· web view(1) because of a servant when he reigns! (2) and, a fool when he is filled with meat!...

(1) Carrium means: "A Message From God!" Carrium: Page-126 "No Certain Dwelling Place: 1 year-213 Days!" The 12th Month of The 38th Year! 12-11-2017 2nd Day of the week, which is called Monday! "What? Do They Match?" Proverbs 30:21-23, says, "Because of three things, the earth is disquieted! (Peacefulness is destroyed!) And,

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Page 1:   · Web view(1) Because of a servant when he reigns! (2) And, a fool when he is filled with meat! (3) Because of an odious woman when she is married! (4) And, a handmaiden that


Carrium means: "A Message From God!"

Carrium: Page-126"No Certain Dwelling Place: 1 year-213 Days!"

The 12th Month of The 38th Year!12-11-2017

2nd Day of the week, which is called Monday!

"What? Do They Match?"Proverbs 30:21-23, says, "Because of three things, the earth is disquieted! (Peacefulness is destroyed!) And, because of four,

which it cannot bear! (1) Because of a servant when he reigns! (2) And, a fool when he is filled with meat! (3) Because of an odious

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woman when she is married! (4) And, a handmaiden that is heir to her mistress."

There was shown that there was a washing machine and a dryer standing together on the back porch. But, this porch was screened in. This was the first time I had seen a reference to a screened in

porch! There was another dream that showed such a porch!The washer and dryer were a matching pair, as far as color and

brand goes! They were the same color; and, the same brand! But, where they were placed, did this show wisdom? Rain could hit them

in the place where they were placed! This is unto the preachers!Let the preachers show forth the Wisdom of God in everything that they do! The people will be looking to them to show them what is

that good and acceptable Will of God!One machine was for washing clothes; and, the other machine was for drying clothes! Both machines pertain to the garments, which people wear! But, what garments are you giving your attention to? The wives of preachers are seen as being a vexation to the Spirit of the preachers, because they still look towards the worldly desires! As the man of God is preaching to the congregation about much worldly possessions: he will look upon his wife, sitting in the front row in the congregation with all of her pearls, and gold rings on

every finger! How can he preach with a good conscience, when his own wife is working contrary to what he is preaching? She, that is a

vexation, shall be removed as in the manner of the removal of Ezekiel's wife, suddenly! But, let the wives be on one accord with

their husbands; and, the Lord will bless their relationship!The preacher is the washing machine, while the wife is the dryer! One seeks to clean the garments: but, the heat of the dryer will

cause the garments to shrink! One gives the water of understanding, while the other is preaching Hell by her displays in

ungodliness! But, the congregation has heard the Words of the preacher! They should know that he cannot force her to do those

things, which are right in the Sight of God! Amen!

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This also shows that everything has its particular function! Which was more needful? How can two walk together, except they be in agreement? Which could be eliminated? The washing machine is a

help for washing clothes: but, the sun is used to dry the clothes! The sun would replace the Hell Raising Dryer! The Lord said that the

wife is a "Help Meet" for her husband! "Help Meet" means suitable help! Suitable means being suited to the man's needs, to help him in that which he is given to do. No man will be left without help, if the "help meet" will not be that suitable help, that she is supposed to be! The Lord will arise and give ability where ability is needed! He will not leave His preachers at the mercy of someone who will

not function in the job that she is holding! This ungodly woman shall be destroyed from the midst of the congregation!

I considered how the rain would be able to get to the washing machine, and the dryer because of where they were placed! The

Lord has placed both the husband and the wife in a position whereby both can get the Word of Understanding! But, which will benefit from this Word? Because they are so close to one another, they could be a help, or a hindrance to one another! They were

called a matching pair: but, who was it that matched this pair? Did not the Lord Jesus choose which disciples would work together: but, many have already chosen their own partners: and, those partners are partners with the devils! Their purpose is to oppose you in your

work! They will not work with you! They will be found constantly trying to stop you in your work, by causing much disturbance! This

is that odious spirit that goes about to destroy all peace!

Do you place your valuables in places where they can be destroyed? What are your valuables? Is your marriage valuable to you? Do you

do things whereby your marriage can be destroyed?How much consideration do you give to protecting these written Reports from God; and, the CD's, which are the recorded Reports from God? Do you just lay them around in places where they can get destroyed? Do you treat these Reports as the Holy Word of

God? And, your attitude towards these Written Reports and CD's is the same attitude you have towards Jesus Christ the Lord!

