the organization. The

standards developed by the comity of nations in the technical field for all the regions

to abide by these standards. The other three bureaus that are the legal bureau, the

technical cooperation bureau and the administrative bureau are also having their own

importance. These bureaus are also assisted by the air navigation commission and air

transport committee who are working under the auspices of council. The important

instruction and work is done in the secretariat and the people working there are highly

professional and qualified in their fields. Moreover, personnel are recruited on broad

geographical basis and they meet the international standards (Abeyratne, 2013). Like

the other UN organizations ICAO also works in close connection with other bodies/

organizations e.g. World Health Organization (WHO), World Meteorological

Organization (WMO), World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the International


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Telecommunication Union (ITU) etc. Moreover, it also keeps on board the

nongovernmental organizations for the smooth and progressive work e.g.

International Air Transport Association (IATA), Airport Council International (ACI)

and the International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations (IFALPA) etc.

The quick advancement and easy access to all parts of the world have become

practical because of this industry. People can now move from one corner to another

corner of the world in hours, life has been revolutionized by advancement in the

aviation sector. It is therefore, necessary for the industry to be more coherent and

advance in order to keep itself in a position to cater the future needs. ICAO is not only

pursuing the UN system, environmental protection policies and practices but it is also

in close liaison with UN environmental agency to observe the policies in such a

manner to achieve the development goals by not endangering the environment.

ICAO is an international body which not only tries to unite the world aviation

but also publishes SARP’S (Standard and Recommended Practices) for the promotion

and smooth functioning of this organization. The SARP’s are part of the ICAO

conventions, which are agreed by the member states. ICAO also empowers the states

to develop their own National Civil Aviation Security Program (NCASP), which must

be in compliance with the ICAO conventions. That program must be approved and

communicated to the ICAO, anything found repugnant by any state in the National

Civil Aviation Program would report it to the ICAO immediately as it has been kept

binding on the member states.

Aims, Goals and Objectives of ICAO:

Most of the United Nations proposed sustainable development goals are

pursued by the International Civil Aviation Organization and is committed to work in


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close connection with the ICAO member states and others UN agencies in achieving

these goals. An important goal of the ICAO is that no country is left behind to give an

enhancement to the air transportations, so that to bring prosperity for the countries of

the whole world. The same goal was even brought into consideration in the world

aviation forum that was held in November 2015 at Montreal, Canada. ICAO is giving

equal opportunities to all member states to discourage injustices to members states

and work jointly for fighting terrorism.

Furthermore, this very goal of the ICAO meets with most of the objectives of the

United Nations sustainable development goals UN SDG. As the first goal of the

United Nations SDG is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere, so the goal has

already been covered in the ICAO goal of No Country Left Behind (NCLB), in such a

way is another goal to be achieved by the UN is to Encourage a constant,

comprehensive and comparatively maintainable economic development, complete and

prolific employment, which has also been covered in the same goals mentioned


The most important of these is the 13th UN SDG which is to “take urgent action to

combat climate change and its impacts” have already been taken by the ICAO in its

developmental strategy in such a way as to develop the aviation industry without

endangering the surrounding environment of the world. This shows that ICAO and

UN are in close coordination with each other and ICAO is pursuing the goals of UN

in all its spheres (Figueres, 2015). At one hand ICAO is committed to develop the

aviation industry and the safety and security of the individuals which is also the aim

of the UN and on the other hand ICAO is also taking a great care of the environmental

protection which is also the goal and aim of the UN. This means that ICAO is not

only a specialized agency of the UN but also a coordinating body in assisting its


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goals. The main object of the International Civil Aviation Organization in the aviation

development is to ensure a safe and well-organized air transportation system in a

specified state and which is in line with the ICAO Standards and Recommended

Practices (SARPs).

The primary objective of the ICAO and its member states are the protection and safety

of all passengers, the crew, the general public, the aircraft, the airport and other

facilities related to airport and Civil Aviation installations. For this purpose, every

member state is responsible for the implementation of a proper body/organization for

the development and maintenance of comprehensive policy on aviation security. It is

pertinent to mention here that such security should meet the level of security

paradigm mentioned in Annexure 17 of the ICAO manual. Annexure 17 is a

comprehensive ICAO Security manual which clearly elaborates the SARPS regarding

aviation security measures to be implemented by all the member states in their own

area of jurisdiction.

Security Standards and Recommended Practices are also given in the ICAO security

manual for the proper guidance and implementations. These standards and

recommended practices lead to the modern air transport network which is very

important to move within the advanced technological world. The Convention on

International Civil Aviation, drafted in 1944 by 54 world nations, was established and

the sole purpose of it was the promotion teamwork, generate and reserve acquaintance

and understanding between the nations and the individuals of the entire world. It is

called the ‘Chicago Convention’, (Steinberg & Kotuby, 2011). This important

covenant established the basic philosophies which finally legalized international

transport by air, and which ultimately gave birth to the specialized agency known as–

the International Civil Aviation Organization (The history of ICAO, 2016).


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Furthermore, for achieving better results in the field of aviation security the member

states should have to ensure National Civil Aviation Security Committee (NCASC) at

national level and Airport Security Committee (ASC) at airports level. ICAO also

puts emphasis on the implementation and development of National Civil Aviation

Security Training Program (NCASTP) and National Quality Control Program

(NQCP) for the observation of security at national level and harmony at international

level as well.

ICAO has set forth objectives for going ahead in the field of aviation. The

achievement of these objectives is very important for strengthening this specialized

agency and for the progress and development of aviation industry. Along with the

objectives it also presents standards and practices for the smooth functioning and

development. The agenda of ICAO for the years 2014-2016 was to achieve the five

objectives i.e. Safety, Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency; Security and

Facilitation, and Economic Development of Air Transport and Environmental

Protection. These five were, the main strategic objectives set by ICAO for its 2014-

2016 and along with this ICAO is trying to double the Air Transport capacity by the

year 2030 without causing any damage to the environmental setup (Abeyratne, 2014).

It is the objective of ICAO to get this target by not disturbing the natural environment

of the universe, meaning thereby to follow those steps which do not endanger the

existing environment. The ICAO team is following those steps and introducing new

techniques in the aviation industry that least affects the environment. Safety is a very

important factor of these objectives. It is basically focused on the state regulatory

oversight capabilities. The second objective for the period was the Air Navigation

Capacity and Efficiency, is to improve the Air Navigation system with latest

equipment, infrastructure and enhance the efficiency of the aviation industry.


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The upcoming events related to terrorism, has increased the risk of security at airports

throughout the world. Keeping in view the existing security situations the security and

facilitation objective of the triennium was very important. Facilitation and security are

both at opposite angles to each other, if one is giving security the facilitation is

obviously to suffer. As much as one wants to facilitate the other, it will have its

impacts to a certain extent the security measures, it means that one has to compromise

to a certain level on the one aspect, either it is security or facilitation. But it is

necessary to move both the tasks simultaneously and smoothly for the functioning and

development of aviation industry. If a passenger is travelling in a tight security

environment he has to pass through many security checks either electronically or

manually, this means his facilitation suffers to some extent but here the passengers or

visitors may be facilitated with other means such as to provide them a good seating

place, restaurant and other basic necessities in order to facilitate the incoming and

outgoing passengers at all the airports.

However, it is very important for the ICAO to facilitate the air travelers in a fully

secured environment that is the achievement which the ICAO need in letter and spirit.

The fourth objective of the ICAO is to plan such policies to make further

developments in the air transportations. The fifth one is keeping in view all the

activities and developments the environment of the universe to be kept safe from the

adverse effects of the expansion of this industry. It is very important to enlarge this

industry in order to keep abreast with the developments and advancement in life.

Without advancement in this sector, life cannot move fast and the ratio of

development will automatically suffer.

ICAO has a great emphasis on the Security and Facilitation but it is important here to

mention that both the term Security and Facilitation are opposite to each other. If one


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is providing security that must have to surrender some sort of facilitation. But on the

other hand, ICAO says that although security of civil aviation is a top priority but

states are advised to adopt such measure that did not hinder the facilitation and

smooth function of the airports in their regimes. The level of security is to be adopted

according to the level of threat to a specific airport or of that country. If the security

situation in a country is better, it means that the level of security in that country be

according to that level. For example, in the European countries the overall security

environment is good that is why the security is at normal level but here in the Asia

and South Asia particularly the situation is not favorable after 9/11, so the level of

security must be heightened. It is the duty of every member state of ICAO to protect

the life of its people and provide them ease and facilitation in the given set of

environments. ICAO further emphasizes on the use of (MRTDs) Machine Readable

Travel Documents for the quick processing of the passengers at airport. On the one

hand MRTDs will facilitate the passengers and on the other hand it will provide a

centralized system of security at national and international level. The Annexure 9 of

the ICAO Documents intimates the contracting states to introduce the Machine-

Readable Passports (MRPs) in accordance with the specification of the (MRTDs)

(Abeyratne, 2005).

All the contracting states have to design and implement these measures for the

improvement, development, facilitation and harmonious function of the aviation

security (Aviation Security Manual, 2014). ICAO published Doc 9303 relating to the

MRTDs for the guidance and implementation of the states. It is therefore, the

responsibility of the states to adopt measures as per the annexure 9 in order to comply

with the facilitation and SARPs of annexure 17 for ensuring security in their flights

operations. ICAO is not only an international body of the United Nations but is also a


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watchdog over the member states that how and how much they comply with the

international standards and their own National Civil Aviation Security

Program(NCASP). ICAO puts responsibilities on the member states to properly look

after the security of their airports, by empowering the law enforcement agencies and

security agency to detain arrest and fine the offenders.

Furthermore, to give them the power of search of persons, baggage, property and

other place in the premises of airports important from security point of view, the

ICAO demands the member states to nominate an authority for the development,

implementation and observance of the National Civil Aviation Security Program. That

authority will be responsible for the smooth functioning, enforcement of the law and

order and security of the civil aviation installations, aircraft, passengers, and crew etc.

at the aerodrome. In Pakistan, the nominated authority for the purpose is Civil

Aviation Authority (CAA). To maintain and develop the NCASP and check the

quality control (NQCP) in this regard, is the responsibility of the Civil Aviation

Authority (Aviation Security Manual, 2014). Ironically, civil aviation authority has

nothing to do with the aviation security; it has to be dealt with as a revenue and

facilitating agency. However, it is also performing function as an aviation security

authority in the comity of ICAO. Here, the question arises that what is the appropriate

agency for security in Pakistan? The appropriate agency for aviation security in

Pakistan is Airport Security Force (ASF). ASF is an independent and declared force

for aviation security in Pakistan, which is under the direct supervision of aviation

division, cabinet secretariat and a serving general serves as its Director General. ASF

is performing duty independently under his command and has a totally separate setup

than CAA. This is a big anomaly and can be viewed and addressed seriously, because

the authority means Civil Aviation Authority which has no background in aviation


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security area and the expertise is with the Airport Security Force but due to the

dominant role of CAA into the day to day matters ASF has been set aside and the very

basic role of security has been adopted by it which should lie with ASF for the better

performance and creative role for future. For the development of the aviation security

in Pakistan this role may be played by the Airport Security Force because it is their

trade and domain, so they are well abreast of it. ASF was the then directorate of CAA

of civil aviation until 1983 and in 1983 it was separated as an independent division

under the ministry of defence. ASF is headed by a serving major general from

Pakistan army as a director general of the force and is directly responsible to the

federal government. So, this anomaly of appropriate body for aviation security should

be addressed by the competent authority of the state in the best interest of a better

aviation security in the country as well as for complying with the international

standards in aviation.

ICAO has also introduced the universal security audit program and for urgent

communication at the state level with ICAO it has also introduced the aviation

security point of contact (PoC), but access to PoC is quite restricted, only state or

authorized personnel can get access to point of contact available at all the time to help

in threat assessment and decision-making process for aviation security procedures.

However, access to the point of contact is not complementary it is only available to

the member states. The information is only shared with the authorized agency of

security at state level, in order to keep it away from the hand of terrorist or to be

misused by unwanted elements (Lee & Steele, 2014). However, in this modern era of

technology the terrorists are more educated and well versed about their targets than

the persons who are detailed for the protection of that industry. The person engaged

directly in aviation security field must be abreast of the modern technologies and


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training to tackle the nefarious designs of the terrorists and other elements who do not

want the development of this modern industry.

Moreover, keeping in view both of the aspects of safety and security the thirty-six-

member council of the ICAO adopted a ban on carriage of Lithium-ion batteries as

cargo on passenger planes. The president of the council reiterated that the ban would

be on interim bases as work is going on the new packing of the batteries, which would

be monitored that either those are safe to be carried in passenger plane as cargo or

otherwise. The decision of ban on these batteries was affected from 1st April 2016

and the decision is welcomed by the manufacturer and pilot associations being a good

decision for the safety of the aircraft and its passengers. Furthermore, the decision of

ban on lithium-ion batteries transport in passenger plane as cargo was taken in

Montreal on 22nd February 2016, which was a good decision and was welcomed by

all in the aviation industry as a bold step (Mohanty, Scherfler & Devatha, 2016).

Role and Future Perspectives of ICAO:

Keeping in view the above efforts made by this organization, the significance of

aviation advancement to ICAO’s universal mandate and to the areas/ goals set by the

UN called as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be understood. ICAO

has focused to involve the member states and contributor and investors to chalk out its

work for achieving the desired SDGs of the UN. Furthermore, ICAO is not only doing

an important role of coordination, but it also helps world states in the forecasting and

monitoring tools which is necessary for the development of practical and effective

business cases auxiliary reliable socio-economic yields on such venture.

ICAO is an important player in the aviation security. It has to bring the countries of

the world close to each other, in technological, cooperative and other related matters


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for the betterment of aviation security. A world level set up needs to be established to

share information of all the aviation related matters and for the security clearance of

individuals who are travelling (Falk, 2005). By introducing a coherent and

centralized system throughout the member states is very vital not only for the future

of aviation security but also for the people of the world to keep them safe from the

scourge of terrorism. ICAO has already setup mechanism for the notification of

implementation of measures taken after any incidents take place. But, these measures

may be given practical shape by a team of the ICAO to visit the terrible place and

ensure the standards of security measures and other related aspects. By visiting such

places, the international civil aviation organization may in a position to prevent the re-

occurrence of such incident not only at that particular place but can aware the rest of

the member states about such aspects and may be circulated throughout the member

states for taking precautionary measures. Such like steps can further improve the

existing capabilities of ICAO.

Aviation is still the safest and fastest mode of travelling as compared to the rail, road

and sea journey. In this modern age if there is one industry that tense to find itself in

the front line of global security and cyber terrorism is the aviation industry. Incidents

in aviation industry have an outsize impact on the public consciousness. In one of her

interview to the CCTV News on September 26, 2015 the Secretary General of

International Civil Aviation Organization lauded the role of aviation industry. “She

told that aviation industry is one of the major economic drivers for the prosperity of

the world. She stressed on the enhancement of the partnership between and among the

different organization and ICAO, by working together for the safety, security of

aviation which further can help the authorities of the states” (CCTV News, September

26, 2015).


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The development and efficiency of aviation can be easily traced to that in 2014 it

supported 8.5 million jobs and added about $700b to the industry. More than 1.1

billion tourists across the world crossed the borders of other countries of the world,

more than 50% of them were the travelers who used air transportation and in them

about 80 percent of visitors were those who traveled to some small island states.

Furthermore, the air cargo institutes some 34.6 per cent of world trade by worth

despite only 0.5 per cent by volume. But the same percentage is growing with the

passage of time, as the increase in confidence over the safety and security of the

aviation industry is growing (ICAO World Aviation Forum, 2015).

Confidence of the people is building on the aviation industry and the industry

is growing each and every day. The industry has a growth of 4.5% per annum, an

increase is also expected in the growth and it is estimated that the present 5 billion

passengers flow at the world aviation will reach to approximately 11 billion by the

year 2027. This industry has faced quite difficult times from 9/11, 2001 to 2004

because of the scourge of terrorism (Shaw, Walton & Farrington, 2003). However, the

flow of passengers and cargo are increasing day by day because there is no quick

alternative to aviation. During this period, the European aviation has reached its

heights of development because of their liberalization policy towards the air

transportation. A great and eminent example of which is the Frankfurt international

airport where the number of airlines, flights and passengers are increased during the

last twenty years (Schulte, 2010).

ICAO adopted some standards and recommended practices for having extra facilities

for special persons-disabled, in any form to be declared as disabled in ICAO

documents 9984 first published in 2013- moreover, it is pertinent to mention here that

standards are necessary for adoption by the member states but in the recommended


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practices the states are requested to follow some types of rules. There are only two

standards mentioned in the annexure 9 of the aviation security manual and the rest are

all recommendations. However, it is not necessary for all the states to abide by these

standards and recommend practices (Abeyratne, 2015). Furthermore, the manual

published on disabled persons- Manual on Access to Air Transport by the Disabled

Passenger- has laid down the proper dealing procedure of such passengers travelling

by air transport. The manual discussed in the detail their security clearance procedure

from security, custom, emigration and reservations etc. in order to adapt a procedure

of dignified manner; they have to be provided facilities at airports for embarkation at

departures and disembarkation at arrivals. For accomplishing this aim at the airports,

staff at the airports must be well trained and abreast of the rights of the disabled

passengers to deal them smoothly and accordingly (ICAO Document 9984, 2013).

All member states should be given equal status and access in security paradigm for

the smooth and equal system of security in the aviation security. The equality of

safety and security level throughout the world at least is equal to that of the standards

and recommended practices defined in the ICAO annexure. However, the ICAO and

member states may further concentrate on the equality and improvement in the above-

mentioned aspects for the uniform and better function of aviation security. ICAO has

set rules for the NCASP and NQCP, now further it is the duty of member state to

ensure its implementation in letter and spirit. ICAO should closely monitor physically

all the steps taken by a member country at different airports in the member states.

ICAO has also given the time frame for the regular meetings of the national civil

aviation security committee that has to be established under the provision of NCASP;

the meeting of NCASC should have to be take place twice a year as per ICAO

instructions. ICAO has also given recommendations for the formation of the NCASC-


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the committee may be headed by a senior official of the state department or by any

senior or competent officer of the national civil aviation security agency concerned.

Furthermore, the chairperson of this committee needs to know the aviation security in

a better way in order to ensure the consistency and improvement in the aviation

security. In the construction of new airports or expansion in the existing buildings of

the airports all the security measures and its future requirements be kept in mind by

detailing some security experts for the reviewing security arrangements in present and

for the future of the said projects.

ICAO has also stressed on the appropriate authority for a state to ensure that aviation

security services agency if is in self well and good if it is not the appropriate authority

itself then the concerned authority has to provide the supportive resources and

facilities, offices space, communication equipment’s, security equipment’s and

appropriate training to cope them with the latest development in the field of aviation

security (Abbott & Snidal, 1998). ICAO has given the basic guidelines to the

contracting states in each and every sphere but now it’s the nations/states

responsibility that how much they comply as per the given standards. States are being

obliged by the ICAO that each member state have to ensure an airport security

committee at local or airport level in order to equip the local forces with the new

development and security paradigm.

The ASC has the responsibility to coordinate with the other law enforcement agencies

in the locality and help the airport authority in assisting and implementing the security

control as prescribed in the National Civil Aviation Security Program (NCASP) and

Airport Security Program (ASPs). It is also very important in the perspective of ICAO

that the authority which directly performs the security functions or any other body

which is entitled for the purpose of aviation security has to be trained as per the


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desired standards and have the capabilities of the retaliation in case of any unlawful

interference against the aviation industry. Every state has also to deploy trained

instructors for the training of troops to be deployed for the aviation security.

Furthermore, ICAO also empowers the aviation appropriate security authority of the

state to levy security charges on passengers with the consent of its national

regulations as per the security it has provided to the passengers. The passengers so

travelling in different airline through the airport in our country are also charged in the

name of security charges. The present security charges on a domestic and

international passenger are100PKR and 1030PKR on a single passenger except

embarkation, infrastructure development and other government charges (CAA, 2017).

ICAO further directs the member states that the levy of security charges should not

exceed the actual cost that a security meets, keeping in view the existing security set

up and the facility it provided to the passengers. The security charges can be collected

separately or it may be collected in addition to the existing charges but will recover

only the amount of relevant cost that involved on the security services concerned.

According to the ICAO instructions the security measures shall be taken keeping in

view the security situations in any state. However, the security measures should not

be so rigid or harsh so as to affect the smooth functioning and efficient operation of

the civil aviation. In order to keep a check on the security system of airports in a state

NQCP is to be established to monitor the security after intervals. Moreover, it has to

check and closely monitor that the security measures are in compliance with the state

regulations and NCASP or otherwise. Furthermore, it has to ensure the effectiveness

of the regulations and NCASP, identify the deficiencies, measures for the removal of

those deficiencies and to identify those aspects of the security which has to be

changed with the passage of time or it need any modifications.


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The activities of the quality control must be independent and there will be no pressure

from political or other corners and the unit of quality control to be responsible for the

implementation of the National Quality Control Program (NQCP). The appropriate

authority itself or will nominate any third party on its behalf for the monitoring

activities in accordance with the national quality control program (NQCP). Moreover,

ICAO emphasis on the learned and competent persons at state level having a thorough

know how about annexure 17 for the guidance of this NQCP and other relevant

matters arising out at the state in aviation security. In monitoring activities by the

team of NQCP the overall organization is assessed to observe its training,

equipment’s, duty rosters, access control, security level and responses to the acts of

unlawful interferences (Aviation Security Manual, 2014).

For ensuring the smooth functioning of the aviation security, different types of

monitoring activities can be carried out i.e. security audit-minimum in a few days’

period and maximum in a month, security inspection, security test and security

survey. For the productive result of the monitoring activities, at the end a report

should be prepared in which the team will highlight the actual position of the entity

and will brought into notice the deficiencies / improvements to the authority for the

enhancement of aviation security. Onwards now this is the responsibility of the

appropriate authority to take appropriate actions for the corrections of those


Challenges for ICAO

ICAO instructs the member states to include all those areas in the threat assessment

which has the possibility of attacks. This includes the critical aviation information,

hardware, software and other data of the aviation industry. ICAO has specifically


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issued a document to guide the aviation industry about the possible cyber-attacks in

the shape of Doc 9985. For securing and preventing the aviation industry against the

cyber terrorism the system already installed at the airports should be upgraded to the

modern level and latest technology may be adopted in the new installations. Proper

malware, anti-viruses and passwords are installed on the system to be used in the

aviation industry.

The cables that lead to the critical aviation installations are to be kept aloof from the

rest of the private and normal cable extended in the vicinity. Proper security in the

physical and electronic aspects is ensured to keep these cables and system from

infiltrations. Moreover, for the maintenance of such installations only authorized

personnel may have access to it and the entry to be made in official hours with prior

permission and feedback to the authorities. System may be installed so advanced that

any tampering or interruption can be reported to the remote operators and the

high/responsible officials of the aviation security authority. Background check of

those who are working in the system are performing temporary authorized access can

be checked periodically, and their mobile communication records to be also observed

that may not have any terrorist record or may not be in connection with any

extremists’/terrorists’ elements. It is therefore, alarming that even this threat has not

given any serious threat to the aviation industry but its prior prevention is very

important and pre-active measures are the need of hour so that it cannot divert any

loss on this industry and to prevent the way of terrorist exploiting this type of

terrorism. Because if the terrorists are able to commit this type of terrorism then the

prevention and counter measures will become very difficult, it is therefore, very

important to take precautionary and exemplary steps for the safeguards of this

important and vulnerable industry against the imminent threats like cyber-terrorism.


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Airport Council International’s Director General Angela Gittens has categorically

condemned the Brussel and Ataturk airports attacks and said that such are dangerous

for the aviation industry. The Director General said that all the stake holders should

come on one forum in order to foil such attempts on the part of the terrorists. He

further added that these attacks were brought in the worldwide media so as that all the

stake holders of the aviation security came to know about the tactics of terrorists at all

the parts of the world. Furthermore, he ensured that aviation security is the top most

priority of the ACI because without security the whole aviation industry will collapse

(AVSEC World, 2016).

ICAO is also keeping in view the environmental hazard created by the emission of

carbon and other non-friendly environmental gases. ICAO assists the introduction of

solar flight because it also pursuing the goal for 2030 that was set in the Paris

agreement, the vision of the United Nations is thus striving by the ICAO to achieve in

order to reduce the environmental hazards. Thus, by achieving this objective the

ICAO will be capable to contribute in the reduction of greenhouse gases in the

atmosphere of the earth. Moreover, Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, President of ICAO

Council has said that ICAO is encouraging states to improve research and

development in the field of aviation. He mentioned that aircraft’s fuel consumption

has reduced by 80 percent as compare to the earlier time and ICAO is further

improving it with the passage of time. UN secretary general lauded the effort made in

the assisting of solar impulse and other effort on the part of ICAO for fulfilling the

Sustainable Development Goals SDG’s (ICAO’s and Aviation’s Contributions to the

UN SDGs, 2016). Although, ICAO is performing its role in a better way but it should

not be only an agency for providing services and gauge performance it should to be a

target-oriented body. It needs to play the role of a leader not only as a facilitator.


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ICAO should involve more and more in the safety and security of this industry and

give states the tasks or responsibilities of implantation of these core aspects.

ICAO serves as a watchdog and facilitator in the safety and security at states level but

it may need to perform its 100% role on regular basis in the safety and security fields

for ensuring sustainability to this industry. Moreover, ICAO has to free itself now

from the shackles of the article 44 of Chicago convention, it needs to give states

liberalization and encouragement for the development and progress of this industry at

states level. It has to encourage study and research in the different areas of aviation

and may forward / share those with its member states for the development of air

transportations (Abeyratne, 2013). The question arises that from where ICAO’s

derived it power? either from any organizational source or otherwise. Basically, the

power of ICAO is inherent and it derives its power from the date its contract with the

state that made a mutual contract of the founder state. The powers it uses are that

conferred on it in the Chicago convention by the contracting states. Its power is legal

except those which are not prohibited by the Chicago convention. This show that

ICAO has not only implied power but it has that conferred onto it by the contracting

states and that of the ICAO and Canada (Seyersted, 2015). Diplomatic immunity is

enjoyed by the staff of ICAO working in different areas of the world, although the

diplomatic immunity has its own drawbacks but it is in practice since long ago. It was

even observed in pre-historic period when the elites of one state had to go beyond the

boundaries of their own states for the purpose of hunting. The first such firm example

come from the Australian aborigines, they were giving full protection to the

diplomatic emissaries and if anything, hostile would have to take place with the

emissaries, it leads to the war like situation and the peace process has come to an end

(Nicolson, 1953). The immunity to the international’s organization staff are


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guaranteed in the article 105 of the charter of United Nations. The basic aim of the

immunity to the staff working at different places is because they have to work freely

for the fulfillment of their official duty. In 1983, it was also decided in a court of

appeal in the United States that immunity must be provided to the staff in member

countries for the implementation and execution of duty under the umbrella of the

United Nations (Abeyratne, 2013).

ICAO is a regulatory and supervisory body and is supposed to look all around the

security aspects of the aviation industry. It is also keenly focusing on the cyber

terrorism because of the technological advancement, terrorist are also using different

tactics for getting their aims. In the present advanced technological era, cyber

terrorism is also an immense threat to this industry, ICAO although playing its role to

curb this threat at the gross root level but still there are more efforts to do for the

safeguards of aviation industry against this upcoming threat. The technological

advancement in the field of telecommunication has increased this threat for the

aviation industry because most of the systems are technological based in this industry.

From ground to the aircraft the system is based on computerized system, critical

information system is shared by the aircraft, airport operators and air traffic services.

Most of the airport sensitive area entries are based on finger print or chip reading

machines and any tampering or manipulation of these devices can lead to serious

repercussions. Much attention is needed to these services because access to these

systems by the terrorists can harm the reputation of this industry (Antoine, Frank,

Murata & Roberts, 2003). If terrorists succeed in such like cyber attempts they can

hijack the aircraft and can attack the sensitive installations in the aviation industry.

The aviation security has vital responsibility in this advanced technological era to

counter and pre-empt such like attacks from the terrorists. As the connectivity


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between ground and air rely on the computer-based system, it creates vulnerabilities

for the passengers, crew and all the personnel related to the aviation industry. The

NCASP may have strong system to discourage the cyber threats to this industry. It has

to protect the system from the access of unauthorized personnel, prevent it from

tampering and have such advanced system to predict well in time any such attack

from the terrorists’ side. Threat assessment and risk management are both hand in

glove and are important for a durable and profitable security response to threats that

are directed to destabilize the civil aviation industry. Threat is the assessment of the

possibility of an attack on sensitive installations of aviation industry.


The role of ICAO in International Civil Aviation is like hand in glove, the population

of the world is increasing with an alarming rate, so are their needs as well. To cope

with the need of the rising population the increase in the fleet of airlines is going with

a rapid pace. Whenever, anything goes beyond certain level its proper management,

equal distribution and smooth development is needed. Therefore, in the present

system of aviation industry the existence and role of ICAO is eminent. ICAO is

playing the role of a supervisory and a watchdog on the member countries all over the

world. As ICAO believes that space above is free for all and the country and people

should take its benefit. From the date of its inception on 4th April 1947 till date ICAO

has issued more than 12000 standard and recommended practices for the proper

guidance and smooth functioning of this industry. ICAO Council consisted of thirty-

six states and those states are of prime importance in the aviation sector. Council call

for the assembly meeting at least every three years in which all the member states

representatives meet and plan strategies for the upcoming three years. Besides these

triennial periods the council can call the ICAO assembly extra meetings keeping in


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view the need and circumstances. Council of ICAO is headed by the President and the

Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General. The last session of ICAO Assembly

held in 2016 which was a little different from other sessions because in this session

not only the development of the industry was taken into consideration but at the same

time the control in the emission of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide was also


The aims and objectives of ICAO are not different from those of the United Nation

Organization, both the organizations believe in the equal distribution of resources and

justice to all. It is another matter that the will of some dominant country prevail in the

many matters but the vision of these organization is quite good. The UN vision of

Sustainable Development Goals are pursued by the ICAO, the introduction of No

Country Left Behind in the aviation industry is one of the objective of ICAO. Keeping

in view the content of Annexure-17 the safety and security of the airports, aircraft,

passengers, crew and Civil Aviation installation is one of the prime objectives of

ICAO. Other objectives of ICAO are Safety, Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency;

Security and Facilitation, Economic Development of Air Transport and

Environmental Protection. ICAO also put emphasis on the use of (MRTDs) Machine

Readable Travel Document for the quick process of the passengers at airport. At one

end, it will facilitate the passengers for waiting to manual checking and on the other

end will ensure a centralized security system at international level. The adherence to

the National Civil Aviation Security Program, National Quality Control Program and

formation of Airport Security Committee or other committees are vital for the smooth

and uniform running of this industry. ICAO is playing its role in the Aviation Industry

but it has to do more and free itself from the shackles of article 44 of the Chicago

convention. It need to move up from only a watchdog agency but to practically deploy


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its representatives at all the major airports and prime locality from aviation point of

view in the world for the betterment of this industry.


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Aviation industry is one of the fastest sources of transportation and plays an important

role in the economy of a country. The protection and safety of this industry, airports,

passengers and aircraft is the responsibility of every state. Airport Security Force

(ASF) has been assigned the task of airports security in Pakistan. ASF being the

major player in airports security in Pakistan, this chapter thoroughly describes the

formation, its organization, its preparedness and its role in the airports security. It also

discusses that how and why ASF was raised and that the different important incidents

that took place in the international aviation from 1950s to 1970s that also lead

Pakistan to forming a separate security for the airports. The role of ASF and its liaison

with other Law Enforcements Agencies E.g. Police, Army, Pakistan Air Force (PAF),

Defence Services Guards (DSG), Pakistan Customs, Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) and

Bomb Disposable Squad (BDS) at Pakistan level in general and at BKIA Peshawar in

particular have been discussed.

Unlawful Interferences in Aviation Industry

Aviation industry is believed to be an important and fastest source of transportation of

men and material from one corner of the world to the other. It has been playing an

important role in the global economy and since its inception Aviation industry is also

confronted with many types of unlawful interferences globally by the terrorist


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organizations to disrupt its operations. As per the assessment of International Civil

Aviation Organization (ICAO), history of the unlawful interferences to endanger the

safety of Civil Aviation and air transportation reveals that it faces the following types

of interferences:

The unlawful interferences include the illegal seizure of aircraft in the air and on the

ground; taking detainees on board the aircraft or on an aerodrome, and aggressive

invasion on board an aircraft, at an aircraft, or at airport and it locations. Moreover,

unlawfully allowing on board an aircraft or at an airport of a weapon, or a dangerous

device or material planned for criminal purposes is also a very dangerous interference

which can lead to terrorist activity. Apart from this, the spreading of any false

material for endangering the safety and security of passengers at an airport or it

premises and the use of aircraft in service to cause damage to the sensitive

installations, important buildings and places.