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What do you allow your children to see you doing with the Written Reports and CD's? Are you showing them a good example of respect

for the things of God?

Living in the government projects does not show wisdom. What are government projects? These are programs, which the government has set up for experimenting with the people! A project is not only that which is called the housing authority: but, it is any program,

which the government has set up! To live in a government project means to depend on this system: but, you must abide by the rules,

which are established for the program! There are so many limits that they put on you when you live in their places; and, they are being run by unsaved people! These experimental programs are

programs being set up by inspiration of Satan, to see what will work in his world kingdom: and, if you are involved in any of these

programs; you are being programmed into 666, in a subtle way! The Prophesy, which was written by Daniel, is taking place!

Daniel 8:24-25, speaks about the subtlety of this system: and, the word "practice" means by experimenting with certain things! He also tells us that this system will prosper; and, by the very crafty

ways of the darkness, many of those of the Light will be destroyed, because of their unawareness of what is going on! Your sleepiness

will be your downfall! "Watch: and, pray!" Amen!

Who is supplying you with your residence? Did you ask God to give you a place where you can work from freely? Or did you just choose

a place because it was, in what you called a good neighborhood; and, because the schools were reported to be good in that area?

You have fallen into the very trap that was set for you! The school system is the primary programming instrument, which Satan is

using to program your children!You should be saying, "Lord, You know if I have delivered myself into

a trap! Is this the place that You want me to continue to work from?"

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I have considered the recording of the CD's without all of that noise in the background! The noise does not bother me! I considered this because of the people who will be listening to these CD's! I live on a

very busy street! But, I will not move from my place, except the Lord show me that He wants me to reside in another place!

What is your first consideration when you are seeking a place? Can people come and go freely? I do see limitations with the

driveway of this house; and, there is not much parking space available for the people to park their vehicles! You will show just

how concerned you are about the Work of the Lord, by what type of place you choose for yourself! Did you move into a neighborhood

where certain people are restricted from coming? Did you get some place back off in some suburban area, just so you can be considered as having reached a certain status in life? Have you made yourself

unavailable for duty?Can you shout with joy, the way the Lord said you should express your joy, in praises unto Him? Are you able to lift up your voice

freely, always? Will they allow you to hold Sunday worship services in that place? If your answer is, "No, Lord!" You shall pray, and ask the Lord, saying, "O Lord, remove the opposition to the lifting up of our voices freely! Again, I see that fear is being revealed! It is a

subtle fear; and, there are limits that are set! We don't always lift up our voices as we ought to! In some situations, we do: but, in other situations, we don't! Lord, I ask that You would deliver us

from that fear; and, utterly destroy it, so that we see this no more forever!"

You shall see this; and, you shall say, "I believe I am in a condition of bondage! I want to be totally free! O Lord, set me free from all

restrictions that are restricting me!"

"If restrictions are put upon you, in the place that you are in, because the place belongs to someone else: remove yourself from

that place! But, if the restrictions are within you; have the restrictions removed from you!"

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I thought about those who will remain in the government projects. Because the rent is cheap, they will remain in that place: and, they will say that the Lord blessed them with that place! But, it is their fear of the unknown that is causing them to remain in that place!

They cannot see what they can do, if they were to leave that place! Their fear has blinded them; and, they have not learned of the

Power of God!

Many of you have not given yourselves to being taught! Think about the place that you are in! The preacher shall rent a house

where the people can come and go freely!

What is the accepted design of the house, where the people are to come together? The only requirement here, is that space is

sufficient for the gathering of the people! And, the house is not called the church's house: it is the residence of the man of God!Are you preachers free? Are you dwelling at the house where the

people congregate?

Is the preacher free? The preacher is the foundation, or beginning of the church congregation! The Lord establishes the preacher, first, in

a place: and then, He calls the people to come unto the preacher where the preacher dwells! The preacher is responsible for

establishing the Will of God in that place! Will his wife dwell with him in that place: or, will she be looking for another house?