However, the main threat as far as the unlawful interferences are concerned that ever

faced by the Civil Aviation is hijacking which is defined as the forcible takeover of an

aircraft by an individual or a gang by forcing the pilot in command to fly the aircraft

to the airport of their choice for fulfillment of certain demands (Green, 2013) or as

described in the article-1 of the Hague convention, 16 December 1970 says: “any

person who on board an aircraft in flight: unlawfully, by force or threat thereof or by

any other form of intimidation, seize or exercise control of the aircraft, or attempt to

perform any such act, commits an offence” (Shubber, 1973, P. 177).

The first known hijacking in the history of aviation industry, took place on February

21, 1931, in Arequipa Peru (Price, 2007). Hijacking in international Civil Aviation

was used an effective weapon especially in the decades of 1960-70s which is quite


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evident from the facts and figures of the incidents of hijackings. As many as 23

hijacking incidents were reported between 1947 and 1958, and most of these

hijackings were committed by eastern Europeans for seeking political asylum. The

incident of three Romanians’ killing a flight crew member in July 1947 proved to be

the world’s first fatal hijacking incident (Rumerman, 2007). The concept of hijacking

in its scope and application emerged as a latest development in the field of

criminology. 12 x incidents were recorded in 1960s whereas 42 x incidents were

recorded in the decade of 1970s. Summary of some of the important incidents of

hijacking recorded during the above said decades is as under:

History of Important Incidents in World’s Aviation Industry

On the 24th of March, 1950, three different aircrafts Douglas DC-3s were

simultaneously hijacked by pilots of former Czech Royal Air Force from

Czechoslovakia. They intended to seek asylum in the West. This was the first such

incident in the history that the very pilots of the aircrafts have hijacked their own

planes. All the three planes were landed at Erding in the US Air Force Base, West

Germany. Out of 85 passengers on board, 26 remained in West Germany in order to

evade from the Communist government of that time in Czechoslovakia (Cavani,


On the 12th of December, 1954 a Syrian civilian airline plane was forced by the Israeli

Air Force officials to land at Lydda / Lod Airport in Israel, reportedly making the

claim that the said plane unlawfully entered the Israeli airspace. The civilian

passengers on board the plane were detained for a couple of days by Israeli security

force. According to Syria, the purpose of the forced landing by the Israeli force was

political and the Israel wanted to possess hostages in order to obtain the release of


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some Israeli soldiers who were taken inside Golan Height, Syria, while recovering

tapping devices from telephone poles. Four Arabs and one American passenger was

released soon after hijacking (O'ballance, 1978).

The Panair do Brasil Lockheed flight 246 was hijacked in December 1959 en route

from Rio de Janeiro. The flight was carrying 44 passengers and crew aboard. The

aircraft was hijacked by a Brazilian defence officer and made to land at Aragarças,

Goiás. The terrorists had intentions to use it as a bomb against the government

installations in Rio de Janeiro, as a protest against President Juscelino Kubitschek de

Oliveira. The hijackers were heading the plane towards Buenos Aires but the

hijacking ended after 36 hours. The incident witnessed no casualties.

It is evident from these incidents that during the era of 1950s the major and alarming

threat for the aviation industry was that of hijacking. The terrorists at that time were

mainly prone towards hijacking but after some time when counter measures for

hijacking were taken, the hijackers discovered new ways and means for fulfilling their

designs (Pereira, 1987).

On the 19th of July, 1960 the first hijacking incident in Australia was witnessed in

which a man fully equipped with arms disclosed that he is going to set ablaze the

Trans Australia Airlines Flight 408, however, he was unable because of the efforts of

the crew and a passenger to disarm him (Jenkins & Johnson, 1975).

On the 31st of July, 1961, the first attempt of 'skyjacking' was made on an airline on

American soil. The hijacker was known as Bruce Britt, who was on board the plane

and tried to hijack the flight of pacific airline at the Chico Municipal Airport, in

Chico, Ca. the aim of the hijacker was to lead the aircraft to Smackover, Ark. He did


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not accomplish his attempt but still two of the airline staffs were shot by Bruce

(Fitzgerald, 2010).

On 23rd July, 1968, the only successful El Al hijacking attempt was made against a

commercial airline. Three members of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

(PFLP) hijacked El Al Flight 426 flying from Rome to Tel Aviv. The plane was

diverted to Algiers. The negotiations extended well over forty days from July 22 to

September 1, 1968. Both the hijackers and the hostages were let free later on

(Thomas, 2008).

On 31st October, 1969, TWA Flight 85 in route from Los Angeles to San Francisco

was hijacked by a 19 years old US Marine by the name Raffaele Minichiello.

Although the passengers and three stewardesses were set free in Denver. However,

the hijacker and the three pilots and a stewardess were still in the aircraft in JFK

airport in New York. At Bangor and Ireland, the plane was refueled earlier heading to

Italy. In Rome, Minichiello took the airport police chief as a hostage and wanted

disappeared in a car, but he was arrested soon as he was going to visit his failing

father in Italy. Italy government did not extradite Minichiello and instead sentenced

him only for eighteen months. The hijacking of this plane Covered 6900 miles, which

evidenced to be the longest hijacking in the history of aviation around the world

(Dodsworth, 1980).

On Tuesday 17th March, 1970, an Eastern Air Lines Shuttle Flight 1320 was hijacked

in the evening of 17th march by John J. DiVivo who was armed with a revolver. The

flight was destined from Newark to Boston, Captain Robert Wilbur Jr., who was

recently promoted, was shot in his arm. DiVivo also shot at the co-pilot, First Officer

James Hartley, 31, who malformed. He then pointed the gun on to the captain and


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injured his arm severely. Despite being fatally wounded, Hartley mustered up his

courage and recovered sufficiently enough to snatch the gun from DiVivo and fired

three bullets at him. Wilbur managed to hit DiVivo right on the head with the gun he

had produced from the center soothe. Wilbur flew the aircraft and safely landed it at

Logan International Airport, and the hijacker was that time. On 1st November, 1970,

DiVivo hung himself before the trial at Charles Street Jail at 3 am (Eastern Airlines

Hijacking, 1970).

On 2nd July, 1971, Braniff Flight 14, a Boeing 707 flying from Acapulco to New

York, was hijacked after approaching to a refueling stop in San Antonio, Texas. The

aircraft was having 102 passengers and eight crew members on board. The situation

remained for more than 43 hours all across Texas, Mexico, Peru, and Brazil but at last

the situation come to end in Argentina. After a refueling stop in Monterrey, some of

the flight attendants and all of the passengers were allowed by the hijackers to

evacuate. The remaining crew of Captain and flight attendants Ernestina Garcia and

Margaret Susan Harris were asked to take the flight to Lima. The hijackers, asked for

a ransom of $100,000 and a U.S. Navy fugitive namely Robert Jackson and his

Guatemalan lady friend, and further showed their desire to fly for Algeria. The crew

of the hijacked flight was released and replaced by a volunteer crew of Captain Al

Schroeder, Bill Mizell, Bob Williams and Navigator Ken McWhorter. Two Lima

based volunteered employees, were also got on board the flight. Both the volunteers

were mature to the aviation industry one was retired some moths before this incident

and the other was attending classes in a college when there was off duty. The long

flight and fatigue took its toll and the hijackers gave up. It was a record for the longest

distance hijacking, approximately over 7,500 miles (Polgar, 1996).


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On 5th July, 1972, Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 710 was reported to have been

hijacked by two Bulgarian immigrants soon after take-off from Sacramento. The

plane was en route to San Francisco. The hijackers started demanding $800,000, two

parachutes and asked to take the aircraft to the Soviet Union. This hijacking came to

over in San Francisco at the runway, the Federal Bureau of Investigation troops took

action against the plane by killing both hijackers and one passenger (Newton, 2002).

Two passengers got wounded in the course. It was the first time when any passenger

killed or injured in a hijacking event in the United States.

The hijacking of Air France Flight 139 happened on June 27, 1976. This was carried

out by members of the militant organizations Revolutionary Cells and the Popular

Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Operation took place on July 4 at Entebbe

Airport, Uganda. It was the Israeli commandos who stormed at the building in which

the hijackers kept the detainees. In the operation all the hijackers were killed and

freeing 105 persons, almost all the detainees were Israeli. However, in the incident,

three passengers and one commando were reported to have been killed (Roberts,


It was because of the above discussed and other such kind of events in the decades of

1960s and 1970s, that lead to the formation of airport security force in Pakistan. The

rest of the world also reviewed the security arrangement of their own and handed over

the security of their airports to the trained and efficient agencies for the purpose. The

duty of Airport Security Force, at that time, initially was to be performed by the

Federal Security Force (FSF). Although, the hijacking incidents took place in 1960s

and 1970s at intervals but the decade of the 1970s was at height in the history of

hijacking as shown in the above-mentioned summary of the hijacking. The decade of

70s had many brutal examples of the hijacking which compelled various states of the


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world to think over and review their aviation security. It is because aviation is the

backbone and one of the quickest means of transportation in the world. Airports are

the gate ways of the countries and their protection and security level increase the

deterrence level of a country in the comity of nations.

Brief History of Establishment of Airports Security Force

Such a large number of incidents of hijacking all over the world have shaken the faith

of air travelers on aviation security as it was a matter of serious concern for them and

for all those having business and other concerns with aviation industry. This situation

demanded review of the aviation security for taking effective security measures all

over the world. Therefore, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) taking

cognizance of the above-mentioned incidents of hijacking all over the world,

emphasized upon the member states of this organization to ensure to have an effective

security system for the safety and security of aviation industry in their respective

countries. With a view to achieve this very important aim globally, it was decided by

the ICAO that each member state must establish a proper and organized force for

ensuring Aviation Security in their respective countries. Pakistan being a member

country of the United Nations as well as signatory to the International Civil Aviation

Organization (ICAO) conventions was bound to fulfill its international obligations.

Therefore, the then government of Pakistan decided to establish an organized force

for ensuring the security of aviation industry in Pakistan. For this purpose, primarily

an Act was passed by the then National Assembly of Pakistan called ASF Act No.

LXXVII of 1975.

The Airports Security Force was established in 1976 under the Airport Security Force

Act No. LXXVII of 1975. Initially as the Directorate of the Department of Civil


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Aviation and was assigned the following responsibilities as quoted in the ASF Act,

1975 are reproduced here:

“(a) Ensuring security of all airports, aerodromes, aircrafts and civil aviation

Installations within the limits of airports and aerodromes and for safeguarding civil

aviation against acts of unlawful interference or threats of such interference;

(b) Ensuring security of all structures, equipment’s, material and installations

belonging to operators and other Government or non-Government organizations

within the limits of airports and aerodromes, the option c and d are omitted;

(e) Ensuring the proper conduct of persons at airports and aerodromes including

control of surface vehicles and drivers within the limits of airports and aerodromes;

(f) Ensuring security of aircraft passengers, baggage cargo and mail within the limits

of airports and aerodromes;

(g) General maintenance of law and order within the limits of airports and aerodromes

in conjunction with the police and taking cognizance of all offences committed at the

airports and aerodromes under any law for the time being in force; and (h) Such other

functions as the Federal Government may by notification in the official Gazette,

require the Force to perform.

In the discharge of their functions the officers and members shall be guided by, an act

in accordance with, this Act, and the rules and regulations” (The Gazette of Pakistan,

1975, Part.1)

Initially approximately, 2870 x officials in all ranks were enrolled in Airports Security

Force and were imparted necessary basic aviation security training. Thereafter the

Airports Security Force has taken over charge of airport security from the defunct


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Federal Security Force (FSF) which was disbanded by the then Marshall Law

government of Zia Ul Haq in 1977. The FSF was raised by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Prime

Minister 1973-1977) in 1973 for maintaining law and order situation in the country,

no doubt that the FSF was a well-organized force. Moreover, the staff and officer

recruited in the FSF were having good physically strong and having more than

average heights, at 07 x major airports i.e. Karachi (now called Jinnah International

Airport JIAP), Lahore (now called Allama Iqbal International Airport AIIAP),

Islamabad (now called Benazir Bhutto International Airport BBIA), Peshawar (now

called Bacha Khan International Airport BKIA), Quetta, Faisalabad and Multan


A part of the FSF was assigned the task of the airport security however, at the raising

of special security force for airports i.e. ASF, the security of airport was handed over

to it by the FSF. Initially Airports Security Force was part of the then Department of

Civil Aviation now called (Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority). However, in March

1981 a Pakistan International Airline, aircraft in route Karachi to Peshawar was

hijacked by the AL-Zulfiqar organization. After that incident, Government of Pakistan

sensing the contradictory requirements of security and facilitation, the Airports

Security Force was separated from the then Department of Civil Aviation, and in

December1983, it was placed under the folds of the Ministry of defence. Later, in the

year 2013 Airports Security Force (ASF) was separated from the Ministry of Defence

under letter No. 4-8/2013-Min 1 Islamabad the 7th June, 2013 and placed under the

folds of Aviation Division, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Pakistan specially

established for looking after and promoting the aviation industry and its activities in

Pakistan. This Division is headed by a Federal Secretary i.e. Secretary Aviation.


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A serving Major General from Pakistan Army articulates the command of Airports

Security Force (ASF) from Headquarters (HQs) Airports Security Force which is

located near Jinnah International Airport Karachi. He is assisted by a serving

Brigadier from Pakistan Army as Deputy Director General, three Directors and seven

Additional Directors at HQs level. The outline organization of HQ Airports Security

Force is as under:

Director General,

Deputy Director General,

Director Operations;

Force Secretary,

Director Administration,

Additional/Director Intelligence;

Additional /Director Finance and Projects,

Additional /Director Procurement and

Additional /Director Equipment.

The Director General is the post to be held by a serving Major General from Pakistan

Army by the virtue of ASF act 1975 and the post of Deputy Director General is to be

held by a serving Brigadier from Pakistan army. These two are allocated seats for

Pakistan army personnel and the rest of the seats are occupied by the officers and

member of the airport security force either or other officers from Pakistan army on

deputation for a specific period having different ranks i.e. Majors/ Lieutenant

colonels; the task assignment to all the officers of ASF and army is the sole


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responsibility of the DG ASF and DY. DG ASF. They appoint suitable and

members/officers of their choice at different portfolios. From 1976, as per ASF Act,

1975 the office of the DG was declared to be served by a serving Brigadier from

Pakistan army and the office of the DY. DG was to be occupied by a Colonel (Col.

Cord). It was in the 2014 with the increase in the strength of the force that the seats

were upgraded and to be held by officer’s one step above of the existing structure.

Major General is an officer of the BS-21 and Brigadier is an officer of BS-20. It was

on 29-09-2014 that the first Major General took the command from the last DG ASF

(Brigadier Azam Tiwana). Moreover, General Sohail led this force for about two

years and introduced new reforms in it. He introduced ASF foundation- ASF housing

scheme, ASF Security (Pvt) ltd and a number of developmental projects. He even also

introduced inter sports competition of volley ball, kabaddi and cricket in the force and

tried his best to boast the morale of the troops by engaging them in different social

activities besides ensuring the best security of the airports. After his retirement in

April 2017, the new DG ASF Major General Ali Abbass Haider took the charge and

presently leading the force (K. Hussain, Personal communication, May 15, 2017).

The portfolio of the director operation is lying in the hierarchical setup at third after

the post of Deputy Director General, in case of the absence of D.G and Dy. DG, the

Director operations is the next senior post responsible for the day today matters of the

force. The Director operations look after all the operational matters at all the airports

in the country either small or large. He resolves all the operational issues rose at the

airports and issues necessary instructions from time to time. He also nominates

different officials/officers for different courses in and outside the country to boost the

operational capabilities of the troops (P. Akhtar, Personal communication June 08,



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Force secretary is another important portfolio, who is responsible for the posting of all

officials/ officers throughout the country on need and tenure basis. Presently, three

zones are marked for posting of the individual in the country; one has to serve in

another zone for a period of four years after completing the tenure system, laid four

years in one’s local / home station zone.

Director administration is having the same function as that of a Chief Security Officer

at a specific Airport. He looks after all the administrative matters at Head Quarters

ASF as well as all the units around the country. Beyond these different tasks are

performed by the Director Admin as and when ordered by the D.G ASF.

Director intelligence is also a supervisory body who scrutinizes the intelligence

reports gathered from all over the country airports. Important intelligence reports are

put up to D.G and reports that are of less importance are disposed off by the director

himself. Intelligence staffs deployed at airports are also in close liaison with other

intelligence agencies of the country and inform Head Quarter ASF with all the threats

and important issues at the units.

Director Finance and projects are responsible the estimate and distribution of funds at

all over the airports. He prepares the estimates and evaluates the budget for each fiscal

year. All the matters related to finance, private funds and projects in the force are

looked after by the director finance.

Director procurement is responsible for procuring different items for requirement of

the force, it includes: uniform items, vehicles and others equipment and stuffs keeping

in view the requirements of the force in the limits of budget. Tenders proceedings and

agreements are made by the procurement branch (M. U. Jan, Personal

communication, May 22, 2017).


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Director equipment is responsible for the installations of new equipment, prepares the

plan for new equipment, the need of types of equipment and machines at different

parts of different airports. He is responsible for imparting training to staff engaged in

that equipment through ASF academy and foreign trainers.

Concept of Security

The aviation security in Pakistan is based on the concept of visible preclusions and

that is why numerous checks, multifaceted security is positioned to forestall and

counter all the threats that may endanger the civil aviation industry. A minimum

deterrence is required for ensuring the safety and security of men and material relating

to the aviation industry. Moreover, ASF is cognizant of the importance of security and

facilitation being a key link in aviation security system and that why ASF and the

government of Pakistan tries to sustain an equilibrium between both these aspects.

Moreover, for ensuring the above-mentioned cause, ASF secures the airports by

ensuring the Access Control System e.g. details such as tickets, boarding cards passes

and its various categories, stickers, etc. Passengers & Baggage Screening e.g.

passengers’ identification process, frisking-manual, HHMDs (Hand Held Metal

Detectors), WTMDs (Walk Through Metal Detectors), double search and scanning,

alarm resolution, x-ray machine scanning, Hold Body Search counter and Hand Body

Search Counter, permitted and prohibited items both in hand and hold baggage and

absolute contrabands, etc. Entry Control of Vehicles to Airside, Security of aircrafts

and Air Cargo Security, Security of Catering. Perimeter Security-(DSG, Air defense,

ASF, Wall- around the perimeter, Fencing- a minimum of 8 feet height, Ditch is very

important between the fencing and apron/ runway, Blocks, Towers, Armed personnel

carriers (APCs), Quick Response Force (QRF), Foot Patrolling, Gun-mounted Vehicle


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patrolling, CCTV surveillance, Double-Gate System, ISS, Drop Arms Barrier,

Dragon-Teeth Barriers.

Car Parks Security- (Layered security approach), Snap checking, checking points,

foot and vehicle patrolling, frisking, towers, barriers, Under Vehicle Inspection

System (UVIS), Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), speed breaker ASF Police and

FIU, Operation vehicular search, one passenger one visitor policy, identification,

police support, traffic police, and FC. Intelligence Coverage FIU, MI, AI, NI, ISI, IB,

SB, Crisis Management Cell, Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Coverage (NVGs,

fixed cameras, dome, moveable, mobile dome cameras. Effective Supervision and

Monitoring (normal chain of command, ASF Police, FIU, CCTV, Inspection teams

and Security surveys. Foot patrolling, gun mounted Vehicle patrolling, vehicle

mounted CCTV surveillance, ISS and online supervision links and Contingency plans

for unforeseen contingencies like bomb threat, armed raid crowd control and

containment drill (M. Khan, Personal communication, August 5, 2016).

ASF Formations

As we have already discussed the structure and role of HQ ASF, all the units either

small or large come directly under the administration of HQ ASF, located at Karachi.

Moreover, these units are headed by Officers commanding (OCs) and Chief Security

Officers (CSOs) respectively. OCs and CSOs get instructions from HQ ASF and HQ

ASF gets all the necessary instructions from the Aviation Division Islamabad, which

is headed by Aviation Advisor, equal to the status of a federal minister. Furthermore,

these units are further divided into sub units from operational and administrative point

of view for the smooth functioning of units. There are 09 major airports in Pakistan

namely; Jinnah International Airport Karachi, Allama Iqbal International Airport


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Lahore, Benazir Bhutto International Airport Islamabad, Bacha Khan International

Airport Peshawar; Quetta International Airport Quetta, Faisalabad International

Airport, Multan International Airport, Sialkot International Airport and Sukkur

International Airport. Total airports in Pakistan are forty-two 09 major airports and

thirty-three smaller airports (M. Khan, Personal communication, August 5, 2016).

Manpower Resources

Airports Security Force (ASF) commenced its duty by looking after 07 major airports

with a limited manpower of 2870 person in all ranks. However, with the passage of

time, the tasks of ASF have extended and civil aviation operations have enhanced. In

such a situation a considerable increase in threat perceptions has also been observed

which demanded compatible security arrangements at airports. In order to keep

abreast with the challenges of the current times, the ASF manpower has been

increased with the passage of time and presently it has more than ten thousand troops

of all ranks at different airports in Pakistan. ASF is a modern force and it equally

encourages the participation of female in all ranks. Presently, hundreds of ladies are

working equally with the male at all the airports in Pakistan.

Women in ASF

Like male, female officers and officials are an integral as well as an active part of the

Airports Security Force. They perform a very important role in almost all fields within

the force and in every aspect of civil aviation security. The female officials regularly

receive trainings in various fields like Anti-Terrorist, Unarmed Combat, Martial Arts,

Close Quarter Battle (CQB) and Intelligence courses etc. ASF offer these females

equal opportunity as far gender equality is concerned. In ASF females are deployed

for different tasks and fields like the Air guard for the protection of flight security in


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the air. They act as instructors in the ASF academy to train other female staffs.

Female officials in ASF perform duty as machine operator by checking baggage

through X-rays machines and also perform intelligence duties to deliver threat

information about any suspect situation or occurrence. The role of female in ASF is

equally important as that of male staff. Females are also the custodian of aviation

industry. In present security situation in Pakistan and the province of Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa the strict security checking of lady passengers and visitors are the need

of the hour because terrorists may use the females for suicides and physical attacks on

the airport. The lady passengers and visitors are searched by the trained ASF lady

searchers. Their body and baggage search are carried out by the lady staff.

Different types of trainings and courses in ASF

Airports Security Force, Academy, is the only Institute of its kind in Pakistan which

performs the function of imparting Aviation Security Training to the ASF personnel

of different ranks. It organizes all the basic courses, Advanced and specialized courses

for officers and other ranks of Airports Security Force besides imparting various skills

of security to airport functionaries, employees of government/semi government and

private organizations on demand. Selected ASF personnel are also sent abroad in

different countries for aviation security training from renowned and recognized

institutions of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). In general courses,

the academy imparts the following. Basic Aviation Security Course for all Cadres

(New Intakes), Advance Aviation Security Course, Company Commanders Course

and Promotion Courses are there. In specialized courses, the academy offers Officers

Law Course, Anti-Terrorism Course, Advance Screeners Course – Safe Passage

System, Intelligence Course and Weapon Instructors Course etc.


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Training to Other Departments/ Organizations

ASF Academy, for its distinguished position in the field of aviation security, attracts

airlines and other organizations (operating at the airports) as well as Law Enforcement

Agencies of the country to get their personnel trained from this institution. Following

organizations of airport and others have so for availed the opportunity of training of

their officers and staff from ASF Academy these are the airlines staff, National

Assembly of Pakistan (Security Staff), President House Police, PAF and Coast Guard

for Safe Passage System/Advanced Screening.

Training from Other Institutions

For ensuring an optimal level of competence ASF personnel are deputed to different

organizations for courses in Pakistan. The purpose of these courses is to equip and

adept them the different technique of security and administration. In these training

from different organization their performances enhance in the protection of the

aviation industry from Civil Defence Academy, Bomb Disposal Course, Bomb

Reconnaissance Course and Suicide Vehicle Bomber Courses. From National Police

Academy, Capacity Building Courses/ Workshops and from Coast Guard/ANF

Academy the Narcotics Identification Detection is imparted. Similarly, From FIA

Academy Courses/ Workshops on Current Security Issues, Intelligence

Organizations Training Centers Intelligence Courses and Mid-Career, Management

and administrative Courses (MCMC) from NIPA are also part of the trainings for

ASF personnel.


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Foreign Training

A number of ASF Officers/Officials are detailed for the foreign courses every year. It

includes many type of trainings for example the Aviation Security Management

Course, Aviation Security Supervisor Course and National AVSEC Program Course

(ICAO) etc. primarily, ASF was not entertained in different courses of ICAO but

recently with efforts of Director Operation HQs ASF for the first time eighteen officer

were detailed for Bahrain in December 2017, to conduct ICAO course on aviation

security. According to the Director four batches of the same number will also be

detailed in near future for different courses. This is a good initiative for sharing the

security experience at different forum of ICAO. The information and knowledge thus

gain may be shared with the rest of the official of ASF and other LEA’s working

related to airport for ensuring better security to the aviation industry of Pakistan (N.

Ahsan, Personal communication, August 10, 2017).

ASF is equipped with the latest weapons for securing the aviation industry. Some of

which are as below: RPGs- Rocket-Propelled Grenades, LMGs- Light Machine Guns,

AUGs- Army Universal Guns, SMGs- Sub Machine Guns, Sniper guns, etc. No doubt

ASF is equipped with the latest technological weapons to cope with the existing

threatening scenario. But, it needs further improvement in the weapons and other

accessories because terrorist uses modern technological weapon. Import of reliable

arms and ammunition from developed countries may be carried out for the protection

of aviation industry. Installation and ensuring availability of equipment for smart and

quick communication at all airport in Pakistan including screening machines, metal

detectors, ISS, UVIS, explosive sniffers, online supervision system, communication

system, etc. are the need of the hour.


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Security Screening System

The security system at this airport is consisted by manual search and electronic

devices search. The combination of these two gives a full-proof security to the

passengers and visitors that are coming to and going out from this airport. Security

inside the boundary wall/ premises is the responsibility of the ASF. Airports in

Pakistan have been declared as a weapon free zone and nobody is allowed to carry

weapon either licensed or un-licensed inside the airport except those passengers who

carry their personnel weapons to the other destinations of the country. They are

escorted from the main-in entry gate up to the departure hall and they are handed over

to the concerned authorities their-in. Only few declared dignitaries / VIPs / VVIPs are

allowed with squad but only to the VIP / executive car park with close observation by

the ASF. With all the available human and material resources efforts have been made

to ensure the security of all the people in the premises of the airport. Instead of

weapon and arms there are some other goods and materials which can pose a threat to

the aviation security are also prohibited / discouraged during flight. The carriage of

such goods has been defined clearly in the ICAO security aviation and other related

documents. Its quantity and location in the plane have also been clearly told in the

ICAOs documents. Few of such goods and material are discussed here as well the

precautionary measure for the safe travelling of the passengers:

List of Dangerous Goods and Articles

Articles prohibited in the cabin of an aircraft and security restricted area for the safety

and security of the airline, passengers and aviation industry. Those devices which are

designed to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile or capable of being

mistaken for such devices, including: Firearms of all types, Toy guns, CO2 guns and


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Bows are prohibited to carry in hand while passing through security restricted area or

in cabin of an aircraft. Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge capable of being used

to cause serious injury, including: such as axes, hatchets and cleaver Razor blades,

box cutters, Knives with blades of more than 4cm Swords and sabre are also not

allowed in cabin and hand. Workers Tools capable of being used either to cause

serious injury, Blunt Instruments capable of being used to cause serious injury and

explosive or incendiary substances or devices capable of being used to cause serious

injury or threatening the safety of the aircraft are prohibited.

Alarm Resolution

Alarm resolution is an important factor in the screening of passengers and safety of

the aviation industry. In this system every individual has to remove or show metals/

dangerous articles at security check places before going through these checks. It is

binding on the passengers as well as on functionaries to pass through these check

posts and to rid themselves from all metallic items they have in possession and keep

these in the trays specially kept at all the screening machines and Walk Through

Metal Detectors (WTMD) for the said purpose. In case the metal substances not set

apart from the body then it might lead to alarm and the individual will endure to go

through the WTMD until the alarm is resolved. Passengers may for their convenience

look at all the objects they carry on board especially in hand carry that either these are

metal or non-metal. In case there is any doubt/threat, as the security of the airport in

Pakistan is the domain of ASF so, it has the right of frisking. Passengers are asked to

remove his/her shoes before they enter the walk-through metal detector. All the

passengers and functionaries are bound to follow the security instructions as per the

laid down procedures.


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Travelling Check List before one leaves home

To ease one’s journey, it is suggested to pack most items in hold baggage and those

items one carry in hand baggage are limited to what one need during the flight or the

valuable items only. All piercing materials are to be carried in hold baggage. A

specific quantity of liquid is allowed in hand carry like liquids, gels or aerosols, but

these may be kept in proper containers no more than 100ml (or 100g in weight). This

must fit restfully in a transparent bag not to be larger than 20cm by 20cm (8 inches by

8 inches). Larger items should be preferably kept in one’s hold baggage. Exemptions

are also there on liquids and gels but in case these are either needed for medical

purposes or are a special nourishing necessity, for example baby milk/food, vaccines

and insulin’s etc. For queries, ASF facilitation disk is also available for further

information (M. Khan, Personal communication, August 5, 2016).

ASF Achievements in terms of security

Here we are going to discuss some of the achievements made by the ASF in the

history of aviation industry:

In 1987, some anti-state elements started firing at the Jacobabad airport terminal

building from a safe distance. In retaliation the ASF staff on duty opened

indiscriminate fire on the miscreants; they bolted away without inflicting any loss to

ASF. On 12 March 1988, an Afghan citizen namely Abdul Manan Achakzai

cultivated by the "Khad" Afghan Intelligence Agency, armed with a pistol, hijacked a

Pakistan International Airlines Airbus A-300, flying from Jinnah International Airport

Karachi to Quetta airport. The in-flight Airports Security Force Air-guard namely

Liaqat Ali (an army soldier on deputation as an air guard) responded promptly to

overpower the hijacker. However, while responding to sort out the hijacker, ASF Air


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guards received four bullets in the scuffle but in-spite of that they effectively managed

and overpowered the hijacker (A. Rauf, Personal communication, February 3, 2016).

Furthermore, it is pertinent to mention here that air guards were regularly deployed on

all PIA bound flights to all destinations inside and outside the country. However, they

grounded in 1999 during Chief Executive Musharraf era and after that the PIA own

security is assigned the responsibility for handling sky jacking during flight. ASF sky

marshals are still operating to some of the troubled areas inside and outside the

country e.g. to Chitral, Turbat, Gwadar and Pasni etc. and Afghanistan, India, Nepal

and Bhutan (A. Rauf, Personal communication, February 3, 2016).

On 24 August 1995, a Pakistan International Airlines Fokker flight no. 673, while

flying from Islamabad (now called Benazir Bhutto International Airport) to

Faisalabad airport, two saboteurs launched an assault on a passenger, a sitting

Member of National Assembly (MNA) namely Ilyas Jutt from Punjab with the

intention to kill him inside the aircraft. One assassin stabbed a sharp pair of scissors in

to the victim‘s abdomen and the second one tried to cut his throat by means of a sharp

razor. The in-flight Airports Security Force Air-guards Namely Inspector Saeed

Akhtar (now Assistant Director) and Guard Asad after sensing the situation and

intentions of the attackers, quickly responded and opened fire upon them. It was a

very critical operation in the history of aviation industry to counter the attackers

inside the aircraft in the presence of the passengers on board. However, the ASF Air

guards effectively managed the operation and sorted out both the assassins, through

sharp shooting. It is pertinent to mention here that both the saboteurs were shot dead

on forehead by the ASF Air-guards without causing any loss to the lives of passengers

on board the aircraft as well as to the aircraft. Lives of all the on-board passengers

included the targeted passenger (MNA) as well as aircraft crew were saved and the


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aircraft safely landed at its destination i.e. Faisalabad airport. The role of exemplary

bravery displayed by the ASF Air guards inside an airborne passenger’s aircraft was

highly appreciated by the passengers on board, general masses, national/international

media as well as by the aviation security experts. In recognition of their exemplary

performance during the above said operation both the Airports Security Force Air-

guards were later awarded (Gallantry Awards) by the Government of Pakistan (S.

Akhtar, Personal communication, July 06, 2016).

On 3 July 2001, at 20:45 hours an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) concealed in

the walk-man cassette player was spotted by the Airports Security Force staff

deployed on patrolling duty in the public concourse hall of Islamabad International

Airport which was later on defused. It is pertinent to mention here that Airports

Security Force staff is specially deployed in public areas of the airports to check any

suspect person or suspect/unattended baggage (H. Ullah, Personal communication,

May 10, 2014). Due to alertness and professional approach of the duty ASF staff in

this specific incident, a number of human lives and property were saved besides

averting a major disaster at the airport.