The only thing the people will decide is, if they will continue to come; or choose to go, somewhere else! They cannot hire, nor fire a

preacher: and, no preacher should be found in a place whereby someone else has power over him! The people are free to stay, or to

go, to find a place that they have chosen! But, the preacher shall remain in the place where the Lord has placed him!

The people are taught the oracles of God from that place! God gives to the preacher, the rules and regulations: and, the preacher gives

them to the people! If they like what God is telling them to do; they will remain: but, if not; they will depart! But, they cannot fire the

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preacher because he is not working for them, nor is he working in what they have established!

Preachers, who remain in these denominations, are in bondage! They are not free to establish the True Ways of God! But, because of

the money, they will remain in those places! They have also been made to believe that this is acceptable to God: but, the Lord is

commanding deliverance for the preachers!The deacons are found to be running the show! They can hire and fire preachers by the majority vote! An unlearned person is given authority over one who is ordained by God to teach them what is

required of them by God! This is not right in the Sight of God! Shall a newborn baby instruct the parents?

The people will not submit themselves unto the preachers, to be taught! Is this place a place where the Lord's Honor dwells? Can all people come and go, freely, in that place? Are your gates able to remain open day and night? Will the people kick you out if you try

to do what is pleasing in the Sight of the Lord?

"O you uncircumcised people; you have no fear of speaking against God's Anointed! You are unclean, all of you! I have heard your words; and, they have been stout against Me," saith the Lord!

O Lord, I love the habitation where Your Honor dwells! Help me with this, O Lord! I love Your Laws, and Your Precepts! I even consider

myself in that statement, as being the place where Your Honor dwells! I thank You for the freedom, which You have given unto us in

this place! Even though we rent, we still have the freedom to operate in this house as You have commanded!

Thus saith the Lord, "Which of the Apostles showed you the example about holding the services in the house of the preacher? I, The

Lord, gave it to Paul to show forth this example in Acts 28! I have tried to steer you people away from apartments, and government projects! These so-called church buildings are even as government projects! I have tried to steer you away from those so-called church

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buildings! These are government approved places; and, the worship of the Lord is not allowed to be carried out in truth in those places! If a man shall remember his freedom that he once had, in a certain place; he will despise the place that he has entered into! How can

he remember his freedom if he never knew the Lord in truth?"

I thought about a certain preacher, who use to come unto me: but, he always had that desire to be in one of those buildings that he

called churches! Even though these places were not operating in the manner, which he had learned at Highland Avenue: he still loved

those places more than this place! Therefore, he was found to love the lie more than the truth! He was still in prison, and in bondage to the system's churches! The Truth was evidently set before his face:

but he rejected it! Now, he is in prison, again!People do get used to seeing certain things; and, they always relate these things as going together! I can see how this concept of church has been branded into the minds of many! They just cannot get use to the True Way of gathering, in an ordinary house, as was shown by

the Apostle Paul! This other thing has been programmed in them from their childhood upward! All they have ever heard these places

being called, is church! It is a habit that is hard to break! And, Satan, Death, and Hell have planted fears in their hearts about houses, by showing them ungodly examples like the "Heaven's

Gates" thing, and the David Koresh thing, and the Jim Jones thing! These things were set up by the darkness to turn you away from the

true way, when it would begin to be revealed! Just like Satan did with the pyramid and chain letter thing, because this would be the

true way that the Word would spread in the latter days!People got used to seeing us in a certain van! Our van is associated with us: but, what would happen if we would get another van? Who

would know us?My name, Xmeah ShaEl-Ela'ReEl, is an uncommon name! People are

not use to seeing such a name as mine!Xmeah and Cherry are always seen together: but, what if we were separated? Cherry is a common name: but, who would know her as

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being the Cherry that is mentioned in these Reports? Xmeah being an uncommon name; and, Cherry being a common name! The

common and the uncommon together! Can you decide if a man is a Christian, by his name? People have seen my name; and, have

readily assumed that I am of the Islamic belief! You cannot judge a man's faith by his name!

One thing is related to the other! Xmeah and the Lord Jesus Christ! The Carrium and Xmeah! The Carrium is what the Lord has given to

me; and, I am the only one who is allowed to use this Word, as pertaining to Reports, which comes from the Lord! Again, the Word "Carrium" is not a common word; and, this Word will not be found in the dictionaries! The Lord spoke about how people have accepted

certain things as being the standard for all things! There is One Standard: and, the Lord Jesus Christ is That Standard!