On 20 October 2001, at 12:25 hours, in another such like incident at BBIA Islamabad,

the ASF staff observed an unknown baggage in veranda. On exploring from the

nearby passengers, one claimed it as own. However, at about12:30 hours the duty

ASF staff once again detected that the same bag is lying unattended and its owner was

missing. Therefore, they sensing the situation as suspicious quickly shifted the bag to

the bomb disposal ditch specified for this purpose at land side of the airport where it

exploded shortly. This time also their alertness saved a large number of human

lives/airport saved from the disaster (H. Ullah, Personal communication, May 10,



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On 16 January 2002, at about 01:55 hours, a person seated in a Suzuki car started

firing on the security staff at the main entrance of AIIA Lahore. Resultantly, three

persons were injured due to the firing of terrorist. ASF staff also opened fire at the

terrorist but they managed to escape the scene. In this specific incident ASF staff

again displayed extreme alertness by promptly responding to the attack which resulted

in the escape of the terrorists from the airport (M. Jamil, Personal communication,

April 12, 2012).

On 6 February 2007 ASF staff on duty at the Car Parking area of Islamabad Airport

was performing their normal duty as per routine practices and procedures in vogue for

ensuring security of the car parking area. At about 2100 hours a Car bearing

registration No SLA-6222 approached to a security check post of the Islamabad

international airport. The on duty ASF staff stopped the car for security check and

asked for the identification of the personal in the car. The driver stopped the car at the

security check and as the ASF staff comes close for checking the said vehicle and its

occupants, the passenger of the front seat of the car got jumbled and started fire at the

security staff due to which a Sub Inspector received bullet on lower jaw and fell

down. Thereafter, the terrorist tried to flee from the spot and ran towards the General

Car Parking area. Sensing the intention of the terrorist, ASF staff on duty followed the

said person and also opened fire upon him. At that time the on duty Sector in charge

of landside instructed the ASF staff through walkie talkie set to lock all the exit and

entrance gates of the airport. After sensing the situation terrorist hurled a hand

grenade which caused damage to cars parked in the area injuring one ASF and one

Police personnel. Exchange of fire took place between the terrorist and ASF staff

resultantly, the terrorist was hit. The terrorist was in possession of another hand

grenade which was exploded at him due to hitting and grenade blast he was killed.


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ASF officials fulfilled their assigned task of ensuring aviation security quite well and

professionally. ASF played a viable and appreciable role in the event which protected

the lives of functionaries, passengers and general masses present at the airport. Later

on, in recognition of exemplary performance of ASF Sub Inspector Zulfiqar during

the above said encounter was awarded (Gallantry Award) by the Government of

Pakistan (H. Ullah, Personal communication, May 10, 2014). Besides it the role of

exemplary bravery displayed by the duty ASF staff during this incident was also

highly appreciated by the general masses, media as well as by the aviation security


2014 Jinnah International Airport attack

The most brutal and dangerous attack in the Civil Aviation history of Pakistan in the

twenty first century is that of the Jinnah International Airport Karachi attack. This

attack not only incurs a lot of financial damage to the national exchequer but has also

put a huge human loss to the aviation security people and general masses.

On June 8, 2014, at about midnight, 10 militants who were dressed in ASF uniform

and equipped with arms and automatic weapons (SMGs 7.62), hand grenades, Rocket-

propelled grenades, (RPGs) and other explosives / flammable substances, attacked the

old terminal of Jinnah International airport Karachi. The militants got themselves

divided in two groups and stormed the cargo terminal building from two different

points. Few of them also wore suicide vests. The first group consisting of 5 x

terrorists attacked the Fokker gate situated in front of the PIA Head office which is

mainly used for the access/exit of PIA engineering staff into the PIA engineering

premises for official duty. The second group of 5 x terrorists stormed the ICG

(Immediate Clearance gate) situated in old Terminal No.2 presently called Hajj


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terminal. They opened indiscriminate fire upon the on duty ASF staff at the gates.

Airports Security Force troops on duty and other nearby posts, effectively and

promptly responded to the terrorists’ attack. ASF QRF staff on duty at the airport and

Reserve staff in ASF camp JIAP, who rushed to the airport without any delay, joined

the duty staff to sort out the terrorists. ASF staff fought bravely contained the

terrorists adjacent to the terminal building at the airside not to approach the parked

aircrafts at apron and sorted them out one by one. Within a short span of time (i.e. just

within 2 hours), the Airports Security Force troops shot dead eight of the ten militants

whereas the remaining two blew themselves up when they were cornered. It is

pertinent to mention here that while encountering the terrorists attack, twelve ASF

personnel embraced Shahadat. A visit was immediately made by the Chief of the

Army Staff, General Raheel Shareef especially to ASF Headquarter at Karachi in

order to appreciate in high words the role of ASF troops and Shuhada and all other

Law Enforcing agencies whose troops joined the ASF during the said incident. It is

note-worthy that later on, in recognition of role of ASF Shuhada and the bravery as

displayed by them during the said incident by embracing shahadat were awarded

gallantry awards by the Government of Pakistan (M. Khan, Personal communication,

22, December 2014).

The militant organization Tehrik-I-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) immediately admitted the

responsibility for the attack. According to the state media, the persons who attacked

were foreign nationals of Uzbek origin who were operating for an Al Qaeda-linked

militant organization, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), which worked in

liaison with the TTP. The TTP later confirmed through a press announcement that the

attack which they carried out was a joint operation along with the IMU, who blatantly

admitted to having supplied the human resource for the said heinous attack.


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In the wake of the heinous attack, the Pakistani military launched a series of aerial

strikes on terrorists’ hideouts in the tribal region along the Afghan border. The

minimum number of terrorists killed was 25 as on 10 June that year, including local

and foreign militants. After a couple of days, two drone attacks were carried out on

June 12 which killed Uzbek Nationals, Afghans and some local militants. In mid-

June, the Pakistani military forces further intensified their air strikes in North

Waziristan, and bombed eight foreign terrorists’ hideouts (Stenersen, 2011). This

time, 105 insurgents were reportedly killed, the majority of whom were Uzbek

nationals which also included those attackers who were involved in the JIAP attack.

Jinnah International Airport is one of the largest and busiest airports of Pakistan. It is

considered to be the hub for Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), which is the

national flag carrier airline of Pakistan. JIAP is the largest and the busiest airport of

Pakistan so numerous domestic and international flights touch this airport on daily

basis. After the Pan Am hijacking in 1986, this attack was the first massive incident

on the airport in years. It was in 2011, when a similar attack occurred on the Mehran

naval airbase in Karachi, and in 2012, the Bacha Khan International Airport in

Peshawar, northwest Pakistan, was attacked by militants (Steele, 2011).

A number of Rangers, Police and Army contingents reached on the scene in about 90

minutes time after the attack started, but by then, most of the terrorists were already

eliminated by Airports Security Force. The said situation lasted for consecutive five

hours. It left twenty eight people dead, including the ten number of terrorists, twelve

of ASF personnel, one Pakistan Rangers official, a Sindh Police official, and four PIA

employees (including two senior aircraft engineers). The incident left about eighteen

security personnel injured. They were admitted into Abbasi Shaheed Hospital after

being provided with the first aid at the airport. In the incident seven bodies were burnt


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due to the eruption of fire in the cold storage facility of the terminal (M. Khan,

Personal communication, December 22, 2014).

The incident also damaged the two aircrafts of PIA, a Boeing 747 and an Airbus

A310. The PIA officials even did not at first, endorsed the damage to its aircrafts.

However, the sources confirmed that the planes have received slight damages. The

incident destroyed two cargo warehouses which had stores of NATO forces. During

that time when they were ablaze, the warehouse witnessed multiple explosions. The

Civil Aviation Authority and ASF took over the charge of the airport after the attack,

when the airport was declared clear. Reservations by the Karachi Chamber of

Commerce and Industry president, Abdullah Zaki, were expressed over the security

situation in the country and particularly its economic impact on the city as well as the

entire country. He further added that the situation continued to deteriorate the general

uncertainty of this city could exactly be measured from the recent airport attack. He

again reiterated that in such like terrorist waves the domestics traveling sector would

also be affected. He also lauded a positive role to be played by media by avoiding

sensationalism to convince foreign travelers instead to discourage them. Particularly

the businessmen and investors would be turned away from Pakistan if all the

stakeholders did not play their due role (A. Zaki, Personnel communication,

December 21, 2014).

In fact, ASF troops are well trained and equipped with the latest arms and

ammunition; they have the capability of facing any kind of situation. We have

discussed the different kinds of situations faced from time to time to ASF, which were

dealt effectively by the ASF. Either it was the Jinnah International Airport Karachi

attack or that Bacha Khan International Airport Peshawar attack; they were

effectively encountered by the ASF in collaboration with other Law Enforcement


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Agencies. In the attack that took place on the Bacha Khan International Airport

Peshawar, the law enforcement agencies, that is army and police, tremendously

reacted to the attack and not even a single person was able to get through inside the

perimeter of the airport. All the terrorists were killed during the retaliation and the

three terrorists who escaped, took refuge in the nearby under construction building.

They were also killed on the next day of the attack in a search operation in the

suburbs of the airport i.e.at Abdara kali.

BKIA Peshawar airport is the main airport of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and its

protection is the collective responsibility of all the Law Enforcement Agencies in the

province. ASF is mainly responsible for the security of the civil tarmac, buildings and

car parking. The perimeter protection at BKIA Peshawar is the responsibility of the

DSG, PAF, army and police. Army and police have to look after the funnel and the

surrounding areas of the airport for the safe landing and take-off of the aircraft. The

area of Bara, Tehkal, Matani, Dara Adam Khel and Suleman Khel etc. are very risky

areas of this airport, keeping in view the security aspects during the landing or take

off of the aircraft. Moreover, the altitude of the aircraft in these areas is very low and

even a low range weapon can also harm the aircraft. Strict security is the need of the

hour at all these points because the threat of firing at the aircraft cannot be ruled out,

keeping in view the historic record of the area and the openly carrying of weapons by

all age persons. ASF and the Civil Aviation should keep close coordination and

liaison with all the agencies either directly or indirectly involved in the security

aspects of the province for the safety of Civil Aviation, its installations and

passengers. The role of all these Law Enforcement Agencies is the backbone for the

security of this very vulnerable airport.


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ASF liaison with other LEAs relating to Pakistan’s aviation industry with a focus

on BKIA Peshawar

For this purpose, ASF control room contacts with the control rooms of other LEAs

through land line, walkie talkie, special frequencies intercom, important cell numbers,

hotlines, dedicated lines and numbers of joint CCRs, joint CCTV surveillance

systems, through ATC tower contact, etc. Although, the system liaison further need

enhancement for the better security set of the airports in Pakistan. Still gap in

communication exists and to overcome it, is the need of the hour to fight the enemy of

the country and aviation industry. There shall be a coherent system of communication

on the part of the all Law Enforcement Agencies to curb the menace of terrorism.

Local/ provincial Police

BKIA Peshawar being a main hub of air transportation is frequently visit by the

passengers and meters/ greeters. A large number of visitors come to the airport for the

pick and drop of passengers and other related activities. At times, the ASF on duty

staff during the routine checking of vehicles coming to the airport recovers illegal

arms and ammunition. Similarly, during the baggage scanning of passengers’ baggage

by the duty ASF X-ray machine operators, illegal arms and ammunition or other

contraband items are recovered. In such like situations, after preliminary

investigation, ASF hand over the accused person(s) to the concerned Law

Enforcement Agency i.e. Police, Anti-Narcotics Force etc. as the case may be.

Besides it police officials help the ASF staff for maintenance of the law and order

situation at the airport. The role of police at the airport is of paramount importance

therefore, a police post is established at BKIA Peshawar where, a police contingent of


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KP police is deployed round the clock. The aim of its deployment at airport is to assist

ASF in security related matters of BKIA Peshawar.

Apart from the designated police force at the airport the outer deployed troops of

police all around the airports and the rest of the area, keep an eye on the people

coming towards airport. Police often recover different prohibited items on different

routes coming to airports and thus indirectly help the ASF in restraining those

prohibited items and elements to the airport. Police posts are established at different

parts of the city whose aim is to protect the city, its people and all the sensitive

installations safe and secure. Police are well trained and having a great experience in

public dealing can easily recognize bad elements that approach to the airport.

Protection of all the people and installations inside the airports is the responsibility of

the ASF and outside the perimeter it is the duty of police and other Law Enforcement

Agencies. Outside the boundary wall of the airport ASF jurisdiction lapse and the

jurisdiction of police and other Law Enforcement Agencies come in place. The

protection of funnel area is also the basic responsibility of the local police and other

Law Enforcement Agencies for example army here in Peshawar. Funnel area is

basically that area where the distance of the plane from the earth is very low and its

make it position ready to land and takeoff at the airport. The heavy body aircraft come

at a very low height while landing at the airport because it cannot be easily controlled

for landing at a little distance. The surrounding areas of the Peshawar airport are very

risky keeping in views the security and safety of the airline and passengers are

concerned. Almost at a distance of 1 to 2km the Federally Administered Tribal Area

(FATA) regions starts, where the use of weapon against an aircraft cannot be ruled

out and here at Peshawar it has already happened with plane which took the life



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So, the protection of funnel area and outer sides of the airport premises is the basic

responsibility of police to ensure it clear and deploy it troops and increase mobile

patrolling during the take-off and landing of the aircraft. Police should have to take

joint search of the area as well with equal intervals with the help of Pakistan army.

This will create deterrence in the population livening in the surrounding of the airport.

List of the residences in the funnel area and surrounding of the airport to be kept and

updated routinely by the police in order to prevent any untoward situation in future.

Moreover, crowd control at the airport is the joint responsibility of the ASF and local

police. However, as per the Standard Operating Procedure, taking action against mob

will require the permission of the first-class magistrate / Airport Manager (if he has

the power of magistrate). Presently the airport police post is headed by an Assistant

Sub Inspector who is working under the west police station and Cantonment

Superintendent of Police. All these are in close liaison with the airport authorities for

handling any untoward situations. In the 2012 attack, which is considers one of the

deadliest attacks on the BKIA Peshawar; the police played its role very effectively,

the then Superintendent of Police Peshawar Cantonment was standing over the roof of

the mosque along with his troops and fight side by side with army against the

attackers. They bring down the enemy of the state on knees and killed all of them who

came with their nefarious designs (S. Hussain, Personal communication, April 10,


Special Branch

As per the contents of blue book of Ministry of Interior, Government of Pakistan,

security of VVIP at the airport is the responsibility of provincial police (special

branch) in their areas of domain as and when required. Therefore, in compliance of

the orders of the federal government, in case of VVIP movement at BKIA Peshawar,


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special branch police come to the airport and physically take over the charge of

security of specific area of the airport from ASF in writing for handling the security

aspects of VVIP movement at the airport. Similarly, charge of the airport security of

the concerned area is handed over back to ASF by the special branch police to ASF

once the VVIP movement is over.

Moreover, besides VVIP duty, the Special Branch police also play an active role at

the airport. They perform their assigned task at airport, as ordered by their command

for gathering of required information and having an observation on the movement of

VVIP. The concerned Special Branch representatives are in close coordination with

their parent department and also communicate any serious threat back to airport

authorities for talking pre-emptive and precautionary measures. Keeping in view the

sensitivity of the airport, the duty of Special Branch police is of prime importance and

they need to concentrate on their duty rather than extending protocol and indulging in

other unlawful activities at the airport.

Traffic Police

BKIA Peshawar being a main hub of air transportation is frequently visit by the

passengers and meters/ greeters. A large number of vehicles come to the airport for

the pick and drop of passengers, airport functionaries, shipment of cargo and other

related activities. Therefore, traffic control of the vehicles is mandatory with a view to

ensure smooth flow of the vehicular traffic at the main road in front and opposite side

of the airport. For this purpose, a contingent of provincial traffic police is deployed at

the main Khyber road in front of BKIA Peshawar to organize traffic control. The

newly transformation from traffic police to the traffic warden has improve the traffic

condition not only at the airport premises but also in the city of Peshawar because of


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the non-compromising and non-corrupt nature of the newly upgraded traffic police.

Traffic wardens are equipped with rider bikes as well as vehicles lifter for effective

traffic control, which has enhanced their capability of ensuring smooth flow of traffic

in front of the airport.

Bomb Disposal Squad

Airports being public and commercial hubs are lucrative targets of the terrorists all

over the world and especially of anti-state elements in Pakistan. Therefore, they are

always trying to disrupt the normal operations of the airports. For this purpose, they

resort to different illegal and criminal activities. One of such like activity is passing of

false information to the airports authorities regarding placement of bomb onboard an

aircraft, terminal building or car parking area of the airport. In such like situations

whether the information so passed is based on fact or otherwise airport security

authorities are bound to ensure proper course of defined action in the best interest of

human lives and airports assets.

As per existing laid down procedure, in case of a bomb threat call to parked aircraft,

terminal building or car parking area of the airport is received by any airport

functionary, he/she is bound to inform Airports Security Force Control Room

regarding the received information for taking necessary action. On receipt of such like

information by ASF authorities from any quarter or itself by them, they ultimately

pass on such information to Bomb Disposal experts of provincial police to handle

such like situation accordingly. On receipt of information, bomb disposal officials

rush to the airport and conduct scanning of the concerned area with the help of

Explosive Detectors. ASF duty officials provide all necessary help to them during

scanning process. After clearance of the concerned area/aircraft as the case may be,


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Bomb disposal officials issue a clearance certificate to ASF for record. The aircraft is

allowed to takeoff when it get formal clearness certificate from the ASF.

Federal Investigation Agency (Immigration)

Federal Investigation Agency has different wings for it operation. One of its important

wings is immigration at airports and seaports, the Immigration staff are deployed for

the check-in and check-out of the passengers to and out of the country.

Immigration staff of at the airport for the purpose checking the authentication of

travelling documents i.e. passports, CNIC/Visas of the departing/arriving passengers.

Moreover, during Musharraf era in 2002 a new department of Personal Identification

Secure Comparison and Evaluation System (PISCES) was introduced which task was

mainly to assist Immigration in its work. PISCES was funded by United States of

America; its main task was to save the computerized record of passengers in / out.

Moreover, this system hit the wanted, Exit Control List (ECL) and black listed

personnel. The system has been switched over in 2010 from PISCES, USA funded to

Pakistan’s own Integrated Border Management System (IBMS) of NADRA (National

Database & Registration Authority). Besides their assigned tasks, they may in case of

need asses the Airport Security Force in the following security related matters; To

provide timely information about the arrival/departure of known terrorists/criminals

on international flights, to work in harmony with ASF and to provide better

cooperation in implementing ICAO Standard and Recommended Practices at the

airport and to inform ASF about any suspicious activity observed by their staff (Nasir,

Personal communication, October 15, 2015).


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Pakistan Customs

Customs staff is also deployed at BKIA Peshawar to monitor the arriving/departing

passengers from custom point of view. However, they may assess ASF by extending

cooperation in the following security related matters: While checking hold and hand

baggage Customs staff may detect explosive substances, arms and ammunitions or

any other item dangerous from security point of view, in such like cases they notify

the same to ASF. Moreover, exchange of information of mutual interest with ASF and

to cooperate with ASF for the better cooperation in implementing ICAO Standard and

Recommended Practices at the airport. Furthermore, as per ASF Act, ASF is also

bound to hand over customable items, recovered from passengers, to on duty Customs

officials under Customs Act 1969 and ASF will escort in-bound weapon from the in-

coming aircraft to the Customs Grill.

Pakistan Army

BKIA Peshawar is situated in Peshawar cantonment area mainly surrounded by

various army units which provide a safe buffer zone around the airport. Access to the

airport is controlled by army and civil police. Snap checking and permanent check

posts are established at different parts of the city. Almost all the airport is covered

from all side by the army personnel, the airport is located in the Peshawar cantonment

due to which most of it part is covered by army and access to the airport is made

difficult for all the people. Moreover, such a control from military side is good from

the security point of view but on other hand it creates difficulty for simple people of

this region who are travelling to different countries of the world. 69 FRA is an army

unit deployed towards the runway side of the airport; it protected the airport from the

Abdara kali, Custom Chowk and university sides during the attack in 2012. Now a


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day’s light Punjab infantry unit is deployed there for protection. It provides the second

line of defense to the Defence Services Guards (DSG) and Pakistan Air Force (PAF)

personnel deployed on towers for the protection of runway. The sensitive parts that

are PAF Base and 9th Army Aviation are protected by the army units. Another unit 39

F.F has also deployed its troops around the airport locality at different check posts.

Such a way keeping in view the security of KP and Peshawar the army is providing

very important services to the security of this airport. Although situated in a troubled

area and faced with many attacks, it is still a better secured airport in Pakistan.

Because in all the front it has been secured by the army although the passengers and

visitors are facing difficulties to reach the airport but the access/ approach of terrorists

to this airport have become very difficult.

As per ASF act 1975-chapter 3 section 6 clause IA, in case of hijacking incidents,

Pakistan Army concerned quarter will be notified by ASF so that they could play their

assigned role in handling of such like situation. This act of 1975 has authorized the

Director General that he may, with the previous approval of federal government can

call Pakistan army troops for the post-landing hijacking operation at an airport or

aerodrome (ASF ACT, 1975). Besides hijacking they are also called to assess ASF for

joint/effective response in case of any emergency/unforeseen situation i.e. terrorists’

attacks etc. at the airport. However, ASF will contain the situation in an efficient

manner till the arrival of Pak. Army SSG troops.

Pakistan Air Force

Bacha Khan International Airport is a joint user airport and security/deployment of

perimeter rest with Pakistan Air Force (PAF). Defence Services Guards (DSG) troops

are deployed for the protection of perimeter under the overall command of Base


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Commander PAF. Base Commander is a senior officer from Pakistan Air Force with a

rank of Air Commodore. In case of emergency the Base Commander PAF will take

the overall command of the airport/Base with a view to ensure coordinated/effective

respond by all Law Enforcement Agencies.

Perimeter Defense

BKIA Peshawar is a joint user airport, being jointly used by Civil Aviation Authority,

Pakistan Air Force and army aviation for their specified activities. ASF provide

security to the area specified for civil aviation activities, whereas PAF guards their

area of responsibility. As for as security of the perimeter of Bacha Khan International

Airport is concerned, it is being guarded by the troops of DSG (Defence Services

Guards) which is under the overall command of Base Commander PAF, Base

Peshawar. However, DVOR (Direct Very Omni Range) being a CAA installation is

protected by ASF troops around the clock.

Anti-Narcotic Force

This force is also of prime importance at the airport in the current situation at

Afghanistan. BKIA Peshawar is the nearest airport to the Afghanistan outside it

territory. The smuggling of different type narcotics from Afghanistan to the outer

world cannot be ruled from this airport. The people of Afghanistan are connected

closely to the tribal people because of their ethnic and linguistic factors. So, the

placement of ANF at this and all other international airports of the country is very

important in the security aspects of the airports, because it will, reduce pressure on

ASF in the narcotics and ASF will only properly concentrate on their primary task of

security of airports, its installations and personnel.


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Role of other miscellaneous agencies in the airport

Apart from these agencies ASF has to keep close liaison with the other agencies

working at the airport. Coordination with these agencies is of prime importance for

the smooth functioning of the airport.

Civil Aviation is an authority declared in 1980s, it is the revenue generating and

collecting agencies, it has also been declared as the appropriate authority for the

security in Pakistan. Although, this agency is not capable to handle this aspect but still

it has been awarded this very feature. Civil Aviation collect the taxes and charge the

stay of aircraft etc. it is the CAA which has to provide the facilitation to the

passengers and staff at the airport. Unfortunately, most of their concentration is on the

revenue side instead of the facilitation and deliverance. However, Civil Aviation has

its vigilance and security section for observations and security planning but these is

not capable to meet the tasks. These sections do not play their part in the security and

vigilance as required for the security of this airport. Moreover, their staff is not trained

in those fields as per the security environment at the airport and their concentration

instead of security and intelligence coverage is on protocols. By proper training,

check and balance the services of this section of CAA can be utilized for improving

the security of the airport.

Air Traffic Control is another important unit in the airport to which coordination with

ASF control room is very important. The Air Traffic Control office is in constant

contact with the aircraft’s pilot and abreast with the latest news as far aircraft is

concerned. It informs the ASF control room and CAA of any untoward incidents,

hijacking and any mishap at the aircraft in air or at ground. The ASF then with the


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help of other Law Enforcement Agencies (if in need) take the situation in control and

provide the speedy and required assistance.

Liaison of ASF with the local administration is very important and in case of need

their help may be sort out in different unwanted situations at the airport. For example,

in case of crowd control and other protests or demonstration the help of concerned 1st

class magistrate or local administration may be used.

The role of health department is also very important at the airport. They can save the

lives of patient by providing them the basic aid. The presence of representatives of

health department around the clock is very important. Their services can also be

utilized for polio drops to the departing passengers. At BKIA Peshawar health

department is working with a three member’s medical officer’s team but still

improvement is needed in their hours of duty and services.

Wild life, crises management cell and the presence of various intelligence agencies is

very important at the airport. Liaison of ASF with these organizations is too much

important for the proper and smooth function of the airport.


Different legislation took place for the smooth functioning of aviation industry.

International and local legislations took place. As we know that internationally the

ICAO, has to put the Legal regime for protection of aviation industry from Acts of

Unlawful interferences and the awareness to the people regarding these rules are very

important because the fear of punishment at any act on the part of the terrorist or

culprit can retract them from those activities. These legislations are passed from time

to time for the protection of aviation industry from the terrorists. For example, some


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of the legislations are as International Legal Instruments are; Tokyo convention,

Hague convention, Montreal convention, Protocol supplementary to the Montreal

convention, explosive convention, Convention on the marking of plastic explosives

for the purpose of detection.

National laws

In light of the above-mentioned International Legal Instruments, member states of the

ICAO constitute their own national laws in line with the above legislations according

to their own states environment. Some of the local or national legislation in Pakistan

are as below;

PPC-sec 402A, 402B, 402C, Suppression of terrorist Act, ASF Act 1975, Extradition

Act 1972, Explosive substance Act 1908, Part-VIII (section 10-conduct of persons at

an aerodrome), Part-IX (conduct of persons on board an aircraft), Part-XVII (unlawful

interference), Part-XVIII (penal provisions and prosecution), and of CARs 1994. All

these are the relevant laws and section applicable on those terrorists or personnel who

make unlawful interference to aviation industry on international and national level



The history of aviation is replete with the terrorist incidents but in the decades of

1950s, 1960s and 1970s the incident of hijacking happened quite regularly and

frequently. For the international community and ICAO these incidents were of serious

nature because the growth of the aviation industry affects with such incidents. Due to

those incidents, most of the states reviewed their aviation security, Pakistan also

established ASF for the security of the airports. ASF is a specialized force for the


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security of the airports working under the auspices of the aviation division. ASF is

imparting regular training to it troops for tackling any threat to the aviation industry.

Its members and officers are trained in the intelligence and security aspects. Due to

better training, the ASF is capable to deal with any incident on the airports either it is

the attack on BKIA Peshawar or JIAP Karachi, the ASF defend it at the cost of their

lives. ASF has close liaison with other Law Enforcement Agencies, which are directly

or indirectly involve in the security of the airport for example, Pakistan Army, PAF,

DSG, BDS, IB and local police etc. although all the above agencies are cooperating

with each other in some areas but they need more coherent approach to fight

terrorism. Moreover, ASF including other sister agencies may be given new advanced

vehicles and machinery for better results. They may be imparted with regular training

and grooming. Their professional skills are to be enhanced for combating the menace

of terrorism.


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Cavani. G (2015, August 24). Simultaneous Hijackings. Retrieved


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Fitzgerald, P. P. (2010). Air Marshals: The Need for Legal Certainty. J. Air L. &

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Jenkins, B. M., & Johnson, J. (1975). International Terrorism: A Chronology, 1968-

1974 (Vol. 1597, No. DOS/ARPA). Rand Corp Santa Monica CA.

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Nasir. (2015, October 15). Personal interview

Newton, M. (2002). The encyclopaedia of kidnappings. InfoBase Publishing.

O'ballance, E. (1978). No Victor, No Vanquished (pp. 89-90). San Rafael, CA:

Presidio Press.

Pereira, A. (1987). Breve História da Aviação Comercial Brasileira (in Portuguese).

Rio de Janeiro: Europa. pp. 362–363.

Polgar, T. (1996). Assignment: Skyjacker. Retrieved on 2014-06-15 from




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Price. J (2007). American Association of Airport Executives. Introduction to Aviation

Security. Module 1:15.

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Roberts, G. B. (1987). Self-help in combatting State-sponsored terrorism: self-defence

and peacetime reprisals. Case W. Res. J. Int'l L., 19, 243.

Rumerman, J. (2007). "U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission." Retrieved 8/20/2007,


Shubber, S. (1973). Jurisdiction Over Crimes on Board Aircraft. The Hague,

Netherland: Martinus Nijhoff.

Stenersen, A. (2011). Al Qaeda's Foot Soldiers: A Study of the Biographies of

Foreign Fighters Killed in Afghanistan and Pakistan Between 2002 and 2006. Studies

in Conflict & Terrorism, 34(3), 171-198.

Steele, J. (2011). Ghosts of Afghanistan: hard truths and foreign myths. Counterpoint


Thomas. A. (2008). “The Early History of Aviation Security Practice.” Aviation

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Terrorism is a global phenomenon and its impacts are realised throughout the

world on various organizations including the aviation department. No doubt, aviation

industry has been affected by terrorism since long but the main jolt it faced, was that

in September 11, 2001 in which the terrorist hijacked four passengers’ planes and

used them as a bomb against the targets (Bazian, 2004). After the 9/11 incident the

attention of terrorists was diverted and focused on this very important industry

because of its high sensitive nature. Keeping in view the threats and possible attacks

from the terrorists and other non-state entities, the developed as well the developing

countries reviewed their security measures and have taken steps for its enhancement

(Bowen, 2004).

In this regard, ICAO is considered one of the international bodies, which

works under the auspices of United Nations (UN) for rendering services of civil air

transportation worldwide. The purpose of ICAO establishment was to look after and

manage the International Civil Aviation transportation (Abeyratne, 2012). Initially,

the threats to aviation industry were that of hijacking and physical assault but

presently in the advanced technological development the nature of threats vary from

place to place. Moreover, due to all these uncertain developments in the tactics of

terrorism the role of ICAO has increased many-fold for saving aviation industry from

all the existing and emerging threats (Wilkinson & Jenkins, 2013). The purpose of

ICAO is the promotion of safety and security of passengers, equal opportunities to all

member states, enhancement of co-operation among different states and ensuring of


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universal rules and regulations for Civil Aviation industry. It consists of Assembly,

Council and Secretariat. As a permanent body of the UN, the goals and objectives of

ICAO are in-line with the UN goals and objectives. As like UN, ICAO works for

elimination of poverty, sustainable economic growth, combat climate change, safety

and security of the human beings, the aim of all these objectives are peaceful

coexistence and ruling out the trauma of terrorism. Furthermore, to curb the terrorism

and enhance security, ICAO stress on the implementation of Machine readable

documents system by all member states. ICAO binds all the member states to ensure

an appropriate authority for security and other related correspondence with ICAO. It

has introduced the Point of Contact (PoC) for quick communication with ICAO in

emergency cases and security and important security matter on urgent basis. The

ICAO assembly meets every three years to discuss all the important issues in all

respects that the member countries are facing related to the aviation industry.

ICAO emphasises on security and facilitation of passengers but both the terms

are opposite to each other if realistically thought over. On one side the emphasis is on

security standards which have to be compromised somehow over the facilitation of

passengers or vice versa. ICAO says that both are important and both must be kept

intact. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to keep a balance between the two.

However, it’s the responsibility of each state’s concerned authority to carry both of

these aspects at the same time. After 9/11 the security situation has become quite

alarming and a lot of attention was required to meet the desired level of security.