What is for certain? What will remain? Every relationship between a man and a woman, will be tried; and, everything will be tried! What is true will remain! Even your professed relationship with the Lord

Jesus Christ, will be tried! Amen!The Lord will separate every wicked thing from His Holy Name! He will thoroughly purge the Temple! The shaking is coming; and, yea, the shaking is going on! And, He will remove every man that calls himself a preacher, who will not do what He is Commanding to be done! He will, also, remove women from positions as wives, who will not do the duties of a wife! He will remove ungodly men from

the position of being a husband to Godly women! He will set all free from whatsoever is hindering them from becoming what they are supposed to become! The shaking will take place: and, the Lord

God, The Holy Father, will try everything to see what sort it is! This example is found in Nehemiah.

The man I saw in the dream represents those that are called preachers! Though I say, "I:" this is actually referring to those that

call themselves by that which I am. This is to the preachers!I saw that the man, whom I was speaking with, had come from a city

east of the city where I lived! Where did the man come from? He

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came from the east! What does the east symbolize? This symbolizes that which comes from the way of the evil! This is to show that a

certain preacher, and all preachers have to come out of the darkness!

An address means a place where you abide! And, because the man had abode in that place for so long: he became very familiar with

the place! This also talks about the condition that you dwelt in for so long! You become accustomed to the condition!

I look at the name of the street: Highland! Jesus Christ is the High Land; or, the Holy Land! There are preachers, who think they are walking in the Way of the Holy One: but, their habitation is in the

south, which is the darkness! There are preachers who come out of evil, just to go into another evil that has been accepted as being

approved of by God!The Lord called them out of sin to do His Will; and, they went

immediately to a church building that had been established by Satan; and, sought a position in these church buildings! They did not

take time to understand what is the Will of the Lord, Who called them! They were approached by crafty false prophets; and,

condemned by smooth words! Their minds were not purged of their concept of church!

Of course, you would know more about that which you just came out of, than that which you have just entered into! Now, you are

learning the new thing: but, the old thing is there in your remembrance! But, you are given help to remember all that you

have learned from the Lord; and, I am sent to steer you in the right direction! I am sent to help the sons of Levi, who are the preachers, to come clean, so that they can do the work, which the Lord God has

commanded to be done!How did you and that old thing get separated? The Lord had to

wring it out of your mind! The Lord had to command your deliverance; and, loose you from that band of wickedness! That

band is a cult, that you had accepted as church! You did not know the true cult; and, you were made to believe that those who

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operated out of their houses were in the cult! Satan's disguises are very clever: but, the Lord exposes all of the tactics of the darkness!The one thing, that should always remain, is your relationship with

the Lord! He will never leave you; nor, forsake you, unless you leave Him and forsake Him! Everything else can become obsolete!

Nothing else is certain!But, the Lord will deliver you from all things that have you bound, so that you may operate freely; and, bring the people on to where they

are supposed to be in the Lord! It does not matter how long you have been hooked on this thing; when it is time for you to be free:

you will be freed! You shall know the Truth! You shall see all things for what they are! The Lord will touch the eyes the second time!


I am Evangelist Xmeah ShaEl-Ela'ReEl: The Messenger! Children of Christ of America

Mailing Address:Evangelist Xmeah ShaEl-Ela'ReElP.O. Box 4101 Beaumont, Texas 77704

"No Certain Dwelling Place: This Is The Work of An Evangelist!"“We Are On The Highway: Going To and Fro!” Spreading The Word of God!Cell phone: 409-880-5060Web Site: http://www.xmeah.comEmail: [email protected]

"At Home In The Van!"We are mobile! Our home is on the road! We often sleep in our van! We go about spreading the Word of God, bringing Understanding to the people! I

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was looking for a house, and I found a house, even this vehicle. I thought about how mighty those of old were in bringing the Word of God to the people while they were in a homeless condition. This is the advantage that the Lord has made for us. Jesus Himself lived as a homeless man: but, look at all He brought forth while living in that condition. "Sojourner!"

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http://www.3rd-xmeah.com/wp1“Believe; And, Don’t Doubt!”