ICAO and Terrorism in Pakistan

It is concluded that Civil Aviation is a revenue generating entity but at the

same time it is the declared authority for aviation security in Pakistan. It is collecting

security charges from the international as well as the domestic passengers; ICAO


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reiterates that the security charges collected may not exceed the relevant cost that

involved the security. CAA will only recover the amount incurred on the security

services concerned but here in Pakistan the situation is not quite clear because the

security service is provided by ASF which is a federal government department under

the Aviation Division, the salary and budget involved for the ASF is from the federal

government of Pakistan. The CAA only purchases electronic equipment and machines

for ASF but that are also not of the latest versions which are being used in developed

European countries. Pakistan in this perspective is lagging quite behind the developed

countries and still uses the machines that have become outmoded in the developed

countries e.g. Line scan and Austro physics etc. The CAA is collecting a huge amount

in lieu of security but it has neither invested on the security equipment, salaries,

incentives of the security staff nor for the benefit and facilitation of passengers in

letter and spirit. This is a big amount and its proper collection and effective utilization

can be quite better for the high morale of the security troops and passengers. One

hundred for domestic and more than one thousand rupees are charged from

international passengers in lieu of security charges, as per the instructions of ICAO

this money should be utilized solely on security aspects of the concerned security

agency for further uplifting the aviation’s security of that country but the same is not

followed in letter and spirit in Pakistan. Little share is given to the security force

concerned with security in Pakistan and the rest is lying in the exchequer of the Civil

Aviation Authority of Pakistan (A. Shad, Personal Communication, January 19,


It is concluded that ICAO emphasises the concerned authorities of member

states to make arrangement for proper training, provision of security and

communication equipment, ensuring National Civil Aviation Security Program


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(NCASP) and Airport Security Program (ASP) but in case of Pakistan the concerned

authority has not the expertise in all these areas which is highly important to be

reviewed. Moreover, ICAO asks all member states for uniformity to use the advanced

technology of Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD’s) and Point of Contact

(PoC) formation which are not followed by Pakistan as a member state as desired.

Cyber-crime is an emerging issue for all the member state of ICAO. Extra vigilance

and efforts are needed to cope with it. For achieving the goals of ICAO, for the

‘development of aviation industry’ and ‘no country left behind’ vision, the role of the

neighbouring countries is also of prime importance because the development of

Pakistan is also an indicator for the development of this region if the matter is thought

over in a realistic perspective.

Terrorism is a very old phenomenon and it even existed in the pre-historic

period. Terrorism evades a precise definition because it has been defined by different

stakeholders for safeguarding their own or national interest. An act of terrorism might

be deemed as terrorism by one state but may be considered as a freedom fight by

another. As we know that the first empire of Mesopotamia was built on terror. The

term was first, literally used in the French revolution and later on, it transcended the

national boundaries in 1960s. There are many causes of terrorism e.g. Regional crises,

political oppression, injustice, religious intolerance, economic deprivation, drugs and

sectarian violence and so on.

It is concluded that the whole world is affected by the scourge of terrorism; the

incident of 9/11 in the history of terrorism is quite evident because it jolted even a

super power like the USA and which started to think over it to form a strong security

body to look after its aviation industry. It was because of the 9/11 attacks that the

USA formed its well-known aviation security set up known as Transportation


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Security Administration (TSA) (Willis, 2005). All the states were advised by the

comity of world nations to enhance their aviation security structure to meet the

challenges. The same was also carried out in Pakistan but here the whole of the

burden was put on the manual security system although security machinery was

installed and upgraded but that is not at par with the advanced European and western

world. The passengers and visitors are mostly disturbed due to these security

developments because most of them rely on physical barriers and manual security

checks. An advanced security technological mechanism can improve the situation and

give an ease to the passengers and visitors. The activities of terrorism are not ended in

the region and it may be taken as a dormant period. Moreover, vigilance and tight

security measures should be taken to end the menace of terrorism from this part of the

word and provide a better life standard to the people of this region.

Pakistan is a developing country and it has to concentrate on the institutional reforms

and performance of all the security actors to play their positive role for the

development of the country and pose a better picture of the country in the arena of

world. The eradication of terrorism and other social evils from this region will

obviously, contribute to the development of this airport, province, country and the

society of the world. Thus, the provision of peace, tranquility and development

contributes to the ICAO vision of ‘no country left behind’ in the move of aviation

development. Pakistan has a lot of potential and resources but once it has come over

the brutal acts of terrorism, the escape from the grip of the menace of terrorism will

give Pakistan and this airport an opportunity to contribute in the development of

aviation industry, ICAO and the world at large.

It is concluded that Pakistan’s aviation industry has faced many terrorists’

incidents. It affected this industry of Pakistan in all aspects whether socio-economic


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or political but it has left long lasting effects on the country. In Pakistan, the largest

number of terrorists’ attacks took place at Peshawar airport and affected it in every

aspect. Due to all these untoward situations the passengers and visitors coming to this

airport are facing many difficulties but they have no other option except BBIA

Islamabad, which is not in the approach of all the people of this province. Before 9/11

aviation industry in Pakistan was targeted from time to time but after 9/11 the

frequency and fire power increased immensely for the destabilization of this industry.

The most prominent of these attacks were the 1986 Pan Am and 2014 attacks at JIAP

Karachi and the 2012, 2014 attacks on the BKIA Peshawar. BKIA Peshawar is

located in the main hub of Peshawar city. Moreover, its building, parking and apron

are very small and cannot cater to the needs of the passengers and visitors. It is a busy

airport as BKIA Peshawar is the only international airport for the people of KP and

FATA that has been affected from terrorism either it is rocket attack, physical assault

or aerial firing on aircrafts but all these incidents have direct effects on the business of

airlines and travelling of passengers.

Among the various airports in Pakistan, the BKIA Peshawar has been badly

affected by terrorist attacks. It is also the most targeted of all airports in Pakistan but

still flight operation is going on from airport with slight ups and downs. Its parameter

is guarded by the army and PAF, which are highly competent to thwart any kind of

physical aggression but for the stoppage of suicide and MANPADs there, is no

mechanism to deal with it. It has also been observed that the airport is surrounded by

heavy contingents of troops of different Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA’s) and the

access of terrorists to the airport have been made quite difficult. It is also because the

airport is situated in the cantonment of Peshawar and many units and Brigades are

there for the protection of the national assets in the city. However, presence of airport


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inside the cantonment has made access of the passengers and visitors quite difficult to

the airport but on the other side, it also has maintained a strict security enclave around

the airport and made access of the terrorists to the airport quite difficult. Particularly,

the most dangerous thing from security point of view in case of Peshawar airport is its

funnel area and its protection is the responsibility of the local police. As the flight

takes off, its height is very low and it can be easily targeted all around the Peshawar

airport the troubled areas of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) is situated

and the Frontier Region (FR) Peshawar where the use of weapons by all age person is

common, so any mishap on that side can be very harmful for the aviation industry.

This has once happened when the aircraft was fired from the field in funnel area and

resultantly, a lady passenger and some crew members were injured but fortunately,

the aircraft landed safely, otherwise if it had crashed hundreds of passengers and crew

members would have been dead.

Keeping in view the present security situation all around the country and the

emerging threats to the aviation industry, the proper security arrangement outside the

parameter and in the funnel, area especially is the need of the hour. The altitude of the

aircraft is very low in the funnel area and in case of BKIA Peshawar the funnel area is

no doubt the most dangerous. Proper security checks and clearance by the Special

Branch police, Intelligence Bureau (IB), Military Intelligence (MI) and local police

may be carried out periodically. The vetting of all the people living in 2 to 3

kilometres in the surrounding of the airport is very important. For security purpose

outside the perimeter and funnel area of the airport regular patrolling by the local

police, army and ASF Quick Response Units must be ensured for the safety of the

Civil Aviation Industry against the act of unlawful interferences and to foil the

notorious objectives of terrorists who want to destroy this industry.


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Due to threats and security situation the airport affects the socio-economic,

political and also the tourism aspects. Tourists avoid this airport and prefer other

airports of the country for travelling, which has bad impacts on the revenue of

archaeological spots of this province because mostly, the foreign tourists use airports

for coming to the historical parts of this region but now the ratio has become to be

very low from this airport. Due to this situation people are worrying while coming to

BKIA Peshawar because of these growing threats in the city and surroundings. The

decreased flow of foreign visitors and tourists through this airport affects the revenue

of this airport. Even the political elite now do not travel from this airport and travel

from Islamabad international airport. In case of emergency or need they travel from

BKIA Peshawar but in normal routine the political and elite class avoids to travel

from this airport because of the difficult approach to this airport and tight security

environment at this airport. Another thing is that due to these waves of terrorisms

most of the foreign airlines suspended operation from this airport. Many of them

resumed their flight after some time for example Flight Suspended due to Aircraft hit

incident at BKIAP Qatar Airways suspended its flights to and from Peshawar, from

26 June 2014 to 2 July 2014. Emirates airline suspended its flight operation to

Peshawar from 25 Jun 2014 to 23 July 2014 and Saudi Airline suspended from 27

June 2014 to 28.8.2014. The Etihad Airways suspended its flights operation to BKIA

Peshawar from 25 June 2014 and did not resume its flights after the aerial firing on

the Pakistan International Airline flight. The Etihad airways has permanently

disbanded its flight operation from Peshawar and even withdrawn it staff working

from the airport. These flights closure and disturbance in the continuity of flight

operation at this airport is not a good omen for the people of this province (I.

Badshah, Personal Communication, January 13, 2015).


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The same happened when the terrorists attack took place in 2012 against this

airport and again due to the attack on the army school in Peshawar in December 2016

so, the up down at the airport are a routine matter which is quite alarming as far as the

future progress and development of the airport is concerned. Such situations of the

closure and opening of the flights at intervals heading to losing the credibility of any

airport and as we know that this airport is already on the terrorists hit list so stringent

and serious efforts on all the fronts are the need of the hour to bring out this airport

from these like situations and head it towards a peaceful and revenue generating entity

for the people of this province. When the airport is secured in all its aspects it will

bring prosperity and economic development to this part of the country and ultimately

the country and when the country is moving forward on the path of progress in

aviation this in turn will contribute in the peace and prosperity of the comity of the

world and ICAO (Badshah, 2015).

Moreover, foreign nationals, high dignitaries and VVIP are regularly using

this facility for movement. The provision of security from a lay man to high officials

and VVIP are the responsibility of state’s designated agencies for security. In Pakistan

the airports security rest with ASF. In Pakistan the rest of the state’s security agencies

forces like army, police, IB, Special Branch and PAF are also liable to provide

security and assistance as per requirement and there are responsibilities are concerned.

All these agencies are responsible to protect airports installations, passengers, visitors

and all those who are connected to airports in one way or other. Different types of

incidents in world aviation’s history lead the countries into establishing security for

these vital installations of airports. The most dangerous of those were the frequent

hijacking incidents. Keeping in views the same spirit, ASF was raised in 1976 as the

custodian of Pakistani airports.


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Structural Changes

In Pakistan aviation security is the basic responsibility of Airport Security

Force (ASF). It is ASF which is practically, adept with the aviation security. Civil

Aviation Authority (CAA) is an authority which main function is to facilitate,

coordinate, develop and enhance the revenue in the aviation industry in Pakistan. The

declaration of CAA as appropriate authority for aviation in Pakistan is not a justified

one. The CAA members are just getting the facility of aviation security training from

different countries and a minimum share is given to ASF, although it should be the

ASF officers/ members to be deputed for different training inside and outside the

country because it is the ASF that has to perform the practical duty of security at the


ASF is an independent department run by a serving Director General (DG) of

Pakistan army under the supervision of federal government. Such as CAA has its own

DG and separate setup from ASF. Many times, anomalies arise between the two

departments. The National Aviation Security Committee that was established on 20th

July 2005. The composition of the committee is made such that the DG CAA is

supposed to chair it and the Joint Secretary JS (Aviation), JS (Security interior) and

DG ASF will be its members. Furthermore, the composition shows the monopoly of

CAA because sometimes few important and immediate security steps are the need of

the hour and as CAA is revenue generating/ facilitation agency may ignore the

security aspects which may lead to a dilemma. Therefore, the chairman of this

committee may be the Aviation minister/ DG ASF and the rest shall be its members.

Due to all these uncertain situations in the city of Peshawar and the province

of KP overall the political leaders and other dignitaries shifted to the capital of the

country i.e Islamabad so their travelling obviously, will have to take place from


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Islamabad not Peshawar. Although the situation is keep improving but still the

possibility of any uncertain situation in the province of KP and the city of Peshawar

cannot be ruled out because of its previous history. Although police, army and ASF

are vigilant and playing their role quite actively and positively. However, terrorists are

using new tactics again and again even at the risk of their lives to achieve their goal.

In such like situations to keep control on the hidden and uncertain attacks cannot be

ruled out and the security and Law Enforcement Agencies should not be at ease

because of the somehow peaceful environment of the city.

Aviation is the fastest means of travelling in modern world. Any attack against

this industry, directly affect the socio-economic, tourism and security of the aviation

industry (Geels, 2006). Due to the 9/11 incident in America the airline industry has

lost about 1.1 b $ because of the closures of airline services and reduction in number

of people to travel via air (Lin, Liou & Wu, 2007). In response to the 9/11 mostly of

the states have reviewed and enhanced their aviation security. Moreover, after 9/11

the threat perceptions and targeting the aviation industry increased, the present threats

the industry is facing are bomb attacks, MANPADs, suicide attack and physical

attacks. Pakistan’s aviation industry has also been hit by terrorists many times.

Pakistan is a developing country and such like deteriorating security situation can

further destabilize its economy. For a rapid and smooth progress, it needs a peaceful

environment at all ends.

It is concluded that terrorism has a large number of impacts on Pakistan and its

aviation industry. The most vulnerable and targeted province in Pakistan is KP. The

capital of KP is Peshawar, the main hub for business and industry in KP. BKIA

Peshawar is located in the main city of Peshawar, any incident in the city or at the

airport has a direct impact on the people of KP and economy of the aviation industry.


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Due to many incidents of terrorism at this airport, has brought it into the most risky

and vulnerable airport in the country. Especially, during the landing and take-off, of

aircraft the threat of aerial fire or MANPADs cannot be ruled out. Moreover, at that

time one worries to what will happen at that time because of the height of flight over

the FATA and rest of trouble places in the suburb of Peshawar. Flights operation

suspension and stoppage from this airport due terrorists’ activities have manifold

impacts on this airport and aviation industry of Pakistan. The flow of passengers

affects, economy suffers, tourism declines and psychological burden on the people of

region are its major setback.

Around BKIA Peshawar the Civil infrastructure and population exists which is

a security peril for this airport. As far the international rules and regulation there will

be no buildings and houses for general masses surrounding an airport. However, in

case of Peshawar the situation and environment are totally different it’s all around

population and residential complexes are in huge numbers. At the runway sides in few

meters double and trifle stories building exists. On one hand, these are not good for

smooth air traffic process and on the other it is also a security threat for this airport

any one with terrorists’ mind can get access and use these facilities to get their

terrorists objectives. In case of the 2014th attack the terrorists after physical attack

took refuge in the nearby newly construction buildings and engages the security

personnel during the full night hours. It was in the morning time that the security

forces took over the terrorists and killed all of them in those near about vicinity and

under construction building. It is the duty of all the civil and military intelligence

agencies to keep a close watch on the locality surrounding this airport and have to

check the identity of the people living in the near about of the airport. Strict vigilance

should be kept on the houses given on rents and as hostels for living of families and


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students, no unknown and unverified person from local police, Intelligence bureau

and Special Branch should be accommodated. First of all, these building and

infrastructure should not be here around and close to the airport however, if it has

been established then extra care and vigilance be adopted by all quarters. The owners

of these hostels and houses only to entertain those people on rent or hiring either they

know them personally or verified from IB, local Police and Special branch police. It’s

the duty of every citizen of the community to inform the Law Enforcement Agencies

about any suspicious materials or people in the surrounding places and buildings.

It is revealed that the government also has to create awareness in the masses

about the dubious and suspect people and have to issue emergencies contact numbers

for informing security agencies by ensuring the safety and secrecy of the identity of

the informers. Sources should be created among the civil population for informing the

security and intelligence agencies well on time. Quick response units’ deployment and

other emergencies measures are quite necessary in the north and west side of the

BKIA Peshawar because of the sensitivity of that region. The southern and eastern

side of this airport is somehow more secure because of the army cantonment and

Pakistan Air Force setup. Most of the flights takeoff and landing from the eastern side

of the runway because of the security risk in western side. But this is not a permanent

solution to the problem; the planes avoid the Bara and Mathani side for landing and

takeoff, because many rockets attacks have been made from this side and the firing

incident to the PIA flights also took place from the said side. The city of Peshawar has

become quite congested due to non-availability of land space in the surrounding.

Whole burden of population is on the city of Peshawar which surrounds the airport at

all the sides. Stringent measures are needed for the western side of the airport and for

the funnel areas at both side of the airport, to establish check posts and other


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observation posts. Moreover, towers facilitated with effective goggles and snipers to

provide safe environment to the passengers and aircraft for takeoff and landing. This

activity will also increase the deterrence of the Law Enforcement Agencies; will boost

the morale of the passengers and that of the airlines operator approach to this airport.

Because after every attack at the airport people wary to travel for some time.

Other Recommendations

ASF may be declared as the appropriate authority for the security and CAA

may be made responsible for the revenue generation, coordination and facilitation

services at the airports in Pakistan. Keeping in view the security situation in the

region and especially in our country, the security aspect is the jurisdiction of ASF.

Moreover, all the trainings related to security either inside or outside the country

should be the domain of ASF not of CAA. Only, competent members and officers of

ASF should be deputed for the training purpose but not the army officers who are

serving in ASF on deputation basis for a specific period. Unfortunately, the limited

training, courses, visits and mostly important portfolios are availed and occupied

simultaneously, by army personnel in ASF. In all these processes, the likes and

dislikes mostly matter. Therefore, there should be a proper mechanism for different

courses and appointments. Those who fall in the criteria to be deputed on merit and

may preferably be selected for such courses and deputations.

A board of directors may be formed at ASF Head Quarters and units level for

taking any important decision and its implementation. The board may be independent

from any political or bureaucratic pressure and shall be intact for a specific tenure

under specific terms, rules and regulations. A specific structure for the force shall be

developed and rules for its governance should be passed from the parliament. Because

a strong force constitutionally, can prove to be an effective force and thus can give a


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good name to the country. One man show at the HQ level/ unit level may be

converted to a hierarchy for the development, security and smooth function of the

force. Furthermore, such steps will further improve the security because the morale of

the troops will be enhanced which will in turn have good and sound effects on the

security of the aviation in Pakistan. In hierarchical structure, each and every officer

and member may have a clear/ demarcated powers, responsibilities and duties. Good

packages to the force personnel are to be awarded. Moreover, it will boast their

morale, dedication, devotion and attention. Furthermore, good salary packages and

facilitation will improve their capability to combat terrorism effectively, because they

will not involve in those things which may diverge their attention from security. Their

whole attention will be towards the security and any untoward incidents will be

meeting effectively and promptly.

Healthy activities in the force should be encouraged because in the strict

disciplined environment of the force these activities are very important to release the

tension and tiredness. These activities were first time introduced by former DG

General Sohail Ahmad Khan and these activities were having a sound effect on the

health and morale of the ASF. Different games competitions were held among the

different units all over the country and best players and teams were awarded with

incentives. However, after the change of command those activities are not seen to be

continued because here all the things revolve around the decisions of one man. Here it

is important to mention that continuity in plans and projects are the essence of the

development of an organisation or institution. The new DG may not agree to the ideas

of previous DG and may introduce some quite opposite plans than the previous DG.

So, a board of directors under specific rules are very important either the DGs change


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Or not change but the force might to be in some known directions/ certainty that has

to exit at all ends.

Relations with the sister agencies and federal government should be on a

sound basis for that purpose public relations officers may be enrolled and media cell

may be encouraged to keep abreast of all the masses of the country with the

achievement and role of ASF. ASF is playing a key role in protecting this very

important installation against all kinds of threats and terrorism but due to no media

coverage and no public relation officers its role and importance are not conveyed

properly to the general people around the country.

In recent age, the terrorists are using new and disguised ways for deceiving the

law-enforcing agencies. Aviation is one of their priority targets and they can use some

of the technological methods for implementing their nefarious designs. They can

probably use small appliances and personnel electronics for concealing explosives.

Moreover, use of small arms, physical attack and the use of chemical/ gases at the

security personnel in airports cannot be ruled out. Precautionary measures are very

important to cope with these possible threats of the terrorists. Following

recommendations are here

Screening procedure at the airport should be enhanced by using explosive

trace detection, advanced screening technology for luggage, next generation screening

tools such as computed tomography and deployment of canines at check points.

Moreover, increased physical security and background screening of transportation

sector workers is also the cry of the day. Sharing of Advance Passenger Information

(API) and passengers name record among the concerned security and Law

Enforcement Agencies is a very important aspect of ensuring security. Concentration

on cargo and catering material and their advanced scanning may be evolved.


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Furthermore, expansion of information between and among the law enforcement

agencies and intelligence agencies are very important to curb and prevent any such

attack against the aviation industry.

Another important act on part of the government to show the result of

investigation, penalties and punishments to the perpetrators involved in different anti-

state activities either in aviation related or other entities. On one hand, it will increase

the deterrence and on other hand the confidence and morale of the general masses of

the country will also boost. These like stringent and merit base steps against the

perpetrator will also make a good image of our country in the world and the public in

other countries will come to realise the efforts of our country in fight against

terrorism. Moreover, a perpetrator Sajid khan, son of Ibrahim khan was executed on

4th October 2017 in the firing case of Pakistan International Airline in which a lady

died and several other were injured on 24-06-2014. This perpetrator was also involved

in attacking on innocent people and Law Enforcement Agencies’ personnel. In the

trial before the magistrate, the convict admitted his offences and thus was awarded

death sentence. On the same day, the military court executed two more convicts to

death penalties Behramsheer and Fazli.I. Ghaffar. The latter were involved in

attacking on forces and schools (The Dawn, 5 Oct 2017).

Although BKIA Peshawar is an international airport but its covered area is not

sufficient for catering to the needs of too much flights and passengers. The parking

facility, the apron and building capacity in no way portray/ show it as an international

airport. The Daewoo bus stand at Peshawar has more capacity than Peshawar airport

for the seating and waiting of passengers and visitors. This is an old airport in

Pakistan but no concentration on its infrastructure was taken in past to make it capable

for future needs. Presently work for its expansion is in progress but that will only cope


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with the present inflow of passengers and visitors to some extent. This means it will

ease the passengers and visitors to some extent but it cannot cater the needs of the

people of this province in long run. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) has only one

international airport that is the BKIA Peshawar. The rest of the airports are domestic

but many of them are being closed having no flight operation. For domestic purpose

only Dera Ismail Khan (D.I. Khan) and Chitral airports are operative.

In this modern age of fast communication and transportation these airports are

in no way sufficient for the needs of the people of this province. The pressure of flow

on BKIA Peshawar is thus increasing day by day even the passengers and visitors

have a lot of difficulty in reaching to this airport but actually they have no alternatives

except this airport. On one hand the pressure of passengers’ flow at this airport and on

the other hand the terrorists’ threats and space deficiency have made the situation

quite difficult for the security and Law Enforcement Agencies at the airport. it has

created a lot of difficulty for the passengers to go through this airport. The people of

this province who are serving in foreign countries are mostly poor class and are

travelling mostly to the Middle Eastern countries for work as a labour there. They

have no sound resources and sufficient knowledge for travelling from other airports of

the country. Because they are typical people and have language, financial and social

restrictions in travelling from any other airport. Some people who are resourceful and

educated can afford to travel from Islamabad and Lahore International airports which

are at a distance of about 2.30 hours and 8 hours respectively from the city of


It is quite clear that the people of this province have too much difficulty in

travelling to foreign country while moving only from Peshawar international airport.

The population of Peshawar city itself have grown at a fast rate as par as the previous


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two decades. This airport can only cater the need for a few surrounding districts but in

no way, it is an easy task for it to cater the need of the twenty-six districts of this

province. This province is in the dire need for a minimum of two other international

airports except from Peshawar airport and a separate airport for the people Federally

Administered Tribal Areas (F.A.T.A). So, three airports in this region of international

nature are the need of hour for the facilitation of the people of this province and to

tackle the issue of terrorism in a befitting manner. If the burden/ load of the

passengers and visitors are to be divided on the different airports in the region then

the concept and management of security will become easy and applicable. Because in

such a huge inflow at this airport the maintenance of proper security some time

become difficult and alarming. One airport at a distance of about four hours from the

city of Peshawar at the southern end and another at some three to four hours at a

northern end will change the situation here.

The ease of load at this airport will amount to the increase of the security

system at the airport and the space for terrorists’ action will become minimized. When

the flow at this airport will become less the attention of the security and LEA’s will

no doubt to become concentrate on the security of the airport. The expansion of BKIA

Peshawar will no doubt be good on temporarily basis to meet miserable situation at

this airport. However, keeping in views the future needs and thinking realistically this

is not desired objective because in a few years this will also go out of need and the

people will face problems shortly again. Even during this expansion process the

passengers are in quite difficult situation, the parking and building have no space and

no proper arrangement are there to cope with the existing environment to facilitate

these people coming to the airport. During peak hours of flights, the apron of the

airport does not have sufficient place for the parking of the aircrafts so, only four wide


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bodies and one or two small aircraft can be handled at a time. If the number increased

from these five or six then the aircraft has to wait at the runway or taxi way. The same

is the situation at the parking and building side because due to the typical nature of the

people of this province and the tradition of Pashtun nature for a single passenger see

off or receiving minimum three four vehicles and 10 to 20 greeters come. So, due to

this the situation at the road and parking side become more difficult to control.

This situation can be controlled by stringent efforts from government side by

providing facilities and developmental work. A quite comprehensive awareness

campaign on the part of government and Civil Aviation is required to convince the

masses of the province by electronic, print media as well by other advertising manner

to reduce the coming of visitors to the airport. Only in case of extreme emergency a

person or two may accompany a passenger in arriving or departing to the airport. The

government has to plan for the future new airports and extension of the same airport

simultaneously. Moreover, Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) may have to aware the

people with the progressive works at the airport to curtail the extra flow to it but no

such responsibility has been shown by any government or autonomous body for the

smooth functions and the whole burden then come on the shoulders of the security

agencies. If the other sisters’ agencies cooperate with the security agencies in all the

above matters the situation would have been quite changed.

The beggars outside the airport in front of main entry and surrounding areas

are doing their business which is a great security threat for the Bacha Khan

International Airport Peshawar. In the garb of beggars, they may be spy of the outfit

and banned organisations for the purpose of reccy. The area should be declared out of

bound for such elements or other such professionals for the sake of the safety of the

Peshawar airport and cantonment of Peshawar.


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Another important suggestion for making the security of BKIA Peshawar

more result oriented is to stop the standing of taxis and other vehicles in front and

opposite side of the entry and exit gates of the airport. That should be strictly banned

and if anybody is found violating it, heavy fine and legal action may be carried out

against such suspect and violators. A clear view in front and opposite side of the gates

enables the security staff to easily detect any suspicious activity and can as well

readily react to any unlawful acts promptly. Moreover, the standing vehicles may

have some explosives, the explosion of which can lead the situation worst at the

airport because the vehicles outside the wall and opposite side of the road are

unscreened. It also cannot be ruled out that the vehicles may be used for spying

purpose and blasts as Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED).

The uses of search beams and laser light in the surrounding of the airport

should be banned. The flying of drone cameras and other suspect materials may

closely be observed and watched for ensuring better security of the airport.

The airport may be shifted from the city of Peshawar to any other suitable

place. This airport is a joint user of CAA, PAF and army so this may be given to PAF

and army for their strategic motives or may be used for as old terminal for VIP/ VVIP

and domestic purposes. A new airport may be designed in or near Peshawar because

another international airport is very necessary in this province. Another new airport in

addition to this one is the need of the hour, all elites and political leaders of KP may

take a keen interest for the approval of a new airport in the province from the federal


Access to the airport is very difficult because of the manual checking on the

routes leading to the airport. Therefore, separate route/ road may be designed to

facilitate the people using this airport; electronic modern equipment may be installed


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for the speedy security process to avoid delay and harassment. Latest weapon may be

provided to the security at and around the airport. They may be provided with the

latest communication system and close liaison internally in ASF and also with other

assisting agencies like army, police and PAF etc.

Double gate entry system at the main entry of airport, one for passenger and

other for the staff working at the airport may be introduced. This will give a clear

demarcation between the two hence will facilitate the security staff on duty to

thoroughly and brilliantly take their security measures.

Presently, facilitation level is below the average and quite deplorable, on one

side there is a tight security and on other side no proper facility for parking, seating,

see off, receiving, etc have further aggravated the situation for passengers, visitors

and staff. Regular refresher training, exercises and rehearsals for troops serving

airports should be made mandatory.

Increasing the strength of ASF for better results is yet another important point

to note. The DG and Deputy DG ASF are designated and allocated posts in ASF may

be retained for them but the rest of seats or quota reserved for the deputation of other

army officer may be waived for the better future of this force and morale of the


Cyber terrorism is very dangerous phenomenon for the aviation industry. The enemy

can harm the aviation industry by using the modern technology. It has a vast scope for

future researcher relating to aviation industry. Future researcher may concentrate on

the cyber terrorism and its remedies for safeguarding this industry from the eminent

threat of cyber terrorism.


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Annexure – A


1) Name ___________________________________________________2) Gender/Sex ___________________________________________________3) Age ___________________________________________________4) Nationality ___________________________________________________5) District ___________________________________________________6) Marital status ___________________________________________________7) Education ___________________________________________________8) Final destination ___________________________________________________

Q1 I frequently use BKIA to fly to local destinations / domestic flights

Yes, Regularly and preferably

No Only in cases of extreme need

Q1A If travel cost of accessing other airport permitted, would you still use BIKA for local destinations

Yes, Regularly and preferably

No Not sure

Q2 I frequently use BKIA to fly to international destinations Yes, Regularly a and preferably

No Only in cases of extreme need

Q3 My frequency to use BKIA to local destinations has changed since the recent security incidents

Yes No To some extent

Q4 My frequency to use BKIA to international destinations has changed since the recent security incidents

Yes No To some extent

Q5 The government has put adequate security measures at BKIA Peshawar in order to respond to acts of terrorism and security?

Yes No To some extent

Q6 The threat of militancy and terrorism at BKIA has increased since 9/11

Yes No Not change/ to some extent

Q7 Are you satisfied with the existing security arrangements at BKIA Peshawar for a safe journey?

Yes No To some extent

Q8 The security arrangements at the airport have affected ease of passengers and their relatives?

Yes No To some extent


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Q9 The security arrangements at the airport have increased psychological burden for people visiting the airport

Yes No To some extent

Q10 Has your preference to use BKIA changed after recent terror incidents?

Yes No Q10-a

To some extent

Q10-a If, not changed, then please specify the reason Proximity to my home We are afraid of terrorism and will definitely use this airport


Q11 How has the international airline ticket price changed overtime due to increased threat of militancy and terrorism

Yes No To some extent

Q12 The security of the BKIA has improved after the recent attacks

Yes No To some extent

Q13 Has suspension of airlines affected you in terms of cost/time?

Yes No To some extent

Q14 Do you think the factors mentioned above have curtailed the flow of visitors and passengers?

Yes No -

Q15 Have you ever been harassed or have face any difficulties due to the security checking while reaching BKIA Peshawar?

Yes No -

Q16 The security arrangements at the airport curtailed the flow of visitors and passengers?

Yes No --

Q17 Are the existing security arrangements at the airport are necessary for better security

Yes No --

Q18 Has terrorism affected the comfort of the departing/arriving passengers?

Yes No --

Q19 Has the government provided adequate security materials for the security of the airport BKIA?

Yes No --


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STAFF__________________ QUASTIONAIRE

1) Name :______________________________________2) Age :______________________________________3) Marital status :______________________________________4) Agency :______________________________________5) Nationality :______________________________________6) Rank / designation :__________________________________

I work at the airport with ASF CAA Customs OPF Airline(name) FIA/Immigration ANF Police Other

Q1 Has terrorist attacks on BKIAP affected airlines routine business

Yes No To some extent

Q2 Do you think that air cargo and trade has suffered due to the security situation?

Yes No To some extent

Q3 Do you think the terrorist attacks have reduced the number of local visitors/ passengers?

Yes No To some extent

Q4 Do you think the terrorist attacks have reduced the number of foreign visitors/ passengers?

Yes No To some extent

Q5 Do you feel that the security measures have improved at BKIAP after these attacks?

Yes No To some extent

Q6 Do you feel that the security situation has improved after these measures were taken?

Yes No To some extent

Q7 Are you feeling safe with the existing security arrangements at BKIAP?

Yes No To some extent

Q8 Do you think that the entrance to the airport has become difficult for the agencies working inside the airport?

Q9 Do you think that the data collected in this regard will be helpful for aviation industry and for the awareness


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of people?Q10 How protected do you feel at the airport as compared

to the events before these attacks?More secure Less secure No change

Q11 What do you think about the objectives of terrorists attacking BKIA?

1 Hijacking 2 Killing of ordinary people 3 Killing of security staff4 Taking people hostage 5 Destroying sensitive installations 6 All of the above

Q12 Is the BKIA prepared to respond to the threats indicated above?

Yes No Don’t know

Q13 What steps can be taken to achieve a better response to the threats you mentioned

1 A2 B3 C4 D

Q14 Do you think the terrorist threats have reduced flow of passengers/ visitors to BKIA in comparison to the past?

Yes No To some extent